It’s hard to imagine how you’re going to juggle all the things when you go back to work after having a baby. On top of your actual job, there’s the laundry and cooking and grocery shopping, the emails from school, the playdates, and your bigger kid’s sweatpants suddenly having holes in every knee. It’s a lot. So we asked 25 working moms to share their best piece of advice, and boy did they deliver—with tips on everything from streamlining your home life to actually, realistically carving out time for yourself.

The Juggle Is Real

Plan the week out in person
“Every Sunday evening, my husband and I sit down and review the week ahead (logistics, upcoming events, to-dos, etc.) and create a one-page document that we print out and leave in an easy-to-see spot. We reference it all week! This exercise helps me get a hold of the ongoing mental list heading into the week.”

Do the small things first
“The best piece of advice I ever got was to live by the one-minute rule. Essentially, you do any task that takes a minute or less immediately. Don’t microwave your coffee, don’t call a friend, don’t pass go and collect $200—just do it now. All those little distractions add up to some aggressively long to-do lists and as working moms, we simply don’t have time for that. So if you bring in the mail, don’t plop it down to deal with later—just go through it right away and throw out the junk. If you get an email from the school that requires an easy response, get it over with. By getting all these little things out of the way ASAP you’re making more time for the big stuff, and we all need more time for the big stuff.”

Go ahead, take the shortcut
“Working full-time with young kids is hard, no doubt about it. Do what you have to do to get through the day, because some days are harder than others. Grilled cheese (for the fourth time this week)? Why not! A little extra screen time so you can complete a task that can no longer wait? Go for it. Sometimes, it’s about survival. These don’t have to be the moments that define you as a mom. These are the moments that let you keep the ship afloat so you can be the mom you really want to be.”

Prep the night before
“Whether you need to leave the house to go to work daily or once a week, make that morning as streamlined as possible. Shower the night before if you can. Plan your outfit and the kids’ clothes. Pack lunches. The easier it is for you to get ready, the easier it is to get out the door, and the smoother your day will be.”

Take allll the help
“My advice is to take any help you can get. Don’t try to be a hero. It literally takes a village. Know who you can count on for carpools and when you can share responsibilities with people you trust.”

Divide and conquer (and reevaluate regularly)
“I was the primary parent for many years, and even though I am now working full-time, I’m the primary parent in many ways. There are times when this becomes too much and the anger can build. Why do I need to still take care of the stuff I did before? The answer is, I don’t. This may mean our house is messier for longer, or the kids don’t get as many playdates, but inevitably, we started new routines and new schedules to balance out the division of labor. And if it feels like it’s not working again, it’s back to the drawing board to figure out a new routine. Don’t expect to have it all figured out right away. You need to try things out for a bit, sit with it, and adjust as needed.”

Switch up nighttime routines
“When it comes to the daily routine, try not to have one parent do bath time and bedtime every night. We have always had one parent clean up after dinner and the other handle the bedtime routine. And then the next night we switch, although it can be hard if mom is nursing. My husband would do everything to get the baby ready for bed, and I would nurse as the final step. Then your baby gets used to both parents, not only mom, at bedtime.”

Take the Zumba class
“A co-worker of mine once told me when my kids were really young how important it is for moms to have a life outside of their kids. At the time I would rush from work to pick them up from daycare when what I really wanted to do was attend the Zumba class that was held at our office. She encouraged me to do that and it really was life-changing. Now, I regularly leave them to travel and they have developed so many great life skills from me not always being home. Plus they see me following my dreams even as an adult which I think is so important.”

Work Life

Never apologize
“Do not apologize for saying ‘I need to go pick up my kids.’ Anything having to do with caring for your kids does not need an apology. To anyone. Ever. Be gracious and polite and tactful as the situation calls for, but don’t tell anyone you’re sorry you need to be a parent.”

Talk about your littles
“When I first had my daughter, I was reluctant to talk about parenting with clients and colleagues. I didn’t want anyone to assume that motherhood would get in the way of my performance. But I’ve come to realize that commiserating about potty training is actually a great way to break the ice and forge relationships with the parents I work with. These days, if I know a client or colleague has kids, I make a point of asking about them. This approach might not be right for every workplace, but it’s been effective for me.”

Seek out mother mentors
“Create a village at work to support you. Find mentors to help guide you as you make potentially new career decisions as a working mother. It’s great to engage women for your personal board of directors who are a few steps ahead of you in the working motherhood journey. That way they can share what they did in your shoes as you find new opportunities.”

Know your rights
“Know your rights as a mother and what the law says about maternity leave, time off to care for sick kids, time off for doctor visits, pumping and privacy, etc. No one can take advantage of you when you can back things up with the law.”

Dual Identities

Set work and socialization boundaries
“It can become awkward if your office environment is a more social one and you have to/want to/need to go home to your family. If you do feel tension around this, speak to your manager. Explain your boundaries – it’s better to be upfront and have everyone understand the expectations. Just be aware that you’ll have to stay and play sometimes (and that’s OK!).”

Work-life balance takes work
“Work-life balance isn’t a 50/50 daily split. It’s intentionally making the time for the things that you really care about, using boundaries, prioritizing, and planning your time over the long term. If you don’t have boundaries, everything is harder when it comes to finding time for what you care about. The easiest way to maintain boundaries after you define them is to use your calendar. Block off time to indicate when your work day ends. Put time on your calendar when you know you’ll be focused on family. Carve out time for things like exercise and self-care.”

Take time to switch from mom mode to work mode
“I usually feel a little frazzled from the adrenaline of the morning rush, so I give myself 25 minutes to shake it off and prepare myself to start my work day. I pop on a chatty, fun podcast (or put on some feel-good music if that’s more my mood), and do a quick sweep of the spaces I need to use. I remove all of the obvious kid debris and mess so that the space feels more calm and ordered. Then I change into an outfit I feel good in and do a two-minute glow-up to hide the tired eyes. I take a moment to make a coffee or eat something nourishing in my garden; just five minutes or so to myself outside in nature to reset. Then I head to my desk and get started–work mode activated!”

Focus on one thing at a time
“Avoid multitasking when it comes to childminding and working at the same time—it’s a poor result for everyone if you’re attempting to work while spending time with your children and vice-versa.”

Advancing In Your Career

Work advancements may mean less
“Once I had kids, I knew that work no longer took priority for me. And even though I went back to work eventually, I no longer felt like I needed the ‘cool’ job or the better title. I liked being able to work again, but also being able to shut my computer off and be with my family. I am a full-time project manager at home, I don’t need to be one at my job.”

Make deals on the playground
“You know the old cliché that business deals are made on the golf course? Well, they can be made on the playground too! I’ve found that parents, and moms in particular, are willing to help fellow parents reach career goals. Leveraging my network of fellow moms has led to valuable business relationships and even new clients.”

Work smarter and put yourself first
“Before kids I considered myself a hard worker, staying late at the office, taking on tasks for which I wasn’t recognized, agonizing over every word in an email. I no longer have that time as a working mom. Now I say no to tasks that don’t serve me, walk away from time-sucking clients, and yes, send a few emails with typos. I’ve dialed down my efforts at work and I’ve found that the work I produce is just as good.”

Put pumping on the cal
“If you’re planning to pump, put that time on your calendar so it doesn’t get eaten up by other meetings or requests. People will know that you’re unavailable.”

Mom Guilt and Expectations

No one has all the answers
“Don’t let anyone, especially social media influencers or experts, tell you what you can or can’t do. Don’t get hooked into the narrative of the burnt-out mom if it doesn’t serve you. We’ll all get overwhelmed, but it’s not written in the sky that you can’t have what you want in all aspects of your life. We’re just told, a lot, that, no, we can’t. And I don’t buy it.”

A little sorry goes a long way
“There may be moments when you lose your cool with your kid. Trying to get out the door in the morning when you’re already late for work is an opportune time for this. When you cool off later that day or even later that week, apologize and admit you made a mistake. Everyone will feel better for it.”

So does a little one-on-one time
“Try to carve out a little time each day to focus on your kids. Even just 10 minutes of ‘golden time’ as they call it. Makes me feel less guilty for the time I don’t get to spend with them and sometimes it actually helps their behavior.”

Making Time For Yourself (Really Though)

Rise and shine
“I like to get up as early as I can muster to have some alone time before the rest of my family wakes up. I make coffee, read a few chapters of my book, and just generally let myself bask in the quiet. I find that when my kids do get up I’m more calm and prepared for whatever they throw my way (tantrums, fights, breakfast disasters). Some people call it the 5 a.m. club, but mine’s more 6 a.m. or later because I’m not a morning person at all. But I do go to bed as early as I can to make this work.”

Fresh air is your friend
“I like to go for a walk before work, even when I work from home, and I call it my commute. Alone time, fresh air, and steps make me feel more ready for the day.”

