Your child says, “I’m hungry,” and you grab them a snack. They say “I’m bored,” and you find a way to entertain them. But when should the butler treatment end? When is it time to teach your child how to be self-sufficient and let them do things for themselves?

Believe it or not—now is as good a time as any! Your two-year-old can help you do the laundry; your 6-year-old can brush her teeth; and your 10-year-old can hang out alone at home while you walk the dog. And, no matter how desperately they cry, “Watch me!” young kids don’t always need you right there next to them (being just nearby is just fine).

“What you’re really trying to do is get the child to learn how to make decisions and take control over the things they can have control over,” said Dr. Michael Ungar, director of the Resilience Research Center and the author of We Generation: Raising Socially Responsible Kids. “What you really want is a child who can make a contribution to their family, who can navigate their community, who can problem solve.”

We created an age-by-age guide that ranges from letting your toddler help with household chores to giving your tween tech time to help you figure out the right time to give your kids that much-needed independence. Here’s what the experts say.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 0 to 2

Don’t worry: You won’t need to start nudging your one-year-old out of the nest. According to Los Angeles child psychiatrist Patrick Kelly, it’s the opposite: the stronger the attachment between parents and their babies, the more comfortable those kids will be doing things independently as they grow. That said, there are a few “big kid” things your tiny tot can start learning at this age:

Feeding and Dressing Themselves – According to Los Angeles pediatrician Amin Davari, simple things like allowing older infants to feed themselves age-appropriate foods and letting young children dress themselves give kids “minor struggles and successes” that help them learn how to be self-sufficient and build skills and confidence.

Swim Lessons – The AAP recently changed its guidelines to say that kids should start swimming lessons at age one. Although swim lessons will never make a child “drown proof,” lessons between the ages of one to four years have been shown to reduce drowning risk, according to the AAP.

Sign Language – Just because your baby can’t talk doesn’t mean she’s not trying to tell you something. Advocates say teaching babies and toddlers basic signs (things like “eat,” “more” and “milk”) can increase confidence in both the kids and their caregivers, helping little ones who can’t yet speak get their needs met. Taking a class can mean a fun social outing for Mom or Dad—though you can also learn from home.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 2 to 4

chores are a good way to teach toddlers how to be self-sufficient


At this age, kids are ready—and willing!—to take on some responsibility around the house. You’ll know the time is right when you see them start pretending to do grown-up things, like playing “family” or play-driving the car when they’re in the push car. Take advantage of this need now by giving them:

Simple Household Chores – Give them a broom or a dustpan, and let them help you sweep the kitchen floor. You’d be surprised how willingly kids this age will want to help you clean. If you’re lucky, the habit will continue into their later years. Other simple household chores suitable for two-to three-year-olds, according to The Montessori Notebook are:

    • Help pack their backpack
    • Brushing/feeding the dog (just let it go when they make a mess!)
    • Helping make the bed (at four, kids should be able to at least pull up a duvet by themselves)
    • Placing clothing in the laundry and pushing the buttons you point to

Solo Playtime – As long as you’ve created a safe space to play, at this age most kids are generally past the swallowing-small-objects phase and can happily play by themselves for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. If your child is reluctant to play alone, just agree to be nearby, but set up toys with which they can play solo.

“Reading” Time – Your child doesn’t need to know how to read to get lost in a world of books. Give kids a stack of picture books and let them have at it. If they want to hear stories read out loud—but you still want them to be on their own—we love the Yoto player, a simple speaker designed for kids ages three and up that allows kids to insert small cards to read popular stories aloud.

Pick What they Wear – Something as simple as choosing their clothes can make a child feel incredibly independent, says Dr. Ungar. “Three-year-olds can’t negotiate their bedtimes, but they can decide to wear green pajamas or blue pajamas. The trick seems to be to find these ways that the child can make a genuine contribution.”

Use a Balance Bike – Kids may not be ready for a two-wheeler at age two… but a balance bike is an easy go-to! “Once a child can confidently walk around the house, they can start walking with a balance bike between their legs,” says Schwinn spokesperson Ryan Berkicht. “This could be as soon as 18 months old for some kids.”

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 4 to 6

Gross motor skills are advancing quickly at this age, too, so your kids should be ready for fun things like climbing on a play structure (without you constantly spotting), and using the “big kid swing” all by themselves. And while these may seem like ordinary childhood milestones, all of these accomplishments help them learn how to be self-sufficient and instill huge amounts of confidence. So cheer your kids on as they:

Brush Their Teeth: While most dentists advise that you keep assisting with their pearly whites until age 7, your kids should know how to brush their teeth all on their teeth by age 5 or 6—with you nearby to make sure there’s actual brushing going on (as opposed to just holding the electric toothbrush in their mouths while the motor revs). A good compromise is to let your kids do the morning brush and you can brush their teeth in the evening.

Use a Microwave with Supervision – Not only does using the microwave buttons help reinforce number recognition, but it also makes kids feel like real big kids. Teach your kids what can and can’t go in the microwave, and let them push the buttons and press “start” all on their own.

Ride a Two-Wheeler – Sure, some kids are ready for a two-wheeler at three years old—and some five-year-olds want nothing to do with a bike—but experts say age 5 or 6 is a good target age for getting a kid on her first two-wheeler. If they’ve been riding a balance bike or a bike with training wheels, they should be able to transition easily.

Have Drop-Off Play Dates – According to the AAP, kids around ages 5 and 6 are developmentally ready to be dropped off for play dates. Got a child who’s nervous about it? It might help to have the playdates at your house, where you can step away—but not out.

Day Camp – Since this is the age when kids start preschool or kindergarten, they’re also usually ready for day camp at this age, too. If your kids don’t seem uber-enthusiastic about camp, try to keep the camp schedule similar to their school schedule (if your child attends a half-day school, for instance, start with a half-day camp).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 6 to 8

dad teaching son how to be self sufficient


By this age, kids have started kindergarten and are usually happy to do anything that makes them feel grown-up and competent. So watch them closely for opportunities to teach them how to be self-sufficient—while also keeping them safe (for instance, let them ride a bike up and down your street, but make them wear a helmet). Here are some things kids are ready to do by this age:

Help You Prepare Dinner – According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, children ages 6 to 8 are ready to:

  • Use a peeler to peel raw potatoes, ginger, mangoes, and other washed fruits and vegetables
  • Break eggs into a bowl (and remember to wash hands afterward)
  • Scoop out avocados after being sliced in half by an adult
  • Snap green beans
  • Shuck corn and rinse before cooking
  • Rinse and cut parsley or green onions with clean, blunt kitchen scissors

Take a Bath By Themselves – According to this article in the National Library of Medicine, most children can take a bath by themselves (i.e., without you sitting by the tub) by age 6. We recommend parents still stay within earshot and keep baths short enough that kids don’t get tired or rowdy in the bathtub by themselves.

Tie Their Shoes (with you supervising) – By age 6 or 7, most kids have the fine motor skills to attempt this surprisingly complex set of movements, according to Carolina Therapy Connection. You’ll know your child is ready to tie their shoes when they’re able to easily cut paper with scissors, string beads, or button and unbutton buttons.

Use a Computer to Browse the Internet – Experts recommend supervising children’s internet use at this age: If you’re not able to be there watching, you can use a filtering device like the Circle, which lets you dictate what apps and websites kids can and can’t visit online (as well as setting up bedtimes and screen time limits); or try a web filtering program like Microsoft Edge Kids Mode, which keeps your kids from seeing anything inappropriate online and lets you customize their web experience (it also prevents them from exiting the kid-safe browser to explore other apps on the computer).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 8 to 10

Older kids are ready for adventure! Now’s the time to loosen the reins and let them chart their course a little bit. By this age, your child might be ready to:

Have a Sleepover – Around this age, they may be ready—as long as they can sleep through the night, no problem. That said, before you send your kids to another person’s home for the night, they must understand body boundaries and inappropriate touching. “I do think it’s a great time to start teaching kids about appropriate touches and that we’re the boss of our bodies and we’re the boss of our private parts,” writes child abuse prevention expert Pattie Fitzgerald. She also urged parents to talk to the host parents so they’ll know exactly who will be supervising and whether there will be older kids (such as teenage-aged siblings) or extended family in the home. The answer to these questions may well alter your decision to say “yes,” as parents should have a strong baseline of trust with the hosts.

Note: Some experts believe children (and their parents!) aren’t ready for sleepovers until the age of 10 and up.

Go to Overnight Camp – As long as your child can shower, doesn’t wet the bed, and has shown no problems spending the night at friends’ or relatives’ homes, they’re probably ready for sleepaway camp. While many overnight camps offer programs for kids as young as six or seven, the American Camp Association gives age nine as the target age for kids to start the summer camp journey. Some camps offer one-week “starter” programs for reluctant or nervous campers.

Walk to School by Themselves (Under Certain Conditions) – The AAP says elementary school-aged kids can walk to school by themselves, provided the walk is short, the neighborhood is safe, and there are school crossing guards stationed at any intersections. If there are non-guarded streets or you live in a city, waiting until age 12 is better.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 10 and Up

tween girl at home with smartphone

Tweens are all about breaking free and taking risks. Your job is to let them experiment with autonomy while still making sure they’ve got set limits to keep them safe. By age 10, kids can:

Be Left At Home for a Short Time – The laws vary on this, with some states like Oregon and Tennessee giving home-alone privileges to 10-year-olds and states like Colorado and Delaware saying 12 is a better age to start this. This Washington Post article gives state-by-state guidelines on the regulations, but it’s a good idea to check with your state’s Family or Child Services Department to be sure.

In any case, before you leave your kids home alone—even for a short time—it’s important that they know what to do in case of emergency and what your expectations are should unexpected things happen (like someone knocking on the door or a friend stopping by unannounced). The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that parents ask themselves these questions before leaving kids alone:

  • Is your child physically and mentally able to care for him or herself? ƒ
  • Does your child obey rules and make good decisions? ƒ
  • How does your child respond to unfamiliar or stressful situations? ƒ
  • Does your child feel comfortable or fearful about being home alone?

If you’re leaving for more than an hour, it’s best to wait to take your children. And experts say it’s not a good idea to let kids this age babysit younger children while no parents are home.

For more advice and tips, see this handout from the DHH.

Ride a Bike to School – It’s hard to find any specific laws about kids riding bikes to school, but the American Academy of Pediatrics says that by late elementary school, most kids can safely do this, provided the route is short and the roads safe. Before your child starts riding to school, make sure you practice the route with them (several times!) and go over what to do if unexpected things arise, such as a fall or a flat tire. If it makes you feel better, have your child wear a GPS watch or other tracking device to alert you when she gets to school safely.

Of course, you should always make sure your kids wear a good-fitting helmet and try to enlist a friend to ride along, to ensure both kids get there safely.

