It’s hard to believe that little one, who used to fit snugly in the crook of your arm, is finally ready for kindergarten… or are they? Maybe you should wait another year? After all, what is the right kindergarten age? Especially since the practice of “redshirting” kids—giving them an extra year before starting kindergarten (making them one of the oldest as opposed to the youngest)—has risen in popularity. But like most trends in the parenting world, it leaves parents wondering if it is a good idea. That’s why we looked at the studies and asked experts to weigh in on what is the right age to start kindergarten. Here’s what we found.

Getting Kids Started in Kindergarten

The preschool years are over and it’s time to start kindergarten. But where do parents start? Where we do with all things—online and by asking other parents. Now is the time to check out your local school’s website or find and join parent Facebook pages or other social media accounts associated with the school. Other suggestions include talking to parents with older kids and asking your preschool teacher about local schools and expectations. There are lots of resources out there for parents with inquiring minds.

Kindergarten First-Year Enrollment

Although kindergarten enrollment varies from state to state, parents can expect to encounter some similar requirements no matter where they live. Here are a few universals:

  • In most states, kids must turn five years old by a certain date, usually September 1.
  • Many schools require kids to have certain vaccinations before starting school; check with your district about specific requirements.
  • Most will ask for proof of residence. A utility bill or other piece of mail works fine.
  • You may be asked to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate to enroll.

What Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten?

Although the curriculum varies from district to district across the country, parents can count their kindergartners learning the alphabet, sight words, phonics, and basic sentence structure as part of Language Arts. Math covers basics like number recognition, counting, addition and subtraction, measurement, and basic geometry. Additionally, hands-on activities and play-based learning help kids learn about real-world concepts like weather, plants, and animals. But many would say the most important things kids learn in kindergarten support their social-emotional growth (or soft skills) like building relationships, solving conflicts, and developing empathy and self-awareness.

What is the difference between Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Transitional to Elementary School (TES)?

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a two-year public school program designed for kids who turn 5 between September 2 and December 2 of the school year. It provides an additional year of instruction, focused on developing social-emotional skills, language and literacy, math, and physical development, to support kids who may not be ready for kindergarten.

Transitional to Elementary School (TES) is a program offered by preschools or childcare centers to prepare children for kindergarten. It typically focuses on language and literacy, math, social-emotional development, and basic self-help skills so kids can successfully transition to the academic and social expectations of kindergarten.

Related: How to Help Your Child Transition to Kindergarten Like a Pro

Pros of Delaying Kindergarten

three kids who are kindergarten age draw at a table with markers in the classroom

Your kid will (probably) be more willing to sit still if given an extra year.

Whether or not your five-year-old will sit still during circle time or stay on task at writing centers (or at home) may depend on their age, since younger children generally have a harder time doing both. Studies have shown that kids are often misdiagnosed with behavior problems in kindergarten when in fact, the behaviors are just a matter of being younger than classmates. And, according to this Stanford University study, children who wait a year to enroll have significantly lower levels of inattention and hyperactivity—with results continuing even at age 11.

Your kid may be misdiagnosed with ADHD if they start too early.

All those wiggles in the classroom may have some unintended consequences for kids regarding the right age to start kindergarten. A 2018 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that kids who turned five the month before starting kindergarten were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than those who started the month that they turned six. "Our findings suggest the possibility that large numbers of kids are being overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD because they happen to be relatively immature compared to their older classmates in the early years of elementary school," said study author Timothy Layton, an assistant professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, in this article for Education Week

An older child will probably have an easier time saying goodbye to you.

Younger kids—especially those who haven’t attended a preschool program—may have a tougher time saying goodbye in the morning (and we all know how hard it is to leave a tearful tot at drop-off). Giving your child more time to become independent may help her let go when it’s time for the school day to start. with the in-home model of learning most schools will use this year, it may be challenging to start a drop-off situation mid-year should children resume in-class learning. 

Their fine motor skills will be more developed.

Older kids usually have an easier time with fine motor activities (holding a pencil and using scissors, for instance). Doing these things can help build confidence and make a kid more excited about their accomplishments at school.

They have more time to be kids; you have more time with them.

Waiting to start formal schooling gives kids more time to be kids, to enjoy a more leisurely day, and to play freely (which, studies have suggested may be more valuable than academics for young children). Delaying kindergarten also gives you one more year with your child. If you're lucky enough to be home with your kiddo, you'll be glad you got that time.

Related: What Redshirting My Son Taught Me about Time

Cons of Delaying Kindergarten

a kindergarten age boy plays with friends building with colorful blocks

An older child may be taller than their classmates; that matters (especially in middle school).

You may not be thinking about the teen years yet, but let’s not forget: A child who is the oldest kid in kindergarten will also be the oldest in her middle school grade—and that’s no small thing, especially when puberty hits.

They may be bored (and consequently misbehave).

This study has suggested that kids who delayed kindergarten were twice as likely to drop out of high school. Researchers think this is because they reach adult age sooner, which is when kids are legally allowed to quit school on their own (most state laws require kids to stay in school until at least age 17).

That extra year may be expensive.

If you’re a working parent, delaying kindergarten means another year of paying for childcare or preschool. And, with the average cost of preschool as high as more than $10,000 per year in some states (according to this study from the Economic Policy Institute), it’s an expensive wait.

They may not find peers on their level (initially).

A year can make a big difference when you’re only still in your first decade of life. This means a calm, more introverted six-year-old may have trouble finding like-minded peers in a kindergarten class full of rowdy five-year-olds.

It may not matter in the long run.

Despite conflicting research and strong opinions on both sides, it is still unclear whether “redshirting” makes any difference in the long run. Some studies even suggest that, whether your child starts school a year early or a year late, it all levels out by the middle school years.

Related: 16 First Day of School Picture Ideas to Start the Year Off Right

So… Now What?

With all that information,  you’re probably still wondering: What is the right age to start kindergarten? The answer: Both. It depends on the kid.

“Kids should be with developmental age peers as much as possible since kindergarten builds not just academics but social skills, too,” said Deanna Lapen, a Los Angeles-based school psychologist and former kindergarten teacher. “With that being said, every child is an individual. Parents should think about why they would consider redshirting.”

Lapen said parents should talk with their child’s preschool teacher (if applicable) as well as look at the kindergarten curriculum for whatever school their child might attend. Then ask: “Is the upcoming kindergarten class a place where the child will thrive socially and academically?”

If so, don’t delay. And, as always—trust your instincts.

Your child says, “I’m hungry,” and you grab them a snack. They say “I’m bored,” and you find a way to entertain them. But when should the butler treatment end? When is it time to teach your child how to be self-sufficient and let them do things for themselves?

Believe it or not—now is as good a time as any! Your two-year-old can help you do the laundry; your 6-year-old can brush her teeth; and your 10-year-old can hang out alone at home while you walk the dog. And, no matter how desperately they cry, “Watch me!” young kids don’t always need you right there next to them (being just nearby is just fine).

“What you’re really trying to do is get the child to learn how to make decisions and take control over the things they can have control over,” said Dr. Michael Ungar, director of the Resilience Research Center and the author of We Generation: Raising Socially Responsible Kids. “What you really want is a child who can make a contribution to their family, who can navigate their community, who can problem solve.”

We created an age-by-age guide that ranges from letting your toddler help with household chores to giving your tween tech time to help you figure out the right time to give your kids that much-needed independence. Here’s what the experts say.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 0 to 2

Don’t worry: You won’t need to start nudging your one-year-old out of the nest. According to Los Angeles child psychiatrist Patrick Kelly, it’s the opposite: the stronger the attachment between parents and their babies, the more comfortable those kids will be doing things independently as they grow. That said, there are a few “big kid” things your tiny tot can start learning at this age:

Feeding and Dressing Themselves – According to Los Angeles pediatrician Amin Davari, simple things like allowing older infants to feed themselves age-appropriate foods and letting young children dress themselves give kids “minor struggles and successes” that help them learn how to be self-sufficient and build skills and confidence.

Swim Lessons – The AAP recently changed its guidelines to say that kids should start swimming lessons at age one. Although swim lessons will never make a child “drown proof,” lessons between the ages of one to four years have been shown to reduce drowning risk, according to the AAP.

