We had a chat with the world’s most famous groundhog. Find out what he had to say

Each year on Feb. 2, the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania celebrates Groundhog Day and their resident legend, Punxsutawney Phil. Phil’s the guy whose shadow (or not) lets you know how many weeks of winter are to come. According to tradition if he pops out of his hole, sees his shadow, and heads back in, there will be six more weeks of winter. Otherwise, it’s an early spring. We caught up with lil’ Phil to find out more about the critter behind the legend: read on to hear Phil dish on the weather, love, and life underground.


TNY: Phil, thanks for taking the time to speak with us. We know you’re busy.

PP: No problem: Actually, the town is doing all the prep work. At this point in my career, I just snack and then put on a top hat when someone says “go-time!” I hibernate during the winter, so overall, it’s pretty chill.


TNY: Phil, you sound so relaxed. Truthtell: Have you always been able to take it easy, or was there a time when you really felt the pressure of your job?

PP: When I was a young kit, there were some nerve-wracking moments. I mean, it’s my call if you’re going to see spring flowers blooming soon or if you need to keep your snow boots near the door. Back then, it was before television or the internet, so people were really relying on me to predict the future. And if I was wrong, well, that’s how Mr. McGregor’s garden froze over.


TNY: Have you ever been wrong?

PP: No, although unforeseen weather patterns can change the outcome, especially in today’s climate. My job is to give my best guess. So in that way, I can’t really ever be wrong.


TNY: Is it really true that you’ve been predicting since 1886? Zoologists say that is impossible: that a groundhog’s maximum life span is just six years.

PP: No comment.


TNY: Has anyone ever tried to sway you toward winter or spring?

PP: Well, I’m not going to name any names but there was a rather well-to-do seed company that came poking around my den in late January. This was a few years back. They left a basket full of indoor-grown (hydroponic or some such nonsense) vegetables for me to eat. There was a little note that said, “Hope you enjoy the bounty of an early spring.” They never came out and said, “Pick spring!” but I got the message. Early spring is good for crops.


TNY: What did you do?

PP: I did what any self-respecting groundhog would do. I ate all the vegetables and then predicted exactly what I saw. Punxsutawney Phil don’t do bribery.


TNY: What’s with the top hats?

PP: It’s the way you know whose part of my Inner Circle: their signature top hats and tuxes. The Inner Circle is like the President’s advisors. Everyone needs their peeps, and mine help convey my prediction with dignity.


TNY: So the tradition is that two scrolls are placed near your stump, one for winter and one for spring, which you direct the Vice President of the Inner Circle to choose from. Do they actually have the words “winter” and “spring” written on them?

PP:  Yes, but it’s in Groundhog-ese. Only Inner Circle members (and other groundhogs) know this complex language.


TNY: Are you married?

PP: My current partner and I have been together for 25 years this April. We have 30 kits, most of them now full-grown with families and burrows of their own.


TNY: Have you had any career highs and lows?

PP: Like any job, there are definite ups and downs. Going on the Oprah Winfrey Show back in 1995 was pretty thrilling. Last year I was almost arrested for my prediction. The charges have been dropped, so I can talk about it now. It was pretty scary. But as I said, this isn’t an exact science. And if you can’t arrest the weatherman for being off, you can’t arrest me.


TNY: Any spoilers on winter vs. spring?

PP: Haha. I can’t say at this time but if you come to Punxsutawney you’ll be the first to know.


TNY: Thanks for your time, Punxsutawney Phil. Any parting words?

PP: Yes. A lot of farmers and home gardeners campaign against groundhogs because they say we eat their food crops. I want to go on record saying that not all groundhogs are thieves: in fact, most of us are hardworking with dozens of mouths to feed. I hope people have more compassion for the noble groundhog. 

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


When it comes to the season of the rabbit, we’ve always got a few good puns up our sleeves. These Easter jokes are ready to make your little bunnies laugh, whether you want a joke-a-day or just a day of jokes, these jokes for kids are the perfect way to celebrate the season. Don’t forget to check out our favorite spring jokes for kids, and riddles for kids!

Easter Bunny Jokes

What kind of bunny can't hop?

A chocolate bunny. 

What do you call a bunny with lice?

Bugs Bunny!

Where does the Easter Bunny like to eat out?


How does the Easter Bunny travel all over the world?

Via hareplane. 

How do you send a letter to the Easter Bunny?

Via hare mail. 

What do you call a Transformer Bunny?

Hop-timus Prime. 

How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape?


What does a bunny like to dance to?


What do you call a bunny with money?

A millionhare. 

What is a rabbit's favorite jewelry?

A 24-carrot gold ring. 

What do you call a rabbit with a cold?

A runny bunny. 

What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

I'd like to get to gnaw you. 

What do you call a bunny who tells jokes?

A funny bunny! 

Why did the Easter Bunny go on strike?

He wanted a better celery. 

Easter Egg Jokes

Happy Easter sign
Priscilla du Preez via Unsplash

What did one egg say to the other egg?

Heard any good yolks lately?

What do you call a zen Easter egg?

