From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, many moms-to-be start to notice changes in their bodies. Morning sickness, thicker hair, even varicose veins are among the list of culprits that can show up and disappear. But what if they don’t? It turns out, your baby isn’t the only thing you’ll get from those nine grueling months—there are lots of body changes after pregnancy, too. These not-so-cuddly gifts may stick around long after your baby bump goes away. From wider hips to bigger feet, vision changes to sudden (or disappearing) allergies, many new moms will find these changes are part of their postpartum body.

Your Feet Grow

Your baby’s not the only one who's going to need new shoes. Many new moms add half a shoe size—or more—after pregnancy. Blame the hormone relaxin, which loosens the ligaments in your body to help prepare for birth (that pelvis has to widen, after all), which also causes the bones to spread in the feet.

Doctors say there is a chance your feet will go back to their old size after several months, but if your feet still feel cramped in your favorite shoes, it may be time to go shopping (as if you needed a better excuse).

Note: Call your doctor if your feet have swelled up suddenly, as this may be a sign of potentially dangerous preeclampsia or blood pressure changes.

Your Hips Get Wider

You know those glorious hips that widened to let your baby squeeze out into the world? They may never go back to the way they were (even if you had a C-section). Same goes for your rib cage, which also had to open up to make room for your growing child. For most women, these enlarged bones go back to their original place by about 18 weeks postpartum, but some women keep the extra girth permanently.

"My hips stayed permanently wider which was great for me because I had no shape before," said a Reddit user. "I was built like a teenaged boy, lol."

"My hips? Wider yes and not back to normal," said another mom. "But I have embraced it and now have a more hourglass figure with larger bust, slim waist and wide hips." 

"I hope my hips get wider during pregnancy. Wide hips are beauty beautiful," said another.

Related: 10 Things I Didn't Know about Pregnancy, Until I Was Pregnant

Your Breasts Shrink

While pregnancy’s powerful hormones will likely bump your bosom up a few cup sizes, once your milk-making machines dry up, you may end up with smaller breasts than you had before you were pregnant. “You lose a lot of breast elasticity,” Los Angeles–based OB-GYN Pari Ghodsi told Health magazine. “They’re not as full as they once were.”

That said, some women report larger breasts after pregnancy (even after nursing), so it's anyone's guess where your post-baby bust will be.

I was a C pre-pregnancy, was a DD in my second trimester," said a Reddit user. "I never measured postpartum but they were pornographic while I was pumping, and then once I stopped pumping they vanished into thin air and I’ve got A’s now."

“After nursing 6+ years with four kids, they didn't shrink......just deflated,” said another. “I can go out braless bc I can tuck them into my damn waistband.”

"Once my son was eating adult food they went back down to one cup size larger than they were pre-pregnancy," said another.

Your Hair Changes Color, Curl, or Texture

Pregnancy packs a wallop on your hormones, with these changes wreaking havoc on your body all the way to the tips of your strands. Some steadfastly straight-haired mamas get suddenly wavy locks post-baby, while some women with curls may suddenly go straight. (And this is in addition to losing the lustrous hair you likely grew while your baby was cooking.)

Sometimes, the hair goes back to the way it was months later; some women have changed tresses forever. Whatever your look, embrace it as your new mom style.

"I'm Asian and had thick, pin-straight hair before pregnancy,” said one mom on Reddit. “After I gave birth, it went all frizzy/weird, curly but not actually curly; beachy waves, but not nice beachy waves. Like an insane lion that had a bomb go off next to his head.”

“Got my first grey eyebrow hair 7 months along,” said another mom. “Hair is def not the same.”

“My wife was blonde her entire life, and is now a brunette after giving birth to our son,” said another Reddit user. “It’s crazy!”

Your Periods Change

As if you didn’t endure enough down there, postpartum periods tend to be permanently heavier or more painful after pregnancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these changes may relate to a larger uterine cavity causing more endometrium (mucous lining the uterus) to shed.

But it’s not all bad news. Some women actually experience lighter, easier periods after childbirth.

“The bottom line is that periods can change after having a baby,” OB-GYN Diane Young said in this article. “If you are concerned about your periods, make an appointment with your OB-GYN. There are medical therapies to help.”

That Dark Line that Points to Your Nether-Regions May Not Go Away

Pregnancy doesn’t just change your shape; it also changes your skin. Take the linea nigra: It’s the dark line that appears during pregnancy and runs from the middle of your belly to your pubic bone. A common hyperpigmentation that develops mid-pregnancy, it usually fades about three months after childbirth, but it can stick around permanently (as can darkened areolas, which also happens during pregnancy).

If the line bothers you, talk to your doctor. While it can’t be removed completely, there are skin-lightening creams and laser treatments that could make it less noticeable.  

Related: Is This Normal? Your Pregnancy Decoded

Your Allergies Disappear… or You Suddenly Have New Ones

Do you suddenly have a perpetually runny nose? Did your lifelong allergy to celery suddenly cease? Hormones are to blame for that, too. In fact, pregnancy can cause all sorts of changes in your immune system, which can alter your sensitivity to allergens. Experts say the most common newly occurring post-pregnancy allergies include seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, and PUPPP rash, a skin condition characterized by small pink itchy bumps on the abdomen. 

"Hormonal fluctuations impact your allergies because estrogen and progesterone have an impact on your mast cells (allergy cells)," allergist and immunologist Purvi Parikh of the Allergy and Asthma Network said in this Parents magazine article. 

Pregnancy isn’t the only dramatic hormonal shift that can trigger allergies, he added. “New allergies can emerge during periods of significant hormonal shifts, including puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause.”  

You Have Stretch Marks…in Places You Never Thought You Would

Stretch marks on the belly are a veritable right of passage into mommyhood. But stretch marks on the thighs? Breasts? Buttox? Sorry, but it’s a thing. Stretch marks—which appear as red, pink, or black lines (their color depends on your skin)—are actually small scars that happen when sudden weight gain  (i.e. your little miracle) tears the fibers of the skin. Up to 90 percent of pregnant women get them, with most common areas affected being the belly, thighs, hips, butt, and breasts. They can even happen in the upper arms and back.

