In the midst of all the carpools and soccer practices and dance lessons and schoolwork and the constant swirl of activity with busy families, there are words. Conversations. Discussions. And lots and lots of opportunities for you to encourage and motivate your potential entrepreneur, budding CEO, or just all-around smart girl.

It can be easy to let the days slide on by without being intentional in our communication with our kids. But when you have a moment to slow down and focus, here are eight different ways you can tell your daughter how amazing she is, instill a measure of self-confidence, and cheer her on to become the best possible version of herself.

Catch her doing something good.

As parents, it’s natural to spend a lot of time correcting our kids or pointing out mistakes. Flip the switch and look for something positive.

“I really appreciate that you put the dishes in the dishwasher after school, and not just the sink.”

“Thanks for helping your brother with that math problem.”

“You only slept in five minutes past your alarm! Great job.”

Positive affirmation is contagious; she may start doing the same with you!

Point out something positive in a negative situation.

Failure is part of life, especially for people like pioneers or entrepreneurs who are stepping out on limbs, taking risks and forging new paths. If you want a daughter who’s not afraid to fail, begin now to assuage that fear by helping her see the upside of something that was less than successful.

“Well, we didn’t sell much lemonade, but your idea to sell those chewy brownies was brilliant. The one customer we did have needed two more cups of lemonade to wash it down!”

When children feel good about themselves and know that you’re okay with trying and failing (and, in fact, encourage it versus not trying new things at all), they’re more willing to persevere and take new risks.

“What are your roses, thorns, and buds today?”

At dinnertime or before bed, ask your daughter about one of her day’s successes (a rose), one problem or mistake (a thorn), and one thing she is looking forward to tomorrow (bud). You can share yours, too. It’ll help her see that there are peaks and valleys throughout life, and success isn’t about avoiding the downturns; it’s about how you handle them, bounce back, and move forward.

Show her the big picture.

If she wonders why she needs to take math even though she wants to write children’s books someday, or she complains about gym class and says she’s not a “natural athlete,” talk about why math skills and fitness are important in life, no matter what career path she chooses.

Sometimes kids can be a little myopic in their view of the world, but you can help encourage your daughter to see the bigger picture when you help her think outside her limited scope of vision. Sometimes the answer to “Why do I have to take this class?!” is simply, “in order to learn how to learn. Learning new things is something you’ll do for the rest of your life, and every single class you take can help you become a better learner.”

“What’s your plan?”

Ask her about how she plans on solving problems on her own. (The problems she’s capable of handling independently, anyway.)

“Mom, my soccer jersey is dirty, and I have a game tomorrow!” Instead of rifling through her hamper yourself, maybe answer, “That seems like something you’ll need to take care of in the next 12 to 24 hours then. What’s your plan?” Or, let’s say she’s promised the neighbors she’ll babysit for them on Saturday, but now she wants to back out because she got invited to a birthday party. “Hmm. How do you think it would be best to handle that?”

Problem-solving is an important and valuable skill for anyone, let alone a successful entrepreneur.

Help her identify her passions.

She might not know yet what it is that gets her pumped up or makes her heart beat fast (which is normal, of course), so helping her identify those things could be very helpful and supportive. “Hey, I noticed that you got a little choked up when we watched that video about the rescue dog. What would you think about volunteering at the Human Society once a month?” Or, “I love that you like to help me with dinner! Maybe we should take a cooking class together?”

“I’m proud of you.”

It’s one thing to praise or celebrate her accomplishments, but what about her character?

“You’re such a loyal friend, I’m so proud of how supportive and encouraging you are.”

“When you hugged your sister after her bad day at school yesterday, I was so proud of you. You have a big, compassionate heart.”

Most of us—kids especially—indulge in too much negative self-talk. When you tell your kids what’s great about them, you interrupt that internal negative loop and help build their self-confidence.

“I believe in you.”

Think about it for a second: Who was the last person who said that to you? A parent, your spouse, maybe a mentor? Those are four powerful words that probably aren’t spoken enough, and if you’ve ever heard them, they likely lifted your spirits, ignited a fire, re-fueled a waning determination, or simply gave you the chutzpah you needed to tackle a project or face an intimidating challenge.

Whether your daughter is risk-averse or a little daredevil, whether she’s innovative or prefers the status quo, whether she’s ready to take on the world or needs a nudge out of her comfort zone—she needs to hear this from you.

This post originally appeared on The Startup Squad.

I've always built businesses, from a childhood gummy bear business to adult gigs at IMAX and I founded The Startup Squad to help girls reach their potential and my book series, The Startup Squad, is published by Macmillan. I live in Silicon Valley with my wife and two daughters.

“You can be an amazing mom, a great partner, a supportive sibling, a kind daughter, a competent coworker, a good friend, and an amazing individual”

I have spent my whole life setting myself on fire to keep everyone around me warm—sacrificing my time, emotional energy, and, quite often, my well-being and sanity for other people. It certainly wasn’t ingrained in me to do this just in motherhood. Oh no, it started far before children, when I was a kid myself. I learned to wipe my own tears, stuff down my feelings and do what was right for everyone… everyone but me.

