From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, many moms-to-be start to notice changes in their bodies. Morning sickness, thicker hair, even varicose veins are among the list of culprits that can show up and disappear. But what if they don’t? It turns out, your baby isn’t the only thing you’ll get from those nine grueling months—there are lots of body changes after pregnancy, too. These not-so-cuddly gifts may stick around long after your baby bump goes away. From wider hips to bigger feet, vision changes to sudden (or disappearing) allergies, many new moms will find these changes are part of their postpartum body.

Your Feet Grow

Your baby’s not the only one who's going to need new shoes. Many new moms add half a shoe size—or more—after pregnancy. Blame the hormone relaxin, which loosens the ligaments in your body to help prepare for birth (that pelvis has to widen, after all), which also causes the bones to spread in the feet.

Doctors say there is a chance your feet will go back to their old size after several months, but if your feet still feel cramped in your favorite shoes, it may be time to go shopping (as if you needed a better excuse).

Note: Call your doctor if your feet have swelled up suddenly, as this may be a sign of potentially dangerous preeclampsia or blood pressure changes.

Your Hips Get Wider

You know those glorious hips that widened to let your baby squeeze out into the world? They may never go back to the way they were (even if you had a C-section). Same goes for your rib cage, which also had to open up to make room for your growing child. For most women, these enlarged bones go back to their original place by about 18 weeks postpartum, but some women keep the extra girth permanently.

"My hips stayed permanently wider which was great for me because I had no shape before," said a Reddit user. "I was built like a teenaged boy, lol."

"My hips? Wider yes and not back to normal," said another mom. "But I have embraced it and now have a more hourglass figure with larger bust, slim waist and wide hips." 

"I hope my hips get wider during pregnancy. Wide hips are beauty beautiful," said another.

Related: 10 Things I Didn't Know about Pregnancy, Until I Was Pregnant

Your Breasts Shrink

While pregnancy’s powerful hormones will likely bump your bosom up a few cup sizes, once your milk-making machines dry up, you may end up with smaller breasts than you had before you were pregnant. “You lose a lot of breast elasticity,” Los Angeles–based OB-GYN Pari Ghodsi told Health magazine. “They’re not as full as they once were.”

That said, some women report larger breasts after pregnancy (even after nursing), so it's anyone's guess where your post-baby bust will be.

I was a C pre-pregnancy, was a DD in my second trimester," said a Reddit user. "I never measured postpartum but they were pornographic while I was pumping, and then once I stopped pumping they vanished into thin air and I’ve got A’s now."

“After nursing 6+ years with four kids, they didn't shrink......just deflated,” said another. “I can go out braless bc I can tuck them into my damn waistband.”

"Once my son was eating adult food they went back down to one cup size larger than they were pre-pregnancy," said another.

Your Hair Changes Color, Curl, or Texture

Pregnancy packs a wallop on your hormones, with these changes wreaking havoc on your body all the way to the tips of your strands. Some steadfastly straight-haired mamas get suddenly wavy locks post-baby, while some women with curls may suddenly go straight. (And this is in addition to losing the lustrous hair you likely grew while your baby was cooking.)

Sometimes, the hair goes back to the way it was months later; some women have changed tresses forever. Whatever your look, embrace it as your new mom style.

"I'm Asian and had thick, pin-straight hair before pregnancy,” said one mom on Reddit. “After I gave birth, it went all frizzy/weird, curly but not actually curly; beachy waves, but not nice beachy waves. Like an insane lion that had a bomb go off next to his head.”

“Got my first grey eyebrow hair 7 months along,” said another mom. “Hair is def not the same.”

“My wife was blonde her entire life, and is now a brunette after giving birth to our son,” said another Reddit user. “It’s crazy!”

Your Periods Change

As if you didn’t endure enough down there, postpartum periods tend to be permanently heavier or more painful after pregnancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these changes may relate to a larger uterine cavity causing more endometrium (mucous lining the uterus) to shed.

But it’s not all bad news. Some women actually experience lighter, easier periods after childbirth.

“The bottom line is that periods can change after having a baby,” OB-GYN Diane Young said in this article. “If you are concerned about your periods, make an appointment with your OB-GYN. There are medical therapies to help.”

That Dark Line that Points to Your Nether-Regions May Not Go Away

Pregnancy doesn’t just change your shape; it also changes your skin. Take the linea nigra: It’s the dark line that appears during pregnancy and runs from the middle of your belly to your pubic bone. A common hyperpigmentation that develops mid-pregnancy, it usually fades about three months after childbirth, but it can stick around permanently (as can darkened areolas, which also happens during pregnancy).

If the line bothers you, talk to your doctor. While it can’t be removed completely, there are skin-lightening creams and laser treatments that could make it less noticeable.  

Related: Is This Normal? Your Pregnancy Decoded

Your Allergies Disappear… or You Suddenly Have New Ones

Do you suddenly have a perpetually runny nose? Did your lifelong allergy to celery suddenly cease? Hormones are to blame for that, too. In fact, pregnancy can cause all sorts of changes in your immune system, which can alter your sensitivity to allergens. Experts say the most common newly occurring post-pregnancy allergies include seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, and PUPPP rash, a skin condition characterized by small pink itchy bumps on the abdomen. 

"Hormonal fluctuations impact your allergies because estrogen and progesterone have an impact on your mast cells (allergy cells)," allergist and immunologist Purvi Parikh of the Allergy and Asthma Network said in this Parents magazine article. 

Pregnancy isn’t the only dramatic hormonal shift that can trigger allergies, he added. “New allergies can emerge during periods of significant hormonal shifts, including puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause.”  

