Parenting tweens and teens comes with its own unique set of challenges—from when to let your kiddo get their ears pierced to ongoing debates about access to smartphones and supporting them as they deal with the highs and lows of adolescent social lives. Because they’re deep in the trenches of figuring out who they are, it can be tough to keep tabs on their ever-evolving interests, friend groups, and behaviors. That’s where natal astrology can come in handy. While their sun sign—aka the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—is just one piece of the multilayered puzzle that is your child’s birth chart, it can offer you valuable intel into what makes them tick because it speaks to their core identity, self-image, and confidence. 

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their child’s distinct perspective. This helps you hold space for your adolescent to evolve into their most centered, self-assured selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your big kid’s personality and how you can best support them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A symbol for Aries, one of the 12 sun signs

The sign of the Ram is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, which means your Aries kid has a surplus of beans to burn through. They tend to be drawn to all kinds of physical activity, so they might be super involved in school or community athletics or eager to do their own thing, whether it’s going for runs or riding bikes with friends. Their competitive nature means they love any pursuit where someone is declared #1. As the cardinal fire sign, they’re innate go-getters who have a big-picture vision of what they want to achieve, from straight As to being voted class president. As driven as they may be, Aries is the first sign or “baby” of the zodiac. In other words, they’ll exhibit a wide-eyed, innocent sense of wonder that lasts well beyond their younger years, so expect to enjoy being playful and laughing a lot with your dynamic Ram. You’ll just need to watch out for the fact that their tendency to move at a face pace can mean they’re apt to be impulsive. Encouraging them to slow down and get grounded before making, well, just about any move will benefit them tremendously now and down the road.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

A symbol for Taurus, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Bull and ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, you’ve probably noticed that your Taurus kid is an unhurried, grounded creature of habit. Sure, that might be another way of saying stubborn, but take heart from the fact that they’re far from the only fixed sign. (The others are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) Their fixed nature does make them obstinate at times; they’ll dig their heels in when it comes to taking the same lunch to school every day or wearing that one pair of jeans over and over again. But try to bear in mind that they do this because they’re extremely protective of anything that brings them a sense of comfort and security. And there is a silver lining to being the fixed earth sign: Your kiddo is truly pragmatic and resolute. Once they’ve made up their mind to try out for the soccer team or learn how to play the clarinet, they’ll stick to it. Taureans are also known for moving at their own often-snail-like pace and nudging them to hurry up may backfire. One of the best ways to bond with your Bull is enjoying a leisurely activity out in nature, like a curated picnic with lots of yummy, gourmet bites or a walk through the botanical garden.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A symbol for Gemini, one of the 12 sun signs

We’re sure you’ve already noticed just how much your tween or teen adores lively conversation and witty banter, given that this mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. They’re naturally buzzy, curious, and supersocial. They’re also apt to explore their writing talents and collect and devour a treasure trove of books. Even if they don’t grow up to be a journalist or publicist one day (though they very well may!), your big kid born under the sign of the Twins thrives on taking in and disseminating information. Heads-up: This could mean they are prone to gossiping or getting in trouble for talking too much in class. But their super-communicator skills can also be channeled toward academic and extracurricular success, whether they’re on the yearbook staff or leading the debate team to a state win. When it comes to bonding, you might find that they prefer to connect in a cerebral way, perhaps by talking about the news, watching Jeopardy, or doing a crossword puzzle together. And don’t be surprised if they’re warm and fuzzy one minute, then standoffish the next. Sure, hormones are partly the culprit, but Gemini is also known for its dualistic nature and ability to vacillate between two distinct personality traits.

Related: Your Parenting Style, Based on Your Astrological Sign

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A symbol for Cancer, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which influences emotions and intuition, your Crab tween or teen is deeply sentimental, nurturing, and loving—but also perhaps a bit reclusive when they’re in their feelings. Whereas other kids might be eager to fly the coop ASAP and spend lots of time at their friends’ houses or involved in extracurriculars for hours after school, your Cancer kid is likely happiest and most at peace when they’re at home, surrounded by family. This isn’t to say that they won’t get involved at school or hang with close friends—they are the cardinal water sign, after all, which means they’re also initiators and ambitious go-getters at heart. But getting enough quality time with you and other loved ones is integral to their overall well-being, and holding that in mind could make a world of difference for their confidence and sense of self and purpose. It’s also wise to remember that they’re quite sensitive and can be moody (yep, even more so than your average adolescent) because they’re ruled by the changeable moon, which switches signs and sets a different emotional tone every two-ish days. Connecting with them through homey, cozy experiences like baking, caring for a pet, or planning a family reunion together will make their hearts sing. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A symbol for Leo, one of the 12 sun signs

As the fixed fire sign ruled by the vitality-giving sun, your Lion is vivacious, charismatic, optimistic, self-assured, creative, and lots of fun to be around—but also super ambitious, running the risk of being a bit bossy. A born leader and lover of the spotlight, one of your Leo kid’s greatest lessons in life will be to own their confidence without treading into narcissistic, vain, or domineering territory. You can support this by celebrating their ability to love themselves and empower others while teaching them about humility and empathy. Because they adore a round of applause and are so innately self-expressive, they’ll be quick to sign up for drama club, film or dance classes, or any extracurricular where they can woo an audience or run the show. Like all of the fixed signs, they tend to get super, well, fixated on particular game plans and outcomes, so you might need to talk to them about the benefits of being adaptable and capable of pivoting when a situation simply isn’t working out. You’ll find you can best connect with your Leo through playful, upbeat, fun-loving activities, like impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, trips to the beach (they love to soak up the rays of their ruler, the sun), or writing and performing a funny play together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A symbol for Virgo, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees information-gathering and communication, your tween or teen is thoughtful, detail-oriented, helpful, analytical, sensitive, and an adept storyteller. As a result of their mutability, your Maiden kid is adaptable and eager to try their hand at different activities, whether that’s softball one year or piano lessons the next, but you’ll also find that they struggle with indecisiveness. Empowering them to trust their intuition and inner knowing and lean on practices like mindfulness can be incredibly helpful, especially because—as such a cerebral, Mercury-ruled person—they’re often in their heads, prone to overthinking and second-guessing. They might be quite shy or very outgoing (depending on other placements in their birth chart), but either way, they’ll want to connect with peers who share common interests. These kids are also so intellectually curious that they tend to enjoy school work more than the average adolescent, so you’ll do well to support their academic pursuits—while encouraging them to steer away from perfectionism. You’ll connect with your Virgo by learning something new together, trading factoids about their favorite subjects (be that STEM, history, or sports), and tackling everyday to-dos together (something organization-loving Virgo finds grounding).

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A symbol for Libra, one of the 12 sun signs

Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, and art, your Libra kid is a total social butterfly with a keen eye for beauty. They could be drawn to a wide variety of artistic outlets, from dancing to painting, but they’re also bound to be particularly eager to express themselves through their wardrobe and, as they get older, their beauty or grooming routine. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras prize balance and justice above just about anything else, so you’ve probably noticed that your tween or teen is quick to diffuse or steer clear of any arguments that may pop up in the house. They attempt to avoid conflict at all costs. But as lovely as their peacemaking nature can be, they do run the risk of expressing their challenging feelings in a passive-aggressive way, so you’ll do well to teach them that difficult emotions, like anger or aggravation, are healthy to acknowledge and work through. This can be a particularly valuable lesson as they navigate social situations, especially one-on-one relationships, which they put even more value in than your average adolescent (because of their association with the Seventh House of Partnership). For this reason, you could find that some of your sweetest bonding moments come when you’re hanging out just you two, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing experience like checking out an art exhibit or visiting a pretty vacation spot

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

A symbol for Scorpio, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—your tween or teen is dynamic, magnetic, a bit mysterious, emotionally intelligent, intense, ambitious, sometimes aloof, and brimming with a formidable inner power that can make them utterly fearless and unstoppable. These traits are owed to Scorp’s co-rulers: their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy, while their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. In turn, Scorpio kids may be eager to check out student government, play a high-intensity sport (they could be into competitive swimming, as a water sign, or hockey), or try their hand at writing poetry. As one of the fixed signs, they also tend to be set in their ways, whether that’s hanging out with the same friends they’ve had since toddlerhood (hey, they’re very loyal) or continuing to put their nose to the grindstone to pursue a goal they set when they were in kindergarten. Basically, once they’ve made up their minds, it can be extremely challenging to get them to consider—let alone accept—change, which could be fuel for head-butting. And when they’re working through challenging emotions, you can expect radio silence. In these cases, your best bet is to give them plenty of space to work it out, reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they’re ready to talk. Regularly visiting your nearest body of water to walk, take artistic photos, and chow down on a yummy meal together can be therapeutic for your adolescent Scorp—and set the stage for meaningful bonding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

