Looking for some fun riddles for kids to keep those little minds sharp? Or maybe even a few hard riddles for kids? We’ve found kid-friendly puzzlers just right for your family. Share these riddles for kids with answers on the way to school or over dinner. And for even more, check out this adorable kid’s book.

Don’t stop here! Check out our trivia for kids and our ultimate list of jokes for kids for more fun.

What is a riddle?

A riddle is a brain-teasing question with a hidden meaning or answer requiring creative, out-of-the-box thinking. The answers are often things you wouldn’t think about, so be sure to take your time solving these easy riddles for kids!

Why should you share riddles with kids?

Riddles, and other brain teasers like hidden word puzzles, sudoku, and crossword puzzles help keep the brain sharp and help to develop problem-solving skills and creativity. Plus, it’s just fun to ask kids funny riddles and see their reactions!

One-Word Answers for Easy Riddles

1. What has hands but cannot write or clap?

A clock.

2. What has stripes and goes through the air?

Hint: It sometimes goes on the ground, too!

A basketball.

3. I am yellow, and I write, and my mate is white. What am I? 

A pencil.

4. What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

5. What has a neck but no head and arms but no hands?

A shirt.

6. Remove my skin and I won't cry, but you might! What am I?

An onion.

7. What kind of ship has two mates but no captain?

A relationship.

8. I'm taller when I'm young and shorter when I'm old. What am I?

A candle.

9. What is always right in front of you, yet you cannot see it?

The future.

10. What has a tongue but cannot talk?

A shoe.

11. What is easier to get into than out of?


12. What always ends up broken before you use it?

An egg.

13. What begins with T ends with T and has a T in it?

A teapot.

14. What breaks as soon as you say its name?


15. If you threw a yellow stone into a blue sea, what would it become?


16. What number is odd until you take away one letter; then it becomes even?


17. What runs but cannot walk, has a mouth but no teeth, and has a bed but cannot sleep?

A river.

18. There is one word spelled wrong in every English dictionary. What is it?


19. What goes in your pocket but keeps it empty?

A hole.

20. What has legs but cannot walk?

A chair.

21. I sometimes run but cannot walk. You follow me around. What am I?

Your nose.

22. What word begins and ends with the E but only has one letter?


23. What do you find at the end of a rainbow?

The letter W.

Related: Here Comes the Pun: 300+ Best Jokes for Kids

dad and daughter laughing at easy riddles

24. What are two things you can never eat for dinner? 

Breakfast and Lunch.

25. I can be cracked or played; told or made. What am I?

A joke! 

26. I give you one, and you have two or none. What am I?

A choice. 

27. What has four eyes but cannot see?


28. What belongs to you but is used most often by everyone else?

Your name. 

29. I fall but I never get hurt. What am I?


30. What's full of holes but still holds water? 

A sponge. 

31. What has a bottom at the top?


Related: 18 Unique Facts About the Wright Brothers

Riddles for Kids with Long Answers

little girl telling her little sister an easy riddle

32. A man holds $5.50 in his hand but only has one coin. How is this possible?

He has a $5 bill and one 50-cent piece. 

33. How many months of the year have 28 days?

All of them (they all have at least 28 days). 

34. When is "L" greater than "XL"?

When you use Roman numerals.

35. What is always on the dinner table but you cannot eat it?

A plate. (Or a fork, etc.)

36. What can you hold in your right hand but never your left hand?

Your left hand. 

37. A cowboy comes into town on Friday. He stays two nights at a local hotel. He leaves on Friday. How is this possible?

His horse's name is Friday.  

38. A woman is sitting in his cabin in Minnesota. In less than three hours, she's in her cabin in Texas. How can this be?

The woman is a pilot and she's sitting in the cabin of her airplane. 

39. What is as big as a hippo but weighs nothing at all?

A hippo's shadow. 

40. What bank never has any money?

A river bank. 

41. How do you make the number “one” disappear?

Add a “g” and it is “gone.”

42. If an electric train is traveling 60 MPH and going against the wind, which way will the train's smoke drift?

There is no smoke from an electric train. 

43. Why did the kid bury his walkie-talkie? 

Because the batteries died. 

44. Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They only caught 3 fish, but they caught one fish each. How is this possible?

It was a grandfather, a father, and a grandson/son. (Both the grandfather and father are fathers and both the father and grandson are sons). 

Easy Riddles Submitted by Readers


45. I am loved, for I am sweet

I come in many forms

but I’m always a treat

before apple and after cotton

dentists contend that I’ll

make your teeth rotten

What am I?