An ommmmmmlet. 

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Wendy who?

Wendy Easter Egg Hunt gonna' start?

What did the egg say when the Easter Bunny told a joke?

You crack me up. 

How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?

Only one. After that, it's not empty anymore. 

What stories do Easter eggs tell their children?

Yolk tales. 

What did the Easter Egg ask for when he went to the hair salon? 

A new dye job. 

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?

To make up for his miserable summer.

—reader submitted by Kaci Y.  

Funny Easter Jokes

happy kids love Easter jokes

Why are you so tired in April?

Because you just finished a March. 

How does Easter always end?

With an "r."

Why did the jelly bean go to school?

Because he really wanted to be a Smartie. 

What kind of vegetable is angry?

A steamed carrot! 

Would February March?

No, but April May. 

Where does Easter take place every year?

Where eggs marks the spot!

How do you know carrots are good for your eyesight?

Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Sherwood who?

Sherwood like to have as much Easter candy as you!

Where did the vampire keep his Easter candy?

In his Easter casket.


Now that baby’s crawling it’s time to start babyproofing the house

Traffic may slow to a crawl, but when a baby starts crawling, they’re zooming. Your former stationary buddy is now heading headfirst down the stairs or digging into your purse, and you’re feeling like you’ll never get a moment to yourself again. Keep kids safe from your home’s danger zones with these clever babyproofing tricks and activities.

1. Safety First
A crawling baby means a new round of babyproofing. Padding furniture corners, covering electrical outlets, tying up loose cords, and installing stairway gates are an excellent start, but there are plenty of less obvious spots that need to be secured. Add locks to toilets and cabinets or doors that conceal electronics, toiletries, cleaners, or glassware, and secure large furniture to the wall to prevent them from tipping over. Pro tip: To get a better sense of what could harm your baby, sit down and lie down on the floor to see your home from a baby’s level. You’ll discover sharp edges, dangling cords, and other potential hazards more easily.

2. Toilet Paper Tube Trick
Crawling babies have more access to items they can put in their mouths, whether that’s dog food or an older sibling’s LEGOs. Not sure what’s a choking hazard? Use the toilet paper tube trick. If the item fits through the tube, keep it out of baby’s reach.

3. Skin Saver 
Hard surfaces can damage a crawling baby’s delicate skin. Rough floors, concrete playgrounds or even carpets can cause scraped, bruised or raw knees from frequent contact. Save your baby’s knees—and pants—by slipping leg warmers or baby knee pads, like the cute ones above from Simply Kids, over baby’s legs. Pro tip: Baby knee pads are also good protection for wobbly toddlers who take frequent tumbles.

4. Staying Alert
Any time you venture out and about with a mobile baby, you’ll have to stay on kid watch like your baby’s life depends on it (because it does). Even new crawlers are shockingly quick. If you have any doubts about whether you can stay fully focused on your little explorer, play it safe and strap baby into a stroller or carrier.

5. Timing Is Everything
If you find yourself having trouble accomplishing tasks with a baby on the loose, adjust your schedule where you can. For example, cut down on time in the kitchen by relying on meal planning or quick prep and slow cooker recipes. Consider showering at night after baby’s bedtime and saving certain tasks for naptime or moments when you have someone else to watch your little mover.

babyproofing a living room


6. Try Redirection
A crawling or toddling baby can leave quite a trail as they explore everything in reach. Keep a small basket of baby-safe toys and books in each room to capture their attention when necessary and keep them away from cereal boxes, markers, and other major messes.

7. Get Germ-Aware
Keeping a crawling baby clean when you’re away from home can be a challenge. Keep a stash of wipes and sanitizer in your diaper bag for outings, and a change of clothes in case of bigger messes.

8. Keep a Surprise Toy Stash
How can you entertain your little cruiser when you need to shower, take a phone call or respond to emails? Hide a stash of “surprise” toys that stay out of your regular toy rotation. Pulling out the basket of “new” trinkets can keep your mobile mini-me entertained for a few minutes while you take care of business or relax for some much-needed me time.

9. Plan a Pool Party!
Turn your blow-up pool into a ball pit by adding colorful plastic balls. Your child will have room to move freely while exploring, and you’ll rest easy knowing baby is contained and entertained.

10. Cook Up Some Quiet
If trying to prep pasta primavera with baby running amok (or attached to your leg) sounds like a recipe for disaster, put your babe in the high chair to watch you. Sing songs, tell stories, or offer an assortment of finger foods to keep them entertained. If you want to pretend you have your own cooking show, we won’t tell anybody.

11. Relocate Your Belongings
If you find yourself frequently cleaning up a certain area—whether baby is obsessed with pulling books off of your shelves or shoes out of your closet—save yourself the constant cleanup and move those belongings upward on higher shelves. Consider this the flooding stage of parenting. As your baby zooms through the house like a force of nature, you move items upwards to keep them out of baby’s wake.

