You waited 9 months and baby is finally here. And even though you’re ready to have fun with that little bundle, baby—not so much (especially during those first few months). But in between the diaper changes, naps, and feedings, you and your little one can find time to play simple games that benefit baby’s development. Playing helps babies learn about the world and develop new motor skills and social skills. The key is knowing at what age they’re ready for baby games like peekaboo and blowing bubbles. Here’s an age-by-age guide for the best games to play with babies at different times during their first year.

Games for Babies: 0-3 Months

two moms play peek a boo, games for babies, with a newborn on a bed

1. Imitation Game

Your face is your baby’s favorite thing to look at. Keep it about a foot away from your newborn so they see you properly, and then stick out your tongue or form an O with your mouth. Before you know it, baby will copy you. Bonus points for making silly noises to go along with your expressions.

2. Singing

Newborns might not be able to see you from across the room, but they can hear you, and they recognize (and love) your voice. Sing a lullaby or “Wheels on the Bus,” belt out your favorite song or commercial jingle, or make up a song about your daily activities. It doesn’t matter if you’re out of tune, your voice gives your baby comfort and joy.

3. Flashcards

While even the smartest newborn nerd isn’t ready for math or reading flashcards yet, simple images from cards or books get their attention. Black and white images, simple patterns and bright colors are easiest for them to see at this age. They also love images of other babies. All you have to do is hold up the card, point at the picture, and talk about the image. Or put it down in front of them to explore during tummy time.

4. Hanging Toys

Your little one might not be reaching out for toys yet, but looking at them is one of their favorite baby games. Hang a mobile above the crib or find an activity gym with hanging toys and lay baby on their back to enjoy. Baby-safe mirrors are great, too. Babies won’t know it’s their face, but that won’t dampen their enthusiasm for staring at it or reaching out for it.

5. Repetitive Routine

While the endless cycle of eating, burping, sleeping, diapers and baths may not be thrilling for you, it’s your baby’s whole world. Add some fun to the routine by singing a song during bath time, dancing after a diaper change, or stopping to look at framed photos of family members. Whatever you do, the key is doing it consistently.

Related: Baby Games: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Amuse Your Baby

Games for Babies: 4-6 Months

two dads hold a baby in the bed playing games

6. Interactive Stories

Your little one is a bit more responsive at this age. Change up those simple newborn activities for slightly more interactive baby games. This is a great time to introduce games like “This Little Piggy.” They don’t require independent movement from baby, but kids find the story super fun.

7. Moving Tummy Time

Put tummy time in motion to mix things up. Once your baby has pretty good head control, lay them on their stomach on a small blanket. Then slowly pull them around the room. Make motor or train noises for even more silly fun.

8. Blowing Bubbles

You don’t need to wait until baby’s old enough to chase after bubbles to introduce then. At this age, babies are starting to see better, so they will be fascinated with the moving rainbows of bubbles. Blow the bubbles near them but not directly at them to keep the soap out of their eyes.

9. Echo Noises

When your baby makes a happy noise, make one back. If they blow bubbles with their lips, blow some back. You’ll get big smiles real quick from this imitation game.

10. How Big Is Baby?

It’s amazing how fast those early months fly by. Your six-month-old will seem huge in comparison with how little they were just a few months ago, making the classic “How Big Is Baby?” game all the more poignant. To play, hold baby’s hands and ask in a sweet voice, “How big is baby?” Then put their hands up over their head and say, “This big!” Mix it up by replacing “big” with different adjectives smart, sweet, etc.

Games for Babies: 7-9 Months

a dad kisses his baby on the forehead, baby sitting on the counter, playing games for babies

11. Patty Cake

You don’t need to retire those songs from the newborn stage, but continue to up the game with tunes that have motions and finger play to go along with them. Start by showing the motions to songs like “Patty Cake,” “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and “Wheels on the Bus.” You can also help babies do the motions with their hands.

12. Peekaboo

By now your baby is beginning to have an understanding of object permanence, knowing that when things are out of sight, they aren’t gone forever. If your little one hasn’t already discovered the joy that is peekaboo, this is the perfect time to try it out. Hide your face behind your hands, hide baby’s face behind your hands, or pop out from behind a door or curtain. You can also hide or partially hide objects (like putting a musical toy under a blanket) to see if your child will look for them.

13. Flying Baby

At this age, your baby should have enough control and strength for some flying time on your knees. Lay flat on your back or slightly propped up on a pillow. Use your bent legs to support your baby’s body, hold their hands, and gently fly them around. You can go up and down, side-to-side or a combination of the two. Sound effects and silly songs are mandatory with this activity.

14. Roll the Ball

Once your child is able to sit, sit across from them and roll a ball toward them. At first, baby probably won’t roll it back, but they might pick it up and play with it or chew on it. When they lose interest in the ball, pick it up and roll it back to them to start the game over. Eventually, they’ll be rolling it back to you.