Every relationship has its ups and downs, especially the longer two people are together. Disagreements and even some arguments are natural. You might even feel the need to take some major space at moments. I know I’ve personally been guilty of rolling my eyes at a partner when things were prickly between us. But when is an eye roll, a scoff, or even a temporary cold shoulder a sign of something greater? According to psychologist John Gottman, all of those might be indicative of what he calls The Four Horsemen of Relationships—a theory that suggests that the appearance of certain behaviors can spell certain doom for some couples.

The Four Horsemen of Relationships consist of Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.

Criticism refers mainly to criticizing your partner directly versus just making a complaint about something they did (or failed to do), such as failing to load the dishwasher one night. Think: criticizing the way they do certain chores, criticizing their looks, their job, their interests, etc.

“These unkind words can leave the criticized partner feeling less than, rejected, flawed, or not good enough. If left unchecked, criticism can worsen your relationship and make room for the other Horsemen to follow quite easily,” says Monique Dunn, an LCSW-S and licensed therapist and owner of Destination Therapy.

Contempt shows up in our treatment of our partners, which might include using sarcasm, berating and ridiculing them, and being otherwise disrespectful. It’s like criticism x 100. The eye-rolling I mentioned above could technically fall into this category, depending on the situation. Mostly, the contemptuous partner is looking to hurt the receiver (but sometimes both partners will do this back and forth).

“Contempt can push your relationship to the point of no return because it usually indicates a build-up of negativity and resentment, clouding any chance of positivity seeping back into your view of the relationship,” says Paige Bond, LMFT and founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida.

The third is Defensiveness—being unable to take responsibility for one’s actions and/or accept fair critiques. In a state of defensiveness, one will look for excuses rather than simply apologize for a behavior or action, and may even turn it around to blame the other partner.

“Where there is a lot of criticism, there is often a lot of defensiveness in return, and this cycle can be incredibly negative,” Dunn says.

The final Horseman is Stonewalling. Often the result of too much contempt in a relationship, this is when a partner decides to “check out” of the relationship, often failing to interact with or even respond to their partner. They might act busier than they actually are, turn away from their partner during conversation or even when they enter the room, or simply stay distracted at all times so as not to have to engage. According to Gottman, this can be one of the most challenging habits to break.

picture of a couple dealing with the four horsemen of relationships

Can a relationship survive the appearance of one (or all) of the Horsemen?

Experts agree that even when one or more of the Horsemen are present, it’s still entirely possible to “save” or at least work on and improve the relationship.

Jackie Golob, a licensed professional clinical counselor and sex therapist at Shameless Therapy, views the Four Horsemen as learned behaviors that can be unlearned. “It just takes time, willingness, energy, and effort. One tip is to slow down and think about what you are saying and how you are saying it. Think through if it is truly helpful or harmful to that person or situation,” she says.

She also suggests practicing healthy communication while self-soothing one’s own emotions and staying mindful. “I wouldn’t say deflect the Four Horsemen—that’s avoidance. We need to increase our awareness to recognize and understand when (they) are happening.”

Something to keep in mind: While a relationship can survive the Four Horsemen of Relationships, Bond says if only one partner is willing to do the work, it’d be pretty difficult to salvage. “All partners need to decide if they’re willing to make these changes in their communication patterns for a better relationship.”

What are more ways to work against the Four Horsemen?


“If your automatic reaction to a situation is to be harsh or blame your partner, try waiting to have the conversation when you’re in a better headspace. This will allow you to calm down your nervous system and calmly approach the situation so you can use ‘I’ statements,” Bond says.

She also suggests that instead of quickly jumping to “You’re always late; I can never count on you,” you can just as easily try “I feel frustrated when you don’t come home from work on time because it’s hard to watch the kids and get dinner ready at the same time. How can we work together as a team to make this happen?”

Dunn recommends avoiding using absolutes like “you always” or “you never.”Instead, try to address the issue and share how you’re feeling without blaming your partner.


“Try focusing on what you’re feeling and using ‘I’ statements, leaning into fondness of your partner more often when communicating your preferences and needs rather than presenting it as unkind criticism,” Dunn says.

She uses the following example: Instead of saying, “It amazes me how all of a sudden, when the in-laws are visiting, you manage to cook a decent meal. If only they were around more, so I could eat like this more often,” opt for something like, “I enjoyed the meal you made last time the in-laws were in town and I appreciate the way you cooked that chicken dish. I would love it if you could make it again sometime—it was delicious.”

Bond recommends a similar approach to building a culture of appreciation.

“You might be doing this by being affectionate, complimenting your partner, or even thanking them for something they recently did. It can go a long way to say, ‘Thanks so much for giving the kids bath time while I cleaned up the kitchen. We make a really good team,’” she says.


Dunn recognizes that defensiveness creeps in often as a way to protect hurt feelings and bruised egos. “Instead of turning the tables and casting blame onto your partner, you can own what happened and try to meet your partner where they are by seeking to understand their viewpoint,” she says.

Bond agrees, saying defensive partners need to avoid taking things personally. “The best way to get out of the cycle even faster is to apologize swiftly and do it like you mean it. Instead of ‘I’m only late because traffic was bad,’ try ‘I’m so sorry I’m late. I know how tough it can be to juggle all these tasks at home by yourself.’”


“Completely shutting down during a discussion with your partner can be a defensive response when you are overwhelmed or what we as therapists call experiencing ‘emotional flooding.’ That feeling of flooding can be so overwhelming that it’s hard to recognize when it’s happening,” Dunn says.

She says building self-awareness of the pattern is key so that one can then create space to find equilibrium before the conversation continues. “Often with couples, I suggest that the partner who tends to stonewall ask for a break, but instead of leaving and shutting the partner out, there is an agreed-upon time frame for the break (e.g., 20 minutes to self-regulate), and the promise to return to the conversation after having this time to cool down.”

She also recommends working with a therapist to build those healthy coping skills to self-regulate in those moments when you want to break away and shut down.

Limitations & Critiques of the Four Horsemen Theory

“The Four Horsemen theory is a really great and simple concept for handling conflict. However, this concept may neglect diverse relationship dynamics, such as having neurodivergence present,” Bond says. She points to the way people on the autism spectrum or those who have other conditions present might communicate and perceive things differently than neurotypical people.

“For example, someone with autism may have difficulty interpreting social cues, which could lead to behaviors that mimic contempt or defensiveness when in reality, it’s not intentionally negative. Nonetheless, the Four Horsemen concept can be adjusted and applied as needed to fit your unique relationship,” she adds.

Golob agrees that while the theory scratches the surface, there isn’t a lot of inclusivity for neurodivergent folks. She also says it’s not as inclusive of LGBTQIA+ relationships either.

“It’s mainly cis heterosexual relationships, which is okay, and there are limitations to research because of that. What I often find with (neurodivergent) folks in therapy is that they need more concrete, tangible examples of what this looks like. [Also] there are more than four things to work on in a relationship,” Golob says.

You’ve probably asked your child’s pediatrician all about feeding schedules, vaccines, sleep struggles, and food allergies. Perhaps your little one suffers from constipation (or groan, the opposite), cries when you place them in their crib, or just had their first fever. While all of these are valid new-parent concerns, we’ve got some news for you. There are even more questions you need to ask your child’s pediatrician.

Luckily, Dr. Candice Jones, a board-certified, Florida-based pediatrician is here to clue us in. In addition to being both a doctor and a mom, Dr. Jones hosts the KIDing Around With Dr. Candice podcast and is the author of High Five Discipline: Positive Parenting for Happy, Health, Well-Behaved Kids. The next time you take your baby (or toddler) to the doctor, be sure to ask them about these six critically important topics.

Safe Sleep Practices

Sleep—rightfully so—is one the main concerns new parents have. Not only are parents downright exhausted, but the baby is, too. While many new parents focus on simply getting a little (or ideally, a lot) more shut-eye, it’s critical that parents understand and practice safe sleep practices. Dr. Jones reminds us that we must work to prevent SIDS, also known as sudden infant death syndrome, and she wishes parents would ask more about it.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) offers SIDS-prevention guidelines. First, infants should always be placed on their backs. Their sleep space should be a “crib, bassinet, or portable play yard” that contains a “firm, flat mattress and a fitted sheet.” Swings and carseats are not suitable safe sleep spaces. The baby’s sleep space should be free of any “loose blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, bumpers, and other soft items.” When possible, breastfeed the baby and “avoid smoking.”

Water Safety

As summer quickly approaches, you may want to enjoy the water with your little one, be it a sprinkler, a swimming pool, or a local splash pad. Don’t forget about bath time, too. The goal, of course, says Dr. Jones, is to “prevent drowning.” However, any outdoor water activities also bring on the risk of your baby getting overheated, dehydrated, or sunburned. Remember to ask your pediatrician about safe water practices in every sense of the phrase.