—from young reader Gloria, age 8

46. There was a circle house. There was a chef, a nanny, a butler, two children, and a maid. The boy child was found dead. The nanny said she was playing with the girl, the chef said he was cooking dinner and the maid said she was dusting the corners. So who killed the boy? 

The maid because she was lying about dusting corners. A circle house has no corners. 

—submitted by Joshua Y., age 9

47. What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin. 

—Young reader Katelyn

48. Mr. Red and Ms. Red live in the red house, Mr. Purple and Ms. Purple live in the purple house. Who lives in the white house? 

The President! 

—from young reader Gwen I

49. If you feed me, I grow, but if you give me water, I die.


—Young reader Sai Sri Vallabh

50. What has a mouth, a bed, and always runs? 

A river. 

—Chase, age 9


Riddles for Brain-Teasing Fun

51. What five-letter word gets short when you add two letters to the end? 


52. What type of cheese is made backward? 


53. A cat wants to get in better shape. She’s going to start by climbing the stairs. Starting on the fourth floor, she climbs up five stories, down seven stories, up six stories, down three stories, and up four stories again. What floor is she on?

The ninth floor.

54. There was a blue one-story house in a nice neighborhood. Everything in it was blue—the walls, the carpets, the furniture, and even the dog! What color were the stairs?

There are no stairs because it's a one-story house.




When it comes to household chores, you’ve got plenty of tasks to go around. More importantly, when kids are required to pitch in and help with age-appropriate chores, they’ll learn how to cooperate, gain a sense of independence and feel a sense of accomplishment. If you’re wondering what exactly to put on your chore chart for kids, we’ve broken it down by age, from toddlers up to tweens. From picking up toys to helping with dinner, here is our ultimate chore list for kids.

Age-Appropriate Chores for Ages 2-3

toddler doing age-appropriate chores

Pick up the toys. Ask your toddler to help clean up when playtime is over, instead of doing it at the end of the day when you’d rather be watching Netflix instead of cleaning up DUPLO blocks.

Wipe up small spills. This is an easy one and is especially important if they are the ones that made the mess. Don't make a big deal, just let them know they need to clean up after themselves.

Put shoes away. A toddler can easily put his shoes away, especially if there's a special bin or shelf for footwear.

Put dirty clothes in the hamper. Show your little one where clothes go before he chooses his own drop spot.

Match socks. An easy way to let someone else worry about why there's always one sock missing.

Throw away trash. Kids can start putting trash in its proper place at an early age. 

Pick up sticks in the yard. What's more fun than collecting sticks?

Sort the groceries. Preschool-aged kids can help you put away things like cereal, snacks, canned goods, and other things that aren't too heavy or breakable. 

Chore List for Kids Ages 4-5

putting away silverwear should be on a chore list for kids ages 4 to 5

All of the chores listed above. 

Put away clean utensils. It’s the little things!

Brush their own teeth. This is an easy self-care chore that any preschooler can tackle.

Fold washcloths or napkins. Something small and square is the perfect first item to have your pre-k kid learn how to fold.

Make their own bed. This is a tough one because busy school mornings can get in the way. Weekends are wide open, however, and there’s nothing like a made bed to give your home a clean, fresh feeling.

Collect the mail. This one doesn't even feel like a chore.

Bring their belongings in from the car. Whether it's their toys or backpack, four-and five-year-olds are old enough to make sure everything gets inside at the end of the day. 


Related: 11 Reasons Why Chores Make Kids More Successful (According to Studies)

Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids Ages 6-7

little boy doing age-appropriate chores

All of the chores listed above.

Help prep a basic meal. If kids with knives don't sound like a good idea, there are plenty of other things they can do. Think: gather ingredients, measure spices, crack and whisk eggs, grate some cheese, flip pancakes, and more.

Wipe down surfaces. Kids this age are perfectly capable of spraying, wiping, and cleaning down a surface. Especially if they are the ones that made the mess in the first place.

Take control of their school gear. Stop gathering your kids’ stuff every night or morning. These early years are the right time to set up good work habits.

Water the plants. This is a great chore to help develop organizational skills. Have your kid schedule a once-a-week date with a watering can on the calendar.

Help carry in groceries. Unless you're using the multiple trips to and from the car as your cardio for the day.

Set and clear the table. You prepared the meal, so your kids should help to set and clear the plates. Simple as that. 

Put away laundry. Imagine a place where the laundry gets put away instead of collecting dust in a basket somewhere. It can be a reality, we promise!