And while you can’t get rid of (or prevent) stretch marks completely, most fade significantly after several months. In addition, there are some treatments—including chemical peels, lasers, radiofrequency, microdermabrasion, and microneedling— that may make them less noticeable.

My stretch marks are all over my legs!” said one Reddit user on this thread. “Nobody talks about calves, thighs and hips got ‘em for sure. Interesting how everybody’s different.”

“I got zero stretchmarks until after I gave birth,” said another. “And then suddenly they were everywhere! Even behind my knees, under my arms, and on my pubic bone!”

Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Weaken

Sorry, but sneezing may never be the same. The strain of pregnancy and childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (those are the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel). This can cause mild to severe urinary incontinence or other pelvic floor disorders including problems related to your bowel or sexual functioning.

The good news? There are exercises you can do to improve things, with daily Kegels being your best first step. If you’re noticing excessive leaking—more than just a little squirt with a sneeze or “Oops” on the trampoline—you may want to talk to your gynecologist about regular physical therapy to improve symptoms (Don’t worry; it’s less embarrassing than it sounds).

Related: The Best Hidden Exercise You Should Do Every Day

Your Vision Changes

Ah, hormones—Is there any part of the body you don’t control? Apparently not. If you’re not seeing your ABCs like you used to, you’re not alone. Up to 20 percent of women experience vision changes after pregnancy, Optometrist Dr. Arian Fartash said on her website. This is because pregnancy hormones cause water retention, which can cause swelling in the eyes. 

“Your feet don’t only swell, but your eyes can swell, too, and that makes your vision change,” Fartash said in her video blog, “Ask an Eye Doctor.” “These changes can stay until after you’re done breastfeeding—or it can stay until the rest of your life.” Consequently, Fartash recommends getting your eyes checked after pregnancy to see if you need a new prescription. 

You Have Phantom Baby Kicks

Yes, phantom kicks are a thing. Your tummy may not be growing a baby anymore, but it’s not uncommon to feel those familiar baby flutters even long after childbirth. According to Texas OB-GYN Tiffany Woodus, phantom kicks are the perception of fetal movement in the abdomen weeks, months, or years after pregnancy has ended. And it's experienced by more women than you'd think. 

Experts aren’t sure why women experience phantom kicks, but according to an online survey done in Australia, women who experience them do so for an average of 6.8 years postpartum, with one mom in the survey reporting phantom kicks up to 28 years later!

My daughter is 7 and I STILL get them!,” said a Mama in this thread.

It freaks me out every time. I'm so glad I saw this post, it's had me guessing a lot,” said another. “My son is nearly three and I've been getting them for the last 6 months. A part of me thinks it's my body teasing me because I do want a second now.”

“Same thing happens to me,” said another. “I even took a pregnancy test to confirm I'm not going crazy even though there was zero chance of pregnancy.”

Related: I Miss the Attention I Got When I Was Pregnant

Your Face Has Dark Spots All Over It

If your face looks splotchier than it did in your child-free days—or if you suddenly have a blanket of freckles all over your nose, you probably have melasma, a common condition caused by pregnancy hormones (it can also happen with the start of birth control pills). The condition, categorized by splotches or freckles of darker skin, usually occurs mainly on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip. 

For some women, it goes away a few months after their baby is born (or after they stop taking the pill); for others, the change is permanent. But don’t despair: There are several treatments that may help, including lightening creams and laser light therapy. 

A Final Note

While it may seem daunting to learn about all the uncomfortable or potentially permanent side effects of pregnancy, try to keep things in perspective: After all, you just added a human to the world. Those are battle scars you're earning!

And anyway—stretch marks, vision changes, and splotchy skin equals new baby, plus a lifetime of love and purpose. We'll take it.

Every relationship has its ups and downs, especially the longer two people are together. Disagreements and even some arguments are natural. You might even feel the need to take some major space at moments. I know I’ve personally been guilty of rolling my eyes at a partner when things were prickly between us. But when is an eye roll, a scoff, or even a temporary cold shoulder a sign of something greater? According to psychologist John Gottman, all of those might be indicative of what he calls The Four Horsemen of Relationships—a theory that suggests that the appearance of certain behaviors can spell certain doom for some couples.

The Four Horsemen of Relationships consist of Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling.

Criticism refers mainly to criticizing your partner directly versus just making a complaint about something they did (or failed to do), such as failing to load the dishwasher one night. Think: criticizing the way they do certain chores, criticizing their looks, their job, their interests, etc.

“These unkind words can leave the criticized partner feeling less than, rejected, flawed, or not good enough. If left unchecked, criticism can worsen your relationship and make room for the other Horsemen to follow quite easily,” says Monique Dunn, an LCSW-S and licensed therapist and owner of Destination Therapy.

Contempt shows up in our treatment of our partners, which might include using sarcasm, berating and ridiculing them, and being otherwise disrespectful. It’s like criticism x 100. The eye-rolling I mentioned above could technically fall into this category, depending on the situation. Mostly, the contemptuous partner is looking to hurt the receiver (but sometimes both partners will do this back and forth).

“Contempt can push your relationship to the point of no return because it usually indicates a build-up of negativity and resentment, clouding any chance of positivity seeping back into your view of the relationship,” says Paige Bond, LMFT and founder of Couples Counseling of Central Florida.

The third is Defensiveness—being unable to take responsibility for one’s actions and/or accept fair critiques. In a state of defensiveness, one will look for excuses rather than simply apologize for a behavior or action, and may even turn it around to blame the other partner.

“Where there is a lot of criticism, there is often a lot of defensiveness in return, and this cycle can be incredibly negative,” Dunn says.

The final Horseman is Stonewalling. Often the result of too much contempt in a relationship, this is when a partner decides to “check out” of the relationship, often failing to interact with or even respond to their partner. They might act busier than they actually are, turn away from their partner during conversation or even when they enter the room, or simply stay distracted at all times so as not to have to engage. According to Gottman, this can be one of the most challenging habits to break.

picture of a couple dealing with the four horsemen of relationships

Can a relationship survive the appearance of one (or all) of the Horsemen?

Experts agree that even when one or more of the Horsemen are present, it’s still entirely possible to “save” or at least work on and improve the relationship.

