Spending time with friends will actually boost your immunity

If you can’t remember the last time you had a girl’s night out, you’ll want to want to plan one ASAP. One study shows why women should spend time with friends—and it’s not just for the wine and laughs.

Researchers at the University of Oxford found that women’s overall health and well-being improved when they spent time with four best friends twice a week to partake in specific activities. According to the study, these activities include drinking beer, gossiping, and discussing rivals. The research found that women interact best by joking and talking about things that make them laugh.

The health benefits from these regular friend dates included a stronger immune system, faster recovery times from illness, a decrease in anxiety, and an increase in generosity. The optimal way to make the most of these benefits was to meet with up to four friends, any more and the probability of generating the necessary endorphins for happiness was decreased.

In an interview with Scientific American in 2017, University of Oxford researcher and evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar explained how common activities associated with friendship actually benefit our health: “Laughing together, jogging together, dancing together, singing together, telling emotionally wrenching stories, going to see weepy films—these activities buffer the body biochemically and immunologically against the kinds of coughs and colds of everyday life.”

How did the study figure out exactly how often you should see your besties? “The figure of twice a week comes from our findings that this is the amount of time that you typically spend with your closest friends/family,” Dunbar told The Huffington Post.

Despite all the benefits, the study found that only two out of five women actually have the time to go out with friends once a week and less so once they have kids. It’s not easy to make time for yourself, but clearly making the effort for mom’s night out is worth it.




Kids who respect different worldviews and love all kinds of different people are just two good things that come from being socially aware

Raising children who feel good about who they are, love all different kinds of people, and respect different worldviews is still not mainstream. The good news is that parenting is our greatest social activism because we can influence our children to be more socially aware and compassionate. We can expose them to different environments, cultures, and people, give them opportunities to learn in collaborative settings, and help them find opportunities to serve others. These things will help our children develop the soft skills that they need to be more successful in life and ultimately transform the culture of our society. Here are five specific reasons why being socially aware matters.

Kids who are socially aware will develop and display greater emotional intelligence


A child who is trained to be socially aware can empathize with the perspectives of others, listen empathically and display vulnerability. These are the skills that comprise emotional intelligence. According to Salovey and Mayer (1990), emotional intelligence is a “set of skills that contribute to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and others, the effective regulation of emotion, and the use of feelings to motivate, plan, and achieve in one’s life.” Research suggests that emotional intelligence may be a greater predictor of success than IQ, so these skills are important to the growth and development of your children. Children who can imagine what others are going through will be better able to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions, which will ultimately serve them in learning and achieving their goals.

Kids who are socially aware will be better prepared to be leaders


Being socially aware means that you understand how to react to different social scenarios, and you can adapt your interactions to achieve the best results in any situation.  A child who develops the sophistication to read people and situations will be able to gain friends, influence people, and motivate and inspire others. According to renowned executive coach, Maren Perry, it is great to have a strong understanding of your skills, values, and emotions and to be able to focus and manage your emotions, “However, outstanding leaders balance this self-focused drive with a healthy amount of empathy and organizational awareness to leverage others to accomplish more than they can alone.”

Related: 10 Ways Parents Can Fight for Social Justice Every Day

Kids who are socially aware will have greater self-awareness and self-acceptance

Jonathan Borba via Unsplash

According to the book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, while self-awareness “involves looking inward to learn about yourself and understand yourself, social awareness is looking outward to learn about and appreciate others.” This is a reciprocal process of learning that involves understanding yourself and understanding others to greater and greater depths. A child will learn to appreciate their personality and individuality as they learn to authentically respect the experiences and perspectives of others. They will develop the ability to see themselves more clearly and evaluate themselves through introspection. Essentially, as a child learns to step outside of their own experience, they will learn how to be critically self-reflective as well.

Kids who are socially aware are more likely to practice gratitude

volunteering at a food bank is a great way to teach kids how to be grateful

According to the Character Lab, gratitude is "appreciation of the benefits we receive from others and the desire to reciprocate." To be grateful, you need to be aware of the benefits you receive from others and understand how to reciprocate appropriately. Gratitude is a social and emotional learning skill that is built from in-person interactions, meaningful discussion, and reflection. 