The AAP reminds parents that babies can drown in a mere one to two inches of water. Never, ever leave your little one unattended in or near water. Gather bath time supplies and have them within reach prior to bathing your baby, and always check the water temperature prior to bathing to prevent burns. Always check to make sure bathrooms (think, toilets—a bowl of water), swimming pools, and even large containers (examples: pet water bowl and coolers) are secure. Younger babies are immobile, but as they get closer to the toddler years, they become very water-curious.

Related: 25 Parent-Approved Tips for Taking Baby to the Beach

After-Hours Illness

Any experienced parent will tell you that kids rarely get sick when it’s convenient for parents. Whether your kid spikes a fever on a weekend, a holiday, or late into the night, Dr. Jones wants parents to be prepared. So when exactly do you cal the pediatrician after hours? The threshold to call the after-hours line is different from doctor to doctor, so be sure to ask questions like: What (fever) temperature concerns you? What other symptoms warrant a call, such as lethargy or vomiting? What fever and/or symptoms require us to go straight to urgent care or the ER? Bottom line: When in doubt, make the call.

Johns Hopkins Medicine shares these guidelines for parents. Take your child to the ER when “your child less than 2 months old” has a fever of “100.4 degrees Fahrenheit” or above. A suspected broken bone, a child hitting their head (and showing signs of passing out or losing consciousness), a seizure, dehydration, fast and heavy breathing, or “gasping for air,” and any “gaping cuts” warrant a trip to the emergency room.

Related: 5 Things ER Pediatricians Would Never Let Their Kids Do

Growth and Development

Dr. Jones says that one question all new parents should ask their child’s pediatrician is: Is my child developing and growing well? She forewarns that parents shouldn’t “assume your child is doing well in these areas if your doctor doesn’t mention it.” As the parent, you know your child best. Dr. Jones points out that “early detection and intervention of developmental delays and any growth concerns should be addressed.”

She also shares that these can be “overlooked in busy clinics,” so parents have to be and stay aware of their child’s growth (height, weight, and head circumference) and development. One of the best ways to do this is take a notebook and pen to every appointment and take notes, especially if your child’s doctor’s office doesn’t use a digital record-keeping medical system that patients can access online.

Carseat Safety

One of the most confusing and mind-boggling issues new parents face is carseat safety. What was considered safe and acceptable when we parents were children is no longer ok. There are two issues to make sure you ask the pediatrician about. The first is to ask is: Can I leave my child in their car seat—and for how long? Remember, never, ever leave your child in an unattended car. The second question to ask is: Which carseat is best for my child, and what are the guidelines for making sure my child is properly secured in the seat? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) offers this detailed response.

Did you know there are four different types of carseats ranging from an infant seat to a simple seatbelt? The NHTSA’s car seat finder tool allows you to enter your child’s birthday, height, and weight to help you choose the best car seat. They also remind parents that it is critical to “choose and use the right care seat correctly every time your child is in the car” to keep them safe.

Parenting Quandaries

Dr. Jones reassures parents that “nothing should be off-limits” when talking to your child’s doctor about “the health and well-being of your child.” Questions about discipline, attachment, speech and language, eye and ear health, skin concerns, and even creating boundaries should all be fair game. You can feel reassured that your kid’s pediatrician may have resource recommendations, and they have the ability to make referrals for speech evaluations, for example.

No matter how many books promise to be an all-inclusive guide to raising a baby or toddler, the research and standards are continuously changing. This is why it’s important to not brush aside your “silly question” or concern and approach your child’s pediatrician with honesty and a willingness to learn. A great doctor will gladly educate you, and when they cannot, they’ll offer you a resource or referral. Of course, you can also access Dr. Jones’ podcast or read her book for ideas, but always bring up specific-to-your-child concerns with your doctor.

Finally, a way to contain the madness

Stuffed animals falling off shelves, superheroes poking you behind pillows, and LEGO bricks underfoot (ouch!). If your house is anything like ours, it’s total toy chaos. But rather than resign yourself to a house of disorder, we’ve rounded up the best, most clever toy storage ideas that all but guarantee to work organizational wonders for the toys and gear growing like gremlins. So whether your house is being overtaken by art supplies or a precarious stack of board games, we have a solution for you!

Best Toy Storage Solution for Stuffies

Problem: A hoard of stuffed animals is crowding your kid out of their bed.

Solution: Stuffed animals have a tendency to multiply faster than rabbits. Take advantage of an unused corner by storing toys in a hanging hammock. Now your little one will have a space on the bed to put their second, third, and fourth-best lovey.

To buy: LittleWoodPiece via Etsy, $43

Best Toy Storage Solution for Jumbled Messes

Problem: The toys are jumbled together in one bin and no one can find the item they want.

Solution: Snag storage containers with individual bins, like IKEA’s Trofast system, but take it to the next level by labeling each one so there’s no confusion as to where each toy goes when playtime is over—making it super easy to find the toy they really want when it’s time to play again. Snag a custom set of vinyl labels from Made by Sunni—they’re not only well-made, but the pictures also make it easy for pre-readers to know what goes where.

To buy: IKEA, $35 & up

Best Toy Storage Solution for LEGO

toy storage ideas
Swoop Bags

Problem: Too many LEGO sets, not enough time to sort them all.

Solution: We know that even the best laid-out LEGO storage system is no match for a kid who is asked to put their LEGO away. It's hard to keep bricks color-coded or grouped by type—eventually—everything winds up mixed all together. Make it easy on yourself (and your kids) by ordering a few Swoop Bags. These bags have a six-inch edge to help contain small pieces, come in small, medium, or large (they're big enough to play with those LEGO inside the bag), and you can choose between all sorts of fun colors. It's a storage and carryall solution (thanks to the handy pull-cord that doubles as a carrying strap) in one! 

To buy: Swoop Bags, $54 & up

Best Toy Storage Solution for the Recycler

toy storage ideas using a paper bag
Hello Wonderful

Problem: You don't want to buy yet another storage container. 

Solution: Make your own toy storage out of paper bags. We love this cute DIY storage bag from Hello Wonderful because it's easy to make, practically free and it makes a one-stop spot for loose toys. All you need is a few paper bags and paint.

Best Toy Storage Solution for Artists

toy storage solutions for art supplies

Problem: Your Picasso-in-training can't find their favorite colored pencil when they need it.

Solution: Pencils and markers rolling all over the place? Set up an artist station with a lazy Susan carousel. This one comes with removable storage spots (art on the go!) that can also pull double duty as craft central: think puff balls, paint brushes, and paints. There's (finally) a home for every sharpened pencil, animal-shaped eraser, gel and glitter marker set, and more. 

To buy: Amazon, $30

Best Toy Storage Solution for (Outgrown) Stuffed Animals

toy storage ideas for stuffed animals

Problem: Your kid has outgrown their loveys on display but isn't ready to donate them.

Solution: All those stuffed animals are turning into monster-sized dust bunnies and while your kid is old enough to not (really) need them, they're too young to want to get rid of them. To make everyone happy, fill this storage-cum-bean bag by Posh Creations for an extra cuddly (and dust-free) spot to sit.

To buy: Amazon, $24

Best Toy Storage Solutions for Board Games


Problem: Flimsy cardboard puzzle boxes lead to lost and mismatched pieces while stacks of board games stuffed in a cupboard end up never being used.

Solution: Enlist the help of mesh bags and a storage bin.  Not only will they be easily accessible, but the storage bin will up the design factor in your family room and free up closet space.

To buy: 24-count mesh bags on Amazon, $19, storage bins on Amazon, $38

Best Toy Storage Solution for Bunk Beds & Cramped Bed Space

a bed caddy is a good toy storage idea

Problem: Bedtime buddies and books don’t have any place to go when it's time to sleep.

Solution: You know better than to suggest your little ones drop extra loveys and books onto the floor to make some space to sleep which is why this solution is what you both need—easy-to-access pockets to stuff those stuffies and books while making room for a full night's sleep (finger's crossed!). This genius storage solution is especially clutch when you have an awesome bunk bed or loft bed situation. 

To buy: Walmart, $11

Best Toy Storage Solution for Figurines

Problem: Barbie, Ken, and their friends are all looking for a place to crash.

Solution: Your kid will be able to locate Black Panther, Ironman, or Barbie and friends in no time thanks to this toy storage idea that uses an over-the-door shoe organizer. Best part? When you want to keep the toys out of sight, just shut the door.

To buy: Amazon, $26

Best Toy Storage Solution for Awkward Spaces

clever toy storage ideas for kid's room
Chris Loves Julia

Problem: Your home has an awkward nook, cranny, or closet and it's hampering any creative toy storage solutions.

