Looking for some fun riddles for kids to keep those little minds sharp? Or maybe even a few hard riddles for kids? We’ve found kid-friendly puzzlers just right for your family. Share these riddles for kids with answers on the way to school or over dinner. And for even more, check out this adorable kid’s book.

Don’t stop here! Check out our trivia for kids and our ultimate list of jokes for kids for more fun.

What is a riddle?

A riddle is a brain-teasing question with a hidden meaning or answer requiring creative, out-of-the-box thinking. The answers are often things you wouldn’t think about, so be sure to take your time solving these easy riddles for kids!

Why should you share riddles with kids?

Riddles, and other brain teasers like hidden word puzzles, sudoku, and crossword puzzles help keep the brain sharp and help to develop problem-solving skills and creativity. Plus, it’s just fun to ask kids funny riddles and see their reactions!

One-Word Answers for Easy Riddles

1. What has hands but cannot write or clap?

A clock.

2. What has stripes and goes through the air?

Hint: It sometimes goes on the ground, too!

A basketball.

3. I am yellow, and I write, and my mate is white. What am I? 

A pencil.

4. What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

5. What has a neck but no head and arms but no hands?

A shirt.

6. Remove my skin and I won't cry, but you might! What am I?

An onion.

7. What kind of ship has two mates but no captain?

A relationship.

8. I'm taller when I'm young and shorter when I'm old. What am I?

A candle.

9. What is always right in front of you, yet you cannot see it?

The future.

10. What has a tongue but cannot talk?

A shoe.

11. What is easier to get into than out of?


12. What always ends up broken before you use it?

An egg.

13. What begins with T ends with T and has a T in it?

A teapot.

14. What breaks as soon as you say its name?


15. If you threw a yellow stone into a blue sea, what would it become?


16. What number is odd until you take away one letter; then it becomes even?


17. What runs but cannot walk, has a mouth but no teeth, and has a bed but cannot sleep?

A river.

18. There is one word spelled wrong in every English dictionary. What is it?


19. What goes in your pocket but keeps it empty?

A hole.

20. What has legs but cannot walk?

A chair.

21. I sometimes run but cannot walk. You follow me around. What am I?

Your nose.

22. What word begins and ends with the E but only has one letter?


23. What do you find at the end of a rainbow?

The letter W.

Related: Here Comes the Pun: 300+ Best Jokes for Kids

dad and daughter laughing at easy riddles

24. What are two things you can never eat for dinner? 

Breakfast and Lunch.

25. I can be cracked or played; told or made. What am I?

A joke! 

26. I give you one, and you have two or none. What am I?

A choice. 

27. What has four eyes but cannot see?


28. What belongs to you but is used most often by everyone else?

Your name. 

29. I fall but I never get hurt. What am I?


30. What's full of holes but still holds water? 

A sponge. 

31. What has a bottom at the top?


Related: 18 Unique Facts About the Wright Brothers

Riddles for Kids with Long Answers

little girl telling her little sister an easy riddle

32. A man holds $5.50 in his hand but only has one coin. How is this possible?

He has a $5 bill and one 50-cent piece. 

33. How many months of the year have 28 days?

All of them (they all have at least 28 days). 

34. When is "L" greater than "XL"?

When you use Roman numerals.

35. What is always on the dinner table but you cannot eat it?

A plate. (Or a fork, etc.)

36. What can you hold in your right hand but never your left hand?

Your left hand. 

37. A cowboy comes into town on Friday. He stays two nights at a local hotel. He leaves on Friday. How is this possible?

His horse's name is Friday.  

38. A woman is sitting in his cabin in Minnesota. In less than three hours, she's in her cabin in Texas. How can this be?

The woman is a pilot and she's sitting in the cabin of her airplane. 

39. What is as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all?

A hippo's shadow. 

40. What bank never has any money?

A river bank. 

41. How do you make the number “one” disappear?

Add a “g” and it is “gone.”

42. If an electric train is traveling 60 MPH and going against the wind, which way will the train's smoke drift?

There is no smoke from an electric train. 

43. Why did the kid bury his walkie-talkie? 

Because the batteries died. 

44. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They only caught 3 fish, but they caught one fish each. How is this possible?

It was a grandfather, a father, and a grandson/son. (Both the grandfather and father are fathers and both the father and grandson are sons). 

Easy Riddles Submitted by Readers


45. I am loved, for I am sweet

I come in many forms

but I’m always a treat

before apple and after cotton

dentists contend that I’ll

make your teeth rotten

What am I?


—from young reader Gloria, age 8

46. There was a circle house. There was a chef, a nanny, a butler, two children, and a maid. The boy child was found dead. The nanny said she was playing with the girl, the chef said he was cooking dinner and the maid said she was dusting the corners. So who killed the boy? 

The maid because she was lying about dusting corners. A circle house has no corners. 

—submitted by Joshua Y., age 9

47. What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin. 

—Young reader Katelyn

48. Mr. Red and Ms. Red live in the red house, Mr. Purple and Ms. Purple live in the purple house. Who lives in the white house? 

The President! 

—from young reader Gwen I

49. If you feed me, I grow, but if you give me water, I die.


—Young reader Sai Sri Vallabh

50. What has a mouth, a bed, and always runs? 

A river. 

—Chase, age 9


Riddles for Brain-Teasing Fun

51. What five-letter word gets short when you add two letters to the end? 


52. What type of cheese is made backward? 


53. A cat wants to get in better shape. She’s going to start by climbing the stairs. Starting on the fourth floor, she climbs up five stories, down seven stories, up six stories, down three stories, and up four stories again. What floor is she on?

The ninth floor.

54. There was a blue one-story house in a nice neighborhood. Everything in it was blue—the walls, the carpets, the furniture, and even the dog! What color were the stairs?

There are no stairs because it's a one-story house.




Watch these Black history movies with your kids and learn as a family

These Black history movies for kids were hand-picked to give the 10 and younger set an opportunity to watch and learn about some of the experiences, challenges, and triumphs of the Black community. Watch these movies with your child to tap into important conversations you can have during Black History Month and throughout the rest of the year.

March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World

March On! is a Black history movie for kids
Common Sense Media

This Scholastic Storybook DVD includes narrations of four children's books about the civil rights movement and Black history. It manages to explain how Black people were treated unequally in a way even preschoolers can understand on a basic level.

Recommended for ages 4 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Paul R. Gagne, Melissa R. Ellard
Scholastic, 2010

March On! The Day My Brother Martin Changed the World

Common Sense Media

This is the uplifting true story of Janet Collins, whose dedication and determination led her to become the first African-American ballerina in the country to perform at the Metropolitan Opera House. Narrated by Chris Rock, this inspirational film can teach kids a lot about the lingering effects of slavery and racism in Jim Crow America.

Recommended for ages 5 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Saxton Moore
Sweet Blackberry, 2015

Garrett's Gift

Garrett's Gift is a Black history movie for kids
Common Sense Media

Narrated by Queen Latifah, this short movie about Garrett Morgan is a great primer on the history of a famous Black inventor and on the fascinating places where ideas originate.

Recommended for ages 5 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Karyn Parsons
Sweet Blackberry, 2007

The Journey of Henry Box Brown

Common Sense Media

The Journey of Henry Box Brown is an educational, uplifting short film that tells the true story of a former enslaved person who shipped himself to freedom in a crate in a harrowing 27-hour journey. It’s a perfect introduction to Black history.

Recommended for ages 5 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Karyn Parsons
Sweet Blackberry, 2005

And the Children Shall Lead

Common Sense Media

This powerful drama provides a great way to open discussion with kids about racial issues. Direct and sensitive, it personalizes a portrait of America's arduous struggles to break free of racism.

Recommended for ages 9 and older
Quality: 5 out of 5
Directed by Michael Pressman
HBO, 1988

A Ballerina's Tale

A Ballerina's Tale is a Black history movie for kids
Common Sense Media

A Ballerina's Tale examines the life and career of Misty Copeland, the first African-American principal dancer at New York's American Ballet Theater. Not only is Copeland a significant role model for any young girl who dreams of a career as a dancer, but she's also emerged as an important example for the Black community.

Recommended for ages 9 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Nelson George
Sundance Selects, 2015

Thunder Soul

Black history movies for kids
Common Sense Media

This documentary about one of the country’s top jazz bands in the mid-‘70s is full of inspiring messages and strong role models. The Kashmere Stage Band was an all-Black high school band from Houston that not only revitalized the predominantly Black school but also revolutionized the entire concept of the stage band.

Recommended for ages 9 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Mark Landsman
Roadside Attractions, 2011

Hidden Figures

Common Sense Media

Based on the nonfiction book by Margot Lee Shetterly, Hidden Figures is the true story of three brilliant Black women who worked for NASA in the 1950s and '60s as "human computers.” This is a story that needed to be told—and it's told in a triumphant manner.

