Maybe the clock’s ticking on the home office you need to transform into a nursery, or you’re struggling to get the balance between family life and grown-up space in the living room. Interior design conundrums are the price we New Yorkers pay for small-space city living — but getting help doesn’t have to break the bank. Click through to explore some of the most affordable options from designers who understand the challenges of raising a family in New York.

Advice by the Hour: Megan Crawley Designs

Clients often come to Brooklynite Megan Crawley overwhelmed by design options, struggling to pare down and in need of help identifying their style. She's a big fan of online resources like Pinterest, and says her competitive hourly rate means clients can dedicate the bulk of their budget to big ticket items like a new couch. She encourages clients to employ mirrors help small spaces feel larger, but also counsels people not to be afraid of putting dark colors on the walls. With a background in creating art prints for the likes of Crate & Barrel and Ethan Allen, it's no surprise that she suggests investing in artwork you love. It doesn't have to be pricey, and can change a room without too much of a commitment, she advises.


photo: Megan Crawley Designs

Do you have a favorite interiors tip or a designer you love? Let us know in the comments below!

—Emily Myers



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