You Have Stretch Marks…in Places You Never Thought You Would

Stretch marks on the belly are a veritable right of passage into mommyhood. But stretch marks on the thighs? Breasts? Buttox? Sorry, but it’s a thing. Stretch marks—which appear as red, pink, or black lines (their color depends on your skin)—are actually small scars that happen when sudden weight gain  (i.e. your little miracle) tears the fibers of the skin. Up to 90 percent of pregnant women get them, with most common areas affected being the belly, thighs, hips, butt, and breasts. They can even happen in the upper arms and back.

And while you can’t get rid of (or prevent) stretch marks completely, most fade significantly after several months. In addition, there are some treatments—including chemical peels, lasers, radiofrequency, microdermabrasion, and microneedling— that may make them less noticeable.

My stretch marks are all over my legs!” said one Reddit user on this thread. “Nobody talks about calves, thighs and hips got ‘em for sure. Interesting how everybody’s different.”

“I got zero stretchmarks until after I gave birth,” said another. “And then suddenly they were everywhere! Even behind my knees, under my arms, and on my pubic bone!”

Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Weaken

Sorry, but sneezing may never be the same. The strain of pregnancy and childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (those are the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel). This can cause mild to severe urinary incontinence or other pelvic floor disorders including problems related to your bowel or sexual functioning.

The good news? There are exercises you can do to improve things, with daily Kegels being your best first step. If you’re noticing excessive leaking—more than just a little squirt with a sneeze or “Oops” on the trampoline—you may want to talk to your gynecologist about regular physical therapy to improve symptoms (Don’t worry; it’s less embarrassing than it sounds).

Related: The Best Hidden Exercise You Should Do Every Day

Your Vision Changes

Ah, hormones—Is there any part of the body you don’t control? Apparently not. If you’re not seeing your ABCs like you used to, you’re not alone. Up to 20 percent of women experience vision changes after pregnancy, Optometrist Dr. Arian Fartash said on her website. This is because pregnancy hormones cause water retention, which can cause swelling in the eyes. 

“Your feet don’t only swell, but your eyes can swell, too, and that makes your vision change,” Fartash said in her video blog, “Ask an Eye Doctor.” “These changes can stay until after you’re done breastfeeding—or it can stay until the rest of your life.” Consequently, Fartash recommends getting your eyes checked after pregnancy to see if you need a new prescription. 

You Have Phantom Baby Kicks

Yes, phantom kicks are a thing. Your tummy may not be growing a baby anymore, but it’s not uncommon to feel those familiar baby flutters even long after childbirth. According to Texas OB-GYN Tiffany Woodus, phantom kicks are the perception of fetal movement in the abdomen weeks, months, or years after pregnancy has ended. And it's experienced by more women than you'd think. 

Experts aren’t sure why women experience phantom kicks, but according to an online survey done in Australia, women who experience them do so for an average of 6.8 years postpartum, with one mom in the survey reporting phantom kicks up to 28 years later!

My daughter is 7 and I STILL get them!,” said a Mama in this thread.

It freaks me out every time. I'm so glad I saw this post, it's had me guessing a lot,” said another. “My son is nearly three and I've been getting them for the last 6 months. A part of me thinks it's my body teasing me because I do want a second now.”

“Same thing happens to me,” said another. “I even took a pregnancy test to confirm I'm not going crazy even though there was zero chance of pregnancy.”

Related: I Miss the Attention I Got When I Was Pregnant

Your Face Has Dark Spots All Over It

If your face looks splotchier than it did in your child-free days—or if you suddenly have a blanket of freckles all over your nose, you probably have melasma, a common condition caused by pregnancy hormones (it can also happen with the start of birth control pills). The condition, categorized by splotches or freckles of darker skin, usually occurs mainly on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip. 

For some women, it goes away a few months after their baby is born (or after they stop taking the pill); for others, the change is permanent. But don’t despair: There are several treatments that may help, including lightening creams and laser light therapy. 

A Final Note

While it may seem daunting to learn about all the uncomfortable or potentially permanent side effects of pregnancy, try to keep things in perspective: After all, you just added a human to the world. Those are battle scars you're earning!

And anyway—stretch marks, vision changes, and splotchy skin equals new baby, plus a lifetime of love and purpose. We'll take it.

Becoming a new mom is tough, but these postpartum self-care tips can help give you the nurturing you need.

Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of motherhood, where each day is a whirlwind of sleepless nights, a flood of emotions you never knew existed, and baby coos you wish you could play on repeat.

If you’re a new mom, congratulations on this incredible adventure you’re embarking on. Whether you’re just days, weeks, or months in, we can only imagine how the arrival of your tiny bean has left you feeling—unparalleled joy with a side of “oh gosh, I’m lost in a tornado of diapers and baby bottles”?

Though, it’s within this bittersweet chaos that you can easily forget the most crucial passenger on this wild ride…you. Yes, you, the superhero who brought a small human into the world.

As your friend, your confidant, and your friendly voice of reason, we’re here to help you navigate the postpartum journey (because you don’t need to do it alone!). From taking care of your mental health to recognizing when you need professional assistance and everything in between, let’s dive into our top postpartum self-care tips.

1. Take Care of You!

There’s no denying that parents put themselves on the back burner when it comes to their children. While you can’t help but make your little ones your number one priority, refusing to dedicate time for self-care can affect your overall parenting.

With your body requiring extra care and nourishment upon giving birth, it’s important to stay hydrated (is that water bottle on your nightstand empty?), eat a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, and get some hard-earned rest—we know, it’s easier said than done! Incorporating gentle exercises into your routine can also expedite your recovery. It could be as simple as light walks or pelvic floor exercises, but the key is to move at your pace.