Feed pets. Your grade-school-aged kid loves the dog, the chickens, and the family turtle. Well, no time like the present to teach him how to take care of something smaller than he is. 

Chore List for Kids Ages 8-10

little boy doing laundry, a good thing to put on a chore list for kids ages 8-10

All of the chores listed above. 

Basic home maintenance. At around 10, kids can begin to do small tasks around the house that helps with upkeep like putting in new lightbulbs, changing batteries, and hanging small pictures. 

Load and unload the dishwasher. Most days, after unloading, the thing fills right back up and needs to be unloaded again. Your early tween is an ideal candidate for helping out with this daily task.

Help with recycling and garbage. Older kids can sort recyclables, empty wastebaskets, and help pull trash cans in from the road. It’s also a good way for them to learn about consumption and to see where waste goes.  

Vacuum the rugs. The best part about handing off this task is that your kids will have to keep their rooms picked up in order to fulfill their duty.

Dust shelves, blinds, and furniture. A Swiffer duster makes this chore a breeze. 

Clean the mirrors in the bathrooms. Older kids are strong enough, and usually tall enough to reach the top of the mirror by now. Pass the Windex.

Move clothes from the washer to the dryer. Most kids ages eight and up are tall enough (and old enough) to start helping with the laundry. If there are items you don't want in the dryer or if you like to use a certain heat setting, be sure to show the kids the ropes in advance.

Related: Parents Hatch Genius Plot to Catch Their Kids Skipping Chores

Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids Ages 10-12


All of the chores listed above. 

Walk the dog. Take pet care to the next level by asking your tween to take on giving Fido his daily workout. 

Help with grocery shopping. Give your big kid his own list at the store, and arrange to meet up at the checkout. You'll cut your shopping time in half!

Vacuum out the car. She's already tackled vacuuming the living room and her bedroom. Add on the family car once a month or every other week. 

Babysit for siblings or relatives in small increments. Whether it's to take charge at a social or family gathering or leave your tween in charge for 30 minutes while you run a quick errand, this is a good age to test the waters for child care. 

Rake leaves. Before you can mow the grass, the leaves need to be raked. Tweens can handle this, plus it's a great way to keep them outside and off tablets. 

Change their own bedsheets (and keep the bed made). This is a chore that only takes a few minutes, but it's a game changer when it comes to feeling like you're on top of the mess. 


Trying to figure out a way to call Santa? Here’s everything you need to know

Even if you can’t have your one-on-one with Santa at the mall, you can still get your time with him. There are lots of fun options, and we’ve rounded up our favorite ways to get Santa’s phone number (many of them are free!). Here’s where you’ll learn how to get in touch with Father Christmas at the touch of your smartphone, web browser, or even your home assistant.

Santa Hotline

how to call Santa's phone number
Kraken Images via Unsplash

It couldn’t get easier to call Santa's phone number: all you need is a phone to dial up Santa’s Hotline. This free, international number connects kids directly to a voicemail box where they can leave messages at the North Pole. Available throughout the United States (as well as 13 countries including France, Sweden, and Australia), it’s a simple concept that will add that little extra pinch of magic dust to your holiday. Simply dial +1-319-527-2680 or +1-712-770-4404 and get talking!

Related: 8 Ways to Keep Track of Santa This Christmas (We’ll Show You How!)

Call Santa with Alexa


If you have an Echo Dot Kids or FreeTime on Alexa, all you have to say is “Alexa, call Santa.” You'll hear from elves, Jack Frost, and even Santa himself (Each time it may be different, and you'll often get holiday jokes!). To make sure you're set up for FreeTime, in your Alexa app, select the Devices icon, then select the compatible Alexa device for which you would like to enable Amazon FreeTime on Alexa. Then tap FreeTime, and follow the on-screen prompts to complete your setup.

Message from Santa! App

get a message from santa's phone number
Apple App Store

The Message from Santa app has tons of features! Parents can help their kids start a video message from Santa, receive a phone call, call Santa's voicemail, and even text the jolly old elf himself. This is a free app (with in-app purchases for additional features) and is available for iOS and Android devices.

Google Home Call Santa

Paul Agrusti via YouTube

Use your Google Assistant and Google Home device to call Santa! All you have to say is "Hey Google, call Santa" and you'll get to hear about how Santa Claus is busy rehearsing for a musical concert—but he only knows one song and needs your help! Kids can also make a call on a Smart Display to see all the fun album covers from the North Pole bands.