Related: 10 Tracking Devices Perfect for Families

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 12 and Up

This is it. The bridge to the young adult years. Kids in this final stretch to the teens are longing to break free, so the trick is to let them feel independent and learn how to be self-sufficient while encouraging them to make responsible choices. Here are some things they’re ready to do now:

Have Their Own Cell Phone – While many argue that cell phones should wait until high school, middle schoolers can have a phone, provided it is monitored and filtered by the parents. Before you give your child a phone, have them sign a technology agreement that lays out the rules—for instance, no cell phones should be allowed in your child’s room overnight, and your child should know that you will read and monitor her messages. To keep your kids off inappropriate or dangerous apps and sites, use apps and programs like Screentime (for iPhones), Circle, or Securly.

Babysit Younger Children – There are no real legal restrictions for babysitting (except in states that have laws on when kids can be left alone), but the Red Cross doesn’t allow kids to take its babysitting course until age 11. By 12, kids should be able to babysit with a grown-up present in the house (or for short times when a grown-up leaves the house); by 14, they can usually babysit younger children on their own. When it comes to an older sibling watching the younger kids in the house, parents need to ask themselves whether their oldest is mature enough and responsible enough to handle the task. If there are any doubts, skip it.

Be Dropped Off in a Public Place with Friends – As long as your child agrees to stay with the group and you’ve talked about uncomfortable situations (if a stranger talks to them or if other kids are experimenting with drugs or alcohol), most experts agree that by middle school—or around age 13—kids can be dropped off at public place (like a movie theater or mall) for a few hours as long as they are in a group and you are leaving them in a safe location. This depends, of course, on your child’s level of maturity, your city’s crime rate, and whether you trust them to make good decisions.

Note: Check with your state laws before letting your teen go to certain places solo: Some states, such as Minnesota and Delaware, do not permit children under 16 to be in certain malls without adult supervision, according to this article.  


Don’t let the cold weather keep you from making memories

Winter on the horizon doesn’t mean family fun needs to stop. In fact, the cold weather can be ideal for certain activities (don’t forget our list of 100 indoor activities for kids!) that’ll keep everyone from suffering any seasonal boredom. From going on a winter scavenger hunt to hosting an awesome hot cocoa bar, here are 32 winter activities for kids and families that’ll help you bond with your crew.

one of the most fun winter activities for kids is to bake with mom or dad

1. Bake together. Whip up a batch of cookies, brownies, or cupcakes. Make a few extra batches, and bring them to your neighbors.

2. Take a hike. Whether you live in a cold or warm winter climate, get the family outside to explore the outdoors.

3. Go to the library and find a good book to read. Need some reading inspiration? Here are 22 classic children's books that belong on every bookshelf, and the best new books of 2023.

4. Volunteer as a family. Teach your kiddos some compassion by volunteering as a family. There are lots of community activities that welcome help, and not just around the holiday season.

5. Make paper snowflakes and decorate your house. Give your house some winter cheer with homemade decorations. Paper snowflakes are easy and unique, and make the house look like a winter wonderland.

family game night is a fun winter activity for kids

6. Game on! Break out the board games and cards and have a fun family night of board games.

7. Have a movie night. Light a fire, grab blankets, pop the popcorn, and find a few movies the entire family will love. Go with a classic must-see movie.

8. Make New Year's resolutions. Gather everyone together and talk about goals for 2023. Here are a few ideas if your family needs help with writing its resolutions.

9. Go to a play or concert. Try experiencing a musical, play, or local concert that you haven't seen before. 

10. Make paper airplanes. Give the kids white paper and show them this guide on how to make the perfect airplane


11. Break out the printables. Print out a few printable activities on a cold afternoon.

12. Write a holiday/year-end card or letter. Why should holiday cards be something only the parents do? Have the kiddos write their own year-end cards and mail them to friends and family.

13. Give them interesting trivia to learn. Whether they love animals, space, Harry Potter, Disney, or even general trivia, we've got all the answers

14. Play in the snow. There's nothing that says winter more than making snow angels and having snowball fights together. If snow doesn't fall in your city, check out these snowflake science experiments.

15. Have the kids take one photo a day during the months of January and February. Then use your phone’s movie feature to create a film with music, and don't forget to upload your memories into the Tinybeans app

a nature walk is a good winter activity for kids

16. Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Have the kids pick up pinecones, and sticks and take photos of what you find on the trails.

17. Go to a museum. From children's museums to museums of natural history, there's bound to be something your family will love to visit. Be sure to check your local museum's hours and if there are specific restrictions in place (for example, many museums are open again but require timed reservations to keep crowds down). 

18. Set up a dance party. Find a playlist, crank up the music, and let them wiggle, shake, and move to their heart's content. 

19. Make a vision board. It's fun to visualize what the new year might bring! 

making slime is one of the most fun winter activities for kids
Melissa Heckscher

20. Make slime. We know, it's a parent's worst nightmare. But kids love it, and we have a great recipe. We also have all the ways to get slime out of hair, clothes, and the couch

21. Pick an indoor game to play. If you've got multiple kids at home, pick an indoor game for them to set up and play.

22. Have a video game night. If an arcade isn't in your near future, surprise your kids by telling them you're going to play video games with them! Get a brand new game or better yet, check your local library. Most public libraries have a variety of games available for systems including the Xbox and the Nintendo Switch, a great way to try a game without having to buy it. 

23. Try a new restaurant. Splurge on dinner out as a family or if you prefer, to-go, from a restaurant no one has tried before. 

24. Make friendship bracelets. Older kids can make fun accessories to give to their friends. 

25. Treat the family to a hot cocoa bar. Make fancy hot chocolate (like with milk on the stove) and set up whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles, cherries, and everything else to make for a fun night of indoor sipping.

26. Embrace the world of pretend play. If you set up one of these ideas, it'll keep younger kids will be busy for an afternoon.  

27. Brighten up a cold winter’s night by playing a glow-in-the-dark game. How about flashlight charades or sardines? 

28. Host a fancy appetizer party. You don’t need the holidays as an excuse to have a party with these awesome recipes. Another idea is to surprise the kids and serve a variety of appetizers for dinner. You can even dress up and have a polite conversation. 

29. Practice yoga together. Get your family's zen on with a kid-friendly yoga video and practice as a family.

indoor forts are a classic winter activity for kids

30. Build an indoor fort. Need ideas? We’ve got 13 awesome fort ideas your kids will want to make their permanent home.

31. Gather pinecones and make a craft. Try hanging them from your door or make a bird feeder.

32. Make breakfast for dinner. Shake things up and turn the most important meal into nighttime fun. Here are 30 super easy and tasty recipes your family will love.

Make sure to capture all the chilly fun—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Your family’s official guide to things to do in Bellevue, one of Seattle’s most kid-friendly neighbors

Whether you’re heading over the bridge for a playdate, to find a new park, or take an exciting class, it’s always good to have a handy list of things to do in Bellevue with kids. Lucky for you, we’ve got the 411 on Bellevue kids’ activities including parks, museums, play spaces and shopping malls to explore, along with delicious restaurants to feed your squad while you’re there. Read on to find out why it’s easy to spend the day on the Eastside.

Related: Your Ultimate Guide to Seattle’s Best Parks & Playgrounds

Where to Play Outside

Kelsey Creek Park Farm
Right in the middle of bustling Bellevue is a quiet, expansive park with a farm full of furry friends. Kelsey Creek Farm is the perfect place to visit farm animals (think: ponies, goats, sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits), climb on playground equipment and hike some of Bellevue’s trails. If your tyke loves animals and loves being outside, Kelsey Creek has it all–for free! Animals are available for viewing in the pasture from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. every day of the year (yep, even on rainy days). There’s also plenty of wide open green spaces to run around and play, so bring a picnic lunch and plan to stay for the day. Psst…Kelsey Creek Farm is committed to providing farm animal education and hosts a variety of seasonal activities and farm programs for further enrichment.

410 130th Pl. S.E.


Crossroads Water Spray Playground
Crossroads Park is the place to be on warm spring and summer days. The one-of-a-kind sprayground features a whole family of sea life to cool you off, including spitting frogs, spouting orcas and squirting calms. The park also has an all ages and all abilities playground for little explorers to enjoy on the not-so-warm days. Two small picnic shelters are available for reservation if you want to host a gathering or just want some guaranteed shade. All picnic areas, when not reserved, are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Hours: The playground is open year-round with water typically spraying from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day from 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

999 164th Ave. N.E.


Bellevue Downtown Park
In the heart of downtown Bellevue is a beautiful, 21-acre park that truly has something for everyone to enjoy. The refreshed Bellevue Downtown Park provides a peaceful respite for parkgoers of all ages. From the visually stunning 240-foot wide waterfall that cascades into a reflecting pond to the large expansive lawn for picnicking and playing, Bellevue Downtown Park combines beauty and function for families to relax and play. Of course, a favorite spot for the kids is the Inspiration Playground. This innovative play space is dedicated to fun, imagination and learning, offering interactive experiences that accommodate kids of all ages and abilities. Enjoy the playground with or without the water features.

Hours: Open year-round with water typically spraying from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day from 10 a.m.–8 p.m.

10201 N.E. 4th St.

Meydenbauer Bay Park
After almost two years of renovation, the new and improved Meydenbauer Bay Park is finally complete and ready for your little park-goers to enjoy. The new seven-acre park boasts a quarter-mile of Lake Washington waterfront, a beautiful swimming beach and swimming platform, a 400-foot-long curved pedestrian pier that extends into the lake, a hand-carry boat launch, paved walkways, picnic areas and a fantastic playground. The park also features a hilltop overlook with gorgeous views of Seattle, a new beach house with restrooms, changing rooms and boat rentals (think: canoes, kayaks and stand-up paddle boards) and a lifeguard station.

Insider Tip: Meydenbauer Bay Park is part of the city’s vision of a Grand Connection which will include a pedestrian corridor that is planned to extend east through downtown Bellevue, and eventually across Interstate 405 to the Eastside Rail Corridor.

419 98th Ave. N.E.

Enatai Beach Park
If you’re in search of a sandy beach on a sunshiny day, look no further than Enatai Beach Park. Grab your beach toys, cooler and umbrella and spend the day on the shores of beautiful Lake Washington. Enatai Beach Park is a three-acre oasis, complete with a swimming area, swimming dock, picnic area, playground and tot lot. In the summer, there is a lifeguard on duty and you can rent canoes and kayaks to explore the lake or nearby Mercer Slough Nature Park.

3519 108th Ave. S.E.


Related: The City’s Best Free & Cheap Museum Days

Where to Play Inside

KidsQuest Children’s Museum
Explore and experience over a dozen exhibits at KidsQuest, Bellevue’s awesome hands-on, interactive children’s museum. KidsQuest encourages creativity, problem solving and learning through play with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM). Visit exciting exhibits like the Art Studio, Recycle Rebuild, Bellevue Mercantile, Atrium Climber and everyone’s favorite: Water! Exhibits and programs are geared towards children ages 0-10 and their families. Psst…KidsQuest has been around town for more than a decade, but reopened last year in its new home, the former Rosalie Whyel Museum of Doll Art, adjacent to the Bellevue Library. KidsQuest offers over 200 unique programs throughout the year including early learning classes, summer camps, school age workshops, free art and science programs and many special events. Visit their online calendar for monthly programs and special events.