Due to this self-sacrificing nature that my childhood demanded, I developed a trigger about taking time for myself away from my children. I was so determined not to make them put their needs aside like I had to do, that I didn’t take care of myself at all. Like seriously at all. I hated the term “self-care.” I couldn’t relate to moms who went out without their kids, literally ever. I had two pedicures in seven years, and my daughter was with me both times. I was so afraid of not being there for everyone and not taking care of my kids in the way they deserved that I held myself to an impossible standard—never allowing myself a break.

I was quite willing to happily sacrifice my last ounce of sanity and self to parenthood. Sure, I was burned out, but they were worth it, and I felt that was what I needed to do to be the best mother possible. I am sure I did a fabulous job taking care of my family, my kids, and my friends. But my skill set in no way involved how to take care of myself and my mental health. Not only did I not know how to set healthy boundaries, but also how not to feel bad about setting them.

What does this slow burn look like for me through the rest of adulthood? I spend all my time fixing people’s problems, absorbing the pain and anxiety of others, giving out advice, and competing for the title of “Most Dependable Human Being, Friend, Daughter, Wife, and Mother.” It means I put my needs on the back burner, thinking I’ll get back around to some form of self-care at some point. And guess what? It never happens. I have given up my health, my peace, my joy, my comfort, and even my safety to keep everyone around me happy.

Then finally, this past year, after a lifetime of pouring out all I had and everything I was, and after almost 10 years of mothering in the same way, I broke down. Not just an “I need a break” kind of meltdown but a complete and total realization that I had to change how I looked at everything to sustain being a good parent and person.

I realized having healthy boundaries doesn’t make me a bad person. I am now learning to listen to my gut when it tells me that I’ve had enough of something and that I need to take a break or step back. Continuing to be a good wife, daughter, sister, and friend can only happen if I give myself permission to help when I can and to stop when I can’t. It means I recognize that I can assist in others’ journeys without feeling like I have to do the work for them. I can care without carrying everyone else’s burdens.

I have always viewed sacrifice as the mother of all virtues, and listen, as a mom, I think most of the time it is a virtue. My kids are my No. 1 priority and I will never put myself before them, but I learned a very important thing about self-care in the last year. Taking care of yourself isn’t just saying “me first,” it’s also saying, “Hey! My health and my well-being matter as much as yours, and being the best mom that I can be requires some breaks and resets sometimes.”

You can be an amazing mom, a great partner, a supportive sibling, a kind daughter, a competent coworker, a good friend, and an amazing individual. You can give to others without it always being to your detriment. You can meet others’ needs without completely abandoning your own.

Taking care of yourself also means you want nothing more than to help your children chase their dreams while running right alongside them, chasing yours as well.


The Redeemed Mama is a writer who had had articles published by The Today Show, Love What Matters, The Mighty, Faithit, For Every Mom, The Creative Child Magazine and more. She has 3 beautiful kids and resides in Southern Arizona and loves writing about parenting, life and growth!

I hear “I’m fine” a lot throughout my days. If you are a parent of a pre-teen girl, I am sure that you do, too.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Do you want any help?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“You seem really upset. Let’s talk.”

“I said, I’m fine.”

It’s hard to be shut out like this and left on the outside of her experiences, helpless and defeated.

One thing I’ve learned and what I know for sure about girls is this: “I’m fine” could mean she’s fine but rarely does. “I’m fine” can mean “I don’t want to talk about it.” “I’m fine” can mean “I’m okay but I could be better.” “I’m fine” can mean “I really want to tell you but I just don’t know how.” And “I’m fine” can mean “I will talk about it but not right now.” Thus, “I’m fine” has become the secret code for what’s really going on for her and a code we must try to crack (carefully and with all the empathy we can muster).

If we imagine being a teen girl (just for a minute), this response makes sense: She wants to be independent of us and figure life out on her own. A pre-teen is all about keeping up her appearance of “I’ve got this.” She also wants to safeguard herself from, well, us: our judgment, our advice, and sometimes our unintentional intrusion. These words are automatic, unrehearsed responses to our queries and they do the job—they keep us at bay from what she’s really feeling and her true inner experience.

What’s a parent to do when your eyes tell you she needs your help and yet her words tell you she is just fine without you? Here are some ideas for you to try to get more from her “I’m fine” and help her to shift to “I feel.”

Be aware of your tone of voice.

Girls are super sensitive to variations in tone of voice. Did you know girls can hear a wider spectrum of emotional tone in another’s voice than boys can? And that their detection becomes even greater with the hormonal changes that accompany adolescence? (You can read more about that in The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine.)

So if we come to her with anything but genuine sincerity and care, she will feel it and not want to talk. Try to use warm words of kindness with phrases such as, “This must be hard for you…” and “It seems like there is something on your mind. I’d really love to hear about it and simply listen to you.”

Change your questions to get different answers.