Solution: Lean into the awkward spot and use it to your advantage. Build out the space and turn that sore spot into an extra special space with a built-in play house (that can also house those stacks of toys behind closed doors). 

For the indoor playhouse how-to:

Best Toy Storage Solution for Book Fanatics

Problem: Your kid’s reading obsession (while great) is bordering on book hoarding.

Solution: Take advantage of walls by installing an open-faced bookshelf so your little bibliophile will have access to all their favorites. If there are too many books in your collection, do a monthly rotation so they all get some love.

To buy:, $250

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

You waited 9 months and baby is finally here. And even though you’re ready to have fun with that little bundle, baby—not so much (especially during those first few months). But in between the diaper changes, naps, and feedings, you and your little one can find time to play simple games that benefit baby’s development. Playing helps babies learn about the world and develop new motor skills and social skills. The key is knowing at what age they’re ready for baby games like peekaboo and blowing bubbles. Here’s an age-by-age guide for the best games to play with babies at different times during their first year.

Games for Babies: 0-3 Months

two moms play peek a boo, games for babies, with a newborn on a bed

1. Imitation Game

Your face is your baby’s favorite thing to look at. Keep it about a foot away from your newborn so they see you properly, and then stick out your tongue or form an O with your mouth. Before you know it, baby will copy you. Bonus points for making silly noises to go along with your expressions.

2. Singing

Newborns might not be able to see you from across the room, but they can hear you, and they recognize (and love) your voice. Sing a lullaby or “Wheels on the Bus,” belt out your favorite song or commercial jingle, or make up a song about your daily activities. It doesn’t matter if you’re out of tune, your voice gives your baby comfort and joy.

3. Flashcards

While even the smartest newborn nerd isn’t ready for math or reading flashcards yet, simple images from cards or books get their attention. Black and white images, simple patterns and bright colors are easiest for them to see at this age. They also love images of other babies. All you have to do is hold up the card, point at the picture, and talk about the image. Or put it down in front of them to explore during tummy time.

4. Hanging Toys

Your little one might not be reaching out for toys yet, but looking at them is one of their favorite baby games. Hang a mobile above the crib or find an activity gym with hanging toys and lay baby on their back to enjoy. Baby-safe mirrors are great, too. Babies won’t know it’s their face, but that won’t dampen their enthusiasm for staring at it or reaching out for it.

5. Repetitive Routine

While the endless cycle of eating, burping, sleeping, diapers and baths may not be thrilling for you, it’s your baby’s whole world. Add some fun to the routine by singing a song during bath time, dancing after a diaper change, or stopping to look at framed photos of family members. Whatever you do, the key is doing it consistently.

Related: Baby Games: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Amuse Your Baby

Games for Babies: 4-6 Months

two dads hold a baby in the bed playing games

6. Interactive Stories

Your little one is a bit more responsive at this age. Change up those simple newborn activities for slightly more interactive baby games. This is a great time to introduce games like “This Little Piggy.” They don’t require independent movement from baby, but kids find the story super fun.

7. Moving Tummy Time

Put tummy time in motion to mix things up. Once your baby has pretty good head control, lay them on their stomach on a small blanket. Then slowly pull them around the room. Make motor or train noises for even more silly fun.

8. Blowing Bubbles

You don’t need to wait until baby’s old enough to chase after bubbles to introduce then. At this age, babies are starting to see better, so they will be fascinated with the moving rainbows of bubbles. Blow the bubbles near them but not directly at them to keep the soap out of their eyes.

9. Echo Noises

When your baby makes a happy noise, make one back. If they blow bubbles with their lips, blow some back. You’ll get big smiles real quick from this imitation game.

10. How Big Is Baby?

It’s amazing how fast those early months fly by. Your six-month-old will seem huge in comparison with how little they were just a few months ago, making the classic “How Big Is Baby?” game all the more poignant. To play, hold baby’s hands and ask in a sweet voice, “How big is baby?” Then put their hands up over their head and say, “This big!” Mix it up by replacing “big” with different adjectives smart, sweet, etc.

Games for Babies: 7-9 Months

a dad kisses his baby on the forehead, baby sitting on the counter, playing games for babies

11. Patty Cake

You don’t need to retire those songs from the newborn stage, but continue to up the game with tunes that have motions and finger play to go along with them. Start by showing the motions to songs like “Patty Cake,” “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and “Wheels on the Bus.” You can also help babies do the motions with their hands.

12. Peekaboo

By now your baby is beginning to have an understanding of object permanence, knowing that when things are out of sight, they aren’t gone forever. If your little one hasn’t already discovered the joy that is peekaboo, this is the perfect time to try it out. Hide your face behind your hands, hide baby’s face behind your hands, or pop out from behind a door or curtain. You can also hide or partially hide objects (like putting a musical toy under a blanket) to see if your child will look for them.

13. Flying Baby

At this age, your baby should have enough control and strength for some flying time on your knees. Lay flat on your back or slightly propped up on a pillow. Use your bent legs to support your baby’s body, hold their hands, and gently fly them around. You can go up and down, side-to-side or a combination of the two. Sound effects and silly songs are mandatory with this activity.

14. Roll the Ball

Once your child is able to sit, sit across from them and roll a ball toward them. At first, baby probably won’t roll it back, but they might pick it up and play with it or chew on it. When they lose interest in the ball, pick it up and roll it back to them to start the game over. Eventually, they’ll be rolling it back to you.

Related: The Smart Parents’ Guide to Montessori Toys for Babies & Toddlers

Games for Babies: 10-12 Months


15. Sensory Boxes

Nothing is more fun for your older baby than taking things out of a box and putting them back in. Fill a box or bin with a combination of balls, soft blocks, small books, scarves or baby-safe household items like a wooden spatula. Look for objects that have different textures and are big enough not to be choking hazards. Show your child how to take things out of the box and put them back in. It won’t be long before they’re dumping out and rearranging every box they can get their hands on, not to mention your purse and diaper backpack.

16. Obstacle Course

Let the baby games begin! Chances are your little explorer is on the move, or ready to be soon. Whether scooting, crawling, walking or full-on climbing, a baby-appropriate pillow obstacle course is a good energy burner. Set out couch cushions or pillows all around the floor. Demonstrate how to climb over, around or peek under them and then watch your kid go.

17. Dance Time

There are so many ways to enjoy dancing with your baby. You don’t have to stick to baby music; play your favorite tunes if you’d like. Sit on the floor together and bop your head and body or pretend to play an instrument. Baby might not be ready for air guitar yet, but it won’t take much prompting to get them bopping along to the beat. You can also hold baby in your arms and spin in slow circles or sway back and forth. Or sit them in your lap and bounce them on your knees in time to the music.

18. Stack & Attack

Stacking cups, stacking rings and blocks are a favorite for your almost one-year-old. In fact, any items that can be put on top of one another and knocked back down without breaking are fair game. Try plastic storage containers, empty yogurt containers, or small boxes and bring in your little destructor to hulk-smash them down.

19. Bath Splash

A few plastic cups, clean sponges and washcloths add baby thrills to the nightly bath. Use the cups to show how they can be filled with water and them emptied. Squeeze the sponges and washcloths on baby’s belly. Show baby how to smack the water to make a big noise.

20. Make Noisemakers

Fill a clear plastic container with dry beans or rice. Give it a shake and roll it along the floor to show your baby how to make music with it. Add a few colored pom poms to the container to make the shaking even more interesting for your baby.

Related: Play All Day: 20 Sensory Play Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

These (mostly) easy elf ideas will keep you going until Christmas Eve

It’s that time again. Yup, your Elf on the Shelf is about to parachute in to make your life (slightly) more challenging for the next few weeks. Get ahead of the game and prep your bag of tricks with these brilliant ideas. From Elf on the Shelf clothes to setting last-minute Elf on the Shelf ideas that’ll make the whole family giggle, we’ve got enough easy elf ideas to last you the whole holiday season. 

1. Elf held captive. If you have two Scout elves, this Elf on the Shelf idea is a lot of fun. Pull out the toy train, and string, and decide which elf is going to be extra naughty.

2. Dramatic rescue. Rescuing the family elf is always interesting. If you’ve got train tracks, going Wild Wild West is a super-easy way to keep him tied down!

3. Plan a hot cocoa party. This is fun on the first night or maybe on a weekend day, where the kids can help you set up and then maybe enjoy some themselves! Snag printables for the party here.

4. Spell it out. Do you have Scrabble tiles or Bananagrams? Then it’s a cinch to let your elf leave a sweet message for your littles to discover the next day.

5. Deeds worth doing. Since reporting good deeds to Santa is your elf’s duty, it’s the perfect opportunity to remind kids about the spirit of Christmas. We dig the free downloadable from Over the Big Moon.