Recommended for ages 10 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Theodore Melfi
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, 2016

Remember the Titans

Remember the Titians is a Black history movie for kids
Common Sense Media

Remember the Titans tells the inspirational true story about the struggles and victories of a newly-integrated high school football team in 1971 in Alexandria, Virginia. It’s a deeply moving film about the courage of individuals and the power of sports to transcend perceived and ingrained differences.

Recommended for ages 10 and older
Quality: 4 out of 5
Directed by Boaz Yakin
Walt Disney Pictures, 2000


Black history movies for kids
Common Sense Media

Woodlawn is a faith-based drama inspired by true events at a Birmingham, Alabama, high school in 1973. The movie focuses on how a sports chaplain helped convert nearly the entire Woodlawn High School football team to born-again Christianity after it was desegregated, helping the players deal with racial strife on and off the field.

Recommended for ages 10 and older
Quality: 3 out of 5
Directed by Andrew Erwin and Jon Erwin
Pure Flix Entertainment, 2015


Common Sense Media
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Common Sense Media is an independent nonprofit organization offering unbiased ratings and trusted advice to help families make smart media and technology choices. Check out our ratings and recommendations at www.commonsense.org.

Make sure your kiddos know that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is about more than a day off of school

Your little dreamers naturally understand the power and importance of having hopes and wishes, so learning facts about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his “I Have a Dream” speech is a tactile way to help kids understand the significance of who MLK Jr. was. Help the kids learn more about this chief spokesman for nonviolent activism, civil rights, and the end of racial segregation.

Bee Calder on Unsplash

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Jan. 15, 1929. His birth name was Michael but was changed to Martin by his father (who also changed his name) in 1934 (after Martin Luther, the leader of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s).

2. At 14 he won a contest with a speech about civil rights. 

3. He started college when he was just 15.

4. He worked for a newspaper as one of his first jobs.

5. Stevie Wonder wrote his song "Happy Birthday" to help build on the campaign to make Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday. He asks a simple question throughout the song, “Why has there never been a holiday where peace is celebrated throughout the world? The time is overdue.” 

6. According to the King Center, Martin Luther King, Jr. was jailed 30 times for charges such as civil disobedience.

7. MLK Jr. was awarded 20 honorary degrees.

8. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was instrumental in getting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. This act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It made it illegal to segregate based on race in schools, the workplace, and public accommodations (or facilities that serve the general public including hospitals and libraries). It may be hard for your kiddos to believe that there was once a time when children could not drink from the same drinking fountain or use the same bathroom because of the color of their skin. MLK fought to end that.

9. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in April 1964.

10. Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953. The ceremony was performed by his father, Martin Luther King Sr. Coretta had the vow "to obey" removed from the vows, which was almost unheard of at the time. 

11. MLK Jr. and his wife had four children: Martin Luther King III, Bernice King, Yolanda King, and Dexter King.

12. His "I Have a Dream" speech was not his first at the Lincoln Memorial. He gave a speech there on voting rights in 1957.

13. He survived an attempt on his life in 1958. He was stabbed with a letter opener by Izola Ware Curry. He underwent hours of emergency surgery. Surgeons said one sneeze could have punctured his aorta and killed him.

14. Martin Luther King Jr.'s mother was killed six years after his murder. She was shot while playing the organ at church.

15. One of the best ways kids can understand what he was all about is by listening to his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, which he made on Aug. 28, 1963. Kids of any age can listen and read along through this link

Unseen Histories on Unsplash

After listening to the speech, ask your kids a few questions to help them grasp the magnitude. Here are a few suggestions:

  • What does it feel like to be excluded? Have you ever been excluded from something?
  • What is a slave? What does it mean to be enslaved?
  • What was the emancipation proclamation
  • What is something you can do to make others feel more included?
  • Can you think of a time when you saw something wasn't right, and you spoke up?
  • What does the word "community" mean to you?
  • What do you love about your community?
  • Is there one thing you can do each day to help others?
  • What are the big things you'd like to change in the world?
  • What is your big dream?

with additional reporting by Taylor Clifton

There are a handful of essential people kids learn about in school and during Black History Month: Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, and George Washington Carver, just to name a few. But while these African American heroes in history have certainly made significant cultural contributions, there are many more that have fallen under the radar. To give your kids an ever-widening view of the world, learn about (and share!) these important Black history figures that have left a legacy for generations to come.  

Alvin Ailey Jr.

Alvin Ailey
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Alvin Ailey Jr. was a dancer, choreographer, and activist. Born in Texas during the Great Depression, he moved to Los Angeles in 1946 and saw his first dance performance, and in 1949 he took his first dance class at Lester Horton's Melrose Ave. studio. When he formed the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater in 1958, he wanted to honor Black culture through dance. The company's first performance included Ailey's masterpiece, Blues Suite, and his most critically acclaimed work, Revelations, premiered in 1960. The company fused theater with modern, jazz, and ballet, and brought a multi-racial cast of dancers to the stage. Due to rampant racism at the time, few of these dancers would have found opportunities to perform with other companies.

In addition to choreographing pieces for his own company, Ailey created ballets for the American Ballet Theater, the Joffrey Ballet, and the Royal Danish Ballet, among others. He received numerous awards and honors over the years, including a Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts in 1968, the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP in 1977, Kennedy Center Honors in 1989, and in 2014, he was posthumously awarded the Presidental Medal of Freedom. 

John Lewis

John Lewis is an important Black history figure
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John Lewis was born as the son of sharecroppers in rural Alabama in 1940. He studied at the American Baptist Theological Society in Nashville and helped to organize sit-ins against segregated restaurants; during this period, he coined his iconic phrase, "Good Trouble," and was jailed on numerous occasions. One of the original 13 Freedom Riders, his most memorable contribution to the Civil Rights Movement was "Bloody Sunday," when in 1965, he led a group of 600 over the Edmund Putts Bridge in Selma, AL. Beaten and left unconscious, Lewis caught the eye of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who joined them on another march from Selma to Montgomery, AL. John Lewis was elected to the United States House of Representatives for Georgia's 5th congressional district in 1987 and was re-elected to the office until he died in 2020. Among many honors and accolades, one of the most prestigious was the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. 

Daisy Bates

When the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional, Daisy Bates stepped up to help a group of Black students integrate into an all-white high school—that group is known as The Little Rock Nine. In the face of constant fear and intimidation, Bates worked tirelessly to escort those young men and women to school every day and protect them from violent crowds. Daisy Bates was a lifelong civil rights activist, and her work is still recognized today. In the state of Arkansas, every third Monday in February is observed as Daisy Gatson Bates Day, and in 1999 she was Posthumously awarded the Medal Of Freedom.

Ruby Bridges

Ruby Bridges is an important Black history figure
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Ruby Bridges was the first Black student to integrate into a white elementary school in 1960. At only six years old, Ruby walked by protesters screaming awful slurs and angry words at her every day. And yet, she never missed a day of school. Ruby became a lifelong civil rights activist, and in 1999, she established the Ruby Bridges Foundation to help fight racism and promote tolerance and change through education. 

Charles Drew

Charles R. Drew is an important Black history figure
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Charles Drew is considered a pioneer of blood plasma research and the modern blood bank. While in attendance at Columbia University, Charles Drew discovered the “shelf life” of blood could be extended by as much as seven days by separating and storing whole blood and plasma separately. Before that, blood could only be stored for up to two days. Charles Drew also wrote a dissertation Banked Blood: A Study in Blood Preservation, where he described the technique he developed and the logistics involved in the long-term preservation of blood plasma. Today Charles Drew is revered as the Father of Blood Banking. 

Bessie Coleman

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Look to the skies, and you'll be reminded about Bessie Coleman, the first Black and Native American woman pilot. Known for her amazing flying tricks, "Queen Bess" worked as a manicurist in Chicago when her brothers returned from World War I. When her brother John teased her that women in France were allowed to be pilots, Bessie took it as her mission to do just that. When no American flight school would take her, she learned French and moved to France to take flight lessons there. 

When Bessie returned to the United States, she gave speeches and eventually performed her aviation tricks in air shows around the country. She famously refused to perform at any show where there was segregation or discrimination against African Americans. Bessie Coleman died in an air accident at age 34, and she was eulogized by the famous activist Ida B. Wells-Barnett. 

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglas is an important Black history figure kids need to learn about
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Frederick Douglass was a freed slave who spent his life outside of bondage as an author, an orator, and a leader of the abolitionist movement. Even after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, Douglass continued to champion equality, human rights, and even women’s rights. Douglass authored dozens of speeches and five autobiographies, the most notable of which is Douglass’ 1845 autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Here are 19 other interesting facts about Frederick Douglass.

Claudette Colvin

Claudette Colvin was an early activist in the Civil Rights Movement
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Claudette Colvin was an early activist in the civil rights movement in Alabama. Nine months before Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white woman, Claudette Colvin did the same. At the young age of 15, Colvin was later arrested; violating the city’s segregation laws was among the many charges leveled against her. Colvin later told Newsweek, “I felt like Sojourner Truth was pushing down on one shoulder, and Harriet Tubman was pushing down on the other—saying, 'Sit down girl!' I was glued to my seat.”

