Parenting tweens and teens comes with its own unique set of challenges—from when to let your kiddo get their ears pierced to ongoing debates about access to smartphones and supporting them as they deal with the highs and lows of adolescent social lives. Because they’re deep in the trenches of figuring out who they are, it can be tough to keep tabs on their ever-evolving interests, friend groups, and behaviors. That’s where natal astrology can come in handy. While their sun sign—aka the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—is just one piece of the multilayered puzzle that is your child’s birth chart, it can offer you valuable intel into what makes them tick because it speaks to their core identity, self-image, and confidence. 

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their child’s distinct perspective. This helps you hold space for your adolescent to evolve into their most centered, self-assured selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your big kid’s personality and how you can best support them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A symbol for Aries, one of the 12 sun signs

The sign of the Ram is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, which means your Aries kid has a surplus of beans to burn through. They tend to be drawn to all kinds of physical activity, so they might be super involved in school or community athletics or eager to do their own thing, whether it’s going for runs or riding bikes with friends. Their competitive nature means they love any pursuit where someone is declared #1. As the cardinal fire sign, they’re innate go-getters who have a big-picture vision of what they want to achieve, from straight As to being voted class president. As driven as they may be, Aries is the first sign or “baby” of the zodiac. In other words, they’ll exhibit a wide-eyed, innocent sense of wonder that lasts well beyond their younger years, so expect to enjoy being playful and laughing a lot with your dynamic Ram. You’ll just need to watch out for the fact that their tendency to move at a face pace can mean they’re apt to be impulsive. Encouraging them to slow down and get grounded before making, well, just about any move will benefit them tremendously now and down the road.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

A symbol for Taurus, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Bull and ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, you’ve probably noticed that your Taurus kid is an unhurried, grounded creature of habit. Sure, that might be another way of saying stubborn, but take heart from the fact that they’re far from the only fixed sign. (The others are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) Their fixed nature does make them obstinate at times; they’ll dig their heels in when it comes to taking the same lunch to school every day or wearing that one pair of jeans over and over again. But try to bear in mind that they do this because they’re extremely protective of anything that brings them a sense of comfort and security. And there is a silver lining to being the fixed earth sign: Your kiddo is truly pragmatic and resolute. Once they’ve made up their mind to try out for the soccer team or learn how to play the clarinet, they’ll stick to it. Taureans are also known for moving at their own often-snail-like pace and nudging them to hurry up may backfire. One of the best ways to bond with your Bull is enjoying a leisurely activity out in nature, like a curated picnic with lots of yummy, gourmet bites or a walk through the botanical garden.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A symbol for Gemini, one of the 12 sun signs

We’re sure you’ve already noticed just how much your tween or teen adores lively conversation and witty banter, given that this mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. They’re naturally buzzy, curious, and supersocial. They’re also apt to explore their writing talents and collect and devour a treasure trove of books. Even if they don’t grow up to be a journalist or publicist one day (though they very well may!), your big kid born under the sign of the Twins thrives on taking in and disseminating information. Heads-up: This could mean they are prone to gossiping or getting in trouble for talking too much in class. But their super-communicator skills can also be channeled toward academic and extracurricular success, whether they’re on the yearbook staff or leading the debate team to a state win. When it comes to bonding, you might find that they prefer to connect in a cerebral way, perhaps by talking about the news, watching Jeopardy, or doing a crossword puzzle together. And don’t be surprised if they’re warm and fuzzy one minute, then standoffish the next. Sure, hormones are partly the culprit, but Gemini is also known for its dualistic nature and ability to vacillate between two distinct personality traits.

Related: Your Parenting Style, Based on Your Astrological Sign

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A symbol for Cancer, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which influences emotions and intuition, your Crab tween or teen is deeply sentimental, nurturing, and loving—but also perhaps a bit reclusive when they’re in their feelings. Whereas other kids might be eager to fly the coop ASAP and spend lots of time at their friends’ houses or involved in extracurriculars for hours after school, your Cancer kid is likely happiest and most at peace when they’re at home, surrounded by family. This isn’t to say that they won’t get involved at school or hang with close friends—they are the cardinal water sign, after all, which means they’re also initiators and ambitious go-getters at heart. But getting enough quality time with you and other loved ones is integral to their overall well-being, and holding that in mind could make a world of difference for their confidence and sense of self and purpose. It’s also wise to remember that they’re quite sensitive and can be moody (yep, even more so than your average adolescent) because they’re ruled by the changeable moon, which switches signs and sets a different emotional tone every two-ish days. Connecting with them through homey, cozy experiences like baking, caring for a pet, or planning a family reunion together will make their hearts sing. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A symbol for Leo, one of the 12 sun signs

As the fixed fire sign ruled by the vitality-giving sun, your Lion is vivacious, charismatic, optimistic, self-assured, creative, and lots of fun to be around—but also super ambitious, running the risk of being a bit bossy. A born leader and lover of the spotlight, one of your Leo kid’s greatest lessons in life will be to own their confidence without treading into narcissistic, vain, or domineering territory. You can support this by celebrating their ability to love themselves and empower others while teaching them about humility and empathy. Because they adore a round of applause and are so innately self-expressive, they’ll be quick to sign up for drama club, film or dance classes, or any extracurricular where they can woo an audience or run the show. Like all of the fixed signs, they tend to get super, well, fixated on particular game plans and outcomes, so you might need to talk to them about the benefits of being adaptable and capable of pivoting when a situation simply isn’t working out. You’ll find you can best connect with your Leo through playful, upbeat, fun-loving activities, like impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, trips to the beach (they love to soak up the rays of their ruler, the sun), or writing and performing a funny play together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A symbol for Virgo, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees information-gathering and communication, your tween or teen is thoughtful, detail-oriented, helpful, analytical, sensitive, and an adept storyteller. As a result of their mutability, your Maiden kid is adaptable and eager to try their hand at different activities, whether that’s softball one year or piano lessons the next, but you’ll also find that they struggle with indecisiveness. Empowering them to trust their intuition and inner knowing and lean on practices like mindfulness can be incredibly helpful, especially because—as such a cerebral, Mercury-ruled person—they’re often in their heads, prone to overthinking and second-guessing. They might be quite shy or very outgoing (depending on other placements in their birth chart), but either way, they’ll want to connect with peers who share common interests. These kids are also so intellectually curious that they tend to enjoy school work more than the average adolescent, so you’ll do well to support their academic pursuits—while encouraging them to steer away from perfectionism. You’ll connect with your Virgo by learning something new together, trading factoids about their favorite subjects (be that STEM, history, or sports), and tackling everyday to-dos together (something organization-loving Virgo finds grounding).

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A symbol for Libra, one of the 12 sun signs

Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, and art, your Libra kid is a total social butterfly with a keen eye for beauty. They could be drawn to a wide variety of artistic outlets, from dancing to painting, but they’re also bound to be particularly eager to express themselves through their wardrobe and, as they get older, their beauty or grooming routine. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras prize balance and justice above just about anything else, so you’ve probably noticed that your tween or teen is quick to diffuse or steer clear of any arguments that may pop up in the house. They attempt to avoid conflict at all costs. But as lovely as their peacemaking nature can be, they do run the risk of expressing their challenging feelings in a passive-aggressive way, so you’ll do well to teach them that difficult emotions, like anger or aggravation, are healthy to acknowledge and work through. This can be a particularly valuable lesson as they navigate social situations, especially one-on-one relationships, which they put even more value in than your average adolescent (because of their association with the Seventh House of Partnership). For this reason, you could find that some of your sweetest bonding moments come when you’re hanging out just you two, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing experience like checking out an art exhibit or visiting a pretty vacation spot

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

A symbol for Scorpio, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—your tween or teen is dynamic, magnetic, a bit mysterious, emotionally intelligent, intense, ambitious, sometimes aloof, and brimming with a formidable inner power that can make them utterly fearless and unstoppable. These traits are owed to Scorp’s co-rulers: their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy, while their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. In turn, Scorpio kids may be eager to check out student government, play a high-intensity sport (they could be into competitive swimming, as a water sign, or hockey), or try their hand at writing poetry. As one of the fixed signs, they also tend to be set in their ways, whether that’s hanging out with the same friends they’ve had since toddlerhood (hey, they’re very loyal) or continuing to put their nose to the grindstone to pursue a goal they set when they were in kindergarten. Basically, once they’ve made up their minds, it can be extremely challenging to get them to consider—let alone accept—change, which could be fuel for head-butting. And when they’re working through challenging emotions, you can expect radio silence. In these cases, your best bet is to give them plenty of space to work it out, reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they’re ready to talk. Regularly visiting your nearest body of water to walk, take artistic photos, and chow down on a yummy meal together can be therapeutic for your adolescent Scorp—and set the stage for meaningful bonding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