Gratitude is associated with many positive outcomes including more satisfying social relationships and decreased distress and mental illness. There are four components to gratitude, as identified by UNC-Chapel Hill’s Raising Grateful Children Project:

  • Noticing: Did someone do something nice for you? Did someone give you something or take you somewhere fun?
  • Thinking: What are all the reasons you’re thankful for this? Why do you think someone did something nice for you? Does this mean something to you? 
  • Feeling: When you think about these special things or people, how do you feel?
  • Doing: What can you actively do to express your gratitude for this person, place, or thing? 

Social awareness supports a grateful attitude in children because they learn to be humble and appreciative as they consider the perspectives of others.

Related: 10 Words & Phrases You Might Not Know Are Racist

Kids who are socially aware can persevere and find greater purpose in life

October birthday

Finally, research has also shown that individuals with greater social awareness and higher emotional intelligence perform better on cognitive tasks and are better able to overcome frustration when faced with challenges performing these tasks. Perseverance comes from a growth mindset. A child who approaches learning with humility and open-mindedness is going to be more resilient in their processes. This combination of compassion and resilience will support children in finding and achieving greater purpose in their lives through strong relationships, flexibility of thought, and persistence toward their goals.

How are you doing with your New Year Resolutions? Each new year, many mommas make big promises to themselves: Lose those pandemic pounds, find more “ME” time, find a new job. But when the second week of February strikes, like clockwork, most Americans will have already broken their promise—80 percent of Americans! And yet, we fall for it year after year, building ourselves up to accomplish our goal, only to have it backfire and make us feel guilty for trying at all.

What most people don’t realize is this: We create a feeling of guilt often sets the tone for the rest of the year. So, what if, instead, we shifted our focus on setting intentions that make us feel good rather than setting goals that make us feel guilty?

What if we focused on how we want to feel this year rather than putting so much pressure on losing weight?

After all, we were put on this earth to live the human experience, and a huge part of that human experience is to feel!

But there’s another, more critical reason why setting intentions is so valuable.

You see, part of the human experience is also living through the highs and lows of life, and collectively, we are living through one of the lowest lows most of us will ever experience in our lifetime. Setting intentions helps us feel our feelings of trauma, depression, and anxiety. And when we do, we open doors to healing, growing, and even finding our authentic power, which is accessing the wisdom we already have within us, and then in turn, trusting that wisdom. When we don’t allow ourselves to feel or process these “messy” emotions, we set ourselves up for even greater emotional turmoil in the future. In the same way that we laugh or smile when we are joyful, we need to find safe ways to process those “messy” feelings, such as crying, screaming, or talking it out.

Trust me, I know how easy it can be to ignore or bury these messy emotional critters. When I was just 11-years-old, I witnessed the sudden death of my father to a heart attack. I remember fumbling with the phone, trying to dial 9-1-1 but failing the first time, and then running to get the neighbors for help. In the days and years that followed, I couldn’t help but think that  if I had just dialed 9-1-1 faster or gotten to the neighbors for help sooner, my father would be alive today and this nightmare wouldn’t be my reality.

For years, I buried my trauma, guilt, and grief deep within me where no one could find them, including me. I didn’t tell anyone that my father had died because it was too painful to address on the surface. What was easier was shutting my pain deep within. The years went by, and I stumbled into my 20s and 30s as a shell of myself, showing up as the successful, workhorse journalist on the outside who could mask any pain with the flash of a smile.

I truly became a master at hiding my grief, until suddenly, it caught up with me in the most unexpected of ways: through my own body.

I became bedridden thanks to a debilitating mystery illness (little did I know this was the catalyst of my eventual Lyme Disease diagnosis) coupled with post-partum depression. There I was, the “strong” Superwoman I had pretended to be, unable to care for my three young children and unable to do my job. I had never felt more like a failure.

But it was then in that state of hopelessness that I realized my body was trying to tell me something; it was time to heal, not just physically, but from the inside out, and it was there that I made the decision to set intentions for how I want to feel rather than do. Little did I know that this decision would lead me to the healing and growth that I had been searching for my entire life, and awaken my authentic power.