Hours: Weds.-Sat., 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m., timed tickets required

1116 108th Ave. N.E.


Bellevue Arts Museum
Want to expose your kids to art and culture? Take your crew to BAM (Bellevue Arts Museum). BAM is one of the few museums nationwide that focuses on art, craft and design, working with artists and audiences to build and enhance community. Regardless of the current exhibit on display, BAM hosts Imagination Stations strategically located throughout the facility. These all-ages activity stations are open daily and free with admission. As of this writing, kids can arrange tubes and ramps to create a path for their ping-pong ball at Magnetic Motion, draw their portrait and favorite things and add it to the Community Portrait Wall and use bright colors and different materials to create original art at Reduce Reuse Create.

Hours: Fri.-Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m., timed tickets required

510 Bellevue Way N.E.


Funtastic Playtorium
Good ol’ fashioned play does the body, mind and spirit good–a lot of good! At Funtastic Playtorium, kids are encouraged to run amok and push the boundaries of their imagination by running, jumping, climbing, swinging, laughing and smiling. Kids need active play time and Funtastic Playtorium is a fun, safe environment for wild ones to exercise and interact with their peers. The indoor play space offers age-appropriate opportunities for kids from one to 10 years of age. Come to free play (parents, you still need to supervise play) or host a private party. Or, do both!

Hours: Mon.–Sun., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

Factoria Square Mall
4077 Factoria Square Mall S.E.


Kid’s Cove at Bellevue Square
Some of the best shopping in the Pacific Northwest can be found at The Bellevue Collection. If you’re power shopping with a buddy in tow, don’t forget to stop by Kid’s Cove for a breather. The large play area, located on the third floor of Bellevue Square, is geared toward tots under 42” tall and is home to soft climbing toys that have a fun maritime theme (psst…the toys are inspired by the original ferryboat on the main floor of the mall back in the day). Who remembers that?! In this current space, kids can climb on a tug boat, crawl through a ferry and explore a lighthouse, castle, and plenty of sea creatures. Weary shoppers will appreciate the soft seating and table and chair set-ups (for easy snack consumption) and the close proximity to family restrooms.

575 Bellevue Square


WiggleWorks Kids
Jump, run, climb, spin and bounce your way through WiggleWorks Kids’ completely soft-play system that moves. This indoor gym accommodates infants through preschool-aged children (under 48” tall), and is designed to be a place where kids can learn and explore while working on gross motor skills, coordination and balance and increase their strength, flexibility and agility skills. For non-walkers, there is a specially designated area with age-appropriate toys and activities, safe from enthusiastic toddlers. Come for open play or register for some of their fun events, like Family Movie and Glow Play Night. Visit their online calendar for all the deets.

Hours: Mon., 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sun., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.

15600 N.E. 8th St., Suite G2


The Studio Fine Art Classes
Creative cats can express themselves at art class. The Studio Fine Art Classes teach students the techniques used by artists with classical training. During classes, students use different mediums: pastels, charcoal, watercolor and oil to learn the basics of drawing with one-on-one instruction. At the end of the class, your little artist will come home with a finished product, ready to frame and proudly display in your gallery. A variety of class times and projects are available for preschoolers through teens, but make sure you call ahead to make a reservation.

1075 Bellevue Way N.E., #B-3

15600 N.E. 8th St., #O-13


Related: 10 Eastside Restaurants that Serve Up a Side of Fun

Where to Eat

Crossroads Bellevue Public Market
If you feel like chicken yakisoba, but your oldest feels like pepperoni pizza and your youngest wants a burrito, head to Crossroads Bellevue. Stat! The Public Market International Restaurants at Crossroads houses restaurants from around the globe, all under one roof, in a relaxed, food hall-style atmosphere. When you walk through the doors, you’ll be inundated with delicious smells, making it difficult to select just one dish to order. We guarantee you’ll come back again and again because the food is fast, affordable and easy for everyone to choose just what they have a hankerin’ for at that specific moment. Psst…there’s plenty of open seating and oftentimes the stage has live music and entertainment. Check their online calendar.

15600 N.E. 8th St.

Chace’s Pancake Corral
Craving some down home diner food? Head to longtime Bellevue hot spot, Chace’s Pancake Corral where the food and service are both delightful. We love breakfast at Chace’s because all our favorite breakfast foods are on the menu, but we’re partial to the biscuits with sausage gravy. The buttery biscuits topped with a generous serving of gravy are to die for. Kids can choose from chocolate chip dollar pancakes, traditional breakfast platters or bear pancakes. If you’re coming for lunch, you’ll find an extensive menu, but it’s the Chicken Fried Steak that is the real crowd-pleaser. It’s delish! The only downside is that parking can sometimes be tricky and the wait can be long. But that’s a sign of delicious food, right?

Hours: Daily, 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

1606 Bellevue Way S.E.


Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria
Ciao Bella! Tutta Bella’s authentic, wood-fired pizza pies taste like a slice of Italian heaven and their Bellevue restaurant is just as kid-friendly as it is delicious. From the Wikki Stix that are passed out to keep hangry kiddos busy to the open kitchen that allows kids to watch as their pizzas are being made, Tutta Bella is an easy restaurant to dine at with kids in tow. Psst…if your kids aren’t feeling like pizza, there is an extensive kid’s menu with favorites like pasta al burro or the Neapolitan meatball. Don’t forget the gelato for dessert!

15600 N.E. 8th St.

Lincoln South Food Hall
Bellevue’s Lincoln South Food Hall offers a full-service dining scene that not only provides unique and delish chef-driven quick serve menu choices, but has plenty of options for even the pickiest of eaters and a family-friendly vibe we love. Located in the heart of downtown Bellevue, across the street from Bellevue Square and right below the Cinemark Reserve movie theatre is where you will find the Lincoln South Food Hall. Park in the Lincoln Square parking garage (parking is free with validation from the Lincoln South restaurants or shops within the Bellevue Collection) or access it from any of the covered skybridges that connect The Bellevue Collection and Bellevue Square with Lincoln Square North.

The space consists of seven fast-casual eateries all under one roof—each with a totally different vibe—but all with communal seating. If you’re thinking this sounds like a food court, think again. Lincoln South Food Hall has one general manager and one executive chef and offers a casual dining environment, which you could call part kitchen, part counter and part bar, and sets itself apart from other communal-type dining settings by providing guests with extra amenities (think: linen napkins, stainless-steel trays and a friendly staff who are on hand to bring you to-go containers, clear your plates and even fill your water glasses). Whether you’re in the mood for poké or have a hankering for street tacos, ramen or burgers, Lincoln South Food Hall has you covered.

Lincoln South Food Hall
500 Bellevue Way

Lunchbox Laboratory
Lunchbox Lab is your go-to restaurant to create a burger you can only imagine in your dreams. Create your own or pick from the tried-and-true list of “burger experiments” such as the Burger of the Gods made with bleu cheese crumbles, candied balsamic onions and gorgonzola spread. Each burger comes with a choice of sides including the staple french fries, but feel free to try out the loaded mac du jour. Big kids are sure to love the tater tots and grilled cheese or let ’em try their hands at creating their very own burger experiment. Smaller appetites will enjoy classics off the kid’s menu like cheeseburgers, grilled cheese and classic mac and cheese. Lunchbox Lab also boasts a Shake Lab, a milkshake creation station featuring Snoqualmie Ice Cream. Stick with delicious ice cream and yummy add-ons or make it a boozie shake by adding a test tube of your favorite spirit! Psst…on Wednesdays, bring your mini burger connoisseurs into Lunchbox Laboratory from 5 p.m. to close where kids (under 12) will score a free kid’s meal with the purchase of an adult burger.

989 112th Ave. N.E.

Additional reporting by Kristina Moy

An indoor playground is a perfect option when the weather doesn’t want to cooperate

Whether it’s snowing, raining, or even sunny outside, sometimes it’s just easier to play inside. Skip the layers, skip the snowsuits, skip the umbrellas, and even skip the sunscreen. It really is okay to enjoy a beautiful Chicago day indoors particularly if you need to get stuff done.

So where are you going to play today? When your living room loses its luster (your kiddos can only bounce off the walls for so long), check out a neighborhood play space. With indoor jungle gyms, pretend play areas, and tons of toys, the options in Chicago and the ‘burbs have something for every kind of kid. Plus, many have cafes, wifi, and even co-working space for parents.

Bellaboo Play and Discovery Center

Why venture to Indiana for a play space? Because this one, which feels like a hybrid of a children’s museum and play space, is truly out of this world. Every aspect of Bellaboo is open-ended, play-based, and unstructured, which means your kids really engage their imaginations. With a circular layout, each themed area is actually an entire room. Have a blast in the blocks room, water room, arts and crafts room, train room, and more. A full menu in the cafe means you can make a day of it. Weather permitting, they offer an outdoor area as well.

Lake Station, IN

Bubbles Academy

Bubbles Academy now offers several ways to enjoy its services. Bubbles North Branch is located across the street from Bubbles Academy and is dedicated to all caregiver and child drop-off classes and garage and tent classes. Bubbles Academy is home to the arts-integrated preschool for ages 2.5-5. This location includes an outdoor nature playground using materials that inspire play and connection with the natural world.

Their location at 900 N. Michigan shops hosts music, movement and art classes, preschool prep, weekly drop-in art experiences, and curated retail from local mom-owned businesses.

Most recently, they opened a location in Highland Park.

If you’d prefer to take in-home classes, their website has over 30 pre-recorded virtual classes.

Bucktown, Mag Mile, and Highland Park locations

Chicago Children’s Museum

In addition to the Dinosaur Exhibition, the Tinkering Lab, Treehouse Trails, Art Studio, and so many other great exhibits, play, and climbing areas, the Chicago Children’s Museum just unveiled its newest attraction, Moen Presents Water City. The main components of Water City include the City Center, where kids can experiment with water within a city model of Chicago, Musical Water, with water-activated musical buildings, the Early Learning Area which includes lower tables, and a working replica of Buckingham Fountain, Foggy Lake in which waves can be created, River and Dam for creating courses for a vessel to travel and control the water flow, a Water City Signage area, and Bridges, Ledges, and Loose Parts for Narrative Play.

Navy Pier


This hidden gem delights kids with hands-on exhibits about light, water, wind, and more. Come wearing your thinking cap—or just romp around. Attractions include a giant “Lite Brite” peg board, musical instruments, and climbing tubes and tunnels that stretch two-and-a-half stories.


Lincoln Park Zoo

The Lincoln Park Zoo recently replaced the kids’ climbing area, located in the Pritzker Family Children’s Zoo, with the Houston Family Play Treehouse. The new, year-round, nature-based play space is wheelchair accessible, and special attention was given to making the play space inclusive for kids of all sizes, sight, and movement abilities. It is a much-welcomed update. Best of all, it remains free!