2. Keep an Eye Out for Signs of Postpartum Depression

Motherhood brings forth a lot of change, including a spectrum of ever-changing emotions. While some shades are less joyous than others, it’s crucial to recognize if you’re feeling trapped in a prolonged shadow of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness.

These feelings are correlated to postpartum depression, a type of mood disorder that affects up to 15% of women after childbirth. The medical condition, which is often mislabeled as “baby blues,” can develop within the first few weeks to months after giving birth. It’s also marked by other serious symptoms, like a lack of interest in once enjoyable activities, the inability to connect with your infant, and thoughts of self-harm. Acknowledge your feelings during this transitional period, and if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, seek immediate help.

3. Seek Professional Help When Needed

Your mental health as a new parent is vital. Not only does it play a direct role in how you navigate the unpredictability of parenthood, but it also impacts the quality of your relationship with your baby. If you’re feeling like you need an outlet to work through what you’re experiencing, that’s okay. Know that seeking professional assistance is a courageous step—and one that should be met with praise and support.

With BetterHelp, an online therapy service, you can take appointments right from the comforts of your home, and on your schedule. That means you have a licensed therapist at your fingertips, available through text, phone, or video, all wrapped up in an affordable monthly subscription.

As the world’s largest therapy service, BetterHelp also gives you access to one of over 30,000 licensed therapists in their massive network based on your needs, preferences, and location, so you can match with a therapist in as little as just 48 hours. If you’re looking for a little extra support from other moms facing similar challenges, you can opt for group sessions. It’s like a virtual village just for you.

Try BetterHelp today and receive our exclusive Tinybeans offer. You’ll earn 25% off your first month!

4. Find Your Village

Moms, we know you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, but navigating this new era shouldn’t be an act you bear alone. Finding a support system can be paramount for both your mental and emotional well-being, whether it’s your significant other, family, friends, or a mommy support group. Surrounding yourself with comfort, laughter, and shared experiences can be the safety net that’ll uplift you when you need it most.

5. Carve Out “Me Time”

Oftentimes, it’s easy for moms to fully embrace their role as caretakers, devoting all of their time and energy to their new bundle of joy. But it’s important to not lose sight of who you were before children, and to not forget about what brings you happiness and relaxation in the process.

Devote time throughout each week that puts your first, so you can maintain your identity outside of motherhood. Reconnect with hobbies you love, or indulge in a guilty pleasure—maybe a TV series that’s just for you. This time is crucial for recharging and preserving your mental and emotional health.

6. Recognize (& Celebrate!) How Far You’ve Come

With so much always happening at once, it’s easy to overlook the small victories of parenting. Take a step back and celebrate all that you’ve achieved and how much your baby has developed—because of you! Whether it’s your baby sleeping through the night or you mastered the art of one-handed diaper changes, these small wins contribute to your growth as a mother. Acknowledging them can give you the feel-good emotions you need to keep going.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

Hooray, you’ve been promoted to the new role of mom, but like any new job, this period comes with some adjustments and level setting. Set realistic expectations of what you can and cannot accomplish in one day to gift yourself some much-needed compassion and grace.

Consider simplifying your daily routines to manage the demands of caring for a newborn. Rather than going to the grocery store, try ordering your meals weekly from a meal delivery service. If you’re overwhelmed by neglected household chores, tackle one area of the house every few days or divide and conquer with your partner. Every day may not be picture-perfect, and that’s more than okay.

8. Nurture Your Relationship with Your Significant Other

Amidst the sleepless nights and never-ending sea of bottles, don’t forget to nurture the bond with your partner. Communication is key and understanding each other’s needs in this new chapter of life is a must. Even simple gestures can go a long way in maintaining a strong and supportive relationship.


This article is sponsored by BetterHelp. Interested in giving therapy a try? Get started with BetterHelp today and save 25% off your first month. Your exclusive discount will be automatically applied at checkout with this special link. After signing up, simply fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist in as little as 48 hours. You can then book your first live session via chat, phone, or video!

In a viral TikTok from 2022 that’s making the rounds again, a pelvic floor doctor explains why you actually shouldn’t go pee “just in case”

As a person who lives in a major city and doesn’t own a car, going pee “just in case” is part of my routine every time I leave the house. Getting stuck on public transit with a full bladder and nowhere to go is a recipe for disaster—and as moms know, pee-mergencies only become more common as you age. But surprise! We’re all doing this wrong. A pelvic floor-focused physical therapist went viral for her 2022 TikTok video about why you shouldn’t go “just in case,” and the video is so universally useful, it’s making the rounds again.

Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas made the video as a stitch with another TikToker who argued that you should always pee when you have the chance, because in life (at least, in the U.S., where public bathrooms can be hard to come by), you don’t always know when the next opportunity will come along.

“Pelvic floor physical therapist here, and I work with a lot of people with overactive bladders, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, the whole nine yards,” Dr. Jeffrey-Thomas explains in her clip. “And here’s why you shouldn’t go ‘just in case.'”


#stitch with @sidneyraz I know it sounds counterintuitive and goes against everything your momma taught you – just out here trying to save your bladder 🤍

♬ original sound – The Pelvic Dance Floor

Dr. Jeffrey-Thomas explains that there are actually three levels of needing to pee.

“The first one is just an awareness level that tells you that there’s some urine in the bladder,” she says. “The second one is the one that tells you to make a plan to use the toilet, and the third is kind of the panic button that says, ‘Get me there right now, I’m about to overflow.'”

When we go before our bladders are actually full, she explains, it teaches our bodies to send those “panic button” signals early, meaning we have pee-mergencies when there isn’t actually enough urine in our bladders to fill them up. It makes sense when you think about it. But learning that none of us are peeing correctly is a little bit of a bummer.