Christmas Dialer

how to get santa's phone number

Has little Johnny and Susie been good this year? Now you can let Santa do the asking! When you use Christmas Dialer, you can choose for either Santa or one of his elves to place a call to your child. Select one of four different messages, including, "be good," "on my list," "something special," or "sweet dreams." Parents can use the pre-populated messages or type their own and then call Santa right away. 

Portable North Pole

santa phone number
Portable North Pole

The Portable North Pole's website and mobile app let creative parents like yourself create customized Santa greetings on video to awe and excite your wee ones. With a few screen taps, answer questions about your child (or children—Santa can address your kids individually or as a group!) and upload some favorite pictures to create a charming message from St. Nick that arrives by email.

Make sure to capture all the memories—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.






This savory snack is perfect for the holiday season or anytime, really

If you’re looking for an appetizer or a snack-worthy finger food, try this recipe for ham and cheese puff pastry. Courtesy of The Clever Carrot, whipping this dish up is like making a sandwich, but filled with melted cheese and ham. The pre-made puff pastry dough makes the process quick and simple.

Makes 12-16 squares

Ingredients for Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry:

1 package (2 sheets) frozen puff pastry, defrosted*
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
¼ pound black forest ham, thinly sliced
½ pound Gruyère cheese, grated
1 egg
flour for dusting

*Defrost overnight in the fridge before you begin.
**Puff pastry sheets are available in the frozen section of most grocery stores. If you cannot find them, you can use a whole block of dough instead. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the dough and cut it into two sheets measuring approximately 10 x 12 inches (use a ruler if necessary). Transfer to a piece of parchment paper and proceed with the rest of the recipe.


1. Preheat your oven to 450 F.

2. To make the egg wash, lightly beat an egg with 1 tbsp. of water. Set aside.

3. Place a piece of parchment paper onto your work surface and dust lightly with flour. Lay one sheet of puff pastry on top of the paper. Using the back of a teaspoon, brush the dough with mustard leaving a 1-inch border around the edge. Use a ruler if necessary.

4. Staying within the border, add the sliced ham in overlapping layers. Add the cheese. Brush the border with some of the egg wash to create a seal.

5. Place the second sheet of puff pastry on top of the filled pastry lining up the edges.
Using a sharp knife, trim the dough so that the edges line up and the square is even. It’s just like cutting the crust off of a sandwich. Make sure to cut the dough in a swift downward motion (think paper slicer). If you drag your knife, it will not rise properly. Press down lightly.

6. Brush the top with more egg wash and cut a few slits in the top to allow steam to escape.
Transfer the dough to a baking sheet by lifting up the parchment paper.

7. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until puffed and golden brown. Allow to cool for a few minutes and cut into squares (about 12-16 depending how large you want them). Serve hot.


Recipe and photo courtesy of The Clever Carrot. For more great family recipe ideas, head on over to the blog by clicking here.

We’ve all been there. Staring down a pile of laundry or an entire bin of toys on the ground and thought, do these chores really matter? If we’re being honest, when considering all the things we balance as parents, cleaning the house usually falls somewhere toward the bottom of the must-do list. And for good reason. After all, there are other (more important) things that usually take precedence: work, feeding a family, getting kids to school, and somewhere in there—finding time for self-care. But, eventually, you’re going to need to tackle that fridge or make a clean sweep of the place before guests arrive. The good news is, there are plenty of shortcuts and cleaning hacks you can use to tackle both the little and the big jobs, which leaves you more time for the things that really matter—like bedtime stories, family dinners, or a good Netflix binge-session.

Don’t forget a single hack! Click here to pin on Pinterest.

1. Decide what to clean in the first place

Before you check out all these cleaning hacks, take an honest look at your bandwidth and decide what you can do and when. If you can do one or two small things a day, nothing every piles up, which makes your house look more tidy overall.

2. Use an oven-cleaning hack that doesn’t take hours

It’s everyone’s least favorite chore if it even ever gets done. Forget about using the self-cleaning option and go old-school with baking soda, a sponge, and real citrus.

2. Consider buying baskets for every room

Need to clean up in a jiff? Using creative storage solutions is an absolute must. Make sure you have a basket or bin in each room to throw everything in before housekeeping or a surprise visit from grandparents. When the basket is full, it’s time to put everything away. When you’re on the hunt for a special item and can’t find it, it’s time to dump out the basket, find your treasure, and put everything away. Plus, with so many styles and colors, it’s a total design hack, too!

3. Try a ceiling fan cleaning hack that really works

Instead of using paper towels or a Swiffer (dust will get everywhere), use an old pillowcase. The dust will be captured inside!

