February’s birthstone represents empowerment and inner strength

Babies with a February birthday are pretty unique, as some only have a birthday every four years! Plus, those with February birthdays might be more creative (if they’re Pisces), be taller than their peers, and be revolutionary (if they’re Aquarius). If you want to know more fun facts about kids with February’s birthdays and even a few silly facts about February’s birth sign, we’ve got it all right here. 

February birthdays are more uncommon, and Leap Year birthdays are rare

Not only is it a short month, which leads to fewer February birthdays, but a Leap Day baby only gets to celebrate the actual day every four years. According to Unity Point Health, 1 in 1,491 people is born on February 29th, so although you might celebrate on a different day most years, it’s fun to throw an extra-special birthday party every four years. February 2024 is a Leap Year, so get ready to celebrate in a big way if you’ve got a Leap Day baby!

Your February baby might be taller than others

A Harvard University study of over 21,000 kids shows that winter babies are consistently born longer, heavier, and with a larger head circumference. The study was conducted over seven years and tested kids at birth, eight months, age 4, and age 7; researchers believe that seasonal issues for both pregnant moms and babies, like diet, exposure to sunlight and temperature, and viruses, may play a role in a baby’s characteristics.

But babies born in February have a higher chance of being born early

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a significant spike (nearly 10%) in early births for women who conceived in May, which means their delivery dates fall in February of the following year. What’s the reason? These moms are in late-term pregnancy during peak flu season, which is known to cause pre-term births.

A February birth sign can be Aquarius or Pisces

Will your baby be innovative, a team player, and a rebel at heart like others born under the sign of Aquarius? Or will your kid show signs of empathy, compassion, and being creative like other Pisces? More importantly, how compatible are you with your child? Check out our parent/child compatibility chart to find out.

February’s birthstone is the amethyst

People with February birthdays claim amethyst as their birthstone. The stunning purple variety of quartz has mesmerized people for thousands of years and can often be found in royal jewel collections in Europe and Asia. The gem represents empowerment and inner strength.

Your kid shares their special month with these celebrities born in February

Many celebrities and historical figures share your kiddo’s celebratory month: Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Golding, Danai Gurira, Laura Linney, Charles Darwin, George Washington, Nina Simone, and more. 


These trivia questions for teens might teach your older kids a thing or two

It’s not always easy to impress a teen or to tell them something they don’t “already know.” But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. From who is the half-blooded prince to who is the oldest gamer on YouTube, we’ve rounded up some of the most intriguing trivia questions for teens (and tweens) that are guaranteed conversation starters.

find out about hot dogs with food trivia for kids
Ball Park Brands via Unsplash

Q: Who holds the world record for most hotdogs eaten?

A: Joey Chestnut with a whopping 73 hot dogs.

Q: Who has the most followers on Instagram?

A: Instagram! The platform's own channel is the most followed. Second place goes to footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

Q: What national holiday is celebrated in all countries?

A: New Year’s.

Q: What is ‘Baby Yoda’s’ real name?

A: Grogu.

Q: When was the iPad first released?

A: 2010.

Q: What is the largest ocean in the world?

A: The Pacific Ocean.

Q: Which artist made history as the youngest winner of the Grammys‘ four main categories in 2020?

A: Billie Eilish.

Q: Who was the first basketball star to appear on a box of cereal? 

A: Michael Jordan.

Q: Which actor voiced both Darth Vader and The Lion King‘s Mufasa?

A: James Earl Jones.

Q: What flower plant does vanilla flavor come from?

A: An orchid.

Q: What is the first monster Percy Jackson defeats in The Lightning Thief? 

A: The Minotaur 

Q: What holiday celebrates the end of slavery in the United States

A: Juneteenth, on June 19

Related: 35 Harry Potter Trivia Questions Even Muggles Will Love

Connor Simonson via Unsplash

Q: What tree is the largest and tallest in the world?

A: The California Redwood.

Q: Stan Lee made his last cameo in which Marvel movie?

A: Avengers: Endgame.

Q: How many stars are there in our solar system?

A: One, the sun!

Q: What is Rhianna’s real name?

A: Robyn Fenty.

Q: Who is the Half-Blood Prince in the Harry Potter series?

A: Severus Snape.

Q: Which company owns Lamborghini, Ducati, Porsche, Audi and Bugatti?

A: Volkswagen.

Q: What is the largest mammal in the world?

A: The Blue Whale.

Q: What show has an ice cream shop called Scoops Ahoy?

A: Stranger Things.

Q: What is the strongest muscle in the human body?

A: The masseter or jaw muscle.

Q: Who was able to pick up Thor’s hammer in Endgame?