6. Rock climbing wall. All you need are several pre-made bows to make a route for your elf.

7. Coloring elf. Take 30 seconds to scribble in a coloring book or on a printable, scatter crayons, and set up your elf. Giggles are guaranteed!

8. Window view. If you’ve got a window and a curtain rod, you’ve got a sweet spot to place your elf. Easy-peasy.

9. Cookies, please. Elves love anything made with sugar. Set yours up with the stuff to make cookies; not only will you be able to cross one day off your calendar, but you’ll get to spend quality time with your kiddos. Bonus: If you don’t get around to making them, a repeat appearance by your elf with a more urgent request for cookies is appropriate.

10. Zipline. This Elf on the Shelf idea is popular, but it does take a little time to set up. All you need is string or yarn, a candy cane, and a way to secure your elf to the candy cane! 

11. Not-so-fresh Frosty. Looks like Frosty the Snowman found himself in a warmer climate! Head over to Picklehead Soup for more genius ideas.

Amy Stossel via Picklehead Soup

12. LEGO throne. Whether you use DUPLO or LEGO, making a seat for Santa’s little helper can be done in less than five minutes.

13. Caught in the act. With this easy elf idea, you'll use a bag of M&Ms, chocolate chips, or even a box of sugar cereal, and position your elf with its backside out of the bag. 

14. Put Elsa to Work. Let your elf take a dip in water and take a trip to the freezer before posing alongside Elsa.

15. Exhausted elf. All those trips up to the North Pole make for one tired elf. Let your little one in red take a day off. Psst! You don’t need an elf-sized sleeping bag. A doll blankie works just as well.

Pea Pod Squad Mom

16. Elf spaghetti. Whip up Buddy the Elf’s favorite dish for your little helper. Hint: this is a great idea for the night you make pasta. You'll also need syrup (of course), marshmallows, candy, and chocolate syrup. Find out how to make a batch over at Instructables.

17. Riding the banister. Those naughty elves are always looking for an adrenaline rush! Use a frisbee and sticky tape to get your little buddy set up at the top and ready to ride. 

18. Sitting pretty. Have your elf take a seat inside your wreath for a picture-perfect spot.

19. A Stuck Elf. This is a super easy elf idea, and you don’t even need the message board to pull it off. Just grab a mason jar and a prominent place to display your elf’s tight situation.

20. Play games. Set up your elf mid-move with this adorable mini-Twister printable.

21. Elf in the kitchen. Got a play kitchen? Then let your elf whip up something yummy.

22. Super Elf! Your kids will love to find their family elf has gone superhero overnight. Construction paper or felt works great for a cape and mask.

23. On the road. With a toy car, your elf can go just about anywhere they want to go. Headed to buy a Christmas tree? Done. Want to take Wonder Woman out on a date? Totally!

24. Put the elf in the freezer. Your elf sure does miss the North Pole! Give him a little time to chill.

easy elf ideas
The Nerd's Wife

25. Play Picasso. A dry-erase marker, a family photo, and a sense of humor are all you need. Give your kids beards and cat ears: See how much they laugh!

26. Toilet paper tricks. Add an elf to a roll of toilet paper and send them down the stairs. Don’t have a second level? Leave a trail down the hall with a written message instead.

27. Bath time. You don’t need a Barbie bath to let your Elf soak aching bones— a plastic bowl or storage container will do the trick. Add marshmallows for bubbles and you’re set.

28. Gone fishing. Your kids will love waking up to find the elf "fishing" for goldfish crackers in the bathroom sink.

29. Story time. Position the elf with a favorite holiday book and a captivated audience. 

30. Hanging by a limb. Any elf will feel right at home when dangling from a branch of the Christmas tree.

Pam Patterson via Unsplash

31. Spa day. Wrap your elf in a washcloth, give them a loofah, and just like that, it's a spa day.

32. Puzzle play. Settling your elf in for the night with a puzzle is easy and fun.

33. Sweet snow angels. It’s not quite as cold down here as it is at the North Pole. When your elf gets antsy for chilly weather, make them a personal snow angel. We suggest using rice for easy cleanup!

34. All wrapped up. Give your elf the scissors, tape, and wrapping paper. Scatter shredded paper and tape around, and it'll be like they were caught in the act of wrapping up Santa's gifts!

35. Let it snow. Sprinkle some sugar as “snow,” and let your little rascal make snow angels on your counter.

easy elf ideas
Courtesy Amy's Party Ideas

36. S'more to love. Some toothpicks, roasted marshmallows, chocolate squares, graham crackers, and tea lights are all you need to set up this cozy and easy elf idea.

37. Read all about it. Prop them up on a favorite Christmas story or beloved book.

38. Take a seat. From Barbie's car to Santa's sleigh, having your elf take a ride is a riot.

39. Elf making popcorn. Someone's ready for family movie night

40. Paper bag race. Take those lunch bags that have been cluttering your drawer and collect a few stuffies. Then, stage a sack race-style scene across your dining room table or kitchen island. 

41. Don't move the elf. Well, it looks like your kids were so well-behaved that no North Pole reporting was needed. 

42. Cards, anyone? You didn’t know elves love to play games? They do, and they love to be caught in the act.

easy elf ideas
courtesy Amy's Party Ideas

43. Caught pink-handed. Have your elf stage a scene of questionable actions and tape up the area with crepe paper. 

44. Making their mark. They can't help but make mischief, and marking up a festive photo is a silly way to say, "Elf wuz here."

45. Daring dino ride. If you’ve got a plastic dinosaur (T-Rex preferred), then you’ve got what you need to give your elf a prehistoric ride.

46. Elfie Selfie. Position your elf in front of the family laptop and snap a picture. Just be forewarned, if it's a laptop you use, you'll need to get it set back up before the kids get home from school. 

47. Send the Elf back to the North Pole. Possibly our favorite easy elf idea, on Christmas Morning, make sure they're out of sight, and of course, leave a note. 



From handheld pinball games to tiny tattoos to crayons you can wear on your fingers, these stocking stuffer ideas for kids may be the biggest hit on Christmas morning.

This year, fight the urge to wait until the last minute to shop for the smaller gifts on your list. To help, we’ve carefully curated a list of the best stocking stuffer ideas for kids. This treasure trove of doodads, trinkets, and mini-gifts is so good that this year’s stocking stuffers for kids may just upstage the fancy-wrapped presents under the tree. From brain busters to keep your crew engaged through the holiday break to sweet treats, this list proves what everybody already knows—tiny stuff is cool! Also, don’t miss our gift guides for kids of all ages, like the hard-to-buy-for-tweens, energetic preschoolers, and grade school kids. Ho, ho, ho!

Handheld Wooden Pinball Machine

Little ones who need to keep their hands busy will love this too-cute pocket-sized pinball machine. 

Handheld Wooden Pinball Machine ($13)—Buy Here!

Games on the Go!

Games on the Go stocking stuffer

This fun set includes a ton of games like Mini-Snap, Rhyme Time, and Name That Tune that are perfect for your next road trip or flight to visit the grandparents. 

Games on the Go! ($7)—Buy Here!

Get Lost Camping Survival Kit

camping survival kit stocking stuffer for kids

Got a little adventurer on your list? This kit comes with a baseplate field compass, a collapsible flatware set, a flint striker, and a compact travel memo book. 

Get Lost Camping Survival Kit ($35)—Buy Here!

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Gummies

macaroni and cheese gummies stocking stuffer for kids

This stocking stuffer for kids is certain to get some laughs on Christmas morning. Don't worry, they are fruit flavored!

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Gummies ($21)—Buy Here!

OOLY Art Stocking Stuffer Kit

Your little crafter will go bonkers for this kit that's full of scented gel pens, temporary tattoos, adorable erasers, and so much more. 

OOLY Art Stocking Stuffer Kit ($48)—Buy Here!

Trolls Band Together Mineez 2-Pack

trolls band together mineez stocking stuffer for kids

These blind bags are super fun to open and you have over 100 trolls to collect. 

Trolls Band Together Mineez 2-Pack ($5)—Buy Here!

BonBon's Swedish Fish

swedish fish stocking stuffer

Your favorite candy just got an upgrade! These little swimmers have natural colors and come in sweet and sour flavors or a variety pack if you can't decide. 

BonBon's Swedish Fish ($8)—Buy Here!

Fizz & Sparkle Sensory Play Potions

Uncommon Goods has the best stuff and this sensory play kit is top of our list. Glitter, bubbles, and positive affirmations make it a winner. 

Fizz & Sparkle Sensory Play Potions ($15)—Buy Here!

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags stocking suffer

Got an anime or manga fan on your list? These fun blind bags come with an origami tutorial along with one of 8 figures to collect—a perfect stocking stuffer idea for kids.