Jackie Golob, a licensed professional clinical counselor and sex therapist at Shameless Therapy, views the Four Horsemen as learned behaviors that can be unlearned. “It just takes time, willingness, energy, and effort. One tip is to slow down and think about what you are saying and how you are saying it. Think through if it is truly helpful or harmful to that person or situation,” she says.

She also suggests practicing healthy communication while self-soothing one’s own emotions and staying mindful. “I wouldn’t say deflect the Four Horsemen—that’s avoidance. We need to increase our awareness to recognize and understand when (they) are happening.”

Something to keep in mind: While a relationship can survive the Four Horsemen of Relationships, Bond says if only one partner is willing to do the work, it’d be pretty difficult to salvage. “All partners need to decide if they’re willing to make these changes in their communication patterns for a better relationship.”

What are more ways to work against the Four Horsemen?


“If your automatic reaction to a situation is to be harsh or blame your partner, try waiting to have the conversation when you’re in a better headspace. This will allow you to calm down your nervous system and calmly approach the situation so you can use ‘I’ statements,” Bond says.

She also suggests that instead of quickly jumping to “You’re always late; I can never count on you,” you can just as easily try “I feel frustrated when you don’t come home from work on time because it’s hard to watch the kids and get dinner ready at the same time. How can we work together as a team to make this happen?”

Dunn recommends avoiding using absolutes like “you always” or “you never.”Instead, try to address the issue and share how you’re feeling without blaming your partner.


“Try focusing on what you’re feeling and using ‘I’ statements, leaning into fondness of your partner more often when communicating your preferences and needs rather than presenting it as unkind criticism,” Dunn says.

She uses the following example: Instead of saying, “It amazes me how all of a sudden, when the in-laws are visiting, you manage to cook a decent meal. If only they were around more, so I could eat like this more often,” opt for something like, “I enjoyed the meal you made last time the in-laws were in town and I appreciate the way you cooked that chicken dish. I would love it if you could make it again sometime—it was delicious.”

Bond recommends a similar approach to building a culture of appreciation.

“You might be doing this by being affectionate, complimenting your partner, or even thanking them for something they recently did. It can go a long way to say, ‘Thanks so much for giving the kids bath time while I cleaned up the kitchen. We make a really good team,’” she says.


Dunn recognizes that defensiveness creeps in often as a way to protect hurt feelings and bruised egos. “Instead of turning the tables and casting blame onto your partner, you can own what happened and try to meet your partner where they are by seeking to understand their viewpoint,” she says.

Bond agrees, saying defensive partners need to avoid taking things personally. “The best way to get out of the cycle even faster is to apologize swiftly and do it like you mean it. Instead of ‘I’m only late because traffic was bad,’ try ‘I’m so sorry I’m late. I know how tough it can be to juggle all these tasks at home by yourself.’”


“Completely shutting down during a discussion with your partner can be a defensive response when you are overwhelmed or what we as therapists call experiencing ‘emotional flooding.’ That feeling of flooding can be so overwhelming that it’s hard to recognize when it’s happening,” Dunn says.

She says building self-awareness of the pattern is key so that one can then create space to find equilibrium before the conversation continues. “Often with couples, I suggest that the partner who tends to stonewall ask for a break, but instead of leaving and shutting the partner out, there is an agreed-upon time frame for the break (e.g., 20 minutes to self-regulate), and the promise to return to the conversation after having this time to cool down.”

She also recommends working with a therapist to build those healthy coping skills to self-regulate in those moments when you want to break away and shut down.

Limitations & Critiques of the Four Horsemen Theory

“The Four Horsemen theory is a really great and simple concept for handling conflict. However, this concept may neglect diverse relationship dynamics, such as having neurodivergence present,” Bond says. She points to the way people on the autism spectrum or those who have other conditions present might communicate and perceive things differently than neurotypical people.

“For example, someone with autism may have difficulty interpreting social cues, which could lead to behaviors that mimic contempt or defensiveness when in reality, it’s not intentionally negative. Nonetheless, the Four Horsemen concept can be adjusted and applied as needed to fit your unique relationship,” she adds.

Golob agrees that while the theory scratches the surface, there isn’t a lot of inclusivity for neurodivergent folks. She also says it’s not as inclusive of LGBTQIA+ relationships either.

“It’s mainly cis heterosexual relationships, which is okay, and there are limitations to research because of that. What I often find with (neurodivergent) folks in therapy is that they need more concrete, tangible examples of what this looks like. [Also] there are more than four things to work on in a relationship,” Golob says.

It’s no secret Trader Joe’s has a cult following

From heat-and-eat meals and fun florals to unique products you can’t find anywhere else, there’s so much to try out when you visit your neighborhood Trader Joe’s. Luckily, the grocer just released the results of its 15th annual Trader Joe’s Customer Choice Awards, which highlights fan faves. Want to know what other products are consistent winners? You can check them out in the Trader Joe’s Best Product Hall of Fame.

Favorite Overall: Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips

chili and lime tortilla rolled chips are one of the best Trader Joe's products, according to customers.

Made from stone-ground corn masa that's rolled and fried to crispy perfection, then sprinkled with zesty hot chili and lime flavoring, these snackable rolls took the top prize again this year!  

Honorable Mentions

  • Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings
  • Kimbap
  • Steamed Pork & Ginger Soup Dumplings
  • Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Related: The Best Trader Joe’s Food for Your Air Fryer

Favorite Beverage: Spiced Cider (seasonal)

Trader Joe's Spiced Cider
Trader Joe's

This winning beverage is only around at the holidays and you'll see folks loading up their carts when they come out. We prefer it warmed on the stove as it makes your house smell like the holidays. 


  • French Market Sparkling Lemonade
  • Triple Ginger Brew (seasonal)
  • 100% Tangerine Juice
  • Non-Dairy Brown Sugar Flavored Oat Creamer

Favorite Cheese: Goat Cheese

Trader Joe's
Trader Joe's

Goat cheese is the GOAT for 2023 and we can totally understand why. It's great as an addition to a dip, spread on a sandwich, or crumbled over a salad. 


  • Syrah Soaked Toscano Cheese Spread & Dip (limited)
  • Burrata
  • Toscano Cheese with Black Pepper
  • English Farmhouse Cheddar with Caramelized Onions

Related: 28 of the Healthiest Things You Can Buy at Trader Joe’s

#1 Lunch & Dinner: Butter Chicken with Basmati Rice

Trader Joe's butter chicken
Trader Joe's

Whole chicken chunks, creamy curry with tomatoes, paired perfectly with long-grain Basmati rice—what's not to love? 


