Summer, and the hot weather that comes with it, is just around the corner, which means preparing yourself for spending hours near/in/by the water. Your best bet? Swimming pool games don’t require props and promise hours of poolside perfection for mom and dad. From Marco Polo to sharks and minnows, our favorite pool games mean one thing: you’ll be traveling light all summer long. If you don’t have your supply of swimsuits yet, be sure to check out the best suits for every mom bod and our favorite swimsuits for kids!

Wishing Well

Similar to Treasure Dive, Wishing Well sends players on a search for coins at the bottom of the pool. This version, however, involves lining participants up shoulder-to-shoulder with their backs to the pool while someone throws a handful of loose coins into the water. The players then dive into the pool to collect the coins before they land on the bottom. Let the players keep their coins as a prize or collect them all and toss them again.


If you’ve ever played freeze tag on dry land, this is exactly that, only in the shallow end of the pool. Start with one person as “it,” and have him or her tag the other players, who are swimming. When tagged, a player must stand frozen like a popsicle until another un-tagged player can thaw him out by swimming underwater between his legs. Just be sure to change the “it” person every so often to avoid having pouty kiddos in the pool.

Treasure Dive

Who needs fancy dive sticks or expensive torpedoes when you’ve got a public pool and a kid with goggles? Just in case you’re a little afraid of what Junior might find, take a handful of coins and toss them in the water to focus his search.

Funny Hair Competition

You know you’ve done it. If you ever had hair longer than shoulder-length, you’ve done the George Washington (emerged from underwater with your hair flipped down over your face, then rolled it back over your head for a stylin’ Colonial-era ‘do). Other classics include the dinosaur (spiked hair), Princess Lea (dueling buns), and the sweet roll (spiraled over the entire head).

Submarine Races

Racers become human submarines as they race underwater to see who can get the farthest without emerging for air. The key to a successful submariner is a strong start, followed by efficient flutter kicks. Some have been known to dive deep early so as not to lose momentum on the surface mid-pool.

Underwater Tea Party

Goggles come in handy here. In an underwater tea party, two players must sink to the bottom of the pool where they sit criss-cross-applesauce and partake in a fancy tea fit for a queen. Pouring from imaginary teapots, stirring imaginary cups of tea, offering each other lumps of sugar, and passing trays of finger foods and sweets are par for the course.

Sharks & Minnows

While there's debate as to the proper starting position of the minnows (in the water or out of the water on the far side of the pool), and variation exists on the proper call to action by the shark (“Sharks and minnows, one, two, three. Fishies, fishes, come to me!” versus “Fiiiishies! Come out and plaaay!”), there’s no debate this classic swimming pool game will be entertaining our children’s children for summers to come. Could there be anything more thrilling than narrowly escaping the touch of the treacherous shark?


The goal is to be the last swimmer unattached to the human chain of “outed” participants. The octopus begins with one player who tags another player who then must link arms with one another (hence the growing octopus). As the octopus grows and the number of unlinked players diminishes, it gets trickier and trickier to evade the “tentacle” of players in the pool.

kids playing pool games

Atomic Whirlpool

Part pool game, part magic trick, this game involves a line of kids inside the pool but along the edge (in the shallow end). Have them walk, then jog, then race as fast as they can—still in single file—around the perimeter of the pool and then yell “switch!” When they turn to run in the opposite direction, the current will keep them from running, but certainly, increase the laughter factor. Bonus? Running in the pool will wear. them. out.

Chicken Fight 

We give the namesake of this game two thumbs down, but the pool game is a solid 10 in our book. Be sure to set the bar high when you define the rules of engagement before shouldering up. Chicken fights are played with a minimum of four participants (two “bases” and two “chickens” who each climb onto the other player’s shoulders). A chicken can push, pull, tickle, tackle, and splash the other chicken off its base to dominate as World Chicken Champion (until the next round, anyway).

Pool Pizza

This variation on colors involves one person—the “it” one—being named the chef. Other players pick their favorite pizza topping and group together. When the chef calls out their topping, those players swim to the other side of the pool. If the chef catches you, however, you go straight into the pizza “oven” (the out area, usually on the stairs or along one wall).

Mermaid Splash

Little mermaids take turns swimming with their ankles together, then go underwater and rocket out of the water with their arms in the air (a la Ariel in The Little Mermaid) to see who can jump the highest out of the water.


Who doesn't have a great memory of being catapulted from the water by mom or dad? Turn this classic parent-child bonding (or sibling) sesh into a friendly competition to see who can go the furthest, the highest, or do the coolest trick in the air.

Splash Dance

Choreograph your own water ballet to go with one of your favorite songs. Perfect for a solo endeavor or with friends (think synchronized swimming), this pool game is video-record-ready!