We all fall into the trap of asking these two expected questions: “How are you today?” and “How was your day?” which set us up for the inevitable responses of “fine” and “good.” Think about asking more creative, out-of-the-box questions, such as “What was the best part of your day?, “What are you most proud of accomplishing,” or “If you had a chance to redo any part of your day, which part would you choose to do over?”

Give her space.

Her worry is our worry—this is called parenting. I know many parents who want to force conversations and answers because they care so much. But pushing her to talk about our timing when she’s not ready can be damaging to the relationship and may just lock the door on future conversations.

If she wants to take her time and decompress after a busy day, allow her to do just that. Reassure her you want to talk and let her know when you’ll be around. If you can, even plant the seed of connection by conveying to her you are up for a walk to get ice cream or you’d love to watch a movie on Netflix with her for some relaxation (and who knows, maybe the conversation will emerge naturally).

Help her find her words.

When she’s ready to talk, help her tell her story by giving her the words she needs. It’s hard for her to articulate what’s happening internally, and she may benefit from your suggestions. “Today, I noticed…” “This made me feel…” “I feel this way because…” and “This is what I need…” These prompts may just get her talking to you, and in the future, she may be able to find these words on her own.

We know it’s not always easy to be a growing girl, and “I’m fine” is a quick way to cover up the challenges of her day. Yet, when we help her move beyond that phrase to truly express herself, we are emboldening her with the confidence and competence that comes with self-expression. At the same time, we are learning to better understand what’s really on her mind.

Originally published April 2020.

I am a girl advocate and girls champion; the founder of Bold New Girls, teaching and coaching for girls and their parents. As well, I am the author Growing Strong Girls and Rooted, Resilient, and Ready (available on Amazon and Audible). I am an international speaker and an instructor with Udemy. 

“Live by the Golden Rule… but also know there’s more to it”

What exactly does it take to raise a compassionate, empathetic, and open-minded boy? According to experts, the key is open, honest, and frequent communication—starting when boys are young. We came up with 10 easy yet important messages for raising a son with compassion.

1. It’s more than OK to show and share your emotions.
Boys traditionally haven’t been encouraged to express themselves emotionally. Instead, they are applauded for their prowess in physical pursuits like sports. Despite social progress that has definitively proven otherwise, “boys don’t cry” and “man up” remain common-if-outdated sentiments among even the most well-meaning parents. “Boys can have battles and want to jump off of things and light things on fire, and still be emotionally complex and need to be held when they are upset,” says Rosalind Wiseman, a parenting educator and author of Masterminds and Wingmen. Let your boy cry, hug him and tell him that you support him, always.

2. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
According to Dr. Mary L. Gavin, what kids worry about is often related to the age and stage they’re in. For boys, particularly tween-aged and teenaged ones, anxiety about their changing bodies and changing social dynamics can easily and quickly spiral out of control. Encourage your boy to focus on what’s genuinely important—like having a solid foundation of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong—and to let go of the trivial stuff.

3. Live by the Golden Rule… but also know there’s more to it.
Beyond teaching the Golden Rule, which is to treat others as you’d want to be treated, impress upon your boy that while respect is a two-way street, tolerance, and acceptance are just as important. According to Dana Williams, parenting columnist at Teaching Tolerance, the Golden Rule alone is insufficient. “There are times when we as parents must explain things that are painful and unfair—racism, sexism, stereotypes, hate. Times when we must comfort our children, times I have had to help my eight-year-old son learn that what some would do unto him isn’t always kind or fair.” Teach boys that mutual respect is just a start toward open-hearted acceptance.

4. Learn to walk in others’ shoes.
An essential life skill that parents should teach children is empathy. “It sounds a lot like ‘sympathy,’ but empathy is quite different,” says business and life coach Justine Campbell of Mindquest Group. “Empathy is about feeling with other people. It’s the ability to understand and experience another’s feelings, and to respond in ways that help, not hinder.” Research shows that while the ability to understand others’ perspectives begins rising steadily in girls starting from age 13, it doesn’t really begin for boys until age 15. Empathy is like a muscle that needs to be flexed over time to gain power.

5. Know that kindness is one of your greatest strengths.
Speaking of muscles: perhaps the greatest muscle everyone needs to use more is kindness. Encouraging boys to practice kindness will help to habituate them to know how to give and receive kindness, which will reap benefits in current and future relationships. Science has proven that kindness and generosity are the two driving forces that lead to successful, long-term relationships. Remind your boy that the more he uses his kindness muscle, the stronger it’ll get.

Related: 20 Empowering Things to Say to Your Daughter Every Day

a little boy who's parents are raising a son with compassion for others


6. Celebrate those who are different from you.
If empathy and tolerance are foundational skills required for nurturing a boy to become a nurturing, caring man, teaching him to celebrate differences in others will empower him to recognize and love the differences in himself. Scholastic has a useful lesson plan and reading list for learning about differences that can help foster a greater understanding for both young and old people alike.