  • Chicken Tikka Masala
  • Steamed Pork & Ginger Soup Dumplings
  • Vegetable Fried Rice
  • Steamed Chicken Soup Dumplings

Favorite Sweet/Dessert: Sublime Ice Cream Sandwiches

Trader Joe's sublime ice cream sandwiches
Trader Joe's

These are definitely the ice cream sandwiches that you hide in the back of the freezer and eat when the kids go to bed. 


  • Mint Chip Ice Cream
  • Hold the Cone! Chocolate Chip
  • Hold the Cone! Chocolate
  • Almond Kringle (seasonal)

You can check out the rest of the winners at

—Additional reporting by Karly Wood 

You won’t need your wallet with so many free activites for the whole family

Fun, kid-friendly activities for Seattle families don’t have to break the bank. And since we’re all trying to save a bit of money these days, being frugal with kids’ activities can help. Earn your adulting star today when you head to one of these places to get your play on with the kids. From play areas to petting farms to story times (almost) every day of the week, we’ve mapped out our favorite free things to do in Seattle for families.

1. Read Our Lips: Free Story Times

Kids sit and listen to a storytime, free things to do in Seattle activities like this are great for kids

Sit back and enjoy a good story at one of the many free storytimes around the city. The King County Library System offers an array of storytimes for every age and in different languages so all families can fall in love with a good book.

Families can also look beyond the library for storytimes. Head to Island Books on Mercer Island to enjoy Saturday storytime with Nancy Stewart, or check out the storytimes at your local Barnes and Noble. Add a little drama to your storytime at the Frye Art Museum’s Small Frye: Storytelling + Art, held on first Wednesdays. There’s also Inclusive & Cultural Storytime on the first Saturdays at the Highline Heritage Museum in Burien.

Remember that many children’s museums also host storytime as part of their programming. If you’ve got a membership, you can add them to your list of free things to do in Seattle. Storytimes are held daily at Seattle Children’s Museum, except Tuesday when they’re closed. But that’s okay because there’s storytime on Tuesday mornings at KidsQuest.

Related: 7 Great Indie Bookstores for Pint-Sized Bookworms

2. Get Outside

Speaking of storytime, families can also get outside and get reading when they check out the latest Pop-Up StoryWalk installation along a trail or at a nearby park. If one isn’t installed, you can still take the kids on a hike at one of our favorite city trails. The trails at Discovery Park, Seward Park, and the UW Arboretum never get old, and neither does a trip out to Maple Valley to check out the Gnomes Trail. If you’ve got a Discover Pass, you can chase waterfalls near Seattle with the kids pretty much all year long.

Even if you don’t, you can hike with a Park Ranger on the Eastside. The City of Bellevue offers free ranger programs at Lewis Creek, Mercer Slough, and Lake Hills Greenbelt multiple times monthly. While programs vary and require pre-registration, they’re all family-friendly and are a great excuse to get the kids outside.

Not so into hiking? Try a family bike ride.

3. Free Indoor Playgrounds

If you have a kid under five, you’ve logged a few hours at one of the many Seattle Community Centers drop-in play areas. But did you know you can get the crazies out for free any day of the week? That’s right. The community center drop-in programs are free with a Quick Card (register during your first visit) and are open for play with limited hours, Monday through Friday. Are you looking for a weekend option? Try Green Lake’s playroom—it’s open on Saturdays in the winter.

new free toddler play gym opened at Salvation Army Seattle White Center Community Center. Drop in for playtime Monday through Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. with your kids (ages 2-6) to enjoy toys, mats, and slides.

You can also take to the mall and pair a little shopping with your play experience. With the Kids Cove in Bellevue Square, the covered play area at U-Village, and the free kids play area at Westfield Southcenter, shopping malls are about more than just spending money these days. Although it’s not a playspace, Crossroads Mall’s Music on the Market Stage is free entertainment for the family that runs each weekend.

4. Visit The Center for Wooden Boats

This museum, dedicated to preserving and documenting maritime history, might be a frugal parent’s best friend. Kids love wandering the docks, getting up close and personal with tugboats, canoes, and sailboats (not to mention the seaplanes taking off nearby). If you can plan ahead, consider signing up for a free peapod boat rental on Wednesdays through Sundays. Or stop by on the second or fourth Thursdays for Tugboat Story Time at the floating Boathouse (be sure to check the events calendar to verify tugboat story time is running that week).

The warmer months offer even more free things to do in Seattle at the Center for Wooden Boats. On the first Thursday of the month, take advantage of the free Toy Boat Building at South Lake Union and Cama Beach on Saturdays. On weekends and first Thursdays beginning in June, the Center for Wooden Boats brings out ten beautifully crafted wooden boats for passers-by to test on the South Lake Union Boat Pond from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. ($5 suggested donation). Race them, time ’em, let them float leisurely along. Any way your littlest mate plays will be time well spent on the water.

The spray park at Lake Union Park is another fantastic and free way to spend a sunny day here. Pack a swimsuit and sunscreen during summer for this added maritime adventure. Remember that nearby MOHAI is always free for kids under 14, and the Kid-Struction Zone is open.

5. Sit & Sip at Kid-Friendly Coffee Shops

Hot coffee or tea and comfy spaces where kids can play make for a perfect outing any day of the week. From Sip and Ship in Ballard and Greenwood to Ballard Firehouse Coffee to Kaffeeklatch in Lake City and Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park, there are a plethora of indoor havens that will keep parents and kids happy, all for the price of a cuppa Joe. Popular Eastside spots like mom-owned Bellden Cafe, the Issaquah Coffee Company, Coffeeholic Houseand Mercurys Coffee Co.’s spacious (and busy) locations offer the same.

6. See a Kindiependent Concert

Smiling baby with headphones on in front of a microphone
Alireza Attari via Unsplash

If there’s one thing toddlers can’t get enough of, it’s a chance to bust a move. That’s why we’re adding Mount Baker’s Kindiependent Kids Rock Series to our favorite free things to do in Seattle with kids. You can get tickets to see one of the coolest kindie rockers around for just $5 a person. Concerts run through April 1, 2023 for the current series.

