Here’s what to do when your child gets three of the same toy for Christmas

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone’s holiday resembled a scene depicted in a Norman Rockwell painting? It’s just not realistic—and where’s the fun in that, anyway? Smiles and tantrums, calm and kerfuffles, serenity, and debacles are all the things that make the holidays unpredictable and beautiful. Our holiday survival guide includes a list of possible snafus and tips to help you keep your cool.

Possible Snafu: Meltdowns on Santa’s Lap

holiday survival guide tip: what to do when they meet santa
_drz_via Unsplash

Imagine you’re standing in the line of melting children and anxious parents waiting to overpay for that annual snapshot with the mall Santa. It's your turn and suddenly one of your little angels develops an irrational fear of all things Santa. Mr. Claus props your kid up like a wet noodle as you’re looking for the nearest exit.

Holiday Survival Guide Tip: What's the problem here? A cheesy mall snapshot capturing a Level 4 toddler freakout and an obviously annoyed Santa is Instagram gold. Get the shot, dig out their favorite lovie you’ve stashed in the diaper bag, and smile because this is a picture you’ll treasure.

Possible Snafu: Gift Duplication


An adult who receives a duplicate gift will proclaim their love of the item while discreetly digging through tissue paper in search of a gift receipt, careful to preserve any tags. Children, however, are prone to reactions anywhere on the spectrum of matter-of-a-fact “I already own this” proclamations to window-shattering, rolling-on-the-floor screaming fits.

Survival Tip: Never underestimate the value of role-playing. Prepare them for the possibility this could happen and coach them on ways to respond— "No matter what you receive, just say 'thank you" It's also a great time to remind them it’s the thought, not the gift, that counts. Play a fun role-playing game and simulate opening something they already own, allowing yourselves to get a little silly. Should the situation occur, it’ll be an amusing wink-and-nod secret between you.


Related: 15 Genius Photo Hacks to Try This Holiday Season

Possible Snafu: Toy Surplus

bedtime routine

Once the pine-scented dust has settled, post-holidays, you’re left with a mountain of toys and tchotchkes that need to find a resting place in your already-busting-at-the-seams home. Finding space for the 25 spider rings and 16 pencils accumulated at the school Halloween party drove you to tears, and now you need to find space for a life-sized panda bear, Barbie’s Beach House, and Ken’s midlife-crisis cherry red Corvette.

Holiday Survival Guide Tip: Resist the urge to meet the garbage man at the curb come trash collection day and adopt a one-in, one-out rule. A couple of weeks before Christmas, review your kid’s wish list with them and explain in order to receive, they need to give. Be prepared: They’re resourceful little boogers and will try to convince you they can find space for it all—even if it means shoving things under chairs, stacking items precariously, or throwing out their underpants to make room in a drawer. Donate gently loved but no longer wanted toys to a worthy local nonprofit organization.


Possible Snafu: Batteries Not Included

holiday survival guide: make sure you have lots of batteries
Kevin Woblick via Unsplash

Toy manufacturers seem to enjoy the idea of parents wrestling with a mini screwdriver to get battery compartments open. And they usually don’t even throw us a bone by giving us the first round of juice with a starter set of batteries. What do you do if it's Christmas Day, no stores are open and Johnny cleared out his closet to make room for a life-like dinosaur that walks, talks, transforms, and is slated to crush his little sister’s My Little Pony herd?

Survival Tip: Do yourself a favor and buy batteries in bulk before Santa makes his rounds. For the most part, you know what gifts they’re receiving, so research the batteries requirements and be sure to have them on hand. Throw a few extra in the cart for the unexpected gifts from the family.  While you're at it, grab a toothpick-sized screwdriver the next time you're at the hardware store— you're going to need it.

Related: 30 Life-Changing Hacks to Save Your Holiday Season

Possibly Snafu: Understocked Pantry

Mara Lin Kim via Unsplash

Holiday euphoria has fueled a sudden burst of energy and you have an inexplicable urge to bake 15 different types of cookies and a fruit cake. After a quick ingredient review, you realize you're a ¼ tsp. of vanilla away from your destiny, but your little one is napping. Even if he wasn’t, you risk getting stuck in line behind the people clearing out the bottled water supply preparing for snowmageddon because they spotted a flake.

Holiday Survival Guide Tip: Stock up on baking essentials. Most ingredients required for baking have a long shelf life, so if it takes you until Easter to use them all, no biggie. You can also get simple ingredients and lots of staples delivered to your home fast by using a food delivery service such as Instacart.