Secret Message

Think Telephone but underwater. For this swimming pool game, choose one person to relay the message (usually one or two words). Then the "guesser" goes underwater with the messenger and tries to guess what they're saying. You can make it easier by offering hints like theme, color, category, etc. Kids who don't swim in deep water can participate in this pool game because they can dip their faces in to hear the message. 

kid playing pool games in the summer
LeeAnn Cline via Unsplash


Similar to P.I.G. in basketball, the first player in F.I.S.H. is the leader, and the other players must follow exactly what the leader does. Jump from the side, do a certain dive, perform a choreographed pool number—whatever the task, the players must follow it or be given a letter from F.I.S.H. The first player to spell F.I.S.H loses the game.

Belly Flop Competition

Similar to a cannonball competition but without the showmanship mid-flight, the belly flop competition is all about the biggest smack of flesh on water. Who needs a cool flip mid-air when everyone knows you’re going for surface-area-to-contact records?


With this game, the more swimmers you have, the merrier (but we know of confirmed rounds of Categories involving only two players, so work with what you’ve got). Begin by choosing someone to be "It." The selected player chooses a category other players are familiar with (think colors for the small set, or candy bars for the older kids). "It" stands outside of the pool with their back turned from the water and all other players line up directly underneath them with their hands on the wall, waiting for their selection to be guessed. If it is, the player tries to swim to the other side of the pool without being tagged out.


Best performed from a springy, 1980s-era diving board, cannonball competitions are similar to dance-offs; each participant tries to “up” the next with their artistic interpretations mid-flight and ultimately, by the size of her splash.

Air Ninja

Adrenaline, meet categories. Starting on the side of the pool in a jump-ready position, count “1,2,3” and then your choice of any animate or inanimate object. Kiddos will leap into the air, strike their pose, and come up for air giggling. Some sure-fire objects they’ll love to imitate are tigers, turtles, and trees, but the more creative you get, the more they’ll beg for more.

Pool Tag Survivor

Chose one player to be "it." The chosen player then yells out "dolphin," "froggy," or "submarine." Dolphins swim on top of the water, froggies swim in the middle, and submarines swim at the bottom of the pool. Whoever is "it" must close their eyes and try to tag the other players. When a player reaches the other end of the pool, they yell out "Survived!" Players who get tagged decide which one is "it" next. 

Marco Polo

Forget Marco Polo who was the first European to reach China. In America, if it’s June, July, or August, Marco (Polo!) is the king of the pool. “Marco” catches other players based on their reply to his call, and there’s no adrenaline-like daring to be the fish out of the water! Just like tag, only in water and with your eyes closed, how many hours did you spend playing this easy but exciting pool game as a kid?



Looking for some fun riddles for kids to keep those little minds sharp? Or maybe even a few hard riddles for kids? We’ve found kid-friendly puzzlers just right for your family. Share these riddles for kids with answers on the way to school or over dinner. And for even more, check out this adorable kid’s book.

Don’t stop here! Check out our trivia for kids and our ultimate list of jokes for kids for more fun.

What is a riddle?

A riddle is a brain-teasing question with a hidden meaning or answer requiring creative, out-of-the-box thinking. The answers are often things you wouldn’t think about, so be sure to take your time solving these easy riddles for kids!

Why should you share riddles with kids?

Riddles, and other brain teasers like hidden word puzzles, sudoku, and crossword puzzles help keep the brain sharp and help to develop problem-solving skills and creativity. Plus, it’s just fun to ask kids funny riddles and see their reactions!

One-Word Answers for Easy Riddles

1. What has hands but cannot write or clap?

A clock.

2. What has stripes and goes through the air?

Hint: It sometimes goes on the ground, too!

A basketball.

3. I am yellow, and I write, and my mate is white. What am I? 

A pencil.

4. What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

5. What has a neck but no head and arms but no hands?

A shirt.

6. Remove my skin and I won't cry, but you might! What am I?

An onion.

7. What kind of ship has two mates but no captain?

A relationship.

8. I'm taller when I'm young and shorter when I'm old. What am I?

A candle.

9. What is always right in front of you, yet you cannot see it?

The future.

10. What has a tongue but cannot talk?

A shoe.

11. What is easier to get into than out of?


12. What always ends up broken before you use it?

An egg.

13. What begins with T ends with T and has a T in it?

A teapot.

14. What breaks as soon as you say its name?


15. If you threw a yellow stone into a blue sea, what would it become?


16. What number is odd until you take away one letter; then it becomes even?


17. What runs but cannot walk, has a mouth but no teeth, and has a bed but cannot sleep?

A river.

18. There is one word spelled wrong in every English dictionary. What is it?


19. What goes in your pocket but keeps it empty?

A hole.

20. What has legs but cannot walk?

A chair.

21. I sometimes run but cannot walk. You follow me around. What am I?

Your nose.

22. What word begins and ends with the E but only has one letter?


23. What do you find at the end of a rainbow?

The letter W.

Related: Here Comes the Pun: 300+ Best Jokes for Kids

dad and daughter laughing at easy riddles

24. What are two things you can never eat for dinner? 

Breakfast and Lunch.

25. I can be cracked or played; told or made. What am I?

A joke! 