Lincoln Park

Little Beans Cafe

Little Beans Cafe was one of the first and remains one of the most popular play spaces. They offer both imaginative and active play, preschool, summer camps, special holiday events, gymnastics, and other classes and they’re a great place to host a birthday party. They cater to both kids 0-6 years old, and they have a ninja gym area for “Big Beans” (4-12 years old.) The cafe serves food and drinks and they worked on their patio in 2021 to make it extra inviting for parents to relax.


Present Place Chicago

Present Place Chicago offers several drop-in classes (reservations strongly recommended), including Skip & Scoot Little Fitness Adventures, Music Class with Ms. Sunshine, and the little book club. Open, caregiver-supervised play for ages 0-4 is offered during the week. With an incredible play set and selection of imaginative toys, adults can plan to socialize or even get some remote work done while the children are occupied in a safe space. Coffee and wifi are free!

River North

Purple Monkey Playroom

Muraled walls fill this hub for parents with character and cheer. Best suited to kids ages 0-4, it’s intimately sized to allow kids free range to gain independence while you keep tabs. The focus is imaginative play with a hut-style house and a nice stock of dress-up clothes. Gross motor skills can be developed on the balance beam or small toddler slide. They have special Bubbles & Balloons playtimes too. Reservations required.



Work and Play

If you are looking for an indoor play space where you can also get some remote work done on a daily basis, check out these co-working spaces that may provide the key to work-life balance.

itsy bitsy Play & Cafe

itsy bitsy is coming soon to Lincoln Square and is currently available for tours.  In addition to an incredibly creative play space for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, itsy bitsy will house a cafe and a comfortable, functional, co-working space. They will even offer private office space for those moments when you need some extra privacy. As you work, top-notch, early childhood education providers, deemed “Playmakers” will care for your children.

Lincoln Square

Le Village

Le Village is more than a co-working space. It is a community. A “village” if you will. The modern, open floor plan of the workspace supports camaraderie among the working parents, as does the cafe. They host events and support groups to further grow the family-like atmosphere. Le Village offers the flexibility to be with your children when you want to, and also the privacy and security of knowing your children are well cared for when you cannot be with them. Kids from 3 months to 4 years old are split into classes, with a custom curriculum, led by certified teachers.

Irving Park


Additional reporting by Maria Chambers

It’s rainy season here in our favorite Puddle Town, but fear not—we’ve got more than 25 spots to have fun and stay dry

Rain goes with Portland the way peanut butter goes with jelly. From December through April, you can count on lots of wet weather (140 days, on average, to be exact). The simplest way to enjoy the rain with little ones is to put on boots and Muddy Buddies and head out for puddle-jumping through neighborhoods and forests. But if you’re looking for indoor fun, take your pick from our ultimate list of rainy-day activities below. Splash on, Portland!

1. Grab Coffee & Treats around Portland

We’re a caffeinated, food-obsessed city, with artisan coffee shops and bakeries on every corner. Kick things off with an early start at one of these kid-approved breakfast and coffee spots. You’ll want to fuel up for the full day ahead!


Slappy Cakes: Start the day at a Portland standby where breakfast is the main attraction and the entertainment. Let your kids make the meal, with griddles set into the table and customizable pancake batters to pour, flip, and top just the way they like.

4246 SE Belmont St.

Pip’s Original Doughnuts & Chai
Tucked into a bustling section of shops on NE Fremont, this gem turns out perfectly crisp mini donuts in tantalizing, constantly-evolving flavors. Pick up a dozen and order a chai for yourself (in a variety of homemade blends), then choose a table near the window to watch the rain fall. There are high chairs for the littlest foodies and kids’ books near the counter to keep ‘em busy while you wait. Be prepared for a line on weekends!

4759 NE Fremont St.

Posie’s Bakery & Cafe: Looking for a mix of bagels, baked goods, and heartier fare? This homey coffee shop, bakery, and cafe has got the goods, plus a play area in back. If your kid’s been up since 5 a.m. and is ready for lunch by 9, not to worry: the kids’ menu offers grilled cheese, PB&J, and cinnamon toast, with a side of chips or cucumbers.

8208 N Denver Ave.

2. Get Cozy with Books & Bookstores in Portland

Reading is a classic rainy-day activity. Maybe that’s why the rainy City of Roses has one of the most well-used libraries in the country, and a plethora of excellent independent bookstores. Cuddle up with your kids with a pile of books and get lost in a completely different world, through the power of story.

Storytime at the Library: The Multnomah County Library is a national leader among libraries. Besides its large collection of circulating items, it’s well-known for storytimes, with daily offerings geared toward different age groups and in a range of languages. It’s free, fun, and a great way to make new friends– for kids and grown-ups alike. Afterward, stick around to load up your book bag with more books to take home.

Days, times, and age ranges vary by branch

Powell’s Books: Head downtown to the City of Books—a whole city block with room after room of both used and new volumes. You can snuggle up in the pink room downstairs, where children’s books are organized around a reading area with cozy rugs and low tables with small chairs. A cafe near the yellow room serves up hot drinks and treats. Or, visit one of the smaller (but still impressive) Powell’s branches to get your book fix.

Various Locations

Green Bean Books: This children’s bookstore offers weekly storytimes and musical events in multiple languages, in addition to a well-curated selection of kids’ books, all in a bright and cozy red house. Check out their bank of vintage vending machines and bring a stack of books to the green couch to read together.

1600 NE Alberta St.

Fort Vancouver Community Library: Our neighbors to the north have a great library, too! Hop on the freeway and spend an afternoon exploring the top floor of the Ft. Vancouver Community Library. It’s entirely dedicated to kiddos, with a hands-on learning area, dress-up bins, interactive literacy-focused tech stations, and daily storytimes. You could easily spend hours here. Pop down to the first floor to refuel at the coffee cart. And psst! Multnomah and Washington County residents can get a free Reciprocal Library card to check out materials from the FVRL system.

901 C St.
Vancouver, WA

3. Explore Fun Animal Encounters around Portland

Rainy day blues got you down? Studies show that even 10 minutes of petting an animal can significantly improve mood and reduce stress. Head to one of these fun spots to get cozy with bunnies and kitties.

The Pixie Project: A no-kill animal rescue and adoption center, The Pixie Project fosters both dogs and cats for adoption. You must make an appointment to visit with the dogs and cats. Consider making a donation with your visit to support this non-profit’s good work.

510 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

4. Make & Create Art around Portland

Get creative at one of Portland’s many kid-centric art studios. Check our favorites below.

Vibe Studio: At their locations on both SE Division and in St John’s, Vibe Studio offers a wide range of drop-in creative arts classes for toddlers all the way through the teen years. Check their website for a full list of offerings. (Choosing preschool or youth classes will send you to an online schedule, then click the “drop-in” tab to sort by location.) Most drop-in classes for toddlers are on Friday and Saturday mornings, while older kids can select a class during after-school hours almost every day of the week.

Various Locations

Live Laugh Love Art: Guided art classes for makers of all ages, Live Laugh Love Art offers canvas painting, wood signs, pottery, or glass arts. Check out the family pass to make art time a regular thing for you and your kids.

9160 SW Hall Blvd.

5. Find Stop-Worthy Lunch & Snacks in Portland

Soro Soro Coffee & Dessert: Kitten cheesecakes, rainbow cakes, animal-themed latte art, and matcha tiramisu? Sign us up! This recently-opened Korean coffee shop serves up seriously cute desserts alongside Stumptown Coffee and Steven Smith Tea. Perfect for a quick sugar rush before you hit the indoor playground.

2250 E Burnside St.

Laughing Planet: Dinosaurs at every table, an extensive menu with kid favorites like quesadillas, smoothies, and the “trifecta” of three side dishes served in separate (not touching!) bowls, it’s no surprise that there are 10 Laughing Planet locations in the Portland area. Find one near you and stop in for quick, friendly service and happy kid bellies.

Various Locations

Two Sisters Play Cafe: This Milwaukie bakery and cafe serves up healthy fare (including gluten-free and vegan options) alongside a play room with a play structure, toys, games, and puzzles. Choose from paninis, sandwiches, salads, and a simple kids’ menu, then let the kids loose.

11923 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Milwaukie, OR

6. All the Places to Run, Jump, and Climb Indoors in Portland

For especially wet days, Portland’s got you covered with a host of indoor parks. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of affordable indoor playspaces in every neighborhood. Here are some of our stand-out favorites.

The Nest: Drop in for open play or take a class at this multi-purpose indoor playground and cafe. A large play structure, soft play area, and a rock-climbing wall are all available during open play hours, recommended for kids 12 and under. Try out yoga or an art class and get free admission to open play. Bring socks to play in, and enjoy treats from the cafe (outside food and drink not allowed.)

6517 NE Sandy Blvd.

The Wiggle Room: Tucked into a corner of the Hollywood neighborhood, and within walking distance of the library and Laughing Planet, the Wiggle Room is a thoughtfully-designed playspace for kids from 0-7. Everyone can find their groove, with a larger structure for big kids, a padded play area for kids under 2, and a coffee bar for grown-ups. Natural light and a low-key color scheme keep things simple for people with sensory sensitivities.

1925 NE 42nd Ave., Suite C

Hammer + Jack’s: We love this toy shop and play space in the rapidly-changing Foster-Powell neighborhood. Stop by to check out the toys, then drop-in for open play. Spend $10 for free play time, or get a punch card and become a regular. Check the website for open play hours and special events like kindie musicians, art classes, and storytimes.

6416 SE Foster Rd.

Playdate PDX: This is the ultimate indoor playground, with a three-level playstructure for kids up to age 12, a selection of beverages for grown-ups, and a separate play area for toddlers. Make sure you have socks for playing inside the playstructure! Work up an appetite? Hit the cafe for lunch and snack items.

1434 NW 17th Ave.

7. The Best Museums for Kids

On days when the weather promises to pour nonstop, a visit to the museum is the perfect way to stay active, happy, and dry. Portland’s got ten museums within city limits! Here are our top three for families.

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI): At this waterfront museum, hands-on science displays, motion simulators, and a planetarium supply a whole day’s worth of exploration. You can even tour a submarine! For kids 6 and under, check out the Science Playland. Plan your visit on the first Sunday of the month to get in for just $2.

1945 SE Water Ave.

Portland Art Museum: If you think an art museum is too refined for little kids, think again! With family tours and Baby Mornings, the Portland Art Museum welcomes and encourages even the littlest citizens to become patrons of the arts. Bags and large backpacks must be checked upon entry, so pare down to the essentials. Strollers are allowed, but littler ones might do better in a carrier.

1219 Southwest Park Ave.

8. Where to Swim, Splash, and Skate Indoors in Portland

For especially energetic kids, there’s nothing like a pool or skating session, and a rainy day is the perfect excuse to head indoors for some active fun. Portland’s got several indoor pools and skating rinks to choose from.

Oaks Bottom Roller Rink: In addition to afternoon and evening open skate sessions, Oaks Park has a preschool skate on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. just for kids 6 and younger. The session includes skates, cookies and milk, a group lesson and games. Adults are free with one child admission, and shoes and strollers are welcome on the rink. There’s also a Saturday morning Kids Skate for ages 10 and under that includes skates, fun games and a visit with Chipper. (

7805 SE Oaks Park Way

Lloyd Center Ice Rink: Take to the ice at the Lloyd Center Ice Rink, open daily in the mall. Rent skates and join public open skates during the day, or enjoy live DJ music during Rock n’ Skates on Friday and Saturday evenings.