Sign Language – Just because your baby can’t talk doesn’t mean she’s not trying to tell you something. Advocates say teaching babies and toddlers basic signs (things like “eat,” “more” and “milk”) can increase confidence in both the kids and their caregivers, helping little ones who can’t yet speak get their needs met. Taking a class can mean a fun social outing for Mom or Dad—though you can also learn from home.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 2 to 4

chores are a good way to teach toddlers how to be self-sufficient


At this age, kids are ready—and willing!—to take on some responsibility around the house. You’ll know the time is right when you see them start pretending to do grown-up things, like playing “family” or play-driving the car when they’re in the push car. Take advantage of this need now by giving them:

Simple Household Chores – Give them a broom or a dustpan, and let them help you sweep the kitchen floor. You’d be surprised how willingly kids this age will want to help you clean. If you’re lucky, the habit will continue into their later years. Other simple household chores suitable for two-to three-year-olds, according to The Montessori Notebook are:

    • Help pack their backpack
    • Brushing/feeding the dog (just let it go when they make a mess!)
    • Helping make the bed (at four, kids should be able to at least pull up a duvet by themselves)
    • Placing clothing in the laundry and pushing the buttons you point to

Solo Playtime – As long as you’ve created a safe space to play, at this age most kids are generally past the swallowing-small-objects phase and can happily play by themselves for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. If your child is reluctant to play alone, just agree to be nearby, but set up toys with which they can play solo.

“Reading” Time – Your child doesn’t need to know how to read to get lost in a world of books. Give kids a stack of picture books and let them have at it. If they want to hear stories read out loud—but you still want them to be on their own—we love the Yoto player, a simple speaker designed for kids ages three and up that allows kids to insert small cards to read popular stories aloud.

Pick What they Wear – Something as simple as choosing their clothes can make a child feel incredibly independent, says Dr. Ungar. “Three-year-olds can’t negotiate their bedtimes, but they can decide to wear green pajamas or blue pajamas. The trick seems to be to find these ways that the child can make a genuine contribution.”

Use a Balance Bike – Kids may not be ready for a two-wheeler at age two… but a balance bike is an easy go-to! “Once a child can confidently walk around the house, they can start walking with a balance bike between their legs,” says Schwinn spokesperson Ryan Berkicht. “This could be as soon as 18 months old for some kids.”

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 4 to 6

Gross motor skills are advancing quickly at this age, too, so your kids should be ready for fun things like climbing on a play structure (without you constantly spotting), and using the “big kid swing” all by themselves. And while these may seem like ordinary childhood milestones, all of these accomplishments help them learn how to be self-sufficient and instill huge amounts of confidence. So cheer your kids on as they:

Brush Their Teeth: While most dentists advise that you keep assisting with their pearly whites until age 7, your kids should know how to brush their teeth all on their teeth by age 5 or 6—with you nearby to make sure there’s actual brushing going on (as opposed to just holding the electric toothbrush in their mouths while the motor revs). A good compromise is to let your kids do the morning brush and you can brush their teeth in the evening.

Use a Microwave with Supervision – Not only does using the microwave buttons help reinforce number recognition, but it also makes kids feel like real big kids. Teach your kids what can and can’t go in the microwave, and let them push the buttons and press “start” all on their own.

Ride a Two-Wheeler – Sure, some kids are ready for a two-wheeler at three years old—and some five-year-olds want nothing to do with a bike—but experts say age 5 or 6 is a good target age for getting a kid on her first two-wheeler. If they’ve been riding a balance bike or a bike with training wheels, they should be able to transition easily.

Have Drop-Off Play Dates – According to the AAP, kids around ages 5 and 6 are developmentally ready to be dropped off for play dates. Got a child who’s nervous about it? It might help to have the playdates at your house, where you can step away—but not out.

Day Camp – Since this is the age when kids start preschool or kindergarten, they’re also usually ready for day camp at this age, too. If your kids don’t seem uber-enthusiastic about camp, try to keep the camp schedule similar to their school schedule (if your child attends a half-day school, for instance, start with a half-day camp).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 6 to 8

dad teaching son how to be self sufficient


By this age, kids have started kindergarten and are usually happy to do anything that makes them feel grown-up and competent. So watch them closely for opportunities to teach them how to be self-sufficient—while also keeping them safe (for instance, let them ride a bike up and down your street, but make them wear a helmet). Here are some things kids are ready to do by this age:

Help You Prepare Dinner – According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, children ages 6 to 8 are ready to:

  • Use a peeler to peel raw potatoes, ginger, mangoes, and other washed fruits and vegetables
  • Break eggs into a bowl (and remember to wash hands afterward)
  • Scoop out avocados after being sliced in half by an adult
  • Snap green beans
  • Shuck corn and rinse before cooking
  • Rinse and cut parsley or green onions with clean, blunt kitchen scissors

Take a Bath By Themselves – According to this article in the National Library of Medicine, most children can take a bath by themselves (i.e., without you sitting by the tub) by age 6. We recommend parents still stay within earshot and keep baths short enough that kids don’t get tired or rowdy in the bathtub by themselves.

Tie Their Shoes (with you supervising) – By age 6 or 7, most kids have the fine motor skills to attempt this surprisingly complex set of movements, according to Carolina Therapy Connection. You’ll know your child is ready to tie their shoes when they’re able to easily cut paper with scissors, string beads, or button and unbutton buttons.

Use a Computer to Browse the Internet – Experts recommend supervising children’s internet use at this age: If you’re not able to be there watching, you can use a filtering device like the Circle, which lets you dictate what apps and websites kids can and can’t visit online (as well as setting up bedtimes and screen time limits); or try a web filtering program like Microsoft Edge Kids Mode, which keeps your kids from seeing anything inappropriate online and lets you customize their web experience (it also prevents them from exiting the kid-safe browser to explore other apps on the computer).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 8 to 10

Older kids are ready for adventure! Now’s the time to loosen the reins and let them chart their course a little bit. By this age, your child might be ready to:

Have a Sleepover – Around this age, they may be ready—as long as they can sleep through the night, no problem. That said, before you send your kids to another person’s home for the night, they must understand body boundaries and inappropriate touching. “I do think it’s a great time to start teaching kids about appropriate touches and that we’re the boss of our bodies and we’re the boss of our private parts,” writes child abuse prevention expert Pattie Fitzgerald. She also urged parents to talk to the host parents so they’ll know exactly who will be supervising and whether there will be older kids (such as teenage-aged siblings) or extended family in the home. The answer to these questions may well alter your decision to say “yes,” as parents should have a strong baseline of trust with the hosts.

Note: Some experts believe children (and their parents!) aren’t ready for sleepovers until the age of 10 and up.

Go to Overnight Camp – As long as your child can shower, doesn’t wet the bed, and has shown no problems spending the night at friends’ or relatives’ homes, they’re probably ready for sleepaway camp. While many overnight camps offer programs for kids as young as six or seven, the American Camp Association gives age nine as the target age for kids to start the summer camp journey. Some camps offer one-week “starter” programs for reluctant or nervous campers.

Walk to School by Themselves (Under Certain Conditions) – The AAP says elementary school-aged kids can walk to school by themselves, provided the walk is short, the neighborhood is safe, and there are school crossing guards stationed at any intersections. If there are non-guarded streets or you live in a city, waiting until age 12 is better.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 10 and Up

tween girl at home with smartphone

Tweens are all about breaking free and taking risks. Your job is to let them experiment with autonomy while still making sure they’ve got set limits to keep them safe. By age 10, kids can:

Be Left At Home for a Short Time – The laws vary on this, with some states like Oregon and Tennessee giving home-alone privileges to 10-year-olds and states like Colorado and Delaware saying 12 is a better age to start this. This Washington Post article gives state-by-state guidelines on the regulations, but it’s a good idea to check with your state’s Family or Child Services Department to be sure.

In any case, before you leave your kids home alone—even for a short time—it’s important that they know what to do in case of emergency and what your expectations are should unexpected things happen (like someone knocking on the door or a friend stopping by unannounced). The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that parents ask themselves these questions before leaving kids alone:

  • Is your child physically and mentally able to care for him or herself? ƒ
  • Does your child obey rules and make good decisions? ƒ
  • How does your child respond to unfamiliar or stressful situations? ƒ
  • Does your child feel comfortable or fearful about being home alone?