26. I give you one, and you have two or none. What am I?

A choice. 

27. What has four eyes but cannot see?


28. What belongs to you but is used most often by everyone else?

Your name. 

29. I fall but I never get hurt. What am I?


30. What's full of holes but still holds water? 

A sponge. 

31. What has a bottom at the top?


Related: 18 Unique Facts About the Wright Brothers

Riddles for Kids with Long Answers

little girl telling her little sister an easy riddle

32. A man holds $5.50 in his hand but only has one coin. How is this possible?

He has a $5 bill and one 50-cent piece. 

33. How many months of the year have 28 days?

All of them (they all have at least 28 days). 

34. When is "L" greater than "XL"?

When you use Roman numerals.

35. What is always on the dinner table but you cannot eat it?

A plate. (Or a fork, etc.)

36. What can you hold in your right hand but never your left hand?

Your left hand. 

37. A cowboy comes into town on Friday. He stays two nights at a local hotel. He leaves on Friday. How is this possible?

His horse's name is Friday.  

38. A woman is sitting in his cabin in Minnesota. In less than three hours, she's in her cabin in Texas. How can this be?

The woman is a pilot and she's sitting in the cabin of her airplane. 

39. What is as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all?

A hippo's shadow. 

40. What bank never has any money?

A river bank. 

41. How do you make the number “one” disappear?

Add a “g” and it is “gone.”

42. If an electric train is traveling 60 MPH and going against the wind, which way will the train's smoke drift?

There is no smoke from an electric train. 

43. Why did the kid bury his walkie-talkie? 

Because the batteries died. 

44. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They only caught 3 fish, but they caught one fish each. How is this possible?

It was a grandfather, a father, and a grandson/son. (Both the grandfather and father are fathers and both the father and grandson are sons). 

Easy Riddles Submitted by Readers


45. I am loved, for I am sweet

I come in many forms

but I’m always a treat

before apple and after cotton

dentists contend that I’ll

make your teeth rotten

What am I?


—from young reader Gloria, age 8

46. There was a circle house. There was a chef, a nanny, a butler, two children, and a maid. The boy child was found dead. The nanny said she was playing with the girl, the chef said he was cooking dinner and the maid said she was dusting the corners. So who killed the boy? 

The maid because she was lying about dusting corners. A circle house has no corners. 

—submitted by Joshua Y., age 9

47. What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin. 

—Young reader Katelyn

48. Mr. Red and Ms. Red live in the red house, Mr. Purple and Ms. Purple live in the purple house. Who lives in the white house? 

The President! 

—from young reader Gwen I

49. If you feed me, I grow, but if you give me water, I die.


—Young reader Sai Sri Vallabh

50. What has a mouth, a bed, and always runs? 

A river. 

—Chase, age 9


Riddles for Brain-Teasing Fun

51. What five-letter word gets short when you add two letters to the end? 


52. What type of cheese is made backward? 


53. A cat wants to get in better shape. She’s going to start by climbing the stairs. Starting on the fourth floor, she climbs up five stories, down seven stories, up six stories, down three stories, and up four stories again. What floor is she on?

The ninth floor.

54. There was a blue one-story house in a nice neighborhood. Everything in it was blue—the walls, the carpets, the furniture, and even the dog! What color were the stairs?

There are no stairs because it's a one-story house.





If you think that Pasta Carbonara is a dish you can only have in restaurants, you’ll be shocked to see how simple making it really is. Here to break down the steps for any home cook are Gayle Pirie and John Clark, Chefs and Co-owners of Foreign Cinema in San Francisco. Read on for the full recipe.

Ingredients for Pasta Carbonara:

1 pound (or just under) long noodles (spaghettini, fettucini, or linguine)
6 thick slices of smoky bacon
2 Tablespoons pure olive oil
4 eggs
Salt to taste
A chunk of Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. Bring lightly salted water to a boil in a large pot. Cook the noodles until tender but firm.

2. While the noodles cook, dice the bacon and cook it in the olive oil until just lightly crisped in a medium sauté pan. Pour off the excess fat, reserving 4 tablespoons in the pan.

3. In a bowl, beat the eggs and season with a little salt.

4. Drain the noodles, saving about 2 tablespoons of water for later. If the pan has cooled down, warm it up again right before adding the noodles.

5. Add the noodles to the warm bacon in the pan; thoroughly toss with the oil and bacon, and season with salt. Work fast and pour the beaten eggs onto the warm noodles and mix well to coat the noodles.

6. Add the reserved pasta water if the noodles look dry. The heat of the noodles and the pan will thicken and set the eggs. If there is not enough heat, turn the burner on very low, just to warm the noodles, then turn it off. Too much heat can scramble the eggs.

7. Once the noodles, egg, and bacon are well mixed, add freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and stir. Freshly ground black pepper is an essential addition. Serve in warm pasta bowls.