A symbol for Sagittarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, your tween or teen is free-spirited, unfiltered, philosophical, fun-loving, funny, and full of wanderlust. Ever since they were tiny tots, we’d bet they’ve entertained you with their big, buoyant personality. Now, as an adolescent, your Archer is bound to be even louder and more gregarious, eager to make the most of life and believing that bigger is usually better (thanks to their ruling planet, Jupiter, which is not only the largest planet in the solar system but one that oversees fortune and abundance). This “more, more, more” perspective could translate to your Sag having a lot of fun wearing over-the-top outfits or enjoying pastimes like comedy that involve entertaining others, signing up for a bevy of diverse extracurriculars (at the risk of probably spreading themselves too thin), or opting to get out in the world and see and do as much as possible. This is one kid who needs to explore and break free from their mundane, everyday routine in order to grow and thrive. While this can’t always involve the globe-trotting they likely daydream about, you can nurture their adventurousness by encouraging them to learn another language or try different types of global cuisine. You’ll find you can easily bond by getting out of your comfort zones as a family.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A symbol for Capricorn, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal earth sign and ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries, your Capricorn tween or teen is serious, goal-oriented, pragmatic, industrious, and jaw-droppingly mature beyond their years. In fact, they might have been talking about college applications and their ideal career trajectory well before their peers. Even if they’re not that laser-focused on their future, it does bear noting that their cardinal quality makes them quite driven and eager to take the initiative to make ambitious aspirations their reality. This trait also sets your Sea Goat kiddo up nicely for being a leader among their friends and peers. They’ll often be the one who proposes starting a new club or entering an academic competition. Unlike fellow cardinal sign Aries, for instance, you’ll notice that your Cap is perfectly fine working toward their goals at a steady, unhurried pace. In fact, they prefer to always have a clear objective and step-by-step game plan or they feel a bit lost. They might also struggle to let loose, move through big emotions, and accept their own mistakes, particularly because they dread the possibility that they may look “foolish.” In turn, you’ll do well to work with them on self-acceptance and embracing “oops” or emotionally intense moments as opportunities to grow and learn. And when it comes to bonding with your Capricorn, you’ll do well to suggest activities that involve working a little bit at a time toward a larger goal, like gardening, tackling an elaborate LEGO project, or learning about investing and saving together. 

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

A symbol for Aquarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Traditionally ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the sign of the Water Bearer is also influenced by game-changing Uranus, its modern ruler, producing a tween or teen that can be both resolute and rebellious. They’re also science-minded, super-social, independent, free-spirited, humanitarian, and fired up to strike out against convention. A born people person, you’ve probably noticed that they’re able to make friends with anyone and everyone, yet, as a fixed sign, they do have certain VIPs who they’re closest to. Their fixed quality can also contribute to a particularly stubborn mindset that they’ll “do what they want.” In other words, if you have a weekend plan for family togetherness and they’d rather play video games or see a movie with their besties, you might have to deal with some fireworks. (Uranus’s influence can cause Aquarians to lose their cool out of the blue, so you’ll need to steel yourself for some of that.) But their fierce devotion to marching to the beat of their own drum can also impress you, as they’ll be the first in their class to sign up for a volunteer opportunity to support a local charity or the kid who’s always educating their peers about climate change. You’ll do well to support their desire to be uniquely themselves by complimenting their power-clashing outfits or interest in an up-and-coming indie band. Bond with your Water Bearer by checking out a science museum or getting involved in a philanthropic community effort. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A symbol for Pisces, one of the 12 sun signs

Your tween or teen born under the mutable water sign Pisces is deeply empathic, artistic, emotional, eager to help, and in touch with the mystical, spiritual side of life. You could find that your big kid Fish is incredibly intuitive, even a bit psychic, picking up on the emotional subtext of any situation—and then, often, taking on other people’s feelings as their own. This is a case for working with them on recognizing their own feelings and separating them from those of others—and explaining the difference between (and pros and cons of) sympathy versus empathy. As a mutable sign, your Pisces is super adaptable and capable of trying a variety of hobbies and activities, but being ruled by the planet of spirituality and dreams, Neptune, means they’ll be especially eager to dive into fantastical pursuits like theater, filmmaking, or creative writing. They may also love fantasy novels and watching movies that take place in different, ethereal worlds because they have such vivid imaginations and enjoy any chance to step out of their everyday reality. Because they feel so deeply and are so sensitive, they could be easily heartbroken when friendships, or later, romantic relationships don’t work out, so you’ll do well to remind them that you’re there for them and to encourage them to foster self-love, which will serve as a strong foundation for all of their bonds. You can connect with your adolescent Pisces by exploring a wide variety of creative, spiritually fulfilling ways to work through emotions, whether that’s journaling about daydreams, doing yoga, or putting on a whimsical performance. 

Got a restless baseball enthusiast at home? Check out a few good kid movies about America’s pastime

If you have a baseball fan in your family and are seeking a good film to watch on the weekend, these top 20 best baseball movies for kids should cover all the bases. From historical documentaries about baseball icons like Babe Ruth to timeless comedies like The Sandlot and A League of Their Own, one of these terrific PG movies for ages 12 and younger will be a home run. Pop some popcorn, round up the kids, and start planning the perfect family movie night that’ll soon have everyone asking “Have you seen my baseball?” 

Looking for other movies to watch as a family? Check out all the new and original kids’ movies streaming in 2024, 100+ movies every kid should watch before they grow up, the best movies for a summer movie night, and ’80s movies to watch with your kids.

baseball movies for kids

Angels in the Outfield

This heartwarming, family-friendly remake of the 1951 original about hope and baseball stars a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Danny Glover, Adrien Brody, and Matthew McConaughey. A foster child (Gordon-Levitt) prays that the Anaheim Angels, his favorite team, makes it to the World Series after his estranged father promises to reunite the family should this unlikely success occur. A real angel (Christopher Lloyd) responds to the child's prayers, and his favorite team launches off on a surprising winning streak. This baseball movie is rated PG and recommended for ages 7 and older. 

(Buena Vista, 1994)

The Jackie Robinson Story

Jackie Robinson plays himself in this baseball film that follows his time as a sports star at UCLA and a coach in the military to his success in helping the Dodgers win the 1947 championship. His time in the major leagues is fraught with racial bigotry as he struggles to break the barriers of segregation. While somewhat dated, this is one of those good kid movies that shines a light on overcoming prejudice. It's rated PG-13 for language and recommended for children ages 7 and up. 

(Legend Films, 1950)

A Mile in His Shoes

This is a wholesome, Canadian made-for-television baseball movie about an autistic 18-year-old named Mickey who becomes a winning pitcher in the minor leagues. It's based on a novel about the real-life Mickey Tussler, who played the game well but didn't fit in with his teammates during a time when there was little awareness about autism. While the film focuses on Mickey's baseball talents, it also emphasizes the importance of treating people with autism with respect—making it one of those good kid movies to watch on the weekend. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 8 and older.

(Vivendi, 2012)

Rookie of the Year

If you think the best movies for tweens are comedies, you're probably right! This 1990s comedy follows a baseball-challenged little leaguer who breaks his arm but then discovers when his cast is removed that he can now throw a ball like a champ. The Chicago Cubs want to get in on this action and make the 12-year-old its star pitcher. The plot is a bit far-fetched, but it's also entertaining and light-hearted, which makes for a good kid baseball movie. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 8 and older.

(Twentieth Century Fox, 1993)

The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg

Sometimes the best kid movies are also the realistic ones that teach us all something about talent and perseverance. This is a great feature-length documentary baseball film about Hank Greenberg, America's first Jewish baseball star. He faced ethnic and religious prejudice during a time that Jewish athletes weren't welcomed but transcended this bigotry to become a community hero during the 1930s. This flick is rated PG and recommended for ages 8 and older.             

(Twentieth Century Fox,  2000)

The Pride of the Yankees

This is a classic baseball movie that pays tribute to the life of legendary Lou Gehrig, who played first base for the New York Yankees before dying tragically at age 37. His teammates Babe Ruth, Bob Meusel, Mark Koenig, and Bill Dickey play themselves in it, along with sportscaster Bill Stern. The film is less about sports than it is about Gehrig's charisma, family life, and accomplishments as he worked his way up from the streets of New York to the minor leagues and eventually become a Yankee fan favorite. It also chronicles his health struggles and premature death from ALS, a disease that was unknown at the time but became more notable to the public as "Lou Gehrig's disease." The movie is unrated (although it can be considered a good PG movie) and recommended for children ages 8 and older. 

(MGM/UA, 1942)

the rookie is a baseball movie for kids

The Rookie

One of the best movies for tweens who love baseball, this inspiring true story follows the life of Jim Morris, a high school baseball coach who was injured before getting to the major leagues. However, he gets a second chance at the age of 35, making him the oldest rookie at the time. The movie stars Dennis Quaid as Morris and Brian Cox as his father. It's rated G and recommended for ages 8 and older.

(Walt Disney Pictures,  2002)

The Sandlot is a classic baseball movie for kids

The Sandlot

This is a coming-of-age sports comedy movie about a small group of baseball players during the summer of 1962. It focuses on the new kid in town, Scotty Smalls, a 12-year-old who joins a local pick-up team to make friends. The film has a nostalgic feel and some critics have compared it to A Christmas Story because of its narration and tone. It's a good kid movie that parents will also enjoy, is rated PG, and is recommended for ages 8 and older.

(Twentieth Century Fox, 1993)

baseball movies for kids

A League of Their Own

Tom Hanks and Geena Davis star in this classic (and one of the best, in some people's opinion!) baseball movie about a girl's baseball team in the 1940s. It's based on a true story about women during this time trying to break gender stereotypes and prove that they have as much of a right as men to be on the field (and be respected as athletes). The characters are fun, the storyline comedic and engaging, and there are many other stars, including Madonna, Lori Petty, Rosie O'Donnell, and Jon Lovitz. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 10 and older.