7. Visit Animals

If Old McDonald is one of the songs in your musical repertoire these days, a trip to Kelsey Creek Farm in Bellevue is an absolute must. Kids love visiting with the cows, horses, bunnies, chickens, sheep, pigs, and more at this fabulous (free) farm in the heart of Bellevue. Families can also explore the walking trails that wind through the park, over the creek, and by the pastures. Bring a lunch to enjoy if it’s a dry day, and be sure to hit the playground when you’re there too.

But that’s not the only place to find furry and feathery friends that are always a safe bet for a fun day out with toddlers. There are lots of other places that don’t require you to drop any money to get your animal fix. Visit the horses at Woodinville stables, meet the resident animals at Farrel-McWhirter Farm Park if you’re on the Eastside. In the city you can look for ducks and turtles at Golden Gardens Park in the little pond by the bridge, grab a pair of binoculars and head to Discovery Park to look for more than 270 species of birds, or even stop by your neighborhood pet shop.

Related: 14 Wildly Fun Animal Farms & Petting Zoos to Visit Now

8. Explore Seattle Center

There’s a reason the Seattle Center is one of the top visitor destinations—it’s a blast! And you don’t have to spend a dime to keep the kids engaged. Let them wander around the sculpture garden, create cool sounds at the Sonic Bloom solar-powered art installation, run around the fountain (or jump in when it’s warm enough), play at the always-fun Artists at Play playground, and emote on the stage. 

Time your visit with a free Festál program, and you’ve got your day planned. And if you’ve got a membership to either Seattle Children’s Museum, MoPOP, or PacSci, that’s yet another option for free playtime in the heart of the city. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center is just a hop, skip, and jump away. Admission is always free, Tuesdays through Saturdays, during regular hours. You can even hop on the monorail (it’s just a few bucks for adults, and kids under 5 are free) to see Seattle from above.

Related: Your Guide to a Kid-Friendly Seattle Center

9. Hit a Local Park or Playground

Smiling Asian girl swinging on blue rope

Never underestimate the power of a playground when you need an impromptu, free kid-friendly activity in the city. In fact, it’s one of the best free things to do in Seattle with kids, year-round, thanks to our mild climate. Seattle kids and families know how to handle the rain (hello, Muddy Buddy and a change of clothes for the car), so even during the wettest months, this is a trusted go-to activity.

Related: Your Guide to Seattle’s Best Playgrounds & Parks

10. Spend Time at a Museum

Museums and toddlers can be hit or miss, so it’s hard to cough up admission fees for kids when a melt down and early exit are a distinct possibility. Fortunately, we’ve found some great museums that offer times for free admission for kids and have places toddlers can play and explore. Enjoy Free First Thursdays at these area favorites:

You can also score free museum passes (yes, we said free) through The Seattle Public Library and King County Library to some of our favorite places including: KidsQuest Children’s Museum, Seattle Aquarium, MoPOP, Wing Luke Museum, National Nordic Museum, Woodland Park Zoo, and more. These tickets require reservations in advance and they go quickly.

If you’re south of the city or are up for a drive, remember the Children’s Museum of Tacoma is always pay-as-you-will admission, and the Washington State History Museum offers free admission on the third Thursday of the month from 3 p.m.-8 p.m.

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Seattle’s Free (& Discounted) Museum Days

11. Visit a Lighthouse

The beaches around the Burrows Island Light Station offer a unique rocky landscape, which adds to the overall charm and attractiveness of the area. Families can enjoy the scenic views and experience the natural beauty of the surroundings. While the lighthouse may be closed to visitors during renovations, the Burrows Island Light Station grounds are open daily. Your crew can still explore and appreciate the outbuildings, adding to the overall experience of the visit.

Point Wilson Lighthouse is one of the iconic landmarks in Fort Worden State Park, situated just 60 miles northwest of Seattle, making it a perfect spot for a day trip. To gain access to this magnificent sight, bring your Washington State Discover Pass. The pass allows you to explore the lighthouse and the vast 432-acre park surrounding it. Point Wilson Lighthouse is particularly intriguing because its fully automated system allows it to operate seamlessly without a full-time operator.

When your new baby bundle arrives, every little life event feels like front-page-worthy news. You likely feel like a geyser ready to gush, but not everyone is going to want baby bulletins 24/7. Especially not your friends without kids, who may be struggling to find their place in your new life. Here are five tips and tricks on how to stay close with your child-free friends after your new addition arrives.

1. Know Your Audience

Liz Weddon via Unsplash

There are many reasons people are childless. Some are by choice, but if your friend is struggling to conceive (or hasn't met the right partner), it might be best to tread lightly on the baby bulletins. In fact, waiting for your friend to inquire about your newest addition is best (but hard to do!). 


2. Keep Up with Traditions


If pre-baby you got together for brunch once a month or took a yearly girls’ getaway, make a point of prioritizing these special events. You may not have the time (or energy!) to keep up with your previous social plans, but carving out the time and space for events that foster meaningful connections is key.

3. Make Your Friend the Headliner

Pride moms with their baby in a stroller

Chances are, you and your babe are the center of a lot of people’s attention (yours, your partner’s, your parents…. You get the idea!). When you're together, turn the spotlight onto your dearest friend and let them share their week's (or month’s) highlight reel uninterrupted. Meeting up while your baby sleeps helps you give her your undivided attention. Asking your friend to join you on a stroll or hike while you push the stroller is a great time to catch up. Or grab some coffee or a quick lunch while baby dozes in the buggy.

4. Save Your Parenting Woes for Other Parents


You’re exhausted. We get itdown to our core! But telling non-parent friends they couldn’t fathom your next-level fatigue won’t win you any bestie awards. Parenting struggles are best shared with other new moms; they get it and will have mom-tested advice. If you need more support, try finding a local mom group to commiserate with.

5. Make Friends Part of the Family

Miguel Teirlinck via Unsplash

It's important to carve out child-free time with your best pals, but if your ride-or-die friend treats your newborn like her next of kin, it might be time to make room for an honorary auntie. Including your child-loving (but child-free) friend in kid-friendly and family-friendly activities means you get to see your bestie more often, and she's just that much closer to you and your child.