7. Share what you have generously and willingly.
Generosity is an infectious condition. According to Nancy Eisenberg, a researcher who specializes in children’s social development, children become more generous by having the experience of giving to others—and learning how good that feels. But there’s a catch: Eisenberg cautions that the giving experience needs to be voluntary. “If we force children to share, they walk away resentful, not feeling generous. Not surprisingly, they’re less likely to share after that.”

8. Recognize and embrace your own strengths and ideas—don’t always go with the flow.
Few people would argue that callous behavior is somehow innate. If anything, bad attitudes and jerkiness tend to be learned over time—and either tamped down or reinforced by our social circles. Studies have shown that rudeness can be as contagious as the common cold; thus, it’s important to teach boys that they have control and ownership of their behavior and ideas, even if the crowd does and believes something different.

9. Know when to say “I’m sorry.”
For many people, especially men, the two hardest words to say are “I’m sorry.” Girls and women often are conditioned to apologize, whether or not an apology is warranted. Teaching boys the power of saying “I’m sorry” will instill self-awareness and humility, and give them a head start in understanding that taking personal responsibility is a quality that will serve them well into their adulthood.

10. Be yourself.
Whether you’re raising a son who is a star athlete who likes to wear black nail polish or a math whiz who likes to watch Broadway musicals, letting your kid know that he is perfect exactly the way he is will empower him to love himself, no matter what external cultural and social forces and messages may be put upon him. Reinforcing the truth that there isn’t a single way to “be a man” will help to create a new generation of boys who’ll change the world for the better.

Related: 9 ‘Harmless’ Phrases That Hurt Kids More Than You Think


1. You don’t have to talk big to be cool.

Guys seem to have a dynamic of competition that is fun and playful but can lead to “big talk” or making yourself look and sound bigger than you are really are. Whether in sports, academics, girlfriends, stuff you have or stuff you can do, boys have no problem sharing all their amazing qualities with one another. This is awesome! Except that those qualities can sometimes be exaggerated and blown out of proportion.

Trust that you are an amazing kid without needing to promote yourself or exaggerate a single thing. People can see who you are without you having to tell them. Be yourself and you won’t need to talk yourself up.

2. Playing sports is not the most important thing in the world.

There is huge excitement and a rush that comes with watching someone who is great at a sport and everyone loves to be connected to a winning team. But sometimes the sports culture and our obsession with it can lead us to think sports are more important than everything else. It also creates the idea that kids who don’t play sports are second class citizens.

Your job as an awesome human being is to see everyone for their character above their performance. A lot of kids will be liked for what they do in a sport, not how they actually treat people. Avoid the trap of this particular type of group-think. And, if you are one of the athletes, be kinder and more inclusive of others because of it. Not the other way around.

3. You are in charge of your body—your body is not in charge of you.

You have a strong mind and a strong body. You are in charge of it, no one else. It is special to me and I hope it is special to you. It doesn’t matter what others are doing with their bodies, you decide what you’re comfortable with.

You may feel sometimes as if your body is the leader of your actions, but your brain is what drives your body. Always. You will have some pretty lit (as you kids say these days) relationships when you are older and wiser and you will experience everything in time. Don’t rush.

4. Your emotions are just as important as your grades, sports, friends or activities—actually, even more so!

Historically, boys and men have been taught to ignore their emotions, but trust that you have just as many feelings as every other human being (about 27 basic ones and even more complex ones!). Limiting your emotions or choosing to ignore them, limits your existence and your incredible awe-filled life experiences!

So, no matter how uncomfortable, embarrassing or difficult it may be at times, listen to yourself, pay attention to how you feel and learn talk about your emotions with the people you trust (i.e. your mom). They make you who you are and you are amazing.

5. Blame me for anything.

There will be times that you are faced with difficult decisions. When all your friends are doing something that you know is not okay, when your conscience is tugging at your, but your brain is confused because something sounds fun or you’re curious or you don’t want your friends to be mad at you for not joining in.

When you know you should say no, but that doesn’t seem like enough, when the pressure is there, blame me. Tell your friends your mom turns crazy and will ground you for life. Tell them I have superhuman powers and will find out everything so you just can’t do it. Of course, I trust you to make good decisions, but when you need an excuse, blame me.

6. I expect you to make mistakes and yes, even fail at a few things, too.

If you don’t know this by now, I will tell you again; it’s okay to make mistakes. In fact, I want you to, because that means you are trying new things and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. This is the only way to actually grow as a human being and to find out all your incredible strengths.

How you handle failure is one of the best things to know about yourself, because there is little in this world more difficult than failure. It does not denote an end, but only a hurdle over which one must learn a new way to leap. And I know you are a great problem solver.

7. I am so proud of you.

Already I can see inside of you a huge heart and a strong mind. I can see your generous spirit and caring soul that looks out for the underdog. I love your cool hairdos and your insistence on needing to come to your own decisions on your own time, in your own way. You have a depth of character, persistence and a profound desire for the truth. You already know yourself well.

Trust yourself, love yourself. You have everything inside of you that you will ever need. And know that I am here, always, loving and trusting you, shining a light on you as you grow, stretch and run wildly and beautifully through life. I am so proud of you.



