Carrying and birthing life into this world is a miracle. Our bodies go through so many beautiful changes in order for this to happen. Yet there is a cultural expectation for moms to erase signs of pregnancy immediately after giving birth. We are made to feel ashamed of our protruding belly, loose skin, stretch marks, and sagging breasts. We feel the pressure to immediately get our pre-pregnancy body back! When I’m asked how I was able to do it I simply respond, “I didn’t and I’m not mad about it!”

After carrying and birthing four babies, I have learned to celebrate and love my body unconditionally. I’ll be honest though, it took almost four pregnancies before I got to this place of self love. I finally started nourishing and moving my body from a place of love and adoration, which helped me to start enjoying my postpartum fitness journey. I changed my focus from achieving a certain weight, size, or shape to giving my body what it needed to thrive! It was this mindset shift that led to improved health, increased energy and confidence.

Here are 7 things I did that helped me develop a healthy and enjoyable lifest‌yle:

1. I took time to rest and recover. I took time to bond and enjoy my baby, while my body healed. I had a C-section with each of my pregnancies, so I was never in a rush to start exercising. Once I reached the 8 week postpartum mark, I started walking a few days a week. I started slowly, really listening to my body and only doing what it allowed. 

2. I focused on actionable goals rather than outcome goals. This means I figured out what actions I needed to take to reach my larger, long term goal. My short term goals, starting out, were to drink plenty of water daily, eat protein at every meal and snack, and to get in three, 25 minute workouts each week. By focusing on actionable goals, I felt more in control of my journey because I was in control of my actions. It also made the journey fun because it kept me from focusing on how far away I was from my pre-pregnancy size, and brought me to the present! My focus became about conquering each goal for the day, and that was doable! This also kept me focused on sustainable and healthy methods to lose the baby weight, rather than turning to quick fixes, jeopardizing my overall health to temporarily move the scale. 

3. I built a strong foundation. After a few weeks of just walking, I eased into workouts, really focusing on building stability in my core and joints. I learned the importance of this the hard way! After my third pregnancy, I made the mistake of skipping over this step and I ended up with a back injury as a result. I spent several months in physical therapy, to reverse the injury and build stability in my core. The hormonal changes and changes from pregnancy and delivery can cause joint dysfunction, especially around the pelvis, and weakness of the pelvic floor. That, combined with the separation of the abdominal muscles to allow for a growing belly, are a recipe for injury. This is why after Baylor was born, I made strengthening my core a priority. When people think core, they often think sit-ups are the best way to target it. Instead, it’s important to focus on strengthening the deepest abdominal layer, the pelvic floor, and hip stabilizing muscles.

4. I ate more protein. By increasing my protein intake, I was able to boost my metabolism significantly, helping to burn calories and fat throughout the day. It also helped to curb my hunger by balancing out weight-regulating hormones. I increased my protein intake by eating protein at every meal and snack, making sure to eat at least every 3-4 hours throughout the day. My go-to lean protein sources were grilled chicken, grass fed ground beef, beans and legumes, eggs, salmon and tuna.

5. I cut back on processed food. I tried to eat mostly whole, natural foods while limiting my intake of foods from a package. However, it was busy with four kids under six years old and I was breastfeeding a brand new baby. I definitely wasn’t prepping all my foods from scratch. To make the best choices I could, I made sure to read the ingredients list on the food labels. I would try to choose options with ingredients I could pronounce or understand, avoiding the big and unrecognizable ingredients that are more heavily processed and chemically altered.  

6. I drank a lot of water. Since I was breastfeeding Baylor, I knew I needed to drink plenty of water to keep my milk supply up. I also wanted to make sure that I was getting enough water to support my recovery from workouts, energy levels, digestion, and skin. These areas tend to suffer when I’m not getting enough. I carried around a 32 oz water bottle and refilled it several times throughout the day.

7. I showed up consistently. At the beginning of each week I took time to schedule my workouts like I would a meeting. I blocked that time off for myself. If something came up, I always made sure to reschedule my workout for another day or time. It wasn’t about being perfect in my fitness routine or diet, because I never was. There were also times I had to cut my workouts short to tend to a crying baby or needy toddler. What was important was that I kept showing up! It was the consistency that led to change.