953 Lloyd Center

McMenamin’s Kennedy School Soaking Pool: This ceramic, heated outdoor soaking pool is filled with chlorinated saltwater, in a private outdoor courtyard surrounded by gardens, on the spectacular Kennedy School grounds. Yes, we said outdoor, but hear us out: on a day when light rain or showers are predicted, it can feel pleasant and cozy to be outdoors in a warm pool. After soaking, grab a bite at the restaurant or catch a flick in the theater in this elementary-school-turned-hotel. Supervised minors welcome; bring your own towel! Note that during the rainy season, the pool is closed every 1st and 3rd Tuesday for cleaning.

5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.

Portland Parks & Recreation Indoor Pools: You know what they say when kids get cranky: put them in water! Portland’s public indoor pools are open year-round for open swim, family swim, and preschool swim. Check the website for the closest pool to your neighborhood. Swim times vary by location.

Multiple Locations

9. Where to Dine Out in Portland When It Rains

After a long rainy day full of adventure, let someone else do the cooking while you unwind with the family. Here are our top picks for easy, delicious meals in a family-friendly setting.

McMenamin’s Kennedy School: Wander the halls of this former elementary school, now turned into a playland—McMenamin’s style—with a hotel, bars, movie theater, soaking pool (see above!), and restaurant. Your little ones can choose from a range of kid-approved favorites like pizza, tater-tots, and french fries, while the grown-ups enjoy a well-deserved pint.

5736 NE 33rd Ave.

Mississippi Pizza Pub: With fantastic pizza and a family-friendly atmosphere, this neighborhood fave could have had us at “Hello.” But add in performances from favorite local kids’ bands on Friday nights? Next-level. Let your kids get out any last wiggles with a dance party while you kick back.

3552 N. Mississippi Ave.

Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB): There’s a reason why this brew-pub is packed around 5 pm: it has several fully stocked play areas where kids can entertain themselves with toys while you enjoy your brew. Kids can chow down on mac n’ cheese or a Little Brewer’s Burger, and grown-ups can take their pick from a range of burgers, salads, pizza, and more. (Psst: There’s even organic baby food available for $2 a jar.)

Various Locations

Everything you need to know to start your eco-friendly lifestyle here in Los Angeles

This guide is a great starting point for anyone looking to live greener in LA. From zero-waste refill stations nearby to plant-forward dining, here are all the spots to shop and when you want to be eco-conscience in Los Angeles.

What Is a Zero-Waste Refill Station?

A zero-waste refill station is a place (sometimes you can find them a pop-up or at a farmer’s market) where you can buy household goods, like laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, cleaners and various household goods, as well as baby, pet and personal goods—almost anything!—and use your own packaging. Typically refills are sold by volume—your jar or container is weighed before getting filled (tare), then weighed again after it’s been filled up—the weight of the container is deducted from the total weight of the refill.

How to Shop at a Zero-Waste Refill Station

It may sound intimidating but shopping at a zero-waste refill station is easy. Simply bring whatever container you want to store your product, choose your product and get it filled up! The best part? If you don’t have a container, you can purchase a jar or container at the shop—and now you have a container that you can reuse once it’s empty. While living a 100% eco-friendly life would be amazing, this is a way to take step in the right eco-friendly direction.

Zero-Waste Refill Stations around LA


Highland Park

Sustain LA: Sustain LA is a certified, woman-owned small business, and was the first zero waste refill station in LA dedicated to disrupting the concept of convenience. At this store, you can refill or find in bulk for your daily necessities—soaps, shampoos, conditioners, cleansers, plus ingredients to DIY. Bring your own refillable containers, or check out theirs when you’re there.

5214 Monte Vista St.
Los Angeles

Los Feliz

Otherwild Goods & Services: Otherwild Goods offers an array of refillable bulk home cleaning and personal care products plus lo-and-no-waste reuseables under the moniker Otherwild General. This queer-identified woman-owned store, design studio and event space is dedicated to producing goods made within an ethically-sourced supply chain.

1768 N. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles


My Zero Waste Store
25 S. El Molino Ave.

Manhattan Beach

The Waste Less Shop
3515 Highland Ave.
Manhattan Beach

Santa Monica

Recontained: This shop’s mission is to create an easy alternative to the single-use plastic that is so dramatically overflowing in landfills, oceans and waterways. By offering everyday consumables in a fun and easy refill format, everyone can make better choices. They’ve partnered with USA-based labs to ensure tha their products are healthy, safe, cruelty free, and almost all (except for one—due to the use of beeswax) are fully vegan.

2601 17th St., Suite B
Santa Monica

Woodland Hills

prostainable: Established in 2019, this female-owned and operated, “low waste store for your zero waste intentions,” began with a mission to divert 1 million single use bottles from the waste streams by allowing customers to bring in their own containers to refill household cleaners and self care products. Now with two locations, they are successfully exceeding what they set out to achieve.

20969 Ventura Blvd, Suite 30
Woodland Hills


The Well: This shop, located in Topanga, finds the most effective, low-waste, non-toxic, locally made, biodegradable and plant based products available. Everything from low waste tools and accessories plus an ever-changing selection of second-hand goods can be found here.

120 S. Topanga Canyon Blvd. #100


The Refill Shoppe: Not only can you shop in person, you can also get over 50 different (often custom-scentable) bath, body, home and cleaning products delivered right to your door with their innovative, zero-waste, refill pouches.

363 E. Main St.

Long Beach

BYO Long Beach: BYO Long Beach started at the beginning of 2017 with the goal to inspire locals to reduce their trash consumption and focus on reusable alternatives. “Perfection is not the goal, but progress—we can’t all do everything, but everyone can do something.” Refill products are available either by the ounce or millimeter (essential oils) and can be filled in your own container, a new container, a free donated container, or a free paper bag. Just tare, fill up, and weigh!

431 E. 1st St.
Long Beach

Online & Home Delivery Zero-Waste Refill Stations around LA

Offers online, delivery & pick-up from Studio City, Mar Vista and Highland Park:
5046 York Blvd.
Los Angeles

No Tox Life
Online orders and shipping

Naked Frankie
Offers home delivery to select ZIP codes

Plant-Based Restaurants to Eat at in LA with Kids

Café Gratitude: Plant-based pioneer Café Gratitude has been delivering quality, farm-to-table meals to Angelenos since 2004. And while there's nothing better than dining in and ordering their "I am adorable" almond butter banana wrap for the kids, and the "I am nourished" bowl for yourself (a breakfast wrap that will have you coming back day-after-day), you can also get your vegan fix at home with their deliverable meals. Choose from 3-day or 6-day meals plans; free delivery is available within select areas of Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County.

Gracias Madre: This no-brainer dining spot has won over vegans and non-vegans alike all over Los Angeles (and now has an outpost in Newport Beach for those south of the LA border). Our favorite weekend brunch go-tos? Jackfruit Carnitas Tacos with their signature margarita of course. And for the kids? The cinnamon oat pancakes or the french toast (of course). 

Flower Burger: Unwilling to give up those those burger cravings but want to try swapping a meal or two every so often? Flower Burger serves up not only plant-based burgers that are satisfying to eat, the Italian-based brand also serves up Instagram-worthy burgers (picture burgers that have been rainbow-ized) utilizing 100% natural and vegan ingredients. 

Monty’s Good Burger: Now with 5 locations, this diner-esque plant-based burger joint hits all the nostalgic feels for carnivores who care about the environment and want a mouthwatering burger. Their newest location, across from the Culver Steps, serves up their classics (don't forget to get the shake!) as well as their new-to-the-menu, Charlie's Chicken Sandwich.

Sage Plant-Based Bistro: Another favorite vegan spot to go, their extensive kid's menu will win over the under 12 set in no time—what's not to love about pancakes, burritos, french toast and grilled cheese sandwiches? For the parents, nothing beats their cauliflower wings or their tacos—you'll never miss an animal-based product here. And don't forget to order their vegan ice-cream—it's worth saving room for.  

Insider intel on how to access some of NYC, Brooklyn, and Queen’s best museums for free

Whether your goal is to visit more museums and you’re realizing those admission fees add up fast, or inflation is catching up with you (#same) and you’d like a little entertainment and culture that doesn’t also cost a $100, enter: all the popular NYC museums you can get into for free. This list isn’t about all the museums in New York that are always free, this list is for those other museums where you and the family can take advantage of museum free days, and have “pay-what-you-wish” policies.

Good to Know: You can gain entry to lots of cultural institutions for no charge with an IDNYC card or Cool Culture Family Pass

How to Get Free Admission to NYC-area Museums that Aren’t Typically Free

1. Brooklyn Children’s Museum

The big draw at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum for kids 5 and under is the Totally Tots area. It features nine different sensory play areas such as water, music, and dress-up. They also have an art studio, called ColorLab, for your little one to work on becoming the next Jackson Pollock. Older kids will enjoy learning about history and culture from all over the world, lots of interactive nature exhibits, and more.

How to Get Into the Brooklyn Children's Museum for Free:  Amazon Free Hours every Thursday from 2–5 p.m. Group visits are restricted during this time.

How to Get a Discount Admission to the Brooklyn Children's Museum: Brooklyn Children’s Museum offers discounted admission for the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), Cool Culture, Culture Pass, EBT/SNAP cardholders, healthcare workers, NYPD, FDNY, Blue Star Families, teachers, and employees of businesses that support BCM through their corporate membership program.

145 Brooklyn Ave.
Crown Heights

2. American Museum of Natural History

Enjoy an epic trip through the history of the world, with collections of more than 32 million specimens and artifacts. Travel back in time to the world of dinosaurs, learn about distant galaxies in the Rose Center for Earth and Space, and check out one of the current exhibitions, like The Titanosaur, or the ever-popular Butterfly Conservatory. A great place for families, and especially children ages 5-12? The Discovery Room. Kids, accompanied by adults, can explore a hands-on, behind-the-scenes look at science. While exploring artifacts, specimens, puzzles, your budding biologists can even hunt for animals in a two-story tall replica of an African baobab tree!

How to Get In the American Museum of Natural History for Free: Residents of NY, NJ, and CT (with ID) may pay what you wish for General Admission only; kids under age 3, DNYC Members, corporate members, and corporate reward program members (including Chase Private Client Arts & Culture Card members), members of the U.S. military and their families during the Blue Star program, from Armed Forces Day to Labor Day. At other times of the year, free general admission is provided to members of the U.S. military and one guest, Cool Culture pass holders, and visitors who enter the Museum during the last hour of the day, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Central Park West & 79th St.
Upper West Side

3. Children’s Museum of Manhattan

The Museum is a children’s paradise, filled with fun, educational exhibits designed for tots from birth on up, like or PlayWorks™ for toddlers, Adventures with Dora and Diego, and EatSleepPlay. There are several programs and activities every day for the 5-and-under set, like Mural Wall Painting or the S.T.E.A.M. Lab, and check their calendar for activities for kids 6 and up.