Partners Gayle Pirie and John Clark are two highly original talents who have been deeply involved in the competitive and innovative ferment of the San Francisco restaurant scene for over two decades. Today, Pirie and Clark are the chef talent, and owners behind the very popular and exciting dining destination- Foreign Cinema. In addition to Foreign Cinema they have published two cookbooks, Country Egg, City Egg in 2000 and Bride and Groom in 2006.



Introduce your kids to fish with this easy recipe that only requires five ingredients

Getting kids interested in eating fish can be tricky, but mild white fish covered in a crunchy parmesan crust is one dish anyone can get excited about. Created by !Hola! Jalapeño, this is a perfect starter recipe if you are just introducing your little ones to fish. With just a few simple ingredients you can serve a healthy, tasty dinner… and watch it disappear. After you’ve tried this one, check out our other easy dinner recipes.

Ingredients for Parmesan-Crusted Fish

4 (6oz) fresh white fish fillets, such as tilapia, halibut, or cod
1 lemon or lime, cut in half
1/2 c whole wheat panko
1/4 c grated Parmesan
2 tbsp butter

Preparation Method

1. Squeeze the lemon or lime over both sides of the fish fillets and season the fish with salt.

2. Combine the panko and Parmesan in a small bowl and sprinkle over both sides of the fish, generously coating the fish all over. Press the Parmesan mixture into the fish so it sticks.

3. Heat butter over medium heat in a non-stick frying pan. Once melted and foaming, add fish in a single layer (you may have to do this in batches depending on the size of your pan). Cook for 2-3 minutes per side or until the crust is golden brown and the fish is firm to the touch.

Kate from !Hola! Jalapeño is a chef, cookbook editor, and food writer who strives every day to make meals her whole family will eat—with a couple of picky eaters in the house that is no easy feat. You can follow her cooking triumphs at

recipe courtesy of Kate at !Hola! Jalapeño

This Japanese noodle soup recipe is easy to make and hearty enough to make a meal

Scallions and fresh ginger spice the broth, while carrots, mushrooms, and noodles make a hearty base in this Japanese Vegetable Noodle Soup recipe. Your little chef will love squeezing lime juice into this flavorful soup, served alongside orange slices.

Ingredients for Japanese Vegetable Noodle Soup

64 ounces low sodium chicken or vegetable broth
3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
1 1-inch piece fresh ginger
2 cups bok choy, sliced, or 2 cups Napa cabbage, sliced
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
2 carrots, sliced on the diagonal
8 16-ounce extra-firm tofu, drained and cubed
6 ounces ramen noodles, flavor packet discarded
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1/2 lime, juiced
1/4 cup cilantro, mint or basil, chopped
6 oranges, cut into wedges, for serving


1. Adult: Place the broth, soy sauce, and ginger in a large pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil.

2. Together: Add the cabbage or bok choy, mushrooms, carrots, and tofu, stirring after each addition. Cook for about 2 minutes.

3. Together: Add the ramen noodles, taking care to discard the flavor packet. Reduce heat and keep the soup at a low boil. Keep at a low boil for 3 minutes more, or until the ramen is just cooked.

4. Kid: Add the scallions, lime juice, and fresh herbs to the pot. Cook for about 1 minute more, or until all the ingredients are heated through.

5. Together: Divide the soup into 6 bowls, place on plates with the orange wedges, and enjoy!

This Kids Cook Monday recipe comes to us from Aviva Goldfarb of The Scramble.

Winter in Chicago is all about parkas and your kid’s mittened hand clutching a glorious cup of hot cocoa. The weather gets downright artic some days, but a steaming cup of hot chocolate will definitely make Jack Frost’s nipping a whole lot easier to handle. If your kids love cocoa—or need a good introduction to it—check out these local restaurants or cafes that make their own from scratch. Scroll to find our favorites.

Katherine Anne Confections

When this local confectioner isn’t busy making mouthwatering truffles and caramels, it's drawing people with delicious hot chocolate in flavors like bittersweet, semisweet or salted caramel topped with homemade ‘mallows. The secret? Steamed whole milk and a cream-top cream that has 45% butterfat.

2475 W. Armitage Ave., Bucktown; Online:

Mindy's Bakery

Previously named Mindy's HotChocolate, Chef Mindy Segal of Mindy's Bakery switched things up and is now specializing in handcrafted sourdough bagels and bialys, babka, za'atar challah and seasonal pastries. Lucky for us, Mindy still has a sweet spot for the roasty-toasty drink she serves with a house-made marshmallow on top.

1747 N. Damen Ave., Bucktown; Online:


It was named one of the five best cups of hot chocolate in NYC by CBS New York. No need to travel to get your own cup, order the cioccolata con panna at their Lavazza café, which is rich, dark, and sweet. It's a perfect place to take a pause from holiday shopping or while your table is being set in the restaurants upstairs.

43 E. Ohio St., Loop; Online:


Oh, yes, Firecakes offers more than donuts. The next time you head here for a chocolate old fashioned or a season favorite, double the decadence with Chef Jonathan Fox's frothed-to-order, Parisian-style hot chocolate. It balances Belgian bittersweet chocolate with organic milk, a touch of vanilla and cane sugar, and is topped with a house-made, Tahitian vanilla bean marshmallow. Be on the lookout for the roaming bakery they loving refer to as Billy the Truck.