YuMe Toys Jujutsu Kaizen Blind Bags ($27)—Buy Here!

Overrated vs Underrated Social Game

Overrated vs Underrated game stocking stuffer

It’s time to judge your friends’ taste on 300 different things, from classic rock bands to avocado toast.

Overrated vs Underrated Social Game ($15)—Buy Here!

Emergency Confetti Celebration Kit

There's always a need to have some confetti on hand. You'll get two confetti poppers with biodegradable confetti perfect for any celebration. 

Emergency Confetti Celebration Kit ($20)—Buy Here!

LEGO Marvel Minifigures

lego marvel minifigures stocking stuffer for kids

With 12 characters to collect, you might just want to pick up a few of these blind bag toys.

LEGO Marvel Minifigures ($5)—Buy Here!

Lucky Tickets for Kids

Lucky Tickets for Kids stocking stuffer

The twelve shining tickets inside this booklet are redeemable for fun surprises like dessert for breakfast or an escape from chores for a day. A perfect stocking stuffer for kids. 

Lucky Tickets for Kids ($10)—Buy Here!

Ghostbusters: Mini Ghost Trap

Kids can search for things that go bump in the night with this replica ghost trap with lights and sounds. 

Ghostbusters: Mini Ghost Trap ($12)—Buy Here!

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu stocking stuffer

Choose your favorite character from the Deep Goo Sea and see how they can stretch up to three times their size!

Heroes of Goo Jit Zu ($12)—Buy Here!

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette stocking stuffer

Set off on your own Barbie adventure with this replica car just like the one from the movie. 

Hot Wheels Barbie Corvette ($8)—Buy Here!

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin stocking stuffer

Your little one will be too cool for school with these cute mini tattoos. 

Tattly Tiny Funner Tattoo Tin ($15)—Buy Here!

Crayola Spa-Ghetti Soap

This tea tree-scented soap that looks like pasta makes bathtime fun. 

Crayola Spa-Ghetti Soap ($6)—Buy Here!

Plus-Plus Axolotl

Plus-Plus Axolotl stocking stuffer

Assemble this adorable amphibian and you'll see that he glows in the dark! 

Plus-Plus Axolotl ($8)—Buy Here!

Baby BLU 360° Blue & Red Light Toothbrush

Go Smile

We don't know about you, but we grew up with toothbrushes in our stockings. For kiddos 3-8, this is a total upgrade. Available in several characters, it's fun to use and utilizes red light for circulation and blue light to kill germs and lets them brush all their teeth at once.

Baby BLU 360° Blue & Red Light Toothbrush ($48.30)—Buy Here!

Hey Champ Candy Bars

Hey Champ Candy Bars stocking stuffer

This six-pack gets you two of each of the three flavors: pretzel, miso, and coconut. 

Hey Champ Candy Bars ($24)—Buy Here! 

UNO Minecraft

UNO Minecraft stocking stuffer for kids

You'll love this fun take on the classic UNO game with a Minecraft theme. 

UNO Minecraft ($11)—Buy Here!

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn stocking stuffer

This lippy pal packs away your lip gloss in a cute carrier. 

Lip Smacker Lippy Pal Unicorn($4)—Buy Here!

Heart Ring Crayons

As functional as they are cute, these heart ring crayons will top the list of stocking stuffers they love. 

Heart Ring Crayons ($5)—Buy Here!

Tops Malibu Deluxe Surprise Ball Orange

Unwind colorful crepe paper ribbons and discover vintage-inspired toys, gifts, and keepsakes in this fun orange shape. 

Tops Malibu Deluxe Surprise Ball Orange ($24.50)—Buy Here!

Rotten Gummy Worms

Rotten Gummy Worms stocking stuffer

With 60% less sugar and a 100% compostable bag, these gummy worms are a choice you can feel good about (plus, they're pretty tasty!). 

Rotten Gummy Worms ($29 for 8 bags)—Buy Here!

Cocofloss Happiness Set

Cocofloss Happiness Set stocking stuffer

Kids will get excited to floss when they are given this colorful set with a fruity fragrance. 

Cocofloss Happiness Set ($36)—Buy Here!

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms stocking stuffers

Kids into beauty will love these balms that do double duty on lips and cheeks with just the right amount of color. 

Olio e Osso Bright & Light Balms ($28)—Buy Here!

Welly Bravery Bandages

Pop this tin in their stocking and they'll love carrying it around to school and after school sports. 

Welly Bravery Bandages ($7)—Buy Here!

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens stocking stuffer

These washable paints dry quickly and don't require a paint brush. 

Kwik Stix Holiday Edition Paint Pens ($16)—Buy Here!

Bizyboo Busy Bags

Bizzyboo Busy Bags stocking stuffer

Can you find all the hidden characters? These busy bags are perfect to bring along when you need a non-messy toy. 

Bizyboo Busy Bags ($13)—Buy Here!

GooToobz Gamers

GooToobz Gamers stocking stuffers

This fun sensory toy looks like a video game but it's full of squishy goo. A stocking stuffer idea they'll love!

GooToobz Gamers ($8)—Buy Here!

Mini Crystal Ball

Mini Crystal Ball stocking stuffers

Wave your hand over this teeny, tiny crystal ball and reveal one of 15 responses to help guide your future. 

Mini Crystal Ball ($11)—Buy Here!

Noshinku Pocket Natural Hand Sanitizer

These refillable sanitizers come with four different scents to choose from. 

Noshinku Pocket Natural Hand Sanitizer ($34 for 4-pack)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.


Counting down to the holidays just got more fun

There are tons of traditions when it comes to the holidays, but there’s one that is beyond easy to carry on throughout the years: the Advent calendar. If you can’t see yourself whipping up a DIY version, you’re in luck.

There are plenty of pre-made and themed Advent calendars for everyone. From Harry Potter collectibles and LEGO bricks to spa products and gourmet chocolate, we’ve rounded up the best countdown calendars of the season that will get kids (and parents!) in the spirit in no time.

Best Advent Calendars for LEGO-Lovers

LEGO City Advent Calendar

Santa with his sack of toys and Mrs. Claus on a snowboard are just two of the treasures you’ll find in this Advent calendar for little LEGO lovers.

LEGO City Advent Calendar ($31)—Buy Here!

LEGO Harry Potter Advent Calendar

This fun set includes minifigs of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Aberforth Dumbledore, and Madam Rosmerta, plus iconic items from the Harry Potter movies.

LEGO Harry Potter Advent Calendar ($38)—Buy Here!

LEGO Marvel Avengers Advent Calendar

Spiderman with his too-cute holiday sweater is the star of this set that comes with Iron Man wearing his own jetpack.

LEGO Marvel Avengers Advent Calendar ($39)—Buy Here!

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar

Count down to Christmas with your favorite Star Wars characters. This fun Advent calendar includes LEGO Emperor Palpatine, an Ewok and a Pit Droid in holiday outfits, a Gonk Droid dressed as a reindeer, Omega with a sled, a 212th Clone Trooper, B-1 Battle Droid, and Princess Leia.

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar ($40)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars for Makers

Grabie Art Advent Calendar

This Advent calendar is a TikTok fav and we are here for it. It comes with 24 days of art supplies and is perfect for the crafter on your list.

Grabie Art Advent Calendar ($90)—Buy Here!

KiwiCo Winter Wonderland Advent Calendar

Your little builders will love unwrapping this fun set that will let them engineer a winter wonderland complete with lights, a motorized sled hill, and an ice rink.

KiwiCo Winter Wonderland Advent Calendar ($90)—Buy Here!

PLAYMOBIL Wiltopia DIY Advent Calendar

Calling all animal lovers! This unique set lets your kids make their Advent calendar with stickers, markers, and miniature exotic animals from around the world! The set contains 24 surprise items including wild animals from all the continents. Fill each box per the included instructions or get creative and decide for yourself what to put inside. Then, decorate the set with the included stickers and personalize it with your child’s name.

PLAYMOBIL Wiltopia DIY Advent Calendar ($40)—Buy Here!

Hape Grand Station Advent Calendar

The fun never ends with this buildable train station calendar. Once opened, kids can put together wooden railway tracks, wooden trains, 3 figures (Station master, Passenger, Santa), a wooden snowman, a wooden Christmas tree, a wooden gift pack, 3 plastic traffic marks, a plastic bridge, a plastic connection, plastic bag, and 1 station master traffic sign. Then just unfold the box, which transforms into a Christmas scene.

Hape Grand Station Advent Calendar ($46)—Buy Here!