10 Things We Should Tell Our Sons

45 Simple Things Moms & Sons Can Do Together

8 Things Kids Need to Do By Themselves Before They’re 13

7 Powerful Things My Daughter Needs to Know Before Middle School

Krissy Dieruf is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and three children, loves to sing and dance around the house and has a soft spot for rebels and crazy hair. 

10 Times Your Daughter Shouldn’t Say Sorry

You’re raising your girl to be responsible for what she says and does and to know when and how to give a sincere apology when she messes up. But is she apologizing more than she needs to?

Studies show women are more likely than men to presume they were in the wrong or think their own actions might have upset someone, and those patterns start early. There could be many reasons for this, but some think girls and women are quick to apologize because they’re taught to “keep the peace” and be nurturers who put the emotional wellbeing and happiness of others first.

So often, girls and women start talking by saying, “I’m sorry, but I feel like [fill in the blank]”—and that sentence structure can literally become a habit. The problem? When your girl apologizes for something that wasn’t her fault, others might start to see her as someone who is at fault. Someone whose shortcomings inconvenience others, even if that’s far from the case.

Read this list from Girl Scouts with your girl, and remind her that although it’s important to make amends when she’s truly done something wrong, apologizing when she hasn’t can undermine how others see her and damage her self-worth.

There’s No Need to Say “Sorry”…

1. When someone bumps into her. She has just as much of a right to take up space in this world as anyone else.

2. When she tried her best. Maybe she didn’t win the science fair or make the basketball team, and that’s OK. Nobody’s perfect.

3. When she’s not feeling well, even if it messes up plans for others. It’s not like she went around looking for germs. Help her focus on getting better instead of apologizing.

4. For leaving when someone makes her feel uncomfortable or unsafe. One of the most important things to explain to your girl is that she doesn’t need to “be polite” or stay in the same vicinity as someone who makes her feel uncomfortable or unsafe. She just needs to get out of there and tell a caring adult as fast as possible.

5. For her feelings. Some might be uncomfortable with your girl’s anger, sadness, or disappointment, but that doesn’t mean those feelings are bad or wrong.

6. For sticking up for herself. It takes guts to take a stand and defend yourself or others against bullies. Doing the right thing is never something to apologize for.

7. For having high expectations. Expecting the people in her life to follow through and keep their word isn’t a crime.

8. For setting boundaries. Whether a friend wants to cheat off her homework or someone is invading her personal space, she has every right to say no.

9. For sharing knowledge. Knowing her stuff and using the information to help others is awesome. Someone else’s insecurity is not your girl’s problem.

10. For her appearance. Who does she get dressed for in the morning? Herself. If others don’t like it, that’s fine.

So what can she say instead of sorry? Tell your girl to start by saying how she’s feeling in short, declarative sentences. So instead of “I’m sorry, I have a question,” she could say, “I have a question.” Skipping the apology doesn’t make her rude—in fact, it puts apologies back in their rightful role as a way to make amends when she’s actually done something hurtful or wrong.

Stress to your girl the importance of speaking with intention. Apologizing for no reason or when she’s not at fault dilutes the sentiment. Have her save it for when it counts. When it’s heartfelt and for the right reasons, the power of “sorry” will be more meaningful both to her and to the person on the receiving end!

Want more tips on Raising Awesome Girls? We’ve got you covered.

Originally published December 2019. This post originally appeared on Raising Awesome Girls, powered by Girl Scouts.

Daughters (Who’ll Conquer the World) Need to Hear These 8 Things
7 Powerful Things My Daughter Needs to Know Before Middle School
The Only 2 Things to Say to Your Kid After a Game

Raising Awesome Girls Powered By Girl Scouts
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Raising girls to be happy, healthy, and successful is simpler than ever with help from Girl Scouts. From knowing how much to help with her homework to navigating sensitive issues in the news with your family, we've got everything you need to raise girls with confidence. 

Costco’s exit greeters will even draw a happy face on your receipt if you’ve got kids in tow

Here’s something you’ve probably wondered at least once or twice: why does Costco check receipts? You just spent the last four hours shopping for bulk for all your bulk good needs and now that your cart is full and you’ve paid your due, the smiling exit greeter gives your receipt the once over. What’s the deal?

So it might seem like the Costco exit greeter and receipt checker is trying to catch you shoplifting. But that really isn’t so. Imagine trying to “sneak” a case of ramen noodles out. Not so easy, right?

Related: 17 “Secret” Costco Hacks & Membership Perks You Need to Know About

Instead, the exit greeter’s job is to actually save you money. They’re not looking at the receipt to make sure the gallon of ketchup filling your cart is actually listed on your receipt. Instead, they’re looking for duplicate charges, promotions the cashier may not have caught, or other similar errors. They’re also looking for products that you purchased but may not have received by way of a mis-scanned item or items held at checkout. In fact, Costco has been providing this service since they opened their first store in Seattle in 1983.