12. Repeat After Us
If snagging your baby inches from the curb for the millionth time or babyproofing have you ready to pull out your (now graying) hair, remember: It’s just a phase. Trust us, “It’s just a phase” will become your new favorite parenting mantra. Bonus: This useful phrase is surprisingly versatile! You’ll likely be using it for one thing or another for, oh, the next 18 years or so.

We’ve all been there. Staring down a pile of laundry or an entire bin of toys on the ground and thought, do these chores really matter? If we’re being honest, when considering all the things we balance as parents, cleaning the house usually falls somewhere toward the bottom of the must-do list. And for good reason. After all, there are other (more important) things that usually take precedence: work, feeding a family, getting kids to school, and somewhere in there—finding time for self-care. But, eventually, you’re going to need to tackle that fridge or make a clean sweep of the place before guests arrive. The good news is, there are plenty of shortcuts and cleaning hacks you can use to tackle both the little and the big jobs, which leaves you more time for the things that really matter—like bedtime stories, family dinners, or a good Netflix binge-session.

Don’t forget a single hack! Click here to pin on Pinterest.

1. Decide what to clean in the first place

Before you check out all these cleaning hacks, take an honest look at your bandwidth and decide what you can do and when. If you can do one or two small things a day, nothing every piles up, which makes your house look more tidy overall.

2. Use an oven-cleaning hack that doesn’t take hours

It’s everyone’s least favorite chore if it even ever gets done. Forget about using the self-cleaning option and go old-school with baking soda, a sponge, and real citrus.

2. Consider buying baskets for every room

Need to clean up in a jiff? Using creative storage solutions is an absolute must. Make sure you have a basket or bin in each room to throw everything in before housekeeping or a surprise visit from grandparents. When the basket is full, it’s time to put everything away. When you’re on the hunt for a special item and can’t find it, it’s time to dump out the basket, find your treasure, and put everything away. Plus, with so many styles and colors, it’s a total design hack, too!

3. Try a ceiling fan cleaning hack that really works

Instead of using paper towels or a Swiffer (dust will get everywhere), use an old pillowcase. The dust will be captured inside!

4. Embrace a solution for how to dry sheets the first time

a cleaning hack for how to dry sheets


This little device is of those things that’ll make you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” It helps prevent the dreaded rolled and wadded mess of half-dried sheets that lead to multiple cycles in the dryer and inevitably waste energy (and valuable time). Just clip the corners of your sheet into the Wad-Free before you wash and dry. Get a 2-pack on Amazon for $20.

5. Check out air fryer cleaning hack that’s safe

If you love your air fryer as much as we love ours, it’s probably time to talk about how often you actually clean it out. While you should be cleaning the basket every time, there are a few deep-cleaning tricks you should try every few months too.

6. Use this genius cleaning hack to get glitter off tables, floors, and just about anywhere else

a cleaning hack for how to clean up glitter
Gabby Cullen


The kids are dying to pull out the art supplies and go wild making you a masterpiece for the fridge. But, who can stand the glitter that inevitably ends up everywhere, forever? Pull out a lint roller and use it after they’re done being creative, you’ll be amazed at how much of the sparkly stuff you’ll be able to clean up.

7. Keep your supplies where you need them

Whether you’re trying to get your kids to do their chores or just want to make cleaning easier for yourself, Joyful Homemaking has an amazing idea. Create your very own chore baskets with plastic shower caddies—one basket for each room with a list of items that go in each basket.

8. Use toothpaste to clean in a pinch

using toothpaste is a smart cleaning hack


Plain white toothpaste includes baking soda, which is a common household cleaning supply. You can use toothpaste to clean jewelry, polish bathroom fixtures, get rid of kitchen odors, and much more.

9. Figure out which tools you need to really clean that fridge

Queen of Clean Vanessa Amaro gives you the low-down on everything you’ll need to get your fridge REALLY clean. Here’s a hint: grab a toothbrush!

10. Use lemon on everything

It’s a miracle cleaning solution that you probably already have! Use it to clean that oven, descale an electric kettle, put half in your dishwasher to cut grease, and so much more.

11. Clean plastic toys in the washing machine

Gabby Cullen


Whether covered in sticky residue from your own kid or if you’re giving a secondhand set a fresh start, plastic blocks clean right up when sent through the wash. Be sure to add items like towels or sheets to prevent banging during the cycle.

It’s some-bunny’s first Easter and we’ve got the basket stuffers to make it memorable

Another “first” is around the corner! There’s nothing better than watching your baby experience their first, well, anything. From their first laugh to the first time they pet a dog and everything in between, we moms love firsts. Holidays are definitely some of the most exciting firsts to celebrate, so with Easter coming up next month, it’s time to start planning. Those giggly photo ops don’t just happen, and filling your baby’s first Easter basket with goodies to make them smile big is a must!

Of course, whether you’re Team Candy or not, chocolate bunnies aren’t exactly the best thing for your little-little ones. We put together a list of the best first Easter basket ideas that are candy-free but still oh-so-sweet! There are cuddly stuffies, adorable toys, comfy Easter-pic-ready outfits they can get to hopping in (if they’re ready for that sort of thing, that is). Get ready to pack their baskets with the best baby-friendly Easter surprises, and don’t forget to post those precious moments to your Tinybeans App! Your family and friends are gonna want to Peep these pics!

