February’s birthstone represents empowerment and inner strength

Babies with a February birthday are pretty unique, as some only have a birthday every four years! Plus, those with February birthdays might be more creative (if they’re Pisces), be taller than their peers, and be revolutionary (if they’re Aquarius). If you want to know more fun facts about kids with February’s birthdays and even a few silly facts about February’s birth sign, we’ve got it all right here. 

February birthdays are more uncommon, and Leap Year birthdays are rare

Not only is it a short month, which leads to fewer February birthdays, but a Leap Day baby only gets to celebrate the actual day every four years. According to Unity Point Health, 1 in 1,491 people is born on February 29th, so although you might celebrate on a different day most years, it’s fun to throw an extra-special birthday party every four years. February 2024 is a Leap Year, so get ready to celebrate in a big way if you’ve got a Leap Day baby!

Your February baby might be taller than others

A Harvard University study of over 21,000 kids shows that winter babies are consistently born longer, heavier, and with a larger head circumference. The study was conducted over seven years and tested kids at birth, eight months, age 4, and age 7; researchers believe that seasonal issues for both pregnant moms and babies, like diet, exposure to sunlight and temperature, and viruses, may play a role in a baby’s characteristics.

But babies born in February have a higher chance of being born early

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a significant spike (nearly 10%) in early births for women who conceived in May, which means their delivery dates fall in February of the following year. What’s the reason? These moms are in late-term pregnancy during peak flu season, which is known to cause pre-term births.

A February birth sign can be Aquarius or Pisces

Will your baby be innovative, a team player, and a rebel at heart like others born under the sign of Aquarius? Or will your kid show signs of empathy, compassion, and being creative like other Pisces? More importantly, how compatible are you with your child? Check out our parent/child compatibility chart to find out.

February’s birthstone is the amethyst

People with February birthdays claim amethyst as their birthstone. The stunning purple variety of quartz has mesmerized people for thousands of years and can often be found in royal jewel collections in Europe and Asia. The gem represents empowerment and inner strength.

Your kid shares their special month with these celebrities born in February

Many celebrities and historical figures share your kiddo’s celebratory month: Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Golding, Danai Gurira, Laura Linney, Charles Darwin, George Washington, Nina Simone, and more. 


This year, around 175 million Americans will celebrate Halloween. On a Tuesday. As a parent of two children, I can tell you that a weekday Halloween is very tough for families with young kids. As a CEO in the celebrations industry, I can also tell you that when October 31 falls on a weeknight, fewer people celebrate the holiday.

Sometimes I like to ask obvious questions and challenge the way things are done. When people say, “That’s the way we’ve always done it,” I perk up and question their assumptions. I want to know “Is there a better way?” and “Will more people be served with a different solution?”

When it comes to Halloween, I believe there is a better way. The time is long overdue for a cultural change that will benefit society: the official observance of Halloween should be on the last Saturday of October.

Why does Halloween have to be on the 31st of every year? There are many other holidays that aren’t tied to a specific date. Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November. The same is true for Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) and Labor Day (the first Monday in September).

Related: Let the Teens Trick-or-Treat

Halloween is mostly a kids’ and family holiday, and it should fall on a day that is best for kids and families! Not convinced about #SaturdayHalloween? Here are five reasons Halloween should be observed on the last Saturday of October.

It’s healthier for kids (and parents)

Halloween is arguably the most kid-focused holiday of the entire year, and we observe it on a school night eight out of every 10 years. Who wants to get home from work, stress about dinner, try to wrangle kids into costumes, and then be out trick-or-treating way past normal bedtime? It’s all too chaotic for most families.

The next day is a mess, too. Kids wake up the next morning overtired, and parents drag themselves to work. When Halloween is observed on a Saturday, not only will it be better for kids, but it will also be better for the sanity of parents.

It’s better for schools and teachers

When October 31 falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, students lose not just one, but two days of productivity. Halloween itself is full of distractions, but the next day is even more challenging.

Teachers have to manage a classroom of kids who have been out all night trick-or-treating and eating candy for lunch. The combination of lack of sleep and dealing with sugar-infused children is difficult. Halloween on a Saturday solves all of this. Plus, schools can schedule their Halloween parades and events on a Friday afternoon, which will help teachers better manage their class schedules. Saturday Halloween is the right thing to do for schools and teachers.

It’s safer

Halloween is a family holiday. Its most important cultural ritual is trick-or-treating. In my own neighborhood in Massachusetts, hundreds of families flock to the most popular streets downtown that are full of cars returning home from work.

If we observe Halloween on a Saturday, trick-or-treating could begin earlier in the evening before nightfall. Local authorities could block roads to protect the busiest neighborhoods. Accidents and fatalities would be reduced. It’s time we reduce possible danger and celebrate Halloween on a Saturday.