A recent Reddit thread illustrates this point completely. After one Reddit user asked, “How much is caught at the exit receipt check?” another responded, “I sometimes get the $100 for $80 gift cards and they always ask if I remembered those, since you have to go to the lock-up to pick up the gift cards after you pay.”

Before you give the exit greeter that sideways, “Hey, what are you really searching for?” look, remember—they’re here to help.

Related: 11 Ridiculous Things You Can Buy on Your Next Costco Run


“Anybody have a really good babysitter you can recommend? Available at the last minute?” This group text popped up on a Friday afternoon and was quickly drowned in a sea of “nopes!” and “good lucks!” and teary emojis from unrecognized numbers. No one lets go of that number lightly. None of these people, other than the sender, were in my contacts. None of these people, including the sender, will get a response from me.

I could say it’s because this person wasn’t a close friend or that I didn’t have the time while hauling my kids around in the sub-freezing darkness that January evening. But the truth is, I just cannot give it up. Because I only have one number.

Other than family, I have one number, one person, I can call to babysit my children. I’m not being picky; I am being deadly serious. I have a five-year-old with cerebral palsy whose 40 pounds might as well be 100 when you’re carrying him up the stairs or lifting him out of the van and into his wheelchair or changing a diaper on the floor. He also has limited speech, so you must be part psychic, part lip reader, to intuit his needs. His babysitter is an employee at his preschool and has known him since he was two. I can’t afford to give away the one person I trust.

Related: 11 Incredible Books That Feature Kids with Disabilities

I know it’s tough to find someone older than 14 and responsible and available and consistent and friendly and cheap-ish to watch your kids. But for us, it is so much more than that. It takes a background in working with children with disabilities, a secret handshake, a personality test, and some serious magic for me to feel comfortable leaving my children in the hands of someone I’m unrelated to.

That number on my phone with “babysitter” in parentheses is sacrosanct. The days of protecting it began in infancy. When we first brought our son home from the hospital, he came with a tracheotomy, suction machine, oxygen monitor, and g-tube. I barely left the room, much less the house. Date nights were not a priority.

And just before I went back to work, we said goodbye to the daycare we had lined up a year in advance. How could we ask them to hook him up to a feeding pump or suction out the snotty gunk from his trach hole? Not to mention pitting him against the invariable sicknesses that pass from kid to kid. A registered nurse or my mother watched him instead.

Thankfully, the trach and the g-tube and all the most precarious of his medical issues faded away with age. We no longer need a nurse. But we do need someone physically strong enough and trained enough to meet his needs.

Related: 5 Things Every Special Needs Parent Should Hear

And did I mention I also have twins? They are insane, in all the natural ways threenagers are, and require just as much eyes-on time—if not so much hands-on time—as their older brother. They will empty the entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet and lock themselves in the bathroom in under 30 seconds. Date nights are happening again, but they are still rare enough to make me feel giddy just backing out of the driveway.

This is why I let the text go unanswered. This is why I let someone else fill in that blank. Our family situation calls for a very particular set of skills. We need the Navy SEALs version of babysitters. And I don’t know another mother with a child with special needs who doesn’t feel the same. We already get less free time, much less time away without worry over our children’s safety. We can’t afford to hand out freebies.

It’s nothing personal. It’s business, the business of running our family. We need the people we trust. And so we keep them close.

This post was originally published in January 2018.

Jamie Sumner is the author of the book, Unbound: Finding Freedom from Unrealistic Expectations of Motherhood. She is a writer for The Washington PostParenting Special Needs Magazine and Scary Mommy, and an editor for Literary Mama. She is mother to twins and a son with cerebral palsy. 

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who enjoys laundry, but that doesn’t mean your laundry room has to look like a mess. Inspired by a few genius Dollar Tree laundry room hacks, we set out to find the best laundry room storage ideas the world has to offer. So whether your washer and dryer are in a closet, the garage, the basement, or conveniently located near your bedrooms, these clever laundry room decor ideas provide loads of storage solutions, will help you get and stay organized, and may even become your favorite room makeover, ever.

Best Laundry Room Hack: Platform Storage

best laundry design hacks
House of Turquoise

Perhaps one of our favorite design solutions, this DIY platform not only raises the laundry units so you can load them up easier without bending over and straining your back, but two clever built-in drawers provide additional storage space for surplus supplies like dryer sheets, extra rags or even a spot to hide all that found change from your family's pockets. Head over to House of Turquoise for details. 

Best Laundry Room Hacks: Make It Pretty

best laundry hacks
Sam Kachmar Architects

Who says a laundry room needs to be white and boring? Sometimes a laundry room makeover needs just a wow factor like this pattern play. Treat your small space with some designer TLC with bold, graphic wallpaper.


Best Laundry Room Hack: Stacked Machines

You might have all the laundry room ideas in the world, but if your vision doesn’t fit into your space, you’re going to have to compromise. A good way to maximize space is to go for a stacked washer and dryer combo. That way, you’ll still have room for that gorgeous farmhouse sink and built-in mud bench you’ve been dreaming about.