Loulou Lollipop Silicon Bunny Teether

LouLou Lollipop

With two tasty food-grade-silicone ears to nibble on and a soft handle to grab onto, there's a lot for babies to love about this soothing teether!

Loulou Lollipop Silicon Bunny Teether ($10.00)—Buy Now

Baby GUND Lena Lamb Soft Baby Booties with Rattle


These GUND baby booties will look adorable while keeping your newborn's toes warm and cozy. The fluffy lambs (size 0-3 months) attach with hook and loop fasteners and have a gentle rattle inside to entrance your little one! Machine washable.

Baby GUND Lena Lamb Soft Baby Booties with Rattle ($15.48)—Buy Now!

Piano Xylophone & Shaker Set


KiwiCo created this adorable baby piano/xylophone for little hands! Big keys and egg shakers mean they'll learn to love music early and have so much fun doing it, long after Easter!

Piano Xylophone & Shaker Set ($54.95)—Buy Now!

Copper Pearl Gender-Neutral Baby Bandana Bibs

Copper Pearl

Copper Pearl is known for luxurious fabrics with darling designs, and this set of 4 bibs is no exception! They're made of 100% cotton on the front to absorb drool and 100% fleece on the back that keeps babies dry and feels soft against the skin. 

Copper Pearl Gender-Neutral Baby Bandana Bibs ($21.95)—Buy Now!

Stride Rite Surf Sneaker Sandal

Stride Rite

If you've got a walker, these soft and stretchy sandals are going to be your go-to for the warmer months! It comes in Silver Rainbow and Grey Camo.

Stride Rite Surf Sneaker Sandal ($56.00)—Buy Now

Little Naturalists: Beatrix Potter Wrote Stories (BabyLit) Board book


Best known for her children's book The Tale of Peter Rabbit, English author Beatrix Potter wrote 23 children's stories and was a talented artist. In this sweet rhyming board book, we learn about her love for animals and how she left more than 4,000 acres to the National Trust! Beatrix Potter Wrote Stories is part of Gibbs Smith's Little Naturalists book series, which includes children's books on other famous naturalists, including Jane Goodall, John James Audobon, George Washington Carver, Wangari Maathai and more.

Little Naturalists: Beatrix Potter Wrote Stories (BabyLit) Board book ($7.19)—Buy Now!

Chillin With My Peeps Easter Bunny Viscose Bamboo Pajama Convertible Footie Romper


Just because they can't eat them doesn't mean they can't sport these sweet Peeps-inspired PJ's!

Chillin With My Peeps Easter Bunny Viscose Bamboo Pajama Convertible Footie Romper ($38.00)—Buy Now!

Flip Easter Egg Plush

Pottery Barn Kids

Here's a clever way to add another surprise to Easter: flip this fuzzy egg inside out and surprise! Out comes a fuzzy baby chick or a bunny.

Flip Easter Egg Plush ($39.00)—Buy Now!

Baby & Toddler Brim Sun Protection Hat UPF 50+

Green Sprouts

This adorable wide-brim hat provides full sun protection and stays on thanks to a tie chin strap. It has UPF 50+ sun protection and keeps baby cool with lightweight, quick-dry material and a wicking liner that pulls moisture away from baby's head! The adjustable toggle customizes the size for your baby's head and grows with them. Available in 0-6 months, 9-18 months and 2T-4T and in lots of cute colors and patterns.

Baby & Toddler Brim Sun Protection Hat UPF 50+ ($12.51+)—Buy Now!

HABA Musical Eggs


Jingle, twitter, rattle, and more with these Musical Eggs! Beech wood eggs, brightly-colored, and each filled with a different sound that babies won't be able to get enough of (plus they're great for little hands!).

HABA Musical Eggs ($34.99)—Buy Now!

Baby Tinkle Crinkle Activity Plush Bunny


This plush bunny from GUND's Tinkle Crinkle line is both a soft, snuggly companion and a sensory toy with colors and textures to explore! There's a flower-shaped, nubby teether for chewing and a ring on top to hang this bunny from a car seat or stroller for outings.

Baby Tinkle Crinkle Activity Plush Bunny ($20.00)—Buy Now!

Wrist & Foot Rattle Set


Babies love learning about their own hands and feet, and this set is a great way to keep them entertained with every move they make!

Wrist & Foot Rattle Set ($15.95)—Buy Now!

Babiators Polarized Flower, Rose Gold Mirrored Lens in Peachy Keen


Get ready for the sunny, summery days ahead with a pair of baby sunglasses, like these from Babiators. With UV400 lenses that offer 100% UVA and UVB protection, they'll protect baby's eyes from the sun's rays. And the flexible frames and shatter-resistant lenses resist breakage. Available in a variety of colors and styles (even heart shaped!), you can also purchase a silicone strap to keep your child from taking them off!

Babiators Polarized Flower, Rose Gold Mirrored Lens in Peachy Keen ($38.00)—Buy Now!