Arts & Crafts Season Creations Advent Calendar

This seasonal day-by-day craft kit lets your kids unbox and make 24 seasonal crafts they can use as ornaments to hang on the tree. From beaded candy canes to yarn pom-poms, and cardboard reindeer to no-sew stockings—makers ages nine and up will be able to do all of these projects on their own (and younger artists can do it all with parental supervision).

Arts & Crafts Season Creations Advent Calendar ($39)—Buy Here!

Plus-Plus Advent Calendar

Each day in this set will bring a new character that you can build from Santa and the reindeer to Frosty and friends. When the holidays are over, take them apart and make new creations!

Plus-Plus Advent Calendar ($40)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendar for Kids Who Love Vehicles

Micro Machines 2023 Holiday Advent Calendar

Car-crazed kids will want to tear through this Advent calendar containing 25 days’ worth of “Vroom Vroom” fun, including 14 Micro Machine mini vehicles and 11 accessories. There’s also a racetrack to put together, so little drivers will have a place to race. The 2″ Micro Machines figures include cars, a plane, trucks, and more.

Micro Machines 2023 Holiday Advent Calendar ($45)—Buy Here!

CAT Little Machines Advent Calendar

Little diggers will really get into this set that comes with all sorts of mini trucks, tractors, and land movers, plus road signs and more.

CAT Little Machines Advent Calendar ($25)—Buy Here!


Best Candy-Filled Advent Calendars

Sugarfina’s 24 Tastes of Christmas Calendar

Sugarfina’s candy is sweet enough for the kids but unique enough in its flavors that grown-ups will want to get a taste, too! The gourmet candy company’s Gingerbread House Advent Calendar offers a 24-day tasting of the candy company’s gourmet candy collection, with a fun array of offerings from holiday presents, Heavenly Sours, Christmas Trees, Snowman Gummies, Walk of Fame Stars, and many more.

Sugarfina’s 24 Tastes of Christmas Calendar ($60)—Buy Here!

Kinder Joy Christmas Calendar

If your kids love chocolate, this calendar has 24 days of pre-wrapped melt-in-your-mouth milk chocolate by the Italian confectionery company Ferrero. The only downside? There’s just one piece per day, so an extra calendar may just come in handy.

Kinder Joy Christmas Calendar ($18.50)—Buy Here!


Best Toy-Filled Advent Calendars

Mini Brands Advent Calendar

Mini Brands take all the things kids love—toys and snacks—and make them super-small for collecting and trading! They’ll be delighted to open up mini cans of Pringles and ramen every day during Advent.

Mini Brands Advent Calendar ($23)—Buy Here!

GUND 12-Day Surprise Plush Advent Calendar

12 mini 4-inch plush characters come in this fun giftable box that will have them smiling from ear to ear!

GUND 12-Day Surprise Plush Advent Calendar ($88)—Buy Here!


Best Kids’ Book Collection Advent Calendars

Disney Storybook Collection Advent Calendar

You’ll get 24 days of stories in this Advent calendar. Each comes in its own small paperback book.

Disney Storybook Collection Advent Calendar ($29)—Buy Here!

Marvel: Storybook Collection Advent Calendar 2023

Avengers assemble! This Marvel-themed advent means your superheroes can read a new story every day leading up to Christmas.

Marvel: Storybook Collection Advent Calendar 2023 ($27)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars for Little Kids

Melissa & Doug Countdown to Christmas Wooden Advent Calendar

We love this option for littles because it provides a visual countdown to the coming of Christmas (which can seem far, far away when you are a kid!).

Melissa & Doug Countdown to Christmas Wooden Advent Calendar ($21)—Buy Here!

Bluey’s Advent Calendar

This set has Bluey, Bingo, and Bartlebee figures along with holiday accessories and 5 stickers to make your Advent season a fun one.

Bluey’s Advent Calendar ($25)—Buy Here!

Elf on the Shelf Sweet Spinners Advent Calendar

You’ll get a number of Elf on the Shefl characters and Elf Pets in this fun set that’s sure to get you in the holiday spirit. There’s even a fun racetrack to get everyone zooming around town.

Elf on the Shelf Sweet Spinners Advent Calendar ($33)—Buy Here!

PLAYMOBIL Magic Bathtime Fun Mermaids Advent Calendar

Perfect for toddlers, this splashtastic Advent calendar makes bath time fun. Once all the doors have been opened, your kids will have tons of mermaids, marine animals, and more to create all sorts of water adventures.

PLAYMOBIL Magic Bathtime Fun Mermaids Advent Calendar ($43.50)—Buy Here!

Paw Patrol Holiday Advent Calendar Countdown

Paw Patrol is on a roll with this adorable Advent calendar filled with collectible dogs from the beloved show. Kids will be able to unbox a different character and accessory each day, with all of their favorite pups represented—plus extras to help with the storytelling, including animal friends and accessories.

Paw Patrol Holiday Advent Calendar Countdown ($35)—Buy Here!

Play-Doh Advent Calendar

Truth: Kids who love Play-Doh can’t get enough of the squishy stuff. This Advent calendar offers a standalone tub plus fun accessories (like tools, cutters, and accessories) for each of the 24 days before Christmas. The box also has tear-off play mats with snowman and gingerbread scenes so kids can use their imaginations to create wintery stories or enhance the scenes.

Play-Doh Advent Calendar ($22)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars for Collectors

Funko Pop! Advent Calendar: Harry Potter

It’s Happy Christmas with this Funko Pop! calendar. Coming with 24 characters maxing out at 1.87 inches tall, this Harry Potter-themed Advent comes with plenty of Pocket Pops to complete your collection.

Funko Pop! Advent Calendar: Harry Potter ($60)—Buy Here!

National Geographic Rocks, Minerals & Fossils Advent Calendar

Help your kid be a bonafide rock star with this advent calendar that offers a different rock, mineral, or fossil every day. The polished specimens include geode; pyrite, blue and rose quartz; tiger’s eye; brachiopod, and more. The final day’s treasure is a stunning rose quartz specimen that kids will dig out of a brick. Dig tool, brush, magnifying glass, and collector’s bag included, plus an illustrated gallery that identifies and describes each specimen.  

National Geographic Rocks, Minerals & Fossils Advent Calendar ($25)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars the Whole Family Can Enjoy

Family Games Advent Calendar

Make every night in December Game Night! This Advent calendar lets you unbox a different family game for each of the 24 days leading up to Christmas. The collection includes dice games such as Farkle and Yatzy; party games such as Truth or Dare, Balloon Volleyball, and Tag-in-the-Dark; nostalgic games such as Marbles and Pick-up Sticks; brain teasers such as “Find It” and Tangram; and classics such as Dominoes, Tic-Tac-Toe, and War.

Family Games Advent Calendar ($30)—Buy Here!

Classic Felt Pocket Christmas Advent Calendar

This pocket Advent calendar will quickly become a family tradition. Crafty parents will love filling it with tiny treats, family activities, and holiday toys.

Classic Felt Pocket Christmas Advent Calendar ($19)—Buy Here!

Andy Warhol 12 Days of Puzzles Christmas Countdown

Families will enjoy building these puzzles of whimsical Christmas scenes from Andy Warhol throughout the holiday season.

Andy Warhol 12 Days of Puzzles Christmas Countdown ($27)—Buy Here!

Children’s Around the World Advent Calendar

Your family can travel this holiday season with this fun kit that brings you to a new country each day. Kids will love meeting a buddy who lives in that country and learning about holiday traditions all over the world.

Children’s Around the World Advent Calendar ($18)—Buy Here!

Williams-Sonoma 24 Days of Baking Cookies Advent Calendar

This Advent calendar is a fun way to get your family baking this holiday season as it’s full of all the tools you’ll need to craft cookies, cakes, and pies. From cookie cutters to spatulas, piping bags, gift bags, decorating tips, and more, the goodies are guaranteed to inspire.

Williams-Sonoma 24 Days of Baking Cookies Advent Calendar ($70)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars for Adults

Bonne Maman Advent Calendar

This set of tiny spreads and honey has a cult following and we can see why. Who doesn’t love tiny jars of jams and jellies to start off your mornings during the holiday season?

Bonne Maman Advent Calendar ($45)—Buy Here!

Vinebox’s 12 Nights of Wine

Vinebox’s wine advent calendar is back! Choose from two collections or get both for 24 nights of wine. The Cozy Collection features 12 delicious reds curated for fireplace chats and wool blankets. The Chill Collection includes a delightful mix of rich whites, invigorating rosés, and even a few chillable reds.

Vinebox’s 12 Nights of Wine ($129)—Buy Here!

KORRES Beauty Advent Calendar

This year the KORRES Advent calendar is inspired by Greek tradition and features designs from the collection of the Benaki Museum. You’ll get 24 products for your skin, body, and hair.

KORRES Beauty Advent Calendar ($89)—Buy Here!