A: Captain America.

Q: What is the smallest country in the world?

A: Vatican City.

Related: The Ultimate List of Trivia for Kids

trivia questions for teens: what is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
Markus Spiske via Unsplash

Q: What is the diameter of a basketball hoop?

A: 18 inches and regulation hoops are 10 feet high.

Q: What is Mickey Mouse's original name?

A: Mortimer Mouse.

Q: What is the most spoken language in the world?

A: Mandarin.

Q: What kind of animal is Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?

A: Despite his name, he’s actually an octopus.

Q: What famous artist was suspected of stealing the Mona Lisa?

A: Pablo Picasso.

Q: What country was checkers invented in?

A: Egypt.

Q: What is the number one most streamed song on Spotify?

A: “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd.

Q: What percentage of people have black or brown hair?

A: About 80%, only 2% have red hair.

Q: How many toes does a cat have?

A: 18, 10 on its front paws and 8 on its back.

Q: Who is the oldest gaming YouTuber?

A: Hamako Mori, better known as Gamer Grandma was born in 1930.

Q: Which Star Wars movie contains the line, “Luke, I am your father.”

A: None, the often misquoted line is actually, “No, I am your father.”

Q: What is the busiest airport in the world? 

A: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (over 100 million passengers annually!).

Q: What is superman’s real name? 

A: Kal-El 

Q: What is ailurophobia? 

A: The fear of cats

Q: What is the most common M&M color?

A. Blue 

Q: What galaxy is the planet Earth in? 

A: The Milky Way 


Make a slinky skeleton with the kids this Halloween season

Add a little spooky fun into the afternoon by making a simple (and not too scary) skeleton craft for kids. Keep it classic, or add color and sparkle for Día de los Muertos. Kids of all ages will enjoy creating this friendly bag o’ bones, especially because it adds fun Halloween decor to any home! For more inspiration, check out our favorite Halloween crafts, Halloween treats, and family costume ideas!

Supplies for Your Skeleton Craft

supplies for a skeleton craft

This craft activity is fun, and you probably have almost everything you need at home. Gather the following items: Cardstock quality paper, brass fasteners, pipe cleaners, hole punch, glitter glue, googly eyes, gemstones, markers, ink pens or just about anything else to get a skeleton ready for the holidays.

Skeleton Craft Printable

printable for skeleton craft

There are a lot of great (and free) downloadable skeleton templates floating around, so take the time to look for one the kids love. Our pick for an easy download is this happy little guy. His smile and big bones make for easy coloring and decorating; he most definitely won over the artist at our writer's home.

Lay Out the Bones to Decorate

After you've cut out the pieces, lay them out for easy decorating. This is also a great opportunity to squeeze in a little science lesson about bones and the body. 

Ears and Eyes and Mouth and Nose

How to decorate a skeleton craft

We decided to start with eyes so the skeleton could see "what was going on," but feel free to start decorating anywhere. At this point, kids can go wild with markers, jewels or whatever else they have on hand.

Glitter glue works great for kids who want to create a sugar skull for Día de los Muertos. Add black swirls and lots of color to make it pop.

Punching Time

After everything has dried, grab a hole punch; if there isn't one in the craft box a skewer works well, and make the holes at the designated points on the template.

Get It Together

Using the fasteners (also called brads), attach all the slinky pieces to one another. If the fasteners are too long, fold them up on the backside of the skeleton to conceal them.

Silly Dancing Bones

easy skeleton craft

Finally, this slinky skeleton is ready for action. Create a wall hook with a fun colored pipe cleaner; attach it with glue or punch a hole at the top of the skull and loop through. This craft will be a perfect decoration to pull out year after year, and you can even have the kids create a new one each year! 



Spring is winding down and summer is on its way. There’s no time like the present to get out and about and see great art. Did you know you can enjoy family-friendly art without spending a single cent all while enjoying fresh air? Portland is known for its next-level street art so we put together a list of murals and walls throughout the city that has some of the most inspiring art to be found. Read on for where to go on your Portland street art tour.

photo: by Annette Benedetti

People’s History of Hawthorne

Located on the corner of SE Hawthorne and SE 49th on the Eagles Lodge, this beautiful mural represents the best of the area and is a dedication to the neighborhood and community. It includes representations of historical figures and mythical figures that are said to have shaped SE Portland. Look closely and you will catch a glimpse of the individuals you see roaming the neighborhood. Artist, Chris Haberman painted this piece in 2012/2013 and your littles will love standing among the neighborhood folk while you capture an image of them hanging out in this vibrant depiction of their beloved hometown.