I encourage you to celebrate and love your body for all it has done! You will be surprised at how far a little self love can take you. While you may not look or feel the way you did before having babies, I can promise you this. You are beautiful!  

How You Can Restore Your Postpartum Core
Genius At-Home Fitness Hacks for Busy Parents
10 Workouts New Moms Can Do at Home

This post originally appeared on The Lavender Lifestyle.

Ashley and Jocelyn have experienced it all being a working mom, stay-at-home mom, pregnancy fitness, postpartum fitness, fad diets, nutrition struggles, etc. Both are NASM certified personal trainers, certified nutrition coaches, and hold a B.S. in Health/Fitness management. They help women step into their power and become who they are meant to be, inside + out!

With kids home for the summer, the snacking seems to be endless (but isn’t it always?!). Finding a balance between “fun” food choices and eating healthy foods is high up on the list of daily fights we face. In particular, getting them to eat the foods known to be good for those active minds is a huge struggle (but if you’re lucky enough to have a kid that loves salmon and steamed broccoli, good for you!). For the rest of us, our kids are probably not getting the daily nutrients they need for healthy brain development. Good news: Help is on the way! Two dads who were on the same struggle bus created Brainiac® after discovering that their kids weren’t getting enough of the right brain nutrients from their daily meals.

Brainiac® Snacks are the greatest parenting hack: familiar healthy snacks kids love, powered with a blend of super nutrients for developing brains. Read on for five reasons why Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers are the solution you need to keep your kids healthy as they return to school.

Brainiac® makes snack favorites like Fruit Pouches, Bars and Yogurt packed with brain-boosting nutrients for the whole family.

Each Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezer is packed with 160mg of Omega-3 DHA/EPA, 120mg of choline and 25mg of Vitamin C, 100% of the recommended daily intake for Vitamin C for kids ages 4-8.*

1. Food for Thought: Support Memory, Focus, Learning & Attention

Some food facts coming your way: Just like we need calcium for strong bones and protein for healthy muscles, our brains need Omega-3s and choline—the key nutrients in every Brainiac snack!

  1. Omega-3 DHA: DHA is an essential building block of brain cells and makes up 15% of a child’s brain. It's critical for maintaining normal brain structure, function and metabolism. It also helps with memory formation and has been shown to improve cognition including reading performance, focus and verbal learning.
  2. Omega-3 EPA: The body doesn’t produce EPA on its own so it’s crucial we consume it through diet. Omega-3 EPA helps reduce inflammation in the brain and helps improve mood.
  3. Choline: Choline is critical in developing neurotransmitters in the brain and is shown to improve memory and learning.

Try Brainiac® today and get one Free 10-Pack when you buy a 10-Pack with this coupon at a Walmart Supercenter near you. Click here to learn more!


2. Brain Food Is Hard to Get (...Really Hard)

Chances are even if you don’t have picky eaters, your child likely isn’t getting the daily brain nutrition they need for a thriving, happy and healthy mind. That’s because these important nutrients are really only found in things like fatty fish, liver, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and eggs—a lot of the foods on kids' "yuck" list. In fact, most children in the U.S. are only getting 20% of the recommended adequate daily intake of Omega-3s and two-thirds of the recommended amount of intake of Choline (*based on guidance by the World Health Organization and National Institute of Health). 

Just one Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezer provides as much Omega-3 DHA as a kid’s serving of salmon and as much choline as two cups of broccoli. So if you have the time (and energy!) to go through the motions of cooking an entire meal we applaud you, but for all of those other days, you can now grab a Brainiac pouch!

Want to try Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers? Click here to get a free sample.


3. Portable, Healthy (Tasty) Snacks

Ever just throw a fish fillet in your bag and go? (We don’t recommend this.) Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers are not only packed with brain nutrients but also don’t have any added sugar (or low, natural sugar), have natural ingredients and are easy to throw in a bag or a lunchbox for school and take on the go for all of your summer trips or soccer games.