Possible Snafu: There Is Noise ... Lots of It

holiday survival guide: how to deal with loud toys
Kelli McClintock via Unsplash

Maybe before you were a parent it brought you great joy to buy the most annoying gift you could possibly find for a sibling's kids. Why not? You didn’t have to live with it and plus, when you were little your brother teased you relentlessly, so he totally deserved to lose partial hearing because you gifted his two-year-old cymbals. The day of reckoning is upon you—the gifts your kid receives will be big, they will be loud and they’re going to have more pieces than stars in the sky.

Survival Tip: We can't help you here. If you fired the first shots, you have no choice but to accept an annoying gift or two. After the scores have been settled, initiate a peace treaty so no one needs to live in fear of what might be under the tree. Discuss parameters for gifts and work together to complete wish lists. If they break the treaty, you are well within your rights to unleash a wrath that can only be calmed by buying your niece or nephew a rambunctious puppy or a matching drum set for those cymbals.


Living a couple of thousand miles from my immediate family means that I fly every year—with kids—on tiring flights. On multiple occasions, I’ve flown solo with kids. This summer, I flew alone with four kids aged 2, 4, 6, and 8. Last summer, I did it alone with each of those kids being a year younger. I’ve flown with sleeping newborns, squirmy nine-month-olds, and impossible eighteen-month-olds. On some flights, my kids have been surprisingly angelic. On others, I’ve fought with a loud, kicking toddler for four exhausting hours. Believe me, it’s not fun.

I’ve experienced the anxious, dreading sideline glances of passengers when they see young kids approaching their seats. I’ve witnessed the “huffing, puffing and mumbling.” Honestly, some people seem to be annoyed by the mere presence of kids, even when their behavior is just fine. Unfortunately, only on a small handful of occasions in the last decade of plane travel with kids has someone offered to help, and it’s usually been a kind-hearted passenger.

I know it’s annoying to listen to a young child whine or cry. I know it’s annoying when they talk loudly or get excited and yell (or in my two-year-old’s case, sing their heart out). I know there are a lot of business travelers on flights these days who expect to read, work or sleep the entire flight. But, fellow passengers, try to understand.

The planes my family travel on are public transportation just like buses or ferries or trains. I’m allowed to board them with my kids, and these flights are not designated silent zones. They are not even “adult-only” zones. I promise to do my best to get my kids to behave well during the flight. But I can’t promise you a silent flight, and you are not entitled to one.

If I see one of my kids kick your seat, I’ll get them to stop, but they might sneak one in anyway. My toddler sometimes gets excited and (like a normal child with exceptionally healthy lungs) screams out of joy, fear, excitement, whatever. If that happens, I’ll promptly remind her to use her “inside voice,” but she’s likely to forget at some point during the flight.

If my four-year-old drops a crayon or fruit snack and it somehow finds its way under your seat, let’s not treat it like a criminal offense, ok? If—heaven forbid—my toddler has ear pain because of the changes in air pressure, there might be some loud crying. They are kids, after all, and as hard as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to get our two-year-old to act 21.

The human family we are all a part of consists of people of all ages. We need to bear with one another a little more. Children seem to have been largely pushed out of many public places, but they have every right to be there. Please don’t treat my kids like they don’t belong on your flight. I know you have important places to go. So do we. My kids need to see their grandparents.

So dear fellow passenger: as long as you’re not hiring private jets and we find ourselves on the same flight, let’s make a deal.  I’ll do my very best—I promise—to have my kids behave well on our shared flight. I’m prepared. I have snacks, activities, iPads, patience, and stamina. But my best efforts can’t 100 percent ensure total serenity.

You do your very best to welcome them on the flight and overlook minor outbursts in their otherwise-good behavior. Oh, and if you see me struggling under the weight of a toddler, diaper bag, purse, carry-on case, and stroller, feel free to be an everyday hero and offer to help with a smile. See you on our next flight.

I'm a wife and mom (to six) who's also a freelance writer in between the craziness of family life. I love the outdoors, reading, cooking and snuggling with the littles. I write to share my thoughts about the things that capture my attention - family, faith, education, health and life.

Among the other secret hidden joys of parenting like explosive poops and… well, pretty much all the poops, no one warned me of the advice hurricane coming inbound as soon as my egg has been fertilized. No joke, in the few months between announcing my pregnancy and the baby’s arrival, I heard alllllll the cliché advice, phrases, and jokes a thousand times over.

I imagine it’s the same feeling someone has towards a joke about their name (“Oh man, haven’t heard THAT ONE before Jim!”), or the marriage advice you started hearing when you got engaged (“Wait, so just to be clear, should I go to bed angry or NOT go to bed angry?”) And trust me, it doesn’t end with the pregnancy because, at every stage of development or ailment of the day for your little bug, there is a lady at the grocery store coaching you on what to do.