“TikTok is basically just a bunch of videos telling me I’m doing life wrong,” one commenter wrote on Dr. Jeffrey-Thomas’ video. “Like Jesus, really? I’m peeing wrong?”

Yep. You are. But the good news is you can retrain your bladder to send signals at the right times. You’re just gonna have to hold it sometimes.

Giving birth is a workout in itself—it’s one of the most intense physical challenges a person will ever experience, which deserves more than a little rest and relaxation. But when you feel ready to get back into your fitness routine (and you get the green light from your doctor), you can jump in with these 10 free online workouts to help your post-baby body feel good. There’s something here for everybody, and every body, from gentle beginner workouts to challenging calorie burns!


20 Minute Postnatal Legs & Core by FIT by Larie

What it is: No equipment needed for this 20-minute workout in which you use your body weight to your advantage. Larie leads you through various sets of lunges and pulses that keep your core firm and will make you feel the burn.

Why you’ll love it: This is a great option for that very first post-birth foray into exercise because it’s quick and you can modify every move by going deeper or staying higher. Squeeze this into your day during naptime, even micro-naps! And Larie is chatty, which keeps you focused yet also somehow distracted from all that thigh-shaking.


12 Minute Post Natal Core Workout by BodyFit by Amy

What it is: Full of movements that focus on the midsection, this short video shows postnatal mamas how to start getting their abs back in shape by targeting the deep abdominal muscles. These aren’t your traditional ab exercises, but instead a slow reintroduction to the core muscle connections.

Why you’ll love it: The exercises are broken up by lots of restorative stretching, and if you feel like you want to challenge yourself more, do the video again.

Related: 9 Easy Ways to Squeeze In a Workout When You Have Kids


Mom and Baby Stretch and Workout by BrettLarkinYoga

What it is: A chance to spend 20 minutes with your baby with plenty of stretching and yoga poses for you. You may not break a sweat, but you’ll be engaging all sorts of muscles and connecting with your little one face-to-face. Great for babies who aren’t yet mobile.

Why you’ll love it: You get the effect of being in a mommy & me yoga class without having to deal with leaving the house.


Postnatal Yoga for Strength and Flexibility by Sara Beth Yoga

What it is: If you didn’t exercise during pregnancy and are just getting back into the swing of things after baby, you may have to work up to this 30-minute yoga instruction. It’s a basic flow routine with balance and core work.

Why you’ll love it: The voiceover instruction is calming, as is the music. And Sara Beth encourages pushing yourself through individual challenges.


CARiFiT: Post Natal Foundations workout by BeFIT

What it is: A 15-minute baby-wearing workout full of smooth, controlled movements. You’ll do plenty of squats, lunges, and low-impact exercises that are safe to perform with a baby strapped to your chest.

Why you’ll love it: The movement will probably put your baby right to sleep!

Related: Feel-Good Fitness Gear From Amazon


Post Baby Bounce Back by TiffanyRotheWorkouts

What it is: Thirteen minutes of Tiffany’s Boxer Babe series with punches, kicks, and all.

Why you’ll love it: Anyone who likes a group workout will feed off the energy of this big group video.


Beginner Pilates Workout by Fitness Blender

What it is: Easy, breezy exercises to shape and tone on a daily basis. You’ll spend 17 minutes doing 14 different exercises and stretches, 12 reps each, mostly lying down.

Why you’ll love it: It’s a great way to decompress and relax before sleep, especially if you’re not sleeping through the night yet.


Postnatal Arms and Abs by Nancy Taylor

What it is: A half hour of strength training with dumbbells and a burst of cardio to boot.

Why you’ll love it: Nancy has infectious energy and gives little pep talks throughout the routine.


Diastasis Reci RepairPhysio Workout for Beginners by Michelle Kenway

What it is: Some simple seated exercises to help reconnect your abdominal muscles after pregnancy.

Why you’ll love it: It couldn’t be easier to squeeze this 4-minute video into your busy day with baby.


Pelvic Floor Safe Core Exercises by Michelle Kenway

What it is: Michelle shows new moms how to safely and properly activate the abs without aggravating any pelvic floor issues.

Why you’ll love it: It’s not sexy, but it’s essential!

A pea in the pod, a bun in the oven, preggo… no matter what you call it, everyone who experiences pregnancy knows you spend half of the nine-month stretch feeling joyful and excited and the other half feeling anxious and wondering if the things happening with your body are normal. You’re probably spending hours rabbit-holing into Google’s depths to read other mothers’ experiences and analyzing your own, wondering, “Is this normal?” Let’s break down a few common pregnancy “normals” and set your mind at ease.

You Are Not Your Belly
Few instances in your life could ever change your appearance so drastically and so quickly, and no two women are going to feel the same. While one may feel more beautiful than ever before, with shiny hair, glowing skin, and a cute, round belly, another woman may be counting down (by the minute) until her due date so she can hit the gym and feel like her old self again. The normal response? Whatever is normal for you.

Know that it’s okay to feel whatever it is you feel about your body; just remember that you are not your belly or your thighs or your boobs. Many women feel negative about weight gain and don’t love that random strangers will comment on their stomachs and bodies without prompt or permission. Be gentle with yourself; you’re creating a life, and your body has to change for that to happen. You will feel like yourself again one day, sooner than you think. In the meantime, pay attention to the happy changes going on with your body, especially when you’re able to feel those fluttery kicks from within.

Sex Drive (Or Park)
Some research points to an increased libido during your second trimester, and supposedly during this time, you’re feeling hot and ready for lovemaking at any time of day or night. This may be normal for some, and for others, it may be the exact opposite, where you sleep with a fly swatter next to your bed to fend off any unwanted advances (unless, of course, it actually is just the much-needed neck massage and nothing more. Yeah, right. We know your tricks.).