4. Embrace a solution for how to dry sheets the first time

a cleaning hack for how to dry sheets


This little device is of those things that’ll make you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?” It helps prevent the dreaded rolled and wadded mess of half-dried sheets that lead to multiple cycles in the dryer and inevitably waste energy (and valuable time). Just clip the corners of your sheet into the Wad-Free before you wash and dry. Get a 2-pack on Amazon for $20.

5. Check out air fryer cleaning hack that’s safe

If you love your air fryer as much as we love ours, it’s probably time to talk about how often you actually clean it out. While you should be cleaning the basket every time, there are a few deep-cleaning tricks you should try every few months too.

6. Use this genius cleaning hack to get glitter off tables, floors, and just about anywhere else

a cleaning hack for how to clean up glitter
Gabby Cullen


The kids are dying to pull out the art supplies and go wild making you a masterpiece for the fridge. But, who can stand the glitter that inevitably ends up everywhere, forever? Pull out a lint roller and use it after they’re done being creative, you’ll be amazed at how much of the sparkly stuff you’ll be able to clean up.

7. Keep your supplies where you need them

Whether you’re trying to get your kids to do their chores or just want to make cleaning easier for yourself, Joyful Homemaking has an amazing idea. Create your very own chore baskets with plastic shower caddies—one basket for each room with a list of items that go in each basket.

8. Use toothpaste to clean in a pinch

using toothpaste is a smart cleaning hack


Plain white toothpaste includes baking soda, which is a common household cleaning supply. You can use toothpaste to clean jewelry, polish bathroom fixtures, get rid of kitchen odors, and much more.

9. Figure out which tools you need to really clean that fridge

Queen of Clean Vanessa Amaro gives you the low-down on everything you’ll need to get your fridge REALLY clean. Here’s a hint: grab a toothbrush!

10. Use lemon on everything

It’s a miracle cleaning solution that you probably already have! Use it to clean that oven, descale an electric kettle, put half in your dishwasher to cut grease, and so much more.

11. Clean plastic toys in the washing machine

Gabby Cullen


Whether covered in sticky residue from your own kid or if you’re giving a secondhand set a fresh start, plastic blocks clean right up when sent through the wash. Be sure to add items like towels or sheets to prevent banging during the cycle.

Santa’s number can be hard to find. Lucky for you, we’ve got the scoop

You’ve snapped your photos and written your letters to Santa, and probably already hung your stockings with care. Well, here’s one more way to get in touch with Ol’ St. Nick: Santa’s Hotline. It couldn’t get easier: all you need is a phone to dial up a free, international number that connects kids directly to a voicemail box, where they can leave messages at the North Pole. Available throughout the United States as well as 13 countries including France, Sweden, and Australia, it’s a simple concept that will add that little extra pinch of magic dust to your holiday. If your kids can’t get enough, here are six other ways to get in touch with Santa Claus during the holiday season.

Dial up +1-605-313-4000 in English

or  +1-605-313-4001 in Spanish

(There’s a list of international numbers on the site as well).

Your kiddos will hear the following message:

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! This is Santa Claus and you have reached my personal hotline. We have been very busy making all of those toys to deliver on Christmas morning, and I want you to know that your family loves you very much and so do I. So, be good and don’t forget to always listen to your parents. When you hear the tone please leave me your Christmas gift wishes and holiday cheer. And, remember kids, I know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. Merry Christmas and I’ll see you soon.”

Then at the beep, your little elflings can leave their own message to Santa. (Be sure and listen in so you can take notes!)

When you use your mobile phone, Santa will send a text so you can listen or share your child’s message with the whole family!

Tip: keep the number handy in your contacts under Santa and surprise your sweeties, perfect for long lines or after-school doldrums. “Siri, call Santa” is sure to elicit a raised eyebrow and giant grin. 

The hotline was created by David Erickson, CEO of FreeConferenceCall.com and father of three. He thought of the idea when his daughter was little, and he hopes it brings a little more fun to the season. Last year, 9 million kids called in.

Visit the website to learn more and find downloadable flyers you can share with your teacher, family, and friends.


Did you know there are fairies living in secret right here in the Bay Area? We know what you’re thinking: geez, even fairies are moving here now! But these mythical creatures are here to spread enchantment and joy to children and adults alike. They are not here to overbid on real estate and spew app ideas to venture capitalists. In fact, they all live in modest homes and most people don’t even notice they’ve taken up residence right under a tree, curb, or even on buildings. We’ve found some of the best fairy lairs in the Bay Area, so sharpen those eyes and get ready to go on a fairy hunt with the kids!