If you’re leaving for more than an hour, it’s best to wait to take your children. And experts say it’s not a good idea to let kids this age babysit younger children while no parents are home.

For more advice and tips, see this handout from the DHH.

Ride a Bike to School – It’s hard to find any specific laws about kids riding bikes to school, but the American Academy of Pediatrics says that by late elementary school, most kids can safely do this, provided the route is short and the roads safe. Before your child starts riding to school, make sure you practice the route with them (several times!) and go over what to do if unexpected things arise, such as a fall or a flat tire. If it makes you feel better, have your child wear a GPS watch or other tracking device to alert you when she gets to school safely.

Of course, you should always make sure your kids wear a good-fitting helmet and try to enlist a friend to ride along, to ensure both kids get there safely.

Related: 10 Tracking Devices Perfect for Families

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 12 and Up

This is it. The bridge to the young adult years. Kids in this final stretch to the teens are longing to break free, so the trick is to let them feel independent and learn how to be self-sufficient while encouraging them to make responsible choices. Here are some things they’re ready to do now:

Have Their Own Cell Phone – While many argue that cell phones should wait until high school, middle schoolers can have a phone, provided it is monitored and filtered by the parents. Before you give your child a phone, have them sign a technology agreement that lays out the rules—for instance, no cell phones should be allowed in your child’s room overnight, and your child should know that you will read and monitor her messages. To keep your kids off inappropriate or dangerous apps and sites, use apps and programs like Screentime (for iPhones), Circle, or Securly.

Babysit Younger Children – There are no real legal restrictions for babysitting (except in states that have laws on when kids can be left alone), but the Red Cross doesn’t allow kids to take its babysitting course until age 11. By 12, kids should be able to babysit with a grown-up present in the house (or for short times when a grown-up leaves the house); by 14, they can usually babysit younger children on their own. When it comes to an older sibling watching the younger kids in the house, parents need to ask themselves whether their oldest is mature enough and responsible enough to handle the task. If there are any doubts, skip it.

Be Dropped Off in a Public Place with Friends – As long as your child agrees to stay with the group and you’ve talked about uncomfortable situations (if a stranger talks to them or if other kids are experimenting with drugs or alcohol), most experts agree that by middle school—or around age 13—kids can be dropped off at public place (like a movie theater or mall) for a few hours as long as they are in a group and you are leaving them in a safe location. This depends, of course, on your child’s level of maturity, your city’s crime rate, and whether you trust them to make good decisions.

Note: Check with your state laws before letting your teen go to certain places solo: Some states, such as Minnesota and Delaware, do not permit children under 16 to be in certain malls without adult supervision, according to this article.  


If you’ve been putting off the day when you clear the clutter from your kids’ room, it’s time to take action. Tackle your kids’ bedroom or playroom—the spaces that require daily work to keep clean—with a real plan of attack. We asked the experts to weigh in and offer tips on how to clear the clutter and keep things organized (for real). From prepping for the big day to what you need to toss out, here’s our guide on how to clean out your kids’ room.

How to Prep for the Day You Clear the Clutter

1. Make a plan.

you need a plan to clear the clutter

A good way to start is to identify what you want to accomplish while cleaning. Are there a lot of old toys that can be given away to a friend or sold at a garage sale? Does your kid need more space for books? Write down the tasks you want to tackle, and you’ll feel better about the job.

2. Start where you are.
It’s the secret motivational boost for what can feel like a daunting task. As contributor Jennifer Landis recommends, any spring-cleaning project should start with one room, and look—you’ve got your kid’s room already picked out. Whether you tackle an all-purpose bedroom or have a designated playroom, grab your “to keep,” “to donate,” and “to toss” bags, and get going!

3. Move out.
If it’s been a while since you’ve vacuumed under that epic fort in the corner, it’s time to move things around—or at least to the middle of the room. It’s not only the best way to clean out nooks and crannies, but you’ll be more mindful of what you bring back in.

Related: The Secrets Professional Organizers Use to Stay Sane & Clutter-Free

What to Toss While You’re Cleaning

1. Random tiny toys.

Nik via Unsplash


All those little plastic toys your kids get while cruising the petite party circuit? If it hasn’t found a place of honor in your kid’s play rotation yet, toss it.

2. The last of the baby gear.
Do you still have a nursing pillow in the closet? How about an activity gym or a Bumbo seat? If you’re done adding to your family, it may finally be time to pass these on to newer mamas or donate to those in need. And upcycle! Add flair to formula or diaper wipe containers for extra storage or paint those baby food containers for a color wheel crayon organizing system. Check out more clever ways to upcycle old baby gear.

3. Anything broken.
No matter what project you’ve undertaken, little feels better than being on a roll, so start with easy toss-ables, such as anything broken. That play purse that lost its handle. Those three missing parts that don’t add up to anything. Crayon stubs you know you’ll never melt into little DIY gifts. Clear all that clutter and enjoy the immediate breathing room.

4. Stuffies that aren’t lovies.
We’ll admit it, this one is going to be a battle, but if your little hoarder is old enough to rise to the task without suddenly growing inseparable from each stuffie you attempt to discard, then this presents a wonderful opportunity to donate those in good condition.

5. Too-tiny clothes and shoes.
Kids grow fast in the early years. Before we know it, the pants are too short and the shoes are tight. Take honest stock of what your kid wears (oftentimes it’s a few favorite outfits), and purge what’s outgrown, stained, or simply not your kid’s style. You can even go the capsule wardrobe route, check out our tips on how to make it happen here.

6. Odd socks. 
It’s a mystery as to where they all go, but we do know that socks love to disappear. Accept the fact that, for some reason, they’re gone, and toss the solo sock. You’ll have more space in your drawers and it’ll make laundry day much more pleasant.

7. The endless piles of paper.
Royal crowns from birthdays gone by? Notebooks long ago scribbled in? Coloring books of yesteryear? How about all those school Valentines or party favors? Take a quick flip through for anything indicative of early artistic genius, then recycle, recycle, recycle.

8. Outdated wall decor
Have you changed your preschooler’s wall art since you set up the nursery? Every few years, it’s nice to switch things up. If you’re still planning to add to your family, put the sweet baby giraffe print in storage with the Rock ‘n’ Play, and update the walls. Etsy has thousands of affordable printables, or you can clear wall space for an educational mural from Wallsauce. Here are other great ways to design a kids’ room that grows with them.

9. Ripped, broken books and board books (if your kids are beyond the baby stage).
Like little bodies outgrow clothes, big minds and imaginations outgrow books. If your bookworm’s shelves are bursting, it’s time to save a few sentimental titles and donate the rest.

How to Keep It Clean After You Clear the Clutter

1. Pick up regularly.

Now that most of the hard work is over, save time in the future by going through this clean-up process regularly, especially after birthdays and holidays, as NEAT Method recommends. Read on for other great pro tips and secrets to organizing success from moms.

2. Don’t micromanage the small stuff.
Toys and parts often migrate under the couch, appear underfoot, and end up right on your last nerve. While these Shopkins and snap-ins may be tiny, they need a big home. Rather than spend time every day re-assigning them to individual containers, consider one big bin or this fun Swoop Bag, which also works wonders for LEGO, train sets, and play food. The best part? Clean-up is a cinch, even for mini-mess makers.

3. Don’t go overboard on storage.
It’s a little counterintuitive, but hear us out. We are all for stylish, sensible ways to organize—and storage solutions are certainly keys to a clean room—but any additional containers are bound to fill up. Work with what you have to minimize excess—the answer isn’t always to store it.

4. Save the sentimental stuff.
Parents, we are one of the biggest reasons it’s so hard to clear out what our kids have outgrown—physically and developmentally. It’s emotional! We remember when he walked off to his first day of kindergarten in that sweatshirt or that toy dinosaur she carried everywhere for a year. Select choice pieces for cool and surprising ways to repurpose the sentimental stuff.