E is for Easter Book


In Babylit's alphabet primer E Is for Easter, your little will learn the ABCs while enjoying fun, vintage-inspired drawings that celebrate Easter and spring, from Easter egg hunts to the beauty of spring flowers!

E is for Easter Book ($7.29)—Buy Now!

Infantino Lil' Nibbles Textured Silicone Teether


For babies who love to chew, pop this Easter-appropriate silicone teether from Infantino into their Easter basket!

 Infantino Lil' Nibbles Textured Silicone Teether ($4.99)—Buy Now!

TOMY Toomies Hide & Squeak Easter Eggs


These Tomy Hide & Squeak Eggs will stay a favorite long after Easter is over! Younger babies will love to pull off the shells to reveal the colorful eggs underneath (and to give these toys a good chew). Older babies can match the colors of the shells and eggs, push on the egg to hear it squeak, and sort the eggs into the right spot in the egg carton. Each has a unique shape on the bottom and fits only in one spot of the carton.

TOMY Toomies Hide & Squeak Easter Eggs ($12.20)—Buy Now!

My 1st Easter Basket Plush Playset


Soft and sweet, this basket is filled with an age-appropriate plush set of four holiday-themed toys from GUND: a carrot crinkle toy, a squeaky egg, a chick rattle and a bunny that makes sounds!

My 1st Easter Basket Plush Playset ($24.80)—Buy Now!

Slumberkins Honey Bear Snuggler & Board Book


Slumberkins are designed to not only soothe and comfort little ones, but to help them develop social and emotional skills early!

Slumberkins Honey Bear Snuggler & Board Book ($52.00)—Buy Now

Soft Stacking Blocks Ring Stacker

Mini Tudou

This stacking toy grows with your kiddos; from little tiny chewers to older stackers who are learning all about shapes!

Soft Stacking Blocks Ring Stacker ($13.99)—Buy Now!

SKYFIELD Carrot Harvest Game


A Montessori-inspired shape sorting toy that'll be fun long after Peter Cottontail heads back down the Bunny Trail!

SKYFIELD Carrot Harvest Game ($18.99)—Buy Now!

Peter Rabbit Gift Set


A Beatrix Potter plush, rattle, and teether that could even become a keepsake!

Peter Rabbit Gift Set ($21.50)—Buy Now!

Crochet Bunny Egg Toys, Set Of 3


Handmade in Armenia, these bunnies can easily go from toy to decor, so you may want to snag more than one set!

Crochet Bunny Egg Toys, Set Of 3 ($36.00)—Buy Now!

The Petit Artiste Gift Set

Manhattan Toy

This minimalist-designed set from Manhattan Toy was created for little ones from newborns to toddlers! It includes a cute bunny, soft book, and unfinished all-natural wood teething ring.

The Petit Artiste Gift Set ($36.00)—Buy Now!

Emerson and Friends Snuggle Bunny Easter Cotton Onesie Gift Set

Emerson and Friends

We love everything Peeps-inspired, and this darling set is perfect for wiggly babies!

Emerson & Friends Snuggle Bunny Easter Cotton Onesie Gift Set ($39.00)—Buy Now!

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Support local businesses while ticking off your shopping list at these independent toy stores in Washington DC

No need to worry about shipping delays or supply chain strains when you can shop local and support businesses that give back to the communities they serve. Who doesn’t love a special gift from an extra-special store? These independent toy shops throughout Washington, DC and the surrounding suburbs have something for every kid (little to big) on your list, so you’ll be able to fill up the space under the tree with a well-curated selection of gifts.

The Best Independent Toy Stores in Washington, DC

1. Three Littles

Beautifully curated, sustainable, thoughtfully-designed children’s goods are always in stock at Three Littles. The shop, located in the Union Market district, is a place where families can find necessities and gifts. With an emphasis on items for babies through early elementary, the shop also features carefully chosen items for parents.

1260 4th St. NE
Online: threelittles.co

2. Fairy Godmother

Serving DC since 1984, Fairy Godmother has an array of choices for kids from infant to teen and everything in between. Check out their collection of Steiff plush toys and collectables, as well as book-themed onesies for the literary lovers on your list. The store also offers craft and science kits as well as books, including some in Spanish. You'll feel as if your fairy godmother sent you here!

319 7th St. SE
Capitol Hill
Online: facebook.com

Related: 45+ Free Things To Do in the DMV All November Long

The Best Independent Toy Stores in Virginia

3. Kinder Haus Toys

For a store with an emphasis on wooden toys and dolls you and your mom would recognize, Kinder Haus is a terrific place to shop. They sell Plan, Haba, Nilo, and RC2 wooden toys, Gund plush toys, and doll lines such as Corolle and Madame Alexander.

1220 N Fillmore St.
Arlington, VA
Online: kinderhaus.com

4. Doodlehopper

Let the delightful staff at Doodlehopper help you find the perfect gift for kiddos on your list, from infant to tween. At this Falls Church staple, you'll find a well-organized and carefully chosen selection of great toys, games, puzzles, and crafts.