How to Get In the Children's Museum of Manhattan for Free: The museum offers free admission to the following: Blue Star Families, EBT/SNAP Card holders, Cool Culture Family Program. Kids under 12 months are always free.

How to Get Discounted Admission to the Children's Museum of Manhattan: If you have an ACM reciprocal logo on your membership card from another children’s museum, you will receive discounted admission for up to 6 individuals.

212 West 83rd St.
Upper West Side

4. New York Hall of Science

Located in Queens, visiting this exciting place is the perfect way to get your little one interested in science at a young age. Lots of hands-on exhibits, often interactive, on sound, light, atoms, microbes and astronomy capture children’s attention, bringing science to life in a fun and interesting way. Designed for children ages 5-to-15 years old.

How to Get In the New York Hall of Science for Free: NYSCI participates in a number of specialty Museum Access Programs, including Cool Culture, Urban Advantage, ASTC, and ACM member reciprocity. Fridays from 2-5 p.m., Community Hour tickets are free and available for reservation. Children under the age of 2 are also free.

47-01 111th St.

5. Queens Museum

The Queens Museum is most famous for the Panorama, built by Robert Moses for the 1964 World’s Fair. This 9,335-square-foot architectural model includes every single building constructed before 1992 in all five boroughs—that’s a total of 895,000 individual structures. It’s worth the visit just to see the Panorama alone. We also love their variety of inclusive family programming. 

How to Get In for Free: Pay what you wish—always; kids under the age of 18 are always free. 

New York City Building
Flushing Meadows Corona Park

6. The Museum of Chinese in America

MOCA is a manageable size, but it covers 160 years of fascinating Chinese American history in an artfully arranged space by famous designer/artist Maya Lin. It was crafted to engage visitors from the elderly to small children, and presents a very real look at the lives of Chinese-American immigrants and families, displaying household items, salvaged objects from Chinatown stores, clothing, photographs, and films. The museum also hosts family events like Festivals and drop-in arts workshops.

How to Get In the Museum of Chinese in America for Free: For Manhattan Chinatown and Two Bridges residents the amount you pay is up to you; Free and discounted admissions is available through Cool Culture and Culture Connected, a new NYC access program developed by ArtsConnection and designed to link families to the arts through virtual activities, EBT discounts, and reduced-price events.  

215 Centre St.

7. Brooklyn Museum

The Brooklyn Museum holds New York City’s second largest art collection with roughly 1.5 million pieces of artwork and includes everything from contemporary art to Egyptian antiquities dating back to 3500 B.C. The museum also holds a significant collection of American art, including artists such as Mark Rothko, Edward Hopper, Norman Rockwell, Winslow Homer, Edgar Degas, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Max Weber. 

How to Get In the Brooklyn Museum for Free: Healthcare workers and active-duty military personnel and their families receive free general admission. Kids 3 & under are always free.

200 Eastern Parkway
Prospect Heights/Crown Heights

8. Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art is often called the most influential museum of modern art in the world. And after one visit, you'll understand why. The museum’s collection offers an overview of modern and contemporary art, including architecture and design, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, prints, illustrated books, and artist’s books, film, and electronic media. The sculpture garden is a must-see on your visit; let the kids wander around the tranquil outdoor area, and get up close to some fascinating sculptures. Check out their family events calendar for free activities and tours for your short stacks. They even have a website especially for kids to help your young ones get hyped for their visit.

How to Get In the Museum of Modern Art for Free: Thanks to UNIQLO NYC Nights tickets are free for NYC residents on the first Friday of every month, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., made possible by UNIQLO. Children aged 16 & under are always free.

Good to Know: Admission to MoMA PS1 is currently free for all NYC residents thanks to The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation. 

11 West 53rd St.

9. DiMenna Children’s History Museum

The DiMenna Children’s History Museum is a part of the New York Historical Society Museum & Library, which is the oldest museum in NYC and has a collection of 1.6 million artworks that illustrate the rich heritage of the city and state. The children’s museum is designed for older children, ages 8-13, but kids of all ages are welcome. It’s an interactive, 4,500-square-foot space that invites kids to explore American history through lots of hands-on activities. Everything in the museum is child-sized and tells stories through the eyes of historically significant New Yorkers when they were kids. The NYHS also has a great selection of family programs to entertain and educate people of all ages, so your younger offspring can do something tailored to their ages.

How to Get In the DiMenna Children's History Museum for Free: Pay what you wish on Fridays from 6-8 p.m. Kids ages 5 & under are always free.

170 Central Park West
Upper West Side

10. Museum of the City of NY

The Museum of the City of New York celebrates and interprets the past, present, and future of the city. It hosts many great family programs, cultural heritage celebrations, and story/activity time for little ones in conjunction with exhibits like NYC at Its Core, which traces the city’s growth from a small Dutch village to the "Capital of the World."

How to Get In for Free: Pay-what-you-wish admission is only available at ticket counters. Visitors ages 19 & under are always free.

1220 5th Ave.
East Harlem

11. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

This Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Museum is well-known for the cylindrical museum building (conceived as a "Temple of the Spirit,") and walking through the unusual space can be a cool experience for kids and grown-ups alike. It’s the permanent home of an impressive collection of impressionist, post-impressionist, early modern, and contemporary art and also features special exhibitions throughout the year.

How to Get In the Guggenheim for Free: Pay what you wish every Saturday between 6-8 p.m. (but be prepared for long lines). Kids 12 & under are always free. The Guggenheim also offers free admission to Cool Culture Family Pass and Culture Pass holders, 

How to Get in the Guggenheim for Discounted Admission: Present your AAA membership card, US Military ID, New York Attraction Pass, CityPASS, New York Explorer Pass, or New York Pass to Visitor Experience staff when you arrive at the museum.

1071 5th Ave.
Upper East Side

12. The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum’s exhibitions explore the intersection of art and Jewish culture. Kids will love the Museum’s simulated archaeological dig, which highlights replicas from ancient to modern times in a hands-on experience. The Drop In Dig is open on the second Sunday of each month.

How to Get In the Jewish Museum for Free: On select Jewish Holidays the Museum is open and admission is free. Free admission on Saturdays is made possible by Mildred and George Weissman, and other generous donors. And  free admission is offered to community partners and affiliates, visitors with disabilities and their caregiver, and SNAP/EBT cardholders.

1109 5th Ave.
Upper East Side

13. El Museo del Barrio

The Museo welcomes visitors of all backgrounds to discover the arts of Latino, Caribbean, and Latin American cultures. They have wide-ranging collections and exhibitions, complemented by visual and performing arts series, cultural celebrations, and educational programs.

How to Get In the El Museo del Barrio for Free: Pay what you wish and kids under age 12 are always free.

1230 Fifth Ave. at 104th St.
East Harlem

14. Staten Island Museum

While the Staten Island Children’s Museum charges a small fee, your progeny can enjoy this museum gratis (admission price is suggested donation). This small gem, founded in 1881, has eclectic collections that can capture the interest of all ages, like The Hall of Science, The Treasure Box Gallery, which displays art objects from five continents and across eras, and the Remember the Mastodon exhibit, which explores the lives of those huge former residents of the island. They have two locations, so make sure to check ahead to see where to find different collections and exhibits.

How to Get In the Staten Island Museum for Free: Admission is a suggested donation; kids under 2 are free.

1000 Richmond Terrace Building A
Staten Island

15. The Whitney Museum of American Art 

The premier museum for 20th-century American art, the Whitney is also worth a trip to see the relatively new Renzo Piano-designed building nestling The Highline. In addition to the impressive art collection, engaging exhibits (including the influential survey of the current art scene, the Biennial) and sweeping galleries, take in stunning views of the Hudson and surrounding cityscape both inside and out. (The museum features a few outdoor terraces that also showcase large-scale pieces.)

How to Get In the Whitney Museum of American Art for Free: All visitors enjoy Pay-What-You-Wish admission each Friday from 7–10 pm. Kids 18 and under, along with active and military veterans are always free. Members of AAM, ICOM, and Cool Culture; reciprocal museum members also receive free admission. SNAP/EBT cardholders receive one free admission per visit (kids are always free). IDNYC cardholders are able to receive free admission on select dates.

The Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevort St.

Inflation is a budget-killer so here are all the free things to do in Los Angeles with kids so you can save your cash

From exploring the Hollywood Walk of Fame to taking a scenic drive along the Pacific Coast Highway, there are plenty of ways to experience the City of Angels without breaking the bank. Whether you‘re a longtime resident or just visiting for a few days, these free things to do in LA will make sure you don‘t miss out on the best the city has to offer. And for what it’s worth, our free things to do list in LA list is by far the most fun one yet.

What Museums in LA Are Free?

1. California African American Museum

The California African American Museum (CAAM) is the premier museum dedicated to African American art, history, and culture. Located in the heart of Los Angeles, CAAM has been a leader in the exhibition and interpretation of African American art, history and culture for over 30 years. Through its permanent collection and dynamic special exhibitions, CAAM provides visitors with a unique opportunity to explore the rich and diverse contributions made by African Americans to the culture, history and art of California and the United States. The museum also serves as a platform for emerging and established African American artists to showcase their work. CAAM is a vital resource for students, scholars and the general public seeking to understand African American history and culture.

600 State Dr.
Los Angeles

2. Roundhouse Aquarium

This always-free-to-enter aquarium, located on the Manhattan Beach Pier, is home to over 100 different species of marine life (most of whom call Santa Monica Bay home), has four galleries where kids can explore and learn about sea life and home to our favorite animal encounters in LA where kids can get up close and personal with moray eels, rays, and octopi—not to mention get hands-on experience with starfish in the touch pools. The Roundhouse also offers summer beach camps and on-site classes for budding marine biologists (or any kid that just loves the water and all the animals that live in the sea).

2 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Manhattan Beach

3. The Broad

Giant teacups, massive balloon animals, Alice in Wonderland-esque splashes of color and the Infinity Room will convince any kiddo that contemporary art is where it’s at. The museum "For Families" guide offers a "scavenger hunt" and fun art-themed activities. For older kids, they can also download and listen to a free audio tour which includes family-friendly information about the art. Tickets are released on the last Wed. of each month at 10 a.m. PT for admission the following month.

221 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles

4. The Hammer Museum

In addition to offering free admission, this UCLA art museum regularly hosts pop-up art studios for little ones, family-friendly movie screenings and guided tours-plus-games for kids ages 7 and up. A visit to the relatively small yet impressive (and manageable!) museum will expose kids to a range of artwork, from 17th century Rembrandts to the more contemporary work of Kara Walker.

10899 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles


Right in our home town is a world class museum that wants you to bring your kids so much that they created a fabulous program: LACMA NexGen membership where kids get in free along with one adult. It's a pretty amazing deal, especially when you realize that at LACMA, there are art exhibits that appeal to kids like rad modern art sculptures, a giant suspended rock and of course, every kid (and grown-up kids’) favorite, Metropolis II. There is also a painting studio in the Boone Gallery where your inspired little artists can create watercolor masterpieces and listen to story time. Tickets must be reserved in advance. 