So, as we continue into 2022, I encourage you to set intentions that set you up to live in your authentic power.

If you don’t know where to start, try these three steps:

1. Set intentions for the week, month, and year. This is all about baby steps! Grab a journal, and perhaps a friend, and take some time to write down how you want to feel today. Sit and meditate with how you want to feel instead of what you want to be doing. Remember, we are human beings, not human doings! Start by asking yourself, how do I want to feel going into today? This week? This month? Starting small will lead to big transformations, I promise.

2. Define your support community. One problem in our society is that people don’t feel safe to truly express how they are feeling. Think about your family, friends, and mentors, and write down who you trust and feel safe to openly share what is on your heart and mind. Or you can try finding an existing like-minded community to express yourself, such as a church, a yoga studio, and more. Share and declare your intentions with the ones you feel safest with! I have found that by verbalizing my intentions keeps me accountable for how I want to feel.

3. Find techniques to achieve your intentions. Some practices I recommend include breathwork, meditation, empathy, sacred writing, art, nature, movement, and spirituality. You can also try my FEEL Framework that I created as a way to use my authentic power to face your feelings: Focus on your emotions, Enter within the emotion, Experience the emotion, and finally, Listen, Learn, and Love it back!

For more on my FEEL Framework and more insight on honoring your emotions this year, check out my new book, Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission to Feel, where I interview over 20 healing luminaries and share more of my personal story.

Ashley Bernardi is an award-winning podcaster, author, and founder of Nardi Media, a full service media relations firm. She is a former news producer with credits including CBS News, Bloomberg TV, and The Washington Post, and is is author of the highly acclaimed new book Authentic Power: Give Yourself Permission to Feel.


I was talking to a mom the other day—let’s call her Beth—who shared with me a daycare horror story. Beth put her daughter in a daycare near her home that looked quaint. As a new mom, she didn’t know any other parents who had sent their children there but she was in a crunch to find childcare before she returned to work and this place was affordable, convenient, and had an opening. Within a few weeks of her daughter starting at the daycare she saw some red flags—one day she picked her child up with a dirty diaper, other days her child seemed excessively hungry, and sometimes the childcare provider was not forthcoming with details about her daughter’s day.

Ultimately she decided to take a costly leave of absence from work and figure out a better childcare situation. She later found out that there had been complaints filed against the daycare and their license was in the process of being suspended. She felt fortunate she intervened when she did and had the means to take a leave from work. She asked me how parents prevent these situations from happening in the first place.

Finding high-quality childcare is top of mind for working parents and it’s not easy to figure out how to navigate the process, especially as a new parent. But you don’t have to leave the situation up to chance and prayer.

Here are five things you can do as a parent to empower yourself and ensure you’re placing your child in a safe and loving environment.

Get parental approval

If you don’t know parents first-hand that have sent their children to a daycare provider, then ask the provider for references and call them. The more information on a facility or individual, the more comfortable you will feel leaving your children in their care. My company, Winnie, recently compiled a free database of every daycare and preschool, starting with San Francisco where you can get information about the provider, reviews from parents and other critical safety info like the adult to child ratio. We did this because we want to equip parents with the information they need to ensure their child’s well-being and make life easier for working moms & dads.

Check the licensing database

Did you know that there’s a licensing database when you can find information about all licensed daycares and preschools in the United States? If it’s a daycare, even an in-home provider, look at the licensing database. All licensed daycares and preschools are inspected regularly and these inspections are public information. You can also see if any complaints have been filed against the school and even subscribe to updates in case their licensing status changes.

Visit and ask questions

Ask to visit the provider, ideally while children are present. This will give you a feel for their st‌yle and if it jibes with yours. Ask questions to understand how the provider communicates with parents, what the physical environment is like (e.g. is it childproofed? Is it clean?) and what children do as a day-to-day routine.