Wilma Rudolph

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As a young child, Wilma Rudolph battled a series of debilitating illnesses including double pneumonia, scarlet fever, and polio. She was forced to wear a leg brace, and doctors even told her she would never walk again. But Rudolph overcame her disabilities, and she was intent on pursuing her dreams. Her determination and natural athleticism eventually brought her to the 1960 Olympics, where she became the first woman to win three Gold Medals in Track and Field in a single Olympics.

Henry Ossian Flipper

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A former slave, engineer, author, and American soldier, in 1877, Henry Ossian Flipper became the first African-American to graduate from West Point. Upon his completion, Flipper was also the first Black man to be commissioned in the Army (or any military branch, for that matter). After his commissioning, under the command of Captian Nicolas M. Nolan, he became the first Black man to lead buffalo soldiers of the 10th Calvery. 

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks is one of the most important Black history figures kids need to know about
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On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white woman. This act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and created an impetus for change. One year after Parks' trial, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, Northern (Montgomery) Division, declared racial segregation laws (commonly known as "Jim Crow laws") unconstitutional. Considered to be one of the most important Black history figures, the United States Congress has called her "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement."

Daniel Hale Williams

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In 1891, Daniel Hale Williams opened Provident Hospital in Chicago, IL. It was the first hospital with a racially integrated staff, a school for nurses, and also a training residency for doctors. In 1893, Williams was one of the first people to perform open-heart surgery, and he accomplished this feat outside of modern medicine and without the luxury of blood transfusions. He was also a co-founder of the National Medical Association, and in 1913 he was selected to be a charter member (and the only African American) of the College of Surgeons. 

Alice Allison Dunnigan

Alice Dunnigan was the first Black female White House correspondent, and she is an important Black history figure
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Alice Allison Dunnigan was the first Black female White House Correspondent. She was also chief of the Associated Negro Press, and in 1948 she became the first Black woman to follow a Presidential campaign (Harry Truman’s) on the road. Years later, Alice Allison Dunnigan served as an education consultant on JFK’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.

Robert Smalls

Robert Smalls
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In 1862, during the Civil War, Robert Smalls commandeered a Confederate transport boat freeing himself, his crew, and their families. He sailed the ship to the Union-controlled region of Hilton Head, where it then became a warship. He was instrumental in convincing President Lincoln to let free Blacks serve in the Union Army. During the Reconstruction Era, Smalls was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives and the United States House of Representatives, where he authored legislation that would allow South Carolina to have the first free public school system in the United States. 

Jane Bolin

Jane Bolin was the first Black female to graduate from Yale Law School and she is an important Black history figure
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Jane Bolin was the first Black woman to graduate from Yale Law School, and in 1939, she became the first Black female judge. She was a huge advocate for children's rights: she served on the board of the Child's Welfare League, the National Urban League, and the NAACP, among others. Bolin also worked closely with then-First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to establish the Wiltwyck School, a program to help eradicate juvenile crime among boys. Upon retirement, she volunteered as a reading instructor in New York public schools and served on the New York State Board of Regents. 

Arturo Schomburg

Arturo Alfonso Schomburg is an important Black history figure
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Arturo Schomburg was a writer, historian, and activist. As a leader of the Harlem Renaissance, Schomberg collected art literature and other artifacts belonging to people of African descent. In 1926 his collection was purchased by the New York Public Library, and today the Schomburg Center is a research division of the NY Public Library. With more than 11 million items in the collection, the Schomburg Center is devoted to the preservation and exhibition of Black history and the arts and culture of the African diaspora.

Matthew Henson

Matthew Henson was an arctic explorer and he is an important Black history figure
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Matthew Henson is best known for his participation in a series of Arctic explorations between 1891 and 1909. But his claim to fame was the expedition that culminated in April 1909, where the team he was with finally reached the North Pole. Through these expeditions, Henson made significant contributions to the field of exploration. To honor those contributions, Matthew Henson was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.

Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm is an important Black history figure
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A true pioneer in both race and gender, Shirley Chisholm was the first Black woman elected to Congress representing NY’s 12th District. In 1972, she was also the first woman to run for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. During her time in Congress, Chisholm fought for improved education, health and human services, and women's rights. Chisholm famously said, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.”

Fred Jones

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In 1938, American inventor Fred Jones designed and patented a portable air-conditioning unit for trucks primarily used to transport perishable foods. Jones’ invention became invaluable during WWII when refrigeration units were used to preserve and transport food, blood, and medicine to hospitals and soldiers on the battlefield. In 1944, he became the first African American member of the American Society of Refrigeration Engineers. He was awarded 61 patents throughout his life, and in 1991, he was posthumously awarded the National Medal of Technology, the first African American to do so. 

Dr. Rebeccca Lee Crumpler

Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first female African American doctor
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Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler was the first female African-American physician. She also wrote the Book of Medical Discourses in Two Parts in 1883, which is considered one of the first medical texts written by an African American author. After the Civil War, Dr. Crumpler also worked for the Freedman’s Bureau for the State of Virginia, the federal agency that helped over 4,000,000 slaves make the transition from slavery to freedom. 

Gwendolyn Brooks

Gwendolyn Brooks was an American teacher, poet, and author. During her life, Brooks authored over 20 books of poetry and one novel. In 1950, Gwendolyn Brooks was the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize. Among countless other honors and awards, in 1968, she was named poet laureate for the state of Illinois, in 1976, she became the first African American woman to be inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters, she was the U.S. Poet Laureate for the 1985-86 term, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1988, and in 1995, she was awarded the National Medal of Arts. 

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson is an important Black history figure
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In 1962, Katherine Johnson's brilliant math skills were called upon to help put John Glenn into orbit around the Earth. John Glenn requested that Katherine herself double-check the orbital trajectory of the Friendship 7 from liftoff to splashdown; only then would he carry on with the mission. Later in her career, Johnson also worked on the Apollo Moon Landing project as well as early plans for a mission to Mars. Katherine Johnson also co-authored 26 scientific papers, which can still be found in the NASA archives. 

Mae C. Jemison

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Mae C. Jemison is an American physician and astronaut. In 1987, Jamison was the first African American woman to be accepted into NASA’s astronaut training program. In 1992, Jemison was also the first African American woman in space, flying there aboard the spaceship Endeavor with six other astronauts.

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an important writer and activist
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With more than 30 bestselling titles, Maya Angelou wrote 36 books, not the least of which was her first book I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. Although she died in 2014, Maya Angelou is remembered as a brilliant writer, poet, and civil rights activist. Oprah Winfrey said of her friend, “Maya Angelou is not what she has done or written or spoken, it’s how she did it all. She moved through the world with unshakeable calm, confidence, and a fiery, fierce grace and abounding love.”

Ron Finley

As a young man growing up in South Central LA, Ron Finley was all too familiar with the lack of fresh produce. Determined to change that, Finley started a garden on a dirt patch on the sidewalk outside of his home. When the city cited Finley for gardening without a permit, he rallied other “green activists” and petitioned for the right to grow food in his neighborhood. Finley won, and today he is affectionately known as “The Gangsta Gardener.” Now a community leader, Finley is determined to help urban communities break out of their "food prisons." Finley has traveled extensively speaking publicly on the topic, and he has even done a TEDTalk that has been watched by over three million people. 

Alice Coachman

Alice Coachman is a famous black history figure
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Alice Coachman was the first Black woman to win an Olympic Gold medal from any country. Born on November 9, 1923, in Albany, Georgia, she was the fifth of 10 children born to Fred and Evelyn Coachman.

At the time, it was considered "unladylike" for women to be interested in sports. Her parents agreed with this thinking and often punished Coachman for participating in activities like running and baseball. While she never considered a career in sports, by the 7th grade, she was one of the best athletes in Albany, boy or girl. Since the South was still segregated at this time, Coachman often ran shoeless and created her jumping equipment, as she was unable to use public facilities reserved for white kids. 

She transferred to the Tuskegee Institute during her sophomore year of high school, and as a member of their track-and-field team, Coachman won four national championships in the high jump and sprinting categories. As one of the best track-and-field athletes in the country, she continuously won titles in the 50m, the 100m, and the 400m relay, although her favorite was the high jump. 

She tried out for the 1948 US Olympic team and broke the World Record for the high jump during the trials. In August of 1948, she became the first Black woman and the first American woman to win an Olympic gold medal.

Even though her Olympic career ended with an injury at 24, Coachman went on to finish college and become an elementary and high school teacher and a track coach. She was inducted into multiple Hall of Fames for her abilities and founded the Alice Coachman Track and Field Foundation to help athletes and former competitors in financial need. Coachman died in 2014 at the age of 90. 