Related: The Smart Parents’ Guide to Montessori Toys for Babies & Toddlers

Games for Babies: 10-12 Months


15. Sensory Boxes

Nothing is more fun for your older baby than taking things out of a box and putting them back in. Fill a box or bin with a combination of balls, soft blocks, small books, scarves or baby-safe household items like a wooden spatula. Look for objects that have different textures and are big enough not to be choking hazards. Show your child how to take things out of the box and put them back in. It won’t be long before they’re dumping out and rearranging every box they can get their hands on, not to mention your purse and diaper backpack.

16. Obstacle Course

Let the baby games begin! Chances are your little explorer is on the move, or ready to be soon. Whether scooting, crawling, walking or full-on climbing, a baby-appropriate pillow obstacle course is a good energy burner. Set out couch cushions or pillows all around the floor. Demonstrate how to climb over, around or peek under them and then watch your kid go.

17. Dance Time

There are so many ways to enjoy dancing with your baby. You don’t have to stick to baby music; play your favorite tunes if you’d like. Sit on the floor together and bop your head and body or pretend to play an instrument. Baby might not be ready for air guitar yet, but it won’t take much prompting to get them bopping along to the beat. You can also hold baby in your arms and spin in slow circles or sway back and forth. Or sit them in your lap and bounce them on your knees in time to the music.

18. Stack & Attack

Stacking cups, stacking rings and blocks are a favorite for your almost one-year-old. In fact, any items that can be put on top of one another and knocked back down without breaking are fair game. Try plastic storage containers, empty yogurt containers, or small boxes and bring in your little destructor to hulk-smash them down.

19. Bath Splash

A few plastic cups, clean sponges and washcloths add baby thrills to the nightly bath. Use the cups to show how they can be filled with water and them emptied. Squeeze the sponges and washcloths on baby’s belly. Show baby how to smack the water to make a big noise.

20. Make Noisemakers

Fill a clear plastic container with dry beans or rice. Give it a shake and roll it along the floor to show your baby how to make music with it. Add a few colored pom poms to the container to make the shaking even more interesting for your baby.

Related: Play All Day: 20 Sensory Play Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

Make the best of shorter days when the time change arrives

Pre-kid, you never really thought about Daylight Saving Time (what’s an hour here or there?). But kids can make this seasonal change a challenge. With the end of Daylight Saving coming up soon (Sunday, November 5), falling back means it’s super dark, super early. Before you set your clocks back an hour, read on for some tips and tricks for keeping that precious, tenuous sleep/wake routine in place.

Related: The Dos and Don’ts of Baby Sleep (So Everyone Gets More Rest)

Bit by bit. You can try moving their bedtime back for a few days leading to the time change. This will help set your kids’ little clocks before the big day so it won’t be a total shock. Consider arming them with a cute (and practical) alarm clock to help make the transition a bit easier. recommends 15 minutes for babies, 20 minutes for toddlers ages 1 and over, and 30 minutes for school-aged kids.

Be consistent. If sleep time comes later, that means waking up time will, too. If you’re letting time creep up a few days before, do the same with wake-up time, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. Their entire day from top to bottom should feel the same, even if you’re adjusting and fudging with timing. They shouldn’t even notice a change, especially if they’re too young to tell time.

Use light and dark to your advantage. Since light and darkness influence our kids’ internal clocks, give them plenty of outdoor time during the day so it’s a bit easier to stay up later at night. Once it’s time to start winding down for that later bedtime, make sure their room is nice and dark.

Related: 10 Secrets to Getting Your Kids to Nap Longer

Eat Later It can be tricky when your family is used to their routine, but if you can bump dinner a bit later each night, it will help your kids’ internal clocks. Be sure to offer toddlers their afternoon snack a little later, too, and adjust your baby’s feeding schedule if possible.

Ignore it. Not the best strategy for some, but if you keep chugging along, so will they. Just switch everything on the day of, and move on. Kids are resilient. But try to keep their routine (mostly) intact.

Related: 14 Games to Play Before Bed That Guarantee a Trip to Dreamland

Be realistic. Your child may not even notice a slight change or they may go bonkers. But it’s important to remember to listen to them, understand why they’re upset, and work from there. Children are all so different—who knows how they’ll each react or even how one will react from year to year!

Be sympathetic. Remember to put yourself in your kids’ shoes and stay calm if they’re a hot mess for a few days. By staying calm, you’ll help kids adjust to fall daylight savings in no time.

When your kids have adjusted to the time change, make sure to capture all their cutest moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

This year, around 175 million Americans will celebrate Halloween. On a Tuesday. As a parent of two children, I can tell you that a weekday Halloween is very tough for families with young kids. As a CEO in the celebrations industry, I can also tell you that when October 31 falls on a weeknight, fewer people celebrate the holiday.

Sometimes I like to ask obvious questions and challenge the way things are done. When people say, “That’s the way we’ve always done it,” I perk up and question their assumptions. I want to know “Is there a better way?” and “Will more people be served with a different solution?”