Families can celebrate together

The majority of parents work outside the home, and a weekday Halloween makes it difficult for families to celebrate together. A weekend holiday would suit working families and enable celebrations for the whole family. Extended family could gather as they do for other major holidays, and special memories can be made.

At Punchbowl, we have the data: there are more Halloween parties on Saturday than on any other day of the week. Let’s enable even more get-togethers and family celebrations on this important, memorable holiday.

Related: Halloween Brings Us Together Like No Other Holiday Can

It benefits the economy

When Halloween falls on a Saturday, it generates more revenue for the economy than weekday Halloweens. More costumes are purchased, more parties are planned, and more food and beverages are consumed. This means more jobs and higher wages, too.

Party City reported $22 million less in sales when comparing 2016 (a Saturday Halloween) to 2017 (a Monday Halloween). The impact extends to local businesses as well. If we move the official observance of Halloween to the last Saturday of October, it would not only bolster local business, but it would also provide predictability from year to year.

There are many more reasons that Halloween should be moved to the last Saturday in October and very few we should continue the old tradition of October 31. The time has come to move our national celebration of Halloween.

This post originally appeared on MattDouglas.com.

I’m an entrepreneur, investor and startup advisor with 20+ years of experience in product management, marketing and software development. Currently, I’m the founder and CEO of Punchbowl.com.

Dia de los Muertos is a day to remember departed friends and family. Use these Day of the Dead recipes to celebrate!

After your kids have ridden the sugar high of Halloween night, take some time on Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) to honor friends and family members who have passed away. The Mexican-originated holiday can spark interesting conversations about life and death. Feed your kiddo’s curiosity by making some Day of the Dead recipes, from traditional Mexican recipes to colorful sugar skull–inspired treats.

Atole de Pinole

Try this delicious, classic Mexican drink! Atole de Pinole has flavors of cocoa, cinnamon, and vanilla mixed with ground corn. It’ll keep you warm on cold, fall days. Get the recipe here.

Dia de los Muertos Pancakes

Try out these sugar skull pancake designs. It’ll put an artistic spin on your celebration.

Pan de Muerto

day of the dead recipes
Mangio da Sola

Make a batch of pan de muerto like this one from Mangio da Sola to celebrate the day. The “bone” decorations on top represent loved ones who have passed away. A simple sweet bread flavored with anise seed and orange, this is sure to be a win with the whole family. 

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Onion Rings and Things

Pair your pan de muerto with a comforting cup of Mexican hot chocolate, like this one from Onion Rings and Things. Rich bittersweet chocolate contrasts beautifully with black pepper to make a spicy but decadent treat.

Day of the Dead Cookies

day of the dead recipes
Girl versus Dough

These cute cookies from Girl versus Dough are a fun take on sugar skulls. The chocolate cinnamon cookies are delicious, and the kids will love helping decorate them with sprinkles and candies.

Related: 10 Sweet Sugar Skulls for Day of the Dead


How to Feed a Loon

Tamales are traditionally served for big celebrations like the Day of the Dead, Christmas, and Mexican Independence Day. Let the kiddos get involved in making this fantastic recipe from How to Feed a Loon. They definitely require time and patience, but the result will be well worth it.

Roasted Vegetable Sopa Azteca

day of the dead recipes
The Bojon Gourmet

Similar to tortilla soup, this dish from The Bojon Gourmet is made with lots of roasted veggies and topped with crispy tortilla strips. It’s easy to customize with your favorite vegetables and cheese, too.

Related: Everything You Need to Celebrate the Day of the Dead

White Chocolate Covered Strawberry Skulls

Growing Up Bilingual

For an easy but delicious take on sugar skulls, try this recipe from Growing Up Bilingual. Candy markers make it a breeze to decorate the white chocolate strawberries. Sugar skulls are traditionally part of the ofrendas (offerings) made to deceased loved ones as part of the Dia de los Muertos celebrations.

Chicken Empanadas

day of the dead recipes
Food Lovin’ Family

Empanadas might sound tricky to make, but with a few shortcuts from Food Lovin’ Family they’ll be a breeze. Refrigerated pie crust cuts out a lot of the work, and you can let your mini sous chefs help fill the pockets with a chicken mixture and top them off with an egg wash.

Potato Peanut Butter Calavera Candy

day of the dead recipes
Presley’s Pantry

These cute peanut butter candies from Presley’s Pantry will make the perfect Day of the Dead treat. The best part? They're made out of pantry staples that you probably have on hand.




There’s nothing left-handers can’t master

Spiral notebooks, scissors, keyboards. Just a few of the “tools” you’ve mastered twice as well as any right-hander. Being a lefty is something to be proud of: did you know that according to MENSA 20% of all geniuses are left-handed? So, for International Left-Handed Day, celebrate the southpaws in your life, and enjoy these hilarious left-handed memes. If you’re looking for more laughs, check out our mom memes, our Halloween parenting memes, and potty training memes.