234 W Broad St.
Falls Church, VA
Online: doodlehopper.com

5. Barston's Child's Play

This fun shop offers an extensive collection of toys for kids of all ages and a great arts and crafts section. Don't forget to check out their inventory of beloved miniature rubber figures—bring one home for each of your littles!

Insider Tip: Pop into Pastries by Randolph around the corner for a post-shopping coffee and Napoleon and bring home a box of tea cookies for the kids.

4510 Cherry Hill Rd.
Arlington, VA
Online: childsplaytoysandbooks.com

6. Go Bananas

Enjoy classic toys alongside the newest releases available in a curated shop! They stock everything from Brio trains for your toddler to Exploding Kittens for your Tween and a huge variety in between.

Insider Tip: Try out the "Birthday Vault" with your little one. Simply visit the store two weeks before their birthday and help them fill the birthday basket with all of the items they're wishing for. When the basket is full, Go Bananas will write your child's name on it and secure it in their Birthday Vault. The "wishes" will be held on reserve for your child—or for friends and family in search of an approved gift—up until a day after their birthday party or birthday.

42395 Ryan Rd., Unit 122
Ashburn, VA
Online: gobananastoys.com

Related: Oh Christmas Tree! 9 Places to Cut Down Your Own Tree This Season

The Best Independent Toy Stores in Maryland

7. Fair Day's Play

In Takoma Park, this shop specializes in toys with exceptional educational value for all ages. Owner Lisa Ripkin works with customers to find toys that best match their interests and can order specific products just for you if you can’t find what you’re looking for in store.

Insider Tip: Fair Day's Play partners with Art for the People, a non-profit that brings art to communities. Check out their website to find out about upcoming crafting events!

7050 Carroll Ave.  #102
Takoma Park, MD
Online: fairdaysplay.com

8. Anglo Dutch Pools and Toys

Anglo Dutch Pools and Toys was founded in 1985 as a mom-and-pop pool maintenance store, which quickly expanded into carrying pool toys. Before long, customers wanted "land" toys, too. Today, the business carries a huge variety of toys, games, books, and puzzles. True to their roots, they also have a wonderful selection of aquatic toys and swimming necessities like goggles and suits.

5460 Westbard Ave.
Bethesda, MD
Online: anglodutchpoolsandtoys.com

Related: 7 Kid-Friendly Road Trips for Fall Fun near Washington, DC

The Best Independent Toy Stores that Are Worth the Drive

9. PLAYroom

Aptly named, owner Michelle McNaughton has plenty of toys out for your kiddos to test-drive, which makes for a shopping experience that is so much more than basic browsing—you can really uncover the items your little ones will actually love. In fact, it's so interactive, you may have a hard time getting the kids to leave! With loads of unique, hard-to-find, and classic toys, the PLAYroom earns its moniker.

Insider Tip: Really having a hard time making an exit? Don't worry, you can tempt them with a horse cookie from The Upper Crust, an old fashioned bakery just around the corner. 

108 W. Washington St.
Middleburg, VA
Online: intheplayroom.com

10. The Fun Shop

This toy store opened its doors in 1956 when there was nowhere in Middleburg to buy children’s clothes or toys, The Fun Shop is chock-a-block with excellent toy and gift options. Their 6,000-square-feet of merchandise also has great gifts for the grown-ups on your list.

115 W. Washington St.
Middleburg, VA
Online: thefunshop.com

11. Dancing Bear Toys and Games

Founded with the goal of creating a happy place to spark inventive play and imagination, The Dancing Bear in Frederick is worth the drive, especially when you also visit its sister bookstore, The Curious Iguana. If you have the kids in tow, there is a little play area that keeps small hands busy.

Insider Tip: Walk up a block to N. Market St. and you'll find sweet teacher gifts at Perfect Truffle

15 E. Patrick St.
Frederick, MD
Online: dbeartoys.com

12. Curious Iguana

For an independent bookstore with an incredible children's section, head around the corner to Dancing Bear's sister store, Curious Iguana.

12 N. Market St.
Frederick, MD
Online: curiousiguana.com

There are so many ways to take advantage of Atlanta’s long summer days. Hitting the local splash pad with the kids, heading out on a bike odyssey around the city, lounging in one of the many nearby lakes. That’s pretty much what summer in the city is all about. But nothing is more quintessentially summer than packing up a picnic and heading to a park. That’s why we’ve found six scenic spots where you and the kids can picnic and play into the evening. All that’s missing is great friends to join you. Here’s where to plan a perfect picnic and park playdate before summer ends.

via Instagram

Piedmont Park

Just because it's well known doesn't mean there aren't perfect picnic spots just begging for your blanket and basket to pay them a visit at Piedmont Park. We like the Promenade for its easy proximity to the parking deck and Gardens, but if you want to wander, head towards 10th Street and the Eastern-most side of the lake.

10th & Monroe Ave.
Online: piedmontpark.org

Sope Creek Park

This peaceful picnic spot is located part of the scenic Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Its three miles of trails lead to the ruin of a Civil War-era paper mill, surrounded by a forest. The many streams and ponds you'll find along the way provide stopping points for kids to play. After your picnic, set your kiddos loose on the boulders and waterfalls that you can find along the trails.