4904 SE HawthornBlvd.
Artist: Chris Haberman
Online: portlandwild.com



Rhinoceros Mural Wall

Located on SE Morrison street just east of SE 12 outside of There Be Monsters, this life-like mural is a community favorite. It was painted in August of 2015 by artists Josh Keys for the annual Forest For The Trees mural event. Your little animal lovers will love leaning on this friendly looking beast and the resulting photos will be unforgettable.

1308 SE Morrison St.
Artist: Josh Keys
Online: turningart.com

photo: Carrie Uffindell

Women Making History in Portland

Painted in 2007 for the now defunct In Other Words Feminist Community Center, this 18-foot by 60-foot acrylic painting by Robin Corbo honors amazing women who’ve influenced – or are currently influencing – the city. Think community activists, native artists, educational advocates and more.

2335 N. Clark Ave, a block off N. Interstate
Artist: Robin Corbo
Online: eliotneighborhood.org/2018/10/02/women-making-history-mural

photo: Carrie Uffindell

Woodstock Mural

Commerce, education and the outdoors dominate this mural, which was relocated to the western wall of New Seasons in 2015. Look closely and you’ll also see various mythological symbols scattered throughout, including a winged hat, an olive branch necklace and a lotus staff. Behind the young student is the Woodstock motto translated into Mandarin, in honor of the elementary school’s immersion program.

4500 S.E. Woodstock Blvd
Artists: Designed by Mark Lawrence and painted by Heidi Schultz. Reproduction by Dan Cohan and Christo Wunderlich.
Online: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock_Mural


photo: Carrie Uffindell

Attitude of Gratitude

You’ll be hard pressed to find a more dynamic mural than the one SolTerra’s headquarters: a 70-foot tall woman, hands clasped in gratitude, with over one thousand living plants for her hair. Check back to see it flourish and change each season.

959 S.E. Division St.
Artist: Fin DAC
Online: solterra.com/blog-attitude-9-22-17-2

photo: Carrie Uffindell

The Musician’s Union Building Mural

This 100-foot composition at the Portland Musician’s Union Local 99 celebrates our city’s thriving music scene and heritage in vivid color. Jazz, classical, bluegrass, rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop, reggae and rhythm & blues — all showcase the power of music. Find it on the building’s south wall, facing the parking lot.

325 N.E. 20th Ave.
Artists: Isaka Shamsud-Din, Joe Cotter, Baba Wagué Diakité, Hector Hernandez
Online: portlandwild.com/art/86

photo: Carrie Uffindell

Ladies Up Project

Morrison Place’s retail center is home to seven murals and counting. This ongoing, multi-artist project (also in collaboration with PSAA) only features works by local female-identifying artists and artists of color. Images range from a bold tiger to messages of unity. Look for the murals along S.E. Alder St.

1401 S.E. Morrison St.
Artists: Tatyana Ostepenko, Salomée Soung, Amaranta Colindres, Isis Fisher, Kyra Watkins, Sunny Beard, Angela Saenz and Laura Medina
Online: pdxstreetart.org/articles-all/ladiesup


photo: Carrie Uffindell

Community Cycling Center Mural

There’s no better – or more iconic – mural in the city that celebrates Portland’s bike culture. Covering the western wall of the cycling center’s retail shop, the vibrant piece portrays a whimsical parade of unicycles/bicycles/tricycles, costumed kids, hot air balloons, happy pets and more.

1700 N.E. Alberta St.
Artist: Robin Corbo
Online: communitycyclingcenter.org

photo: Carrie Uffindell

Now is the Time, Now is the Place

One of Portland’s oldest murals, its message of Black pride and empowerment is as important today as when it was painted in 1989. On the north wall of the Portland Covenant Church, Martin Luther King Jr. is surrounded by other notable faces, including Nelson and Winnie Mandela, South African playwright Selaelo Maredi and Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad.

4046  N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Artists: Isaka Shamsud-Din, Paul Odighizuwa, Charlotte Lewis and Kathy Pennington
Online: portlandwild.com/art/view/75

photo: courtesy of Portland Street Art Alliance

A Place Called Home

When airport travel is safe again, you won’t want to miss this sweeping 150-foot mural, located in Portland International Airport’s north pedestrian tunnel. All of what makes the Pacific Northwest great is on display here, from native peoples and natural wonders to farmers markets and local musicians.

7000 NE Airport Way
Artists: Alex Chiu and Jeremy Nichols
Online: pdxstreetart.org/articles-all/2019/10/2/the-pdx-airport-mural-project

—Annette Benedetti

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Summer is coming in hot, hot, hot. That means it's time to snag tickets for the best performances coming to the DC area. Enjoy al fresco sing-alongs at Wolf Trap, score free tickets for kid-friendly jams at the Strathmore or trade movie night for the concert version of your favorite cinematic score. If you want to know when Hamilton is hitting the stage or where you can belt out Encanto, scroll down. 