4. Not Just Another Squeeze Pouch

Most applesauce pouches are just smashed apples (so not the worst snack by any means, but kind of empty calories) but Brainiac pulls double duty. Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers not only provide immunity-boosting Vitamin C but they add their proprietary BrainPack to each pouch—160 MG of Omega-3 DHA/EPA and 120 MG of Choline which is the equivalent Omega-3s as one kid’s serving of salmon and the same amount of choline as two cups of broccoli.

Try Brainiac® today and get one Free 10-Pack when you buy a 10-Pack with this coupon at a Walmart Supercenter near you. Click here to learn more!


5. Doing Good for All Brainkind

Shopping for high-quality fatty fish and fresh vegetables can be expensive. Brainiac® is committed to supporting communities and making brain food accessible to all. They’ve joined forces with Partnership for a Healthier America, Michelle Obama’s non-profit organization, and a portion of all Applesauce sales are donated to PHA to help fight food inequity.

Want to try Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers? Click here to get a free sample.

*What We Eat in America, NHANES 2015-2016 (Ages 4-15), World Health Organization/UN-FAO (Daily Adequate Intake), US National Academy of Medicine (Daily Adequate Intake)



—Jamie Aderski

Struggling to get a little green on your kid’s plate? You’re not alone! Researchers at Penn State studied tactics to promote increased vegetable consumption—and what they found was surprising.

The trick? Doubling the portion of vegetables on the plate. That tactic increased veggie intake by 68%! The study involved lunch servings at childcare centers once a week for four weeks. 67 children from ages three to five participated and received broccoli and corn, along with classic preschool favorites like fish sticks, rice and ketchup. Researchers weighed the meals to determine intake and served the vegetables plain, or enhanced with butter and salt. They also varied the veggie portion to be a regular size or double size.

Surprisingly, adding “enhancements” did nothing to affect vegetable consumption. When asked to rate the taste, preschoolers had a similar liking for both plain and enhanced versions of the broccoli and corn. They also ate just as much of the rest of their meal with a double veggie portion, as opposed to a regular portion.

“It’s important to serve your kids a lot of vegetables, but it’s also important to serve them ones they like because they have to compete with the other foods on the plate,” said Barbara Rolls, Helen A. Guthrie Chair and director of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior at Penn State. “Parents can ease into this by gradually exposing kids to new vegetables, cooking them in a way their child enjoys, and experimenting with different flavors and seasonings as you familiarize them.”

So the next time you’re cooking dinner, put a little extra scoop of the vegetable on your kid’s plate and see what happens!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Naomi Shi/Pexels



The 5 Golden Rules of a Healthy School Lunch

Showing yourself some self-love can go a long way in strengthening your mental and emotional health and peace of mind. Here are six ways to practice self-love daily:

1. Realize That Self-Care Is Not Selfish
Say it with me: self-care is not selfish. It is you taking care of your basic needs and rights as a human being. It is about doing the little things that bring you joy and promote peace within you. None of us can pour from an empty cup.

2. Forgive Yourself for past Mistakes
Sometimes we carry the weight of our past decisions and actions into our present. While thinking about the past is important to give us clarity and perspective, it’s important not to beat ourselves up. Today is always a chance to do better and to learn from mistakes, not to dwell in regret. Be kind to yourself.

3. Give Yourself Permission to Feel Any Emotion 
Every day we will feel many different emotions. It’s ok to not feel ok, as they say. Allow your negative emotions to pass over and through you without guilt and the need to be “happy” all the time. Realize that feeling any and all of your emotions is a normal part of being human.

4. Limit News & Social Media
While it’s certainly important to know what’s happening in the world, there is such a thing as too much information. We are inundated daily by news reports and everyone else’s opinion about all of it. Try to limit your intake to a reasonable amount per day and maybe even consider taking one day per week to detox completely from media.

5. Declutter Your Space 
Sometimes we let clutter take over without even realizing it. Many times physical clutter can represent mental clutter. When we take the time to declutter our space, it contributes to mental decluttering and a more relaxed atmosphere.