Holiday Tea Advent Calendar

Choose between 12-day and 24-day Advent calendars and you’ll get a pot of tea to enjoy each day. It’s a great way to kick off the busy mornings. This cute Advent calendar is reusable for next year which we love!

Holiday Tea Advent Calendar ($75-150)—Buy Here!

Compartes Gourmet Chocolate Advent Calendar

This garden-themed Advent calendar comes with 24 exquisitely handcrafted chocolates, made from ripe succulent flavors from California’s bountiful orchards. They’re almost too pretty to eat!

Compartes Gourmet Chocolate Advent Calendar ($110)—Buy Here!

Happy Socks 24 Days of Holiday Socks Gift Set

What dad doesn’t need a nice new pair of funky socks? Papa will be keeping his tootsies toasty all month long with this colorful advent calendar that gifts him a new pair of Happy Socks every day for 24 days. The box comes with a mix of holiday socks, dotted socks, striped socks—and a slew of others that are supposed to be a surprise.

Happy Socks 24 Days of Holiday Socks Gift Set ($260)—Buy Here!

Sephora Collection Advent Calendar

This set has makeup, skincare, bath, and accessories. There’s a ton of variety in the products which makes it extra fun to open each day.

Sephora Collection Advent Calendar ($49)—Buy Here!

Bean Box Coffee Advent Calendar

Welcome in the holidays with a warm cup of joe! Bean Box’s Advent calendar comes with 12 limited-edition 2023 Holiday Blends that brew four to six mugs each. Choose from whole bean or blended, and then enjoy specialty coffee the whole season.

Bean Box Coffee Advent Calendar ($85)—Buy Here!

WSJ Wines of the World Advent Calendar

If you’d like to have a full holiday season of reds, whites, rosés, and bubblies, the WSJ Wines of the World Advent Calendar is perfect for sharing. Plus, the sweet nostalgic design and beautiful bottles make this one extra-special.

WSJ Wines of the World Advent Calendar ($149.99)—Buy Here!


Best Advent Calendars for Dogs & Cats

Bonne et Filou Advent Calendar for Dogs

Why should your dog have to watch while you and the kids have all the fun? This adorably-designed Advent calendar comes with 24 treats your pup will love. You’ll get 4 gourmet dog macarons, 12 bone treats, and 8 truffles—all Fido-friendly, of course.

Bonne et Filou Advent Cookie Calendar for Dogs ($60)—Buy Here!

Purina Fancy Feast Cat Food Advent Calendar

Meow! Treat your fur baby with this fun calendar for the holidays. It comes with 16 3 oz. Fancy Feast Gourmet Wet Cat Food, four Savory Cravings Cat Treat boxes, two broths, and two savory purees.

Purina Fancy Feast Cat Food Advent Calendar ($33)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

These little guys want to move around and make noise, so give them all the tunnels, building blocks, and musical instruments

Get moving and grooving with these presents for one-year-olds (and under!) that they’ll enjoy long after celebrating their first birthdays. From a musical cube and bath boats to magnetic blocks and easy-to-grip teethers, these holiday gifts and toys for 6-month-olds to a year will make life more fun… and just a little bit louder.

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle

There are so many things for baby to explore in this food-themed sensory set, from the six-piece PB&J take-along toy to a box full of gifts that baby can wrap, and the soft-stacking pineapple. Yum!

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle ($54)—Buy Here!

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun

Find a nice spot in your home for this 6-in-1 toy because it's going to be around for a while as your little one transitions from tummy time to tunnel time. We love that you can pop off the zebra's keyboard for take-along tunes. 

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun ($60)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Baby's will love so many things about this wobbly bear! They can bat it around to see where it lands, drop it and watch it bounce, or give it a big snuggle when they need to take five. 

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear ($18)—Buy Here!

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

We're smitten with that happy little crinkle stuffie bean! If you're tired of baby pulling out all your tissues, give them their own garden-themed tissue box to explore. Bonus: a book that teaches them how plants grow. 

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy ($40)—Buy Here!

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

You won't believe how soft and cozy these blankies are, and Angel Dear clearly knows parents by offering not two, but three bunnies in the set to account for any lost-lovey disasters that may come up in the future. 

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set ($42)—Buy Here!

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Bath time just got a whole lot more fun with these floating boats in bright, beautiful colors. Tots can stack them or watch water rain out of their drain holes. Now all you have to worry about is keeping the water inside the tub. 

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats ($10)—Buy Here!


Baby's First Book of Banned Books

Baby's First Book of Banned Books is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

From The Diary of Anne Frank to To Kill a Mockingbird, there are plenty of amazing lessons to learn from books that have no place being banned—and you're never too young to start learning. 

Baby's First Book of Banned Books ($10)—Buy Here!

AIXMEET Baby Teether

Designed to give teething littles the best possible grip, this teether fits right onto their chubby little hands so they can gnaw to their heart's content. 

AIXMEET Baby Teether ($6)—Buy Here!

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The softest bamboo-infused viscose and the prettiest patterns make this a no-brainer for holiday gifting—and when the weather outside is less frightful, parents can plop their newly sitting kids down on the blanket just about anywhere. 

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket ($65)—Buy Here!

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Whether you're looking to entertain baby while you get a few things done or lull them to sleep at bedtime, this ocean-themed crib toy is completely mesmerizing. The drift-off feature gradually tones down the entertainment and a handy remote lets you turn it on or off from up to 12 feet away. 

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy ($38)—Buy Here!

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy Fish is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Babes love anything that makes noise, so they won't be able to put down this crinkly black-and-white fish. And we just love its face! 

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish ($17)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Your little bunny will learn about object permanence and practice their fine motor skills when they put the little stuffed bunnies in and out of the cute cottage, which comes with a handle so they can tote their friends around once they're officially walkers.

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage ($42)—Buy Here!

Tegu's First Building Blocks

Tegu's First Building Blocks is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The littlest hands can get up to some fun open-ended play with these clever magnetic blocks, complete with soft rounded corners and cheery colors. 

Tegu's First Building Blocks ($20)—Buy Here!

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube

Calling all budding composers! Each side of this cube features a different instrument to delight baby's senses—think harp, flute, French horn, piano, and violin—with lights flashing to the tempo. They can layer individual sounds or play the full symphony, Mozart style. 

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube ($29)—Buy Here!

HABA Koala Water Play Mat

Tots love water; parents love when said water can't spill all over the house. Consider this a win-win. The cuddly koala's tummy has a water bottle that's fun to squish during tummy time. And when spit-up happens (it will), simply pull out the water bottle and throw the koala in the wash. 

HABA Koala Water Play Mat ($40)—Buy Here!

Copper Pearl Bibs

A four-pack of Copper Pearl Bibs is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

With cotton knit on the front and absorbent polyester fleece on the back, these bandana bibs are as practical as they are chic. And boy are they chic.

Copper Pearl Bibs ($22)—Buy Here!

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball

When the handle is on, little ones can practice lifting this rattly toy kettlebell just like their parents. Without the handle, they can remove and stack the colorful rings that make up the ball and feature a different Spanish number on each. 

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball ($15)—Buy Here!

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Sitters have a new take on the world, and that means new toys to explore. Push-and-spin toys are great for building core strength and balance, and your babe will love the cause and effect of pushing the sun down to see the corn spin and pop.

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy ($16)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.—

The “You Are Such a Good Dad” song that’s making the internet rounds will infuriate moms—but only because it’s so true

Most parents in a heterosexual relationship have been there: Moms do so much work to take care of the household and kids, only to see their male partners get heaped with praise for doing, like, one thing related to childcare. One mom even wrote a song about it—and now the “You Are Such a Good Dad” song is going viral on TikTok because it’s just that relatable.

“I did the cooking and the cleaning and the groceries and the laundry, fed the cat and the dog and someone stole my coffee, got a gift for your mother that she probably won’t like, paid a bill, wiped a butt, broke up a couple fights,” the song begins, over a video of a mom doing, well, all of that.


Replying to @📚Lets.Play📚 he gets it #marriedlife #parenting #momlife

♬ You are such a Good Dad – Farideh

It continues, “Then I just about lost my mind ’cause we both took the kids to the park, and someone said to you, ‘You are such a good dad.'”

OOF. We feel that in our bones.

The second verse is just as familiar: “I woke at 5 a.m. to screaming in the hallway, there was barf in the bed so another load of laundry, a kid was crying so we talked about our feelings, you were sleeping, that’s cool, but then you got up and your mom came over and she said, ‘You are such a good dad.'”

In the video, Dad dances while he gets praised, and Mom does “bath time, storytime, pee time, snack time, bedtime.” And then she somehow finds time to write this song because listen, she’s gotta get this frustration out somehow.

Don’t mind us—we’ll just be humming this song while we handle a few dozen things…