—Meghan Yudes Meyers


8 Things New Moms Need Their Non-Mom Friends to Know

5 Friends We All Need In Our Lives

Friends in the World of a Special Needs Mom

Los Angeles has been labeled the city of dreamers for decades, and while the sentiment continues to ring true, it’s beginning to take on a new persona amongst younger generations. For mini trailblazers in the area, the Southern California metropolis is space for innovation, art and science that’ll help shape the future.

This shift is giving way to exciting local events that help budding scientists, engineers and creators flourish and grow. Most notably, the City of STEM, LA’s largest festival of science, technology, engineering and math, and the Los Angeles Maker Faire, the region’s biggest family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness.

On Saturday, April 1 at the Los Angeles State Historic Park, both gatherings are joining forces to bring forth one massive extravaganza—that’s free! Happening all day, the event will bring together innovators from all over the world and provide hours’ worth of activities for aspiring doers of all ages.

The fun and excitement don’t stop there, as the City of Stem continues with an entire month-long celebration of STEM experiences. Local museums and partners across Southern California will continue to offer activities throughout all of April to help keep little ones’ wheels constantly turning. You can check for a full calendar of these upcoming events.

Keep reading to discover why you need to save the date for this major festival right now!

3 Reasons City of Stem + LA Maker Faire Is a Must-Visit

1. Inspire Your Kids with Day-Long Activities

From 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., explore 200 unique experiences that bring ideas to life. Interactive learners will appreciate the events’ hands-on activities and workshops, while your tiny da Vinci’s can create fun masterpieces during crafting sessions and meet with maker exhibitors.

Young thinkers will light up during live demonstrations and expert presentations hosted by NASA and major museums as well as leading scientists, engineers, artists and tech companies. When you’re in need of fuel to keep the learning going, stop by any of the food trucks—we promise, you won’t want to skip out on any of the excitement.

2. Meet Bill Nye IRL

Sorry, kids, but make room for all millennial parents who spent Saturday mornings watching the original Bill Nye the Science Guy episodes. Get the chance to meet the epic science educator and, of course, snap a photo for Instagram.

Stick around for live music and additional appearances from surprise special guests!

3. Unite with Future Thinkers from All Over the State

While LA may be the meeting ground for local makers, the festival will bring in families across the Golden State. Your kiddos can connect with others who share similar interests and learn more about their favorite subjects.

To further reflect the diverse profile of the state, City of Stem & LA Maker Faire will also include experiences in Spanish, so todos son bienvenidos or everyone is welcome!

Mark Your Calendar with These Event Details

  • Who is hosting the special event: Columbia Memorial Space Center & Los Angeles Public Library
  • What is the name of this awesome gathering: City of STEM Festival + LA Maker Faire
  • When should I be arriving: Saturday, April 1 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • What address should I put in my GPS: Los Angeles State Historic Park, 1245 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
  • How much does it cost: The event is free for all ages. Be sure to bring cash for food vendors


Head to City of STEM to keep up with even more free STEM experiences throughout the month of April, and learn more about their commitment to providing exposure to LA’s youth by uniting industry experts, museums, specialists, celebrities, and area STEM experts.

Seattle has an amazing Instagram community of uplifting, inspiring and awesome accounts. Here are some of our local favorites

Are you looking for Instagram inspiration? We tirelessly scrolled through our Instagram feed to bring you a round up Pacific Northwest influencers. These Seattle-area handles will be your go-to guides for things to do, where to play, where to eat in Seattle with kids, and where to book your next travel adventure. Get ready to meet your next Insta-bestie!

The Best Seattle-Based Instagram Accounts You Should Follow

1. @suitcasesinseattle

This PNW mama of two is an amazing resource for the best playgrounds, hikes and kid-friendly adventures Washington has to offer. She posts amazing photos of all the places her family explores and writes honest reviews. We love her positivity, inclusivity and feed full of incredibly bookmark-able material. Your next outing is a follow away!

2. @emmasedition

Emma is a Seattle content creator with a feed full of fashion, lifestyle and beautiful photography—and she’s expecting! Who doesn’t love adorable baby bump pics? Whether you’re looking for outfit ideas or a place to frolic in a field of towering sunflowers, Emma has you covered. Her account is, in a word, gorgeous!


3. @hangryforwhat

Honestly, you need Andrea’s tips for tasty eats in your daily feed! Her reels are so good you can practically taste and smell the food. Be warned though, this account comes with serious cravings. Find the best, most unique (and delicious) hidden gems here!

4. @pnw_wanderings

This awesome Pacific Northwest mama has great recommendations for things to do around Seattle with little ones. We love her tips and if you sneak on over to her curated account, @nicks_plate21, the feed is full of the cutest kids’ plates. If you’re like us and your child is a picky eater—this is the account for you. You’ll be making heart shaped waffles and bento boxes in no time.

5. @mamabearintheair

Krista is a mama of 3, and her account is all about navigating the friendly skies with kids—she loves adventures near and far. We love her travel tips and travel hacks. Book your next adventure with @mamabearintheair!

6. @bookoholicmom

Are you always on the look out for a good book? We have the perfect Instagram account for you to follow next. Sara has the best recommendations for picture books. Make room in your library (and feed) for colorful, wonderful, page-turning books.

7. @janetkimtv

Janet Kim is a TV reporter turned PR pro, and we love her feed. She juggles it all—kids, career and adventures. She makes planning outings a breeze with great tips, detailed itineraries and fun ideas for kids (and adults). We also love how kind she is—you’ll regularly see shoutouts on her stories to other amazing PNW mamas.

8. @thriftynwmom

Do you like easy recipes, shopping, travel, family fun and savings? We thought so. Because we do too! Follow along with these two thrifty moms. They have the best local guides insider tips.

9. @rollin.w.spinabifida 

Whitney is one of the most inspiring mamas we know. Her feed is filled with Malachi (her awesome and adorable son). She gives a glimpse into being a wife, caregiver and “medical mom.” And she’s an advocate for more equitable and inclusive communities for children with disabilities. From lifestyle content to travel and self-care, her feed is so good!

10. @embajkowska

Have you every scrolled through someone’s Instagram feed and had serious photo envy? Yep! Emilia is your photography role model. Her content is breathtaking. Her photos give a beautiful lens into motherhood, and we are here for it.