Fairy FAQ

Tarah Photography

Before you flutter off, here are some tips to get ready: grab a bag of fairy pearls to leave for the fairies (marbles, rocks, glass beads), a magic wand (because Tinkerbell has one) and dust off the fairy wings (the pair you bought for Halloween but always seem appear on your child for ordinary occasions like grocery shopping and school) and let your imagination lead the way.

And now some rules: If you take a rock from a fairy you must leave a rock. Or better yet, just don’t take anything. Instead, leave a gift. Because fairies love surprises! Some fairies like to receive letters too so don’t be shy about writing a letter to a fairy before you hit the street. Lastly, fairies are real and you are visiting their homes, so please do not move or rearrange their homes. If you do move anything at a fairy’s house, you might make it upset and no one wants a pissed off fairy flying around (especially in 2021)!


Fairies Found Living in Logs in San Francisco

Tarah Photography

In San Francisco’s Glen Canyon Park, there lives banana slugs, coyotes and it’s most unique inhabitant: fairies. With the scenic views of the canyon and the feeling of being in a faraway land—not in the middle of an urban city—two fairies have taken up residence there. One is at Silver Tree Camp, also known as the Glen Ridge Co-op building. The other is on the unofficially named Banana Slug Trail. Both within a two-minute walk from each other, which makes for a delightful kid hike.

Tarah Photography

Though it’s not in its original glory, the Silver Tree fairy house is not to be missed! Carved into a fallen tree stump by the local artist, author, and poet Tony Powell, kids can stick their hands in the door to see if the fairy have any hidden “pearls” inside. Also, this fairy loves receiving letters. So be sure to write a message to leave at its home. If you’re lucky, the fairy might even respond through its website (yes, this fairy has its own website, this is San Francisco after all). Lastly, Tony Powell is the same artist who installed the fairy door in San Francisco’s Japanese Tea Garden. He mentioned there are new fairies doors currently being created so keep an eye out when walking the streets of SF.

Tarah Photography

The Banana Slug Trail fairy house isn’t hard to miss. It sits in a large tree trunk along the main trail to Silver Camp. Created by a local Glen Canyon resident, the fairy house has taken on a life of it’s own with people adding their own decorations and tokens for the fairies.

Fairy Doors in Golden Gate Park

In Golden Gate Park, An A to Z Adventure, the letter "F" is fairy doors. Get some intel from author Marta Lindsey on where to find four fairy doors, two of which are located in the Music Concourse. 


Hike the Fairy Gates Trail in Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve

This kid-friendly urban hike is full of fairies and your little ones will love exploring. There's not much of an elevation change and there's plenty of shade so it makes for an ideal hike even on a rare hot day. 


Alameda Island is Sprinkled in Fairy Dust

Tarah Photography

Did you know Alameda Island has the largest population of fairies in the entire Bay Area? With hundreds of fairy doors located in nooks and crannies all over the island the kids will be kicking up fairy dust and having a blast hunting for them.

Tarah Photography

The first miniature immigrants weren’t even fairies but mouse doors. Created by an anonymous artist, Mows510 (pronounced “mouse”) who started the trend back in 2015 when he installed his first mouse doors. Local residents became enamored with the mouse doors and started recruiting other mystical creatures, like fairies, to move to the island too. 

Tarah Photography

Now, there is even a dedicated Facebook group that monitors where the fairies and mice live. You can even check out this Google map that shows the fairy door locations. The most concentrated cluster of fairy doors is at the corner of Clinton St. and Oak St. in Alameda. The neighbors are really friendly and love to help fairy hunters find doors and direct them to their favorites. 

Tarah Photography

If the kids really want to see some of the original mouse doors by Mows510, there are a few in the USS Hornet parking lot. Or if you want to get the kids super excited, take them to Tucker’s Ice Cream to find the mouse door there.

Secret Fairy Lair in Livermore

Tarah Photography

There is a well-hidden community of fairies living at Alden Lane Nursery in Livermore. Speckled with fairy doors all over the property, fairy hunters can opt to buy a fairy map that comes with clues or wander around. People are invited to come anytime during business hours and you can stay and have lunch under the trees and there are even public restrooms. The artist, Sue Fordyce, said she was inspired by Pokemon Go to create the fairy adventure. But with a twist: she wanted the focus be about disconnecting from technology and being in nature exploring.

Tarah Photography

If all this fairy hunting has you inspired to create your own fairy door, check Alden Lane Nursery’s calendar for their next Fairy Fest. This day of fun includes searching for fairies and their lairs in the Enchanted Ancient Oaks.  