5. Upcycle “new” toys.
With everything streamlined, the last thing you or your budget want to do is rush to fill it up with new stuff. The next time the kids beg for the latest, get creative! Sand-filled juice boxes make for awesome stacking blocks and corks morph into stamps. There are loads of great reasons why you should be upcycling anyway.

6. Use the “out of sight, out of mind” method. Have a place to stash the toys they haven’t played with in a while and give yourself a time limit. If the time has passed and no one has asked for it, you can donate or toss it. Get more on how to make this work here.

7. Let (some) clutter go.
At the end of the day, it’s a kid’s room. It should look like a kid lives, plays, and imagines there, which means extra stuff is sometimes just part of the fun, messy wonder of it all. So relax, and remember that the next time clutter accumulates.

These coloring pages, color-by-number printables, mad libs, printable mazes, and activity pages for kids are all free

Our best remedy for long winter days? A healthy supply of printable activity pages for kids—because when it’s too chilly to go outside, exercising their brains is the next best thing. We’ve rounded up the coolest printables with a timely winter theme, from mad libs to paper snowflakes, free coloring pages, color-by-number printables, and more. Fire up the printer!

North Pole Elf Application

This elf application is a fun Christmas activity page for kids
Elf for Christmas

In what might be the cutest winter-themed activity page for kids we've seen, have your little ones 'apply' to be an elf at the North Pole. They'll have to answer questions like "Can you make a snowball?" and "Do you like candy canes?" and there's a spot for them to pick their preferred job in Santa's Village. Download it here

Try out this fun matching game activity page from! It'll keep the kids busy for hours.

Whether your kiddo loves skiing or not, they'll love coloring this cool skier from!

Count the Snowmen

activity sheets

Get counting practice in with this printable from MomDot. Once they’ve counted up all the snowmen, they can decorate them all too!

Trace the Winter Hat

Twisty Noodle

This printable activity page for kids from Twisty Noodle is perfect for chilly days. Kids can flex their tracing skills, and then color in the hat however they like.

Ice Skating Tangle

Tim’s Printables

Here’s a good challenge for your little ones: can they untangle the twisty ice skating path created by Tim’s Printables?

Trace, Color & Cut

activity sheets
Woo! Jr.

Wintertime calls for a nice cup of hot cocoa, as Woo! Jr. knows. Whip up a batch while the kids work on tracing with this cute (and free!) printable.

I Spy, Winter Edition

Live Laugh Rowe

If your little one is just learning how to count, this I Spy printable from Live Laugh Rowe will help them practice their skills.

Winter Mad Libs

activity sheets
Woo! Jr.

Create a silly story with these fun winter-themed Mad Libs. Get the printables (including ones about a snowstorm, ice skates, and winter facts) from Woo! Jr. 

Related: 42 Things Every Family Should Do Together This Winter

Winter Secret Message

All Kids Network

Kids can decode a secret message with this simple but fun printable from All Kids Network.

Cone Paper Dolls

activity sheets
Mr. Printables

Thanks to Mr. Printables, it’s ridiculously easy to make your own paper dolls. Just print out the doll printables and winter-themed clothes, then roll them up and glue your creations together.

Gingerbread Hunt


This activity from KCEdventures requires a bit of pre-planning, but it’s totally worth the effort. Print out the gingerbread people and hide them around the house, then let the kids hunt for them all!

Paper Snowflakes

activity sheets
First Palette

Remember cutting out paper snowflakes as a kid? Now your little ones can do the same, thanks to First Palette.

Winter Color by Number

Itsy Bitsy Fun

Perfect for preschool or kindergarten-aged kids, these color-by-number printables from Itsy Bitsy Fun will be the perfect snow day activity.

Wintry Scene Coloring Page

Dover Publications

Keep your little ones entertained with this intricate winter scene coloring page from Dover Publications.


activity sheets
First Palette

Let your budding artist unleash their creativity on these snowflakes from First Palette. Available in different sizes and designs, they can color them, cut them out, and even use them to make a garland or another craft.

Snowman Playdough Mats

Itsy Bitsy Fun

The kiddos can practice counting and work on their fine motor skills with this genius printable from Itsy Bitsy Fun. Plus, they’re always lured in by playdough!

Winter Dot Painting

The Resourceful Mama

This cute activity sheet for kids from The Resourceful Mama is sure to be a hit with your little ones. If you’ve got dot markers, they can fill them in with those, or you can use pom poms or regular markers.

Winter I Spy

activity sheets
Simple Play Ideas

Stuck inside during a snowstorm? This I Spy game from Simple Play Ideas will be a lifesaver. It’ll put your kids’ finding and counting skills to the test.

Related: 10 Genius Ways to Keep the Kids Busy (Batteries Not Required!)

Winter Color-by-Letter

Trail of Colors

Little ones can practice their alphabet while coloring wintry pictures with these fun color-by-letter worksheets from Trail of Colors.

Winter Pattern Mats

activity sheets
Life Over C’s

We love this winter printable from Life Over C’s that’s sure to keep the kids occupied for an afternoon. Once you’ve printed out the pieces, encourage your littles to create different patterns on their mats.

Winter Word Search

Angie Kauffman via Real Life at Home

If your kiddo’s got a handle on reading, you’ve got to use this word search printable from Real Life at Home. Hunker down by the fire while looking for words like reindeer and blizzard.

Winter Lacing Cards

Living Life and Learning

Let the tots work on their fine motor skills with these cute lacing cards from Living Life and Learning. The set includes a snowflake, reindeer, and gingerbread man.

Snowman Bingo Game

activity sheets
Crazy Little Projects

We love this print-and-play bingo game from Crazy Little Projects. You can use mini marshmallows as markers to fit the snowman theme.

Winter Coloring Page

Trail of Colors

Keep it simple by printing out this fun coloring page from Trail of Colors. Kids will love decorating the mittens, hat, and scarf whether or not it’s snowing where you live.

Snowman Shape Matching

activity sheets

Even if it doesn’t snow where you live, kids can still build a snowman thanks to this clever worksheet from Totschooling. Plus, they’ll get to practice matching shapes while they’re at it.

Fine Motor Skills Builder

You Clever Monkey

Print out this page from You Clever Monkey to help your kids build fine motor skills. Have them decorate the tree with playdough, buttons, or small beads. You can even make it into a counting or alphabet game.

Winter Scene Playdough Mats

Living Well Mom

To keep the kiddos occupied for an afternoon, print out and laminate this winter scene from Living Well Mom. Then they can get creative building and decorating snowballs and snowmen.

Christmas Counting Picture

activity sheets

Your kid will sharpen their math skills while also having fun with this Christmas math worksheet! Find it on

Related: 15 Easy Ways to Keep the Kids Busy After School

Winter Gross Motor Movement Game

Gift of Curiosity

If you’re stuck inside on a cold day, this cool printable game from Gift of Curiosity will keep the boredom at bay. Print out the cards and place them on a cube (or just shuffle them in a stack)—each card directs kids to do a different action.

Winter Cutting Practice Symmetry Worksheets

Itsy Bitsy Fun

Kids can sharpen their scissor skills and learn about symmetry with these cool activity pages from Itsy Bitsy Fun. Once they’re done cutting out the shapes, they can decorate them with markers or crayons too.

Snowman Number Match

activity sheets
A Dab of Glue Will Do

How cute is this matching activity from A Dab of Glue Will Do? It’s a great way to get some extra math time in this winter.

Snow Day Bingo

All Free Kids Crafts

Keep the cabin fever away on your next snow day by trying out this genius twist on bingo from All Free Kids Crafts. Kids can cross out a bingo square for each activity they do, from drinking hot cocoa to having a dance party.

Snowflake Fine Motor Activity

Early Learning Ideas

If your littles like playing with hole punches, this activity from Early Learning Ideas will definitely be a winner. They can go to town punching the holes, and then they can decorate their snowflakes with crayons or glitter glue.

Winter Spelling Activity

activity sheets
The Measured Mom

You don’t have to let winter break brain drain set in thanks to this awesome activity from The Measured Mom. Similar to a board game, it can be adapted to any word list.