A symbol for Sagittarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, your tween or teen is free-spirited, unfiltered, philosophical, fun-loving, funny, and full of wanderlust. Ever since they were tiny tots, we’d bet they’ve entertained you with their big, buoyant personality. Now, as an adolescent, your Archer is bound to be even louder and more gregarious, eager to make the most of life and believing that bigger is usually better (thanks to their ruling planet, Jupiter, which is not only the largest planet in the solar system but one that oversees fortune and abundance). This “more, more, more” perspective could translate to your Sag having a lot of fun wearing over-the-top outfits or enjoying pastimes like comedy that involve entertaining others, signing up for a bevy of diverse extracurriculars (at the risk of probably spreading themselves too thin), or opting to get out in the world and see and do as much as possible. This is one kid who needs to explore and break free from their mundane, everyday routine in order to grow and thrive. While this can’t always involve the globe-trotting they likely daydream about, you can nurture their adventurousness by encouraging them to learn another language or try different types of global cuisine. You’ll find you can easily bond by getting out of your comfort zones as a family.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A symbol for Capricorn, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal earth sign and ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries, your Capricorn tween or teen is serious, goal-oriented, pragmatic, industrious, and jaw-droppingly mature beyond their years. In fact, they might have been talking about college applications and their ideal career trajectory well before their peers. Even if they’re not that laser-focused on their future, it does bear noting that their cardinal quality makes them quite driven and eager to take the initiative to make ambitious aspirations their reality. This trait also sets your Sea Goat kiddo up nicely for being a leader among their friends and peers. They’ll often be the one who proposes starting a new club or entering an academic competition. Unlike fellow cardinal sign Aries, for instance, you’ll notice that your Cap is perfectly fine working toward their goals at a steady, unhurried pace. In fact, they prefer to always have a clear objective and step-by-step game plan or they feel a bit lost. They might also struggle to let loose, move through big emotions, and accept their own mistakes, particularly because they dread the possibility that they may look “foolish.” In turn, you’ll do well to work with them on self-acceptance and embracing “oops” or emotionally intense moments as opportunities to grow and learn. And when it comes to bonding with your Capricorn, you’ll do well to suggest activities that involve working a little bit at a time toward a larger goal, like gardening, tackling an elaborate LEGO project, or learning about investing and saving together. 

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

A symbol for Aquarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Traditionally ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the sign of the Water Bearer is also influenced by game-changing Uranus, its modern ruler, producing a tween or teen that can be both resolute and rebellious. They’re also science-minded, super-social, independent, free-spirited, humanitarian, and fired up to strike out against convention. A born people person, you’ve probably noticed that they’re able to make friends with anyone and everyone, yet, as a fixed sign, they do have certain VIPs who they’re closest to. Their fixed quality can also contribute to a particularly stubborn mindset that they’ll “do what they want.” In other words, if you have a weekend plan for family togetherness and they’d rather play video games or see a movie with their besties, you might have to deal with some fireworks. (Uranus’s influence can cause Aquarians to lose their cool out of the blue, so you’ll need to steel yourself for some of that.) But their fierce devotion to marching to the beat of their own drum can also impress you, as they’ll be the first in their class to sign up for a volunteer opportunity to support a local charity or the kid who’s always educating their peers about climate change. You’ll do well to support their desire to be uniquely themselves by complimenting their power-clashing outfits or interest in an up-and-coming indie band. Bond with your Water Bearer by checking out a science museum or getting involved in a philanthropic community effort. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A symbol for Pisces, one of the 12 sun signs

Your tween or teen born under the mutable water sign Pisces is deeply empathic, artistic, emotional, eager to help, and in touch with the mystical, spiritual side of life. You could find that your big kid Fish is incredibly intuitive, even a bit psychic, picking up on the emotional subtext of any situation—and then, often, taking on other people’s feelings as their own. This is a case for working with them on recognizing their own feelings and separating them from those of others—and explaining the difference between (and pros and cons of) sympathy versus empathy. As a mutable sign, your Pisces is super adaptable and capable of trying a variety of hobbies and activities, but being ruled by the planet of spirituality and dreams, Neptune, means they’ll be especially eager to dive into fantastical pursuits like theater, filmmaking, or creative writing. They may also love fantasy novels and watching movies that take place in different, ethereal worlds because they have such vivid imaginations and enjoy any chance to step out of their everyday reality. Because they feel so deeply and are so sensitive, they could be easily heartbroken when friendships, or later, romantic relationships don’t work out, so you’ll do well to remind them that you’re there for them and to encourage them to foster self-love, which will serve as a strong foundation for all of their bonds. You can connect with your adolescent Pisces by exploring a wide variety of creative, spiritually fulfilling ways to work through emotions, whether that’s journaling about daydreams, doing yoga, or putting on a whimsical performance. 

As you settle into the cold winter months and pull on our cozy socks and sweaters, you might think your beach days are months away. We know otherwise! These beaches really shine in the winter months whether that’s showing off some always-sunny weather or offering the chance to see breaching whales offshore. We even have a beach on this list that has stormy winter vibes 

Clearwater Beach, Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach | St. Petersburg, FL

Kristina Moy

Considered America's #1 beach, Clearwater Beach, with its sugary sand and warm waters all year long, makes it a popular winter escape. The Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach resort, with views of the Gulf of Mexico and the Intracoastal Waterway, is a great spot for those looking for more than a day visit. The resort features Pallavi Spa and multiple onsite restaurants.  

Fun for kids: The resort is partnered with  Clearwater Marine Aquarium and also features six aquatic-themed guest rooms with bunk beds, including the iconic Winter the Dolphin and other marine life.

The closest airport is St Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport which is just a 12-minute drive to Clearwater Beach.

Mokapu Beach, Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort | Wailea, Hawaii


Mokapu Beach located at the Wailea Resort Complex is a sandy beach popular for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing. An exotic spot for winter vacations that is far from home at right at home at the same time. With no passport needed for American citizens, you can have an exotic beach vacation while feeling right at home. 

The Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort is happily situated on 15 acres of Maui beachfront, featuring three cascading infinity pools, one lagoon pool, a full-service spa with a private adults-only pool, and two highly acclaimed restaurants. The three-bedroom Ilikai Villas are perfect for family stays. The closest airport is Kahului (OGG) Airport, approximately a 25-minute drive to the resort complex.

Fun for kids: Join an island advocate on a walking tour of the resort to learn about hidden gems and their relationship with Hawaiian culture.

Rio Grande Beach, Wyndham Rio Mar Resort | Rio Grande, Puerto Rico

boy on beach in puerto rico best beaches in winter
Kate Loweth

This long golden sand beach with crystal clear water is perfect for snorkeling, swimming, and water sports. The Wyndham Grand Rio Mar Puerto Rico Golf & Beach Resort is a beachfront resort located very close to El Yunque rainforest, the only US National Park rainforest, for family eco-adventures. If you love nature and the beach, you'll feel like you've hit the jackpot here with the mixture of nature, sun, and surf all on a secluded beach.  

The resort features family rooms, some with bunk beds, three pools, and a full roster of activities and endless dining options. The closest airport is San Juan, approximately a 30-45 minute drive to the resort.

Fun for kids: Insert squeal and picture iguana feeding! This resort offers some great activities, including hair braiding, pool volleyball, Latin dance classes, and complimentary s'mores by the fire pit on the weekends.  

Related: Puerto Rico Is Calling & Here’s Why You Should Take the Kids

Grace Bay Beach, Beaches Turks & Caicos | Providenciales

Internationally renowned and voted the best beach in the world, Grace Bay Beach, with its turquoise-colored water, is exceptional. Twelve miles of white sand beach and crystal clear water on the northern coast of the island of Providenciales. You can even see baby stingrays swimming along the shore if you are lucky. The luxurious Beaches Turks & Caicos, an ultra-all-inclusive resort, is the ultimate place to stay. With activities like scuba diving, snorkeling, glass bottom boat tours, sunset tours, and catamaran tours, the resort features five villages with architecture and ambiance of Italy, France, the Caribbean, and Key West. You’ll find 21 gourmet restaurants, 10 pools, and something for everyone.

The closest airport is Providenciales International Airport, approximately 20 minutes drive from the resort.

Fun for kids: There is so much to do here, including a 45,000-square-foot waterpark. There is a club for all ages and stages, including Sesame Street® characters, an Xbox Play Lounge, and a sizzlin’ teen disco. 

Cayo Ensenachos Beach, Iberostar Selections Ensenachos | Cuba

Playa Ensenachos is one of the most beautiful beaches in Cuba and is located on a secluded lush island. Powdery white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters combined with calm and shallow water make this a great spot for families. 

The Iberostar Selection Ensenachos is an all-inclusive hotel that’s great for couples and families. The resort has an adults-only section and family programming, making it an excellent spot for multi-gen travel or groups. If you want to put your kids to the kids club and then relax in the adults-only section for a few hours, this is the place to do it.

The closest airport is Abel Santamaría Airport, followed by a 2-hour drive to the resort.

Fun for kids: A wide selection of water activities, a mini disco, Star Camp for children ages 4-12, and a splash park in the kids’ area.

Seven Mile Beach, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman

Seven Mile Beach is a long crescent of coral-sand beach on the western end of Grand Cayman Island. The beach is open to the public and you can walk along the full length regardless of where you are staying. Several restaurants, beach bars, and calm waters make this a great stop, even if you are staying elsewhere on the island. The newly built Camana Bay area, with upscale shops and open spaces, is a popular spot to relax or participate in activities like parasailing. Whether you are looking for relaxation or adventure, you’ll find it here. 

If you want to stay along the beach, The Westin Grand Cayman Seven Mile Beach Resort & Spa is a prime oceanfront location. The whole family will enjoy the freshwater pool and swim-up bar when you are not at the beach. If a walk on the beach is not enough exercise, you’ll be happy to know the fitness center here is open 24 hours. You can check out their onsite dining or wander the beach and follow your nose for meals. 