Locations in River North, Lincoln Park, Naperville & Oak Park or look for Billy the Truck; Online:

Little Branch Cafe

Before or after a trip to The Field Museum, head to this neighborhood cafe for a warm-up. It serves creative American favorites for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and is great brunch alternative to nearby Yolk, which always has a longer wait. No matter the time of day, you can't go wrong with hot chocolate made from a tasty combo of vanilla syrup, Ghirardelli chocolate powder and milk, topped with whipped cream and cocoa powder.

1251 S. Prairie Ave., Prairie Avenue Historic District; Online:

Ghirardelli Chocolate Co.

The San Francisco-based icon is known for its chocolate bars. It also knows a thing or two about the drinkable version. Stop by its Mag Mile location for chocolate mocha, double chocolate or chocolate caramel hot cocoa (or some seasonal favorites!). While you're on a roll, pick up the mixes to take home—and don't forget chocolate and caramel sauces.

830 N. Michigan Ave., Downtown; Online:

Uncommon Ground

Chances are you're already familiar with this restaurant known for its organic food and neighborhood charm. The hot chocolate is a new reason to try it. Made from omanhene chocolate and topped with whipped cream, you can have it served in a soup bowl for great slurp-ability.

3800 N. Clark St., Lakeview & 1401 W. Devon Ave., Edgewater; Online:


While its name is the Mexican slang for "little sister," chef Rick Bayless’ restaurant is a big shot in the hot chocolate scene. The Mexican hot chocolate is made from cacao imported from Tabasco, which is put through a grinding process more meticulous than the judges on Top Chef Masters. One sip and your whole family will be crying olé!

449 N. Clark St., River North; Online:

Julius Meinl Cafe

Sipping hot chocolate at the Euro-inspired cafe is a special experience. When you dine in, drinks are served on silver platters with glasses of water on the side. The smooth, rich flavor of the hot chocolate is also worth talking about. It's made from steamed milk and milk chocolate powder shipped from Austria. Ask for it topped with whipped cream and homemade marshmallows.

1920 W. Montrose Ave., Ravenswood & 3601 N. Southport Ave.; Online:

Le Chocolat du Bouchard

Get ready for sugar bliss. This Naperville cafe serves a wide variety of decadent hot chocolates, along with cases of baked and chocolate goodies. We highly recommend their carrot cake, one of the best around. 

127-129 S. Washington St., Naperville, Online:

— Maria Chambers & Anli Chen


Walk This Way! Colorful Spots for Fall Family Strolls

Do your kids know about these indigenous people who have changed history?

Even with holidays such as Indigenous People’s Day and Native American Heritage Month, popular culture and our history books may remind you of only a few indigenous people. We have many heroes, historic and modern, who are working toward goals that help elevate Native American and First Nations people along with protecting things vital to all of humankind, like water and food. Take some time to acknowledge their achievements and maybe even pick up a kids’ book that celebrates Native American culture and authors while you’re at it!

Deb Haaland

Deb Haaland

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland is the first Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary. She is a member of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe. She works towards environmental justice, mitigating climate change, finding missing and murdered indigenous women, and putting forth family-focused policies. She is one of the first Native American women to serve in Congress.

Sean Sherman is one of the important indigenous people your kid should know
Dana Thompson via Wikimedia Commons

Sean Sherman

Founder and CEO of The Sioux Chef, Sean marries his passion for cooking with his rich heritage by raising awareness of indigenous food systems. As the winner of the 2018 James Beard Award for Best American Cookbook, Sean uses his platform as a way to create opportunities for education around Native foods and culinary techniques. As a member of the Oglala Lakota tribe, the work Sean does is deep-rooted in a sense of pride and connection to his people.

Amber Gueteiber

Josephine Mandamin

Born in 1942 in the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory (Ontario, Canada), Josephine was the founder of the Mother Earth Water Walkers and fierce leader of the water protection movement who strived to bring awareness to water pollution. Having great influence on many people in her community, it comes as no surprise that her great-niece, next on our list, follows her path.

Autumn Peltier

Member of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, Autumn Peltier, was only 15 when she first spoke before the UN General Assembly on the issue of water protection in 2018. Known as a “water warrior,” she follows in her great aunt Josephine Mandamin’s footsteps, advocating for the rights of Native American communities to have access to clean water.

Related: 24 Black Heroes Our Kids Should Know by Name

courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Edmonia Lewis

Born in New York around 1844 to indigenous parents—her father was African American and her mother was a Chippewa Indian—Edmonia spent a great deal of her career as a sculptor in Rome, Italy where she gained international notoriety in the world of fine arts. Although many of her sculptures depicted prominent American figures, Edmonia never forgot her heritage, paying homage to both her African American and Native American origins in sculptures such as “The Arrow Maker” (1866) and “Forever Free” (1867).