The point is, a lot is happening with your body and mind during this time (you’re growing a little human, for goodness sake), with hormones raging like they might during a slow jam during an eighth-grade dance. You’re feeling it? You’re not feeling it? Don’t worry. Whatever you’re feeling is normal. But if you’re concerned about the increase or decrease in your sex drive, talk with your doctor, and have an honest discussion with your partner about your needs.

The Prolapse and the Pee
Something else totally normal that happens to women during pregnancy? Pelvic floor conditions, including urinary and fecal incontinence, and a little condition called prolapse, which happens when the ligaments holding up the pelvic floor stretch, causing the uterus to descend. When this happens, the bowels and/or bladder can be pushed up against the vaginal walls and can cause a bulge, or prolapse, to push out of your vagina.

While this entire description should be a headline on the pamphlets aiming to prevent unplanned teen pregnancies, it is a completely normal side effect of pregnancy and childbirth. Many women say it feels like something coming down into their vagina or that it feels like sitting on a small ball.

Pelvic floor conditions affect one in five women, so to say it’s normal is an understatement. Every pregnant woman has peed a little without making it to the bathroom, but some pelvic floor conditions can be serious, so alert your doctor if you show symptoms, both during pregnancy and afterward. Together you can develop a plan for treatment and healing. There are also pelvic floor specialists who can develop a treatment plan for you.

And in the meantime, there’s leakproof underwear from brands like Proof. Choose the level of absorbency you need and the style you prefer (thong, brief, cheeky, hipster, and more), and you’ll get some piece of mind back.

Anxiety and Terror and Nightmares
When you’re pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is, “Oh, don’t mind her. She’s just emotional because she’s pregnant.” Don’t you just want to kick that person as hard as you can? Or maybe that’s just the emotions talking…? No, it’s a justified desire to kick that person as hard as you can. Of course, you’re emotional; you’re angry and weepy and nostalgic and sentimental and anxious and fearful and excited and happy and… it’s a smorgasbord of emotions, really. But every single one of them is normal, according to  medical experts.

Yes, you will cry over sweet commercials, and yes, you will get irate that the bag in the box of cereal wasn’t closed the right way and now your Captain Crunch is stale. And yes, you will lie awake at night, mapping and remapping the best route to the hospital where you’ll be giving birth. And yes, it’s completely normal to start crying in your kitchen while looking at your dog, wondering how in the world you’re ever going to still love your dog, or if you’re going to love your new baby as much as your dog.

Having a baby is a big change, and every emotion you are feeling is normal. Talk to friends about their “crazy” pregnancy emotions, journal about what you’re feeling, or ask your partner to give you a secret signal if you’re spinning out. Sometimes it can be as easy as telling yourself, “This anxiety/fear/anger I’m feeling only feels like more than I can handle because I’m pregnant.” Or just take comfort in knowing that the worry and anxiety you feel now is a good indicator that you are going to be a caring, concerned, and wonderful mom.

Finding Your New Normal
Try to stay off WebMD about your bump in the night, and instead talk with friends and family who have been pregnant and may have had similar experiences. And always mention anything you find concerning to your doctor. It doesn’t always seem like it, but the nine months are going to be behind you, and before you know it, you’ll be Googling “Is This Normal?” questions about your new little one. For now, try to relax and know that the most normal thing about the questions you’re asking is that every other pregnant woman is asking them as well.

Pumping is tough. It’s mentally and emotionally taxing, physically demanding—we’re looking at you, dry, sore and cracked nipples—and an all-around time-consuming process. Toss in bulky machines, uncomfortable flanges and being confined to your nearest outlet for power for an even more hassle-filled experience.

Just when you thought you made it through those gruesome 20 minutes, you remember those pelvic floor exercises you’ve been desperately avoiding, which can eat up the precious time you already don’t have.

That’s where Elvie comes in. A women’s lifestyle and technology brand founded in 2013, Elvie has developed award-winning, high-tech products that address the modern demands of the postpartum chapter and beyond.

With breastfeeding products that are wearable, hands-free, electric and ultra-quiet, busy mommas everywhere can pump while on the go. Yes, that includes waiting in the school pick-up line, cleaning up around the house, or even taking a meeting. Don’t forget about their simple and fast Kegel trainer that can help revive a weakened pelvic floor.

If you’re ready to add Elvie to your shopping cart, we’ve broken down five of the company’s top products that are currently changing the game.


1. Elvie Pump

$549.99 BUY NOW

Say goodbye to external cords and tubes and hello to the Elvie Pump: a custom fit, silent electric breast pump that you can discreetly wear underneath clothing. Choose between two modes and 14 intensity settings for optimal comfort and efficiency. Plus: You can connect your pump to the free app, Pump with Elvie, to control your settings and keep track of your pumping history.

2. Elvie Stride

$349.99 BUY NOW

As the 2021 TIME Best Invention Award Winner for product design, innovation and accessibility, the Elvie Stride is a must-have. The portable, hospital-grade pump features a powerful suction pressure of up to -300 mmHg and ten different intensity levels. You’ll also appreciate its noise-reduction technology, lightweight design and five ounce capacity per cup.

3. Elvie Catch

$34.99 BUY NOW

While milk leakage is a normal sign of production and release, soiled shirts can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Insert the Elvie Catch. The pair of slip-free milk collection cups can catch up to one ounce of milk between feeds to protect against leaks and replace regular single-use breast pads that also take the leaked milk with them to the trash can. The Elvie Catch’s soft silicone and tear drop design help it comfortably stay in place and fit the natural shape of your breast, making the most of your supply.