5900 Wilshire Blvd.
Miracle Mile

6. The California Science Center

Where else can you see a space shuttle and a shark tank, not to mention play in one of three kids-only Discovery Rooms, explore rotating science exhibits and watch as baby chicks hatch? And all for free? Rainy days, hot days, vacation days, or just “I’m bored” days, the California Science Center is here for you. And, if you have a few extra bucks, you can round the day off with a spectacular 3D IMAX show. 

700 Exposition Park Dr.
Los Angeles

7. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Start your Aquarium visit with the sea stars in the simulated “tide pool touch tank” then spend your time winding through the thirty-eight aquaria. Don’t miss out on the favorite aquatic babies exhibit and let the little ones learn a little something at the research station. Be sure to look up and meet the giant whale skeleton hanging from the ceiling.

The museum is free for all but they do suggest a donation to help keep this wonderful community resource going. Parking is free and easy on the street or you can pay $1 per hour to park it right out front. The aquarium hosts loads of kid friendly activities and events, including the fabulous spring time grunion runs—a SoCal tradition.

Check out these other noteworthy Los Angeles aquariums, many of which are also free! 

3720 Stephen M. White Dr.
San Pedro

8. La Brea Tar Pits

Next door to LACMA are the famous La Brea Tar Pits. While the Page Museum at the center will cost you an entrance fee (unless you visit on the first Tues. of the month when admission is free), there is plenty to explore around the tar pits and gardens that surround the museum.

Check out Ice Age plant life in the Pleistocene Garden, roll down the grassy hills and learn all about being a paleontologist with a peek inside Pit 91 and Project 23, which are still actively being excavated. No visit would be complete without snapping a selfie with those perpetually stuck elephants in the bubbling tar pit. Advance timed tickets are required.

5801 Wilshire Blvd.
Miracle Mile

9. The Griffith Observatory

Spend a day at the Griffith Observatory, poking through the exhibits, figuring out your weight on Jupiter, looking through the telescopes, having lunch in the cafeteria and gazing out from the terrace, where you can see the whole city below. Free public star parties are held monthly, where kids can meet professional and amateur astronomers. And don’t forget about the Planetarium! There are currently two live shows scheduled every 60-90 minutes daily, for just $3-$7 (it’s the only thing at the Observatory with a fee, and kids under 5 can only attend the first show of the day).

If the kiddos need a break, there are beautiful hiking trails behind the Observatory with breathtaking views of the Hollywood sign.

If you want to avoid the parking lot, which fills up fast on weekends, hike one of our favorite trails, Ferndell. Then when you hike back, reward yourself with coffee and pie.

2800 E. Observatory Rd.
Griffith Park

Shahrzad Warkentin

10. Travel Town

Every mini engineer and trainspotter will have a blast exploring this outdoor transportation museum dedicated to all things trains. You can climb around on real steam locomotives, check out wagons and other antique vehicles in the barn and even go for a ride on a mini train that circles the park for just $3.

Pack some snacks and grab a seat on the lawn where you can wave at the train as it drives past. 

Don't miss their docent-led tours are available by reservation. Check their events calendar for more great activities.

Insider Tip: You can throw birthday parties at Travel Town or hit the gift shop for an awesome gift for a train-themed birthday party or just because. 

5200 Zoo Dr.
Griffith Park

11. LA's Central Library

If you have a budding bookworm at home then a visit to your local library is always treat and LA is full of some really special kids collections. Come for the books and stay for the free story time at dozens of Los Angeles Public Library branches, but the coolest by far is the Central Library downtown which houses a massive children’s literature department and hosts story times, puppet shows, and music.

Our other favorite spots are the Santa Monica Main Library and Beverly Hills Library, both of which have awesome collections and kids activities.

630 W 5th St.
Downtown LA

Santa Monica Library

Beverly Hills Library

How to Explore More LA Museums for Free

With your LA County Library card, you can reserve family passes to local museums and cultural institutions for free through Discover & Go.

How to Reserve a Pass:

  1. Visit the Discover & Go portal and log in using your library card number and PIN.
  2. Browse by museum or date.
  3. Make a reservation by selecting a date and venue.
  4. Shortly before your visit, print out your pass. Note: You cannot cancel your passes once they have been printed.
  5. Enjoy your visit!

And another way to explore LA Museums for free? Check out these LA Museums & Botanical Gardens with Free Admission Dates!

Outdoor Activities around LA That Are Always Free

1. Investigate a New Playground

best playgrounds for kids in LA
LA Parks

We've got a running list for the most fun playgrounds around LA—some may even be hiding in your own neighborhood. Check out these gems and never hear "I'm bored" again...almost.

RELATED: Durable Playground Shoes You Can Buy Online

2. Spend the Day at Grand Park

There's always something fun happening here! Home to one of our favorite fountains and splashpads (when it's open for waterplay), playgrounds and outdoor art exhibits makes Grand Park a fun and easy destination for everyone in the family to spend the day.

200 N Grand Ave.
Los Angeles 

3. Explore a New Neighborhood around LA

LA is about as diverse as you can get and there's no better place to explore all the different museums, street art, playgrounds, (and ice cream shops!) than in a neighborhood near you.

Related: Visit Visalia before the Rest of LA Discovers This Hidden Gem

5. Kid-Friendly Hikes Near LA

Leave Runyon to the tourists. Instead, take your little trekkers to one of these lesser known trails where the views are still Instagrammable, but the crowds won’t overwhelm you. From a hidden 58-acre park in Culver City to a natural preserve in Pasadena, here are our favorite, easy-to-moderate hikes the whole family will enjoy.

6. Easy Bike Trails for Families

So your two-wheelings tots have maxed out on riding around the block? Fortunately, LA’s beach bike paths—along with a few other car-free paths and trails—are open. Finally, kids can feel the wind in their hair, practice their pedaling and enjoy a change of scenery. If you’re looking to avoid crowds (um, yes please), we recommend visiting these routes during the week or early in the a.m. on weekends. Check out all of LA's best kid-friendly bike paths.

RELATED: The Best Kids Bikes & Tricycles for Every Kid & Stage

7. Dine at Hidden Picnic Spots

There’s no better time than now to dine outdoors with your family—and any other members of your quarantine pod. Spread out a blanket and enjoy a meal al fresco at these hidden LA picnic spots


Need an impromptu family plan? Our list of things to do in Boston this weekend will save you

Boston is a worthwhile family destination any time of year, but it’s especially fun to get out and explore when the winter doldrums set in. Rich in culture and full of historic sites, this bustling city offers an endless array of family fun. From ice skating through the country’s oldest public park to visiting world famous, interactive museums that engage kids with hands-on learning, there’s always something to do. Whether you’re visiting or you live here, these are the best places in Boston to explore with kids when you have a free weekend.

1. Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Come explore the beautiful Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. The building itself is a work of art, but it is also full of wonderful art of all kinds. To get the kids excited about your visit, learn about the theft that happened in 1990 which is still an ongoing investigation. Reserve your tickets in advance as it is a popular spot to visit in the winter months.

What to Do This Weekend: Saturday Open Studio is an on-going, weekly drop-in art program offered at the museum. You'll find it in the Bertucci Education Studio. Programs change based on the season and the museum's current exhibits. But no matter when you go, you and the kids will always be able to spread your creative wings and try something new. This activity is included with admission.

25 Evans Way

2. Explore The Mapparium

Weekends are a great time to explore the world's largest walk-in globe—The Mapparium. Located inside the Mary Baker Eddy Library, this epic three-story, stain-glassed model of the world in 1935 is built to scale and its sphere is 30-feet in diameter. You can walk across this marvel via a glass bridge. Once you've wandered through this marvel, check out the "Our World: Mapping Progress" exhibit in the library.

210 Massachusetts Ave.

3. Play at Boston Children's Museum

Founded in 1913, the Boston Children's Museum is the second oldest children's museum in the world! This hub for hands-on learning through play and engaging activities is designed to spark kids' imagination and curiosity. In addition to their collection of 50,000 items from all over the world, the Museum's exhibits include a kid-sized Construction Zone play space, an authentic Japanese house, a life-size animatronic Dilophosaurus, and a seemingly endless amount to learn and explore. Burn off energy by letting kids scale the three-story, enclosed vertical maze climbing structure. Parents should note that tickets must be purchased in advance and there are morning and afternoon sessions to choose from. 

What to Do This Weekend: We love that there are always different programs going on around the museum, so whenever you visit, you and the kids can find something new to do. But during the weekend, you can count on STEAM Lab programming, an art activity, and something exciting going on in the Japanese House too.

308 Congress St.

Related: Boston's Best Museums for Kids That You'll Love Too

4. Spend Family Time at ICA Boston

There is always something going on at the ICA Boston. Right now, see 'To Begin Again: Artists and Childhood' about understanding the past and exploring the future. This exhibit is on view until February 26. Families with kids 12 and under get free admission on the last Saturday of the month (except in November and December). 

What to Do This Weekend: Saturday Family Play Dates at the ICA are what it's all about here. What you and the kids will find here changes monthly, but the Family Play Dates always coincide with the free last Saturdays. Be sure to get your tickets in advance, and consider a $5 donation to support the program if you're able.

25 Harbor Shore Dr.

5. Visit the Museum of Science

Indulge curious minds with a visit to the stellar Museum of Science. See a space science show in the amazing Charles Hayden Planetarium, behold a full-size Tyrannosaurus Rex model, and marvel at 'Cliff,' a 65 million-year-old fossil––one of only four nearly complete Triceratops on public display anywhere in the world! Kids will love getting hands-on in the Discovery Center where they can touch real fossils and get a close view of live animals. There's something to explore and learn about at every turn.

What to Do This Weekend: Weekends at Museum of Science are pretty much a kid's dream. IMAX films, planetarium shows, live demonstrations, and Omni films abound. Although the content changes every so often, you can count on kid-approved selections alongside programming that will engage parents too.

1 Science Park

6. Dive into New England Aquarium

Dive into exploration at the Aquarium's Giant Ocean Tank, a four-story, 200,000-gallon tank that contains a coral reef and hundreds of Caribbean Reef animals, including sting rays and sea turtles (bonus: look out for Myrtle the Turtle, who has called the space home since 1970). Get your hands wet at the shark and ray touch tank, visit a colony of over 80 penguins and two families of harbor seals and watch northern fur seals put on a show. Kids will love taking the plunge into this adventure.

What to Do This Weekend: Take in a show at the Simmons Theater on the weekends. Get there early or come later in the day to avoid the crowds.

1 Central Wharf

7. Go Skating at Frog Pond at Boston Common

During the winter, families can glide across the glorious outdoor ice rink at Frog Pond at the Boston Common, the oldest public park in the country. Rent ice skates, and even take skating lessons from coaches from The Skating Club of Boston Skating Academy. An adorable 'Bobby the Skating Seal' is available to rent for young skaters who need support on the ice. 