Insider tip: Plan your picnic to coincide with the weekly ranger walks on Wednesdays and you've got a picture-perfect lunch plan.

3760 Paper Mill Rd.
Marietta, GA
Online: nps.gov

Related stories: Play All Day: Discover Atlanta's Top Playgrounds

a family enjoys a picnic on a sunny day

Sweetwater Creek State Park

You won't believe the beautiful rapids and duck ponds at Sweetwater Creek State Park. Located just west of Atlanta this picnic spot steeped in history is just a short drive away. Take a hike to Civil War-era ruins, and during spring and summer, rent canoes, stand-up paddleboards and boats—after you pack up your picnic, of course.

1750 Mt. Vernon Rd.
Lithia Springs, GA
Online: gastateparks.com

Rogers Bridge Park

Adjacent to the Chattahoochee, Gwinnett County’s Rogers Bridge Park in Duluth has running trails, an historic steel bridge and ample greenspace where you can enjoy your picnic spread. A small playground nearby and a dog park make this a place where you can eat and play with your whole family (fur babies welcome). And although the nearby tubing launch point is currently closed, you should still bring your water shoes along so everyone can wade in (not too far) and cool off before heading home.

4291 Rogers Bridge Rd.
Duluth, GA
Online: duluthga.net

Related stories: National Parks That Atlanta Families Love (& Awesome Cabins Nearby)

via Instagram

Centennial Olympic Park

While the entertainment district may not fall into the secluded picnic spot category, families will find both plenty of green space and things to do at this popular gathering spot. During the early evening hours, it's easier to find a spot on the sprawling, grassy lawns. Plus the play factors are pretty much unlimited here. Head to the children's playground, splash in the Rings Fountain or take a quick stroll to a nearby kid favorite, like the Georgia Aquarium, Children's Museum of Atlanta or World of Coca-Cola

265 Park Ave. W N.W.
Atlanta, GA
Online: gwcca.org/centennial-olympic-park

Vickery Creek

Another one in nearby Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area, you'll find lots of charming elements that'll entertain the kids on this picnic outing. With a wooden covered bridge, historic remnants of the Roswell Mill and over five miles of trails through a forest and past waterfalls, Vickery Creek promises plenty to do beyond the basket. 

85 Mill St.
Roswell, GA
Online: atlantatrails.com

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—Allison Sutcliffe & Shelley Massey

​Spring is in the air, and there’s no sweeter way to celebrate the season than to visit a local farm and pick berries (be sure to see if they participate in a CSA box while you’re at it). Visiting the farms and learning where our food comes from is a great way to spend the day and enjoy the fresh-off-the-vine sweet treats. So read on for how to navigate the u-pick scene in San Diego and make some delicious memories!

Kenny's Strawberry Farm

Kenny's Strawberry Farm

Looking for fields of juicy red strawberries? Then this is your farm! We are berry pleased to say that Farmer Kenny's main crop is strawberries. Hunt for the biggest red berries your littles can find.

Kenny's is open from now until July, and this season they require reservations to go strawberry picking at their farm. Click here to make a reservation and learn about the process of visiting the farm.

Please be sure to respect social distancing while at the farm, remain patient with others, and stay together as a family. They have 7 acres of beautiful strawberry rows, so finding space shouldn't be a problem, and they encourage you to spread out.

Buckets for berries are $17 per large and $7 per small.

953 Rainbow Valley Blvd.
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Online: kennysstrawberryfarm.com

Tanaka Farms

Yun C. via Yelp

Head out to Tanaka Farms to pick some sweet strawberries and enjoy a wagon ride around the farm to learn about the importance of farming. You must register with the exact number of guests and a time to enjoy berry picking. $20 per person (kids two and under are free) includes the wagon tour, one fresh veggie picked from the fields, unlimited strawberries off the vine, one quart of strawberries to take home, plus the petting zoo and loads of photo op spots!

5380 3/4 University Dr.
Irvine, CA
Online: tanakafarms.com

Carlsbad Strawberry Company

Kathy N. via Yelp

Located in Carlsbad, this fourth-generation, family-run U-pick farm is one of the oldest in San Diego County––they've been growing strawberries for over half a century. Go for the ocean view, cool breezes, and bountiful strawberries. If you walk further down the row, you may find even juicier red ones.

The fields are now open every day (weather dependant) 9 a.m.-5 p.m through July. If rain is in the forecast, call 760-603-9608 to make sure they are open. Wear shoes you don't mind getting dirty as it can get muddy. Also available are the corn maze and tractor ride. Food vendors are on-site on the weekends.

Strawberry picking fees:

$5 field admission per person (admits you to strawberry picking area without the bucket).

$12 per person/bucket (about 2 lbs. of strawberries)––kids five and younger are free.