(Columbia Tristar, 2002)

The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings

In another star-studded baseball classic, this often-forgotten film features the comedic talents of Richard Pryor, James Earl Jones, and Billy Dee Williams. It's about a team of former Negro league baseball players in the 1930s struggling with racial tensions as they find success on the road and give the established teams a run for their money. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 10 and older.

(Universal Pictures, 1976)

baseball movies for kids

Million Dollar Arm

Based on a true story about baseball pitchers discovered after winning a reality show competition, this film stars Jon Hamm as an independent sports agent who recruits talented Indian cricket players to play Major League baseball. He takes them to Los Angeles, where the now-baseball players struggle with a new game and culture. This is a good (and somewhat recent) PG-rated movie recommended for ages 10 and older.

(Walt Disney Pictures, 2014)

42 is a great baseball movie for kids


This is another, more recent, movie about baseball legend Jackie Robinson (played by Chadwick Boseman), who broke through the sport's racial barriers during the 1946 and 1947 seasons after being recruited by Branch Rickey, general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers (played by Harrison Ford). It's a basic and crowd-pleasing baseball movie that'll appeal to teens and mature tweens whether they are baseball fans or not. It's rated PG-13 and recommended for ages 11 and older.

(Warner Bros., 2013)

The Natural is a classic baseball movie for kids

The Natural

Considered an all-time baseball movie classic, The Natural stars Robert Redford as a sports prodigy who lost the chance to try out for the Chicago Cubs but, 16 years later, returns to professional baseball with the downtrodden New York Knights. He plays well and helps the Knights become a winning team, but the team's owner wants him to lose. This is one of the best PG movies about baseball and is recommended for ages 11 and older.

(Columbia Tristar, 1984)

Bad News Bears is a baseball movie for kids

The Bad News Bears

A former minor-league hopeful begrudgingly agrees to coach a misfit Little League team in this funny, slightly-edgy film that is one of the best movies for tweens. In an effort to change his bad luck with the team, the coach brings in a feisty female pitcher and attempts to whip all his outcasts into shape. This baseball movie pushed some boundaries when it was made in the 1970s, and it's rated PG-13, and recommended for ages 12 and older.

(Universal Pictures, 1976)

Field of Dreams is a classic baseball movie for kids

Field of Dreams

Kevin Costner plays an Iowa farmer who hears a voice in his cornfield telling him (the now famed suggestion) "if you build it, he will come." Although everyone thinks he's crazy, he builds a baseball diamond that is soon visited by the ghosts of great players. This film is about reconciling relationships and following your dreams and will appeal especially to older teens and adults. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 12 and older. 

(Universal Pictures, 1989)


San Francisco Bay Area baseball fans should not miss this flick, based on the excellent nonfiction best-selling book about the Oakland A's. Brad Pitt plays the general manager, who is assisted by an Ivy League graduate (played by Jonah Hill), as they recruit flawed but talented players in an attempt to change outdated baseball traditions. The adults will get as much entertainment out of this winning movie as the kids, and it's rated PG-13, and recommended for ages 12 and older.

(Columbia Pictures, 2011)

Everyone's hero is a baseball movie for kids

Everyone's Hero

In this animated feature set during the 1932 World Series, a boy considers whether to take a chance and become a hero or play it safe. Guess which one he chooses? You're right — he decides to fight the odds, taking a cross-country journey to return Babe Ruth's baseball bat. This is one of those feel-good kid movies for all ages, rated G and recommended for ages 5 and up.

(20th Century Fox, 2006)

The perfect game is a baseball movie for kids

The Perfect Game

This sports drama is based on true events and a 2008 book of the same name about a group of boys struggling in Monterrey, Mexico who discover baseball and then go on a winning streak. Their dreams of making it to the 1957 Little League World Series lead them across the border to compete and become the first team from outside the US to win. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 8 and up.

(Lionsgate Image Entertainment, 2010)

Hardball is a baseball movie


A gambler (Keanu Reeves) becomes a Little League coach for a team of children in Chicago's housing projects to help pay off his debts. He surprises himself by becoming attached to the troubled fifth-graders and their teacher (Diane Lane). This inspiring baseball movie has some tough language and themes and is rated PG-13. It's recommended for ages 14 and up. 

(Paramount Pictures, 2001)

Air Bud is a baseball movie for kids

Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch 

This direct-to-DVD baseball movie is one of the many sequels to the original 1997 film Air Bud, about a dog who plays basketball. This one focuses on Andrea, the younger sister of Josh (the boy who adopted the talented golden retriever in the first movie). Andrea is trying out for her high school baseball team and Josh's athletic canine helps out as an extra catcher. Meanwhile, dognappers have their eye on him. This movie didn't get the best reviews—descriptions of it include the words "pointless" and "slow"—but it's rated G and recommended for ages 5 and up. 

(Walt Disney Home Entertainment, 2002)


Brewster's Millions

Yes, this can be considered a baseball movie! While its main focus isn't sports, the lead character named Brewster (Richard Pryor) is a minor-league pitcher who loses his position just before his great-uncle leaves him $300 million. But before Brewster can inherit, he must follow complicated rules to spend $30 million in 30 days. This is a fun film that does, in fact, involve baseball games. It's rated PG and recommended for ages 11 and up.

(Universal Pictures, 1985)


If there’s one thing that’s constant for teenage girls, no matter when they grow up, it’s friendship drama. Navigating social circles as a tween or teen can be daunting, but a therapist on TikTok is sharing her best tips—and parents (and their teens) are going to want to take note.

Dr. Kimberley Palmiotto, a therapist, school psychologist, and mom of four girls, is clearly qualified to speak on the subject. In her TikTok video, she shared her top recommendation for teen girls navigating shifting friendships (hint: it’s all about balance).

“Providing your daughter with multiple social opportunities might help her to balance the challenges that come with some of her friendships as she gets older,” Palmiotto says in the video. “The more social circles she has, the more choices are available. So, when one circle gets challenging, she has the opportunity to move to the other.”


Friendships can be tricky for tween and teen girls. Encouraging them to have a variety of different friend groups is one way to help them navigate friend drama that is inevitably going to arise. #parentingteenagegirls #momsofdaughters #parentingteengirls #parentingtips #parentinggirls #raisinggirls #momsoftweensandteens #momsoftweens #nurturinggirls #girlmoms #parentingtweens #raisingconfidentgirls #raisingteendaughters #teenmentalhealth

♬ original sound – Dr. Kimberley Palmiotto

Is it really that simple? Palmiotto says so. According to her video, parents should encourage their daughters to make friends in different areas of life: sports, church, family, school, passions and hobbies, etc.

“They’re all really important to nurture, all of them, by just keeping in touch and finding ways to connect every now and again,” she adds. “I have seen girls that have a variety of friend groups navigate the normal drama that can come with adolescence much easier than girls that don’t. As parents, we can’t control the social situations, but we can be there to support her when they’re challenging and help her by providing spaces that help nurture that variety of friendships.”

When you think about it, this advice makes sense. As adults, we tend to have multiple groups of friends from different areas (and times) of our lives. So kids who start this practice early will be better prepared with the skills and practice to keep up relationships with different friend groups, even if they don’t see all their friends all the time.

In the comments, viewers noted that Palmiotto’s advice rings true for them.

“To this day I have rotating friendships even as an adult, and it’s amazing having so many people from different walks of life 🥰,” one person wrote. Another added, “This!! I had difficulty with school friends and my neighborhood friends were such a safe space.”

Families are so spread out these days that many of us have to get by with a little help from our friends—and our apps (it is the 21st century, after all). But with so. many. options out there it’s hard to know which are the best apps for moms and dads to help make our lives a little easier.

For new parents bringing home their first baby, it’s wildly overwhelming to know how to track feeding schedules, diaper changes, sleep schedules, and milestones (that notebook you were using at the hospital isn’t going to cut it—something I learned at our first pediatrician’s appointment when I couldn’t read my own exhausted handwriting). As your baby gets older, you’ll need to know where all the good playgrounds are, how to create the cutest photo books, and somehow find play inspo for your kid’s ever-changing age and stage. And let’s not forget that moms need to find mom friends to add to their village; there’s an app for that, too.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and this list proves it. Here are 10 family apps that parents are using right now to make their lives easier.

Sharing photos and making baby books: Tinybeans

Tinybeans photo sharing app is one of the best apps for moms

Some families have cities, countries, or even oceans between them and it’s a struggle to stay connected. If you’re looking for a secure way to share photos and videos of your littles with family and friends, look no further than, well, us! Not only does Tinybeans let you capture and share memories without any of the safety concerns of social media, but it’s also a handy milestone tracker and source of parental ideas and inspiration. You can grab your best posts and easily create beautiful photo books directly through the app. And don’t worry, Tinybeans prompts you to post if you aren’t a natural sharer, so we’ll keep those eager relatives off your back.

Cost: Free or paid (Tinybeans+: $74.99 per year or $7.99 per month) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Baby milestone tracking: The Wonder Weeks

Screenshots of the Wonder Weeks, one of the best apps for moms
The Wonder Weeks

Wondering why your happy babe is unusually grumpy or has suddenly become a stage-5 clinger? Enter The Wonder Weeks app, based on the popular book by the same name. What your baby is probably experiencing is called a “leap”—a period of rapid developmental gains that can throw your little one for a loop (there are 8 of these in baby’s first year). The Wonder Weeks app gives you peace of mind and information on how to best support your kid during these developmental leaps. All you have to do is tell the app your child’s birthday, and you’ll receive alerts prior to each leap and advice on how to handle them.