Neely Snyder

Descendant of Red Lake Nation and Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Neely is passionate about creating healthier Native American communities. Applying her education and background in philanthropic leadership, Neely, as Executive Director of Dream of Wild Health, advocates for the organization’s mission to help indigenous Native American communities recover their natural ways of life, especially through indigenous food and agriculture. 

courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Hilaria Supa Huamán

A native of Peru and a member of the indigenous peoples of Quechua, Hilaria says her adversities are what have given her the strength to fight for many causes that affect the Quechan, as well as people all around the world. She is an activist for women’s and land rights, using her influence as a member of the Peruvian Congress to lobby for and enact laws that would benefit these causes.

Jessie "Little Doe" Baird

Jessie "Little Doe" Baird is a linguist who helped revive the Algonquian language of her ancestors that had not been spoken for more than 150 years. As a citizen of the Mashpee Tribe of the Wampanoag Nation, she started to create a dictionary in 1996 chronicling the tribe’s ancestral language as part of a research fellowship with MIT. The dictionary holds more than 11,000 words.

Related: 18 Latinx Trailblazers Your Kids Should Know

UBC Museum of Anthropology, British Columbia via Creative Commons

Bill Reid

Not many kid’s history books talk about the Haida peoples of the Haida Gwaii archipelago, located off the west coast of British Colombia. Their preservation of land and water are admirable environmental achievements. Having a deep respect for his mother’s heritage, Bill Reid dedicated much of his work in the arts to the Haida peoples. Bill created, alongside other native artists, a sculpture depicting the story of human creation as passed down by Haida legend, among others. His work in bringing awareness to and preserving the stories of the Haida peoples is remarkable.

Joy Harjo

A member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Joy Harjo is an American poet who has served as the incumbent United States Poet Laureate since 2019. She is the first Native American to hold that honor. She has written nine books of poetry and two award-winning children's books, The Good Luck Cat and For a Girl Becoming. As the U.S. Poet Laureate, she has introduced the country to the many Native poets who live in these lands through her signature project, “Living Nations, Living Words”.

Winona La Duke is an important indigenous person your kids should know
Eclectek, via Creative Commons

Winona LaDuke

Descended from the Ojibwe tribe in Canada through her paternal blood, Winona has spent the past three decades actively working to recover lands for tribes such as the Anishinaabe. In addition to reclaiming lands, she also works to restore and preserve natural, indigenous cultures through the cultivation of native foods and products. Winona ran for president of the United States in both 1996 and 2000 as a member of the Green Party, and although she was not elected into office, we think the work she is doing carries just as much importance.

Isidro Baldenegro López

As a leader and indigenous member of Mexico's indigenous Tarahumara people, Isidro (b. 1966) staunchly defended the old-growth forests in his territory. In 2005, he was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for organizing peaceful protests that led to the protection of the forests and its indigenous people.

Got a hero to suggest? Email us at

Adding self-care during your daily errands with kids in tow makes everyday life much more fun. So, we’ve rounded up the best kid-friendly nail salons where you can enjoy a manicure and pedicure with your kids. From kid-sized chairs to super sweet staff, these are our go-to spots for carving out a little bonding time, not to mention great nails. So, get ready to enjoy a precious moment of pampering and polish with your kids.

Sugarcoat Beauty

This kid-friendly nail salon offers a Miss Priss mani for $10, a pedi for $20 or a mani-pedi combo for $30 for ages 10 and under. They have nine locations in the greater Atlanta area, so your kids can get the royal treatment no matter where they reign.

Insider tip: Although nothing beats an impromptu mani-pedi, you can make an appointment online and save yourself the wait.

Locations in: Buckhead, Chastain, VA-HI, Vinings, Midtown and Norcross.


Cutie Nails & Spa

Under new management, this Black-owned salon is proud to be a part of the Atlanta community. They’re excited to grow their business and give back to the community in a big way. Little ones are welcome for the mani/pedi service from their kind staff. Customers are raving about the new salon on the block.

547 10th St. N.W.

RELATED: 13 Atlanta Black-Owned Businesses We Love

Hammond Nails

This Brookhaven hot spot has multiple locations across town, but we love the Dresden Drive location’s proximity to shopping (did someone mention Costco?). You’ll be in and out in a jiffy at this kid-friendly nail salon. And who can resist the kid-sized chairs and efficient, courteous staff?

1418 Dresden Dr., Ste. 110
Brookhaven, GA

iwi Fresh Garden Day Spa

Using only products fresh from the garden, you never have to question a product ingredient at this innovative yet comfortable-as-home spot in Castleberry Heights. With offerings beyond nails, this kid-friendly nail salon even has a Skincare Chef who hand-picks fresh fruits, veggies and herbs from the farm. Then juices and mixes them into a powder base used to make skincare recipes. For a sweet manicure and pedicure that runs $29, kids love getting their hands and toes sprinkled with chocolate and a raw brown sugar scrub during a service crafted just for them.