1000 Cannon Rd.
Carlsbad, CA
Online: carlsbadstrawberrycompany.com

Temecula Berry Company

J C. via Yelp

Like a bolt from the blue, 9-acres of blueberries will be ripe for the picking! This family-owned and operated farm in Temecula is a berry gorgeous destination. Pick a bucket full of blueberries, and you’ve got a memorable afternoon. The blueberry-picking season is short, so the earlier in the season you get there, the better the pickings. Come early or later in the day, as it gets hot in the valley.

U-pick sessions will begin in May (exact date TBD) and will be open Sat. and Sun. from 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. and Monday mornings if there is still ripe fruit available.

Check their website or Facebook page to make sure they're open before heading out.

Prices for the picking containers are:
Small $5
Medium $10
Large $20

Good to know: Farm accepts cash or checks only.

39700 Cantrell Rd.
Temecula, CA 92591
Online: temeculaberryco.com

Julian Farm and Orchard

Natalya S. via Yelp

A trip to Julian is always fun, but a trip that includes berry picking is even better! Julian Farm and Orchard is the new kid on the block in the u-pick world and will be open for berry picking beginning in June. The farm also has a petting zoo, axe throwing, tractor-pulled hayrides, and tons of photo spots. 

Open Saturdays and Sundays 10-4 pm. Text 951-313-0166 for berry updates.
Admission is $10 per person (kids under 2 are free) and includes ten activity tickets to use on the hayride, axe throwing, or petting zoo. 

Insiders Tip: Julian Mining Company is under the same ownership and is located across the street, so plan to make a day out of your visit.

4444 State Hwy 78
Online: julianminingcompany.com


Tips to Have a Sweet Berry Picking Experience:

  • Wear a hat and sunscreen and pack sunglasses for sensitive eyes.
  • Wear close-toed, comfortable shoes (you’ll be walking through dirt paths on the farms).
  • Always call the farm before you visit to confirm their hours and whether there are enough berries left for picking.
  • Arrive when the farm opens to get the cream of the crop and to pick the fruit in cooler temps.
  • Only pick strawberries that are fully red and ripe, and pick them by pulling on the stem, not the berry.
  • Take along some baby wipes and hand sanitizer to clean sticky hands and faces.
  • Take your camera for plenty of cute photo ops.
  • Once you’re home, don’t wash the berries until you’re ready to eat them (otherwise they spoil more quickly).

––Kimberly Stahl, Nikki Walsh & Beth Shea

featured photo via iStock


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It’s time for the Hearth and Hand spring refresh at Target! Joanna Gaines fans will be delighted to know the designer just released a fresh lineup of up Easter and spring-friendly home goods, and even an adorable collection of wood toys for the kids.

There are over 300 new products, most of which are already available to shop online and your local Target store. Keep scrolling to see our faves for this year.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Wood Trio Serve Caddy

Wood Trio Serve Caddy


Instantly amp up your serving table with this simple and classy caddy. The attached bowls boast a natural wood finish and coordinate with your basic servingware.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Arched Metal Frame Mirror

Arched Metal Frame Mirror with Shelf Brass Finish


Great for modern, contemporary or farmhouse decor, this arched frame also features a shelf for added function.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Distressed Strip Stoneware Pitcher

Distressed Stripe Stoneware Pitcher


Perfect for a spring brunch, this distressed pitcher holds a whopping 78 oz. and works for hot or cold beverages.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Footed Wood Serve Station

Round Footed Wood Serve Stand


Coming in several sizes is perfect for desserts, appetizers or even for use as a display piece.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Wash Your Hands Sign

'Wash Your Hands' Stoneware Wall Sign


Thanks to the pandemic, every household needs one of these adorable signs which is equal parts funny and functional.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Speckled Stoneware Exposed Rim Egg Tray

Speckled Stoneware Exposed Rim Egg Tray


Amp up your Easter gathering with this adorable speckled egg tray.

Hearth and Hand Target Spring Collection Toppling Tower

Toppling Tower Wood Blocks Game


Cute enough to put on display, but functional enough to actually play with, this timeless wood toy comes with 48 pieces and is great for kids four and older.

—Karly Wood

All photos courtesy of Target



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Those darn darts from your kiddo’s Nerf blaster are everywhere. Now you don’t need to crawl around the carpet, picking up each individual piece of foam from the floor.

The Nerf Elite Dart Rover is the toy cleaning tool you need right now. The Dart Rover looks like a mini lawn mower, but doesn’t cut down your carpeting. Instead, the River picks up those pesky little Nerf darts with a simple swipe.

photo: Amazon

Instead of a one by one pick-up process, this genius machine lets you grab up to 100 darts at a time. Along with the super-picker up potential, the Dart Rover also comes with non-slip wheels (which are perfect for your non-carpeted floors) and an adjustable handle. A mesh net basket catches darts as they fly off the floor and into the Rover.

Built for kids ages eight and up (and moms and dads too!), this grabber gadget gives your child the chance to clean up their own Nerf-tastrophy—instead of you playing the role of dart keeper.

This quick catcher retails for $29.99. Nab The Nerf Elite Dart Rover online at Amazon.

—Erica Loop



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