1. Stupid scissors.

left handed meme

2. Because being left-handed is totally right. 
left handed meme

3. Funny, but true.

left handed meme 3


4. No one believes you.
lefties meme left handed meme


5. Your parents kept putting your pencil/spoon/baseball bat in your other hand. 
left handed meme kid


6. Because you rejoiced when you discovered stores like this really do exist. 


7. If you had a nickel…
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8. I can wave with my left hand, too! 

left handed meme scale

9. ‘Nuf said. 


10. Sigh. 

leftie meme two


11. Because you still have to “special order” what you need at the office. 


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12. Awww, yeah! 




The Lunar New Year begins Sunday January 22 and kicks off 15 days of colorful celebrations perfect for family fun


The Chinese New Year begins on January 22nd and there are family-friendly Lunar New Year celebrations of Year of the Rabbit all over the city! Immerse your kids in Asian culture at a variety of local festivals and events from downtown San Diego to Disney’s California Adventure. From lion dancing and colorful costumes to amazing entertainers and delicious Asian food, here’s the scoop on where to celebrate Chinese New Year in San Diego.

What is Year of the Rabbit & What Does the Year of the Rabbit Mean?

The Chinese zodiac relates each year to an animal, for a cycle of 12 years. Chinese New Year commences on January 22, 2023, which marks the beginning of Year of the Rabbit. The Rabbit is the luckiest of the Chinese zodiac signs and with it, is expected to bring prosperity, hope and calm.

celebrate lunar new year los angeles
Joshua Sudock/Disneyland Resort

Lunar New Year Celebration: Lion Dancers

Jan. 20: Visit the library for this amazing cultural experience of watching traditional lion dancing with stunts and music. Event details.

San Diego Lunar New Year Festival

Jan. 20-23: Celebrate Lunar New Year at this epic festival which features dragon and lion dances, firecrackers, games, food and more. It's a festive environment you don't want to miss. Event times vary by day. Event details.

Lunar New Year Celebration at Disney California Adventure

Jan. 20-Feb. 15: Disney California Adventure Park ushers in a joyous tribute to Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese cultures with a Lunar New Year celebration that welcomes the Year of the Rabbit. This multicultural extravaganza will include highlights like Mulan’s New Year Procession, Hurry Home – a Lunar New Year Celebration, live holiday entertainment at the Paradise Garden Bandstand, a Sip and Savor Pass for Lunar New Year marketplaces, special appearances by popular Disney characters dressed in colorful attire, innovative menus with Asian cuisine, commemorative merchandise, kid-friendly crafts and activities, and festive décor. Event details.


2023 SD Lunar New Year Festival

Jan. 21: This Chinese Lunar New Year festival will include folk and traditional performances, arts and cultural exhibitions, lion dances and firecrackers, and plenty of family fun activities for the kids. More importantly, the festival is inclusive, pet friendly, and free with no admission cost. Event details.

Crafting for Kids: Chinese New Year Drums

Jan. 23: It's the Year of the Rabbit! Learn about Chinese New Year while making a traditional drum used in Chinese New Year celebrations. Event details.

Related: Discover Why This Coronado Island Hotel Is a Hidden Gem for Families 

San Diego Tet Festival

Jan. 27-29: San Diego Tet Festival 2023 celebrates Year of the Rabbit, attracting more than 25,000 people every year from all over the city. This 3-day celebration features free admission, a number of new attractions, activities, games, food and live entertainment, including, but not limited to, A-list Vietnamese singers and performers, lion dancing, firecrackers, the Miss Vietnam of San Diego pageant, Step-Up Dance and Golden Voice. Event details.

Crafting Culture: Traditions of the Chinese Lunar New Year

Jan. 28: Learn the tale of how the Chinese zodiac came to be! We will also discuss the Chinese tradition of having a New Year’s eve dinner, placing a couplet at the door, using fire-crackers, and saying auspicious phrases during Chinese New Year period. Event details.

40th Annual San Diego Chinese New Year Fair

Feb. 4-5: The 40th Annual San Diego Chinese New Year Fair is coming! Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit with 15,000 of your closest friends on the corner of 3rd Ave. and J St. in downtown San Diego. The fair will go on, rain or shine. There will be traditional and cultural entertainment all day long on both days, lion dances, kung fu, traditional instruments, classic Chinese dances, and so much more, so don't miss out! You'll also enjoy food, family-friendly entertainment, crafts for kids and a dragon dance! Event details.


Let’s just say these family-friendly Lunar New Year events are really hoppin’

2023 ushers out the year of the Tiger and introduces the year of the Rabbit, the luckiest of all 12 of the Chinese zodiac animals. While we hope plenty of luck finds you and your family this year, we can at least point you in the right direction for ways to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit with the kids around Portland. Whether you’re looking for traditional events and activities that include lion dances, red envelopes, and lanterns lighting up the sky, or you think a little extra (we’re talking balloon animals and face painting) would entice your kids to get out and celebrate, we’ve got the scoop on happenings you won’t want to miss. Our tip? Make your plans now, as many of these popular festivals require tickets and they go quickly.