The closest airport is Owen Roberts International Airport, approximately 8 minutes to Seven Mile Beach.

Fun for kids: Stingray bay and the sandbar are close to this resort and always a hit. 

Aunt Lydia’s Cove | Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Cape Cod is known for its beautiful beaches, and Aunt Lydia’s Cove, located in Chatham, is a great spot to visit in winter, to spot the gray seals at low tide. The waters here are protected. Another great spot is the private beach at Chatham Bars Inn, a beloved destination for family getaways, offering a wide range of children’s activities all year round, including lobstering, clamming, fly fishing, whale watching, white shark expeditions, and more. The hotel has an eight-acre farm where guests can forage for their own fruits and vegetables and then have them cooked for dinner. 

The closest airport is Cape Cod Gateway Airport, approximately 30 minutes from Chatham.

Fun for the kids: The activities here are off the beaten path and include farm visits, clamming excursions, and whale watching.

Bean Hollow State Beach| Half Moon Bay, California

kid standing on bean hollow beach california in winter
Kate Loweth

If you are looking for something a little different, Bean Hollow State Beach is a great spot for whale watching in Half Moon Bay. This beach is also very close to the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, built in 1871 to guide ships on California's Pacific coast; at 116 ft, it is the tallest lighthouse on the West Coast.

Surrounded by hiking trails and a dark sky preserve, explore during the day and stargaze at night. Whether you're looking for a relaxing coastal escape or an active getaway to learn about the area, the HI Pigeon Point Lighthouse Hostel offers vacation-rental-style accommodations for up to 15 people.

The closest hotel is San Francisco International Airport, approximately 1-hour drive from the property.

Fun for kids: onsite tide pools, harbor seals watching, and a secluded beach.


300 days a year of sunny skies make Colorado Springs a popular destination for families, especially in the winter. This area of Colorado is an alpine desert, so you won’t typically see the tons of snow experienced in the nearby ski towns like Vail and Breckenridge. This temperate weather provides opportunities for other family adventures, especially if you choose The Broadmoor Resort as your home base.

I recently visited with my 14-year-old son and was really impressed by the gorgeous facilities, numerous on-site and nearby activities for families, and excellent restaurants. I’m never quite sure what will impress a teenager these days but I can definitely say that the Broadmoor’s falconry class and ziplining experience were highlights, along with our trip up to Pikes Peak. Here’s what you can expect when you visit The Broadmoor with kids:

Activities for Families at The Broadmoor Resort

The Broadmoor Resort Colorado Springs zipline
Kate Loweth

Ziplining at The Broadmoor

I think the best way to see the stunning scenery surrounding The Broadmoor is by zooming through the air via a zipline. Broadmoor Outfitters offers two zipline courses that are just a short drive from the resort. Your guides will transport you to the course at South Cheyenne Canyon where you’ll traverse rope bridges and ziplines as long as 1,800 feet with a controlled rappel to end the fun. Impress your kids with your bravery and see waterfalls and the massive canyon far below along the way.

Falconry Class

Kate Loweth

The 4,000-year-old tradition of falconry is available for you to experience when you visit The Broadmoor. Kids from elementary age through teenagers will love learning about the owls, falcons, and hawks that make their home at the Broadmoor. These captive-bred, trained birds are housed in the onsite mews and this is where your falconry class begins. A falconer will introduce you to these amazing creatures and explain the history and tradition of falconry.

Then your class heads outdoors where you’ll get to see one of these birds in action as they chase prey and soar through the air. The highlight for us was holding the falcon at the end of the class—it was surprising how light the bird was!

On-site Activities at The Broadmoor

The Broadmoor Resort Colorado Springs bowling alley
Play at The Broadmoor Resort

There’s so much to do at The Broadmoor that you never even need to leave the property! Families will want to book some time at Play where you can enjoy a game or two of old-school bowling while enjoying drinks and snacks. Saturday mornings bring everyone’s favorite Cosmic Bowling which is a real treat for kids because you can show up in your PJs!

Near the lobby, you’ll find a movie theater that shows family-friendly flicks on various nights. For some more active fun, book some time at the pickleball courts with a lesson for those who have never played before. Free fitness classes, ballroom dance lessons, and even a fly fishing fundamentals class are offered frequently throughout the winter season. Special events like elf storytime are available if you come during the holiday season.

Indoor Pool, Whirlpools & Spa at The Broadmoor

The Broadmoor Resort Colorado Springs indoor pool
The Broadmoor Resort

While the outdoor infinity pool is closed for the winter season, you can always swim in the gorgeous indoor spa pool and nearby outdoor lap pool. If the day has been a little chilly, the perfect spot to end your night is in one of the two outdoor whirlpools that fit up to 14 people each.

The nearby spa offers a relaxing environment for parents to enjoy when the kids are otherwise busy. Reserved for onsite guests and golf club members, the spa offers saunas, salt walls, steam rooms, oxygen rooms, and fireplace lounges to enjoy after your massage or facial.

Childcare and Day Camps at The Broadmoor Resort

If you are traveling with younger children and want to have some kid-free time to enjoy the spa or a fancy dinner, book some time for your kids to be cared for by the Broadmoor Nannies. They will visit the on-site playground and enjoy other activities around the property until it’s time for you to meet up again.

If you decide to visit the property in the summer months, Bee Bunch on-site day camps are offered for kids ages 3-11. Kids will do arts and crafts, take nature walks, and do STEAM activities. This program is also available on select days during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.

Accommodations & Restaurants at The Broadmoor

The Broadmoor Resort Colorado Springs
The Broadmoor Resort

Whether you choose to stay in a traditional room, suite, or cottage, you’ll be impressed by the opulence of the rooms at The Broadmoor and all of the space it offers for your family. Large bathrooms, plenty of space for luggage, seating areas, and comfortable beds are all part of your Broadmoor experience. Many rooms have fireplaces which are pretty much our favorite after a long winter day spent outdoors.

Dining at The Broadmoor

There’s no need to leave the property for meals when you’re staying at The Broadmoor as you’ll find loads of kid-friendly dining experiences on-site. The Golden Bee is the lively English pub of your dreams with massive soft pretzels, fish and chips, and burgers on the menu. Head to Ristorante del Lago to dine by the lake and enjoy traditional brunch fare and Italian specialties like pizza, pasta, and slow-roasted chicken. For a real celebration, book a table at Summit where you’ll find upscale contemporary cuisine like veal osso bucco, herb-crusted sablefish, and Wagyu beef skewers.  For a great grab-and-go option, head to Café Julie’s for croissants and pastries that will rival any Paris patisserie. You might even see them making the desserts in the attached kitchen while you are there!

Things to Do Near The Broadmoor

Pikes Peak Cog Railway
Pikes Peak Cog Railway

Pikes Peak Cog Railway

A highlight of our visit to The Broadmoor was a ride on the Pikes Peak Cog Railway. Open year-round, this train takes you from the town of Manitou Springs (elevation 6,320 feet) to the top of Pikes Peak which has an elevation of 14,115 feet. Along the way, you’ll hear about the history of the area and see some amazing views of Colorado Springs below.

The ride up the mountain takes just over an hour and then you’ll have about 40 minutes to enjoy the summit and visitors’ center before heading back down the mountain. Be sure to try their famous donuts at the top!

This trip is best for older kids as you have to stay in your assigned seat for the duration of the journey as it gets quite steep at some points. There are no restrooms onboard the train and no strollers are allowed. The elevation gain is no joke and you should be sure to hydrate and take it easy when you visit the peak. Choose seats by the windows for the best views!

Downtown Manitou Springs

After your visit to Pikes Peak, take some time to stroll through the quaint town of Manitou Springs. Kids will especially love the indoor/outdoor Manitou Springs Penny Arcade where you’ll find retro video games, pinball, racing games, and so much nostalgia.

Getting to The Broadmoor Resort

The best part about staying at The Broadmoor is that getting there couldn’t be easier. Fly into Colorado Springs airport and make arrangements to ride the property’s shuttle van to the property. You don’t have to rent a car and there’s plenty to do on the property to keep your family busy while you are there.


Lovely winter visit to The Broadmoor in Colorado Spings #broadmoorhotel #broadmoor #coloradosprings #colorado

♬ Autumn Leaves – Timothy Cole

The Broadmoor Resort
Colorado Springs, CO

Editor’s note: This trip was paid for by The Broadmoor Resort but all opinions belong to the writer. 

Even those of us who love planning travel can appreciate the ease of an all-inclusive family vacation. You don’t have to worry about making reservations for meals, the kids are taken care of at top-notch kids’ clubs, and the service makes you feel relaxed and pampered. These family-tested properties from the U.S. to France to Costa Rica have dialed in what families want when on vacation. Scroll through to find a new property to add to your must-visit list.


Club Med Michès Playa Esmeralda | Michès, Dominican Republic

pool view at Club Med Miches Playa Esmeralda all-inclusive for families
Club Med

The first resort in the undiscovered region of Miches, Club Med Michès Playa Esmeralda is situated on 93 acres and a 2,000-ft stretch of untouched white sand beach, offering families the ultimate luxury tropical getaway. Families will enjoy a stay in La Perlaan exclusive area featuring 16 oceanfront family suites and four oceanfront penthouses with a rooftop terrace and multiple bedrooms, and access to a private family pool, family bar, and private cabanas. Kids under 6 stay free and you can even book your flights with your stay for added convenience.