11. @kathryn_mueller

Editor’s Note: We can’t help but add our very own writer, Katheryn Mueller to this list—she brings so much fun and joy to Instagram while keeping it real. We love how she totally embraces the PNW lifestyle and we can’t get enough of her insider intel when it comes to hikes, wine content, and snow play with kids.

PS: Don’t forget to follow @tinybeanskids for more content crafted perfectly for you! 

What was the original filling in the Twinkie? How fast can an L train go?

Breathtaking skyline with never-ending Lake Michigan views, freakishly unpredictable weather, sports-hungry locals. . . these are some of the obvious well-knowns about Chicago. But what about the lesser-known or forgotten facts? From super helpful or delicious inventions to fascinating Chicagoans, here’s a Chicago history lesson to share with the family over dinner.

1. Chicago got its name from the French translation of the Native American word shikaakwa, known in the plant world as allium tricoccum. Which is a reference to the wild garlic that grew in abundance in the area. Yikes! Anyone have a mint?

2. How about some gum? While gum has been plentiful for thousands of years, the first to sell it flavored and packaged the way we know and love was Chicago-based Wrigley's. The originals were Wrigley's Spearmint and Juicy Fruit in the 1890s.

3. When we get one of those beautifully clear days in Chicago, shoot to the tippy-top of Willis Tower (Sears Tower to the loyalists). You can see Lake Michigan and 4 states Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Hi-de-ho, neighbors!

4. The Ledge at Willis Tower's Skydeck is the highest observation deck in the United States, standing 1,353 feet in the air and extending 4.3 feet from the Skydeck.

5. The L train travels at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour and carries over 800,000 people per day.

6. Kids likely never heard of Josephine Cochrane, but their lives are made easier by her existence. Frustrated that her circa 1600 heirloom China kept getting chipped while being hand-washed, she threw her brains into developing a cleaning mechanism that used water pressure and was safe on dishes: a.k.a. the dishwasher. Thank you much, Josephine!

7. Our city's skyline wouldn't be the same without the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. Designed by George Washington Gale Ferris to rival the majesty of France's Eiffel Tower, the first Ferris Wheel in the world debuted December 16, 1892, as part of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. While the original was destroyed by dynamite in 1906, we get to enjoy Navy Pier's nod to the wheel's original Chicago roots.

8. Speaking of the Eiffel Tower, a time capsule at the top of the building formerly known as John Hancock contains a piece of the Tower.

9. This lil tidbit is for the parents. Pabst's Blue Ribbon used to be Pabst's Best Select until it won an actual blue ribbon at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. In a show of marketing genius, Pabst's started selling their bottles with silk blue ribbons attached, and the name PBR stuck.

10. The Chicago World's Fair is the gift that just keeps on giving. Do you know that zipper on your pants, your jacket, your backpack? Came from the Chicago World's Fair and was originally called a "clasp locker". Glad they went with zipper.

11. Okay, maybe don't share this one with the kids, but Chicago was also home to the first serial killer, H.H. Holmes, and he opportunistically used the Chicago World's Fair to lure his victims by building a hotel with soundproof rooms. We recommend reading Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City for all the fascinating details and a healthy dose of Chicago history.

12. Not only is Barack Obama the first Black President in U.S. history, but he was also previously an Illinois State Senator who laid roots with his family in the Hyde Park neighborhood.

13. The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 destroyed over 17,000 buildings and 2,000 square feet and many locals like to hold on to the utterly tall tale that it was caused by Catherine O'Leary's cow knocking over a lantern in her barn. But the fact is, the true cause has never been determined.

14. At the point of the Great Chicago Fire's origin now appropriately sits a training facility for Chicago firefighters and a bronze sculpture entitled Pillar of Fire.

15. As a show of sympathy and kindness for the Great Chicago Fire, Londoner A.H. Burgess suggested England present a free library to Chicago. The first Chicago Public Library opened on January 1, 1872, in a circular water tank that survived the fire at the southeast corner of LaSalle and Adams Street and consisted of 8,000 books. Cheerio, England!

16. Grant Park, a.k.a. Chicago's front yard, is home to big-time notables Millennium Park, Buckingham Fountain, Art Institute of Chicago, and the Museum Campus and plays host to some of our most-attended fests. It was named after the 18th President of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, who along with former President Lincoln, led the Union Army to a victory over the Confederates in the American Civil War.

17. The centerpiece of Grant Park, Buckingham Fountain, uses up to 15,000 gallons of water per minute and runs Apr.-Oct. Visit after sunset and you'll be treated to a spectacular light and music display that runs every hour on the hour.

18. Many a joke is made about the longevity of a Twinkie. But, did you know, they were invented right here in Chicago in 1930? They were first filled with banana cream, but that was replaced with vanilla flavor during WWII when you couldn't slip on a banana peel even if you wanted to because of the scarcity of the yellow fruit.

19. A researcher at Schaumburg-based Motorola was the first to successfully develop the cell phone. The first brick-sized phone weighed close to 2 1/2 pounds and 10 hours of charging bought you 30 minutes of talk time. Next time your kids complain about how fast their devices lose power, drop that little info nugget on their brains.

20. Born in the Lakeview neighborhood, Jane Bryne became the first female elected to the office of Mayor in the U.S. in 1979, at a time when Chicago was the second largest city in the country. Absolute legend!

21. Chicago Bulls mascot "Benny" the Bull is one of the longest-tenured and most recognized mascots in sports history, getting his name from Ben Bentley, the Bull's first Public Relations Manager and Stadium Announcer.

22. The Chicago River runs right through the city and is one of the reasons Chicago is of geographic importance, as it is a link between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Basin, and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico. It has a place of honor on the Flag of Chicago represented by two horizontal blue stripes. It's also a feat of civil engineering, as the direction of its flow was reversed in 1900 in an attempt to protect the city's water supply.

23. Black Chicagoan and physician, surgeon, and medical researcher Charles Drew worked with Red Cross on critical discoveries around blood transfusions and played a major role in developing the first blood banks and blood plasma programs.

24. My bologna has a first name, O-S-C-A-R! German immigrant, Oscar Mayer made his way to Chicago and laid the groundwork for one of the most well-known names in the food industry on the near-northside. And, blessed the USA with hot dogs, the super dope Weinermobile and the longest-running tv commercial to date that starred a 4-year-old singing about bologna. Just don't forget to ALWAYS forgo the ketchup on your hot dog, please.