Free Concerts for Kids


Black to the Future
Join Pierce Freelon on Strathmore's front lawn to hear this Grammy-nominated artist blend elements of Afrofuturism, Black history, and archival voices. This "Black to the Future" concert will be fun for the entire family.

When: July 28, 7:00 p.m. 
Where: The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda,MD
Online: tinybeans.com

Elena Moon Park
Korean-American musician Elena Moon Park will perform traditional songs, including Japanese sea shanties, Tibetan jump rope rhymes and joyous Korean harvest sing-alongs with her own twist. There will plenty of opportunities to sing and dance along in multiple languages.

When: July 14, 7:00 p.m. 
Where: The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD 
Online: tinybeans.com

Somos Amigos: Songs on Common Ground
Sonia De Los Santos and Americana folk duo The Okee Dokee Brothers join forces to bring a joyful message of friendship, This bilingual performance includes songs, old and new, that span the musical traditions of North America.

When: Aug. 11, 7:00 p.m 
Where: The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, North Bethesda, MD
Online: tinybeans.com 

Films In Concert

Wolf Trap

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince In Concert
The music in the Harry Potter films is just as magical as the stories themselves. The National Symphony Orchestra, led by Steven Reineke, will be playing along on-stage to the 6th installment of the Harry Potter movie series to add an additional layer of beauty to the beloved film.

When: July 22, 8:00 p.m. & July 23, 8:00 p.m.
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online: tinybeans.com

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in Concert
Star Wars would not be the same without it's incredible soundtrack. In this special showing, The National Symphony Orchestra presents John Williams’s iconic Oscar®-nominated score from The Empire Strikes Back performed live along with the full feature film. Even if you have seen The Empire Strikes back 100 times already, you have never seen it like this!

When: July 29, 8:00 p.m. 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online: tinybeans.com 

Disney and Pixar's Toy Story in Concert

Hear the score for "You've Got a Friend in Me" and other songs from Toy Story in an entirely new way. In this performance, the National Symphony Orchestra will play along with the popular movie featuring the Oscar® and Grammy®-winning score by Randy Newman.

When: July 30, 8:00 p.m
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online: tinybeans.com 

John Williams at 90: ET in Concert
If you have a soft spot for an adorable Extra Terrestrial who just wants to "phone home" head to the Kennedy Center to hear the score to ET performed by the National Symphony Orchestra. Listening to the movie's music played live as the action unfolds on the big screen will renew your love of this classic film.

When: June 22, 8 p.m. 
Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com 



Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts

Whether your child belts out "We Don't Talk About Bruno" on the regular or you secretly sing "Surface Pressure" alone in the car, you will not want to miss this Encanto Sing Along. The entire film will play onstage accompanied by a live band. Best of all, singing every word to every song is strongly encouraged. Check out special VIP packages with perks, including the opportunity to walk the Encanto-themed red carpet.

When: Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online: tinybeans.com 

Sound of Music
If you can't stop yourself form singing along to the Sound of Music this performance is for you. Not only is singing along encouraged, but costumes are too! Best of all, you don't need to worry about forgetting any words to the songs since they will be displayed on the screen as the movie plays. 

When: July 16 at  7:00 p.m. 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online: tinybeans.com 

ABBA The Concert
Mama Mia! Sweden’s ABBA The Concert continues to be the top ABBA tribute group in the world, dazzling audiences with fantastic performances of ABBA’s iconic hits.

When: Aug. 7 at 8:00 p.m 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA

The Original Kings of Go-Go
Every DC kid should be familiar with the city's homegrown musical style. This performance will feature a collection of the best go-go groups in DC and invites audience members to come ready to dance and sing!

When: May 28 at  7:00 pm
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA
Online:  tinybeans.com

A Juneteenth Celebration with Thee Phantom and the Illlharmonic Orchestra
Juneteenth is finally getting the recognition it deserves as an essential date in American history. This is an all-ages show, focused on celebrating Juneteenth. Since it takes place on Father's Day it's also a great option to celebrate the special Dad in your life.

When: June 19 at 6:00 p.m. 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Rd, Vienna, VA 
Online:  tinybeans.com

Just for Kids

Imagination Stage

Mr. Popper's Penguins
Mr. Popper, a painter of modest means, dreams of taking an Antarctic adventure. Soon the patter of 20 baby
penguin feet are afoot. To feed all of these mouths, the imaginative Mr. Popper and his wife turn
his talented penguins into a must-see traveling vaudeville act full of song and dance.