Cost: $5.99 on Apple App Store and $6.49 on Google Play

Feeding: Solid Starts

Screenshots of Solid Starts, one of the best apps for moms
Solid Starts

Starting solids is a game changer—a new activity to add to your routine, those adorable scrunched-up faces when baby tries new foods, and getting to drop a few of those breast or bottle feeds (bless!). But there are also so many questions when it comes to nutrition, safety, and which foods your baby should have based on their age. Solid Starts makes this entire process much easier for parents who are interested in baby-led weaning, putting everything you need to know about starting solids right at your fingertips. This includes information about more than 200 foods, including how to prepare them based on age and which are potential allergens, which you can access in the free version. If you pay, you can also keep a food log that records your baby’s progress, make lists, document reactions and sensitivities, and access a searchable database with more than 300 recipes.

Cost: $1.99 per month or $9.99 per year on the Apple App Store and Google Play

Sleep schedule: Huckleberry Baby

Screenshots of Huckleberry Baby, one of the best apps for moms
Huckleberry Baby

Your friends with kids have probably prepared you for how much time you’ll spend obsessing over your baby’s sleep. From wake windows to sleep cues and, later, sleep training, there’s so much to think about. Enter Huckleberry Baby, which takes the guesswork out of your baby’s sleepy time to help tired parents everywhere get more Zzz’s. The free version tracks your kid’s sleep and eating sessions, but parents who need more support can pay for Huckleberry experts to customize a unique sleep plan for each and every family. There’s no generic advice and no crying it out, per the app website. It helps you discover your “child’s natural rhythm” and takes the guesswork out of creating a sleep schedule that works for everyone involved, from newborns through three years old. No wonder it’s got thousands of 5-star ratings.

Cost: Free or paid (Huckleberry Plus: $9.99 per month or $58.99 per year and Huckleberry Premium: $14.99 per month or $119.99 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play


Family organizer: Cozi

Screenshots of Cozi Family Organizer, one of the best apps for moms
Cozi Family Organizer

Choir practices and baseball games and gymnastics… oh my. If you’ve entered your glorified chauffeur era, you know how crucial it is to track where every kid needs to be whenever they’re not at school. And most importantly, all drivers, I mean parents, have to be on the same page. Cozi takes the guesswork out of family organization by offering a way to track the whole family’s activities in one place. Family members are color-coded so they know who needs to be where at a glance, and you can share the grocery list, to-do list, meal plan, and more—so it all doesn’t fall on one person (we know who that would be).

Cost: Free or paid (Cozi Gold: $19.99 – $39 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Meeting other moms: Peanut

Screenshots of Peanut, one of the best apps for moms

Those long, monotonous days of early motherhood can feel so lonely and the best salve is meeting other moms who are going through the same things you are. While some parents are able to wing it and make friends at the museum or the playground, others need a little help. Peanut is basically like Tinder for moms looking to make friends. You can search for your future bestie based on age, location, where they’re at in their parenting journey, and more. The app’s groups and communities let you build relationships with other parents who share your interests. And if you need a little mom advice this is an alternative to your Facebook moms group, which we know can be a tad…dramatic at times.

Cost: Free and paid (Premium features from $3.99 to $79.99) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Groceries and meal planning: Plan to Eat

Screenshots of Plan to Eat, one of the best apps for moms
Plan to Eat

When you have the Plan to Eat app, you’ll at least spend less time staring aimlessly into an empty refrigerator wondering what in the world you’re going to cook for dinner. This app is a quick and easy way to plan your grocery trips and meals for the week. You can choose and upload recipes from anywhere on the web and a shopping list is automatically created for you in the app with items sorted by store and aisle. You can also categorize all your recipes any way you want and you won’t be stuck searching Pinterest or your old handwritten recipe cards ever again.

Cost: Free or paid ($5.95 per month or $49 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Music and audiobooks: Spotify

Screenshots of Spotify, one of the best apps for moms

The Spotify app is a lifesaver that the whole family can enjoy, from impromptu dance parties and keeping kids occupied in the car to podcasts and audiobooks for everyone. Ever tried doing storytime without even picking up a book? On particularly exhausted nights, Spotify’s storytime podcasts do the trick—or you can search audiobooks from Dr. Seuss, Peppa Pig, Robert Munsch, and more. And oh the playlists you’ll make: a “bedtime playlist,” a “car playlist,” or, if you’re like my 5-year-old, a “Super Mario Brothers” playlist that features every Mario song known to man. The only downside of using Spotify to curate your favorite kid’s music is that it will kill your Spotify Wrapped, the app’s wildly popular and personalized year-end review. My most-liked song of last year was “Poopy Bum Bum.” You’ve been warned.

Cost: Free or paid ($16.99 per month for a premium family plan) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Play and activities: BabySparks

Screenshots of Babysparks, one of the best apps for moms

Sure your baby can very briefly entertain themselves by looking at shiny things, dangling toys, or just enjoying some tummy time, but if you’re looking to take your play to the next level and stimulate some brain development—or you’re flat out of ideas for how to play with your babe—the BabySparks app is a great place to start. The app features thousands of personalized activities and milestones for littles from infancy to three years old and a slew of virtual and on-demand parenting classes that cover nutrition, potty training, and discipline, plus 450 new articles added to the app every week. That’s a whole lot of info at your fingertips.

Cost: For 0-12 months, a one-time purchase of $7.99. Basic subscription is $4.99 per month or $29.99 per year and premium subscription is $19.99 per month or $119.99 per year on Apple App Store and Google Play

Tracking diapers, feeding schedules, and more: Baby Connect

Screenshots of Baby Connect, one of the best apps for moms
Baby Connect

Baby Connect is the ultimate tracking app for all the tired newborn parents looking to monitor their babies’ feeding times and amounts, diapers, naps, bedtime, milestones, and more. You can review stats by the day, week, or even since birth if you need to, and then share the data with your partner and nanny. The best part? Say goodbye to the dreadful task of explaining everything you just did to someone else before you can take that much-needed break.

Cost: $4.99 per month or $119.99 per year for the family plan on Apple App Store and $6.99 to $164.99 on Google Play

Finding the best parks: Playground Buddy

Screenshots of Playground Buddy, one of the best apps for moms
Playground Buddy

Once your baby is old enough to enjoy going to the park (and you’re ready to get out of the house more often) the Playground Buddy app is an invaluable resource that grows with your family. Perfect for toddlers and elementary-aged kids, this app provides a map of all the closest playgrounds, plus photos so you can see what they look like and what types of equipment they have (look out for baby swings!). You can also share the playground with others when planning playdates, even if they don’t have the app. You’ll have access to an encyclopedia of 400,000 playgrounds in 170 countries right in your pocket.

Cost: Free on Apple App Store and Google Play

As your kid’s budding personality begins to reveal itself, you’re sure to get a kick out of all their quirks and preferences—and you can’t help but notice just how much of their own little person they really are. You might have loved a good impromptu dance party as a child, but your kid may be more content to revel in quiet time, read a picture book, or express themselves with watercolors. Or they’re super active and eager to sprint all over the park—or just about anywhere else you take them (sorry, fellow grocery store shoppers). To get an even better sense of your toddler’s favorite activities, you can look to their unique natal astrology, which offers valuable intel on their personality, perspective, and preferences.

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about sharing the wisdom of astrology with parents to hopefully make life a little easier (and fun!). So let’s dive in and look at children’s astrology signs to better understand what your kid most likes to do.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

an aries symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, so your little ram is one of the most on-the-go, physically active kids of the zodiac. Sitting still is not their forte, but bounding around and moving at lightning speed absolutely is, so this is a toddler who will not only love but need time outside at a playground or, on a rainy day, an indoor jungle gym. Even if they’re run-down, they may still want to do something fast and exciting, so zip them around your favorite park in a jogging stroller. Since they’re innately competitive and positively gleeful whenever they’re declared #1, competitive games are a must. Do a timed scavenger hunt or see who in the family can do the most jumping jacks in a minute. And because—as much as they may wish you were—you’re not an Energizer Bunny, when you do flip on a show or read them a book, your silly little Aries will love slapstick humor. 

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

a taurus symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Born under Taurus, the fixed earth sign, your wee bull is perfectly happy moving through life at a slow and steady pace. For that reason, when in doubt, err on the side of activities that don’t need to be rushed to complete—like slowly chipping away at a longer book or a LEGO building project. Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of art and beauty, your toddler has a soft spot for creative endeavors of all kinds—whether that’s making music with kid-size instruments or crafting their favorite animal out of Play-Doh. The bull is also known for being uniquely in touch with all five senses, so sensory activities that allow your tot to engage through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound are sure to be a winner. Think: heading to the nearest playground for a picnic and discussing all the elements of nature around you, from birds singing to flowers sprouting. 

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

a gemini symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Gemini toddlers are among the most social and chatty kids of the zodiac thanks to their ruling planet Mercury, the information-gathering planet that oversees communication, transportation, and technology. The sign of the twins also happens to be associated with the Third House of Communication, so activities that involve other kids are sure to be a hit, whether that’s a group playdate or mommy and me class. Your twins child is also bound to be a bookworm who adores trips to the library or bookstore, especially if they involve storytime. Known to be as adept at listening as they are at sharing their many thoughts, you’ll do well to prioritize opportunities for them to flex their conversation skills, whether that’s by FaceTiming loved ones or just chatting through their routine. Games that incorporate wordplay (like “I Spy”) are also winners for Gemini toddlers. And given that Mercury rules transportation, they’ll love learning about trains, planes, or automobiles.