With kids’ clubs for every age from 4-month-olds to tweens, you know that your kids are going to have an experience they won’t soon forget. The property even has special areas for teens to gather and participate in activities like flying trapeze, archery, and windsurfing. Adults can indulge in some R&R in the adults-only Zen Oasis area, the perfect tropical hideaway for rest, relaxation, and wellness, ensuring total peace of mind.


White Villas Resort | Turks and Caicos

outdoor sunset at White Villas Turks & Caicos
White Villas Turks & Caicos

White Villas Resort in Turks and Caicos provides guests with the perfect combination of a private vacation villa, with all the services of an all-inclusive experience. Being family-owned, they understand the unique needs of families while on vacation and prioritize providing both a breathtaking setting and the necessary amenities (outdoor gym and movie theatre, vehicle rentals, private boating, chef services, and much more) for a fun and stress-free experience. Your family or extended family will love having their own private home base to return to after a day spent exploring. 20 minutes from the airport and 5 minutes to Grace Bay Beach means you don’t have to spend any time getting to the fun.


Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa | Los Cabos, Mexico

From the moment you arrive at Dreams Los Cabos, you will feel the relaxing vibes take over. Located on the Sea of Cortez, this all-inclusive resort for families is just a 30-minute ride from the airport and an even shorter ride to downtown Cabo San Lucas. Families can spread out in a suite that comes with a separate kitchen area, balcony, 24-hour room service, and so much more. All-inclusive amenities include access to a number of a la carte restaurants including French and Italian cuisine, seafood, and steak. Get your fill at the breakfast buffet with Mexican favorites and a made-to-order omelet station.

The main pool is at the center of the resort and includes multiple areas with lounge chairs, a swim-up bar, and even a water slide for the kids. Be sure to look for the massive iguanas sunning themselves near the waterslide. Send your kids to the Explorers Club and head over to the adult’s-only pool near the seafood restaurant. Here you’ll find a quieter zen vibe with another swim-up bar. Nightly entertainment and movies on the beach are a family highlight.

Read: Funjet Vacations Planned Our Family Trip to Dreams Los Cabos & It Was Magical


Falcon’s Resort by Melia | Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Beach view at Falcon's Resort by Melia Punta Cana all-inclusive for families
Falcon’s Resort by Melia

We’re pretty sure that your dream family vacation includes things like top-notch food, a stunning beach, massive suites, and an amazing kids club—but does it also include an amusement park? You’ll get this and so much more when you visit Falcon’s Resort by Meliá in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. All the rooms are suites and you’ll love that even when at max occupancy you’ll never have to fight for a lounge chair by the pool.

Along with some serious relaxation vibes, this all-inclusive resort embraces the “resortainment” experience with tons of activities available throughout the day to keep kids (and parents) busy.  When the kids find out that you also have access to next-door Katmandu Park during your stay we know they’ll never want to leave!

Read: This Punta Cana All-Inclusive Has Everything—Including an Amusement Park Next Door


Velas Vallarta | Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Kate Loweth

Puerto Vallarta is just a short flight from much of the U.S. and it’s the ideal destination for foodies, parents, and beach-loving kids. Velas Vallarta offers massive suites, activities for all ages, an amazing kids’ club, and so much more. You’ll love that all the rooms at this property are condo-style which means you’ll have a living room and kitchen in addition to your bedrooms and bathrooms.

Connected by a fun waterway, the two main pools are the center of the action at Velas Vallarta. The activity pool has a swim-up bar, water volleyball net, and activities throughout the day like water aerobics. The other pool has a more tranquil vibe with loads of shaded lounge chairs surrounding it. There’s even a mini pool for the kids right near the kids’ club. You’ll love walking the long stretch of beach right in front of the property.

Read: This Dreamy Puerto Vallarta All-Inclusive Resort Has Families in Mind


Club Med Tignes | Val Claret, France

If your ideal all-inclusive resort for families includes skiing in the French Alps and then enjoying a post-ski massage, you’ll want to check out the newly-opened Club Med Tignes. Set in the picturesque French town of Val Claret, Club Med Tignes is a brand-new property with ski-in/ski-out access to some pretty epic mountains. Even before you arrive, you are being taken care of as a transfer from the airport is the first part of your all-inclusive stay. Whether you fly into Lyon or Geneva, it’s about three hours to get there from the airport (but you won’t be driving so you can enjoy the stunning views).

Not only are ski lessons included for the whole family, but the staff will literally get your kids from their PJs into their ski gear and out on the mountain without any assistance from you. It’s all-inclusive taken to a whole other level and we are here for it.

Read: Club Med’s Newest Ski Resort in the Alps Has All-Inclusive Conveniences You Won’t Believe


Divi & Tamarijn All-Inclusives | Aruba

People walking on the beach in front of Diva Aruba all-inclusive for families
Diva Aruba

Divi & Tamarijn All-Inclusives: This pair of beachfront all-inclusive resorts are perfect for families with younger children, as kids under 12 stay, play, and eat for free at Tamarijn. The Sea Turtles Club is a free activity center open for children aged 4 to 12, where parents can leave their kids to play while they enjoy the rest of the resort. Borrow bikes to cruise around the property and the island, and then spend time exploring underwater sea life while snorkeling in the pristine waters of the Caribbean.


Salmon Falls Resort | Ketchikan, Alaska

Aerial of Salmon Falls all-inclusive resort for families Alaska
Salmon Falls

Conveniently located just 90 minutes from Seattle, Salmon Falls Resort has catered to discerning adventurous families for more than 30 years and offers thrilling Alaskan adventures paired with an authentic lodge-style resort experience. Ketchikan is located at the southernmost entrance to Alaska’s iconic Inside Passage and is best known as the “Salmon Capital of the World.” The popular guided and self-guided fishing excursions will be offered along with standouts including a floatplane fishing adventure, wildlife-watching boat safari, ethical bear watching, eco-kayaking tours, and more. Three meals per day, airport transfers, fishing gear, accommodations, and fish processing are all included in rates.


Martinhal Lisbon Chiado Luxury Hotel & Apartments| Portugal

You may have been to properties that deem themselves “family-friendly” but the Martinhal properties take this to a whole new level. Martinhal Chiado is the world’s first luxury family hotel in a city center and it is the ideal spot to stay with your family in Lisbon.

In addition to thoughtful in-room amenities like step stools and high chairs, all of the rooms here are apartment-style with kitchens and a washer-dryer combo. Even larger families can feel at home here with two-bedroom suites available that include a room that sleeps four kids in bunk beds!  Need a baby bath, diapers or bottle warmers? The Baby Concierge is available to provide these items to you for your stay.

They have an incredible kids club program that covers ages six months and up. Kids can visit the kids club from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and there no additional cost, it’s all included in the room charge. A special “pajama club” offers childcare services (for an additional fee) until 10 p.m. each evening, allowing parents to enjoy a night out in Lisbon.

Read: 7 Ways to Make Portugal an EPIC Family Vacation


Turtle Beach by Elegant Hotels, All-Inclusive | Barbados

Aerial image of Turtle Beach All-inclusive for famlies
Turtle Beach

At Turtle Beach, kids can immerse themselves in local culture by becoming honorary Bajan. The resort offers a fun-filled course where kids can learn the local lingo and try their hand at cooking Bajan dishes. The whole family can also unwind together just like the locals do, with activities such as beach cricket, calypso dance lessons, and dominos challenges. With excursions to discover the island’s gems, pastry-making demonstrations, and authentically Bajan pop-up bars to relish local, authentic treats and snacks, there’s plenty to choose from to make lasting family memories together.


Planet Hollywood Costa Rica, An Autograph Collection All-Inclusive Resort, Gulf of Papagayo, Guanacaste

If you are looking for the star treatment, look no further than Planet Hollywood Costa Rica. Tucked away in Papagayo Bay, this resort is excellent for families, and generally, the bay is great for swimming. Do you have a rising star or a fashionista? With singer/songwriter classes, drama, and showtime classes, and a wardrobe room, this kids club for kids 4-12 years of age offers something different from the usual. A large selection of tours is available at an extra cost and they include transportation from the resort. From horseback riding through tropical scenic trails, cocoa plantation tours, walking inside an active volcano crater, and raft tours along the river, you’ll definitely find something your family will enjoy. 

Read: Get Off the Beaten Path at These All-Inclusive Resorts for Families in Costa Rica


Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa | Montego Bay, Jamaica

pool view at Hilton Rose Hall Jamaica all-inclusive for families

Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa is an all-inclusive, beachfront resort in Jamaica that offers world-class amenities perfect for the entire family, including a championship golf course, a private beach, a top-of-the-line spa, a waterpark, and 11 upscale restaurants, bars, and grills. The rooms and suites capture the island feel with tropical-style features, spectacular views, private balconies, and a laid-back sitting area.

Spend your days at Sugar Mill Falls, one of Jamaica’s largest water parks that’s right on the property. Snag an inner tube and head down the lazy river, or head to the waterfalls for the ultimate zen experience. Poolside concierges will bring you all the umbrella drinks your heart desires.


Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch | Stanley, ID

Mountains, streams, lakes, and some of the nation’s most glorious scenery can be found at Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch. Perfect for multi-generational family gatherings, the 900-acre ranch offers the opportunity to slow down, sit by the fire, and play a game of cards with the Sawtooth Mountains in the distance.

The Ranch offers mountain bikes to borrow including a handful of kid-sized rides. There are loads of trails for hiking and a pond on the property where you can fly fish (catch and release only), try out stand-up paddle boarding, or head out to see if you spot the resident beaver while on the pedalboat. You’ll find a number of guided activities for guests including hiking, fly fishing clinics, and yoga. You can also book a massage appointment.

We definitely recommend booking a half-day horseback ride while at the Ranch. Stables are located just across the street from the Ranch and their knowledgeable guides will take you on the trails so that you can get a bird’s-eye view of the valley. There’s nothing like seeing this gorgeous area on the back of a horse!

Read: Get Unplugged at Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch


Grand Palladium White Sand Resort & Spa | Riviera Maya

Grand Palladium is, through and through, the classic type of all-inclusive resort for families you imagine visiting in Mexico. But while other brands may have gotten too big or crowded, with the quality of food and service inevitably decreasing, these guys do it right. White Sand is one of four resorts on their Riviera Maya compound (sister resorts “Colonial” and “Kantenah” are also family-friendly, whereas the fourth, TRS Yucatan Hotel, is adults-only), which allows guests the unique opportunity of having both an intimate resort feel while being able to access the amenities (restaurants, pools, and more) of the neighboring resorts. If your kids (or spouse!) tend to get bored in one place quickly, this is the perfect answer.

Kids will love the interesting animals they encounter, whether real (there is a large flock of flamingos that live on the property, as well as plenty of cute coatis, iguanas, and more) or “Raggs” (the resort mascots, colorful dog characters that entertain children throughout the resort by singing, dancing, reading stories, and posing for photos)

Read: All-Inclusive Resorts in Mexico That Are Ideal for Families


Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto | Loreto, Mexico

aerial view of Villa del Palmar Loreto all-inclusive for families
Villa del Palmar

Located on the eastern coast of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, Loreto has remained a hidden gem locale. Loreto is best known for its secluded, unspoiled setting on the Loreto Bay National Marine Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto overlooks the gorgeous Sea of Cortez, complete with four restaurants featuring fresh, local cuisine; 39,000 square foot Sabila Spa; and five sparkling pools. Guests can choose from an array of suites and penthouses, including options that can sleep up to 12 people.

Families can book the all-inclusive package, which includes everything they need for limitless fun, including access to a number of the resort’s facilities, a plethora of onsite activities including paddleboards and kayaks to explore the incredible underwater wildlife the destination is known for and entrance to various theme nights hosted at the resort. Guests opting for the all-inclusive plan can also splurge on an unlimited selection of food and alcoholic beverages at the resort’s restaurants and bars.


Tanque Verde Guest Ranch | Tucson, AZ

One of the most distinctive resorts in Tucson, Tanque Verde Ranch has been welcoming families with scenic desert and mountain views for years. Guests can experience its varied history with miles of exciting horse trails, four tennis courts, and a bright swimming pool that sparkles in the Arizona sun. Visit the property’s 150 horses and enjoy southwestern cuisine and happy hour at the Dog House Saloon. Their all-inclusive package means you’ll be taken care of with fresh-made meals throughout your stay.

Breakfast rides, cowboy cookouts, and all the relaxation you need are central to a stay at Tanque Verde. Mountain biking, fishing, guided hikes, yoga and wellness activities, arts and crafts, tennis, and more are also available. Guest can take advantage of the robust kids’ program that includes a full day of activities including riding lessons, pool time, tie-dye, and all the cactus crafts you can imagine. Enjoy some relaxation time at the La Sonora Spa while the kids are taken care of (they won’t even miss you!). The Ranch just added an apiary and looks forward to having their own honey in the future.


Fairmont Mayakoba | Riviera Maya, Mexico

The Fairmont Mayakoba underwent a serious makeover that was completed in 2022 and it now has a sleek new beach club, two more restaurants, an adults-only bar overlooking the ocean, two beautiful kids clubs, and freshly redesigned rooms and suites, too. Most notably, it also now includes an all-inclusive option and free dining for children under 5. 

Fairmont Mayakoba is hidden in 240 acres of tropical forest, marked by crystal clear waterways and cobbled roads suitable only for walking, bikes, and golf carts. The setting in nature makes it hard to believe you’re only 40 minutes south of Cancún. It feels remote, exclusive, and quiet in the ways you want it to be quiet when you’re on vacation. 

Golf carts are the main mode of transportation around Fairmont Mayakoba, which made for lots of fun, and also made you appreciate the grandness of the property. It truly feels like neverending miles of jungle tucked away alongside the Caribbean Ocean. It’s a 3-5 minute ride from the main rooms of the hotel to the beach, which makes even the journey to the beach an adventure.

Read: Fairmont Mayakoba Is This Family’s New Favorite Destination


Nickelodeon Resorts Punta Cana | Dominican Republic

Punta Cana is a popular tourist destination in the Dominican Republic known for its stunning white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and tropical climate. The beaches in Punta Cana are among the most beautiful in the world, with miles of soft, powdery sand and turquoise waters. When it comes to places to stay when traveling with young children, you will 100% want to stay at a resort known for children’s programs and we definitely recommend Nickelodeon Resorts, Punta Cana.

This beachfront property tops our list of best all-inclusive resorts for families as it has direct access to the beach and some of the rooms are literally steps from the beach. The beach is great for walking or frolicking in the waves and is not too far from the pool, the beach bars, and restaurants. The rooms are on the side of the resort closest to the beach, and the waterpark is on the other side. It’s easy to get around the resort with shuttles and golf carts driven by staff and running continuously all day. If you are not experiencing mobility challenges, it’s about a 5-minute walk from the rooms to the waterpark once you’ve familiarized yourself with the layout of the property. 

Read: Sun, Sand & Slime: Everything We Love About Nickelodeon Resorts Punta Cana


Margaritaville Beach Resort | Playa Flamingo, Costa Rica

A short drive from Playa Conchal, you’ll find Playa Flamingo, a golden sand beach with stunning sunsets. Whether you are going for a wedding or a family trip, Margarita Beach Resort goes all out. With daily beach and resort activities and many excursions for you to explore, you won’t have trouble staying busy (if that’s your jam). Their family suites have the family in mind, offering kids their own bunk bed and space, even in a shared room. The beach is excellent for long walks. Since Flaming Beach is along Brasilito Bay, the waters tend to be calmer than many other beaches in Costa Rica. 


Additional reporting by Claire Zlobin & Jenny Hart

No idea what to get them? Experience gifts are the answer

If you’re struggling to find a gift for the person who has everything, or if you’re just looking for a super unique option, experience gifts are the way to go. Why? Because even if they have every single thing on your list of possible ideas, you really can’t go wrong with something for them to do.

Experience gifts are totally customizable. You pick the place, the adventure, the theme, and these 11 websites let you create the perfect gift for your loved ones. Whether it’s a spa experience, a ride in a racecar, virtual classes, or mystery picnics, there’s literally something for everyone—kids included. Some options send vouchers straight to their email, and others allow you to pick out physical packaging so they have something to open, if you prefer. Plus, you’re able to select your recipient’s location, so you can check out availability before you buy. No matter what your favorite people are into, there’s definitely some fabulous experiences packed into these websites. Take a look at our favorite picks.



Giftory lets you book by location (including virtual/from home). You select the gift, then the recipient receives a voucher that allows them to pick the date and time of their experience. Pick from cocktail classes, hot air balloon rides, helicopter tours, sunset cruises, Porsche driving, and even baking with the stars of the Great British Baking Show virtual masterclass (shown above).

Giftory—Shop Here!

Xperience Gifts

Xperience Gifts

Candle making classes, axe throwing, cat yoga, and stock car ride-alongs (pictured) are all available across the country with Xperience Gifts.

Xperience Gifts—Shop Here!

Virgin Experience Gifts

Virgin Experience Gifts

Virgin Experience Gifts include in-person experiences as well as virtual options. Zombie scavenger hunts, bungee jumping, horseback riding, and spa experiences are all potential gifts (including an ARTECHOUSE Immersive Art Experience in NYC, pictured here).

Virgin Experience Gifts—Shop Here!



In-person or virtually, Cozymeal experiences are perfect for foodies. Classes, private chefs, food tours—whatever your favorite home chef or aspiring cook could dream up, it's on Cozymeal.

Cozymeal—Shop Here!



We're big fans of how Wonderbox packages their experience gifts—these cute boxes hold the key to weekend getaways, Broadway shows, holiday-based experiences—all across the country. Plus, Wonderbox lets the recipients choose how they want to use their vouchers.

Wonderbox—Shop Here!



Fused glass? Macrame? Ceramics, acting classes, and calligraphy. ClassBento is all about creative classes and workshops for the artists in your life.

ClassBento—Shop Here!



You know Groupon is one of the best places to save on local outings, so why wouldn't it also be a great place to pick gifts out for the holidays? Escape rooms, restaurants, amusement parks, and more. Just pick the location of your recipiant and select 'Give as a Gift' under 'Add to Cart'.

Groupon—Shop Here!



Add a little mystery to your experience gifts with AmazingCo's mystery picnics (for couples, friends, and families), or pick from challenge parties, game-a-palooza, sip and solve events, and more.