341 Nelson St.

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Tula2 Nail Salon

Drop in for a celebrity salon treatment with one of the salon owners, self-proclaimed twin manicurists to the stars. Join their client list, which includes Queen Latifah, Usher, Faith Evans, Demi Moore, Katherine Heigl, Beyonce and so many more. They offer a special manicure and pedicure for kids under 5.

1133 Huff Rd., Suite E

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Nail Favor Salon & Spa

Get ready to enjoy tiny, pampered hands and feet with this salon’s extensive children’s services menu. Treatments include cuticle softening, cleaning, nail trim, shaping, buffing, callus treatment and massage. Customers rave about the friendly staff and their great attention to detail and service.

3802 Roswell Rd. N.E.

Pigtails & Crewcuts

This place does it all for parents and kids. Book a polish for toes and nails, grab a haircut and even get those little ears pierced. Their goal is to make the salon experience enjoyable for the entire family.

3802 Roswell Rd., Suite D

—Angelica Kajiwara & Shelley Massey

French fries are delicious. They are also world record holders

You’ve consumed a fry or two in your day, but we’re betting you’ve never had one as long or eaten them as fast as some of the world record holders. Read on to learn a few fun facts about french fries, perfect for dipping in and out. When you’re done, check out our list of fun facts for kids.

1. The most considerable helping of fries was served at Twin Oaks Farms in Eagle, Idaho on Sep. 20, 2014. It weighed 1003 lbs. It used 1256 lbs. of raw potatoes and 110 gallons of oil to fry them up.

2. In many parts of the world, French fries are known as American fries.

3. The world’s longest French fry is 34 inches, discovered at Taffy’s Hot Dog Stand in Buffalo, NY by diner John Benbenek in July of 2010.

4. Thomas Jefferson is said to have requested that the White House chef, a French man, prepare for him “potatoes served in the French manner” for a dinner party. These are believed to be some of the first French fries in the United States. The year? 1802.

5. Here’s a fun fact about French fries—the Belgians eat more fries per capita than any other European country.

6. Hugh Rutherford of Oakland, CA set a record on Aug. 25, 2011, for eating a medium-sized order of fries (from Burger King) in a record-breaking one minute and 46.40 seconds. In 2013 in Hamburg, Germany, a woman known only as Caroline E. ate 20 french fries in 2 minutes, and 21.70 seconds without using her hands.

7. We call potatoes spuds after the spade-like tool once used to harvest them by hand.


What do moms really want on Mother’s Day? In addition to spending time with family, kicking up her feet and avoiding the kitchen is probably high on that list! Celebrate mom by giving her day off with these local restaurants that are offering dining, delivery and special take out options for Mother’s Day brunch. Support our local restaurants and mom at the same time!

San Francisco

Bluestem Restaurant & Market has introduced a new make-at-home mix version of their legendary Brown Butter Cornbread with Honey Butter providing a fun-activity for budding new chefs to make with Mom for brunch on her special day. 
$15 for mix online order or pick-up in market Tues-Sat 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Amoura | San Francisco
Popular family-owned Eastern Mediterranean restaurant in South San Francisco will be open for Mother’s Day brunch to celebrate with mezze, kebabs and their entire a la carte menu. A number of Mother’s Day specials will also be on offer including: classic Eggs Benedict, Salmon & Prawns with Garlic Lemon Sauce or Grilled Lamb Chops.
International Smoke | San Francisco
Michael Mina & Ayesha Curry turn Mother’s Day into a weekend-long celebration, featuring two holiday specials alongside its a la carte dinner menu from May 6 – May 8. Specials include a Chicken & Waffle dish with crispy croquette, buttermilk waffle, pea tendrils and Sambal-maple syrup ($24) and an indulgent Maine Lobster Udon Carbonara with smoked pork belly, hen egg and parmesan ($42).

A mom and her two daughters enjoy afternoon tea at the St Francis Westin
Christine Lai

Mother's Day Tea at the Westin St. Francis | San Francisco

Both decadent and delectable, afternoon tea at the Westin St. Francis is an experience Mom won't forget any time soon! Artisan teas, sandwiches and scones are on the menu and she also takes home a beautiful bouquet of flowers. May 7 & 8, 12-2 p.m. 


The Vault Garden | San Francisco

Enjoy seasonal appetizers, a choice of entrees, and delicious desserts for the table with options like Bay Shrimp Salad, Soft Scrambled Eggs & Caviar Company Trout Roe, Pineapple Cupcake, and, for the kids, a “Mini” Vault Burger.

555 California St


Canela | San Francisco

Canela is offering moms the choice of being spoiled at home with offerings like its Savory Raclette Kit ($74) to delight mom throughout her special day and even a Mom's Night Off Dinner Meal kit ($195). Lunch and dinner are available for indoor and outdoor dining. Reservations can be made here.