25. Not only did Chicago gift the world with the hot dog, but we're also responsible for deep-dish pizza. Thanks to Pizzeria Uno for your contribution to the history of deliciousness.

26. The beloved brownie was invented in Chicago at Palmer House Hilton. And, good news! We have the recipe.

27. The Field Museum is home to SUE, the most complete T-Rex skeleton in the world. And, SUE got a new home at Field a few years ago to help make room for Máximo. At 122 feet across and 28 feet tall, it's modeled after a titanosaur (the largest animal that ever lived) excavated in Argentina. Fun tip: If you go to the second story of the Field, you can snap a selfie with the remarkable Máximo.

28. M-I-C-K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E! The pioneer of American animation who holds the record for most Academy Awards won by an individual at 22, Walt Disney was born in the Hermosa neighborhood.

29. Lake Michigan is the third largest of the Great Lakes (when measured by surface) and the only Great Lake located entirely in the U.S. It touches 4 states: Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan, and is sometimes referred to as the "third coast", behind Atlantic and Pacific Coasts.

30. Chicago has a ton of nicknames (some of which highly annoy the natives): The Windy City, Chi-Town, City of Big Shoulders, The Second City, The White City, The City That Works—just to name a few—but our favorite name to call it is: HOME! (Insert block of cheese emoji.)


Trust us. Oregon’s Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival is as family-friendly as it gets

If you are thrilled that spring is here, then you’ll want to celebrate with Portland’s epic Annual Wooden Shoe Tulip festival! This month-and-a-half-long family-friendly event kicks off on March 17, and offers tons of exciting activities like hot air balloon and cow train rides as well as special events and activities for families to attend. Read on for your guide to this beloved spring event.

What is the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival?

The Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm puts on the Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest in Woodburn, Oregon. This Oregon farm is home to 40 acres filled with various tulips that come in stunning colors. The fields get rearranged into new patterns each year, so the annual celebration never fails to stun attendees—a big reason they return again and again. But the tulips aren’t the only thing your crew has to look forward to at this spring event. There are incredible views of mountains, nearby vineyards, and onsite food, drinks, and fun for the whole family to enjoy. Kids in particular love the play area, and there are hay rides and special weekend events you should start planning for now.

When is the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival?

The Festival is held annually in Woodburn, Oregon. This year you can get tickets to the festival from March 17 to April 30, 2023. Advance tickets are a must and online ticket sales start March 1, 2023. As you consider dates that work well for your family, remember that Mother Nature is in charge of when the tulips bloom. So if you’re heading out to get pictures to send to the grandparents, it’s best to avoid the first week (or so) of the blooming season.

When is the Best Time to Visit the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival with Kids?

We’ll let you in on a little secret—crowds are smaller during the work week, so this is an ideal time to come if you have busy little ones or don’t like negotiating space with others. The gardens are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, so you’ve got plenty of time to make it down from the city, explore, and still be home in time to make dinner.

What to Expect During a Weekday Visit

The festival is open daily throughout the week. During the weekdays you can wander through the tulip fields, and check out the four-acre garden bursting with over 100 varieties of tulips. Take the kids on a tulip train ride, a leisurely, cushioned ride around the tulips with plenty photo stops—better make room on your phone. The train runs from noon to 5 p.m. during weekdays and is an extra cost. Or just let them run in the children’s play area on a lovely spring day. The play area includes play structures kids of all ages will love, the famous duck races, and even old-fashioned tire swings to catch air on.

Weekend Activities at the Festival

The weekends bring extras to the fest that make it worth navigating the eager crowds. Plus weekend hours are a little longer (8 a.m.-7 p.m.) so you’ve got more Your kids can watch wooden shoe-making or steam tractor demonstrations, or you can wander through the crafter marketplace and peruse the offerings from various vendors. Up the excitement with a balloon animal or let your little athletes get their energy out in the jump tents or the rock wall. For adrenaline addicts, there are even carnival rides. It’s easy to spend a whole weekend playing and relaxing on the farm.

But if you ask us, the got air balloon rides (available only on the weekends) are the big draw. If you are interested in seeing the tulip fields from above, there are a number of balloonists you can call directly and book flights with. Please remember, the rides are weather dependent.

Where to Eat at the Festival

One of the things that makes this festival family-friendly is that families can pack their own picnics and eat onsite with the kids. It's a great way to save money. But if you'd prefer to head out the door without a ton of prep time, there are plenty of tasty options available at the festival. Alotta Wood Fire Pizza will sell you a slice, Real Mexican Food will be available, and who doesn't want something from Gimme Some Sugar? You will also find coffee and smoothies and so much more.

Wine Tasting & Tours

Whether you're looking for a date idea or you've got grandparents or a friend who wants to come along and watch the kids, you don't want to miss the Tulip Fest's wine tasting and tour opportunities. Enjoy a glass of one of the estate-grown wines or a glass of local beer or cider at the vineyard, or go on a wine farm tour at the scheduled ticket time. There are three different tours you can go on: The Estate Wine Tour, the Light Wine Tour, and the Red Wine Tour. All are worth it.

Other Things to do in the Area

Extend your fun beyond the fest by joining one of the festival-related events. Check out the Wooden Shoe Vineyards for some wine-tasting fun. There are also a number of fun runs to check out including the Tulip Trail Run.

​What to Bring & Wear

Make sure you get the most out of your Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival experience by showing up prepared. Spring is wet in Oregon so bring boots and a raincoat in case you get caught in a downpour. It’s also wise to bring a dry change of clothes for the kids or at least dry socks if you want to keep your diaper bag uncluttered. Snacks are a must. If you have little ones, pack the stroller. It’s bound to come in handy. Don’t forget your camera! You will get some incredible shots no matter what the weather does.

Insider Tip: This is a dog-friendly event. Your pooch must be leashed, but is bound to love the event as much as you do.

Dates: Mar. 17-Apr. 23, 2023
 $10-$40/weekday pass; $15-$55/weekend pass; $60/season pass; all tickets include parking

Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival
33814 S. Meridian Rd.
Woodburn, OR