Over the years, I got pretty tired of smiling politely and nodding while grinding your teeth down to a powder, so I began to amass a list of fun conversation killer responses—which means you don’t have to listen to another second of that unsolicited advice.

And to be fair, yes, sometimes the advice that you get is actually just small talk because that person actually doesn’t care about your baby (spoiler alert: no one really does, not really, but that’s another post). With that said, these phrases are a nice way to put both of you out of your misery so you could just get back to gossiping about a mutual acquaintance instead, guilt-free.

Respond: “Oh, is that what you did with your kids?”

This is especially effective for your coworker Stacy who you know doesn’t have kids but has the expertise and confidence of an incompetent regional manager. The conversation might then play out like this:

Stacy: “Oh no, I don’t have kids remember!” You: “Oh that’s right…”

Don’t let the silent moment scare you, just let that last bit trail off. The beauty of this is, Stacy likely won’t get the joke even after all of this, but your coworker who happened to be getting coffee at the same time will be trying super hard not to start laughing, at which point you can catch her glance and talk about Stacy over lunch later. It’s a phrase that keeps on giving.

Respond: “That’s so interesting, I JUST read a study that found the exact opposite! I guess we just gonna see what sticks, huh?” 

Confidence is key with this one, and just say it as matter-of-factly as you can, no judgment on the statistic or best practice or whatever that the other person cited. The thing is, most likely there has been a study done, and even if there hasn’t been they’re not gonna know, they’re just filling the moment with jibberish anyway. This is especially nice for the aunties at a family gathering because you don’t want to be mean to them, they’re just being nice and mean well, but you also want them to know there is more than one right way to do things. No matter what they believe.

Respond: “Do you think so? Only if they could talk!”

I want you to do me a favor and start a note on your phone where you tally the number of times someone tells you they think your baby is cold. It’s of course pretty rampant in the winter, but I kid you not someone asked me if I thought the baby was cold in July when he was red and sweaty because he wasn’t wearing socks (which he pulled off, mind you, because surprise, he was hot). These statements are especially annoying since they’re usually a pretty captain obvious kind of observation. So hold yourself back from screaming “Wow do you really think that I, the parent, the only person besides my partner in this whole entire world who actually cares about my child, haven’t thought of that? Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention!” and just ham it up. But don’t worry, I see you, and I thought the same thing too. It’ll be our secret.

This phrase especially comes in handy if you’re holding the baby because you can use the baby as a prop and ask her the question as a show to lighten the mood. If you’re lucky she’ll do something funny like foam at the mouth or something which gets the people going every time, and the conversation has been diverted.

Respond: “You know, we’re just lucky to have him here and healthy so we really can’t ask for or have thought about anything more than that.”

This usually shuts them up pretty quick too because like, it’s true, and what is anyone supposed to say to that without being a royal jerk. This response is effective for all the seemingly innocent but pretty judgmental generalizations and assumptions people make about things like gender preference or timing of arrival, or just to get you out of discussing topics you just don’t want to like names you may have picked out or whether you’ll breastfeed. Some people don’t mind sharing these details and that’s totally okay too, but having a way to get you out of things you don’t feel comfortable talking about is a fantastic tool to have in your belt.

Practice these in your most innocent delivery, and enjoy the silence that ensues.

Lisa Aihara is a writer and artist based in Los Angeles. When she's not busy keeping her toddler alive, she's growing another human and has no time for any BS. For an honest, practical take on motherhood, relationships, and just life's struggles through comics and stories, follow her on Instagram and her Blog.

Photo: Author

You were born on a Saturday morning in Philadelphia. It was early, and the January sun was shining. It wasn’t like it was in the movies. There was no rush of activity or newborn screams. The room was calm and you came out—your eyes wide open, taking in the world around you. You barely made a sound; daddy likes to say you were like a wise Buddha. 

Those early months seem so far away, another lifetime ago. But there are things, feelings, that stand out so clearly in my mind, I can almost put myself right back there again.  The feel of your body on my chest, how much you hated taking baths, nursing you in your glider with my eyes sealed shut so I would hopefully be able to fall back to sleep again. But what I remember most is how I felt like you were mine.

There you were, a brand new person with a brand new personality, and yet, I felt so connected to you—your laugh, your tiny feet—that I felt like a piece of me was embedded in you. In a way that was unfair to you. You weren’t mine to own, but you were my first, the one we had placed so much hope in after our first devastating pregnancy. I couldn’t help it.