1. Celebrate Chinese New Year at Lan Su Chinese Garden


Daytime Lunar New Year events

While some celebrations of the Lunar New Year only last a day, the Lan Su Chinese Garden celebrates the Chinese New Year for two whole weeks. That's more than enough time to wrangle the kids into their winter gear and step out for the Pacific Northwest's largest Lunar New Year celebration. Festive decorations, tours, crafts, and performances are just a taste of what you'll experience if you visit during the daytime hours. Kids can have a bunny meet-cute, see Chinese lion dances and martial arts demonstrations, even learn calligraphy if they're game. Storytimes, food, and musical performances are all part of the celebration too. Remember to get your tickets in advance for this popular celebration. 

Good to Know: The Lunar New Year Opening Lion Dance, featuring Portland Lee's Association Dragon & Lion Dance Team, is free and open to the public. It kicks off the two-week long celebration on January 21, from 9:30-10 a.m.

Dates: Jan. 21-Feb. 5, 2023
Cost: $14/person; $11/kid (6-18); Free, kids 5 & under

Lunar New Year Evening Lantern Viewings 

If you really want to zhuzh up your Lunar New Year, bring the fam to see the glowing lanterns at Lan Su Chinese Garden in the evenings. It's an area favorite for a reason. Glowing lanterns surround you while large lighted lanterns float on the pond nearby. An illuminated dragon procession will keep the kids entertained, as will a Chinese chopstick challenge you can try as a family. End your evening with a warm cup of tea and snacks in the Garden Teahouse. The evening viewings run from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on select nights, and tickets are a must.

Dates: Jan. 26-29 and Feb. 2-5, 2023
Cost: $45/person; $15/kid (3-11); Free, kids 2 & under 

239 N.W. Everett St.
Online: lansugarden.org

a dragon outside at a lunar chinese new year portland event
Donny Hayardi via unsplash

2. Oregon 2023 Lunar New Year Celebration

What gets your kids excited? Live performances? Crafts? Magic? Come celebrate the Lunar New Year at Keller Auditorium, as it has all three and then some. Chinese Friendship Association of Portland (CFAP), the local non-profit hosting this year's Lunar New Year's celebration, is bringing in all kinds of talent to showcase. Performances range from an astounding magic show by Golden Wand Winner Eric Qiu to routines from international rhythm gymnast champs. Kids can dig in to the various activities at the arts & crafts workshops and even try their hand at calligraphy. Prepare to be awed by this year's events celebrating the Year of the Rabbit. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for arts & crafts, and performances begin at 7 p.m.

Date: Feb. 4, 2023
Cost: $25-$115

Keller Auditorium
222 S.W. Clay St.
Online: portland5.com

3. Enjoy Chinese Storytime

Read books, sings songs, and recite nursery rhymes at this virtual Chinese storytime hosted by the Multnomah County Library. Best for kids six and under, it'll be an engaging time and a special way to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit from home. Please register to receive the Zoom link.

Date: Jan. 22, 2023

Online: multcolib.org/events

4. Lunar New Year Celebration in Milwaukie

Say goodbye to the past year and welcome prosperity in the Year of the Rabbit at the Milwaukie Community Center. Lots of learning will take place at this celebration that includes dances, crafts, activities, and music. Light refreshments and exciting lion and drum dances will keep the kids engaged at this free, and very family-friendly event.

Date: Jan. 22, 2023

Milwaukie Community Center
5440 S.E. Kellogg Creek Dr.
Milwaukie, OR
Online: ncprd.com

Related: How to Support Local Asian American-Owned Businesses Now

a lion puppet hangs from the ceiling during a lunar chinese new year event in portland
Sandy Millar via unsplash

5. 2023 Chinese New Year Cultural Fair

Welcome the year of the Rabbit at this family-friendly Lunar New Year celebration held at the Oregon Convention Center. Expect plenty of traditional Chinese New Year activities like lion dances, folk dances, calligraphy, and martial arts demonstrations. There will be children's activities and games to be played as well. Tickets are on sale for this event now.

Date: Jan. 21, 2023
Cost: $8/person; Free, kids 3 & under

Oregon Convention Center
777 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Online: oregoncc.org

6. Make Lunar New Year Postcards & Origami

If you're up for an adventure, head north to the Hands On Children's Museum in Olympia. Always a hot destination for toddlers and their grown-ups, it's even more so on the Chinese New Year when kids can make rabbit origami and write postcards to friends and family, wishing them luck in the year ahead. These activities are included with museum admission or membership.