Christmas Spot the Difference

Look and see if you can find all of the differences in this worksheet! Find this exciting worksheet on

Winter Bucket List

activity sheets
3 Dinosaurs

Make your game plan for the rest of the season with this cool idea from 3Dinosaurs. There are versions available for kids to write their wishes down or to draw them out if they’re not writing yet.

Related: 9 Mermaid Coloring Pages Your Kid Will Love

Winter Mazes


Perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners, these wintry mazes from BrainyMaze are super fun. Each page includes a maze and a counting and writing activity.

Build a Snowman Worksheet

Here’s a fun activity from to help combat cabin fever—kids can color their own snowman, then cut out the pieces and glue them all together.

Gingerbread Matching Game

activity sheets
Squishy-Cute Designs

Challenge your tot to find the two matching gingerbread men in this printable from Squishy-Cute Designs.

Gingerbread Man Color By Number

activity sheets

This fun worksheet will have you and your kid wanting to bake gingerbread cookies! Find this cute color by number worksheet at


Contact your state elections office or just ask a friendly poll worker about rules and limitations on bringing your children along with you to the voting booth

Election Day is almost here and…well, maybe you have a preschooler, toddler, or newborn in tow. Now what? Um, go ahead and bring your kid with you to vote! Yep, that’s right. Take your pint-sized politician (in the future sense, of course) into the booth.

Many parents wonder if they’re legally allowed to bring their children with them into the voting booth. Even though this civic duty is a highly private one, the government allows minor children to accompany their voting parents in every state. That said, some states have their own laws setting maximum ages for kids who can come into the voting booth.

can you take your kids into the voting booth

Related: How to Steer Kids Through a Divisive Political Season

Don’t worry, your kindergarten kiddo can still go with you. States that do have age restrictions have set limits that are well into the teenage years. But keep in mind that each state has different rules, so ask questions and be prepared. In Virginia, for example, only children 15 years old and younger are allowed in the booths, according to NBC News. The same goes for Connecticut. But in California and other states, parents can bring along any minor under the age of 18.

If you’re not sure what the legal maximum age for a child accompanying a parent into a voting booth is, just ask. Call your state’s elections office before you go, or just ask the helpful friendly faces at your local polling place when you arrive. Go in knowing that every. single. state. in the country allows parents to bring their minor children into the voting booth with them, so if a poll worker turns you and your child away, remind them of their state’s laws not only dictating voting booth rules, but also voter suppression.

Along with age restrictions, some states also have total child maximums. Depending on your state, the law may limit the number of kids you bring into the booth to one or two. Again, always ask ahead of time. If you have three kids and your state only allows two, consider setting up an Election Day babysitting collective in your community or bring a friend with you to vote.

Related: Rock the Vote! Election Day Games for the Kids

Related: Things to Do with Your Family Instead of Talking Politics

Okay, so what happens if your toddler throws a tantrum while you’re waiting in line to vote? Disrupting the voting process is a no-no. If your child’s not-so-pleasant behavior is impeding others from voting, distracting them, or causing problems for the other voters, polling place helpers could ask you to leave. Hey, you can go back to vote later on—after the babysitter comes.

So here’s the big question, “Why should you bring your kids with you to vote?” Taking your kids into the voting booth gives them a chance to see democracy in action and encourages them to think critically about what’s in the news. According to a study by the University of Chicago, nearly half of young people aged 15 to 25 get news at least once a week from family and friends via Twitter or Facebook. And it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction. One of the study’s conclusions is: “Youth must learn how to judge the credibility of online information and how to find divergent views on varied issues.”

There’s no reason to wait until they’re 18 (and of legal voting age) to start talking about their civic rights and responsibilities. Going into the voting booth with mom or dad makes our country’s political process concrete and tangible for them, helping your young child to better understand it.

There you go—kids plus voting is a win-win situation. Happy voting!

with additional reporting from Erica Loop

End-of-summer kiddos may have these personality traits in common

Have you got an August baby in your life? A bun in the oven almost all done? You may be wondering what type of personality traits are common in August-born people. Are they curious? Will they be famous? Are they determined? Maybe all of the above! Here are some interesting facts about people born in August.

They’ll Probably Be The Youngest in Their Class

Since many schools have a Sept. 1st cutoff for kindergarten, your August baby may end up being the youngest kid in her class. This can be good or bad, depending on where your kid is at—socially, physically, and emotionally. Some kids struggle; others do just fine (and almost all end up catching up in the long run).

They’re Confident and Strong-Willed 

The stars have a lot to say about August-born babies (though we always take these messages with a grain of salt). The Zodiac sign for people born in August is either Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) or Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), with both signs being known for confidence, smarts, and a strong will. They’ll never back down from an argument, according to this online astrology site, so get ready to stand your ground, parents.

They’re (Slightly) Less Likely to Go to College

According to findings from the National Bureau of Economic Research, as noted in The Wall Street Journal, august-born kids may be at a disadvantage when it comes to college admissions. This is attributed to the fact that many schools have a Sept. 1 cutoff for kindergarten, so kids with August birthdays are the youngest in the class. The research found that August-born kids were 2.1% less likely than September children to attend college, 3.3% less likely to graduate from college, and 7.2% less likely to graduate from a selective college.

They May Be Misdiagnosed with ADHD

Studies show that kids born in August are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than those born in other months. But here’s the good news: It doesn’t necessarily mean they actually have ADHD: Research published in 2016 by the Journal of Pediatrics found that summer-born kids are often misdiagnosed with behavior problems when the real issue is simply that they’re younger and not yet ready for the rigor of the school day.

Related: Why September Babies Are Often at the Top of Their Class, Among Other Things

They’re (Usually) Very Happy

a happy kid, he might have been born in August because people born in August tend to be happier


If you think your August babe is always smiling, you may be right. Research from Vanderbilt University found that people with summer birthdays are less likely to be depressed than people born in the cooler months. It could be because of all that vitamin D exposure in the womb. Still, researchers also theorize that a newborn’s “biological clock” may be permanently stamped by the summer’s long light cycle—and that stamp brings a sunnier disposition.

They Tend to Be Bigger

According to this Cambridge University study of more than 450,000 people in the U.K., babies born in August (and June and July) have higher birth weights—and may even grow into taller adults—than babies born in other months. The size difference was attributed to the fact that women who give birth in late summer are exposed to more vitamin D during pregnancy, which is beneficial to the baby’s growth and development. Interestingly, the study also found that girls born in the summer tend to start puberty later (which is linked to lower rates of breast cancer, teen pregnancy, and HPV). Hooray for sunshine!

They May Be More Likely to Get the Flu

A new study from a pair of doctor-dads concluded that summer-born kids are more likely to get the flu, based on the fact that their annual check-ups occur in the summer before the latest flu vaccine is available.

There Are Two Birthstones for the Month of August

Here’s an interesting August birthday fact: there are two birthstones for the eighth month of the year. Peridot is a yellow-gold stone known as the gem of compassion and represents peace and harmony. Spinel can be found in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, red, and blue. The gem is believed to inspire relaxation in those who wear it and is associated with energy and joy.

There Are a Lot of Them!

Your baby won’t be the only summer birthday party on your social calendar. According to the CDC, August is the most common month to be born in the United States (meaning that November and December are the most common months for conception). Blame it on the holiday spirit! Or the cold.

Related: 7 Intriguing Facts about Babies Born in July


Guess what? They can tell when your kid has had too much screen time

From excitement to anxiety to sighs of relief, going back to school this year looks a little different for everyone. But, according to a survey by Learning Resources, more than ever, one of the most important things is active parent involvement. In order to get an idea of what that really means, we talked to school teachers across the country (many of whom are parents themselves) and gathered up their best back-to-school tips for parents to succeed throughout the school year.  

Back-to-School Tips for Parents About Attitude

Almost every teacher we talked to said something along these lines:

“Your children take on your attitudes, BE POSITIVE!” —Michele Jenkins, Fernley Elementary School 1st-grade teacher, Nevada

“School is fun! Remind your kids to be creative and take risks.”—Anonymous 

“It’s okay to cry on that first day, it can be emotional for parents, but try and wait until your kiddo gets to the classroom before you burst into tears.”—Anonymous

Related: 16 Things Parents Don’t Need to Worry About (According to Teachers)

Back-to-School Tips on How to Dress for Success

A boy reaches for his properly labeled water bottle before he goes back to school
Name Bubbles

Consider these ideas when finishing up your back-to-school shopping.