AmazingCo—Shop Here!



From spa packages to classes and workshops, sightseeing cruises and bike tours, Tinggly has everyone covered. Each individual experience 'collection' has a ton of options for your recipients to pick from, plus we're not mad at the cute packaging.

Tinggly—Shop Here!



Gifting a new skill is the present that keeps on giving. Classpop! lets you choose from pottery classes, art classes, dance classes, and more. Classes are offered in over 70 cities nationwide.

Classpop!—Shop Here!

Uncommon Experiences by Uncommon Goods

Uncommon Goods

One of our favorite destinations for unique gifts, Uncommon Goods offers a whole page of giftable 'Uncommon Experiences'. Each gift comes with the supplies for an upcoming class, with multiple dates and times to choose from.

Uncommon Experiences by Uncommon Goods—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

In the midst of all the carpools and soccer practices and dance lessons and schoolwork and the constant swirl of activity with busy families, there are words. Conversations. Discussions. And lots and lots of opportunities for you to encourage and motivate your potential entrepreneur, budding CEO, or just all-around smart girl.

It can be easy to let the days slide on by without being intentional in our communication with our kids. But when you have a moment to slow down and focus, here are eight different ways you can tell your daughter how amazing she is, instill a measure of self-confidence, and cheer her on to become the best possible version of herself.

Catch her doing something good.

As parents, it’s natural to spend a lot of time correcting our kids or pointing out mistakes. Flip the switch and look for something positive.

“I really appreciate that you put the dishes in the dishwasher after school, and not just the sink.”

“Thanks for helping your brother with that math problem.”

“You only slept in five minutes past your alarm! Great job.”

Positive affirmation is contagious; she may start doing the same with you!

Point out something positive in a negative situation.

Failure is part of life, especially for people like pioneers or entrepreneurs who are stepping out on limbs, taking risks and forging new paths. If you want a daughter who’s not afraid to fail, begin now to assuage that fear by helping her see the upside of something that was less than successful.

“Well, we didn’t sell much lemonade, but your idea to sell those chewy brownies was brilliant. The one customer we did have needed two more cups of lemonade to wash it down!”

When children feel good about themselves and know that you’re okay with trying and failing (and, in fact, encourage it versus not trying new things at all), they’re more willing to persevere and take new risks.

“What are your roses, thorns, and buds today?”

At dinnertime or before bed, ask your daughter about one of her day’s successes (a rose), one problem or mistake (a thorn), and one thing she is looking forward to tomorrow (bud). You can share yours, too. It’ll help her see that there are peaks and valleys throughout life, and success isn’t about avoiding the downturns; it’s about how you handle them, bounce back, and move forward.

Show her the big picture.

If she wonders why she needs to take math even though she wants to write children’s books someday, or she complains about gym class and says she’s not a “natural athlete,” talk about why math skills and fitness are important in life, no matter what career path she chooses.

Sometimes kids can be a little myopic in their view of the world, but you can help encourage your daughter to see the bigger picture when you help her think outside her limited scope of vision. Sometimes the answer to “Why do I have to take this class?!” is simply, “in order to learn how to learn. Learning new things is something you’ll do for the rest of your life, and every single class you take can help you become a better learner.”

“What’s your plan?”

Ask her about how she plans on solving problems on her own. (The problems she’s capable of handling independently, anyway.)

“Mom, my soccer jersey is dirty, and I have a game tomorrow!” Instead of rifling through her hamper yourself, maybe answer, “That seems like something you’ll need to take care of in the next 12 to 24 hours then. What’s your plan?” Or, let’s say she’s promised the neighbors she’ll babysit for them on Saturday, but now she wants to back out because she got invited to a birthday party. “Hmm. How do you think it would be best to handle that?”

Problem-solving is an important and valuable skill for anyone, let alone a successful entrepreneur.

Help her identify her passions.

She might not know yet what it is that gets her pumped up or makes her heart beat fast (which is normal, of course), so helping her identify those things could be very helpful and supportive. “Hey, I noticed that you got a little choked up when we watched that video about the rescue dog. What would you think about volunteering at the Human Society once a month?” Or, “I love that you like to help me with dinner! Maybe we should take a cooking class together?”

“I’m proud of you.”

It’s one thing to praise or celebrate her accomplishments, but what about her character?

“You’re such a loyal friend, I’m so proud of how supportive and encouraging you are.”

“When you hugged your sister after her bad day at school yesterday, I was so proud of you. You have a big, compassionate heart.”

Most of us—kids especially—indulge in too much negative self-talk. When you tell your kids what’s great about them, you interrupt that internal negative loop and help build their self-confidence.

“I believe in you.”

Think about it for a second: Who was the last person who said that to you? A parent, your spouse, maybe a mentor? Those are four powerful words that probably aren’t spoken enough, and if you’ve ever heard them, they likely lifted your spirits, ignited a fire, re-fueled a waning determination, or simply gave you the chutzpah you needed to tackle a project or face an intimidating challenge.

Whether your daughter is risk-averse or a little daredevil, whether she’s innovative or prefers the status quo, whether she’s ready to take on the world or needs a nudge out of her comfort zone—she needs to hear this from you.

This post originally appeared on The Startup Squad.

I've always built businesses, from a childhood gummy bear business to adult gigs at IMAX and I founded The Startup Squad to help girls reach their potential and my book series, The Startup Squad, is published by Macmillan. I live in Silicon Valley with my wife and two daughters.

A vacation with your partner or friends should be on your list for 2024

With the holidays on the horizon and all of that togetherness planned, now is the perfect time to book an adults-only vacation for the new year. Parents need time away. Adults-only vacations can strengthen your relationship with your partner, your favorite group of moms, or even your own mother. You can remember what you were like before you had kids. You can relax on the beach and actually read a book. Yes, a whole book!

These adults-only all-inclusive resorts know what parents want: delicious dinners that last well past sunset, afternoons spent at the spa, swim-up suites, and nobody calling you “mommy” or “daddy.” Here are some of our favorite resorts in the Caribbean, Mexico, the U.S, and beyond.

Hyatt Zilaria Cancun | Mexico

Whether you plan to spread out your towel at the infinity pool or at one of the oceanside cabanas, you are in for a treat at Hyatt Zilaria Cancun. All of the 310 rooms are extra-large suites and they even have swim-up suites if you want that easy access to the water. Evening entertainment is available if you are looking to take advantage of your late bedtime. The property even has a romance concierge who is at your beck and call to arrange a dinner under the stars or couples’ massage on the beach.

Meliá Punta Cana Beach Resort | Dominican Republic

Melia Punta Cana Beach Resort
Melia Punta Cana Beach Resort

Meliá Punta Cana Beach Resort is the place to go if you are looking for an adults-only, wellness-inclusive sanctuary.  Situated alongside the white sand and turquoise-blue waters of Bávaro Beach. Meliá Punta Cana Beach Resort offers a fully immersive “Wellbeing 360 Experience,” that includes activities like yoga, meditation, culinary classes, bike tours, botanical garden workshops, and fire ritual ceremonies. Those looking for a more introspective space can visit the resort’s Silent Spaces which offer solo painting, sound healing spots, reading pods, and spiritual labyrinth rituals. We are relaxed just thinking about it!

Hammock Cove Antigua

We know you’re going to feel pampered at this adults-only all-inclusive resort as your reservation comes with your own guest ambassador ready to book your couples massage or organize a champagne breakfast in bed. All the rooms are private villas so you’ll feel miles away from your everyday life. Gastronomy is a huge focus here with Michelin star dining options available. Don’t leave without enjoying a Carribean-flavored cocktail at the three-tiered infinity pool.

Mirival Arizona Resort and Spa | Tucson, AZ

Whether you are planning a moms’ weekend or are looking to bring a little more zen back into your relationship, Miraval delivers. The Sonoran desert is well known for its healing properties and you’ll be able to feel it and when you visit. The pace is slow and the sun is plentiful—this area near the Santa Catalina Mountains typically sees about 350 days of sunshine a year. Unplug and enjoy yoga, meditation, and breathwork before you head to the spa for an intuitive massage or reiki treatment.

Secrets Cap Cana Resort & Spa | Dominican Republic

This five diamond resort is set on one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. Retreat to your luxury suite with a balcony or terrace that’s perfect for watching the waves crash along the shore. You’ll enjoy many different types of gourmet cuisine including French, Italian, seafood, and Pan-Asian. Book a couples massage and then enjoy the whirlpool with sauna and steam room. If you want to take advantage of your later bedtime, the resort offers shows, dance lessons, theme nights, and movies on the beach.

Treasure Beach by Elegant Hotels | St. James, Barbados

Treasure Beach by Elegant Hotels

The adultsonly, all-inclusive Treasure Beach is set on a stunning stretch of the Platinum Coast with a variety of gorgeous suites to choose from. Foodies can perfect the art of pastry-making and food-styling, savor signature dishes with an interactive Chef’s Table experience, and try wine-tasting and pairing sessions with the resort’s sommelier. Enjoy complimentary water sports or tours of the island’s art galleries. Following the day’s activities, guests can enjoy nightly cocktail sundowners against a picture-perfect Barbados sunset.