When: Jun. 22 - Aug. 7
Where: Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Ave, Bethesda, MD

A Monster Calls
Based on the popular novel by Patrick Ness, this stage adaptation brings to life the story of thirteen-year-old Conor who goes through a hard time after moving to America. One night, at seven minutes past midnight, Conor is woken up by a monster at his window. The monster has come to tell Conor stories about where it has been before. Then, Conor needs to tell his own story and face his deepest fears.

When: May 25-Jun. 12
Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com

Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Pigs
You know the Big Bad Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. You know the wolf from The Three Little Pigs. Have you ever considered that the wolf might be the same in both classic tales? Have you ever considered that maybe he's not so bad and is just misunderstood? Catch this puppet show to see if you've been wrong this entire time.

When: June 2- July 3
Where: Puppet Co. Theatre, Glen Echo Park, 7300 Macarthur Bouvard, Glen Echo, MD
Online: tinybeans.com 

Ravel Dance Company Presents Cinderella
This version of Cinderella is based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, features over 80 dancers and is sure to delight the entire family. The ballet will feature the original ballet score by Sergei Prokofiev.

When: Jun. 5
Where: Capitol One Hall, 7750 Capital One Road, Tysons, VA
Online: tinybeans.com

Fantastagirl and the Math Monster

Fantastagirl, a second-grade superhero who uses words to save the day, comes face to face with her worst nightmare: the Math Monster! When confronted with problems too big for words alone to solve, Fantastagirl must accept help from her friendly, furry, fraction-loving foe. While Fantastagirl and Math Monster use words and numbers to help her friends and scientist moms, something far more sinister than Math brews on the horizon.

When: June 17 – August 21
Where: Adventure Theatre, Glen Echo Park, 7300 Macarthur Bouvard, Glen Echo, MD
Online: tinybeans.com 

Children's Theatre In the Woods
The beloved Children's Theater In The Woods program returns this summer. Kids can enjoy music, dancing, theatre, puppets and more. Stay after the performance for a walk through the woods and a picnic lunch.

When: Tues.-Sat. at 10:30 a.m. 
Where: Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1645 Trap Road, Vienna, VA
Online:  tinybeans.com

New York City Ballet: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
This Shakespearian comedy is adapted beautifully by the New York City ballet. Although this performance is not technically a children's production, this version of the classic ballet is very family friendly.

When: June 7-12
Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com


A Different Kind of Show

Feld Entertainment /Monster Jam

Start Your Engines!
Watch Monster Truck drivers (and their trucks) perform tricks, jumps and more at Monster Jam. You can even vote for your favorite using an app.

When: June 11
Where: FedEx Field, 1600 Fedex Way, Landover, MD
Online: tinybeans.com 

Blue Man Group
Experience eclectic music and art performed by men covered in blue from head to toe. This unique experience with a cult following will be fun for everyone.

When: July 19-31
Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com

Cirque du Soliel 
Cirque du Soliel Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities tells the story of an inventor who defies the laws of time, space and dimension. His goal is to reinvest everything that surrounds him. In doing so, the visible becomes invisible, perspectives are transformed, and the world is literally turned upside down.

When: July 29 - Sept. 25
Where: Tyson's Corner, 1961 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons, VA
Online: tinybeans.com

Six has it all from Tudor Queens to Pop Princesses. Want more? This sensational broadways how tells the story of all six wives of Henry VIII. These women (even the ones who were beheaded) take five hundred years of historical heartbreak and turn them into an exuberant celebration of 21st century girl power.

When: July 5 - July 10
Where: National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com

Unless you have been living under a rock you are already familiar with this legendary musical telling the story of Alexander Hamilton. If you have a Hamil-Kid bring them to see Hamilton when it returns to DC.

When: Aug 2 – Oct 9
Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St NW, Washington, DC
Online: tinybeans.com


Awesome Music Venues for Families in D.C.

18 Handmade Instruments that Actually Play Music 

Outdoor Art Spaces You Can Set Up Today

You don’t need a docent to guide you through the Atlanta street art scene, which now boasts over 1000 murals (though you could learn a lot on one of these walking tours). Just hop on a bike, a skateboard, or lace up your sneaks to check out artwork that is as inspiring as it is Insta-worthy. And, to celebrate Atlanta’s growing muralist community, the ATL1000 awareness campaign has big things planned, including a mural painting workshop for kids! Keep reading for our favorite murals around town, below.