Date: Jan. 22, 2023

Hands On Children's Museum
414 Jefferson St. N.E.
Olympia, WA
Online: hocm.org

a red lion dances with a masked person in the background during a lunar new year seattle celebration
Mick Haupt via unsplash

7. Lunar New Year Dragon Dance Parade & Celebration

Experience a dragon dance and parade when you celebrate the Lunar New Year with the Portland Chinese Museum and the Oregon Historical Society. The parade starts at N.W. 3rd and Davis Street and proceeds around Old Town, Downtown, and Oregon Historical Society Park Plaza as dancers weave in and out along the 1.4-mile route. Lion dancers and other performers kick things off around 10 a.m. before the dragon heads out for the trip.  

Date: Jan. 28, 2023

Portland Chinatown Museum
127 N.W. Third Ave.
Online: portlandchinatownmuseum.org

8. Lunar New Year Celebration

Make a wish on a red ribbon and snap a few selfies at Washington Square Mall to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. Families can also crafts, stories, and dances in the center court from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. as part of day's activities. 

Date: Jan. 28, 2023

Washington Square
9585 S.W. Washington Square Rd.
Online: shopwashingtonsquare.com

9. Celebrate Lunar New Year at the Mac Market

You won't want to miss this free community event that has all the usual Lunar New Year celebration activities like lion dances, calligraphy demonstrations, and martial arts performances. But this gathering, hosted by local Asian American residents in partnership with Mac Market and Unidos Bridging Community includes balloon animals (our money's on the rabbit), face painting, and storytimes too. It's the perfect mix of traditional elements and a little something extra that'll get your kids excited for the day. 

Date: Jan. 21, 2023

1140 N.E. Alpine Ave.
McMinnville, OR
Online: eventbrite.com

Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King with educational, meaningful activities for kids

Some non-school days are more meaningful than others. For many Seattle families, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a time to honor and celebrate a civil rights activist and leader and a day to lift up Black lives. Make this a memorable one with your family at local events that underscore Dr. King’s commitment to social, environmental, and economic justice. From volunteer opportunities and nearby rallies to celebrations and performances, here’s where Seattle families can honor and serve on MLK Day in 2023.

MLK monument with a cloudy blue sky in the background
Elizabeth Villalta via unsplash

1. The Northwest African American Museum is hosting King Day 2023 as part of its grand reopening. What a day it's going to be. Expect to enjoy music, movies, motivational social justice speakers, and activities everyone in your fam can participate in. This year's theme—All, Here, and Now will be at the heart of the celebration. You won't wan to miss it.  Jan. 16, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Event details

2. Enjoy free admission to the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma for their annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebration. This year, families can watch Tacoma Arts Live perform 11 Days in the Life of Dr. King, at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., a collection of vignettes that will keep your kids engaged with spoken word, music, dance, and even shadow play. Then at 3 p.m. Living Voices will put on a production focused on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Jan. 16, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Event details 

3. Families can also reserve a spot with Delridge Neighborhood Development Association's Pigeon Point Work Party to put the environment at the center of their MLK Day celebration. This hands-on activity includes removing invasive plants, planting new ones, and mulching too. All you need to do is register in advance and dress for the weather. They provide all the tools you need. Don't forget to bring a snack and water with you to this popular community service event. Jan. 16, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Event details

4. Families can also volunteer with the United Way of King County on January 16. There are a few family-friendly events (hint: choose this filter to see them) happening around the city you can sign up for. Jan. 16. Free. Event details

5. Make Good Trouble and commemorate the 40th year King County residents have carried Dr. King's mission forward when you join the Seattle MLK Day Coalition for their annual rally and march from Garfield High School. They also host workshops, an opportunity fair, and a youth event as part of this inspiring programming. Jan. 10-16, 11 a.m. Free. Event details

Related: 13 Places Kids Can Learn about Black History in Seattle

Unseen Histories via unsplash

6. Ferry over to Bainbridge Island for Bainbridge Island Museum of Art's Community Celebration of MLK Day. Speakers, art, music, and activities are all part of the inclusive celebration hosted at the Museum. Jan. 15. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Free. Event details

7. Spend the day in service when you and the kids work alongside other volunteers at a local park. Register to work at one of three parks in Kirkland with the kids. Mulching, weeding, planting, and removing invasive species are all part of this experience. Sign up soon if you want to join in. Jan. 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Event details

8. Celebrate Dr. King’s role in the environmental justice movement by exploring one of our state's three national parks for free. Jan. 16. Free. Event details

9. If you can't make it to a national park, enjoy a Washington State Park for free. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, you won't need your Discover Passes to visit. Jan. 16. Free. Event details

Related: 25 Black-Owned Family-Friendly Businesses We Love

Don’t let your kid’s bedtime hinder your New Year’s Eve fun! We rounded up more than a dozen ways to celebrate, including some great ideas to start the new year off right!