4. Elvie Curve

$49.99 BUY NOW

Imagine being able to breastfeed your infant on one side while simultaneously pumping on the other. With the Elvie Curve, you can do exactly that. The wearable, silicone breast pump is contoured to easily fit in your bra for one-press expression and uses natural suction for a gentle experience. You’ll no longer have to worry about losing any precious milk from either breast. For an added bonus, you can even toss them in the dishwasher for safe, easy and fast cleaning.

5. Elvie Trainer

$199.99 BUY NOW

The Elvie Trainer is your go-to, personal Kegel trainer that can help strengthen your pelvic floor—all within the comforts of your home. The smart device is small, soft and comfortable and seamlessly connects to an app for six guided, expert-designed workouts. Also see noticeable results in just four weeks by using the Elvie Trainer for five minutes a day, three times a week.


Now that you’re well-versed in the realm of Elvie, head to to begin improving your postnatal experience! Take 20% off with code TINYXELVIE20.

Rodriguez’ husband is really taking this pregnancy seriously

Jane the Virgin actor, Gina Rodriguez, is expecting her first child later this year. Her husband, MMA fighter Joe LoCicero, is stepping up in a big way by “training” to be her doula.

“He’s really next level,” Rodriguez told Entertainment Tonight. So much so, he’s been watching videos of live births. “He’s a martial artist and so it’s basically… he’s cornering the fight of my life,” she explained. “I wouldn’t call it a fight — I would say, it’s… me climbing my Mount Everest and he’s gonna corner me for it.” To train herself, she said she’s been “taking some hardcore prenatal classes, working on that pelvic floor,” to help during childbirth.

The couple, who met on the set of Jane the Virgin, wed in 2019, and announced the pregnancy in an emotional video posted on July 30th—her 38th birthday. “This birthday hits different,” she said, showing their positive pregnancy test.

“He’s just magical,” she continued. “He’s definitely the better half, so I’m hoping that he’ll just go on in there and pull our baby.” The role of a doula is an important one. They not only help during the birth itself, but provide emotional support before and after.

Rodriguez’ next project should help her prepare for motherhood. She is playing a mom in the new Netflix mini-series, Lost Ollie, premiering on Aug. 24. “I played mothers a few times, so it’s always the irony like, ‘Oh, I played moms a bunch of times but I’m not even a mom yet,'” she said. Based on the 2016 children’s book Ollie’s Odyssey, the heartfelt story follows the journey of a boy and his lost toy as they search to find each other.

The Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego? actor opened up about her relationship with her now-husband the year they wed. “Dating Joe was a new experience for me because I put myself first,” Rodriguez told Cosmopolitan in 2019. “For so long, I put every man in front of me. As a successful woman, it is so hard because of our cultural norms that, like, the man has to be the breadwinner! And the man has to be the more powerful one. It was so difficult for me to find a man who didn’t want me to dim my light for his ego.”

Most days, we are researching activities to put our kids in. Dance class, soccer camp, gymnastics, karate, swimming, you name it. But what about us moms? Often we forget that we need some physical fitness during the week that does not include running after our toddler. A time dedicated to us, for us, with other moms that get us, uninterrupted by someone needing a snack. With the beautiful weather the Bay Area grants us on most days, there are some amazing fitness classes geared just for moms. Most offer free trial classes, so check out our picks below and sign up for a class. Why should our kids have all the fun?

San Francisco

Jane Austin Yoga
Yoga does wonders for the body and mind, but as a new or pregnant mama, it can be life-changing. Jane Austin is a certified yoga teacher with years of experience and a pretty big following. Her pre-natal classes, pelvic floor awareness, and baby yoga classes are held at Yoga Flow in Noe Valley. 


PowerPlay SF
Offering in-person and virtual classes, PowerPlay in San Francisco makes it a point to meet you where you are in your fitness journey and help you get to where you want to be. With specialty classes for pre and post-natal, pilates, lift, and even classes for babies as young as 6 months old, PowerPlay is your one-stop shop for fitness.


Natural Resources
With a variety of classes ranging from childbirth prep to lactation help and newborn 101, Natural Resources in San Francisco is a favorite among new parents. The three-week fitness series is catered to either pregnant mamas or to new parents. The pregnancy series focuses on breathwork and pelvic floor exercises while the post-natal series focuses on strength and toning. Classes are all outside and set to fun music with a super supportive group. 


East Bay

SRTT (She Runs This Town)
If running is more your speed but want to join a group that understands the need to check on baby, stretch, or even stop and pump, this might be your group. With chapters all over the Bay Area including East Bay, all you need to do is join your local chapter, connect, and get ready for lots of mama talk on the pavement. 


With locations in Walnut Creek, Alameda and Oakland, this mom-focused group teaches strength and cardio classes multiple times a week. We love the Baby Bootcamp class made for mamas of all levels. The class is taught in a HITT format and uses strollers and your own little one for a full-body workout. No babysitter is needed! 


MissFit Bootcamp
Emily is a certified NASM fitness instructor and mom of two toddlers, so she knows what it’s like to have limited time for herself. MissFit Bootcamp offers group classes in beautiful Hayward as well as personal training and an intense 8-week nutritional and fitness series. Check out the Sunday Funday HITT class! 



A group of moms with strollers take on a fitness class

“Strength in Motherhood” is the tagline of this supportive group that is all about making time for you. From classes like Body Boost which will get your heart rate up to Stroller Strides for a full-body workout with baby in tow, you'll be having fun chatting with other mamas while getting a workout in. There is also an 8-week Body Wellness Program that is all about nutrition and fitness. Fit4Mom is an awesome way to get a workout in with mamas who get the challenges of breastfeeding, toddlers and everything in between. 