When it comes to Halloween, I believe there is a better way. The time is long overdue for a cultural change that will benefit society: the official observance of Halloween should be on the last Saturday of October.

Why does Halloween have to be on the 31st of every year? There are many other holidays that aren’t tied to a specific date. Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November. The same is true for Memorial Day (the last Monday in May) and Labor Day (the first Monday in September).

Related: Let the Teens Trick-or-Treat

Halloween is mostly a kids’ and family holiday, and it should fall on a day that is best for kids and families! Not convinced about #SaturdayHalloween? Here are five reasons Halloween should be observed on the last Saturday of October.

It’s healthier for kids (and parents)

Halloween is arguably the most kid-focused holiday of the entire year, and we observe it on a school night eight out of every 10 years. Who wants to get home from work, stress about dinner, try to wrangle kids into costumes, and then be out trick-or-treating way past normal bedtime? It’s all too chaotic for most families.

The next day is a mess, too. Kids wake up the next morning overtired, and parents drag themselves to work. When Halloween is observed on a Saturday, not only will it be better for kids, but it will also be better for the sanity of parents.

It’s better for schools and teachers

When October 31 falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, students lose not just one, but two days of productivity. Halloween itself is full of distractions, but the next day is even more challenging.

Teachers have to manage a classroom of kids who have been out all night trick-or-treating and eating candy for lunch. The combination of lack of sleep and dealing with sugar-infused children is difficult. Halloween on a Saturday solves all of this. Plus, schools can schedule their Halloween parades and events on a Friday afternoon, which will help teachers better manage their class schedules. Saturday Halloween is the right thing to do for schools and teachers.

It’s safer

Halloween is a family holiday. Its most important cultural ritual is trick-or-treating. In my own neighborhood in Massachusetts, hundreds of families flock to the most popular streets downtown that are full of cars returning home from work.

If we observe Halloween on a Saturday, trick-or-treating could begin earlier in the evening before nightfall. Local authorities could block roads to protect the busiest neighborhoods. Accidents and fatalities would be reduced. It’s time we reduce possible danger and celebrate Halloween on a Saturday.

Families can celebrate together

The majority of parents work outside the home, and a weekday Halloween makes it difficult for families to celebrate together. A weekend holiday would suit working families and enable celebrations for the whole family. Extended family could gather as they do for other major holidays, and special memories can be made.

At Punchbowl, we have the data: there are more Halloween parties on Saturday than on any other day of the week. Let’s enable even more get-togethers and family celebrations on this important, memorable holiday.

Related: Halloween Brings Us Together Like No Other Holiday Can

It benefits the economy

When Halloween falls on a Saturday, it generates more revenue for the economy than weekday Halloweens. More costumes are purchased, more parties are planned, and more food and beverages are consumed. This means more jobs and higher wages, too.

Party City reported $22 million less in sales when comparing 2016 (a Saturday Halloween) to 2017 (a Monday Halloween). The impact extends to local businesses as well. If we move the official observance of Halloween to the last Saturday of October, it would not only bolster local business, but it would also provide predictability from year to year.

There are many more reasons that Halloween should be moved to the last Saturday in October and very few we should continue the old tradition of October 31. The time has come to move our national celebration of Halloween.

This post originally appeared on

I’m an entrepreneur, investor and startup advisor with 20+ years of experience in product management, marketing and software development. Currently, I’m the founder and CEO of

Now that baby’s crawling it’s time to start babyproofing the house

Traffic may slow to a crawl, but when a baby starts crawling, they’re zooming. Your former stationary buddy is now heading headfirst down the stairs or digging into your purse, and you’re feeling like you’ll never get a moment to yourself again. Keep kids safe from your home’s danger zones with these clever babyproofing tricks and activities.

1. Safety First
A crawling baby means a new round of babyproofing. Padding furniture corners, covering electrical outlets, tying up loose cords, and installing stairway gates are an excellent start, but there are plenty of less obvious spots that need to be secured. Add locks to toilets and cabinets or doors that conceal electronics, toiletries, cleaners, or glassware, and secure large furniture to the wall to prevent them from tipping over. Pro tip: To get a better sense of what could harm your baby, sit down and lie down on the floor to see your home from a baby’s level. You’ll discover sharp edges, dangling cords, and other potential hazards more easily.

2. Toilet Paper Tube Trick
Crawling babies have more access to items they can put in their mouths, whether that’s dog food or an older sibling’s LEGOs. Not sure what’s a choking hazard? Use the toilet paper tube trick. If the item fits through the tube, keep it out of baby’s reach.

3. Skin Saver 
Hard surfaces can damage a crawling baby’s delicate skin. Rough floors, concrete playgrounds or even carpets can cause scraped, bruised or raw knees from frequent contact. Save your baby’s knees—and pants—by slipping leg warmers or baby knee pads, like the cute ones above from Simply Kids, over baby’s legs. Pro tip: Baby knee pads are also good protection for wobbly toddlers who take frequent tumbles.