Label everything!”—Anonymous kindergarten teacher

“Dress them for the weather because we're going OUTSIDE!”—Teacher Tom

“Be aware, those cute shoes they get WILL get dirty while doing PE. Don’t tell them they can’t run in shoes you buy them for school use. They will run at school. Don’t punish them for dirty shoes; shoes get dirty when worn properly. Also, close-toed, non-dress shoes (athletic shoes) have the best support, so please make sure they wear a pair any time they have a day that includes recess or PE.” —Anonymous PE teacher

“If they come in tie shoes, they should know how to tie them themselves, or else come in velcro.”—Erin S.

“If you live in a climate with cold winters, get your kids used to taking on and off snow clothes, boots, etc., so they have a routine for doing so before winter and the end of the day. Practice on the weekend as cooler weather arrives and make a game of it by timing each child to see who can get cold-proofed fastest.”—Anonymous

Tips for the Early Morning Routine


Not surprisingly, a lot of teachers spoke about the importance of eating a healthy breakfast, being on time for school, and getting a decent night’s sleep. Here are a few other helpful tips:

“Don’t delay drop off for little ones. Give a big hug and kiss and get out the door. Lingering only leads to upset kids.”—Early elementary teacher

“For an easier beginning to the year, start routines like going to bed and waking up on time before school starts again, not the day of.”—Jared H.

And Brad B agrees: “Get their bedtime routine back in order before school starts. Lack of sleep affects so many things beyond drowsiness or lack of attention. I personally think it undermines our confidence."

“Go to the bathroom at home before school!”—Anonymous

“Routine in the morning is important to start the day positively. Pick out clothes the night before (or even the whole week before and put in boxes for each day if you have a diva girl like mine!).”—Anonymous

Teacher Tips for School Supplies

a mom buying school supplies after getting back to school tips from a teacher

School supplies don’t just mean what you need for your own child. Consider what a classroom needs and grab an extra item or two when you can afford it. Don’t forget tissue during the winter cold and flu season!

Small tokens of appreciation throughout the year are a real pick-me-up! A pad of post-it notes, sharpies….teachers are easy to please, and it’s nice to let them know you notice their hard work. Also, read the weekly newsletter...please!” —Early elementary teacher, TX

“If there are specific things on the supply list (like particular brands), I promise the teacher isn’t trying to be difficult. They’ve probably learned from experience that that particular type works the best or lasts the longest.” —Nicole D., middle school math

“As teachers, we spend a great deal of our own money on supplies to make our classrooms a more creative learning environment for your child. So please, believe me when I say that every little bit helps our classroom; an extra ream of paper, a container of disinfecting wipes, paper towels, etc. It means so much, and I promise they will be put to good use.”—Holly R., autism teacher

“Make it a habit of asking a teacher if they need anything for the classroom or upcoming projects or holidays. Most teachers will be happy to give you a few inexpensive items they need that you could pick up at the grocery store.”—Anonymous


Related: 15 Cool Backpacks for Kids to Help Organize Their School Gear

Back-to-School Tips About Communication

teacher talking with student

When it comes to communicating with your teacher, whether it’s messaging during the day or at parent-teacher conferences, or even a requested meeting, consider these factors from a teacher’s point of view. One overarching theme? Teachers know and love your children, too!

“Parents, teacher, and students are all on the same team–parents need to be open to communication and should be open with teachers about student needs.”—Tori R., teacher

“Remember that teachers see your children in a totally different environment with a totally different set of kids at a totally different time than you do on a normal basis. It should be expected that we see behaviors, attitudes, and reactions that are different than what we have come to know. Be open to learning about your child in a unique setting to understand them better.”—Anonymous

“Please be on time for meetings. Our time is very limited.” —Janel M., middle school teacher

“Please don’t expect an email response within the hour. We are teaching 90 percent of the day and often have meetings to attend during our conference period and/or after school.” —Kristi W., elementary teacher

“If there is a conflict at school, notify the teacher. Listen to what your child has to say and encourage him/her to tell an adult at school. Do not bash the other student in front of your child. So many times, this is just a misunderstanding that has been blown out of proportion. Little ones learn how to problem solve with their peers and hearing their parents becoming angry and calling names shows them that that is the right way, which we know it is not. Listen to the details and then call the teacher!” —Anonymous

“Meet the Teacher night (before school starts) is NOT the appropriate time to verbally tell the teacher your child’s specific needs. ... put it in writing (an email is great). So much is going on that the teacher may not remember what you told her or even who your child is yet. You might introduce yourself and let them know to look for an email from you.” —Kristi W., elementary teacher

“Teachers spend a LOT of time on communication mediums and may only have 30 minutes of prep time during the day…so read/reread ALL the emails, updates and directions before you email/call the teacher (resourcefulness and responsibility — this is what we’re trying to teach your kids, too.).” —Katie, teacher and mom

“We are here to help your child. We want the best for them just as you do. Please give us the benefit of the doubt and the respect we deserve. We are not out to get your child. We aren’t telling you things because we are mean. We are telling you the truth about your child in the classroom. And no, they may not act like that at home, but they may act differently in a classroom setting. Believe us. Help us.” —Anonymous PreK teacher

“Be sure to check in on your child’s well-being socially, emotionally, and academically and ask for help if needed!” —Tiffiny Peterson, American Heritage Charter School 2nd-grade teacher, Idaho

Related: 25 Easy First-Day-of-School Picture Ideas

Tips for Parents About Homework

A father helps his son with homework

Every parent wants their kids to do well in school, and pretty much every child will groan about homework at some point. Here are some ideas for helping kids stay on track and keep up the good work.

Set aside time daily during the first month of school to help your child unpack/pack their backpack, go over assignments, organize supplies and binders, and chat about school. This helps you both ease in and allows your student to share concerns with you organically and as they arise.” —Anonymous 7th & 8th-grade teacher

“Sleep. They are better students with a solid night of sleep as opposed to those who stayed up all night studying.” —Kathleen, teacher

“The grade is never as important as the effort behind it.”—Katy D., teacher, and mom

“Teach your students to advocate for themselves... to ask for help and to pursue it until they receive it and understand the concept with which they are struggling. A helicopter parent can never be as effective as a student who is determined to learn and knows how to make it happen, regardless of their level of intelligence.” —Jeremy H., veteran elementary and middle school teacher

“Read, read, read to your child! Be sure to talk about the book. Ask questions about the characters and the problems they face, your child’s favorite part, etc. If your child is bilingual or learning English, reading to your child in your native language will not interfere with learning English in school, but will actually help develop their background knowledge and vocabulary acquisition in both languages!” —Anonymous

“Please limit screen time and take your kids either outside to play or engage with them in a board game, puzzle, helping with homework, having them help with dinner/dishes/ANYTHING! So many young kids I teach are turning into little zombies because they come home from school and just sit in front of video games. And remember, your child is NEVER too old to be read aloud to.” —Anonymous

“Even if you don’t agree with the common core or the amount of homework, you want your child to respect his/her teachers and the expectations.” —Anonymous

Advice About Volunteering


You might not be able to make every function or volunteer a ton of classroom hours, but just being there for your kids makes a big difference. 

“For many working parents, daytime events at the school or volunteering isn’t always an option, we get that, but even just one event per school year makes a lasting memory and positive reinforcement for your child. We provide a calendar at the beginning of each school year so parents can plan ahead.” —Anonymous

“Read and play games with your kiddos! There is nothing a teacher can do that takes the place of family time!” —Tess Brist, Marion School 3rd-grade teacher, Montana

"You don’t have to be perfect. Just show up."—Anonymous

Gentle Reminders: Teachers Are Humans, Too

a teacher and students hugging, she's offering back to school tips

Don’t forget that teachers, while they are modern-day superheroes in many ways, are also human with families of their own!

“I spend seven hours teaching 125 students each day for 9 months, each year. Please don’t judge me if we meet at the grocery store and I totally space on your and your child’s names.”—Betty R., 7th-grade science teacher

“Remember that the teacher can have 30 other children—be patient and start a positive relationship from the start.”—Tori R.