2272 Market Street


LA MAR | San Francisco

La Mar Cebichería Peruana is a tribute to one of the cornerstones of Peruvian cuisine, cebiche, and the environment created to enjoy it in, the cebichería. Mother’s Day buffet this year ($109 per person) includes shared plates of Bandeja La Mar and Bandeja Caliente; main courses such as Camarones Picantes: jumbo shrimp and squid ink spaghetti stewed in turmeric-aji Amarillo sauce. For dessert, there's Bandeja de Postres: dulce de leche, chocolate mousse with caramelized quinoa and a purple corn pudding. The kid's menu is $29 and includes a panko crusted chicken with fried potatoes and Peruvian Chocolate Cake stuffed with dulce de leche, and vanilla ice cream.

Or purchase a La Mar at Home kit to cook at home! For $249, you can spoil mom with Cebiche Clasico, Empanada de Pollo, and Asado de Tira (bone-in short ribs slowly cooked in purple corn juice, aji panca and pineapple juice, accompanied with quinoa polenta, sautéed cabbage in olive oil and fried garlic).

Pier 1 1/2, The Embarcadero

East Bay

Woman holds a chocolate brioche
Lydia Daniller

Pomella | Oakland
Pomella is creating special a la carte brunch dishes for Mother’s Day, including Babka French Toast, Beef Hash, Granola parfait, and zucchini pancakes. Babka & a Bouquet will also be available for preorder, featuring Mica’s homemade Chocolate Babka and festive bouquets from a local florist.

3770 Piedmont Ave., Unit B
Oakland, CA


Alley & Vine | Alameda
For Mother’s Day brunch (11:00am-2:30pm) on Sunday, May 8th, Alley & vine will offer a three-course menu with multiple options including a special kids menu to satisfy all the young ones in tow. Look for celebratory standouts like Dungeness Crab Cake served with a caper remoulade and frisee salad and Manjari Chocolate Pot de Creme. You can find the Mother’s Day brunch menu here ($55 per person) and kids Mother’s Day menu here ($25 per child).

1332 Park Street, Suite D
Alameda, CA


alaMar | Oakland, CA

Celebrate mom with a crab or lobster feed from alaMar, paired perfectly with complimentary roses and a mini bottle of champagne.

100 Grand Ave #111
Oakland, CA


Sobre Mesa | Oakland
Indoor dining & outdoor dining 

Chef Nelson German is cooking up unique dishes for mom, including a Braised Game Bird (similar to the dish he prepared on the first episode Top Chef Season 18), a specialty cocktail, and Mother’s Day macarons.

1618 Franklin St.
Oakland, CA

South Bay/Peninsula

A waiter pours soup into a bowl
Christine Lai

iChina | Santa Clara
East meets West in this new opulent, Great Gatsby-like restaurant (be sure to check out the one-of-a-kind downstairs bathroom) and there are plenty of ways here to celebrate the special mom in your life! Moms can enjoy a time honored luxurious tea ceremony, relax in Juiba for a craft cocktail, take in a decadent prix fixe meal or, for the ultimate experience, be immersed in Silicon Valley's only virtual reality dining room where all the senses are indulged. A special lunch service offered only on Mother's Day by talented executive chef Eddie Lam includes iChina Sheng Jian Bao, Sizzled Hamachi Crudo, Dungeness Crab Benedict, Seared Dayboat Scallops, Taiwanese Braised Beef Short Rib Pappardelle, Wagyu steak and Eggs and more. 


Aurum | Los Altos
Executive Chef Manish Tyagihas created a delicious four-course meal for Mother’s Day, which includes a Dahi Poor Mousse amuse bouche, Tandoori Duck Seekh Kebab, Fish Pollichathu, Roasted Lamb Loin, and Apple Jalebi Rabdi Parfait. The menu will be available at the restaurant for safe, onsite dining as well as for pickup and delivery. Moms dining at the restaurant will be welcomed with their choice of a mimosa or glass of bubbles. Reservations can be made here.


 Celebrate mom over Wild Onion’s new brunch menu, featuring all of her favorite dishes like Fresh Berry Pancakes, Challah French Toast with Bailey Irish Creme Anglaise and Wild Onion’s Eggs Benedict.All of Chef Ray Garrow’s brunch entrees include a choice of Mimosas or Michelada - a treat not just for mom! 

A mother and daughter enjoy afternoon tea on the Napa Valley Wine Train
Christine Lai


Napa Valley Wine Train
Treat mom to a scenic train ride filled with all the delights of a traditional tea service but with a wine country twist. Savor fine sips, delicious bites and glorious vineyard views on this elegant experience. Check out our review here



h2hotel's signature restaurant is offering a special Mother's Day brunch menu complete with Dungeness crab benedict, wild Alaskan halibut, herb roasted scallops and more. Be sure to check out the whimsical water sculpture "Spoonfall" featuring 3,500 spoons! 

—Christine Lai & Kate Loweth

11 Ways to Celebrate Mom This Mother’s Day
A Mother’s Day Gift Guide of Local Goodies
Family Movie Night Bay Area Style