6. Get Out in Nature
Humans are not meant to be cooped up all day. Do yourself a favor and get outside for fresh air even if it means just standing on your front porch. Fresh air, sunshine, and greenery go a long way in perking up your mood!



This post originally appeared on The Haute Mommy Handbook.

Jen Kathrina-Anne is a blogger, freelance writer, and graphic designer. When she’s not writing or designing, she enjoys spending time outdoors in the California Bay Area where she resides with her husband and two fearless daughters. Find her at


An apple a day may do more than just keep the doctor away. That is, if you add another apple and three serving of veggies!

According to recent research published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation, eating two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables daily may prolong your life.

Photo: Rachel Claire via Pexels

The study included data from almost two million adults across the globe. The 1.9 million participants hailed from 29 countries and territories in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. An analysis of the data showed an association between longevity and eating two servings of fruit and two of veggies every day.

Even though the combined five servings extended the overall lifespan, no evidence was found that eating more fruits and vegetables could or would have an additional impact.

Lead study author Dong D. Wang, M.D., Sc.D., an epidemiologist, nutritionist and a member of the medical faculty at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston said, “While groups like the American Heart Association recommend four to five servings each of fruits and vegetables daily, consumers likely get inconsistent messages about what defines optimal daily intake of fruits and vegetables such as the recommended amount, and which foods to include and avoid.”

Wang added insight into the research, noting, “This amount likely offers the most benefit in terms of prevention of major chronic disease and is a relatively achievable intake for the general public.”

If you’re wondering what types of fruits and veggies to eat, Wang cautions adults that these would-be healthy foods aren’t all equal, “We also found that not all fruits and vegetables offer the same degree of benefit, even though current dietary recommendations generally treat all types of fruits and vegetables, including starchy vegetables, fruit juices and potatoes, the same.”

—Erica Loop



Here’s What Science Has to Say about Exercise, Pregnancy & Your Kiddo’s Health

Can Dogs & Kids Sync Up Their Behaviors? New Study Has Answers

New Health & Safety Innovations for Babies & Toddlers


Since a child’s gut and immune system is always adapting we can help our children to develop a healthy response to viruses and other infections that they encounter. We asked the expert, Glaudia Galate, Functional Nutritionist, and busy mom who believes healthy eating should be simple and enjoyable. See what sources of food she recommends to support our kids’ immune systems. Enjoy also lunchbox ideas we curated from the community to help you get started!

Sources of Food to Support the Immune System

Most micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and fatty acids, have a role to play in building a healthy immune response and this is why a varied diet bursting with lots of fresh fruits, veggies, salads, herbs, spices, pulses, nuts, seeds, poultry, meat, and fish really do count.

Whatever the food you get, you want to make sure that they are loaded with Vitamin D, C and Zinc, and Selenium this season.

Vitamin D: Because your kids may have spent more time inside than normal, even during the summer. Vitamine D is modulating immune cells in the body, bone health, cell growth, and more.

The best sources of vitamin D: 5-30 minutes of sun exposure at least twice per week (over 100 percent of daily value), Cod Liver Oil, fish like wild-caught salmon, Mackerel, tuna, sardine, beef liver, egg. Pro Tip: Go for a daily walk and play outside for at least 20 minutes to maximize your vitamin D intake.

Vitamin C: Helps both with wound healing and fights infections effectively.

The best sources of vitamin C: Black currants, kiwi, bell peppers, leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, parsley. Berries (all types, including strawberries, camu, acai, etc.). Pro Tip: Squeezing lemon or lime juice onto foods will also give you a bit of vitamin C.

Zinc: Helps the kids’ learning, growth, and immunity. Interestingly zinc is also important for a healthy sense of smell and taste and we often find that the “fussy eaters” are low in zinc and when you boost this up they are more interested in trying a wider variety of foods, and their appetite improves. Most zinc comes from animal products.