Did you know that Frederick Douglass was nominated to be Vice President of the United States? Educate the kiddos (and re-educate yourself) on this founding father whose outstanding contributions to society broke ground, broke color barriers, and changed the course of history. Here are facts about Frederick Douglass you might not know. To continue the conversation with your kids, check out 25 Black history figures kids should know

Frederick Douglas is an important Black history figure kids need to learn about
Wikimedia Commons

1. He chose the last name Douglass from a poem.
Frederick Douglass was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. He was born into slavery in Maryland in 1818. Although both of his parents were enslaved people, Frederick never really knew his mother as she worked on a different plantation, and he never met his father. Later, when Frederick married, he chose the last name Douglass after the hero clan in Sir Walter Scott's famous poem, Lady of the Lake

Tip: For younger kids who don't know the history of slavery in the United States, have a conversation with them on a level they will understand. We recommend reading a few (or all) of these books that encourage open discussion about racial injustice and inequality.

2. He taught himself to read and write.
A widely known fact about Frederick Douglass is that although he did not attend school (Black children were not allowed), he understood the power and value of literacy. And so, he taught himself to read and write at a young age.

3. He disguised himself as a sailor to escape slavery.
Young Frederick read avidly and educated himself on the rights of every person to be free. After several unsuccessful attempts to escape slavery, he finally managed to, thanks to a free Black woman named Anne Murray. She helped him pay for a train ticket north. Disguised as a sailor, he escaped on Sep. 3, 1838. He was 20 years old.

4. He picked his birthday.
Here's a fact about Frederick Douglass you might not know: After he was freed from slavery, Douglass chose February 14th as his birthday.

5. He married the woman who helped him escape.
Not long after his successful escape, Frederick married Anne Murray, and they took the last name, Douglass. They moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts, and together had five children.

6. Douglass was an abolitionist.
An abolitionist is a person who wants to get rid of (abolish) a practice or institution. Specifically, the abolitionist movement sought to be rid of slavery.

7. Despite the risk of recapture, he was an active speaker and employed by the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. He traveled throughout the northern and midwestern states, speaking on behalf of the anti-slavery movement. Once, he had to travel to Ireland and England to avoid being recaptured. But he never stopped speaking out.

8. He was a prolific author.
Frederick Douglass was an excellent writer and wrote several works during his lifetime, including three autobiographies: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845), My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881). These are still considered today to be of unparalleled value to the historical narrative of our country.

9. He was also a publisher and an editor.
In addition to being a speaker and author of books, he published a paper for more than 16 years. He owned his own printing press and started the publication of The North Star. (Remember, he taught himself to read and write!!)

10. He fought for women’s rights and desegregation in the North.
While there was no active slavery in the northern states, segregation was rampant, and African Americans were still considered second-class citizens. Douglass challenged this in his speeches and his publications.

An interesting fact about Frederick Douglass is that his second wife was white.
Wikimedia Commons

11. His second marriage broke ground, too.
Sadly, Douglass’ beloved wife Anna died in 1881 of a stroke. Several years later, Douglass remarried activist Helen Pitts. Helen was white, and their interracial marriage was widely criticized. Undeterred, Douglass and Helen continued traveling and advocating on behalf of equality and justice everywhere. He died of a heart attack in 1895 at the age of 77.

12. He met with President Abraham Lincoln.
During the Civil War—which erupted in 1861 over the issue of slavery— black soldiers were given lesser pay and non-equal treatment. Douglass met with Lincoln to advocate on behalf of the soldiers. Douglass had two sons who served in the Army, and he actively recruited African Americans to fight in the Civil War. Douglass, along with many others, spoke out for equal citizenship and the emancipation (freeing) of all slaves. After the war, Douglass fought for the 13th Amendment (which abolished slavery), the 14th Amendment (which granted citizenship to those born in the United States as enslaved persons), and the 15th Amendment (giving voting rights to men of all color—women would not gain the right to vote until the 19th Amendment in 1920).

13. There are plaques in his honor in Ireland and England.
In 2012 the Imperial Hotel in Cork, Ireland, has a plaque commemorating Douglass’ visit. The Waterford City Hall (in Waterford, Ireland), where Douglass once gave a speech has a plaque. And in South Kensington, London, you can visit the Nell Gwynn House, where Douglass stayed during his visit.

14. In 1965, Douglass was honored on a USPS stamp.
The stamp was designed during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s by Walter DuBois Richards and was based on a photograph provided by Douglass' family.

15. Washington Douglass Commonwealth?
Although Washington D.C. is part of the United States, it is not considered a state. In November 2016, voters passed a measure that would petition for statehood. The new state would be known as the State of Washington D.C., but D.C. will no longer stand for the District of Columbia. It will stand for Douglass Commonwealth (named after Frederick Douglass).

16. He never gave up.
Douglass worked tirelessly for justice. He served council in many prestigious positions, including legislative council member of the D.C. Territorial Government, President of Freedman’s Bank, Recorder of Deeds for D.C., Minister Resident, and Consul General to Haiti.

17. He worked for five different U.S. Presidents.
Starting with President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1877, he then worked for Presidents Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and Harrison as the U.S. Marshal for D.C.

18. He was once nominated for Vice President.
In 1872, he found himself on the ballot with Victoria Woodhull, who picked him as her Vice Presidential running mate for the Equal Rights Party—without his knowledge. He never acknowledged he was even chosen to run, likely because he had already backed another presidential candidate.

19. There are over 160 different portraits of him.
Another interesting fact about Frederick Douglass was that he was the most photographed man of the 19th century. He called photography a "democratic act" and gave away his pictures at lectures he held to normalize seeing Black people as humans rather than possessions.

7 Ways to Honor Douglass' Legacy Today

J Dean via Unsplash

1. Identify injustice. Ask your kids to find an issue they feel is unjust or an instance where someone has been treated unfairly. Talk about how it makes them feel and what they can do to change it.

2. Write a speech. Have the kiddos write or recite a few words advocating their point of view on an issue they feel strongly about.

3. Read to them. Douglass knew his key to freedom was education. Spend some time reading and writing with the kids. Here’s our current list of Black History books for kids; a great place to start. 

4. Talk with Douglass. Ask your kids to imagine they can ask Frederick Douglass a question. What would it be? What do they think the answer would be?

5. Draw Douglass. There are several excellent photos you can find of Douglass online. Look at the ones in this post or draw a scene of Douglass giving a speech.

6. Find an Example. Is there a modern-day Frederick Douglass your kids can identify with? Talk about the qualities that make someone a fearless leader and activist.

7. Visit Living History. Rochester, NY, was home to Douglass from 1847 to 1842. This is where he published his newspapers and where you will find his grave (in the same cemetery as Susan B. Anthony). Click here to learn more about finding Frederick Douglass in Rochester. You can also visit the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in Washington, D.C. 


A parent complaint caused a Florida school to remove Disney’s Ruby Bridges movie from Black History Month curriculums

In case you’ve missed this news, Florida keeps passing laws that give parents more and more control over what their kids see and learn about at school. These laws have already had absolutely apocalyptic effects—like when teachers removed unapproved books from their classrooms prior to the start of the current school year under fear of felony charges. Now, another consequence: because of a single parent’s complaint, elementary schoolers are banned from viewing Disney’s Ruby Bridges, which tells the true story of the 6-year-old little girl who integrated schools in New Orleans in the 1960s.

Ruby Bridges, which was released in 1998, has been part of Pinellas County’s Black History Month curriculum for years. But now it’s been removed, thanks to a complaint and formal challenge from parent Emily Conklin, who wrote that scenes containing racial slurs and depictions of white people threatening Ruby could result in students thinking that white people hate Black people.

The school district says the movie’s removal is currently temporary, pending an official review. But the problem with these types of content reviews in Florida is that they have no timeline—recently, Toni Morrison’s book The Bluest Eye was banned for months due to a parent’s complaint that was ultimately overturned.

The decision to ban Ruby Bridges has drawn widespread criticism from inside and outside of Florida.

“Many from historically marginalized communities are asking whether this so-called integrated education system in Pinellas County can even serve the diverse community fairly and equitably,” said Ric Davis, president of Concerned Organization for Quality Education for Black Students.

Lawmakers in Florida have said that they don’t want anything taught about race in the state’s schools—including books, movies, or lessons—to make students uncomfortable, but that they want the facts represented honestly. Ruby Bridges is a historically accurate retelling of a true part of history—including the racial slurs and violence at the hands of anti-integration white parents in 1960s New Orleans.

“Think about it. A 6-year-old girl (Ruby Bridges) can go to school every day with armed guards, but second graders can’t learn about it?” Davis said. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

It doesn’t make any sense, but it’s the state of education in Florida right now. And with more bills moving through the legislature—including one that would ban girls from talking about their periods at school before sixth grade—things aren’t likely to improve any time soon.

More than one of these ladies kicked a career to the curb to set up shop. Inspiration right this way…

It’s International Women’s Day on March 8, but shouldn’t every day be an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and work of our female friends? In honor of the many enterprising ladies in town, we’re spotlighting some of our favorite women entrepreneurs running businesses in NYC. Take a look, then go spend in solidarity!