4. Staying Alert
Any time you venture out and about with a mobile baby, you’ll have to stay on kid watch like your baby’s life depends on it (because it does). Even new crawlers are shockingly quick. If you have any doubts about whether you can stay fully focused on your little explorer, play it safe and strap baby into a stroller or carrier.

5. Timing Is Everything
If you find yourself having trouble accomplishing tasks with a baby on the loose, adjust your schedule where you can. For example, cut down on time in the kitchen by relying on meal planning or quick prep and slow cooker recipes. Consider showering at night after baby’s bedtime and saving certain tasks for naptime or moments when you have someone else to watch your little mover.

babyproofing a living room


6. Try Redirection
A crawling or toddling baby can leave quite a trail as they explore everything in reach. Keep a small basket of baby-safe toys and books in each room to capture their attention when necessary and keep them away from cereal boxes, markers, and other major messes.

7. Get Germ-Aware
Keeping a crawling baby clean when you’re away from home can be a challenge. Keep a stash of wipes and sanitizer in your diaper bag for outings, and a change of clothes in case of bigger messes.

8. Keep a Surprise Toy Stash
How can you entertain your little cruiser when you need to shower, take a phone call or respond to emails? Hide a stash of “surprise” toys that stay out of your regular toy rotation. Pulling out the basket of “new” trinkets can keep your mobile mini-me entertained for a few minutes while you take care of business or relax for some much-needed me time.

9. Plan a Pool Party!
Turn your blow-up pool into a ball pit by adding colorful plastic balls. Your child will have room to move freely while exploring, and you’ll rest easy knowing baby is contained and entertained.

10. Cook Up Some Quiet
If trying to prep pasta primavera with baby running amok (or attached to your leg) sounds like a recipe for disaster, put your babe in the high chair to watch you. Sing songs, tell stories, or offer an assortment of finger foods to keep them entertained. If you want to pretend you have your own cooking show, we won’t tell anybody.

11. Relocate Your Belongings
If you find yourself frequently cleaning up a certain area—whether baby is obsessed with pulling books off of your shelves or shoes out of your closet—save yourself the constant cleanup and move those belongings upward on higher shelves. Consider this the flooding stage of parenting. As your baby zooms through the house like a force of nature, you move items upwards to keep them out of baby’s wake.

12. Repeat After Us
If snagging your baby inches from the curb for the millionth time or babyproofing have you ready to pull out your (now graying) hair, remember: It’s just a phase. Trust us, “It’s just a phase” will become your new favorite parenting mantra. Bonus: This useful phrase is surprisingly versatile! You’ll likely be using it for one thing or another for, oh, the next 18 years or so.

Capture the flag is always a popular choice

It’s time to drop the phone, drag the kids away from the tablets, and send them out the back door to play enough of the classic schoolyard games listed below to make them break a sweat and earn that popsicle. Sure, “Green Light, Red Light” and “Mother May I” are on the list, but we’re betting there are a few you haven’t played in years. 

1. Steal the Bacon

Divide your group into two teams and make sure each player gets a number. Set up a boundary line for each team and place the “bacon” in the middle (this could be a ball or some other toy. Call out a number, and the player for each team with that number will make a dash for the bacon. The first player who gets back over their boundary line wins that round.

2. Blind Man’s Bluff

This classic schoolyard game is like the thinking man’s tag or a slow-mo version of it anyway. All you need is a blindfold and three players to start. Put the blindfold on the Seeker; then spin him or her around a few times while the other players scatter. Now it’s time to seek. Using her keen other senses, the Seeker tries to tag the scattered players who are rooted in place. Sure, they can duck and dodge her outstretched arms, but they can’t move their feet. It’s a giggle-worthy game everyone can play!

3. Capture the Flag

This game requires a few players, so it’s a great one for larger families. Each team attempts to capture the other team’s flag, which is located at the other end of the playing field, at the “home base.” Players can tag members of the other team when on their side, sending them to jail. Get your teammates out of jail by crossing into enemy territory and tagging each one. The first team to capture the flag wins!  

4. Sly Fox

Fun fact: in France, this game is called, “One, Two, Three, Piano!” To play, one person is chosen to be the “fox” and faces away from the other players, standing by a wall or an imaginary line. The other players must stand in a line at a distance. When the fox isn’t looking, the other children must run or walk to get closer to the fox. If the fox turns around, however, the other children must freeze. If the fox sees someone moving, that child must go back to his/her starting place. The first child who tags the fox without being seen moving wins that round and becomes the fox for the next round!