Related: 23 Ways to Exhaust Your Toddler Before Sundown

Cancer (June 22-July 21)

a cancer symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your little crab is a heartfelt, intuitive, sentimental sweetheart who, even more than other toddlers, can let loose and have the most fun when they feel securely attached to you and other family members. These traits are owed, in great part, to the fact that Cancer is ruled by the moon, which oversees emotions, intuition, and maternal energy in astrology. So, put on a playlist of your favorite heart-soaring songs (“Let It Go,” anyone?) and encourage your crab cutie to sing along with you. Your little Cancer will also love a leisurely stroll by the nearest body of water (something that’s infinitely therapeutic for a water sign) while strapped to you or holding your hand. Speaking of water, they love playing with bath or pool toys, and as an innately nurturing sign you can tap into their desire to take care of others by playing veterinarian or preparing yummy snacks for their siblings.

Leo (July 22-August 22)

a leo symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Outgoing, buoyant, confident, and eager to be the center of attention, your little lion owes their exuberance to their ruler, the vitality-bringing sun. They’re also natural-born leaders, so any activity that allows them to run the show (like Follow the Leader) will fire them up. Associated with the Fifth House of Fun and Self-Expression, Leo toddlers love to share what’s in their hearts and on their minds through big, showy creative outlets, like playing dress-up with brightly colored (ideally sparkly!) or otherwise vibrant costumes, putting on a play, or having an impromptu dance party—which you’ll be instructed by your budding star to capture on your phone. While Leo toddlers tend to be fairly extroverted and active, they’re more apt to sit still for books and movies that revolve around being a star or a leader, like Disney’s The Lion Guard. But no matter what they adore the most, as a result of being the fixed fire sign, don’t be surprised if once they’ve pinpointed an activity they love, they’ll want to do it again and again.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

a virgo symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Born under the mutable earth sign, your maiden is thoughtful, helpful, and super-communicative, and you’ll want to look to their ruling planet Mercury, the messenger planet, for valuable clues on their favorite activities. Associated with the Sixth House of Daily Routine, they’ll love pitching in on any to-do you need to check off your list, whether that’s putting away laundry or feeding the family kitty. They’ll likely also be fans of games that involve organization or sorting. And from the time they’re tiny they’re bound to be intrigued by language, so you can’t miss with some dedicated storytime, ideally reading books that cover Virgoan themes like everyday routines, healthy habits, and nurturing your well-being and the world around you (think: The Curious Garden by Peter Brown). Also be sure to give your Virgo the opportunity to “write” their own books or share their own stories out loud, as their Mercurial influence means they’re natural storytellers.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

a libra symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your Libra kid is partnership-oriented, beauty-loving, and peace-seeking as a result of the scales’ ruler, Venus, the planet of relationships, art, and harmony. Associated with the Seventh House of Partnership, they’re most likely to enjoy one-on-one bonding activities with you, another caregiver, or your bestie’s kid (who is bound to be their BFF, too). Scales kids will love trips to an art museum, making up their very own song, or experimenting with new hairstyles or colorful outfits. They’re especially driven to hone their personal style, so they’ll have fun playing with their very own grooming kit or even keeping you company while you do your skincare or hair-styling routine. And although they shine best when they’re part of a pair, they’re also social butterflies at heart, meaning they’ll dive right into a dance or music class and instantly make friends.

Related: 15 Ways to Play with Toddlers That Take 10 Minutes (or Less)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

a scorpio symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Intense, emotionally intelligent, and dynamic, your Scorpio kid owes their innate magnetism and powerful vibe to their modern ruler Pluto, the planet of transformation, and their traditional ruler Mars, the planet of action and energy. And you’ll do well to look to the themes of both of these planets when brainstorming activities for your scorpion tot. For example, Pluto’s all about uncovering the shadow side of life, so your kiddo will be drawn to puzzles or games that involve a mystery they can solve. And given their Mars influence, they’ll enjoy pastimes that allow them to take charge—like picking out a Sunday night dinner or taking on the role of Simon in a game of Simon Says. As a water sign, Scorps also adore time spent at the beach or swimming, which they’re sure to find calming. It also bears noting that Scorpio is associated with the Eighth House of Emotional Bonds, so entertainment that sets the stage for conversations about deep-rooted emotions (like Inside Out) will resonate with your toddler.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

a sagittarius symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Upbeat, independent, and outspoken, your toddler was born under the mutable fire sign ruled by fortunate Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion. To that end, wanderlust-filled Sag’s mantra is “bigger is better,” so you’ll always do well to prioritize activities that broaden your child’s horizon, whether that’s taking them on a walk through a thrilling nature trail, heading to the zoo to learn about animals from all over the globe, catching a train ride to the nearest city to go sightseeing, or actually doing some long-distance traveling with your future aspiring globe-trotter. But on homebody days, you can lean on books, games, and puzzles that allow your Sag’s mind to wander all over the planet (like Busy, Busy World by Richard Scarry). They’ll also be one of the first of the zodiac to enjoy learning a new language. And even in your own neighborhood, take them to the widest play area you can find, as your free-spirited tot will always love running and playing in big open spaces.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

a capricorn symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your Capricorn toddler is a driven smarty-pants with a penchant for rules and tradition, thanks to their ruling planet, taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries. Kids born under the cardinal earth sign like to take the initiative and work step-by-step toward a goal, so you might find they really enjoy using a piggy bank to save up allowance or helping you tend to the family garden or household plants (an activity that also speaks to your little green thumb’s earthiness). Associated with the Tenth House of Career and Public Image, you could be surprised by just how much your toddler acts like a little CEO in training, which is also a sign that they’ll enjoy playing a game of make-believe revolving around being the boss. As an old soul at heart, your Cap toddler will enjoy listening to old-school tunes (you could be surprised just how much they love artists like Stevie Wonder or Ella Fitzgerald) and learning about history—specifically, game-changing leaders from the past.

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

an aquarius symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your social, humanitarian, highly original toddler, born under the fixed air sign, owes their electrifyingly innovative MO to their modern ruling planet, Uranus, which oversees change, rebellion, and the desire to strike out against convention. In turn, know that your water-bearer kid will always want to march to the beat of their own drum. If all the other kids in the neighborhood are into an activity they saw on Ms. Rachel this week, your Aquarius might want to do anything but that. Instead, they may prefer to make up their own game—or better yet, science experiment or invention project. At the same time, because Aquarius is associated with the Eleventh House of Networking, they’re community-oriented, so they’ll like hanging out at the local pool or playground with a group of playmates or making new friends when you visit friends or family on a road trip. They also adore technology and science due to Uranus being the planet of electricity and innovation, so prioritize activities that make it possible for them to learn about these subjects—and maybe even make a cutting-edge discovery.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

a pisces symbol for a story on what activities your toddler likes based on your children's astrology signs

Your fish toddler, born under the mutable water sign, is deeply emotional, tenderhearted, sensitive, perceptive, empathic, and innately in tune with the mystical aspects of life. This is owed to their modern ruler, Neptune, the planet of spirituality, and the fact that Pisces is associated with the Twelfth House of Spirituality. That said, you’ll want to embrace Neptunian themes when planning activities for your Pisces, like keeping a dream journal, expressing emotions through art (whether that’s coloring or working with you to write a poem), learning about crystals, reading or making up whimsical, fantastical stories, or engaging in mind-body practices like meditation, deep breathing, or kid yoga. Because they’re so compassionate and apt to pick up on all the energy and emotions around them, you may find they enjoy and benefit from activities that teach self-soothing, like spending time in a calming corner or listening to their favorite mellow, soft music. 

There are so many parts of parenthood that no one can prepare you for: the first time your baby smiles at you, the first time your child rides a bike, the first time your tween rolls their eyes at you… Yes, the transition from child to tween can be tough, but there are ways to navigate these choppy waters.

There are things you can avoid saying and some things you should lean into. When the child who used to tell you everything no longer opens up, when the child who used to be glued to your side doesn’t want to hang out, and when the child who used to smile every day seems more introspective, here are some ways to try to break through.

“I hear you.”

Many times, all any of us really want is someone to actually listen to us, and our tweens are no different. “Try to understand their perspective before offering suggestions,” the American Psychological Association recommends. “Sometimes your own anxiety can prompt you to try to fix everything. But in many cases, the best help you can offer is to listen attentively.”

“Is there anything I can help with?”

This ties into listening better, but as parents, we can’t always assume that we know what’s wrong. Ask your child for insight instead of meeting them with assumptions. “Do not assume that you know what’s wrong,” the National Health Service advises. “Rather than asking ‘Are you being bullied?’ try saying, ‘I’ve been worried about you. You don’t seem like your usual self, and I’m wondering what’s going on with you at the moment. Is there anything I can help with?'”

“I’m so proud of you.”

This is something we remember to say when our child lands on the honor roll or has a similar amazing accomplishment—but do you remember to say it when your child is just being themselves? I’ve raised an empathetic child, and that’s something I’m very proud of. When I see him saving snacks for his sister or telling me a story about talking to a child who was sitting alone at lunch, I make sure to let him know how proud I am of him and of his character. Pride doesn’t always need to be saved for measurable achievements—like trophies or wins.