12 years. New houses, new siblings, new pets, new schools. All of it tumbles by. Days I wish I could freeze time and days that feel like they will never end. Much of you is still like you were on that cold January morning when we first met. But now you are taller than me. You laugh at YouTube videos that I just don’t “get” and speak in code with your brother and friends about “Fortnight kills.”

One minute you have it all together, and I stop in my tracks as I catch a glimpse of the man you will one day be. The next minute you’re being so annoying and fighting like a toddler with your siblings. It’s normal, I get it. But it’s so weird.

In 6 weeks you will finish elementary school. It’s time. You tower above the first graders in the car line. This milestone moves you one step closer to independence, one step closer to the kind of person you want to be. I’m trying to hold on to these last weeks– the three of you all in the same school for the last time. While a piece of me is sad, most of me is so excited for what lies ahead—for all you will get to experience, the endless opportunities and choices waiting out there just for you. 

And one day, it will be you in that hospital room. You will hold your newborn child and feel like he is all yours. Believing that baby belongs to you is what makes those first few exhausting weeks and months so magical.

But now, 12 years later, I’ll tell you the truth: the most beautiful thing is that you do not belong to me.

You are here, on your own journey, walking a path that I can help you navigate, but one that we won’t share for long. 

I’m lucky that for this brief time we can still travel together before our paths diverge. When they do, the most I can hope for is that I’ve equipped you with a strong, steady compass to guide you on your way.

Happy 12th birthday, Connor. 

I'm Missy, a mother of three and a middle school drama teacher at a private school. I'm obsessed with my Vizsla (dog), traveling, and the musical Hamilton. I also enjoy writing and sharing fun parenting stories, which is what brought me here.

I’m planning your retirement party next week, even though you’ve mostly just been a pain in the butt for that last year. You regularly made me late to meetings or required me to duck out early. You interrupted my work flow at your convenience, and you made me stress out like crazy if I didn’t get to you on time. Thanks to you, I ate lunch at my desk almost every day because you took up what little free time I had. You are loud and annoying, and frankly, you’re a little embarrassing.

You gross some people out. You require so much attention, and in some cases, that time and effort provides so little return. Sometimes you make me feel like you’re just extra baggage to carry around. So many people questioned why I associated with you for so long, knowing how much I disliked you. Some people thought I shouldn’t have formed a relationship with you at all in the first place. Most people are shocked that despite our rocky relationship three years ago, I still opted to work with you again this last year.

I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to give up on you. There were so many moments I felt that putting effort into our relationship just wasn’t worth the mental and emotional costs. Often, I even worried that associating with you was affecting my career growth. But I guess when I think about it, you’ve done some good, too. Despite the tax on me mentally, there’s no arguing that you’ve helped me lose some weight.

You’ve saved me thousands of dollars, too. You’ve also shown me that I have grit and commitment like I never thought possible. It’s almost hard to believe you’re retiring. I’m fairly confident that after your retirement, I will never see you again. I can’t really say I’ll miss you, but I can say thank you. Thank you for nourishing my babies even when I was working 40, 50, or even 60 hours a week.

Thank you for showing my family that my stubbornness could be put to good use. Thank you for being the reliable, rhythmic workhorse that allowed me to breastfeed as a full-time professional. So here’s to you, breast pump! Cheers to your retirement. I can say with certainty that I will absolutely have a drink (or three) in your honor!

Keren is a business owner x2 (flat-fee lawyer and digital marketing operations) in active pursuit of the elusive work-life balance. With a couple of demanding jobs, a husband who travels for work and two little kids, she maintains her sanity by reading and engaging in inappropriate banter with friends, family and strangers. 

Celeb, supermodel and super-mama Chrissy Teigen got real on Twitter recently. Teigen candidly talked (or rather, tweeted) with fans during a no holds barred Q and A session!

So what did Teigen dish about? The model-mama opened up about what it’s like to raise her two kiddos, Luna and Miles, as an in-the-spotlight celebrity. When one fan asked, “What is the best perk of being a celebrity?” Teigen responded:

If you’re wondering how Teigen starts her days, when she was asked if she sets an alarm or someone wakes her “gently” she tweeted:

While Teigen has plenty of just-like-us issues to deal with, she also has those celeb-only parenting moments. When asked, “Do you ever have issues with people talking to Miles and Luna without your permission if they see y’all in public?” she said:

If you’re wondering what Teigen would do if she wasn’t a super-celeb, she said:

Like other celebrity parents, Teigen has to deal with the paparazzi following her kiddos. One fan asked how her fam deals with them and Teigen replied:

What is Teigen most proud of? Like many of us mamas, Teigen is proud of her kids—and of course, her cookbook!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Chrissy Teigen via Instagram



We’re Loving Chrissy Teigen’s Sweet Bedtime Trick

Chrissy Teigen’s Fruit Skewer Turkey Is a Totally Relatable Mom Moment

Chrissy Teigen Gets Real about Her Post-Pregnancy Body & It’s So Refreshing

Earlier in the summer, actress Shay Mitchell revealed her baby joy. In a wild Power Rangers-packed video, Mitchell and boyfriend Matte Babel told the world they’re having a girl! Now Mitchell is telling the world something else—that she wears diapers.