5. Hopscotch

Using chalk, draw a hopscotch design on asphalt or concrete (see here for an example). The first child takes a turn throwing a small stone or similar object (i.e. a bean bag, shell, small toy) onto the first square. (The child loses his/her turn if the stone lands on a line or outside the square, and passes the stone to the next child in line.) The child hops on one foot into the first empty square (i.e. skipping square one) and every subsequent square, jumping with both feet at the pairs (4-5 and 7-8). When the child reaches square 10, he/she hops with both feet, turns around, and heads back to the beginning. When he/she reaches the marked square, the child picks up the stone while still standing on one foot and completes the course. If the child completes the whole course without falling or missing a square, he/she throws the stone to the subsequent square (i.e. square two) on his/her next turn. The first child to get all the way to square ten wins!  

6. Simon Says

Give your bossiest cherub a permissible outlet! One child is designated “Simon” and stands in front of the rest of the group. Simon then issues commands to the players, i.e. “Simon says pat your belly three times with your left hand.” The children must only follow commands preceded by the phrase, “Simon says.” If Simon simply says, “Touch your nose,” any players who follow the command are out of the game. The objective is to stay in the game as long as possible.

7. Mother May I

One child is chosen to be the “mother” “father” or “captain.” The other children stand in a line at a distance. Each child takes a turn asking the mother if they may make a certain movement, always preceding their request with, “Mother may I …” (i.e. “Mother may I take five bunny hops?”). If the child forgets to say, “Mother may I …” before the request, he/she must return to the starting line. The mother either says, “Yes, you may,” or “No, you may not, but you may… instead.” The first person to reach the mother wins and becomes the mother in the next round.

8. Jump Rope Rhymes

There are too many songs to count: Bubble Gum, Cinderella Dressed in Yella, Down in the Valley, and Grace Dressed in Lace. And these energy burners boast an assortment of educational perks: coordination, memory, balance, and teamwork, to name a few!

9. Red Light, Green Light

In this classic schoolyard game, one child is designated the “stop light” and stands at a distance from the other children, who are in a line. When the stoplight says, “Green light!” everyone moves toward the stoplight. All children must immediately stop when the stoplight says, “Red light!” (or the child must return to the starting point). Start a new round when one child reaches the stoplight.

10. Hide and Seek

Let your kids entertain themselves with endless rounds of what might be the most classic game of all time. Even older kids who may have outgrown this game will be up for it, and you can play it inside, too.

Related: 25 Backyard Games Perfect for Sunny Days

Tickle your tot’s funny bone with silly jokes Seattle kids (and parents) will totally get

Need a little levity in your life? These Seattle jokes for kids are a great way to kick your day off in the right direction. Scroll down for silly jokes, corny jokes, and quite a few rain jokes. Share them with your little ones to get the laughs rolling!

Kate Loweth

1. Can a kid jump higher than the Space Needle?

Of course! Because the Space Needle can’t jump.

2. What did the Giant Octopus under the Tacoma Narrows Bridge eat for lunch?

Fish and ships.

3. What do you call monkeys who live in Seattle?

Amazon Prime-ates.

4. What do you call three orcas in Elliott Bay?

A tripod.

5. Why is Santa thinking about moving to Seattle?

Because of all the rain, dear.

6. What do you call a week without rain in Seattle?


7. What did the geoduck say to the clam?

Can you dig it?

8. How do you make a SeaFair pirate angry?

Take away the “p.”

9. Heard any good jokes about the Cascades?

Yes, they are hill areas.

10. Why can’t Mt. Rainier and Mt. Baker play hide and seek?

Because they like to peak.

11. What did the kids say when the ferry finally pulled into the dock?

It’s a boat time.

12. What do Seattle kids have to watch out for?

Pier pressure.

13. In what state does the Columbia River flow?


14. What did Coach Carroll say to Russell Wilson when he dropped some change?

Hey, I want my quarter back.

15. What is the sea otter’s favorite Adele song?

Hello, from the Otter Side

16. What did the detective say when she got to Pike Street Market?

Something's fishy here.

17. What did the gum say to the gum wall?

I’m stuck on you.

18. Why is Seattle like L.A.?

You can seastars here, too.

19. What language do the I-90 and 520 bridges speak?


20. Why does Mount St. Helens play so many video games?

Because it’s not very active.

Seattle Municipal archives

21. Why did the leprechaun want to move to Washington?

Because it’s the evergreen state.

22. Where’s a leprechaun’s favorite place to jog?

Green Lake.

23. Why is Kyle Seager like a spider?

He catches flies.

24. What did Bugs Bunny say when the ferry pulled in at Fauntleroy?

What's up dock?

25. Ouch! I banged my head on 99…

…Mom said I would’ve been okay if viaduct.*

(*we miss you, 99 viaduct!)

26. How do aliens get vaccinated?

With a Space Needle. (Orion, age 10)

27. When do you need an umbrella for hiking?

When you're climbing Mt. Rain-ier. (Orion, age 10)



Encourage your child to bring on the noise with creative, homemade musical games that’ll get them inspired

Your kid is constantly composing, strumming, singing and banging on pots and pans, and that’s okay with you! From musical chairs to musical math, keep the tunes coming with easy-to-play music games for kids. Experiencing their joy and learning through these delightful diversions will be music to your ears.

