Psst! We’ve got a fool-proof way to add a little balance to your day-to-day life. No, it doesn’t involve a personal butler who will take care of ironing, carpool, and lunch-packing (though we can all dream, right?). Instead, we scoured the web for easy DIY balance scales that are perfect for introducing the kids to the concepts of weight and measurement. From outdoor scales to a no-tools-required version, check out the ideas below!

Photo: Play at Home Mom LLC

1. Outdoor Balance Scale and Number Balance
You can make your backyard way cooler thanks to this DIY scale from Play at Home Mom. It’s great for an interactive outdoor space, gets kids thinking about number relationships, and it only costs $8 to construct! Get the how-to here.

Photo: Fun with Kids

2. Hanger Balancing Scale for Kids
A materials lineup doesn’t get much easier than a hanger, some string, and two equal buckets. This scale from Fun with Kids can be whipped up at the last minute and delivers the same amount of balanced fun. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Elsie Marley

3. DIY Balance Board
Teach the kids that scales come in many different forms with this idea from Elsie Marley. Talk about how weight must be evenly distributed on the board to get the full, cool balance effect and watch your active kid wobble away. Get the how-to here.

Photo: From the Hive

4. Marshmallow Balance Scale
We found this sweet idea over at From the Hive. Use this easy DIY balance scale to measure marshmallows, M&Ms or other incentivizing treats. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Babble Dabble Doo

5. DIY Balance Toy
We’re loving this idea from Babble Dabble Doo for a homemade version of a balance toy. You can personalize it with your kid’s favorite beads and colors and still get in a lesson about balance and weight. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Instructables

6. CD Balance Scale
You can give a pair of old, scratched CDs new life with this idea found on Instructables. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Mummy Musings and Mayhem

7. Outdoor Weighing Scale
Here’s another idea for your outdoor play space, coming to us from Mummy Musings and Mayhem. It’s just about kid-size and you can paint it cheerful colors, too. For bonus outdoor time, collect items from nature to use for your first weighing test. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Krieger Science

8. No-Tools Weighing Scale
We love that this idea from Krieger Science doesn’t require any tools to construct–making this a great project for those who’d rather skip the drills and screws route. Get the how-to here.

Photo: Picklebums

9. Simple Balance Toy
This is an ultra-simple balance idea from Picklebums but it has big payoff in the entertainment department. It doesn’t take much to construct and the kids will get a kick out lining up different toys on each side of the board. Get the how-to here.

Which scale will you construct for the kids? Share with us in the comment section below.

—Abigail Matsumoto

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