Check their safety procedures

One thing that’s very predictable about children is that they are unpredictable. Accidents and emergencies happen so you want to ensure your provider is trained and prepared for the worst. Check the basics like training in first aid and CPR but also understand their policies around illness, evacuation procedures, and vaccines. Finally, you’ll want to really understand their philosophy around discipline. The most important thing for a childcare provider is that they have lots of patience and never resort to harsh language or violence with your child.

Trust your gut

Even if everything looks great on paper and checks out, you have to trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right to you, you need to act like Beth did and pull your child out of the daycare until you sort the situation out. Beth didn’t have a lot of information to go on at the time, but she acted swiftly and prevented the situation from getting worse.

Short mom to tall kids. CEO and co-founder of Winnie, a leading marketplace for daycare and preschool helping millions of parents across the United States. Still getting the gist of this whole parenting thing.

If you’ve been snagging ham or pepperoni for easy meals during the holiday season, you’ll want to take a look at this recall. Alexander & Hornung, the business unit of Perdue Premium Meat Company, Inc. recently recalled 234,391 pounds of the fully cooked meat products due to potential listeria contamination. But in an important update, the recall has now expanded to 2,320,774 pounds of products.

The recall affects many different brands of ham, including lunch meat from Wellshire, spiral sliced ham from Garrett Valley Farms and Niman Ranch uncured ham. It also affects Five Star pepperoni and pepperoni sticks. You can see the full list of products and the associated dates here.

There have been no reports of associated illness but Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, a serious infection that mostly affects older adults, people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women and newborns. Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, stiff neck and convulsions and the infection spreads from the gastrointestinal tract.

The original recall listed an establishment number of “EST. M10125” inside the USDA mark of inspection but check the updated info to see if a ham product in your fridge is now included.

Check your refrigerator or freezer if you think you might have purchased one of these products and throw it away if you find it. If you have more questions about this recall and the affected products you can visit www.alexanderhornung.com or call the Alexander & Hornung Consumer Hotline at 1-866-866-3703.

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Сергей Орловский via Unsplash



Recall Alert: Honda Recalls Several Models Due to Child Seat Defects

Recall Alert: Trader Joe’s Chicken Patties May Be Contaminated

Recall Alert: Maxi-Cosi Updates Recall with Additional Model

Most pregnant people spend a lot of time Googling. You might wonder if your symptoms are normal, what your baby looks like at different weeks gestation, what labor feels like and what exactly you’re supposed to do when you can’t reach your feet to put on shoes anymore. While the answers to some questions can be found easily through an online search, it can be hard to find accurate information about one of women’s biggest concerns today: pregnancy and COVID-19. Luckily, the experts at Kaiser Permanente have answers to your most pressing questions. 

Whether you just saw that second line, are starting to feel flutters or are days away from your due date, we have answers you need to know. Read on to find out what Dr. Emily West, Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Kaiser Permanente Northwest, has to say.

Kaiser Permanente has an entire team of doctors, midwives, nurses, lactation consultants, and pediatricians—including 13 pediatric specialties—each of them working together, all for you. Learn more about what sets Kaiser Permanente’s maternity care apart.


Is COVID-19 More Dangerous for Pregnant Women?

Pregnant patients that develop symptomatic COVID-19 are at increased risk of more severe illness compared with people who are not pregnant and have a higher risk of ICU admission, need for mechanical ventilation and death. COVID-19 in pregnancy makes the risk of maternal mortality 10 times higher. Pregnant women who have other underlying conditions such as diabetes or obesity are at an even higher risk of severe illness. Pregnant patients with more severe COVID-19 illness have also been found to have a higher risk of perinatal complications such as: developing blood clots, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, stillbirth and preterm delivery.

Is It Safe to Get a COVID-19 Vaccine If You’re Pregnant?

Yes, all three vaccines are safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding and those who wish to conceive. Thousands of pregnant individuals have received the vaccines and a vaccine registry (v-safe) thus far has demonstrated no increased risk of adverse outcomes for pregnant women or their babies.  COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy is strongly recommended by the CDC, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) among many other medical organizations. 

Will Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine While Pregnant Harm the Baby?