Ring in the new year with some family-friendly New Year’s celebrations in New York City! Not sure the right move for your crew? We’ve got options for every nap time and bedtime schedule out there. For starters, begin the festivities early with events in the days leading up to New Year’s Eve, or check out some Dec. 31 daytime fun with the little ones who can’t stay up until midnight. Keep the party going with options for nighttime reveling made for the whole family, and then climb out of bed the next morning and start the year off right with New Year’s Day activities. No matter what, you’re sure to find the perfect New Year’s all-ages events in NYC to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023 as a family.

New Year Events Before New Year’s Eve in NYC


Light Shows in and Around NYC
Let some spectacular light shows sparkle and light your road into the new year. Visit one of the best light shows in and around NYC for a dazzling display of shimmering light sculptures, many of which are open leading up to and during New Year's eve and day. From the New York Botanical Garden Glow exhibit to a 70's-inspired drive-thru experience, this year's light shows have something for everyone in the family.

Various times and locations
Online: tinybeans.com

Russian New Year's Celebration
This special Russian New Year's celebration at Sky Village has some guesses of honor: "Ded Moroz" ("Father Frost," a.k.a. Santa) and his granddaughter will be on-site to interact with guests from 4 to 5 p.m. The event will feature traditional games, presents, photo-ops, singing, dancing (including the traditional Khorovod dance), and more. If you bring in a wrapped gift, you can hand it off to Santa to be officially "delivered" to your child from the jolly man, himself! Adults are encouraged to bring their own booze if they want, though there will be Pelegrino and juice on-site for a non-alcoholic option.

Sat., Dec. 17, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Sky Village NYC
23-81 21st St.
Online: eventbrite.com

NYSoM HolidayMania 2022
What if you wanted to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's all at once? You can, at the NYSoM HolidayMania extravaganza! For the New Year's party, head over to the New Year's 2023 Jam, where "Lady New Year's" will be leading the party as visitors sing karaoke and get a head start on the celebrations. Don't forget to visit the sections dedicated to the other holidays for fun activities like spinning the Wheel of Kwanzaa at the Kwanzaa Village, hanging out with the Dreidelator in Hanukkah Town, saying hi to Santa at the Winter Wonderland, and lots more. Plus, all visitors with kids will receive free gifts while supplies last.

Sat., Dec. 17, 2-6 p.m.
East Harlem Tutorial Program
2050 2nd Ave.
East Harlem
Online: eventbrite.com


The Times Square NYE Wishing Wall
Leave a positive message for visitors to the Times Square ball drop via the NYE Wishing Wall. Submit a wish on the digital Wishing Wall and it'll be among the thousands of confetti wishes that fall on New Year's in Times Square. Make sure to leave your wish by December 28 to have it be printed this year (any wishes submitted after this date will be included in next year's celebrations, instead).

Through Wed., Dec. 28
Online: timessquarenyc.org

New Year’s Eve Morning and Daytime Events in NYC

Noon Year's Eve Dance Party at the Staten Island Children's Museum
This fun party lets kids count down to the new year, even if your little ones are too young to stay up until the actual countdown. Instead of midnight, this party ends with a countdown to noon, and includes plenty of dancing and party favors. This experience is free with admission—just show up ready to party!

Sat., Dec. 31, 12-2 p.m.
Staten Island Children’s Museum
1000 Richmond Terrace, Building M
Staten Island
Online: sichildrensmuseum.org

New Year's Eve at Marage
This New Year's bash is designed to get kids involved with all the stuff that adults do to celebrate the occasion. This includes putting on cute 2023 glasses, waving glow sticks, drinking sparkling apple cider (non-alcoholic, of course!), and even writing New Year's resolutions (that they'll hopefully have better luck keeping than most adults). A DJ will provide the festive music while kids do themed arts and crafts, and, of course, there will be a balloon drop to symbolically mark the beginning of a new year.

Sat., Dec. 31, 3-7 p.m.
The Marage Space & Event Hall
111-10 Farmers Boulevard
Online: eventbrite.com


New Year’s Eve Ball at CMOM
The Children's Museum of Manhattan has two full days of celebrations lined up for its annual New Year's Eve ball drop and dance party. Kids will design candy-inspired silly hats and glasses for the party, make their own New Year's balls for a mini-NYE ball drop, and count down to noon in a mock New Year's countdown. The party keeps going after the "noon" new year with music curated by DJ Suce, with dancing, singing, and general festivities.

Fri., Dec. 30-Sun., Dec. 31
212 W 83rd St.
Upper West Side
Online: cmom.org

New Year’s Eve Evening and Nighttime Events in NYC

Dave & Buster's New Years Eve Party
It's all fun and games at the Dave & Buster's New Year's event, where families can play in the arcade, enjoy delicious appetizers, pop some party favors, and enjoy a 5-hour open bar and a complimentary champagne toast (for 21+ only, of course). A live DJ will play as the scene in Times Square outside is displayed on large screen TVs so everyone in attendance can count down to 2023 and watch the ball drop live. Special VIP packages are available to purchase, which include reserved seating in case you need a space for the younger members of your family to rest amid all the excitement.