Stella Island Luxury Resort & Spa | Crete

This visually stunning property welcomes guests to Greece’s largest island, Crete, for some rest and relaxation. Massive lagoon pools wind their way around the property, making you feel like you are floating on water. You can choose from pool-view rooms, swim-up rooms, and overwater bungalow suites with hot tubs. Dining centers around local Mediterranean cuisine including some top-notch Green wines. You’ll definitely want to try out some of the wellness offerings including spa treatments which include access to the sauna, jacuzzi, hammam, and indoor heated pool.

Castle Hot Springs | Arizona

From as far back as the late 19th century, elite families like the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts would make the bumpy journey via stagecoach to remote Castle Hot Springs, an oasis in the desert well known for its restorative water. The once-popular resort eventually declined and then burned down in 1976. The resort was brought back in February 2019, and those looking for relaxation and a zen-like atmosphere have enjoyed it ever since. Once there, couples will find just 32 bungalows and cabins, along with the signature natural hot springs. The restorative water flows into bedroom soaking tubs, the main swimming pool, and three rock grotto pools. The water can also flow into your veins if you swig the resort’s own Lithium Lagerbeer, made from the natural spring water. Spa services incorporating spring water are available, as well as horseback riding and yoga.


Bonus: They all include Kids’ Club programs

You might hear “all-inclusive” and envision crowded buffets and packed pools, but the truth is, all-inclusive resorts can be kind of perfect for families. Not only is there a smorgasbord of activities to choose from (usually gated off from the outside world, so relatively safe for older kids to explore independently)—but you won’t be hit with an exorbitant bill that’ll zap always all those breezy vacay vibes as fast as you can say, “Check, please.”

What’s even better? There are all-inclusive resorts where your kids can stay free, meaning you get a whole crew’s-worth of perks for the price of two parents (single parents can usually get one child free).

So whether you want to bask on the beach in Mexico, ride a horse in Colorado, or binge at the buffet in Aruba, the world is waiting. Here are our favorite all-inclusive resorts where your kids can stay free.

Note: Unless otherwise mentioned, the “Kids Stay Free” programs usually include up to 2 children per 2 adults. 

Mexico All-Inclusive Resorts

Moon Palace | Cancun


Why we love it:  Home to three sister resorts—Sunrise, Nizuc, and The Grand—the 123-acre Moon Palace is located just 25 minutes from Cancun’s busy hotel zone but feels worlds away. Besides the gorgeous beach, warm breezes, and turquoise waters, kids will be ready to say “See ya!” to Mom and Dad when they see the water park, and even younger travelers will love the innovative “Dreamery” kids program, which includes unique play areas, beach and pool games, special room amenities and more.

What’s included: All meals, snacks, and drinks (including top-shelf liquors) spread throughout 15 eateries; multiple pools; fitness activities; paddle boarding, kayaking, tennis, and basketball. There’s also a spa and a Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course available for an extra cost.

Kids will want to head straight for the water park, which has a lazy river, multiple water slides, and a FlowRider surf simulator. The massive “Play Room” is designed for kids 4-12 and has a dizzying array of activities including a full arcade, ice rink, mini movie theater, and obstacle course (Psst: It’s at the  Nizuc resort, so if this is something your kids will want, book this resort for easy walking access). There’s also a dedicated teen space.

For teeny littles, the resort aims to please, with amenities including baby soaps and lotions, as well as cribs and high chairs delivered to your room before you arrive (upon request). There is even a baby puree menu for your tiny foodie.

Price: Starts at $490 per night (includes two kids under 17; conditions apply.)



Villa del Palmar Cancun Luxury Beach Resort & Spa


Why we love it: Located on the eastern coast of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula—and nestled into the unspoiled vistas of the Loreto Bay National Marine Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site—this sprawling AAA Four Diamond-rated resort offers a secluded beachfront oasis stocked with a plethora of free activities for families and plenty of R&R opps for Mom and Dad.

What’s included: All meals and drinks (including four restaurants featuring Mexican, Italian, and international cuisines), a floating water park; kayaking, paddle boarding, dance lessons, snorkeling, yoga and stretching classes, culinary events, Spanish lessons, wine and tequila tasting, and more. Family amenities include bouncers, strollers, kid-sized robes and slippers. Want a few hours to yourself? There’s a kids’ club where you can drop your kids under 12, and a nanny service is available for an extra fee.

Price: Starts at $218 per night, includes up to two kids (under 12) free.


Related: 19 All-Inclusive Resorts That Really Deliver What Families Want


Garza Blanca Resort & Spa Los Cabos: Mexico


Why we love it: A five-star luxury resort that caters to kids as much as their parents? Sign us up! Located on the sandy beaches of Los Cabos, the resort offers a multitude of room types including spacious 1 to 4-bedroom suites big enough for your brood (and with kitchen and dining areas so you don’t have to eat every meal out). It was listed in Conde Nast’s list of the “Best Resorts for Families with Infants and Toddlers,” and it’s easy to see why.

What’s included: Six restaurants (Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, and a steakhouse), eight pools (including a kids’ pool), an inflatable water park, tennis, pickleball, electric beach bicycle tours, paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkeling, fitness and yoga classes, and a sprawling sandy beach. There’s also a kids’ club where kids under 12 can be treated to a daily roster of activities including craft making, sandcastle building, dance lessons, face painting, video games, and more. Babysitting services are available at an extra cost.

You’ll know you hit Mom and Dad gold right at check-in when kids will receive a drawstring bag that’s stuffed with special gifts including a handcrafted Mexican toy, a coloring book, and a plush doll. Got tiny tots? Cribs, bouncers, baby bottle sterilizers, car seats, and strollers can be delivered to the room free of charge.

Price: Starts at $306 per person, per night (up to 2 kids under 12 are free). Be sure to reserve the “Gourmet Culinary All-Inclusive” package to ensure your meals and drinks are included.



All-Inclusive Resorts in the Caribbean

Tamarijn Aruba (and Divi) All-Inclusive | Aruba


Why we love it: This pair of beachfront all-inclusive resorts are perfect for families with younger children, with its Sea Turtles Kids’ Club offering a ton of fun activities for kids so parents will have the freedom to actually relax. Borrow bikes to cruise around the property and the island, then spend time snorkeling in the pristine waters of the Caribbean. And, you’ll get plenty of fresh ocean breezes, since every room comes with a balcony or patio.

Note: Kids 12 and under are free at Tamarijn Resort; Divi is free for kids 2 and under 

What’s included: All meals, snacks, and drinks at 11 restaurants and grills; oceanfront fitness and activity center;  bicycling, snorkeling, kayaking mountain biking, tennis, fitness classes, and a rock climbing wall. There’s a kids’ club for kids ages 4-12, where kids are treated to an all-day roster of activities from beach games to arts and crafts. Picky eaters will appreciate the specially curated kids’ menu available all over the resort. Golf and casino games are available (but not free).

Price: About $500 per room, per night. Note: At Tamarijn Resort, kids 12 and under are free; teens are $100 per night; at Divi, kids under 2 and under are free, kids 3-12 are $100 per night, and teens are $150 per night. 



Holiday Inn Resort Montego Bay: Jamaica


Why we love it: Did you know the Holiday Inn has all-inclusive resorts located at popular vacation destinations around the world? We didn’t either! At this tropical beachside resort, guests will have a good pick of daily activities at a price that’ll leave room for excursions into the nearby town of Montego Bay. The resort isn’t super-fancy—the recently renovated rooms are clean but simple. Still,  swaying palm trees and ocean breezes are as nice here as at any high-end luxury resort! So wade out to the resort’s private island, laze out next to one of four pools, and enjoy your vacation.

What’s included: All meals, drinks, and snacks; kayaking, sailing, beach volleyball, pool, tennis, video game room and arcade, kids’ club, mini golf course, basketball, and playground.

Price: Starts at $287 per room (4 people), per night. Up to 2 kids under 12 are free.



Blue Haven Resort | Turks and Caicos

Why we love it: With pristine turquoise waters and white sand beaches for miles, this secluded  Turks and Caicos oasis features a slew of on-site activities, plus an upscale tropical vibe that’ll have you in vacation mode the moment they hand you that beachy “Welcome Drink.” Blue Haven is pricier than many of the other options, but the stay includes multi-room suites and apartment-style accommodations that will work great for families who need a little more space to spread out. 

What’s included: All meals, snacks, and drinks across four restaurants; access to the private beach; kayaking, snorkeling, paddle boarding, sailboat rides, water sports, bicycle rentals, and a water trampoline kids will want to do again and again. There’s a free shuttle for guests to get to the sister resort, the Alexandra Resort, where there’s a bigger beach and access to the local town. 

Price: Rates start at about $1,350 and up (for a suite) per night. Kids 12 and under are free.



North American All-Inclusive Resorts

Woodloch Resort: Pennsylvania


Why we love it: If you’ve ever wanted to go back to summer camp as a grown-up, this is the place for you. Nestled into Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains, about 90 miles from New York City, Woodloch has about 1,000 acres of wilderness to explore—though you’ll likely stay near the resort’s main lodge and lake most of the time. Make like a kid and go wild in the bumper boats or go-karts—or head for the trails via hike or horse-drawn carriage.

What’s included: Meals, drinks, and snacks; mini golf, beach volleyball, go-karts, archery, paintball, ziplines, canoeing, paddleboats, stand-up paddleboards, rock climbing wall, basketball court, indoor and outdoor pool, toddler splash area, waterslides, bumper cars, bumper boats, BINGO nights, cake wars, and evening shows.