“Many teachers are parents as well. Please don’t think I am ignoring your 6 p.m. email because I don’t respond within an hour. I am spending time with my own child.” —Anonymous

Related: 4 Things Teachers Don’t Want to Hear About Your Kid (& 3 They Do)

It’s a conversation no parent wants to have, but if you have to, here’s what you can tell your child

As unfortunate as it might be, lockdown drills have become a regular occurrence at most public schools across the country, in some places as commonplace now as fire drills. And though they can be scary for young children, they’re necessary. They help to prepare and educate children about the proper and safe way to act in case of an emergency.

The first time our local elementary school did a lockdown drill when my son was in kindergarten, he came home a little shaken up. It’s not easy to explain to your child why lockdown drills are necessary or what exactly they’re protecting them against without inciting fear. But there are some strategies available for speaking to your children about the importance and purpose of lockdown drills. Here are just a few.

1. Stay Calm

Children often react first to an adult’s reaction, then to whatever situation is causing the reaction. For example, if your child falls and scrapes their knee. Their initial reaction might be to cry when they see the blood or because it hurts. But the severity of their reaction will have a lot to do with how you, as the parent, react. If you start panicking, your child will panic too because they’ll think there’s reason to: “If mommy is getting upset there must be something really wrong!”

This theory holds true for discussing lockdown drills. If you approach the subject with a calm and even tone, your child will not be initially alarmed. They’re more apt to calmly sit and listen to what you have to say. Acting in a paranoid or fearful way will only instill unnecessary fear in your child.

2. Be Open to Questions

You want your child to feel comfortable asking you questions, about anything in life, but especially about something they’re concerned or curious about. Try not to meet their questions with resistance or negativity. Be open to whatever is going on in their minds. The more knowledge and understanding of the situation they have, the more comfortable they may become with the practice.

3. Use Comparisons

It’s sometimes easier for children to understand a new concept when they have a familiar reference to compare it to. The most common and logical comparison to a lockdown drill is a fire drill. Most children are familiar with fire drills before they even enter public school. Many daycare and childcare centers are required to perform routine fire drills. You might even have a fire plan in place for your home.

Explain to your child that a lockdown drill is very similar to a fire drill. It’s something the schools use just in case of an emergency and for practice because practice makes perfect! You can even compare practicing drills to wearing a helmet or seat belt. You do these things to be safe, just in case there’s an accident or your child falls off their bike. These things may never happen, but if they do, you’re protected.

The more relaxed and less serious you remain while discussing lockdown drills, the more relaxed your child will be. Emphasize that lockdown drills aren’t just for the students but for teachers as well and that they’re designed to keep everyone safe.

4. Helping Them Understand the Threat

But as we know, lockdown drills are in place for a very serious reason. It’s perfectly fine to ease your young child’s mind by making “light” of the situation and explaining that it’s simply for practice. But your inquisitive child will likely ask what a lockdown drill is keeping them safe from.

They already view teachers and other adults as authority figures. Explain to your child that sometimes, adults and teachers see a potential threat or something unsafe that children don’t see. This threat may be nothing, but until the adults can determine that, a lockdown drill is a good way to keep them safe.

Your child’s next question might be, “Well, what kind of unsafe stuff?” My son is 7 and I try to be as honest with him as possible, without striking fear. He knows that people make poor choices at times—from his friends in class to adults. When discussing what threats lockdown drills are addressing, explain that it’s the school’s job to keep the children safe from any adults around that might be making poor choices. There’s really no need to explain further what those choices are.

I often tell my son, “Sometimes people just do things that we don’t understand. Things that we would never do.” If your child is a little bit older you can go as far as to say, “Sometimes people get angry and confused and end up hurting people.” You know your child best, so offer as much or as little explanation as you think is appropriate or necessary.

5. Encourage Your Child to Be a Helper

Most kids love nothing more than being a helper, especially to adults! Making children part of what’s going on is a great way to involve them in their own safety practice, such as lockdown drills.

The teachers at my son’s school wear whistles on their school lanyards. During a lockdown drill, the teacher is supposed to pop their head out the classroom door into the hallway and blow their whistle three times. This alerts anyone in the hallway or neighboring classrooms that a lockdown is in place, in case they aren’t already aware. The teacher then locks the classroom door and the children take their positions. It’s my son’s job to remind his teacher to blow the whistle. Other students have other “jobs” like reminding her to pull down the shades or helping their friends find their special hiding spots.

By involving children in the lockdown process, you’re empowering them with a sense of responsibility and involvement. This can help to ease their worry. It also gives them something to focus on, distracting them from any fear they might be experiencing.

Try asking your child about the lockdown drill process. “So, what do you do first?” or “What happens next?” Become excited and involved in what’s happening. Your child will feel important and may view the drill as a necessary “job” they have, not as a scary experience.

6. Always be Available

It’s important to always be available for your child to ask questions, voice their concerns and simply listen to what they have to say. The first few lockdown drills your child experiences might be scary for them, but over time, they should become more comfortable with the process. If you need further information or help explaining lockdown drills with your child, speaking to your school’s principal or the district superintendent can offer additional help and resources about your specific school district’s procedures.

I am a 32 year old mother of a son and wife to an officer. I am honest about both the love and struggle of parenting. I enjoy being active and writing is my passion, second only to my family.

These back-to-school books are sure to soothe the new year nerves

Whether your kids are headed for the classroom for the first time or they’re heading to a brand-new school, stress levels can be high (for both parents and kiddos). We love the idea of incorporating these back-to-school books into the bedtime routine. They talk about what it’s like to be without mom and dad all day, validate anxious feelings, and show kids that they’re not alone. These back-to-school books also teach little ones ways to handle those jitters so they can feel ready for whatever adventures the school year brings.

From kindergarten help to handling food allergies, these books have everyone covered. We’ve made sure that there’s something for every kiddo. Get the family together and snag a few of these great reads to make sure everyone is feeling their best this year. Backpack, lunch box, and new back-to-school books. That’s a winning combination!

Nothing Stays the Same is a good back-to-school-book
Mighty + Bright

Nothing Stays the Same (but That's Okay): A Book to Read When Everything (or Anything) Changes

$13+ BUY NOW

Every kid will face change: whether it's a new house, family changes, or moving schools. Author and child behavior expert Sara Olsher reminds kids (and their grownups) that it's actually okay. Facing our fears and the unknown is scary, but Olsher aims to give kids knowledge—the best defense against anxiety and fear. Whether it's a big change or something small, this book will help normalize the inevitability of change, giving kids the confidence that they can handle it. Ages: 4-10

I Am Every Good Thing is a Back-to-School book
Nancy Paulsen Books

I Am Every Good Thing

$13+ BUY NOW

Author Derrick Barnes captures the young and confident Black narrator of this book perfectly, demonstrating the pure joy of childhood where each day brings challenges and adventures. The vivid and beautifully done illustrations by Gordon C. James make this book one that will inspire your kids to embrace their own beauty even if things aren't always perfect or they make mistakes. This one teaches them to stay true to their truth, even when they are misunderstood or called things they're not. Ages: 3-8

Misty the oven mitt is a back to school book
America's Test Kitchen

Mitsy the Oven Mitt Goes to School: A Story About Being Brave

$14+ BUY NOW

In this heartwarming and playful back-to-school book from America's Test Kitchen, we meet Mitsy, a young oven mitt who has spent her whole life in the mitten factory. When she's accepted to Miss Copperpot's Academy for Useful Utensils, she's definitely nervous. But her first days at school bring together a great cast of characters, inspiring kitchen facts, and a story to empower kids so that when they feel nervous like Misty, they remember that they can do anything. Ages: 4-8

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

The Nervous Knight: A Story about Overcoming Worries and Anxiety


'The Nervous Knight' by Lloyd Jones gets kids talking about what causes them to be anxious, thanks to a young knight-in-training who's never without his armour. When we get kids talking, we can normalize these feelings and help them problem solve ways to feel better. This one also includes a guide for parents to help keep the conversation flowing. Ages: 5-7

Viking Books for Young Readers

Not Yeti


Monsters are loud. And rude. They like to smash things and they always need to be right. But not Yeti. Yeti is different. He bakes banana bread and sings to whales and always has something nice to say. This book by Kelly DiPucchio gets kids thinking about the benefits of being different so that they have the confidence to be themselves everywhere, including at school. Ages: 4-8

sesame street offers good back-to-school books
Random House Books for Young Readers

What If…? Answers to Calm First-Day-of-School Jitters


Young kids can have lots of anxiety, especially when faced with something new, (like starting school, of course). Luckily, Elmo and his Sesame Street friends are here to relieve those first-time jitters! This back-to-school book by Sonali Fry answers lots of questions (What if I don't like my teacher? What if I don't know where the bathroom is?) to ease your little one's worries. Ages: 4-6

Flamingo Books

My School Stinks!