Five kids hold balloons to their faces as they prepare to play a musical game

1. Balloon Bounce
Think musical chairs, but without the actual chairs. Yep, this balloon bouncing game is a start-stop fave that comes with a twist. Inspired by Family can give you the steps to plan a giggle-worthy game that encourages the kids to listen to the music and move to it too.

2. Songs and Statues
Remind your kids of the last time they explored the art museums’ galleries with this game from Learn with Play at Home. Along with the music theme, this multi-player game also gets the kids up off the couch and moving. And what could be better than that?

Related: 26 Games & Activities to Get Them Moving

This homemade shaker from Mini Monets and Mommies provides a fun musical game for kids
Mini Monets and Mommies

3. Shake and Move
Who says you have to spend the kids’ college fund on pricey musical instruments and learning toys? Make this crafty shaker from Mini Monets and Mommies, and then play a follow the leader style musical game. You’ll need two or more children for this activity, and the kids can make their shakers before the game starts. Next, pick a leader—and she’ll set the tone (and the rhythm) for the rest of the kids to follow.

4. Train Tapping
If your little one is all about trains, this music learning game is a perfect match. Let’s Play Music can teach you the steps that you’ll need to rock this rhythm activity.

Five kids hold balloons to their faces as they prepare to play a musical game
Hands On As We Grow

Related: 14 Handmade Instruments That Play Music

5. Sound Jars
Create your very own set of “sound jars” for the kids to explore and experiment with. Hands On As We Grow has detailed instructions and plenty of music games to play with these sensory surprises.

6. STEAM Sounds
Instead of creating a guitar, drum, flute or saxophone, this exploratory activity from Just One Mommy helps kids get creative and design their imaginative instrument.

A child uses his art materials to paint to music
Rafqi Ali Ridho via Unsplash

7. Paint to Music
Combine the performing and visual arts with one easy activity. Give your child an easel, paper, tempera paint, and a brush. Choose a few different types of music that have different tempos, rhythms, and feels. In other words, create a playlist of mood music that encompasses all the different emotions. Your pint-sized Picasso can paint away, moving the brush to the different types of tunes.

8. Musical Math
Yes, music is an art. But that doesn’t mean you can’t combine it with something that’s more … um, academic. Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls offers a math plus music idea.

Related: 31 Things Your Kids Should Be Doing Instead of Homework

Simple musical instruments sit in colorful cups to become a creative guessing game

9. Egg Shaker
As if making an egg shaker isn’t fun enough, Mama.Papa.Bubba can show you how to turn these simple musical instruments into a creative guessing game. Your little learner will get to make his music while working on critical-thinking skills. And all within the framework of a super-fun sensory activity!

10. Sound Hunt
It’s like a scavenger hunt, but with sounds. This music game from Inspiration Laboratories is serious fun!

Little Tikes red and yellow Cozy Coupe is one of the most iconic toys of all time. Now your kiddos don’t have to stay tied to the concrete, they can take the fun to the pool (which is great because trying to grab a screaming toddler out of the classic red and yellow car can be a JOB).

Leslie’s Pool offers the funnest float of the summer: an inflatable Cozy Coupe! The makers of Pool Candy created this easy-to-inflate float that comes with a canopy, a moving steering wheel and a horn that really beeps.

The toddler-sized float also comes with leg holes so your littles feel secure while cruising around the pool. And more importantly, mama can snag a little relaxation while floating next to her babe in the pool.

If you need to keep the bigger kids happy too, there are tons of classic pool games that require no props so everyone is happy. Or better yet, snag a few inflatables for them, too!

You can find the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe at for just $30.

––Karly Wood



Finish Summer Strong with This Sweet Pool Float Collab from Minnidip

Epic Inflatables to Transform Your Yard into a Child’s Paradise

FUNBOY Makes Baby Floats & Your Kiddos Never Looked So Cool

Photo: Ned Elton

Before children, I thought the hard stuff was going to be the chores—the sheer abundance of them, getting them to sleep, feeding them, having to change so many diapers. And then doing it all over again, all on relatively no sleep.

So when I was able to manage that, I was kind of like, “Okay, I got this! I’m utterly exhausted, but I’ll sleep when they’re 3.” Then, as my kids got older, I figured as long as I didn’t feed them chicken nuggets or give them Hawaiian Punch at every meal I’d be on the right track.

And so, I just assumed that the other stuff, like making them happy, polite emotionally stable human beings would just fall into place. I figured, I’m a good person with manners and I am generally emotionally stable, so that should translate into being a great parent with great kids. I’d be a great role model for them. The “chill mom.” How could anything go wrong? Bingo, automatic pilot.

So when I struggled to get shoes on and leave the house on time or my child literally freaked out because someone had made a mark on her drawing or melted down because I was neither close enough nor far away enough from the jungle gym as I spotted her, I had to really stop and think.