Sat.-Sun., Dec. 31-Jan. 7 p.m.-1 a.m.
Dave & Buster's
234 West 42nd St., 3rd Floor
Murray Hill
Online: eventbrite.com

New Year’s Eve Fireworks in Prospect Park
Back for the first time since 2020, watch fireworks explode in beautiful colors over Prospect Park. The fun begins at 10 p.m. with a performance by Quintessential Playlist. The event is free but an RSVP is required to gauge interest and space.

Sat.-Sun., Dec. 31-Jan. 1, 10 p.m.-12:30 a.m.
Grand Army Plaza Flatbush Ave.
Prospect Heights
Online: prospectpark.org

New Year’s Day Events in NYC


New Year's Day Dinner Cruise
See the city from a different perspective by heading out on Liberty Cruise's New Year's Day Dinner Cruise. Embark on your adventure onboard a three-deck vessel, where you'll be treated to a three-course meal with the evening NYC skyline and a live DJ to accompany the experience. Head to the Sky Deck for incredible 360 degree views and photo-ops of the city and passing landmarks.

Sun., Jan. 1, 7 p.m.
Pier 36
299 South St.
Lower East Side
Online: libertycruise.nyc

New Year's Eve on the Lanes in Bowlero
Strike out at Bowlero for an active and fun New Year's bowling session! Special family play slots are available to book right now, which include two hours of bowling (shoes included), your choice of food from the menu, unlimited soda, and a champagne or sparkling cider toast. If this sounds right up your alley, book soon: Most dec 31st time slots are already full, but at the time of this writing, there are still plenty of options on new year's day.

Sat., Dec. 31-Sun., Jan. 1, various times
222 W. 44th St.
Times Square
Online: bowlero.com

New Year's Day Super Hike in NYC Parks
Make 2023 a year of health and fitness by starting strong on the very first day of the year. Join a New Year's Day Super Hike in any one of the five participating parks, and walk away the previous year's worries and New Year's dinner. Urban Rangers lead these long walks, and take detours from the well-worn paths to explore hidden natural wonders, explore the city's urban forests, and breathe in some fresh air away from electronics and distractions.

Various times and locations
Online: nycgovparks.org


Salute to Vienna at Lincoln Center
Based on Vienna's Neujahrskonzert (New Year's Concert), this tribute to the tradition is a great way to introduce kids to the world of Viennese music from the heights of the country's golden age of composition. Listen to well-known tunes like the Blue Danube Waltz, tap along with dances, be uplifted by overtures, and more. This Lincoln Center performance is in its 26th year, and features music played by The Strauss Symphony of America and dance by Europaballett (Austria) and champion ballroom dancers.

Sun., Jan. 1, 2:30 p.m.
David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center
10 Lincoln Center Plaza
Lincoln Square
Online: salutetovienna.com

Harlem Gospel Choir New Year's Day Matinee
Catch the world-famous Harlem Gospel Choir on the first day of the new year as they sing in the new year with a New Year's Day Matinee. Held at Sony Hall, this concert features uplifting, joyous music to put you in the right mindset to tackle 2023. All ages are welcome to attend, and a brunch menu will be available for ordering.

Sun., Jan. 1, 1:30 p.m.
Sony Hall
235 West 46th St.
Online: sonyhall.com

Ring in 2023 with exciting Portland New Year’s Eve events and activities that have earned the kid-seal of approval

You and the kids might not make it to the strike of midnight, but thankfully that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on Portland New Year’s Eve events. In fact, there are still plenty of ways Portland families can ring in 2023 and still make it home before bedtime (plus a few that’ll keep you out a little past it). Whether your kids want to celebrate the Noon Year, get active with a retro activity, or simply want to take one last look at some of the season’s best attractions, we’ve got options for everyone. Cheers to a safe and healthy 2023!

Ring in the Noon Year at These Celebrations

Portland new Years eve where a young boy near a disco ball bubbles falling all around
Hands On Children's Museum

1. Gilbert House Children’s Museum

Join the Gilbert House Children’s Museum in Salem for their annual Noon Year’s Eve celebration. Who needs to wait up until midnight when you and the kids can start partying at 10 a.m. with holiday crafts, a hot cocoa bar, and all the usual amenities the museum offers. As soon as the clock strikes noon prepare for a fantastic balloon ball drop that'll thrill the kids. Cost includes general museum admission.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 10 a.m.
Cost: $5/person (members); $15/person (non-members)

116 Marion St. N.E.
Salem, OR
Online: acgilbert.org

2. Hands On Children's Museum

Bring the kids to Olympia for the Hands On Children's Museum's unforgettable Noon Years Eve Party. This year's theme is "Shine Bright in the New Year." Expect lots of sparkle, shine, glimmer, and glow activities that tie into the theme like Dr. Science experiments, bioluminescence, shooting star launching, glitzy crafts, and a photo booth. The Noon Year’s countdown includes a dance party, ball drop, and parade every hour throughout the day. Our tip? Make your online reservations in advance and save $2 on admission.