The whole family will love this hilarious back-to-school story by Becky Sharnhorst. Told through journal entries about a boy who finds himself at a new school where the other students are REAL animals, he's even dealing with a locker buddy who bites! Is faking sick going to get him out of school? You'll have to read to find out! Ages: 5-7

Mascot Books

Am I a Unicorn?


In her latest book, author Stephanie Sorkin teaches children the valuable lessons of embracing their uniqueness and accepting others for who they are inside. The story touches on self-esteem and diversity, ultimately teaching the important lesson of accepting everyone's individuality. Ages: 5-8

The King of Kindergarten is a cute back-to-school book for little kids
Nancy Paulsen Books

The King of Kindergarten

$10+ BUY NOW

Starting kindergarten is a big milestone. The hero of this back-to-school book by Derrick Barnes is ready to make his mark! He’s dressed himself, eaten a pile of pancakes, and can’t wait to be part of a whole new kingdom of kids. Starting school with positive energy is a great way to get past all of the new school year nerves. Ages: 4-6

Mascot Books

Nutley the Nut-Free Squirrel


Being different can be hard, especially when you are dealing with a nut allergy. This sweet story from author Stephanie Sorkin delves into the ups and downs of food allergies in an easy to understand way. Bonus: all proceeds from this book go to F.A.R.E, an organization dedicated to food allergy research and education. Ages: 2-6

How to Be Kind in Kindergarten: A Book for Your Backpack


From the best-selling author D. J Stenberg, here’s a guidebook that shows kids how to be kind in the new and exciting world of kindergarten. Helping out classmates and cheering up kids who look sad are great ways to make new kindergarten friends. Ages: 3-5

Orchard Books

The Worrysaurus


It's a beautiful day and Worrysaurus has planned a special picnic. But it isn't long before a small butterfly of worry starts fluttering in his tummy. This book by Rachel Bright normalizes feelings of worry and helps to problem solve ways to make yourself feel better. 

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Your kids aren’t the only ones who will love the last idea on the list

In anticipation of another school season, not to mention all the shopping that comes with it, these back-to-school ideas will help get kids in the headspace of a new school year. From chalk messages to lunch notes, and family dinners, these are our favorite back-to-school traditions to choose from to help make the new year feel special.

This article is sponsored by Kemps®, which has been delighting families with wholesome and delicious dairy products since 1914. Just in time for the new school year, Kemps® has recently introduced Kemps® Smooth Cottage Cheese—a healthy, convenient, and versatile snack that’s the perfect addition to your child’s lunchbox, and your fridge for after-school snacks.

1. Count it down. Make the first day of school something to look forward to by crafting a paper countdown chain. Each day, tear one link off the chain and ask the kiddos to name something they’re looking forward to about school.

2. Have a show-and-tell dinner on the first night. Family dinners are always important, but make it a back-to-school tradition to allow the kids to tell you everything about their first day, from the friends they haven’t seen over the summer to the classroom layout or what they had for lunch.

3. A day-one surprise. Celebrate the first day in style with a visit from the First Day of School Fairy. She can deliver a few back-to-school school supplies, along with an encouraging note for the new year. For more on this fun idea, visit Differentiated Kindergarten.

4. Make a family motto. To help your little ones start the new school year in the right mindset, come up with a short family motto. It’ll help remind everyone what’s important in tough moments throughout the year. Have the kids write it out and decorate it. Learn more about the importance of creating a family “coat of arms” here

5. Customize something. You can order specialized pencils with their name or label their new water bottle, but allowing your kids to stake their claim on school gear can help them feel confident about heading back to school.

6. Make an awesome breakfast. You’ll be throwing cereal and milk at the kids soon enough, so why not whip up a fancy breakfast for their first day? It’ll keep your kids full, and make them look forward to getting up early! 

7. Read a special book the night before. Whether it’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go! or Miss Nelson Is Missing!find a classic picture book that’ll get your kids ready to start the new year.

8. Decorate your pad. Either let your kids help with the decor or surprise your school-aged sweeties with a decorated door when they wake up in the morning. Whatever you choose to do, it’s a great way to celebrate!

9. Draw a self-portrait. Let your little Einsteins create a version of themselves in a back-to-school outfit. It’s a great way to pass those last few summer days, and it’s a sure bet for getting kids excited about donning their new threads and heading to the classroom. See how Hands On As We Grow completed this fun activity.

10.  Make a sundae bar. This sweet, simple back-to-school idea is sure to calm anyone’s jitters about heading back to school. Put your favorite toppings in jars and make them meaningful with labels encouraging the qualities you’d like to see demonstrated throughout the new year. Have your little scholar cover their ice cream in kindness, bravery, obedience, and happiness, and then top it off with sprinkles of love. 

11. Celebrate School Year’s Eve. You celebrate New Year’s Eve, so why not do the same for School Year’s Eve? Get poppers or noisemakers, provide a few treats, and throw a little dance party. It’ll get your students excited for what’s to come, and it’s a great way to include some of the other fun ideas on this list. Looking for more inspiration? Check out the School Year’s Eve party guide over at 11 Cupcakes.

12.  Interview your kids. Discover goals, fears, and questions about school by interviewing your little scholars before the first bell rings. It’s not very hard to come up with a list of questions, and whether you write down the answers or videotape your tykes, it’s a memory everyone will treasure for years to come.

13. Create a bucket list. You do it for summer, so why not make one for the school year? Whether they want to jump a reading level or two or try out for a new sport, when kids have goals, they succeed!

Related: 39 School Jokes for Kids (because You Really Need a Laugh)

back to school traditions and back to school ideas like back to school pictures are fun
Brittney Fort


14. Take cool pictures. Everyone loves to document the first and last day of school. There are so many creative ways to commemorate the occasion—from chalkboards to t-shirts and more. You can find our favorite ideas here. For those simply wanting to share moments with friends and family without making it a public display, there are safe options like the Tinybeans app (you can learn more and download it here!), which puts parents in total control of who can see and interact with photos and videos.

15. Have a back-to-school dinner. Make a favorite meal that includes one of these delicious Disney Park treats and celebrate the start of another school year with an awesome dinner in their honor will always make your kids feel special.

16. Have a special activity for the end of the first day of school. Whether you take them to their favorite park to burn off that first-day anxiety, have a craft planned, or grab an ice cream and talk, it’s easy to make the first after-school afternoon unique.

17. Write a sidewalk chalk message. If there’s a sweeter first day of school tradition than a chalk message outside the front door, we haven’t found it. Go all out or keep it simple; either way, it’s an extra boost to help ease those first-day jitters. If your first day is distance learning, surprise the kids with a message they can see from the window or on a quick preschool start walk. 

18. Give them a new book. Get your bookworms ready by gifting them a new book before school starts. Those required reading minutes will go faster when they’ve got the latest release in their favorite series. Plus, we’re pretty sure kids can never have too many books.

19. Pack a super special lunch.
Packing their lunch in a special lunchbox or bento box with a treat or a lunchbox joke is a great back-to-school idea! Get your kids involved by asking them what they want, and have them help you get it ready! Check out our favorite creative lunches here

20. Top Ten. Much like late-night talk shows’ top ten lists, this one asks kids to list the top ten moments of their first day back in school.

21. Make a time capsule. Whether you choose to open it at the end of the school year or much later on in your kids’ school career, a time capsule is a great way to capture these special moments.