This Lela Brunet masterpiece stretches out across several walls of a Buckhead parking deck. If you're looking for a vibrant background with "Atlanta" clearly repeated throughout, this is your spot. One thing to note, however, is that each wall is only about 3-feet high. If you're hoping for a massive backdrop, look elsewhere, but this would be a great backdrop for a younger child or crawler to pose in front of. 

Find It: 3259 Roswell Rd. NE


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Tiny Doors ATL is an Atlanta-based art project that installs 7-inch door sculptures by artist Karen Anderson Singer in neighborhoods or at institutions. Door #658 (it's 658 times the size of a traditional tiny door) is located on the Eastside Beltline Trail, and is so big that it will make YOU feel tiny!

Find it: At the Edge OTB (behind the giant bull), 670 DeKalb Ave. SE


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Known around town as the #heybrowngirlmural, it's painted on the side of Peters Street Station and is a product of the work done by @nikiaphoenix and @blackgirlbeautifuldotcom, with art by @thepainterbae. It was created to remind us all that brown women all over the world are beautiful, and that representation is important.

Find It: At the corner of Trenholm St. SW and Peters St. SW 


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Photo by @sovereignrm

This 70-foot mural of the late Rep. John Lewis is located on the east side of the current Renaissance Walk building. Lewis was a politician and civil rights leader who served as the U.S. Representative for Georgia's 5th congressional district. Located in an area of downtown with much historical significance, you'll be walking in Lewis' footsteps if you go to pay this mural a visit. The Butler Street YMCA building, where civil rights leaders met in the 1960s, is directly south of this mural, and dozens of historical churches and businesses surround it in the Sweet Auburn Historic District

FInd It: 219 Auburn Ave. NE



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Moms, grab your coffee and head on over to this mural in Castleberry Hill—an historic neighborhood known for its industrial-to-arts vibe—to snap a picture of yourself in your natural environment: wings up. While you're at it, put the Castleberry Hill Art Stroll (every 2nd Friday) on your agenda. You'll visit fascinating and diverse galleries and get a taste of this little corner of Atlanta!

Find It: 217 Walker St. SW

Painted on the side of Atlanta's famous "Disco Kroger" (it used to be a swinging night club called Limelight Disco, where Andy Warhol purportedly hung out in the 80's), this depiction of the building's former glory days by Yoyo Ferro is actually quite glorious, itself. 

Find It: 3330 Piedmont Rd. NE

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Another Castleberry Hill mural, this one pretty much sums it up. And in the family, there couldn't be a better spot than this one to snap a photo of your kiddos getting along. 

Find It: In the vicinity of 261-263 Peters St. 


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This is one of two murals in Decatur painted by  @thekillamari for @livingwallsatl as part of the Laura Patricia Calle Grant, which accepts proposals for a public art project that informs and promotes awareness on social equality, feminism, immigrtants' rights, LGBTQ rights, and cultural diversity.  The colors chosen for this mural are inspired by the Pan-Sexual pride flag. 

Find It: Commerce & E. College Ave.


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​Lela Brunet is an Atlanta artisit known for depicting contrast between a female form and colorful patterns. This particular mural joins those in @outerspaceproject—a week-long event of art, murals, live music, action sports in the ATL—along the #path400 trail in Buckhead. 

Find It: Old Ivy to Wieuca Rd. spur of Path 400


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We love the merry marigolds of this mural that's painted on the side of a shipping container. Find it near the chicken coop area of the Berea Mennonite farm on Bouldercrest in East Atlanta. The small urban church has multiple acres under cultivation and grows over 70 different organic vegetables on the east edge of Atlanta, and sells its food at local farmers’ markets. It also provides a first fruits tithe to the community, distributed through a free clinic. 

Find It: 1088 Bouldercrest Dr. SE


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In Grant Park, you'll find this cheerful mural called "Vaso de Flores" by artist Yoyo Ferro @yoyoferro. Big, bright, and bold (also very near The Beacon, in case you're shopping or dining nearby), we could all use a vase of flowers this year. 

Find It: In the vicinity of 1039 Grant St. SE

Located in Buckhead, this mural by Thomas Turner is called "Moon Seeker." It's dedicated to Henry Aaron, legendary MLB right fielder and current SVP of the Atlanta Braves. He was also known as the man boxing legend Muhammad Ali called “The only man I idolize more than myself."

Find It: Just north of 3279 Roswell Rd. NE


18 Places to Find Incredible Outdoor Art

18 Trips in the USA That Will Make Your Kids Smarter
Getaway: The Unplugged Family Vacation (for When You Need to Recharge)
Visit These Famous Museums from Your Couch

The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one that we want to share with our children, especially in today’s world. Even if we can’t attend a local march or spend the day volunteering in our community, there are many ways you can bring Dr. King’s legacy to your children while at home. From dramatic interpretations of Dr. King’s speeches to songwriting workshops where kids can write a song inspired by the civil rights movement, there are activities for all ages. Be ready to be inspired!