If I could have talked to the parenting gods, I would literally have looked up to the heavens and said, “What the hell is this? Are you kidding me?? I am doing this all the right way! I’m easy going, I’m not helicopter parenting, I’ve got the right amount of schedule,with the right amount of go with the flow thing going on here! They are not supposed to be acting like this—I repeat—not supposed to be acting like this!”

I’d sort of imagined I would instinctively know how to handle these situations. I’d know what to do when they were hurt, know what to do when they were upset or seemingly irrational – know exactly how to get them to get over things, move on, cooperate.

Essentially, how to get them to “feel” better.

That was it. I couldn’t change the way they felt. If they were angry, I couldn’t always get them to calm down. If they were upset and crying, I couldn’t automatically make them happy again. What kind of horrible mother was I? I thought I’d have this magic touch. Wasn’t it that simple?

So I thought about this, maybe it wouldn’t happen again. It was just the lack of an afternoon nap, or they must be hungry, but of course it would happen again, and again and the cycle would repeat itself. My child would get upset, about something or other. And it seemed like no matter what I did, they became more upset and sometimes, eventually angry.

I would twist myself into a pretzel cajoling, distracting, sweetly explaining things, and after an insane amount of patience on my part, or so I thought, I would become upset and even angry. So now, I was angry at my kid for essentially being upset about something. And somewhere down the line I would become upset at myself for not handling it correctly.

It was then I realized I needed to search beyond my magical intuition for some guidance.

And this was the most surprising thing to me about parenting, I couldn’t make them feel better.  They’d misbehave because they were upset and I was at a loss about handling it. The subtle nuances of discipline weren’t clear and straightforward. I thought they would be.

How exactly do I deal with these meltdowns and the power struggles? Time-outs didn’t feel right. I mean, isolating them on a stool so that they could reflect on their bad behavior. Yeah, I’m thinking that’s not going to work. And, it feels mean. But then, I can’t let them just do whatever they want. I really felt like the outside world was judging me on the success of every public parent conflict. Secretly thinking to themselves, is she really going to let them get away with that?

What kind of disciplinarian was I? What did that mean to me, discipline? I certainly am not going to hit, I don’t want to yell all the time—only some of the time, okay—but not all the time.

But, I have to be the parent. They are supposed to do what I tell them, am I right? I need to have control. At least that’s what the lady at Petco told me as my child screamed inconsolably in the stroller. Yes, she did, she told me that. My response was not my best parenting moment.

My younger sister who had kids well before me would say when I tried to calmly explain to my nephew that he couldn’t swing from the dining room chandelier because he might get hurt, that you can’t reason with a two-year-old. And that’s true. But that still doesn’t explain how I should deal with this stuff.

Here’s what I’ve learned. We’re not talking about reasoning and we’re not commanding them listen to us. We’re also not asking them to jump ahead to where we want them to be emotionally by saying, “come on sweetie, come here, to this enlightened place where I am. I know best”. No, that doesn’t work.

You essentially have to start by meeting them where they are first. That crazy upset place they are sitting in. You go in to where they are and you stay there until they can move on with you. And this is what Parenting is really, over and over again, meet them there. And then of course a hell of a lot of acceptance of that. Because you will continually want to go back to either just fixing the damned situation or making them deal with it.

And so, how do you get there?

1. See your child where they are, not where you want them to be or hope that by coaxing, prodding, bribing, yelling or threatening they will be.

Don’t rush in to fix things. That’s the first instinct for many of us. Resist the urge! Fixing things is not actually what they want or need in that moment. They really just want you to hear them. What we may see as a task to be solved (because Moms and Dads are great at solving things—we’re so smart) is really an expression that they want you to KNOW how they feel.

When you start by trying to understand and acknowledging their feelings, that is so deeply moving to someone and so reassuring, you soften, they soften and then they can move beyond those overwhelming feelings. It is only then that they will hear you. So first listen to them, and let them know you are listening, by acknowledging what they are saying and expressing it.

2. Give them some information to help guide them and/or offer them a choice to help them shift. We are helping them help themselves. Coaching them through these feelings, rather than denying the feelings or telling them their feelings aren’t that bad and they need to stop it right now! It goes something like this: “You’re really upset that we chose this book to read tonight. Your sister picked this and you wanted the other one. Yeah, that’s hard having to listen to a book you don’t really like.” Wait for a response, see what you get. Go back to letting them have their feeling if they aren’t ready to move on.

Then follow up with, “Do you want to read this book together tonight and we’ll read yours tomorrow night, or do you want to read your own book to yourself tonight?” (choice) and maybe add, “In this family we take turns deciding on the books we read.” (information) And if this goes on and on. And it may, you continue to acknowledge their feelings. Repeat the choice, and then at some point and you decide the next step.

3. Set your boundary. Set a limit, decide what that limit is, and stick to it.

“I see you’re still upset about reading your sister’s book, and you’re having a hard time deciding what to do. Sweetie, tonight we’re going to read your sisters choice and tomorrow we’ll read yours. You can listen or read in your bed. I’m going to start reading now because it’s getting late.”