“I’m sorry.”

Parents are human, and as such, will make mistakes. We can’t expect that we are always going to model perfect behavior to our children, and when we mess up—we should own it. “Apologizing to your children shows them that you as a parent are willing to take responsibility when you lose your cool or do something hurtful,” advises Sarah Epstein, a licensed marriage and family therapist. “When parents refuse to apologize, it shows the child that their parent is never willing to take responsibility simply because they are the parent. It erodes trust.”

Make it about them.

This isn’t a specific phrase; it’s rather the absence of a very specific word from time to time—”I.” Remember to center your child in the conversation. “Business people are often trained to say, ‘I understand you feel…’ This phrase doesn’t work with kids because it shifts the attention to ‘I’ the adult rather than ‘you, the child, who wants and needs to feel heard,'” says Eileen Kennedy Moore, a psychologist who specializes in parenting, child development, mental health, and social emotional learning, and the author of Kid Confidence: Help Your Child Make Friends, Build Resilience, and Develop Real Self-Esteem. “Use the word ‘you’ and avoid ‘I’ to keep the focus of your empathic comments on your child.”

“Can you show me how you did that?”

The tween years are about the time you start to learn there are things your child knows more about than you. Give your child a reason to get excited about telling you about new interests by showing them you are invested in the idea that they are growing and learning—and probably know more about fifth-grade math than you.


The ability to say “no” is something that we can all learn from, and saying “no” to your child teaches them the importance of boundaries. “It does [a child] no favor to be taught that ‘no’ is the opposite of ‘nice,’ to be raised and praised as someone who is always agreeable, never complains, pleases at all costs, goes along to get along, bows to disagreement, and suffers dissatisfaction in silence,” explains Psychology Today. Your child is going to be up against so many situations in life that challenge their beliefs and surface the need to make important decisions. Modeling “no” as a healthy, normal response is critical.

Before you hit “add to cart,” check out this list of the best baby gear to borrow

Preparing for the arrival of your little one is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting for new parents. With so many baby products on the market, you may be asking yourself what items are worth the splurge? It’s tempting to want all the baby items—every single one—but remember, your baby isn’t going to be tiny forever. Instead, consider borrowing baby gear you know you won’t need for long. Not only are you saving money, but you get to feel like a hero, too (because you’re saving these items from the landfill). Whether you ask a friend or put feelers out on a local borrowing group, here are dozen items you don’t have to include on your baby registry.

1. Baby clothes

Itsy bitsy baby clothes are the cutest, but your little one will grow quickly. Don’t invest too much in newborn clothing (trust us, most of it will end up stained in the end). Your baby is likely to outgrow those adorable onesies in a couple of weeks, leaving you with boxes of clothes laying around you haven’t had the heart to donate…yet.

2. Portable bassinet

When you’re on the go, portable bassinets are awesome, but again, you won’t be using them forever. Before you know it, your baby will be on the move, and won’t be able to use the portable bassinet. So consider borrowing before you click “add to cart” on this one.

Related: Baby Gear You’ll Use Well Beyond the First Year

3. Activity gym

Keeping your baby busy and entertained will soon be a staple of your day. Your arms can only carry your newborn for so long before you need a break. Activity gyms are wonderful (not to mention developmentally appropriate) for your curious baby. But the time for baby to interact with this toy is short-lived—just like their attention span.

4. Mamaroo

For many families, this is a total splurge-worthy baby item. But if you can find it second-hand, it’s a total win. Like most baby gear, the window for its usefulness is fleeting. In the blink of an eye your baby will be too big for the soothing, mechanical rocker, and you’ll have to resort to the parent sway-and-shush to get your little one to sleep. Let’s just say it’s never too early to make friends with parents who have the Mamaroo so you’ll be next in line for the hand-off.

5. Jumperoo

Costs add up when you’re buying baby gear. And although the Jumperoo is an item you’re definitely going to want to grab, you don’t necessarily have to pay top dollar for it. It’s a lifesaver for keeping kiddos engaged and as the name suggests, jumping for joy. But like many items on our list, it’s usefulness is short-lived. Once baby starts cruising around, they often want to be free—no matter how bouncy and entertaining that Jumperoo is.

6. Strollers

Many strollers come with sticker shock, and it doesn’t help that there are a billion different options. Lightweight strollers, travel strollers, convertible strollers, jogging strollers, double strollers—it’s enough to make your head spin. Before buying, consider when and how you’ll use your stroller. Jogging strollers and double strollers are perfect examples. You’ll likely not use them every day, and they are incredibly expensive. Unless you’re an avid runner, borrowing one from a friend may get you through.

7. Changing table

Be prepared to spend a lot of time at the changing table. However, that doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on it. There is nothing revolutionary about a changing table. Unless you’re looking to match a specific aesthetic, this is another item you can easily borrow.

8. Hiking backpack

Hitting the trails with your baby is a great way to get outdoors and experience the beauty of nature together. But soon enough, your little one won’t need (or want) to be carried. They’ll be toddling along beside you. Have a parent friend with older kids who also loves to hike? There’s a good chance they have a hiking backpack collecting dust somewhere you can borrow.

Related: We Found the Baby Camping Gear to Make Your Family Vacation So Much Easier

9. Pack ‘n Play

This is another item that will get a lot of use. Pack ‘n Plays are great for naptime, playtime, and travel time—really anytime, but you don’t necessarily need to buy them new. They are portable, easy to assemble, and fantastic for corralling a kid in a safe environment so you can go hands-free for a while. But here’s the skinny: once baby starts to crawl, the pack ‘n play isn’t nearly as appealing to them as it once was. Plus, everyone has one of these laying around somewhere. All you need to do is ask.

10. Infant bathtub

You will likely only need an infant bathtub until your little one begins to sit up around six months, so this is another product on our list to consider swapping rather than purchasing. Infant bathtubs are adorable, but also not a necessity.

Related: The Best Baby Bath Toys, According to Amazon Parents

11. Highchair

Another big-ticket item (depending on the brand), another one you can probably find in a friend’s garage. There are different types of highchairs too, which you may need based on development and personal preference: full-size, portable, and booster seats. If all three are on your list, think about what you’ll use on the daily and then see if you can borrow the other two. Be warned though, this is one product that is guaranteed to get messy, so you may want to give yours a good scrub after it’s been gifted to you.

12. Bike trailer

When it comes to the baby gear to borrow, bike trailers should be on every casual rider’s list. Unless you’re training for a triathlon or you bike all the time, you probably won’t get as much use out of a bike trailer as you plan before baby arrives. Trust us, this money can be better spent elsewhere if you can get a loaner from a friend or rent one from a local bike shop.

We ranked 14 scary movies for kids from “just about anyone can watch” to “older kids only” that will get everyone pumped for the spooky season

So many kids love scary movies—or claim to love them until they end up having nightmares afterward. The requests to watch something spooky seem to ramp up every year in the lead-up to Halloween, and it can be tough for parents to find something appropriate. Kids want something that isn’t too babyish… but parents want something that isn’t going to have their children sleeping with all the lights on. Luckily, there are scary movies for kids that fit right into that sweet spot of mildly frightening without being utterly terrifying.

Of course, when it comes to what your kid can tolerate in terms of scary movies, mom and dad will know best, regardless of what a movie might be rated or how many jumps and thrills it contains.


Coraline is a good beginner scary movie for kids.
© Focus Features

An unhappy little girl discovers a doorway to another world, where she meets the doppelgangers of her parents. But not everything is as idyllic as it looks, and her very soul is in peril. This creepy flick would be a heck of a lot scarier if it were live-action, but the animation makes it much more suitable for kids.

Rated: PG.

Stream it on Apple TV, Max, or Hulu, or rent on Amazon Prime


Goosebumps is a good scary movie for kids.
© Sony Pictures

There are lots of spooks and lots of laughs in this kid-friendly scary movie. Based on the beloved kids’ book series by R.L. Stine (played by Jack Black), it shows viewers what happens when monsters step off the page and into the real world.

Rated: PG.

Stream it on Netflix.

The Witches

The Witches is a good scary movie for kids.
© Warner Bros.

Another beloved book-turned-movie, The Witches is based on Roald Dahl’s 1983 classic. A young boy on vacation with his grandmother uncovers a coven of kid-hating witches, and let’s just say they look a lot different when they think no one’s watching.

Rated: PG

Rent it on Amazon Prime.


Gremlins is a classic scary movie for kids.
© Warner Bros.

How could the cute little furball pictured above possibly be scary? Well, there are three rules for handling the Mogwai, and if you break them… they turn into monsters who are not nearly as adorable, and way more dangerous.

Rated: PG

Rent it on Amazon Prime.

The Watcher in the Woods

Watcher in the Woods is a Disney scary movie for kids.
© Lifetime Television

Who or what is the Watcher, and what do they want? This scary flick directed by former child star Melissa Joan Hart will keep kids guessing until the end.

Rated: TV-PG

Rent it on Amazon Prime.

Spirited Away

Spirited Away is a good scary movie for kids
© Studio Ghibli

One of Studio Ghibli’s best works (some say the best), this enthralling film about a 10-year-old girl named Chihiro, who is moving to a small Japanese village with her parents, is filled with plenty of chills and thrills. From the creepy village beyond the tunnel to the evil witch and the spirits, demons, and evil gods, this is best left for tweens and teens.