We’ve all been there. The growing baby in your belly presses on your bladder all day and night. That means you need to pee 24-7. When Mitchell couldn’t take the near-constant stream of bathroom breaks, she got creative.

The mama-to-be ditched her normal undergarments, swapping them for adult diapers. In a YouTube vide, she shared her diaper secret with her friends, saying, “So you want to see something?” That’s when the actress showed off her “full-on diaper.”

Mitchell explained her choice, saying, “Okay, because it gets so annoying having to go to the bathroom all the time.” She added, “You know, I’m having to pee way too much. It’s just like, I’m over it.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Shay Mitchell via YouTube



Power Rangers, a Fist Fight and a Gender Reveal? Pregnant Shay Mitchell Gets a Wild Surprise

Christina Milian & Boyfriend Matt Pokora Announce Pregnancy

Summer nights under the stars are some of the best, but the mosquitoes attacking you in the dark are not. It might seem like nothing can combat that endless, annoying itch that follows a bug bite, especially for kids, but one simple tool promises to stop the itch of a mosquito bite by sucking out the poison.

When the bug spray fails you try The Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool. The device uses suction to minimize itching, redness and swelling after a bug bite or sting, including those from mosquitoes, bees, wasps, chiggers, fire ants, fleas and more. The company says it works by sucking out the poison and irritants that cause the itching and inflammation.

It might sound too good to be true, but it does have some promising five star reviews on Amazon. “I cannot stress to you enough how much better this simple little tool has made my quality of life during summer in Ohio. It rains a lot. There are a lot of mosquitoes. Omg so many mosquitoes. I have horrific allergic reactions to mosquito bites. We’re talking bumps swelling to the width of softballs within minutes of the bite. This tool doesn’t make those bumps go away, but it stops the itch IMMEDIATELY,” wrote one reviewer.

At just $10 for a device that can be used over and over again, it’s definitely worth a shot to end that itch. It’s safe to use on adults and kids, but the company does recommend that you practice using it before hand to show kids what the suction will feel like before you actually need to use it.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

photos: Courtesy of Amazon



These Are the Best Bug Repellents According to the EWG

If Your Kids Play Outside, Check If Your City Is on This List—& Get Your Bug Spray

These Mosquito Sticks Could Be the Perfect Solution to Avoiding the Itch

Our fellow parents are deep in the trenches of Spring Break or preparing for it in the next week. While the time off school is only five days, it’s a good reminder of the summer fun that awaits! While you gear up for more time with the kiddos, keep scrolling to see our roundup of funny tweets from the week.

1. Oh totally––let it slide.

2. 🤦‍♀️

3. Us too!

4. Will she make it to the other side?

5. RIGHT!?

6. Here. We. Are.

7. It’s just a fact.

8. Been there, done that.

9. So… about that snack.

10. Don’t mess with the shows.

––Karly Wood

photo: Ryan McGuire via Gratisography; composite by Karly Wood for Red Tricycle



Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: Mar. 22, 2019

Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: Mar. 15, 2019

Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week: Mar. 8, 2019


Houston-area mom-to-be Erica Simon, like many moms-to-be, is working while pregnant. She also just happens to be a local news anchor—and it seems like plenty of people have something to say about this whole “being pregnant” thing when she’s on the air.

They aren’t talking about the fact that she’s working. We’re way past that. Apparently some of her viewers have something to say about Simon’s weight gain. Um, what?!

Simon announced her pregnancy back in October—during her 20th week. No one said anything about the petite anchor’s frame then. But now that she’s in her third trimester, Simon’s news viewers seem to think that talking about her pregnancy weight is totally fine. News flash, ABC-13 viewers: it’s never okay to discuss a pregnant woman’s weight, or, if we’re being honest—anyone’s weight, pregnant or otherwise.

As the comments started coming in, Simon clapped back. In a tweet, the TV anchor wrote, “Some of the viewer comments about my pregnancy are starting to get annoying. Yes, I’m aware I’m petite so the sudden packing on of pounds is a startling sight. No, I’m not having twins and no I’m not due any day.”

Simon ended her tweet the perfect response: “I’ll update you as I go, but chill.”

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: Erica Simon via Instagram 



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