Does that mean you avoid the melt down? Probably not, you may very well still get the meltdown and that’s ok. Your child is still angry and upset at the situation, but at least they’re not stuck in the “You don’t understand anything” place. They are going to know if not in that exact moment, then eventually, that when they get upset, you will listen, you do care, even if it that doesn’t mean they get what they want or that you agree with their point of view.

As you continually do this over time, they will learn that they are going to be upset and then they will eventually feel better. You can’t command someone to ‘get over it’. You may think you have changed their feeling, but their feeling is still there. You’ve just forced them to stuff it so it doesn’t continue to annoy you. You’ve just trained them to respond differently. As in, don’t show that feeling because it will go unheard, rejected and you might possibly be shamed.

“Training” a child is not our goal. “Teaching” a child should be. Letting them know they can feel something, feel a certain way and give voice to that is huge. They may not get what they want but they’ll learn that they can have the bad feeling and then be ok. Again, huge!

Little by little they will express their distress and shift more quickly, because they know it’s not the end of the world. We aren’t stalling them in their “this is the end of the world moment” and leaving them there mad and resentful. I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen our kids in those moments. We’re not shoving them by force into our “correct” version reality. We are letting them find it, by coaching them through it.

It’s not magic, or perfect but it works and it models for them the respectful adult we want them to become. When you see your child meeting some other child where they are and showing empathy. Well, to me, honestly that’s the meaning of life right there.

So we stop jumping to solutions. Stop trying to fix, and trying to make them feel better. We can’t make them feel better. Only they can. We can help.

Think about it. When someone tells you things aren’t that bad, or that you’re overreacting, or that you should count your blessings, or be more like so and so, or that you should understand that life is unfair, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t make you automatically feel better. You may quit your bitching, but now your still pissed at the situation and you’re also pretty pissed with your friend.

This whole idea that standing your ground and insisting on adherence to what you say is discipline is baloney.  They didn’t learn anything except that their feelings don’t really matter or aren’t valid enough to warrant the time of day. The word “discipline” derives from Latin, meaning “instruction given” or “teaching.” So let’s do that.

Yes, they’ll get there, let them know they are allowed to feel what they feel, instead of making them feel worse and inadequate for having those feelings. Even if forcing them to move on seems quicker and more efficient in the moment, it won’t help them want to behave, cooperate or move on, next time.

So, stop and see your kid in front of you. Let them know you see them and how they are feeling. Give them information to help them or give them a choice to make it easier for them to take the next step. And eventually, set your limit.

I don’t want to give the impression that with a few magic steps and some patience these situations evaporate, never to be seen again. These are foundational building blocks. Basics, but they a long way in helping get your child’s willing cooperation, in not escalating things into a power struggle every time your kid doesn’t eat their peas, and most importantly it models the respect you want your child to emulate.

Maybe even most importantly, you are wiring them to be able to figure these things out as they become teens and eventually adults.

It’s not rocket science. It’s brilliantly simple and deceivingly difficult at the same time because it isn’t just shaping our kids, it is shaping ourselves as well. It’s conscious parenting, It’s the power of creating this connection and building a lifetime bond with your child.

I am learning to really listen, and I am learning what they need in the process and I try to give them as much of that as I can.

I am a NYC Mom and Parent Coach and through Parenting Workshops and one on one sessions, I help parents move from managing their kids in order to get "good" behavior to raising their kids in such a way that promotes intrinsic motivation to do the right thing!



Sometime over the summer, parents usually hear the very first, “How many more days until Christmas?” query. You’ll laugh and say, “Not for a while, buddy” as you toss bathing suits into the laundry basket. But as the days go on, the questions keep coming. Vague answers aren’t quite cutting it for your eager kiddo. The Tobi 2 Robot Smartwatch can be a gamechanger for Kriss Kringle-obsessed kids—because every parent could use a Robot to get us through the holiday season, #amiright?

This fun, interactive smartwatch features an intuitive, kid-friendly interface that helps kids learn to tell time and keep track of it. They can use a stopwatch, timer, alarm clock, calendar and set reminders—perfect for keeping tabs on the days until Santa comes down the chimney.

And should they need a little distraction from focusing on the best-holiday-of-the-year… they can keep busy and engaged with a variety of learning, arcade and fitness games. The pedometer, dance activity game and augmented reality Walk n’ Wonder game will keep their body moving while they dream up their wish list!

And speaking of wish lists, here’s how the cool Tobi 2 Robot Smartwatch can help your kiddo get creative while building a list of must-have gifts!

Another reason your kids will want this smartwatch? The Tobi robot character speaks gibberish, giggles and has more than 100 expressions. Featuring moving arms and legs, this built-in interactive robot is here to help children learn, manage important tasks (like a Christmas countdown!), and have tons of fun every day.

Buy the Tobi 2 Robot Smartwatch here!