The best sources of zinc: Beef, fish, oysters, crab, beans, lentils, pumpkins seeds, cashews, egg. Pro Tip: You can maximize your kid’s zinc intake (around 5 mg per day) via a whole beef burger or through a few meatballs. A half a can of baked beans is around 3 mg.

Selenium: Benefits immunity because it is needed for the proper functioning of the immune system and can also be a key nutrient in counteracting the development of viruses. It’s also a powerful antioxidant.

The best sources of selenium: Brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna, cod, and sunflower seeds. Pro Tip: A single Brazil nut will provide more than enough selenium for kids per day.

If you want more ideas and tips to boost your immune system don’t hesitate in contacting Glaudia. Also, always ask a physician or health care provider before giving any supplements.

How to Boost Your Kid’s Immune System through Food

Start with simple food ideas that kids will respond to like pomegranate seeds, plums, nectarines, yellow or orange peppers, or purple carrots, and sweet potatoes. Try to introduce your child to one new food ingredient every week at home – pop something a bit novel and exciting in your shopping trolley and they might surprise you and like it. If they don’t like a food straight away, then don’t fret as you can try again another day or serve it in another way.

You can also visit and discover daily lunchbox ideas from other parents, who, like you, want to add new foods and new textures to their kid’s lunches. You can explore various food combinations by searching for the ingredients you like on

Photo: Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

This post originally appeared on Teuko Blog.

Teuko is the first platform that empowers families to simplify lunch packing. Using Teuko, they can find and share kid-approved lunchbox ideas, recipes, and tips, all in one place. Teuko is transforming the lunch packing experience by boosting inspiration and motivation week after week. 

As we all focus every day on what food our kids will be likely to eat, do we really know what they actually need in their lunches to grow healthy and happy? We gathered for you some valuable tips with the help of Claire Bladier, a professional in nutrition research who collaborated with experts from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in packing nutritious lunches, here are some ideas to take your lunchbox to the next nutritious level.

Why do we need to watch our kid’s nutritional intake?
Filling our kids and teenagers with the nutrients they need helps them grow and prevents health issues when adults. It is also during childhood that certain behaviors and habits are acquired, which will be maintained throughout the individual’s life.

ANSES’s experts identified inadequate nutrient intakes for children regarding certain nutrients such as calcium and iron.

Around 57% of boys 13-15 years old and 80% of girls 16-17 years old are at risk of calcium deficiency
Around 25% of girls 13-17 years old are at risk of iron deficiency.

(Source: ANSES, June 2019)

These two nutrients are essential to help our kids grow healthy. Below are growth-supporting foods to favor in the lunchbox starting today!

How to Get More Calcium
Calcium is important for strong bones, as well as for the healthy functioning of nerves, muscles, and heart. Growing children need about 3 servings of calcium every day.

Where to find calcium? Milk and dairy products like yogurts and cheeses are first in line to provide your kids with their daily intake. Think of other dietary sources of calcium for children who consume few dairy products: leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage, lettuce…), pulses (beans, peas, lentils…), seeds (fennel, sesame, chia…), and certain mineral waters.

(visual on calcium deficiency numbers)

Food Tip: Foods rich in vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, such as fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and herring), liver, eggs, vegetable fat like margarine).

How to Get More Iron
Iron helps move oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and helps muscles store and use oxygen. To keep your child’s growth and development on track, offer iron-rich foods at meals and snacks.

Where to find iron? Favor meat, fish, or eggs to provide daily intakes. Other sources of iron are wholegrain bread, pulses, nuts, and dried fruits.

(visual on iron deficiency numbers)

Food Tip: Foods rich in vitamin C such as blackcurrant, strawberries, oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, pepper, can help absorb more iron.

Keep an Eye on Sugar Consumption
ANSES warns about excess sugar intakes, in particular for younger children. The experts identified two priority levers to reduce these excess sugar intakes: sugar-sweetened beverages (cold non-alcoholic beverages and fruit juice) and pastries/biscuits/cakes. Frequently offered as afternoon snacks, these items can be replaced with foods lower in sugar such as plain dairy products, fresh fruits, nuts, and water.