Tumisu via pixabay

Stanford University’s World House Project Film Festival
The World House Project will host a free, four-day webinar and virtual film festival featuring  30 documentaries, musical performances, interviews and panel discussions that speak to Dr. King's vision of the World House. Jan. 14-17Event details 

38th Annual MLK Celebration
SF parks and recreation presents a virtual celebration of MLK featuring Dr. Joe Canton as keynote speaker.
Jan. 14, 11:30 a.m. Event details 

Rally for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2022 marks The 5th Avenue Theatre’s sixth year of proudly supporting the Kent School District’s Rally for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each year, the rally is led by a team of passionate teen leaders and features musical performances, community speakers and student reflections on the life, work and legacy of Dr. King. This year, you are cordially invited to join us as the rally is streamed for the Kent community and beyond. Jan. 17, 7 p.m.

LBJ Library photo by Yoichi Okamoto

Brooklyn Tribute to Martin Luther King
The celebration brings together artists and civic leaders to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. King. The 36th edition features speeches by civic leaders and activists. There will also be performances, including live appearances from singer Nona Hendryx with Craig Harris & Tailgaters Tales and Sing Harlem and a recorded dance piece by choreographer Kyle Marshall. Join us in hope and solidarity! Jan. 17, 7:30 a.m. Event details

Tacoma's MLK Day Celebration
Join the city of Tacoma for its 34th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Celebration. This year’s event theme is “Hope & Healing.” Activities will highlight the present and the future of Dr. King’s impacts on our community and feature local performers and speakers who work and volunteer to ensure our community represents equity, hope and healing. Jan. 17, 8 p.m. Event details

MLK Day Celebration 2022
The California African American Museum invites families to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day immersed in music, culture and community. This year’s virtual festival highlights MLK’s dedication to labor and workers’ rights with the importance of these movements continuing on today. Jan. 17, 10 a.m. Event details

National Parks Service

Songs for Justice: 2022 Annual MLK Birthday Celebration
The Rothko Chapel presents Songs for Justice in celebration of Dr. King’s birthday. Log onto the live stream to enjoy a series of concerts and conversations exploring the role that music plays to further social justice movements. Jan. 15, 3 p.m. CT. Event details.

MLK Celebration 2022
The New Haven Museum will present a day of family friendly virtual programming dedicated to celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Performances, storytelling, dancing, art workshops and more—all from your living room. Jan. 17, 10 a.m. ET. Event details.

johnhain via pixabay

Joy as an Act of Resistance
This is the second annual virtual celebration presented by the Saint Louis Art Museum. This year will feature local Black performing artists, Robert Crenshaw, Alicia Revé, and Freeman Word, who will respond to photographs of Dr. King from the Museum’s collection through dance, music, and spoken word. Jan. 17, On Demand. Event details. 

Celebrate MLK Day with MoAD
Celebrate with MoAD on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service! Now being held virtually, the annual event will feature free programmings like art workshops, museum tours, and more. Jan. 17, 11 a.m. Event details

Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with the Washington State Historical Society
Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the Washington State Historical Society. Highlights of this virtual event are a performance of his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, an art-making workshop, and more. Jan.17, 10 a.m. Event details

—Kate Loweth


Cool Things to Teach Your Kids about MLK

How to Teach Little Kids about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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26 African-American History Books to Read with Your Kids

When it comes to art, kids want it to be bold, colorful and larger-than-life. From the moment you step through the sunflower-adorned doorway into Boston’s Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, that’s what you’ll find. It’s a sensory-igniting lesson in art appreciation that was made for 21st century families. Wondering if you should visit? Here’s what you need to know.

1. Kids Can Learn about Van Gogh

immersive van gogh seattle

By the time you exit the experience, you’ll have seen nearly 300 digital projections of Van Gogh’s sketches, drawings and paintings, but it all starts with learning about Van Gogh’s life, influences and recognizable technique. We recommend downloading the app to get the most out of the exhibit rooms that focus on the artist. Wall placards aside, the QR codes take visitors to historical tidbits, personal notes and other intriguing facts and puts them in the palm of your hand. Plus, handing your device off to your little art lover (a.k.a. the official code scanner) gives kids a way to interact during this (mostly) static part of the experience.

2. Kids Become Part of the Art

van gogh immersive seattle

Kids will love the 3-D effects they’ll find along the way, too, like Van Gogh’s head and The Vases. When they make it to The Bedroom at Arles, they can sit in the painting and pose for parents. And if you’re wondering what the light cameras on the ground are for, they guide visitors to the perfect spot to take Insta-worthy shots.