What to Do This Weekend: Grab your skates and plan to hit the ice with the kids. Get your tickets in advance.

38 Beacon St.

Related: Ice, Ice Baby: Where to Go Ice Skating in Boston

8. Spend Time at the USS Constitution Museum

Climb aboard "Old Ironsides," the oldest commissioned warship in the world that's still afloat. It was built under George Washington's command to protect America's ports. Kids will learn how to fire a cannon, scrub the deck, furl a sail, or haul a Billie goat onto the ship. This educational museum is sure to teach kids about what life was like at sea hundreds of years ago.

Good to Know: The Ship and Museum operate separately, so be sure to coordinate your visit to see both. 

What to Do This Weekend: Check out the USS Constitution—for free.

Building 22
Charlestown Navy Yard
Charlestown, MA

9. Plan a Trip to the Museum of Fine Arts

You'll find over 450,000 works of art in the vast, global collections at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Appreciate one of the largest collections of Monet's work outside of France, and study ancient coins, gems and jewelry, musical instruments, and stunning Egyptian art. On weekends September through June, the Museum hosts activities designed for kids aged 4 and up to indulge in art and uncover new discoveries throughout the Museum. 

What to Do This Weekend: Sign the kids up for a Studio Art Class. They take kids as young as 3 and as old as 11 for multi-week classes that meet quarterly. Our tip? Sign them up ASAP as these popular classes sell out quickly.

465 Huntington Ave.

10. Go to the Harvard Museum of Natural History

Located on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge, you'll find an impressive array of mounted specimens and taxidermied animals for an up-close look at creatures big and small. David Rockefeller's collection of over 150,000 beetles is now on display as are rare rocks and gems for little rock-collecting enthusiasts. The Great Mammal Hall will be a standout, granting kids awe-inspiring looks at animals they may never see up close otherwise. Check the website for family programming which include taxidermy workshops and drawing birds.

26 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA

Our Favorite Free Things to Do in Boston Any Time

11. Hurry to the Boston Fire Museum

You'll find the Boston Fire Museum, which resides inside an old firehouse, just a block away from the Boston Children's Museum. Stop in to see firefighting artifacts and equipment and different types of fire engines and vehicles used by firefighters throughout America's history. Kids can get hands-on with fire hoses and sit in an old fire truck––and a highlight will be meeting Sparky, a real-life firehouse dog that's you guessed it, a Dalmatian. 

What to Do This Weekend: Visit. The only time the museum is open to the public is on Saturdays from 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

344 Congress St.

12. Walk around Arnold Arboretum

The Arboretum will teach you all about the amazing world of plants. Kids will especially enjoy the StoryWalks and other self-guided activities like wildlife bingo. Family hikes are offered throughout the year or organize a group of your own friends to meet up (with cozy clothes for the winter weather). 

What to Do This Weekend: Check out a Discovery Pack from the Hunnewell Visitor Center and then get out to explore. Choose from one of three packs (Living Museum, Science Lab, or Be an Engineer) then put your discovery skills to the test as you work to complete one of the activities (there are multiple options to choose from). With so many packs and options to explore, you've got tons of reasons to make this one a return visit.

125 Arborway

Related: Boston's Best Hikes for Kids for When You Need to Get Outside

13. Shop at Quincy Market

Families will love shopping and eating their way through the historic Quincy Market. This treasure trove of 18 restaurants and 35 colonnade eateries has everything from Boston Cream Pie and baked beans to lobster rolls and Boston clam chowder. Be sure to pop into Quincy's Place ice cream parlor/candy shop for your sweet fix. Kids will also get a kick out of comparing their shoe size to Boston Celtics basketball legend Larry Bird's shoe plaque just outside the Market.

206 S. Market St.


Love and free things to do in Portland is what February is all about

We’ve almost made it through the rainy months, parents. If your kids are like ours, we know they’ve spent plenty of time at indoor playgrounds trying to kick cabin fever and along the trails on a scenic winter hike with the fam. Maybe you’ve even made a day trip to find sun in the mountains and some amazing ski runs too. As we wait for the sun and the bulbs to start up in March, we’ve got tons of ways you and the kids can make it through until they do. From making Valentine’s Day crafts to experiencing winter lights Portland-style, there’s no shortage of fun and free (or very, very cheap) things to do in Portland this February.

The Best Free Things to Do in February for Families

8th Annual Winter Light Festival

See the city in a whole new light during the 8th Annual Winter Light Festival. This year’s event will feature dynamic anchor art sites in the City Center and pop-up art installations throughout Portland. So bundle up, grab the hot cocoa, and see Portland shine during this must-see event. Feb. 3-11. Event details.

Celebrate the Lunar New Year

There’s still time to visit Lan Su Chinese Garden to catch the tail end of its 16-day Lunar New Year celebration. The festival features cultural performances, festival decorations, craft activities, audio tours, Year of the Rabbit scavenger hunts, and more daily. Be sure to also check out the Lunar New Year lanterns during your visit. Through Feb. 5. Event details.

two kids with cut out hearts over their heads celebrate at a valentines day party, free things to do in portland

Valentine’s Day Activities

Make a child’s Valentine’s Day by joining the Ronald McDonald House Charities Send Love challenge. Help them reach their goal of sending 10,000 homemade Valentine’s to sick kids by decorating cards together as a family. Mail your cards by Feb. 10 so families can enjoy them for the holiday.

Need some inspiration for your Valentine’s Day cards? Head to Scrap Creative Reuse for all your heart day craft needs.

Don’t miss the Valentine’s Day Market at Helvetia Farms in Hillsboro on Feb. 11. Browse local vendors, snuggle up around the bonfire, and make free Valentine’s Day mailboxes at their craft table. The fun begins at 10 a.m. and goes until 2 p.m.

So Many Free Kids Concerts

Ready to rock out? Head down to Hammer + Jacks REC Room to watch a rotating marquee of some of Portland’s most popular kid entertainers every Monday morning at 10:30 a.m. Explore music with Zazzy Zoe every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Concerts are on sliding donation scale ($5-$15).

Mr. Ben, Mr. Hoo, and Red Yarn also play various shows around town throughout the week, at family-friendly spots like community centers and pizza joints. If your kiddo loves to dance it out, be sure to follow these tiny tyke superstars on socials to see where they’ll pop up next.

Drop-In Crafts

Stop by the Craft Factory every Saturday morning for Open Studio time. Watch your little one’s imagination run wild as they browse barrels and bins of fun crafting materials. An added bonus? There’s also story time with the Literacy Lady. Be sure to check out other fun (and affordable) weekly events here.

What better way to start your day than with coffee and crafts? Head over to Awake Coffee & Art on S.E. Milwaukie for drop-in art and a cup of Joe. They also hold weekly story and art sessions for little ones on Monday and Wednesday mornings (limited spots, $8), after school classes, and more.

Free Indoor Playspaces

Your little one will burn some energy, make new friends, and (most importantly) stay warm at Sellwood Community House’s Indoor Play Park. Come up to the gym every Wednesday from 10:15 a.m. to noon and play with balls, make forts, and ride around on scooters, wagons, and other fun toys for free.

Free Storytimes

Storytime is back and more popular than ever at your neighborhood library. Space is limited at most locations and attendees are admitted on a first-come basis. Times vary depending on location so make sure to plan ahead.

The Literacy Lady loves spreading her love of books all around town. You’ll find her at Playforest in Sellwood every Monday at 10:45 a.m., Fridays at 10:30 a.m. at Hammer + Jacks (suggested donation $5), and every Saturday morning at 10 a.m. at Craft Factory.

Green Bean Books on Alberta Street hosts weekly story times on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. on their outdoor covered deck. This independent bookstore also hosts a variety of monthly events for free so be sure to check in to see what’s coming up.

Get ready to go on a wild ride with Portland’s favorite literary clowns, Olive and Dingo. Expect sing-alongs, stories, and balloon art at their donation-based story time on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

Sunrise Books on N.E. Fremont hosts free baby storytimes every Tuesday at 10 a.m. and toddler storytimes on Thursdays at 10 a.m. Slots fill up fast so be sure to sign up early.

Free Nature & Science Programs for Kids

Did you know the Washington Park free shuttle is now operating daily? The shuttle gets you within walking distance of all major attractions in the park including the Oregon Zoo.

Head over to Hoyt Arboretum on Mondays at 10 a.m. year round for a story and guided walk on the nearby trails. Tree Time! Preschool Walk is a safe and fun way to get outside with your little one and learn about the plants, trees, insects, mushrooms, and more found at Hoyt Arboretum. These walks are geared toward kids ages 2 to 6 years old and pre-registration is required.

Learn all about Oregon’s diverse animal population, climb aboard a Timberjack Harvester, and get a deeper understanding of why it’s important to protect our forests at the World Forestry Museum. Admission is only $5 per person and kids 2 and under are free.

As part of their commitment to uplift and support the community, Airway Science for Kids is proud to offer free after school programming for kids ages 11-14. The Aerospace Training Center (ATC) offers drop-in after school programs for students Monday through Friday, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. during the school year. Flight simulators, Kerbal Space Program, STEAM activities, and homework help are available.

These Events Are Free Today in Portland

Free Museums & Free (or Discounted) Museum Days

From the tiniest tots to grandparents, and every age in-between, there’s something fascinating for everyone at the hands-on, interactive exhibits at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. Explore the Physics Lab and the Science Playground, or hop aboard the USS Blueback Submarine. On the first Sunday of every month, admission at OMSI is just $2, and Submarine tours, Planetarium shows and the theater are also discounted.

Kids 17 and younger are always free at the Portland Art Museum, where families can get inspired in the enormous galleries full of art. Let kids take the lead by chatting about the colors and shapes they see, or which pieces they particularly like. The museum also participates in the Blue Star Museums Program, which offers free admission to active-duty military personnel and their families.

If you’ve got little train lovers, be sure to make a stop at the Oregon Rail Heritage Center. Railroad enthusiasts can check out historic trains and browse the latest exhibit. Admission is always free, although donations are accepted and appreciated. The center is open Thursday through Sunday from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

At the Historic Belmont Firehouse, families can explore hands-on exhibits, stories and history while learning fire and safety education. Kids will love checking out the fire pole and the emergency response simulator, as well as all of the firefighting tools and equipment. Every Wednesday is Open House, and families are welcome to come and visit free from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The firehouse also offers Safety Saturdays on the second Saturday of each month.

For history buffs, the Oregon Historical Society awaits you. Located downtown, and always free for Multnomah County residents (with proof of residency), the museum houses a variety of exhibits designed to bring Oregon’s history to life. The permanent History Hub exhibit delves into the topic of diversity, with hands-on activities and displays.

Related: Your Guide to Free & Discount Days at Portland Museums Is Here

Discounted & Free Movies

Ready to unwind with popcorn and a movie? At Kennedy School, families can enjoy second-run movies while relaxing on comfy couches and snacking on pizza, burgers and salads from the menu, along with wine, beer and ciders for those over 21. Movie tickets are $5 for adults, and just $3 for kids age 11 and younger.