It may be hard to believe, but summer is almost over. With the back to school rush comes a desire to fill what remains of summer with a few more fabulous outings and adventures – preferably ones that will lower your temperature during the dog days of summer.  Here are the best ways to keep cool until it’s time to head back to school.

Visit a touch-friendly museum

Go to a museum where kids won’t have to constantly resist their desire to touch (almost) everything. Located at Exposition Park, the California Science Center has lots to see -- but even more things to touch in the form of interactive exhibits. And, while there is a charge for some attractions, admission into the museum is free.

Photo credit: Gina L via yelp

How do you say cool in Los Angeles when the temperatures rise?  Let us know your favorite spots to chill in the comment section.

-Krishann Briscoe


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