3. It's a Full-Sensory Experience

immersive van gogh seattle

The most talked about part of the experience is the 360-room. A sensory-igniting area, it's the place where floor-to-ceiling animated art projections allow families to “step into a living painting.” Beyond the visual effects that make sunflowers float to the ceiling, crabs crawl across walls and wagons mosey along haystack-lined roads, kids will love the sound effects, music and playful floor projections that draw in Van Gogh fans of all ages.

immersive van gogh seattle

While parents and big kids will appreciate sitting down on nearby benches and chairs to listen to the narration, tots will love the freedom of the space. They can chase the floor projections, darting from one spot to the next, as scenes change. Tiny dancers will love strutting their stuff when the music starts and the spirit moves them. But kids may also enjoy finding a seat and marveling at the spectacle that surrounds them. 

4. Turning Inspiration into Art is Easy

seattle immersive van gogh

If being surrounded by Van Gogh’s visually stunning creations has you itching to create something yourself, there’s an area to sit down and do just that beyond the immersive room. Here kids and parents can color one of Van Gogh’s famous works of art, adding their own touches. Finally! Time to sit and color with your kiddo. Crayons and hand sanitizer are the tools at your disposal. When you’re finished, project your work into a digital frame at the “Paint with Vincent” station. Kids can line up the picture, press the red button and watch their work magically appear on the screen in front of them. What a thrill! Take your artwork home or hang it on the wall for others to enjoy.

5. Families Can Take a Virtual Walk with the Artist

immersive van gogh seattle

The final piece of the experience is the VR presentation of “A Day in the Life of the Artist.” Once you put on the headset, you’ll be transported to the French countryside where a simple stroll turns into a learning experience. It’s a chance to hear intriguing stories behind some of Van Gogh’s most iconic paintings. The VR experience lasts 10 minutes, and is included in the VIP package. Families can also add it on day-of for $5 each. We’re guessing big kids will jump at the chance to try this out—because, VR. And if you’ve got younger kiddos with you, consider a tag team approach with your parenting partner—you definitely won’t be able to keep an eye on roaming kids with the headset on. The sets are recommended for kids ages 6 and up.

Parent Planning Tools:

van gogh immersive seattle

1. Plan a little over an hour, give or take, for the experience. This will give you enough time to watch the presentation in the immersion room, sit and color for a while and then dive into the VR experience, without feeling too hurried.

2. If you want to avoid the crowds (and save some money too!), get tickets for a mid-week time slot.

3. The experience is super stroller-friendly so bring one along for antsy toddlers or non-walkers. Babies in carriers are easy too. Who knows—your little bundle may even sleep through the exhibit!

4. Remember to check out the COVID policies and cleaning protocols so you know what to expect when visiting with kids. Staying socially distant, wearing masks and hand sanitizer stations are all part of the protocol here.

Date & Hours: Mon. & Weds.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat., Sun. & holidays, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

Strand Theatre
543 Columbia Rd.
Boston, MA
Online: vangoghexpo.com/boston

—Allison Sutcliffe

Article images courtesy the writer (from the Seattle exhibition)

Feature image: Cheshire Isaacs


Oh What a Night! How to Paint Like Van Gogh

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At Rollins College, every day is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. That’s because Fred McFeely Rogers, otherwise known as Mister Rogers, is an alum and the school just unveiled a new sculpture to celebrate. “A Beautiful Day for a Neighbor” is a beautiful 360-degree monument to the goodness of Mister Rogers and it’s exactly what the world needs.

To honor Roger’s legacy, the College commissioned renowned British artist Paul Day to create the detailed piece. It stands over seven feet tall and weighs more than 3,000 pounds, with a final cast in bronze. Mister Rogers appears in his iconic sweater and sneakers, holding his Daniel Tiger puppet and surrounded by children.

Courtesy of Tomas Hruza

“This inspirational sculpture will be a permanent reminder of the ideals and values modeled by Mister Rogers as he set out to make the world a better place,” said Rollins President Grant Cornwell. “This tribute will reinforce the quest for empathy, acceptance and kindness so needed in our society today.”

Courtesy of Scott Collins

Rogers transferred to Rollins College from Dartmouth and graduated with distinction in 1951. He majored in music composition and met his wife of over 50 years, Joanne Rogers, on campus. If you decide to make the trip to Rollins to see the impressive sculpture, you can include it in the Mister Rogers Walking Tour that features tributes to his life across campus.

––Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Scott Cook, Rollins College



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