KG Fitness
While this gym isn’t just for mamas, KG Fitness is a small studio in San Mateo that has built a lovely community of women who are supportive and welcoming. With fun classes like DanceVibes, Ballroom, and JumpSport (working out on a trampoline!), you’re sure to find your mama tribe here. Classes start as early as 8 a.m and as late as 7 p.m to help fit in a class when you can. 


Beyond The Push Fitness
Whether you want to build muscle, increase flexibility, lose weight or just connect with other women, check out Beyond the Push Fitness. With in-person Mama Beast Bootcamp morning classes in Redwood City and San Mateo, you’ll feel better about making time for yourself and being a part of a community of women. In addition to fitness classes, they also do Moms Night Out and themed classes to make it fun. Worried about childcare? Kids are invited to participate too! 


South Bay

If dance is more your jam, then check out Groovitude in Palo Alto. Located in the Cubberly Theatre, this small studio founded by two moms have built a fun, loving, and welcoming community for anyone that wants to dance. While there is no childcare, it’s really a time for mamas to connect with their love of dance. With contemporary, tap, hip hop, and jazz classes, this is one studio you’ll want to come back to week after week to learn more steps. 


AVAC (Almaden Valley Athletic Center)
A popular gym for South Bay parents, the Almaden Valley Athletic Center has a variety of fitness classes, a substantial pool, childcare, and camps for little ones. We love the AbsoluteFit program for all an-around small group (10:1) training for moms and dads that also includes childcare. 


A boot camp made for mamas, FitMamaStrong in San Jose offers classes in a supportive and positive environment no matter where you are in your fitness journey. Babies are invited in strollers for class while mamas can enjoy some adult conversation. The best part is that 10% of all monthly profits go to the Heritage House in San Jose to support pregnant mamas overcoming hardships. 


North Bay/Marin

Dailey Method
If yoga, pilates, and barre are more your thing, check out the Dailey Method. The Corte Madera location holds classes in the studio as well as online. One of the perks is the childcare option that can be added so there is no need to book a babysitter when you want to work out! 


Bay Club Marin
For a variety of fitness classes ranging from dance to yoga to HITT, the Bay Club is a membership well worth it. With the after-school programs, kids camps, and childcare available for members, you can rest assured the kids are taken care of while you get your sweat on. We especially love the heated pools for recreational swimming or lessons for all levels. 


10 Bay Area Instagram Moms You Need to Follow
Find Your Crew with These Bay Area Mom Groups
Relaxing Mom Getaways to Book Now

Moms are teachers, healers, chefs, doctors, sleep-consultants, chief story officers, entertainment executives, and food sources, and that’s usually just before noon. And above all else, moms are inventive. Like the moms in this story who are all are ground-breakers in the field of wellness. From chemical-free products to Black maternal health care to kids’ mental health, these amazing mompreneurs are here to heal the world, one kid, and one mama, at a time. Scroll on to see what they’ve invented.

Addressing the Disparity in Black Maternal Health: MaeHealth

Maya Hardigan of MaeHealth

Moved by the current racial and social climate and struck by the experiences of loved ones—primarily women of color—who have felt inadequately supported through their pregnancy experiences, Maya Hardigan, a Brooklyn-based mom of three, was moved to use her nearly two decades of experience in healthcare to found MaeHealth. With the goal of expanding access to pregnancy and postpartum resources for Black women who experience deep disparities in maternal health outcomes, she created this online destination to support pregnancy and postpartum health, providing symptom tracking and curated, culturally specific education and lifestyle resources for Mae mamas. A key goal of Mae's is to provide Black women access to local maternal health experts like doulas, who are known to improve pregnancy satisfaction and outcomes.



Supporting Kids Mental Health: Mighty and Bright

Sara Olsher/Mighty Bright

We already love mom-founded Mighty + Bright for their books and calendars that help support kids and families through tough times including divorce, cancer, and major change. During the pandemic, Mighty + Bright founder Sara Olsher was distressed by the lack of mental health resources for kids, especially amid a flurry of warnings from pediatric mental health organizations about a "national state of emergency for kids mental health." Olsher partnered with parenting educator Danielle Bettmann, and together they designed a 12-month "Kids Mental Health Skills at Home" program. Based on scientific research and backed by an impressive advisory board, the program is designed to create a positive foundation for kids' mental health. With a combination of a physical product delivered to your home every month and easy-to-follow parent support, Mighty + Bright has once again made it easy for families to build the necessary skills for handling life's toughest stuff.

Online: mightyandbright


Postpartum Wellness: The Flourish Fund

Sarah Zollo

It didn’t sit right with her when Melissa Bowley’s doctor told her that her postpartum bladder leakage just “came with the territory” of being a mom of two. Her doctor did not offer her wellness services or introduce her to pelvic floor therapy. And so, the Flourish Fund was born, the first-ever experiential baby registry where parents can register for support services and wellness items, from pregnancy to parenthood. New and expecting parents can register for services through a vetted network that includes lactation consultants, sleep consultants, pelvic floor therapy, and prenatal and postpartum yoga. There are also products that support wellness for baby and mama, including sleep machines, developmental toys, and more.


Helping Children with Grief: Guardian Lane

Guardian Lane

Guardian Lane sources counselors and therapists from around the world who take in-person therapeutic activities and turn them into self-guided videos so for families, children, and even school counselors, have access to coping mechanisms designed with children in mind. After leaving her first tech startup which she and her husband built, Guardian Lane founder Kristina Jones found herself reflecting on her childhood grief: Kristina was just seven years old when her father died, and she never received professional help to help her process this trauma. Kristina wrote a book, My Forever Guardian, about a group of young friends who help one another after the death of a loved one or a pet. While researching the book, she discovered that the kind of mental health services available for grieving families still involved in-person visits. She created Guardian Lane as a way to bring grief counseling and help directly into a child’s home. Guardian Lane started with grief counseling from the death of a loved one, but the platform will soon help children through other life experiences such as divorce, bullying, and the mental-health effects and stress of COVID in our children’s lives.