Best Laundry Room Hack: Maximize Awkward Spaces

best laundry room hacks
Hutchinson House

Just because laundry rooms are often awkward spaces that get overwhelmed by the (much-needed) appliances, doesn't mean you can't maximize the space. These shelves, hung perpendicularly to the machines, provide ample storage and take advantage of what would otherwise be a waste of space. 

Adding knobs and hooks with a slim profile provides additional storage without eating into the space and making it feel more cramped. See more of this over at Hutchinson House

Best Laundry Room Hack: Use Sliding Barn Doors

Geoff Chick

Whether you have a nook or a closet for a laundry room, lose the cheap, contractor-grade doors, and save precious floor space (and hide the units while you're at it) with mounted barn doors that slide open and close with little to no effort. No one will suspect such industrial workhorses are hiding behind such an architecturally interesting design.

Barn door hardware can easily be found online or at Home Depot. To determine if this installation will work for you, make sure there is ample wall space on one or both sides for the doors—so the barn doors can slide fully open—whether you have a set of doors that open in the middle of a single door, like the one pictured above from Geoff Chick

Related: 17 Storage Hacks Every Parent Needs

Best Laundry Room Hack: Maximize Wall Space

best laundry room decor ideas
Sincerely Sara D.

Pegboards are fantastic organizing solutions for tools and desks, but they also make for great laundry room organization as well, like Sincerely Sara D shows above. You can use a single board or kit-out the entire wall in pegboard, which provides a wall of organizational and storage solutions that can change and grow to meet your needs.

Don't forget to paint the board the same color as your wall—it'll help the board to blend into the space, making it feel more cohesive and intentional.

Best Laundry Room Hack: Create a Folding Station

best laundry room decor idea
Vintage Revivals

Once you experience a handy folding station in the laundry room, you'll never want to unload the dryer and carry your laundry somewhere else to fold and sort. If you don't have the space for a stand-alone table, take advantage of the space right above the laundry units by installing your very own DIY table. This version from Vintage Revivals went one step further with its design-driven waterfall edge by attaching a tabletop to the wall; being supported by two legs would work just as well.

Don't have space right above the washer and dryer for a folding station? You can install a table that latches to the wall and folds down when you need it, tucking away neatly when you don't.

Best Laundry Room Hack: Install a Smart Shelf

best laundry room decor ideas
The Definery Co

That space behind the washer and dryer? It's just begging for a custom-shelf. This beauty provides ample storage for supplies you regularly use, freeing up space in the cabinets above for those items that you only need to access occasionally. And the best part? It only costs $12 to build. 

If you measure the space and find that the measurements don't line up with off-the-shelf lumber, just pull the units out a few more inches to save yourself from making custom cuts. The Definery Co. shows you how it's done. 

Best Laundry Room Hack: Take Advantage of Ceiling Space

George & Willy

Drying racks typically take up a lot of floor space, but this design takes advantage of that unused space found all over your ceiling. This rack we spotted over at George & Willy can be raised and lowered with a pulley system, keeping that air-dry only laundry up and out of the way. But the best part? Discovering there is an unexpected advantage to drying your clothes at such great heights—heat rises so your clothes will get the additional drying help thanks to the nature of science. How cool is that?

Best Laundry Room Hack: Hang Clothing Rods

best laundry room hacks
Seth Smoot via House Beautiful

In the scope of doing laundry, not much is more annoying than washing and drying button-downs and blouses just to have them end up in a wrinkled mess. This hanging rod takes advantage of the space between two cabinets and is installed close to the laundry unit, which means that you'll have hangers handy for when those precious shirts come out of the dryer. You may even be able to say goodbye to the dry cleaner, saving you more time and money in the long run. See more over at House Beautiful

Best Laundry Room Hack: Install Ready-to-Assemble Storage

Young House Love

One of the easiest, smartest, and cheapest solutions for an instantly better-looking, functioning laundry room is an off-the-shelf cabinet procured from your favorite big box stores like IKEA or Home Depot. Simply measure the space and find the unit that fits within it. You can dress it up with moldings and the like to make it appear more built-in but it doesn't need to have those fancy details. Add a shelf above the laundry machines for easy access to laundry detergent and dryer sheets. 



Teaching young children how to handle their finances pays huge dividends (pun 100% intended) both now and in the future. Not sure how to craft age-appropriate lessons for your squad? We interviewed four financial professionals and came up with a list of 10 money skills that deliver the biggest bang for your buck. Read on for all the details.

1. Use Everyday Moments to Talk about Money

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

"It's important to have regular conversations about money management while your child is still young to push them towards positive financial outcomes in early adulthood," advises Jennifer Seitz, Educational Content Lead at Greenlight and Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI). 

Make it make 'cents': Seitz suggests parents "Look for practical daily examples of spending and budgeting and share them with your child; for example, when you take your child grocery shopping, you can pull out your card for the cashier and then ask your child, "Do you know what type of card this is? Is it a credit card or a debit card?" 

This creates a learning opportunity to explain how debit cards take money directly from your bank account, while credit cards have a balance that must be paid each month. It's not free money or magic money—help your child understand how it works!"