Price: Starts at $549 per room, per night. About its “Kids Stay Free” program: Woodloch offers kids-stay-free packages for most of the year, which applies to midweek vacations for children 6 and under, and one free child per adult. 



The Broadmoor Ranch at Emerald Valley | Colorado Springs


Why we love it: Families can get a taste of the Wild West at this upscale all-inclusive dude ranch tucked into more than 100,000 acres of forest near Colorado Springs. You’ll fall asleep inside one of 13  luxurious “rustic-chic” log cabins, then wake up to “Cowboy Coffee” before hitting the trails on horseback.

What’s included: Gourmet meals, drinks, and snacks; kayaking, biking, fly fishing, volleyball, horseshoes, lawn games, archery, twice-daily trail rides, campfire cookouts & s’mores, board games, movies, and evening performances.

Price: Rates start. at $1,045 a night. Kids 7 and under are free.  Note: The Ranch is only open April through October.  



Club Med Quebec 

Why we love it: For snow bunnies, this Canadian mountainside resort has everything you need, with the most important (and usually, priciest)—ski/snowboard gear, lessons, and lift tickets—included in the cost of your stay. And, unlike most resorts, it also includes flights, so you can see that price tag and rest assured you won’t go over budget.

That said, only kids under 4 are free—and these kids are too young to be enrolled in the Kids’ Club ski program—so it’s your call as to whether this is really a “deal.”

What’s included: Skiing/snowboarding (including ski or snowboard rentals, lessons for all levels, and lift tickets); “apres ski” drinks (alcoholic libations or cocoa), plus all meals and snacks (at two restaurants); a kids’ club for ages 4 and up that includes ski lessons and indoor crafts/activities; sauna and hot tub; fitness classes & gym; nightly shows; Summer activities include guided mountain biking and hiking excursions in the warmer months. There’s also a heated pool and spa that is available year-round.

Price: About $4,300 per room for a stay of 7 nights (for 2 adults), including airfare. Children 4 and under are free*; kids between 6 and 11 years of age stay at 50% off the adult price; and kids between 12 and 15 years of age stay at 20% off the adult price

*Kids under 6 are free in the summer months. 



All-Inclusive Resorts in Europe

Iberostar Alcudia Park – Majorca Island, Spain

Why we love it: Majorca is known as the “crown jewel of Spain’s Balearic Islands,” and this seaside resort is a perfect place to experience all the island has to offer, from golden sand beaches and delicious Mediterranean cuisine to oceanfront activities to keep the littles busy while Mom and Dad actually relax. While you’re there, do some exploring! The resort is a perfect home base to explore the small island, with visits to ancient castles, underground lakes, and quaint coastal villages.

What’s included:  All meals, snacks, and drinks (at six locations around the resort), multiple pools (including a children’s pool), water sports, bicycle rentals, yoga and fitness classes. Kids will love the water slides and splash areas, as well as the Star Camp Kids’ Club, which has more than 100 rotating daily activities including beach games, an arcade, crafts, and more. Cribs and baby amenities can be provided by request.

Price: Rates start at $448 per room, per night; up to two kids under 6 are free (conditions apply). There is a four-night minimum.



Club Med Tignes | Val Claret, France

Why we love it: If your dream vacation includes skiing in the French Alps and then enjoying a post-ski massage, you’ll want to check out this newly-opened Club Med. Set in the picturesque French town of Val Claret, Club Med Tignes has ski-in/ski-out access to some pretty epic mountains, with everything you need taken care of so you’re free to enjoy your chill time.

What’s included: Not only are twice-daily ski lessons (and gear/lift tickets) included for the whole family (for kids ages 4 and up), but the staff will literally get your kids from their PJs into their ski gear and out on the mountain without any assistance from you. It’s all-inclusive taken to a whole other level and we are here for it!

There’s also unlimited food and drinks; nightly shows and activities; the largest indoor pool in the Alps; fitness classes and a gym; and a ton of amenities for families (cribs, high chairs, special menus, etc.). The kids’ club for kids 4-12 includes daily ski lessons and indoor supervised games, and the “Petit Club Med” for toddlers will keep your tiny tots (ages 2-3) busy while you hit the slopes.

Price: Rates start at $2,800 not including airfare (from particular cities) for a 7-night stay. Kids under 4 are free.


Related: Club Med’s All-New Ski Resort in the Alps Has All-Inclusive Conveniences You Won’t Believe

Additional reporting by Kate Loweth

Save some money on your next family vacation by bringing the kids along for free

Taking a cruise is at the top of many families’ vacation wishlists. The ability to enjoy activities for every age group, eat plenty of tasty food, and see great destinations without changing hotels makes cruising the ideal vacation. Even better? Enjoying a cruise that allows children to sail for free. Because while a cruise is a lot of fun, the cost can quickly add up. Some cruise lines offer this perk year-round and others have specials to keep an eye out for. To make it a little easier, we put together a list of those cruise lines that offer this special option to those vacationing with young children.

Royal Caribbean

Home to the world’s largest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean looks to ensure that you never hear the dreaded “I’m bored!” In addition to having the tallest slide at sea, Royal Caribbean ships offer activities such as surf simulators, Broadway musicals, youth and teen clubs, multiple restaurants, and trapeze school. Royal Caribbean often has Kids Sail Free promotions where children 12 and under cruise for free with two passengers. These deals apply to three nights or longer sailings when booked in the same cabin as qualifying guests.

Princess Cruises

With highly rated kid and teen clubs, putt-putt golf, dance classes, movies under the stars, and special parents’ night out events, Princess Cruises offers plenty of opportunities for vacationing families to have fun. From onboard shows to the educational programs developed in conjunction with Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, cruising on The Love Boat promises to be entertaining. There are also plenty of dining opportunities to satisfy even the pickiest eaters. On Princess, 3rd and 4th passengers on the same booking sail for free (excluding fees, taxes, and deposits) on select itineraries, including unique destinations like Hawaii, Antarctica, and trans-Atlantic voyages.

Related: Sail to the Caribbean with Princess Cruises for the Easiest Vacation You’ll Ever Take

Norwegian Cruise Lines

Families sailing with Norwegian Cruise Line have plenty of opportunities to have a vacation they won’t forget. With stops at ports worldwide, including multiple locations in Africa, there’s a trip for every type of group. With an eye on helping with the comforts of those traveling with children, Norwegian has family balcony staterooms near the pool deck and youth program areas. There are multiple choices for dining from main dining rooms, buffets, and room service, with children 12 and under eating free at all of Norwegian’s specialty restaurants. In addition, 3rd and 4th guests in one stateroom sail for free on select sailings.

Holland America Line

Holland America ship docked at Ketchican Alaska
Kate Loweth


Known for its elegance, Holland America Line isn’t just for older passengers. Families with young children are welcomed warmly onboard, and there are plenty of activities for kids to enjoy. Those ages 3 to 17 have access to the onboard kids club, where there are plenty of activities and educational presentations depending on ports of call. Dining options offer everything from specialty restaurants to burgers and hot dogs. And larger families will enjoy the suites, some offering complimentary laundry services. To help encourage more family travel, Holland America allows guests 18 and under to travel for free when booked as a 3rd or 4th guest on select cruises. The offer has no expiration date but is limited to up to two children per booking and doesn’t include taxes, fees, or port charges.

Related: A Holland America Alaska Cruise Should Be on Your Family’s Bucket List

CroisiEurope Cruises

A unique vacation experience is taking a river cruise. More intimate ships with passenger numbers in the hundreds instead of thousands, river cruises allow guests to visit smaller cities more inland than a traditional cruise line. While some river cruises don’t allow children, CroisiEurope has family-friendly cruises in Portugal, the Rhine, Italy, and Spain that enable children ages 16 and under to sail free. With all-inclusive menus that they adapt for younger pallets, excursions, and waived single supplements for grandparents sailing in a separate cabin alone, it’s an opportunity to experience a different type of cruising.

MSC Cruises

A newer addition to cruise lines that have ships based out of the United States, MSC Cruises has been a staple in European cruising for over 30 years. The fourth largest cruise line in the world, they know cruising and families. Family-friendly excursions with special pricing for children, kids clubs, and special kids’ areas in restaurants add to a vacation everyone will remember. And MSC’s partnership with The LEGO® Group as their exclusive entertainment partner means new play areas, plenty of LEGO bricks to build with, and an experience once every cruise dedicated to everything LEGO. MSC occasionally has promotions where children age 17 and under sail for free as the 3rd and 4th passengers on select sailings. These promotions are subject to availability and exclude fees, taxes, and drink packages for minors.

Star Clippers

Have you dreamed of taking a family vacation on a classic tall ship? Star Clippers makes it possible! With destinations in the Caribbean, Central America, and Europe, there are plenty of opportunities to explore new cultures. While this line doesn’t have a kids club, there are nautical activities on board, such as knot-tying classes, climbing the mast and helping the crew hoist a sail, and excursions on shore to keep them entertained. Now through July 31, 2023, Star Clippers has a “kids under 18 years old sail free” offer, plus 10 percent off for grandparents on select 2023 and 2024 cruises, making it the perfect time to schedule a unique family reunion.

Related: Cruising Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast Should Be on Your Family’s Bucket List: Here’s Why