Da Spot

DA SPOT NYC, a unique fashion boutique in City Point, Brooklyn, not only features 25-plus independent creative brands by people of color but it also houses C.A.N.V.A.S. Art Gallery, featuring the work of local artists. Co-owner Michelle Cadore's goal is to create a unique space to amplify the voices of Black and POC creatives. “As native New Yorkers and Brooklynites like me and my partners liken running a business here to living our wildest dreams out loud. The other thing that drives me forward: Being able to support the local community," she says. 

445 Albee Square West
City Point
Online: daspotnyc.com

Yu & Me Books

Lucy Yu is not even 30 yet, but she's opened NYC's first female-owned Asian American bookstore in Chinatown. The shop, which is also a cafe and bar debuted in late 2021. It highlights works by Asian authors and books that feature the stories of immigrants. Closed Mondays. 

44 Mulberry St. 
Online: yuandmebooks.com

Cricket’s Candy Creations

Cricket’s Candy Creations

Cricket Azima is clearly always cooking up something (she's founder of Kids Food Festival, The Creative Kitchen and author of Everybody Eats Lunch & Everybody Can Cook) but her latest project is Cricket’s Candy Creations in Tribeca. Kids (and parents) can create and play with candy of all kinds (edible slime, candy jewelry, delicious fingerpaint, etc.), enjoy candy-themed films in the screening room, marvel at Wonka-esque installations and more. And of course, you can host a birthday party here or even go to camp. 

200 Hudson St. 
Online: cricketscandy.com

Gooey On the Inside

We know it may be hard to believe, but some people say Kafi Dublin's Gooey On the Inside cookies rival a certain other cookie with a cult following in NYC. (Starts with an "L"...) Named for their distinct, some would argue ideal, texture, these cookies come in classic and creative flavors that include chocolate chip, s'mores and Cap'n Crunch peanut butter. (Or get a molten cookie in a jar. Yum.) Good to know: cookie Happy Hour runs from 4-6 p.m., when $5 cookies are $3. 

163 Chrystie St. 
Lower East Side
Online: gooeyontheinside.com


Love cute, fashionable and distinct kids' clothes but not so into the cost (or trying to find them in the right size?) Check out Dopple, the creation of co-founder and CEO  Chao Wang. This subscription service for stylish and affordable clothing for children, which offers pieces from brands such as Stella McCartney, Chloé, Bonpoint and Dôen, makes it easy to up your kid's look without going broke. You can also order a single "Dopple Drop", a cute starter outfit set for newborns (in various styles) as a gift for new parents. 

Online: thedopple.com

Love Adorned

Love Adorned is fine jewelry and lifestyle store (and experience) founded by Lori Leven. Head here for unique and vintage jewelry pieces, curated housewares, dried flowers, good-smelling stuff (soap, incense, candles), fun things for kids and more. Visit them in the Village or in Amagansett. 

269 Elizabeth St. 
West Village 

156 Main St. 
Online: loveadorned.com

Union Square Play

Union Square Play

Run by local moms, Union Square Play offers classes, workshops and open play for members, while also serving as a place and forum for parents to connect. In addition to in-person events, they host many virtual meetups and new mom groups. The pandemic meant closing the original space; now you'll find them on 11th and a Lalo on Bond Street, where select classes are held. 

67 E. 11th St. 
Greenwich Village
Online: unionsquareplay.com


Babe of Brooklyn

At Babe of Brooklyn, the goal has always been to develop old-school all-natural grooming/beard-care products. “One of the greatest things for us are the people we have encountered along our journey. Being in NYC has fueled our outlook on how we approach the business and life by making sure we gain access to and provide quality products and making sure all things Babe of Brooklyn are genuine," says owner Tameka Allen

Online: babeofbrooklyn.com


At Saskia, a jewelry studio in Industry City, every bead tells a story and every beaded necklace or bracelet (whether you make it using a DIY kit or purchase one that owner Saskia de Vries has created) is as unique as you are. “I love doing business in NYC for the same reason I always wanted to live here—the mix of cultures, the human interest, the appreciation for flair and color and the adoration of art in all forms," she says. 

67 35th St. 
Industry City 
Online: shopsaskia.com

Awesome Brooklyn

At Awesome Brooklyn, a gift shop in Prospect Lefferts Gardens that opened in 2017, the specialty is gifts that are so awesome you’ll want them for yourself. Last year brought the introduction of Awesome Home store, located next door. Keep an eye on the Awesome Brooklyn Instagram for the latest products coming into the shop, and the creative window displays owner Vanessa Raptopoulos designs. 

617 Flatbush Ave. 
Prospect Lefferts Gardens 
Online: awesomebrooklyn.com

Clever Alice

At Clever Alice, a Nolita shop that hosts multi-brand women’s designer sample sales, it’s always an adventure to browse the racks for dresses, jumpsuits and handbags. Owner Tamara Chaponot is curator in chief, sharing both bargains, fashion forecasts, and thoughts on sustainability. 

4 Prince St. 
Online: cleveralice.com

Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters

When you stop in for coffee at one of the three Bean & Bean Coffee Roasters in NYC, you’re supporting a mother-daughter business that’s all about giving back. The goal of these two coffee sommeliers: To bridge the gender gap in the coffee world by supporting women farmers and helping out the environment by donating part of their profits towards helping injured sloths in coffee-producing countries. 

71 Broadway
Financial District

318 8th Ave. 
Online: beannbeancoffee.com

The Doughnut Project

Tucked in the West Village since 2015: A doughnut shop with a cult following that might stem from the fact that each hand-crafted pastry draws inspiration from food and cocktails. Best of all, it’s a team of three female employees who are creating these unique gourmet doughnuts, like The Everything and Lemon Love Letter. Co-founder and owner Leslie Polizzotto says that some people even drive into the city on weekends from Connecticut, New Jersey and Long Island to get a doughnut fix. 

10 Morton St.
West Village
Online: thedoughnutproject.com

Let's Dress Up

Since 2005, Let’s Dress Up has been the Upper East Side spot for fairytale-themed tea and birthday parties. Since COVID-19, this beloved space has kept is super safe, reopening with small format and private events as well as some virtual offerings. “The greatest thing for us is interacting with the kids, in person or on a screen, and hearing their excitement and laughter as they participate in one of our events," says co-owner Samantha Myers. "Even if it inevitably ends up with them waving a magic wand and pretending to turn me into a frog!” 

345 E. 85th St. 
Upper East Side
Online: letsdressupnyc.com



Home chefs can now provide a ‘taste of home’ via WoodSpoon, a community-based marketplace that has been delivering home-cooked dishes to New Yorkers since its inception in January 2019.  Co-founder and CMO Merav Kalish Rozengarten says some of the most popular items are comfort foods like delicious breads, pastas and soups "Like your grandma used to make. You can’t get that at a restaurant.”

Online: eatwoodspoon.com

with additional reporting by Mimi O’Connor


Inflation is a budget-killer so here are all the free things to do in Los Angeles with kids so you can save your cash

From exploring the Hollywood Walk of Fame to taking a scenic drive along the Pacific Coast Highway, there are plenty of ways to experience the City of Angels without breaking the bank. Whether you‘re a longtime resident or just visiting for a few days, these free things to do in LA will make sure you don‘t miss out on the best the city has to offer. And for what it’s worth, our free things to do list in LA list is by far the most fun one yet.

What Museums in LA Are Free?

1. California African American Museum

The California African American Museum (CAAM) is the premier museum dedicated to African American art, history, and culture. Located in the heart of Los Angeles, CAAM has been a leader in the exhibition and interpretation of African American art, history and culture for over 30 years. Through its permanent collection and dynamic special exhibitions, CAAM provides visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the rich and diverse contributions made by African Americans to the culture, history and art of California and the United States. The museum also serves as a platform for emerging and established African American artists to showcase their work. CAAM is a vital resource for students, scholars and the general public seeking to understand African American history and culture.

600 State Dr.
Los Angeles
Online: caamuseum.org

2. Roundhouse Aquarium

This always-free-to-enter aquarium, located on the Manhattan Beach Pier, is home to over 100 different species of marine life (most of whom call Santa Monica Bay home), has four galleries where kids can explore and learn about sea life and home to our favorite animal encounters in LA where kids can get up close and personal with moray eels, rays, and octopi—not to mention get hands-on experience with starfish in the touch pools. The Roundhouse also offers summer beach camps and on-site classes for budding marine biologists (or any kid that just loves the water and all the animals that live in the sea).

2 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Manhattan Beach
Online: roundhouseaquarium.org

3. The Broad

Giant teacups, massive balloon animals, Alice in Wonderland-esque splashes of color and the Infinity Room will convince any kiddo that contemporary art is where it’s at. The museum "For Families" guide offers a "scavenger hunt" and fun art-themed activities. For older kids, they can also download and listen to a free audio tour which includes family-friendly information about the art. Tickets are released on the last Wed. of each month at 10 a.m. PT for admission the following month.