The Fairy Houses of Little Point Richmond

To find this too-cute spot, head to the intersection of Washington Avenue and Nicholl Avenue in Point Richmond and stroll up Washington. Eager eyes will find the little fairy houses that are full of the cutest details. Our favorite is the Little Library, which one is yours? You can see more pics and get details on this charming stroll here

Peninsula/South Bay

Visit Fairy Glen in San Jose

Kate Loweth

In the early days of the pandemic, Willow Glen resident Lili Ghazian started building little fairy houses to display in her front yard as a way of spreading cheer. You can read her story here. This darling display can be found at the intersection of Celestine and El Rio in San Jose. The fairies love receiving mail so bring your notes and drawings when you visit! 

Sanborn County Park, Saratoga

Kate Loweth

Want the ultimate way to motivate the kids to set out on a hike? Head to Sanborn County Park in Saratoga and have them look for a fairy house along Lake Ranch Trail. From Highway 9, continue on Sanborn Road just past the county park entrance and park where the road ends. The Lake Ranch Trailhead is here. The trail is a 0.5-mile uphill trek and you'll find the fairy house on the mountain side about 3/4 of the way up. If you continue past the fairy house you'll reach the Lake Ranch Reservoir and a beautiful view! 

Quarry Park, San Jose

Kate Loweth

This park in Saratoga is just past downtown along Highway 9. It's a popular spot for hikers and geocachers, and there's even a fairy that lives along the Saratoga to the Sea Trail. You'll find it between the first and second bridges along the 0.6-mile marked portion of the trail. 

Sonoma County

Healdsburg Plaza

Not only does Healdsburg have a totally cute downtown plaza and our favorite pizza spot PizZando, but the plaza is full of fairy doors that are perfect for a hunt. Print out this clever map and see if you can check them all off! 


—Kate Loweth & Tarah Beaven


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You don’t need an extreme home makeover, or even the help of a design pro to give your home an easy upgrade. From fresh flowers to perfectly placed candles to an expert stack of books, we bring you six ideas that you can execute today, probably with things you already have in your home.

Fresh Flowers on the Table

Constantin Panagopoulos

This is a classic, for a good reason. A vase full of flowers is sure to brighten up any space, and the dining room table is always a winner. But not all arrangements are created equal. For a dining table where people will want to look at one another, low and wide arrangements work best. A safe rule is to cut down bouquets from their original length. It will keep your blooms fresher, plus low arrangements are more modern than the "long-stemmed roses" of days past.

Rearrange the Furniture & Decor


If your space is feeling a little stale, consider rearranging your furniture, swapping area rugs or moving some of the home decor you already own. You'll be amazing at what a difference it makes. 

Candles in the Bath

Maddi Bazzocco via Unsplash

Dirty tub? Grime disappears in the dark! Whether it's bath time or you are expecting dinner guests any moment, flip off the lights and fill the bathroom with enough candles that no one will ever need to reach for the switch. The combo of candles, glossy tile and mirrors will turn this humble room into a glittering little getaway in no time. Bonus: scented candles will fill the small space with sweet smells.


Stack Your Coolest Books on the Coffee Table 

Hayrullah Gozcu via Unsplash

Even the most well-designed house can suffer from a cluttered coffee table. But a quick and easy clean up can make your living room party ready in minutes. First, get rid of all of the "real life" stuff like remotes, tattered magazines and drinking glasses. Once you have a clean slate, handpick three to five of your prettiest hardcover books (take a peek under the dust jackets to see if anything special is hidden underneath), and make a stack. Add a pretty bowl filled with olives, a selection of your best coasters, and you are guest-ready.

Show Off Your Produce in the Kitchen 

Jen Siska

The most eye-popping colors and design comes from nature, and we are betting your fridge or pantry is filled to the brim with pretty stuff. Same as the coffee table makeover, clean the counters of all clutter, then set out a few pretty bowls. Lemons, eggplants, apples, pears, avocados—all make for the perfect decoration when displayed thoughtfully. But remember, these styling props are for eating, so never deny a hungry visitor to spare your lovely setup!

Toss a Tapestry in the Bedroom 

Spacejoy via Unsplash

Duvets are pricey, and picking one to commit to can lead most to a mellow neutral. But to easily spice things up in the bedroom, collect a few tapestries or oversized patterned blankets. Hang them over sofa arms, on the backs of chairs or spread them out over the bed for a quick and dramatic change. If you're feeling crafty, hang on from the ceiling above the bed or on the wall for a temporary headboard.