Rated: PG

Stream it on Max or rent it on Amazon Prime (English version).


Beetlejuice is an okay scary movie for kids.
© Warner Bros.

There’s some grown-up humor to watch out for in Beetlejuice, but the PG flick is still good fun for older kids. Sandworms, seances, and all manner of the undead make this an excellent choice for a scary good time.

Rated: PG

Stream it on HBO Max or rent it on Amazon Prime.

Warm Bodies

© Summit Entertainment

The zombie flick goes rom-com in this light horror flick starring Nicholas Hoult. He plays R, a teen boy just trying to survive the end of the world and maybe find love—all while ignoring a craving for human flesh.

Rated: PG-13

Stream it on Apple TV or rent it on Amazon Prime.


© Columbia Pictures

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! The film that sparked a franchise that’s still thriving to this day introduces us to Venkman, Ray, Eagon, and Winston—and, of course, Zuul. There are some scary moments, but watching this classic flick is practically a rite of passage around Halloween.

Rated: PG-13

Stream it on Peacock TV or rent it on Amazon Prime. 

Monster Squad

© TriStar Pictures

A pack of legendary monsters is on the loose in this 1987 cult classic, and a band of scary movie-loving kids is the only thing standing between them and world domination.

Rated: PG-13

Stream it on Hulu or rent it on Amazon Prime.


© Universal Pictures

Boris Karloff brings Frankenstein’s monster to life in this 1931 black-and-white horror film. At nearly a hundred years old, the movie still manages to offer up some scary storylines—including a controversial death scene that parents will want a heads up about.


Rent it on Amazon Prime.

Twilight Zone

© Warner Bros.

The twisted tales of The Twilight Zone will surely give kids a good fright. The anthology film has a PG rating, but we’re still calling this one suitable for older kids only.

Rated: PG

Stream it on Tubi or rent it on Vudu.


© Buena Vista Pictures

The extra-terrestrial visitors in M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs aren’t here to make friends. The Hess family (Mel Gibson, Abigail Breslin, and Rory Culkin) is just trying to survive the alien invasion after a massive crop circle appears on their farm.

Rated: PG-13

Stream it on Hulu, Max, or rent it on Amazon Prime. 

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

A blonde woman in a ponytail in front of a blue sky
© Netflix

Save this one for the older kids. Generations of readers have grown up being terrified and tantalized by the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books, but the movie takes the horror to another level.

Rated: PG-13

Stream it on Hulu, Apple TV, or Amazon Prime


There are some ways to stop your kid from instantly tuning out

The big kid years are difficult—and not just for kids themselves. The grade-school/tween age encompasses kids between 8 and 12, the bridge between childhood and teenager-dom. One day your kid is playing with Barbies, and the next day everything you say is boring and they want you to buy them makeup. It’s not easy to make this transition with your child, and communication can definitely suffer.

Below, we break down some of the more common phrases used by parents trying to connect with kids at this age—what works and what doesn’t—with the help of Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Ph.D., a psychologist who specializes in parenting, child development, mental health, and social-emotional learning, and the author of Kid Confidence: Help Your Child Make Friends, Build Resilience, and Develop Real Self-Esteem. 

1. “You always/you never”

Allow your kid the space to grow out of behavior you may view as problematic without constantly reminding them that they once engaged in it. “Young adolescents are changing so rapidly, anything they did last month was done by an entirely different person,” Kennedy-Moore says.

“Try to start every day with a clean slate for your child. One of the most loving things we can do as parents is to develop amnesia for the mistakes and struggles our kids have had in the past. This gives them room to grow instead of anchoring them to the past, and helps us be open to embracing the new people they are becoming.”

2. “When I was your age”

You may think you’re being relatable, but trying to convince your kid you know how they feel because you were also a kid once is probably not going to work. “Tweens will instantly tune you out if you start talking about ‘ancient history,’ especially if they’re talking with you about a problem,” says Kennedy-Moore. “And they have a point: the world has changed drastically.” We didn’t live through a pandemic as a kid or even imagine a world where everyone would have a cell phone in their pocket.

Give kids the space to explain themselves without weaving your own life experience into the equation. That’s not to say you should never talk about yourself—just be sure to center your child when they come to you with a problem.

3. “You should just…”

Be aware of language that immediately belittles your child’s experience. “Your tween’s dilemmas may not seem difficult or important compared to adult concerns, but they matter to your kid,” Kennedy-Moore reminds us. Work with your child to unpack their own feelings about what is going on in a given situation, rather than trying to resolve the issue for them—and in doing so, maybe inadvertently making it seem like whatever they’re going through “isn’t a big deal.”

4. “I miss the age you were when…”

One day you have a child following you around everywhere and hanging on your every word, and the next day that same child would rather do anything else than hang out with you. That’s tough! But we have to remember that developing independence during the tween years is normal, and not an attack on who we are as parents or people.

“This stage can also be difficult because we may feel a new distance separating us from our young adolescents,” Kennedy-Moore explains. “It can be confusing and hurtful when our beloved children suddenly seem to view everything we say or do in the worst possible light.”

So what do we do? Kennedy-Moore says this is the perfect time for you to move toward greater independence, too. “Developing interests and enjoyable activities beyond your role as a parent is satisfying, and it helps you keep things in perspective.”

Related: How I’ve Managed My Newfound Freedom as My Kids Become More Independent

5. Extended nagging [insert any phrase here]

This is probably the hardest one because as parents we know that there is a lot to remind kids of at this age! But are we being excessive? Couple this with the fact that their stress tends to rub off on us, and you may find yourself in an environment ripe for nagging and power struggles. “Nagging irritates teens,” says Kennedy-Moore. “If you have an important point to make, compress it down to one sentence, say it, and then get out of the room. The parent-vs-kid battle is too easy for teens.”

And of course, be gentle with yourself. This too shall pass, and it is really difficult to witness the transition from an ever-dependent child to an increasingly independent tween.

Get ready to meet a busy spider, friendly monsters, and a few ghosts that just want to say hi

It’s that time of year when ghosts and witches start making an appearance in windows and on lawns and a visit to the pumpkin patch is on the horizon. These sweet-and-just-a-little spooky Halloween books make the perfect addition to any shelf. If these aren’t enough for your avid reader, check out these magical books about witches!

Halloween Books for Little Kids

Random House

Happy Halloween from the Very Busy Spider


This darling Halloween board book by Eric Carle will have kids squealing with delight as they lift the flaps to discover spooky fun with The Very Busy Spider and a special appearance by The Very Hungry Caterpillar too. Ages: 0-3

Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Trick or Treat Yourself: A Little Book of Mischief


All your Brown and friends are back in this sweet, not scary book about Halloween. Little readers will see how fun it is to dress up and be someone else for a day, play some harmless tricks and enjoy sweet treats. Ages: 2-5

open the witch's door is a halloween book
Random House Books

Open the Witch's Door


Fun flaps abound in this adorable Halloween board book from Jannie Ho. Step inside the witch's house and see just what's behind all the doors! Ages: Baby to 3

super hero halloween is a halloween book
Random House Books

Super Hero Halloween!


Join your fave little heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and more DC Super Heroes as they dress up and celebrate Halloween. This sweet board book has darling illustrations and simple prose and makes a perfect gift this spooky season. Ages: Baby to 3

go to sleep little creep is a halloween book
Crown Books for Young Readers

Go to Sleep, Little Creep


Even little creepy monsters, howling werewolves, and tiny trolls have bedtime rituals to attend to, and bedtimes to adhere to. This perfectly sweet rhyming picture book is a great nighttime read this October or any time of the year. Authored by David Quinn and adorably illustrated by Ashley Spires. Ages: 2-5

Candlewick Entertainment

Follow Peppa Pig and the Halloween Costume

$10.50 BUY NOW

Peppa finds that choosing the right costume can be a bit tricky! Fans of Peppa and fans of Halloween alike will enjoy this easy read for little ones as any parent can relate to their kiddos' quest for the perfect costume. Ages: 2-5

Eat Pete is a Halloween book
Nancy Paulsen

Eat Pete!


Pete couldn't be more thrilled when a monster shows up in his bedroom. Now Pete has someone to play with! And the hungry monster couldn't be more thrilled to be there, either. Now he can . . . EAT PETE! This adorable and hilarious book by Michael Rex, author of Goodnight Goon, will have you laughing, moaning, and loving a monster tale you can all appreciate. Ages: 2-5

There's a monster in your book is a Halloween book
Random House Books

There’s a Monster in Your Book


Remember Grover and There’s a Monster at the End of This Book? This new book by author Tom Fletcher and illustrator Greg Abbott is like that Sesame Street classic meets Press Here. There’s a monster in your book, and you’ve got to shake, tickle, and shout to see if you can get him out. Ages: 2-7

There's a witch in your book is a Halloween book
Random House Books

There's a Witch in Your Book


Tom Fletcher and Greg Abbott have added another book in the "Who's In Your Book" series with this festive tale. This interactive book takes readers along when a grumpy witch throws a spell at you! With fun illustrations and instructions along the way, There's a Witch In Your Book will quickly become a holiday favorite. Ages 3-7

Maurice the Unbeastly is a Halloween book
Sterling Children's Books

Maurice the Unbeastly


Beasts roar and beasts destroy—except Maurice. He’s the kale-eating, kind-hearted, incredibly polite beast who just doesn’t quite fit in. Mama and Papa send him off to the Abominable Academy for Brutish Beasts to learn how to scowl, snarl and howl like a pro. But Maurice just can’t stop being Maurice—and he ends up teaching everyone else (including readers) why being true to yourself is the most important thing of all. By Amy Dixon, with gorgeous illustrations by Karl James Mountford. Ages: 3 and up

Candlewick Press

Leila, the Perfect Witch


Leila Wayward is the fastest flier, has won trophies for potions, and now she wants to win the Magnificent Witchy Cake-off! Unfortunately, she is terrible in the kitchen. With the help of her sisters, she feels accepted no matter her skills. Together with vibrant and fanciful illustrations, Flavia Z. Drago's story of trying your best no matter what is a must-read for budding bakers.