221 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles
Online: thebroad.org

4. The Hammer Museum

In addition to offering free admission, this UCLA art museum regularly hosts pop-up art studios for little ones, family-friendly movie screenings and guided tours-plus-games for kids ages 7 and up. A visit to the relatively small yet impressive (and manageable!) museum will expose kids to a range of artwork, from 17th century Rembrandts to the more contemporary work of Kara Walker.

10899 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles
Online: hammer.ucla.edu


Right in our home town is a world class museum that wants you to bring your kids so much that they created a fabulous program: LACMA NexGen membership where kids get in free along with one adult. It's a pretty amazing deal, especially when you realize that at LACMA, there are art exhibits that appeal to kids like rad modern art sculptures, a giant suspended rock and of course, every kid (and grown-up kids’) favorite, Metropolis II. There is also a painting studio in the Boone Gallery where your inspired little artists can create watercolor masterpieces and listen to story time. Tickets must be reserved in advance. 

5900 Wilshire Blvd.
Miracle Mile
Online: lacma.org

6. The California Science Center

Where else can you see a space shuttle and a shark tank, not to mention play in one of three kids-only Discovery Rooms, explore rotating science exhibits and watch as baby chicks hatch? And all for free? Rainy days, hot days, vacation days, or just “I’m bored” days, the California Science Center is here for you. And, if you have a few extra bucks, you can round the day off with a spectacular 3D IMAX show. 

700 Exposition Park Dr.
Los Angeles
Online: californiasciencecenter.org

7. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Start your Aquarium visit with the sea stars in the simulated “tide pool touch tank” then spend your time winding through the thirty-eight aquaria. Don’t miss out on the favorite aquatic babies exhibit and let the little ones learn a little something at the research station. Be sure to look up and meet the giant whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling.

The museum is free for all but they do suggest a donation to help keep this wonderful community resource going. Parking is free and easy on the street or you can pay $1 per hour to park it right out front. The aquarium hosts loads of kid friendly activities and events, including the fabulous spring time grunion runs—a SoCal tradition.

Check out these other noteworthy Los Angeles aquariums, many of which are also free! 

3720 Stephen M. White Dr.
San Pedro
Online: cabrillomarineaquarium.org

8. La Brea Tar Pits

Next door to LACMA are the famous La Brea Tar Pits. While the Page Museum at the center will cost you an entrance fee (unless you visit on the first Tues. of the month when admission is free), there is plenty to explore around the tar pits and gardens that surround the museum.

Check out Ice Age plant life in the Pleistocene Garden, roll down the grassy hills and learn all about being a paleontologist with a peek inside Pit 91 and Project 23, which are still actively being excavated. No visit would be complete without snapping a selfie with those perpetually stuck elephants in the bubbling tar pit. Advance timed tickets are required.

5801 Wilshire Blvd.
Miracle Mile
Online: tarpits.org

9. The Griffith Observatory

Spend a day at the Griffith Observatory, poking through the exhibits, figuring out your weight on Jupiter, looking through the telescopes, having lunch in the cafeteria and gazing out from the terrace, where you can see the whole city below. Free public star parties are held monthly, where kids can meet professional and amateur astronomers. And don’t forget about the Planetarium! There are currently two live shows scheduled every 60-90 minutes daily, for just $3-$7 (it’s the only thing at the Observatory with a fee, and kids under 5 can only attend the first show of the day).

If the kiddos need a break, there are beautiful hiking trails behind the Observatory with breathtaking views of the Hollywood sign.

If you want to avoid the parking lot, which fills up fast on weekends, hike one of our favorite trails, Ferndell. Then when you hike back, reward yourself with coffee and pie.

2800 E. Observatory Rd.
Griffith Park
Online: griffithobservatory.org

Shahrzad Warkentin

10. Travel Town

Every mini engineer and trainspotter will have a blast exploring this outdoor transportation museum dedicated to all things trains. You can climb around on real steam locomotives, check out wagons and other antique vehicles in the barn and even go for a ride on a mini train that circles the park for just $3.

Pack some snacks and grab a seat on the lawn where you can wave at the train as it drives past. 

Don't miss their docent-led tours are available by reservation. Check their events calendar for more great activities.

Insider Tip: You can throw birthday parties at Travel Town or hit the gift shop for an awesome gift for a train-themed birthday party or just because. 

5200 Zoo Dr.
Griffith Park
Online: traveltown.org

11. LA's Central Library

If you have a budding bookworm at home then a visit to your local library is always treat and LA is full of some really special kids collections. Come for the books and stay for the free story time at dozens of Los Angeles Public Library branches, but the coolest by far is the Central Library downtown which houses a massive children’s literature department and hosts story times, puppet shows, and music.

Our other favorite spots are the Santa Monica Main Library and Beverly Hills Library, both of which have awesome collections and kids activities.

630 W 5th St.
Downtown LA
Online: lapl.org

Santa Monica Library
Online: smpl.org

Beverly Hills Library
Online: beverlyhills.org/exploring/beverlyhillspubliclibrary

How to Explore More LA Museums for Free

With your LA County Library card, you can reserve family passes to local museums and cultural institutions for free through Discover & Go.

How to Reserve a Pass:

  1. Visit the Discover & Go portal and log in using your library card number and PIN.
  2. Browse by museum or date.
  3. Make a reservation by selecting a date and venue.
  4. Shortly before your visit, print out your pass. Note: You cannot cancel your passes once they have been printed.
  5. Enjoy your visit!

And another way to explore LA Museums for free? Check out these LA Museums & Botanical Gardens with Free Admission Dates!

Outdoor Activities around LA That Are Always Free

1. Investigate a New Playground

best playgrounds for kids in LA
LA Parks

We've got a running list for the most fun playgrounds around LA—some may even be hiding in your own neighborhood. Check out these gems and never hear "I'm bored" again...almost.

RELATED: Durable Playground Shoes You Can Buy Online

2. Spend the Day at Grand Park

There's always something fun happening here! Home to one of our favorite fountains and splashpads (when it's open for waterplay), playgrounds and outdoor art exhibits makes Grand Park a fun and easy destination for everyone in the family to spend the day.

200 N Grand Ave.
Los Angeles 
Online: grandparkla.org 

3. Explore a New Neighborhood around LA

LA is about as diverse as you can get and there's no better place to explore all the different museums, street art, playgrounds, (and ice cream shops!) than in a neighborhood near you.

Related: Visit Visalia before the Rest of LA Discovers This Hidden Gem

5. Kid-Friendly Hikes Near LA

Leave Runyon to the tourists. Instead, take your little trekkers to one of these lesser known trails where the views are still Instagrammable, but the crowds won’t overwhelm you. From a hidden 58-acre park in Culver City to a natural preserve in Pasadena, here are our favorite, easy-to-moderate hikes the whole family will enjoy.

6. Easy Bike Trails for Families

So your two-wheelings tots have maxed out on riding around the block? Fortunately, LA’s beach bike paths—along with a few other car-free paths and trails—are open. Finally, kids can feel the wind in their hair, practice their pedaling and enjoy a change of scenery. If you’re looking to avoid crowds (um, yes please), we recommend visiting these routes during the week or early in the a.m. on weekends. Check out all of LA's best kid-friendly bike paths.

RELATED: The Best Kids Bikes & Tricycles for Every Kid & Stage

7. Dine at Hidden Picnic Spots

There’s no better time than now to dine outdoors with your family—and any other members of your quarantine pod. Spread out a blanket and enjoy a meal al fresco at these hidden LA picnic spots


February is Black History Month. It’s also a great time to start shopping some of our favorite products from Black-owned brands—and continue to all year.

Shopping Black-owned businesses and turning to products from Black-owned brands is definitely not the only way to support the Black community, but it is a great step. Of course, you’re putting money directly towards supporting small businesses, which is always a win. Not only that, but by buying products from Black-owned brands, you’re also directly supporting more than just the brands. Black business owners, creators, employees, and consumers all benefit. How? By helping to redistribute resources and contributing to generational wealth. White businesses have always historically had more opportunities, starting with easier access to capital (and resulting in more opportunity for success and growth).

Obviously, our work doesn’t end with supporting Black-owned businesses. Donating to social justice organizations and educating ourselves continuously through anti-racist resources are also absolutely necessary. But it’s important to recognize the uphill battle Black entrepreneurs have faced and continue to face. Even just access to shelf space for products from Black-owned brands has been a massive issue. Organizations like the 15% Pledge are working with retailers to contractually commit 15% of their annual spend to Black-owned brands.

No matter what you’re looking for, from fashion, skincare, home goods, games, and tasty treats, there’s something for everyone in our list below. Your support can make a real tangible difference to these fantastic businesses. They’re some of our favorite products from Black-owned brands—not just for Black History Month, but year round. So get ready to do some serious scrolling, and remember to make sure you’re also seeking out Black-owned businesses in your own area!

Terminal B EZE Candle

Terminal B creates stunning scented candles inspired by destinations around the world (and cleverly named after airports). The packaging is gorgeous, the candles are double-wicked and hand-poured, and they smell ahhhhhmazing! (Valentine's Day gifts, anyone?)