No, there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines given during pregnancy harm the baby. The vaccines do not alter human DNA and cannot cause any genetic changes. In fact, current data shows that babies of patients who receive the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy are born with protective COVID-19 antibodies and can continue to receive these antibodies through breastmilk. This can be an important way of providing protection from COVID-19 to newborns.  

Kaiser Permanente has a Level III NICU, meaning they have the ability to treat critically ill newborns. Learn more about Kaiser Permanente’s maternity care.


Kaiser Permanente has a Level III NICU, meaning they have the ability to treat critically ill newborns and those as young as 23 weeks. Learn more about Kaiser Permanente’s maternity care.

Is There a COVID-19 Vaccine That Is More Effective Than Others for Pregnant Women?

Each of the available COVID-19 vaccines is felt to have the same efficacy in pregnant and nonpregnant individuals.  

What Advice Would You Give to Pregnant Women Who Are Still Deciding on If They Should Get the Vaccine or Not?

Choosing whether to receive a vaccination is always a consideration of risks and benefits. I recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all my patients. The data is clear: those who contract COVID-19 during pregnancy are at increased risk of complications, including death. In addition, the vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective for those who are pregnancy, breastfeeding or wish to become pregnant. Masking and vaccination are the best ways for a pregnant patient to protect themselves and their babies. 

Kaiser Permanente’s maternity care has hydrotherapy tubs, lactation consultants, free Wi-Fi and even room service. Learn more

If I Am Vaccinated When I Deliver Can I Bring My Baby around Other Vaccinated People?

To protect a newborn from infection from COVID-19 as well as other infectious diseases such as whooping cough, I recommend a strategy called “cocooning.” Cocooning protects the baby from infection by ensuring mom gets vaccinated during pregnancy and that all family members and close caregivers get vaccinated prior to delivery. In addition to cocooning, parents should continue to follow local public health recommendations on distancing and masking. 

It’s almost time for the most wonderful time of the year, if you’re a Hallmark movie lover. Unlikely new romances between small-town woodsmen and high-powered executives are almost here, courtesy of Hallmark’s Countdown to Christmas and Miracles of Christmas programming!

Starting October 22, you can watch all-new movies every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. But if that’s not enough entertainment, you can also watch a new movie every Saturday at 10 p.m. on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. And you’ll be treated to the starpower of Candace Cameron Bure, Lacey Chabert, Alison Sweeney and more throughout a slate of 41 original premieres.

It would be impossible to list every movie appearing, but here are a few must-watch options:

  • October 22
    You, Me & The Christmas Trees starring Danica McKellar, Benjamin Ayres and Jason Hervey. Olivia is Connecticut’s resident expert on evergreens who, just days before the holiday, agrees to help Jack, a fourth-generation Christmas tree farmer in Avon. A mysterious illness has befallen their firs, causing them to die out and threatening his family’s 100-year business. As Olivia tries to get to the root of the problem and extends her stay in town, she and Jack spend more time together and feelings begin to develop.
  • October 23
    Boyfriends of Christmas Past starring Catherine Haena Kim, Raymond Ablack and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee. Leading up to Christmas, marketing executive, Lauren, is visited by the ghosts of four ex boyfriends. She must learn to open her heart or risk losing her best friend, Nate.
  • October 29
    Christmas in Harmony starring Ashleigh Murray, Luke James, Loretta Devine, Michelle Williams and Basil Wallace. Harmony is tricked into auditioning for the Holiday Chorus —directed by an ex-boyfriend. By Christmas Eve, they could be harmonizing in the key of love.
  • November 7
    A Christmas Treasure starring Jordin Sparks and Michael Xavier. After opening a 100-year-old time capsule and meeting a charming chef, Lou questions whether or not she should move to New York after Christmas and further her writing career.

If keeping track of all of these instant holiday classics sounds overwhelming, you can download Hallmark’s Movie Checklist App to track when each movie premieres. Grab your Hallmark wine, dim the lights and get ready for hours of improbable, festive love connections!