Vlad the Rad is a Halloween book
Random House Books

Vlad the Rad


NY Times bestselling illustrator Brigette Barrager brings Vlad, a high-energy young vampire, to life in this adorable picture book. Not only does Vlad love skateboarding (because he's rad!) he also loves schoolwork. This makes this a great back-to-school, fall book for kids. Ages: 3-7

Random House

The 12 Days of Halloween


Count it down! This clever adaptation of the 12 Days of Christmas includes eight black cats hissing, seven spiders crawling, six ghosts a-spooking, and five bags of candy! Read it, sing it, chant it, and read it again to get into the Halloween spirit. It comes with a sheet of cute Halloween stickers, too. Written by Jenna Lettice and illustrated by Colleen Madden. Ages: 3-7

Trick or Treat Crankenstein is a Halloween book
Little Brown Books

Trick or Treat, Crankenstein


Crankenstein is back! Samantha Berger and Dan Santant follow the lovable character as he navigates his fave holiday. But will a toothache, a pumpkin carving issue, and a terrible costume nightmare take out all the fun? Ages: 4-8

The Great Pumpkin Returns is a Halloween Book
Simon & Schuster

The Great Pumpkin Returns


Peanuts fans that waited all night in the most sincere pumpkin patch with Linus will be thrilled to read this new Halloween book. All Linus needs is one faithful companion who truly believes in the Great Pumpkin, to stay with him on Halloween night. Though most of the gang don’t even want to hear about the Great Pumpkin (again) this year, Linus finds an ally in Peppermint Patty. But will it be enough to grant a visit? Ages: 4 and up

Zip Zoom on a Broom is a Halloween Book
Little, Brown Books

Zip! Zoom! on a Broom


From the creator of the NY Times Best Picture Book From Letter to Letter, Terri Sloat, and acclaimed artist Rosaline Bonnette, this is a fantastic rhyming Halloween book to celebrate the witchy season. Join ten feisty witches and one adorable kitten as they travel from spooky castle to graveyard and beyond. Ages: 5-8

Boyds Mills Press

Cy Makes a Friend

$2.50 BUY NOW

Cy (the Cyclops) is good at lots of things: he can build nearly anything from robots to toys, but there is one thing he is not so great at making—friends. This book explores the fears kids can have about finding and making new friends, and shows that with bravery, practice, confidence, and patience, even a shy Cyclops monster can succeed. It offers gentle suggestions for shy kiddos trying to branch out, plus it’s a clever intro to mythological creatures. Written by Anne Marie Stephens and illustrated by Tracy Subisak. Ages: 4-8

monsters are afraid of babies is a good halloween book
New Classics Books

Monsters Are Afraid of Babies


Everybody knows...monsters are afraid of babies! From the way babies howl to how sticky and stinky they are, monsters have a great fear of these crawling little creatures. Adorable, funny, rhyming prose will delight your kids as you reassure them not to fear (babies OR monsters). Written by Nicholas Tana and illustrated by Elise Leutwyler and Jessica Abbott. Ages: 4-6

Jimmy Patterson

No More Monsters Under Your Bed!


We love our kids' wild imaginations, but when those imaginations conjure up images of monsters under the bed and prevent your little one from falling asleep at night, it's time to bring in reinforcements. Turn to this magical book by Jordan Chouteau with illustrations by Anat Even Or, to help your kiddo conquer her fears. With goofy monster illustrations and even a real no-more-monsters patch your child can wear to bed, this book is sure to drive away those monsters in no time. Ages: 4-8

Random House

How to Make Friends with a Ghost


Want to make friends of the spectral sort? Then grab a copy of this adorable, debut picture book by Rebecca Green to find out how. You'll need snacks (like earwax truffles) and bedtime stories. You'll have to protect them (they are sometimes taken for marshmallows) and be loyal. If you follow the tips Green has laid out, you'll be sure to make a ghost friend that will last a lifetime. Ages: 4-8

Knopf Books for Young Readers

She Made a Monster


Written by Lynn Fulton with fab illustrations by Felicita Sala, "She Made a Monster" pays tribute to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the literary genius who brought the world Frankenstein. It was 200 years ago when Shelley gave birth to this infamous monster, and this book will let the young audience know not only the significance of writing it but how important it is to follow one’s own dream. Ages: 4-8

Sterling Children's Books

Moldilocks and the Three Scares


The classic tale of Goldilocks gets a Halloween-themed twist when Moldilocks winds up in the house of the Scare family. Fun illustrations and the underlining tale about adoption added to a happily ever after ending make this charming book a perfect Halloween tale. Ages: 4-8

Ginny Goblin is a character in a halloween book
Clarion Books

Ginny Goblin Is Not Allowed to Open This Box

$13.50 BUY NOW

Ginny Goblin likes to do her own thing, there’s no doubt. But what happens when she finds this box, which she is absolutely not allowed to open? Well, naturally, she tries! Find out what its the box yourself with this goofy, wonderful book by David Goodner, illustrated by Louis Thomas. Ages: 4-7

The Skull is a good Halloween book for kids
Penguin Random House

The Skull: A Tyrolean Folktale


From Caldecott Medalist Jon Klassen comes a re-telling of a classic folk tale with the wry humor for which the award-winning author and illustrator is known. Follow a brave girl named Otilla as she escapes danger and finds refuge in a spooky house with a skull as her host. Can she save them both from the things that go bump in the night? Ages: 6-8.

Quirk Books

The X Files: Earth Children Are Weird


The X-Files generation is grown up with kids all their own now, but if you want your littles to get it when you say “The truth is out there,” you should buy this book now. The perfect spooky-ish read, based on the characters by X-Files creator Chris Carter, you’ll find Agents Fox and Mulder starring as best kid pals, who solve big mysteries (the creepy shadow? Just the family dog!) and get a few laughs in the process. But what they find in their tent just might make you think twice about turning off the lights. Beautifully illustrated by Kim Smith. Ages: 8 and up

Halloween Books for Big Kids

Simon & Schuster

Polter-Ghost Problem


What happens when three besties end up in a haunted orphanage? Hilarious, but ghoulish, antics are just what middle-grade readers need this Halloween season. By Betsy Uhrig. Ages: 8-12

Sterling Children's Books

Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of Ghosts

$8.50 BUY NOW

This cute chapter book is out just in time for that spooky feel and features a diverse cast of characters and an adventure any kid can appreciate. After an embarrassing incident at the Space Museum, Sam is on a mission to prove to his friends and the school bully that he’s not afraid of everything, or anything. Does this include the ghost that seems to live in the walls of Sam’s own house? By Katie & Kevin Tsang. Ages: 7-12


Random House

Poison: Deadly Deeds, Perilous Professions, and Murderous Medicines


For the curious kid who loves a bit of twist with their history, this non-fiction book will not just amuse, it will educate. It’s part chemistry, part quirky history, and all totally true. As the title suggests, it’s all about poisons, and answers questions like “What made ‘mad hatter’ mad?” and “Who killed a Bulgarian report with a poke from a poison-tipped umbrella?” You know, everyday questions. Perfect for creating some mad-scientist-themed trivia for Halloween parties and more. Ages: 8-12


Skeleton Tree


Author (and children’s librarian) Kim Ventrella’s debut novel will have you pondering big questions about life and death. Twelve-year-old, zombie fanatic Stanly lives with his mom and his little sister, Miren, whose health is failing. Their dad is MIA. One day, he sees a bone growing in his yard, and though he knows it’s not “normal” it doesn’t stop him from obsessively watching it grow into an entire skeleton. This will be his ticket to winning a photography and writing competition. Meanwhile, Miren sees the skeleton as a new friend. It’s a heart-wrenching and beautiful novel, perfect for this skeletonic time of year. (Releases Sep. 26). Ages: 8-12

Random House

The Little Bad Book and The Little Bad Book #2: Even More Dangerous


Book #2 comes out October 11 so there’s time to preorder it and then catch up with the first in this middle-grade series by Magnus Myst, with illustrations by Thomas Hussung. Packed with riddles, interactive puzzle solving, and plenty of humor, these books are just spooky enough for Halloween or any time of the year. Ages: 9-12

Fake Blood is a Halloween book
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Fake Blood


A graphic novel by Whitney Gardner that is perfect this time of year (or any), Fake Blood brings a middle-schooler AJ face to face with his vampire slayer crush. How will “average” AJ win over his crush, Nia Winters, the vampire slayer? Read this hilarious story to find out! Ages: 10 and up


—with additional reporting by Karly Wood

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