Terminal B

Terminal B EZE Candle ($44.00)—Buy Now

Luna Magic Va Va Pink Lash Primer

Luna Magic knows lashes! Their Va Va Pink Lash Primer adds volume, length, and all-day wear to your lash routine. You've seen it on TikTok and Instagram, used by Kylie Jenner, and Shark Tank famous! Be sure to check out their beautiful faux mink lashes, too.

Luna Magic

Luna Magic Va Va Pink Lash Primer ($24.99)—Buy Now

Uncle Keith's Chocolate Thunder Gourmet Chili Hot Sauce

"All things spicy" is the Uncle Keith's entire vision, so you'll find ultra-flavorful sauces and condiments that they've created from San Diego. And, in case the Chocolate Thunder Gourmet Chili Hot Sauce didn't tip you off, their sauces aren't just the old run-of-the-mill flavors, either!

Uncle Keith's Chocolate Thunder Gourmet Chili Hot Sauce ($11.99)—Buy Now

Pardon My Fro Moisturizing Hair Milk

Pardon My Fro is a lifestyle brand "crafted specifically for women proud of their hair and their heritage." From home decor, apparel, bags, and PMF's new Hair Line available only at Walmart (for now), the entire brand celebrates founder Dana Bly's natural hair journey.

Pardon My Fro Moisturizing Hair Milk ($14.97)—Buy Now at Walmart.com

Mimish Teddy Bear Fur Beanbag

It's soft toy storage. It's a seat. It's an ottoman. It's decor. Mimish created versatile storage solutions, pillows, and kiddo's sleeping bag sets!

Mimish Teddy Bear Fur Beanbag ($149.00)—Buy Now

Loved01 Face + Body Oil

Founded by John Legend, Loved01’s mission is to celebrate melanin-rich skin and provide the love, care, and attention it deserves. These vegan products will help to balance, moisturize, and nourish melanin-rich skin from natural ingredients that have a history in communities of color, at an extremely affordable and accessible price!

Loved01 Face + Body Oil (($15.00)—Buy Now

FORVR Mood Spice of Life Candle

After years of creating content with beauty and self care products on her YouTube platform, Jackie Aina acquired a unique aesthetic and wanted to create products based on her passions. She created FORVR Mood to bring Black women the self care, luxury, spoiling feeling they deserve. We're beyond obsessed with their rich and beautiful candles!

FORVR Mood Spice of Life Candle ($38.00)—Buy Now

PROUDLY Soft & Absorbent Diapers

Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade created PROUDLY after seeing a lack of options for children of color as they raised their four kids. With PROUDLY, Gabrielle and Dwyane's mission is to embrace and celebrate melanated babies by offering affordably-priced products with gentle, cleaner ingredients.

PROUDLY Soft & Absorbent Diapers ($17.99)—Buy Now

BRIC CashTouch Full Zip Sweater

BRIC offers elevated essentials fitted to individual body types that also express individual style. They're more than “big and tall”. BRIC is helping make men feel confident in what they wear. Less, “these sleeves are too short” or “my torso is too long for this,” and more fits that actually fit.

BRIC CashTouch Full Zip Sweater ($195.00)—Buy Now

Stay Golden Cosmetics So Bae Glitter Lip Kit

Stay Golden Cosmetics offers playful cosmetic products—from goodies made to ensure that you pop right out of your shell, to holistic skin and self care to ensure that you glow from within. Everything Stay Golden offers is fun, whimsical, bold, and rich—just like the people who wear it!

Stay Golden Cosmetics So Bae Glitter Lip Kit ($22.99)—Buy Now

The Guilty Grape Celebration Collection

The foundation of The Guilty Grape is inclusivity, celebration, and luxury. The TGG crew says this Peach Mango Sparkling wine tastes of crisp citrus, ripe sweet mango, and freshly picked peaches. Add the stunning amber wine glasses and you have a party for two!

The Guilty Grape Celebration Collection ($118.00)—Buy Now

Estella Girl Power Baby Gift Set

Created by a mom and pop team with 3 little ones of their own, Estella is a boutique baby shop based in NYC. It focuses on adorable and sustainable baby essentials from clothes to toys and keeps things practical, too. This isn’t your average stuffy baby boutique!

Estella Girl Power Baby Gift Set ($142.00)—Buy Now

Silver & Riley Executive Mini Bag

Silver & Riley products are made in Italy in the same factories, at the same costs, and through the same processes through which other luxury bag brands create their products, but Silver & Riley's are priced at a fraction of the cost. These are heirloom quality pieces that are just stunning!

Silver & Riley Executive Mini Bag ($545.00)—Buy Now

HIM-istry Naturals Restoring Shave + Skincare Regimen

Combining your shaving regimen and skincare routine, HIM-istry addresses dryness, breakouts, and more! Whether you’re a traditional wet shaver looking to upgrade, a bearded guy seeking hydration, or you struggle with irritable skin, HIM-istry has a grooming solution to meet anyone's needs.

HIM-istry Naturals Restoring Shave + Skincare Regimen ($67.99)—Buy Now

Bomba Curls Forbidden Hair Mask

Bomba Curls celebrates all textures and curls of natural hair, and is formulated without silicones, parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, sulfates petroleums and no formaldehyde. Award-Winning Forbidden Hair Mask is an advanced, deep conditioning treatment that helps restore curl elasticity, moisture and shine!

Bomba Curls Forbidden Hair Mask ($24.99)—Buy Now

inala Triple Threat Tonic

Triple threat Tonic works on both wet and dry hair for all hair types and textures. Use it to prime wet hair, add shine and hold to sleek styles and refresh your hair between wash days. inala is made with cruelty-free ingredients that are designed to deeply nourish and strengthen hair. Each of their products does exactly that for multiple types of hair!

inala Triple Threat Tonic ($29.00)—Buy Now

Pow Adaptogens Wonder Matcha

Pow's Wonder Matcha combines adaptogens and functional mushrooms to increase focus and decrease stress. Made with incredible premium ceremonial grade, all organic matcha that is grown on the hillsides of Uji, Japan with naturally occurring L-theanine helps you stay focused longer, without using more caffeine or the unwanted jitters. Pow helps you feel good—not just in small bursts!

Pow Adaptogens Wonder Matcha ($33.00)—Buy Now

Puppington Supplements

Puppington is an ingredient-first company that uses the purest, safest, and most effective ingredients to deliver your dog’s daily dose of love - backed by science. This set is the perfect supplement regimen to keep your pup happy and healthy!

Puppington Supplements ($49.99)—Buy Now

MOODEAUX Worthy SuperCharged SkinScent Spray Pen Trio

MOODEAUX's signature SuperCharged SkinScent is a richly-scented, moisturizing dry oil perfume with a mix of warm citrus-floral-woodsy accords that plays footsie with the body’s natural pheromones. Beyond just a fragrance, MOODEAU exists to amplify your feelings of worthiness and self-expression!

MOODEAUX Worthy SuperCharged SkinScent Spray Pen Trio ($83.00)—Buy Now


Buttah (how fun is that to say?!) is the answer to smooth skin, even if it's breakout-prone! They keep your complexion ultra-soft and clear at the same time, from head to toe!

Limited Edition 3-pc Skin Transforming Kit with CocoShea Revitalizing Cream ($59.99)—Buy Now

Harlem Candle Co.

Harlem Candle Co. creates decadent candles that are as beautiful to look at as they are to scent a room! 

Harlem Candle Co. 22k Gold "Speakeasy" Luxury Candle—$65.00

Healthy Root Dolls

Healthy Root creates dolls that young girls can relate to and that help them embrace their roots! The Zoe doll has a gorgeous crown of curls that can be washed and styled with real products.

Healthy Root Dolls Zoe ($71.99)—Buy Now

Nude Barre

Nude Barre was created to revolutionize shapewear with colors in 12 unique shades to close the representational gap.

Nude Barre Bralette ($35.00)—Buy Now


BeautyStat formulates premium quality skincare with ingredients that are scientifically proven to be effective combined with patented technology, that works fast!

BeautyStat Universal C Eye Perfector ($65.00)—Buy Now

SHOPEVREN Engraved Initial Pendant Necklace

Shopping small never looked so good! Initial pendants are ultra-popular and this one is a unique take on the trend. But you'll definitely want to check out everything SHOPEVREN has to offer!

SHOPEVREN Engraved Initial Pendant Necklace ($93.47)—Buy Now

Made By Rheal Mixed Concrete with Rock style Accent Coaster

These coasters are so fun and unique, just like everything at the Made By Rheal Etsy shop! This set of 4 would be a great gift (for yourself or a lucky someone!).

Made By Rheal Mixed Concrete with Rock style Accent Coaster ($36.00)—Buy Now

Partake Traypack Chocolate Chip Cookies

Meet Partake! The Black-owned, women-led company offers delicious, allergy-friendly cookies, baking mixes and pancake & waffle mixes that are certified gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, and free of the top 9 allergens (wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, milk, eggs, soy, fish, sesame, and shellfish). The products are made with better-for-you ingredients and offer a variety of new and nostalgic flavors that those with and without dietary restrictions can enjoy.