Good to Know: The museum will have a sensory-friendly room and art space set up from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. so kids of all abilities can join in the fun throughout the day.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Cost: $17/person; Free, babies 17 mos. & under

414 Jefferson St. N.E.
Olympia, WA
Online: hocm.org

3. Erev New Year's Eve at Noon

Find all kinds of fun at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center the day before New Year's Eve. A bouncy house, face painting, games, and more will keep the kids busy before the clock strikes noon on the 30th. When it does, they'll be showered in beach balls, falling from the ceiling. RSVP is required for this event.

Date & Time: Dec. 30, 2022; 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Mittleman Jewish Community Center
6651 S.W. Capitol Hwy.
Online: oregonjcc.org

4. Noon Year's Eve

Tots will get a kick out of this celebration at My Gym in Sherwood. A balloon drop will be part of the programming fun, and so will sparkling cider. But what your kids will love the most is the chance to climb and play at this indoor gym before and after the celebration. The event runs for 90 minutes, starting at 11 a.m.

My Gym Sherwood
16080 S.W. Tualatin-Sherwood Rd.
Sherwood, OR
Online: mygym.com

Skate & Roll Your Way into the New Year

kids roller stake around a rink at portland new years eve

5. Oaks Park Roller Rink

Rink in the New Year at Oaks Park. Expect a DJ, skate specials, party favors, and so much more at this family-friendly event that runs well past your kiddo's bedtime. Skates are available to rent.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 7 p.m.-1 a.m.
Cost: $22/person; $5/spectator

7805 S.E. Oaks Park Way
Online: oaksamusementpark.centeredgeonline.com

6. Lloyd Center Ice Rink

The Lloyd Center ice rink is open for public skate on New Year's Eve from 1 p.m.-7:30 p.m. It's a great place place to celebrate the day without having to stay out too late with the kids. Every two hours starting at 1 p.m. and ending at 5 p.m., snow falls on the ice next to the magnificent 70-foot Christmas tree, and bonus—New Year's eve is a Rock 'N Skate evening. From 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. a DJ will be spinning tunes and taking requests.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 1-7:30 p.m.
Cost: $20/person; $4/kid, ages 2-3

953 Lloyd Center
Online: lloydice.com

7. Mountain View Ice Arena

Another ice skating option just north of the city, Mountain View Ice Arena in Vancouver will be hosting a New Year's Eve Skate. Best for families with big kids or little ones with plenty of energy, you'll have the chance to hit the ice for a few hours to celebrate the turning of the calenadar.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 7:15-9:30 p.m.
Cost: $15/person

14313 Southeast Mill Plain Blvd.
Vancouver, WA
Online: mtviewice.com

8. King Pins

If you want to go big for the New Year, consider renting a New Year's Eve lane at King Pins. An early time slot will give you plenty of time to enjoy cosmic bowling with the kids while still making it home for the regular night time routine. Prizes, giveaways, and a big celebration are all part of this event your kids will remember. 

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 5:30 p.m.-1 a.m.
Cost: $125/lane (for group of 6)

3550 S.E. 92nd Ave.
Online: mykingpins.com

More Kid-Friendly New Year’s Activities & Events

a kid wearing a 2023 new years eve hat and holding up peace signs

9. Storytime at Powell's

Bring the kids to hear The Magical Yeti by Angela Diterlizzi on New Year's Eve if you're looking for something fun to keep them entertained. 

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 10:30 a.m.

1005 W. Burnside St.
Online: powells.com

10. Straight No Chaser 25th Anniversary Celebration

There's something irresistible about Straight No Chaser's a cappella tuneage. Maybe it's the songs they choose, or the humor they bring along with it. Either way, your kids will be tapping along with this vocal phenomenon.

Date & Time: Dec. 31, 2022; 7:30 p.m.
Cost: Tickets start at $25

Keller Auditorium
222 S.W. Clay St.
Online: portland5.com/keller-auditorium

Last Chance to See Lights at These Amazing Displays

11. Check Out Holiday Lights

If you didn't make it out to see all the amazing holiday light displays around the city, New Year's Eve is your last chance to catch many. It's the final night of the popular neighborhood Peacock Lane display and Winter Wonderland at Portland International Raceway. Plus, ZooLights only has a few more days to go before going dark for the season. Get out there and see the displays while you still can.

Related: Electric Avenues: Holiday Light Displays That Really Shine