Use a Patterned Wicker Basket Instead of a Plastic Laundry Basket

Sarah Dorweiler via Unsplsah

Swapping out a typical plastic laundry basket for an eye-catching patterned wicker basket is an easy way to give your laundry room (and wherever else you fold the clothes) a quick upgrade. 

—Erin Feher with Gabby Cullen



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It’s the worst when the last flower on your bouquet finally bites the dust and you have to toss them all in the trash. Well, thanks to Love Pop, you can enjoy this bouquet all year long!

Disney’s Hocus Pocus Spellbinding Bouquet ($26) starts out as a card fit for the Sanderson sisters, then unfolds into a purple and orange “floral” centerpiece. Above the purple vase and amidst the black vines lie the Sandersons holding the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy next to a bottle of magical green life potion.

Once unfolded, The Hocus Pocus Spellbinding Bouquet measures 10.25 inches tall by 7.5 inches wide, making it the perfect size for your dining room table or your desk. Because it starts out as a card, shipping is also a breeze!

You can find this boo-tiful bouquet at lovepop.com.

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of lovepop



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From school to home—and everywhere in between!—parents are paying a lot of attention to air quality these days. And while there’s a whole big world out there, you can add a helpful device to breathe cleaner in your living space: an air purifier. Since you’re no stranger to wiping sticky hands, vacuuming endless cracker crumbs and tackling a plethora of household messes, this must-have gives your air a good cleaning too! Keep reading to get everything you need to know about in-home air purifiers:

Get your air purified today with Molekule.


How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers work their magic by getting rid of odors, allergens, dust and other unwanted airborne substances. (Yep, there’s a whole bunch of stuff living with us we can’t even see!). The fan component sucks in air which is then forced out through a filter, trapping pollutants—some of which can cause adverse health effects or aggravate allergies and asthma. Simply put: dirty air in, clean air out. By minimizing contaminants, the quality of the air circulating around your home improves. How’s that for a breath of fresh air?

Cool! But Let’s Get Back to Those Pollutants… What Should the Air Filter Remove?

Sources of air pollution include: 

  • Particulate matter: This is a mix of solid particles and liquid droplets of differing sizes suspended in the air (think dust and dirt). Since PMs are so small, people often don’t notice they’re even breathing them in.
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): These can be found in cleaning products, disinfectants, paints and solvents, aerosol sprays and pesticides. Not all VOCs are harmful to our health, but some may cause an allergic reaction for those with sensitivities. Although they evaporate at room temperature, they can quickly become part of the air that you breathe when using them.
  • Bioaerosols: Emitted or released from living beings, bioaerosols include mold, bacteria, viruses and allergens like pollen, dust mites and pet dander.


Get your air purified today with Molekule. Students, educators and first responders get a 15% discount code with SheerID verification.

Are All Air Purifiers Created Equal When It Comes to Cleaning Indoor Air?

Not all air purifiers can handle the same type of pollutants effectively. Molekule uses Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) technology to collect and destroy (through a light-activated chemical reaction) the widest range of pollutants in the air we breathe, compared to traditional air purifiers. PECO technology traps large particles and breaks down harmful pollutants to their most basic molecular components, including VOCs, mold, bacteria, viruses and allergens. Thanks to nanotechnology, PECO is able to destroy pollutants 1,000 times smaller than what HEPA standard tests for. Better yet, PECO meets rigorous performance criteria in FDA guidance for use in helping reduce risk of viral exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus. It’s important to note that while an air purifier can help reduce exposure, it should be combined with PPE and other countermeasures suggested by government authorities.

What Size Do I Need?

This depends on where you’re using it! A small office requires a different size than a large home. Molekule has several versions:

  • Molekule Air is for large rooms up to 600 sq. ft. (large bedrooms, living rooms, and family rooms)
  • Molekule Air Mini is for small rooms up to 250 sq. ft. (studio apartments, kids’ bedrooms, and home offices) 
  • Molekule Air Mini+ has the features of Air Mini with a couple of extras including a sensor to measure airborne particulate matter levels and Auto Protect mode to regulate fan speed for optimal air purification
  • Molekule Air Pro is for extra-large rooms up to 1000 sq. ft. (open floorplans or office settings)

Ready to say peace out, pollutants? With school on the horizon, now’s the perfect time for peace of mind that you’re improving the air your family breathes at home. 

Get your air purified today with Molekule. Students, educators and first responders get a 15% discount code with SheerID verification.