—Sarah Shebek

Feature image courtesy of the Hallmark Channel



The Hallmark Channel Has Their Own Wine & Hello, Movie Marathon

Love your meat and cheese boards? You’ll want to pay attention to this announcement. Fratellli Beretta USA is recalling approximately 862,000 pounds of uncured antipasto products due to potential salmonella contamination.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) made the announcement on Friday. The uncured meat trays were produced February 28, 2021 through August 15, 2021. Affected products are 24 ounce trays split into two 12 ounce packages: “UNCURED ANTIPASTO PROSCIUTTO, SOPPRESSATA, MILANO SALAMI & COPPA.” The UPC code is 073541305316.

After a larger salmonella outbreak in 17 states, the FSIS traced some of the illness reports back to the antipasto trays. Contamination with the bacteria can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever and may last four to seven days. Although most people recover at home, older adults, infants and those with weakened immune systems may require hospitalization.

If you find this product in your fridge, toss it out immediately. If you have more questions regarding the recall, contact Fratelli Beretta USA Inc.’s recall hotline at 1-866-918-8738.

––Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service



Recall Alert: Hallmark Recalls Teethers Due to Choking Hazard

Write your first name, recognize numbers, know the sounds of the alphabet, pay attention and take turns…the list of kindergarten readiness tasks can be daunting. Summer success programs can be key to help kids prep for school, but when COVID-19 locked down the country last year, educators had to innovate.

Would a fully virtual readiness program work with four and five-year-olds? The Ohio State University decided to try it and researchers found that it was successful in theory and in practice. Their data showed that it was feasible to operate, it was popular with teachers and parents and it had success in teaching children literacy skills, early math skills and emotional regulation.

“The promising evidence is that a virtual problem like this can succeed, despite the challenges,” said Rebecca Dore, lead author of the study and senior research associate at Ohio State’s Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy.

Ninety-one families enrolled in the four-week virtual program last year and received storybooks plus a computer tablet preloaded with educational videos. It also included weekly individual video interactions between teachers and children and a weekly video or phone meeting with parents. The final result? Seventy-seven percent of families finished the program and teachers found that kids were engaged for more than half the lesson 90% of the time. Participating children were tested before and after the program and the final data showed an upswing in all testing categories.

Although life is returning to normal, the success of this virtual program is promising for other scenarios. Kids who live in very rural areas may not have ready access to resources and kids who must stay home due to extended illness could certainly benefit from future online offerings. Technology for the win!

––Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of andrii Sinenkyi /Pixabay 



Kids Still Distance Learning? Check Out These 11 Do’s & Don’ts for Zoom Calls with Kids

Free Online Math Resources for Kids of All Ages

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently announced a voluntary recall for select Vitafusion gummy vitamin products. Along with adult vitamins, the recall also includes one children’s variety.

Church & Dwight Co., the makers of Vitafusion gummy vitamins, issued the recall following two consumer reports of metallic mesh material found in products. If eaten, the material could cause digestive tract damage.

Photo: Church & Dwight

While there are currently no reports of adverse effects, anyone with the recalled products should discontinue use immediately. The affected vitamins were manufactured between Oct. 29 and Nov. 3, 2020 and were distributed to in-person and online retailers from Nov. 13, 2020 to Apr. 9, 2021.

The recalled vitamins include:

  • Vitafusion MultiVites 150 count
  • Vitafusion Fiber Well 2220 count
  • Vitafusion Fiber Well 90 count
  • Vitafusion Melatonin 140 count
  • Vitafusion Melatonin 44 count
  • Vitafusion SleepWell 250 count
  • Vitafusion Kids Melatonin 50 count

For a full list of UPC codes, Lot codes and expiration dates, visit the FDA’s website here or Church & Dwight’s website here.

Do not use the recalled products. Contact the manufacturer at 1-800-981-4710 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p..m. ET before you dispose of the vitamins for information on what to do next and how to get a full refund. Customers can also contact Safety Call at 1-888-234-1828 with illness or injury-related concerns.

—Erica Loop



Recall Alert: Trader Joe’s Chips Recalled Due to Undeclared Allergens

Recall Alert: Teether Sold at Walmart Recalled Due to Choking Hazard

Recall Alert: Target Recalls Cat & Jack Baby Rompers for Potential Choking Hazard