Partake Traypack Chocolate Chip Cookies ($7.49)—Buy Now

Easy Peasie 3-Pack

Veggie up anything with these veggie sprinkles from Easy Peasie! Simply put, they're non-GMO dried vegetables that have been ground up into shakable sprinkles that you can add to everything from spaghetti to smoothies to sweets. 

Easy Peasie 3-Pack ($39.99)—Buy Now

BRIGHTICONIC Wireless Solar Powered Modern Wall Sconce

BRIGHTICONIC offers solar lights, sconces, outdoor lighting, and more! They're on-trend, environmentally friendly, and really perk up your home!

BRIGHTICONIC Wireless Solar Powered Modern Wall Sconce ($37.99)—Buy Now

Young King 3 Step Hydrating Skin Regimen

According to the Young King Store, their goal is to shake up the beauty industry by redefining grooming for the next generation of multicultural men. Their line of hair and skincare is designed especially for young men's self care and confidence!

Young King 3 Step Hydrating Skin Regimen ($43.00)—Buy Now

Alexandra's Pikliz Variety Pack

Inspired by Haitian cuisine, Alexandra's Pikliz adds amazing flavor with use-on-everything gourmet condiments with just the right amount of heat!

Alexandra's Pikliz Variety Pack ($29.99)—Buy Now

Natural Radiant Life AM Face Moisturizer + SPF

Natural Radiant Life using the power of organics to slow down the visible signs of aging for Women of Color. Their products are created for all skin types, skin tones, and skin goals. This AM Face Moisturizer has such a silky smooth finish without a white film!

Natural Radiant Life AM Face Moisturizer + SPF ($40.00)—Buy Now

Tiannia Barnes Tamron T-Strap Pumps

Tiannia Barnes believes luxury should be inclusive. Functional and gorgeous footwear like the Tamron T-Strap Pumps is handcrafted in Italy.

Tiannia Barnes Tamron T-Strap Pumps ($395.00)—Buy Now

Scotch Boyz Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce

As Scotch Boyz says, they're "good jerks", bringing the flavors of Jamaica to your table. Their products are made in partnership with dozens of farms across Westmoreland, Jamaica!

Scotch Boyz Scotch Bonnet Pepper Sauce ($11.99)—Buy Now

My Mommy Wisdom

My Mommy Wisdom is a certified cruelty-free product line and a leader in the Black-Owned Baby Goods industry. They carefully curate products that are safe for both moms and their babes!

My Mommy Wisdom Crown Care Bundle ($50.00)—Buy Now


If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of merchants.

Support our Black community and snag a slice of pizza, get a haircut or satisfy your soul food longing today

During the month of February, we celebrate Black History Month and one way to do so is by getting in the habit of shopping and supporting Black-owned Bay Area businesses. From pilates classes and bookstores to pie and coffee, you’ll find a slew of businesses below that your family will love. So go buy yourself a sweet treat, purchase a few gift cards, and support these businesses now and always.


Black Owned Bookstores in San Francisco

Multicultural Bookstore
Walk into Tamara Shiloh’s store and you will be transported to a world of multicultural books including sections on LGBTQ, disabilities, and biracial families—everything one could want to teach and learn about diversity and inclusion. 

Marcus Books
The oldest, independent Black bookstore in the country, Oakland’s Marcus Bookstore is over 60 years old and proudly carries books by and about Black people.

Must-Shop Black Owned Shops in the Bay Area

Stylish yet practical, Cincha is a travel belt that secures personal bags and coats to your luggage leaving your hands free to hold on to more important things... like little hands. Every purchase means 100 airline miles is donated to the nonprofit Miles4Migrants, which helps to reconnect migrant families. 

Taylor Jay’s
With the approach that “We Are Every Woman”, this Oakland-based clothing collection prides itself on inclusivity and sustainability for clothing that will not only last a lifetime but look and feel incredible.  

Beija-Flor Naturals
Using fair trade and organic botanical ingredients from Brazil, founder Stevonne Ratliff began crafting skin products to treat her own skin hyper and hypopigmentation. Years later and with stores in Oakland and San Francisco, Beija-Flor carries a full product line for face, hair, and body. 

Born out of a desire to relieve her son’s eczema using natural products, Oakland mom Efiya created what is now her famous artisan soap. Today, she handcrafts organic, natural hair, body, and home products, all of which are paraben, synthetic fragrance, and sulfate free.

Blk Girls Green House
This lovely open-air plant and home goods store is also a community space but currently accepting shopping by appointment only.

Oakland’s Own
Every purchase from this store means an investment back into the Oakland community through youth empowerment, mentoring services, and community programs.


Black Owned Restaurants in the Bay Area

Nabolom Bakery & Pizzeria
Since 1976, this family-friendly restaurant has been serving up one-of-a-kind sauce and meat free pizzas on a thin, sourdough crust. Try their take-and-bake pizza and finish baking at home for the irresistible smell to fill up your kitchen. 

Looking for the Bay area’s best fried chicken and soul food? Look no further. Originally from Texas, Jackie pays homage to the Lone Star state with customer favorites such as Uncle Greg’s ribs and JP’s Chicken & Waffles served up in true Texan style... HUGE.

Z Zoul Cafe
When owners Aref and Dalia and their four children immigrated to San Francisco in 2016, they discovered no authentic Sudanese restaurants in the city. Using generations-old and passed-down family recipes, Z Zoul Cafe was born—be sure to try Dalia’s famous rice pudding. 

Sonoma Crust
Every item is made from scratch with Chef Anne’s vision to be a “flavor pusher”. Waffle sandwiches and chicken tenders are the name of the game here to be washed down with multiple options of iced tea but leave room for the beignets!    

MB’s Place
Award-winning “3 Way” Chili awaits you at MB’s place along with filet mignon burgers and smoked chicken meatball sandwiches—is your mouth watering yet?!

San Francisco natives Melvin and Helen Simmons’ cafe serves up soul food in this family-owned restaurant where chicken and waffles and southern shrimp and grits will have your tastebuds begging for more! 

Black Owned Dessert & Coffee Shops in the Bay Area

The Giving Pies
Not only does this business make some of the best pies in town (they even come in TINY sizes!), but they also contribute a portion of their profits to E-Sports, a program that partners typical and special needs kids in athletic capacities. 

DeeLee Cakes
The inspiration behind Chef DeReath Times’ creations comes from the memory of her Grandma and a heavy dose of her secret family ingredient… love. Her cinnamon rolls and sweet potato pound cake will blow your socks off!

Yvonne’s Southern Sweets
Yvonne started out by sharing praline treats with friends and co-workers and expanded to cakes, cookies, and pies which led to a contract with Super Bowl 50, and is currently a vendor for the Chase center. 

Sextant Coffee Roasters
Partnering with farms in Ethiopia, Kenya and Colombia, first-generation Ethiopian founder Kinani Ahmed brings the best coffee beans from Africa to San Francisco.

James and the Giant Cupcake 
Using fresh and sustainable ingredients from farmers’ markets, Eurydice Manning’s custom cupcakes and cakes are all the rage at three locations in the Oakland area. 

Rasa Cafe
Rasa in Sanskrit means "flavor" and this cafe uniquely blends influences from Africa with India in their coffee and tea menu—try the award-winning Rose latte! 

Pietisserie focuses on one thing and one thing alone: PIES. With fifteen toothsome pies to choose from, your dilemma comes down to this: key lime pie or black bottom walnut pie?!

Super Juiced
A queer- and Black-owned smoothie and acai bowl shop, the menu at Super Juiced is seasonal and draws organic ingredients from small, local farms. All their nut milks are made in-house making this the place to go for a delicious (and nutritious) snack in Oakland.  


Black Owned Services We Love in the Bay Area

Kutz and Colors Barbershop & Hair Salon
When not delivering quality haircuts, owner “KC” is a basketball coach for at-risk youth and is in the process of fundraising for a community sports complex for all to play safely in.

The Pilates School SF
With a goal of creating strong and balanced bodies, co-owners Ray and Rae started this school to make affordable, quality classical pilates accessible for everyBODY. 

Megah Brown’s
Skilled at cutting any type of hair, talented barber Damion Hunter commands a cult-like following of customers in his store with his casual, relaxed atmosphere and easy conversation. Bonus: he’s great with kids, too! 

Strictly Braids
Beyond a braid salon, owner Ninja also offers classes on braiding so everyone can learn intricate hair braiding. 

Offering repairs and sales, Bikes 4 Life is the only Black-owned bike shop in Oakland and has been around for ten years serving the community. 


Read This: Black-Owned Indie Bookstores to Support Today
28 Books for Kids About Racism, Inequality& Injustice in America
How I Explain Racism to My White Friends (So They Can Explain It to Their Kids)
21 Places to Visit to Understand Race in America