Ready to take your lunchbox to the next level? Find lunchbox ideas that will help you maximize your kids’ intakes in growth-supporting foods by searching Teuko today!

Photo: Hal Gatewood via Unsplash

This post originally appeared on Teuko Blog.

Teuko is the first platform that empowers families to simplify lunch packing. Using Teuko, they can find and share kid-approved lunchbox ideas, recipes, and tips, all in one place. Teuko is transforming the lunch packing experience by boosting inspiration and motivation week after week. 

Whether it’s your kids’ sugar intake you’re looking to minimize or your own, the new Nestlé Tollhouse Mini Ice Cream Sandwiches are the perfect solution.

These miniature versions of Nestlé’s regular ice cream sandwich feature vanilla-flavored frozen dairy dessert between two thick, chewy chocolate chip cookies. They are perfect for a small treat when you’re craving something sweet without overdoing it.

photo: Courtesy of Nestlé Tollhouse

Each box comes packed with 12 mini ice cream sandwiches just right for a bite-sized snack. Toll House Mini Vanilla Sandwiches will be available at most major grocery stores and mass merchandisers in the coming months.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



You Can Eat This New Nestlé Funfetti Edible Cookie Dough Right Out of the Tub

Easter Egg OREO Cookies Are Coming Back to Fill Your Baskets

Pepperidge Farm Goes Gluten Free with 2 New Cookies

Photo: Made by Fressko

Moms will be ready to travel with kids in tow or travel solo in style with these must-haves to get you from take-off to smooth landing.

1. Cori Traveller knows that moms on the move already have their hands full, trying to keep an eye on their kiddos in busy airports, watching over everyone’s luggage, and being sure everyone’s documents are in order. That’s why these fully adjustable neck pillows come with a handy loop for attaching to carabiners or straps, ensuring you never lose the pillow and giving moms the most comfortable rest they can get while trying to sleep sitting up on a plane or in a car. 

2. Traveling is fun but is dehydrating. These Made by Fressko tea and fruit-infused water bottles are sleek, stylish and sustainable and give mom a helping hand to reach her daily water intake. Each comes with a removable infuser that is perfect for hot or cold tea or creating delicious infused water. 

3. Solve the earbud tangle drama moms know too well with Lasso. This smart product is easy to use, accommodates earbuds, charger cords, necklaces and, as a bonus, Lasso can be used to store rings and small earrings inside the barrel. Lasso easily fits inside purses and travel bags, is shatterproof, and BPA-free. 

4. Winter wear usually means hot and sweaty but not anymore. Stay chic and sweat-free with these clever Thompson Tees. These undershirts have patented, sweatproof technology, have no chemical treatments, and are machine washer and dryer safe.

5. Moms are often expected to have the fix to everything at their fingertips—and that’s never truer than when the family is on a trip. With the Geekey, it’s now literally possible. It’s 16 tools in one but still barely bigger than a house key. 

6. Are your kicks looking a little dingy, or are your once white soles now gray? SneakERASERS’ pre-moistened sponges are designed for on-the-go touch-ups. Now you can quickly and easily remove those impossible scuff marks, grime, and smudges from soles and rubber logos without the need for messy applicators, brushes or sprays. SneakERASERS’ unique composition of sponge and shammy is created with an all-natural cleaning formula. The white side of the sponge works great on smooth uppers and logos, while the orange shammy side wipes away residue and gives you an excellent grip. SneakERASERS come in small, individually wrapped packaging that will fit in even the smallest travel bag. 

7. Keep your lips moisturized and refreshed with lip balm from FOUR: Organics. They use a special blend of four 100% organic ingredients, Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Peppermint Oil help you pamper your lips. 

8. Sleeping while traveling is hard but that doesn’t mean you have to look like you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. With the Celestial Silk pillowcase you can say goodbye to creases on your face and any sort of plane/train/car bed head. 

Allyson is a mom of two and has more than a decade of experience working in both television news and public relations. From national television shows to top newspapers, Allyson has worked around the world including a travel magazine in London, England, Phoenix TV and local hospital and healthcare association.