2. Talk about Wants vs. Needs

mom daughter computer online school virtual elearning
Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

We need air, food, water, shelter and clothing. While your crew might beg to differ, we don't need toy cars or princess crowns. Needs are the things we buy before we buy the things we want.

Make it make 'cents': Together with the kiddo, grab a bunch of old magazines and coupon mailers, cut out different pictures, and glue them on a sheet of paper so that you have a collage of wants and a collage of needs.

3. Pay Kids for Unusual Tasks

Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels

How nice would it be to get paid for making your bed, folding clothes or cutting your grass? Alas, it's not the case, so why do we lead kids on with chore-driven allowance? Consider giving them cash for extra work that they don't usually do (i.e., helping cook dinner or washing the family pet).

Make it make 'cents': Charge your mini-money makers with organizing a bake sale to earn extra money. They'll have a blast setting up shop and get a taste of what it's like to have a job.


4. Demonstrate the Wonder of Compound Interest

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Tom Byrum, Sr. Director, Head of Global Sales Compensation at a Fortune 500 company, uses a hands-on approach to get his child excited about saving money. "I'm paying my 10-year-old daughter an exorbitant monthly interest rate on her savings to illustrate the time value of money. She had fun calculating how much her $37 would grow at 10 percent interest per day for 30 days (no, that's not what I'm paying). She kept guessing how much she thought it would be and passed her guess two cycles later." 

Make it make 'cents': Even the smallest fry can learn this lesson if you make it visual. Arm yourself with a roll of pennies and a Mason jar so your preschooler can see how quickly the change builds up.


5. Explain the Different Types of Money

Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

There are coins, paper bills, paper checks, debit and credit cards–and you use them all at different times for purchases. The idea of monetary variety is a hard one to grasp for the under 10 set, especially when you can buy things with "invisible money" (aka credit cards). And let's not even get started on the difference between a checking and a savings account. 

Rod Griffin, Senior Director of Public Education and Advocacy at Experian, advises parents to " their children develop good financial habits by teaching them the difference between a checking and savings account and how banks store funds. Take a trip to the bank as a teaching experience and deposit or cash a check." 

Make it make 'cents': Make "invisible" money visible. Set one person up as the bank and have your kid "pay" for items around the house with a debit card. The bank person should then take the money out of the bank and give it to you.

6. Talk about Credit Cards

Frankie Cordoba via Unsplash

"Without the proper knowledge of best practices, credit cards can lead to a lot of trouble for adults, both young and old," says Griffin. "Parents should teach children what credit cards are and how to use them wisely. Going through a credit card statement can go a long way in helping children understand the cause and effect of using credit cards, the importance of making on-time payments and how it can impact their credit score."

Make it make 'cents': Role play the difference between making a purchase with good credit vs. bad credit. Kids with good credit can buy a popsicle for $2, while those with low scores get charged $6. If you have more than one child, we suggest giving everyone the same credit score, so you don't start a mutiny.

7. Teach Kids to Budget and Plan for Their Needs


Ashraf Jaffer, Adjunct Accounting Professor at the University of North Carolina, has been doing this since her son was five years old. "He has a budget from birthday and holiday money. When he was younger, we would give him the prices of things he wanted. He would come up with a combination of things that would fit within his budget (which is a great way to incorporate math lessons). Now that he is older, we ask him to research prices and come up with a proposal and justification. The final decision is with us, but he feels he is more in control and participates in the decision process."

Make it make 'cents': Print out a calendar and pencil in planned family trips, holidays and special occasions. Ask your child to set aside spending money for each event before budgeting for immediate wants.

8. Don't Fudge the Budget

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

"Stick to the budget and do not exceed it even if your kid's argument for spending more is great," advises Jaffer. "They will learn to prioritize spending needs and patience if you don't give in and increase the budget." 

We know, we know—easier said than done. But the sooner kids understand that they can't buy things if they don't have enough money, the better. 

Make it make 'cents': Create and label four money jars: "spend," "save," "share," and "invest." It's up to your kiddo to decide where the money goes. Another fun way to practice budgeting? Play Monopoly!

9. Model Charitable Giving


Kids have great examples of $$$-stingy characters—think Scrooge, who no matter how much money he has, hoards it all to himself. Giving (even the smallest amount) to those who have less is a fundamental money lesson that naturally empathetic kids can enjoy.

Make it make 'cents': Together, research and choose one charity to donate money to each month.

10. Reinforce Positive Money Choices

A teacher high fives a student in class

“Talk about their successes and reward them,” says Seitz. “Did they decide against buying something they didn’t really need? Smart move! Explain that now they can use the money for something else, which is that core money principal: opportunity cost. Did they choose to save their birthday money for an important big-ticket item? Tell them how proud you are! And why learning to save is so important as they grow up and become financially independent.”

Make it make 'cents': Be as specific as possible in your praise to really solidify the lesson. The more your little one feels warm and fuzzy about their financially responsible decisions, the better.


—Teresa Douglas & Ayren Jackson

Featured image: iStock 


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