Keeping Germs at Bay: TAG


Developed by two moms, Stacey Graham and Brandi Vanderbeek, and their natural-born awareness of the germs and bacteria brought into the home, TAG (Together Against Germs™) is a biodegradable, disposable, and waterproof protective cover for the bottom of any bag. Designed to keep dirt and germs from the ground and surfaces, from public transportation to airports to restrooms, and even muddy fields, TAG is more relevant now in the time of COVID than ever. As Graham and Vanderbeek put it, “TAG is the accessory you never knew you needed for the problem you didn't know you had. Spread joy, not germs!”  Sold in boxes of 10, the individually wrapped bags fit easily into a purse or pocket so you have it on the ready.


Holistic Postpartum Care: Anya


This mama-owned and operated new postpartum recovery subscription includes doctor-reviewed products and content designed to meet a women’s needs throughout the postpartum period, from birth recovery to hair loss. Think vitamins, recovery and energy tonics, scalp serum, body butter, nipple balm, and organic teas. Anya was founded by Jane Baecher, a mom of two who lived a rollercoaster postpartum journey while working at Rent the Runway, along with Ariana Saunders, a former senior leader of data and analytics for goop, One Kings Lane, and J. Crew. Their Chief Impact Officer is an Indian actress and new mom Freida Pinto, who leads social impact and advocacy for women’s postpartum health.


Femi Secrets

Femi Secrets

Founded by mom and inventor Davielle Jackson, Femi Secrets has become the most trusted, healthy, sustainable, and innovative source for feminine care. Davielle, the mother of a beautiful little girl, is on a mission to normalize period discussion and empower women to have real talk about their cycles and the products they use so they can make healthier, more informed decisions. Femi Secrets products include the Pretty Panty (a panty with a built-in linter), pads, liners, wipes, bath bombs, fibroid tea, and more. Davielle is a powerhouse unto herself, making entrepreneurial history by entering into Wal-Mart in a record period of six months. She is an award-winning entrepreneur, a two-time 43 North Startup Competition winner, author of Ready, Set, Go! and founder of “I am #1”, a not-for-profit dedicated to the success of young women. 


Cultivating Wellness: Arber


Founded by mom Vanessa Dawson, Arber is the first-of-its-kind organic, non-toxic plant wellness company. Like so many of us, Dawson turned to gardening to cope with all of the stress of parenting in a pandemic. She was surprised at just how hard it was to find non-toxic, safe, organic products that she could use to ward off diseases and pests on her plants both indoors and out. She founded Arber to meet that need. Arber provides people-, pet-, and planet-safe products in concentrate form delivered right to you. Choose from products like fungicides, insecticides, and plant food, all designed to keep your plants, and you, healthy and happy. 


Teas for Transformation: Magic Hour

Magic Hour

Founded and owned by businesswoman, entrepreneur, and mom Zhena Muzyka, Magic Hour is a luxury tea brand that creates handmade, home-blended teas chosen to connect you to the world through tea ceremony. Muzyka, a former TV and radio host, is an intuitive herbalist, certified aromatherapist, a Level 3 Reiki Master, and the author of Life by the Cup: Inspiration for a Purpose-Filled Life. Drawing on her deep knowledge of herbal medicine and tea blending, each magical tea blend is curated to support mental and physical wellness, along with awareness and connection.


The Art of Self Care: SPARITUAL


“I believe self-care is an art form like painting, poetry and dance,” says founder of SPARITUAL and mother of two, Shel Pink. SPARITUAL, a pioneering, sustainable, vegan beauty brand is based in the rituals of self-care, something we all know moms need more of. Pink is also the author of Slow Beauty and is an expert in finding those moments in which we can practice little self-care and wellness rituals. And, as Pink puts it, “When practiced over time, these small rituals add up to manifest results—not only feeling healthier and more joyful but in realizing true beauty and timeless aging.” The brand itself is committed to creating clean, non-toxic products for both individuals and spa professionals, and SPARITUAL’s is rooted in both the ancient and present healing traditions of the spa as self-care. Sign us up! 



Walk-In Wellness: FACE FOUNDRIÉ


After having her third child, Michele Henry searched for skincare treatments that could support her changing skin, the shift in hormones, age, pregnancies, and life. And as much as she wanted to, as a busy mom, she couldn’t exactly fit multiple spa visits a week. It seemed no matter how much time, and money, she spent, nothing seemed to work. This is why she created FACE FOUNDRIÉ a walk-in spa and skincare service, which offers mini-facials, facial waxing, lash extensions, and an array of curated, custom skincare products. There are now locations throughout the country, and you can shop the products online. 




Slightly Greener Method

Slightly Greener

As a childhood leukemia survivor and mother of three (including one with multiple learning disabilities), Tonya Harris has dedicated her life to helping parents learn how toxins in the home can affect their family’s health. In addition to Board certification and a Master's degree in holistic nutrition, she holds multiple certificates in the environmental health field. She created the Slightly Greener Method™ as a way of offering busy moms simple solutions to reduce toxins without turning their lifestyle upside-down. She is also the author of The Slightly Greener Method: Detoxifying Your Home Is Easier, Faster, and Less Expensive Than You Think.




Detoxifying the Beauty Industry: ella+mila

Founder and mother, Narineh Bedrossian, created the ella+mila brand in 2014 out of necessity — she wasn't finding nail-care products that her daughters could safely use; everything was made with unpronounceable and harmful chemicals. Not only do they make nail care products, but they also now make makeup and body care products all made without parabens, phthalates, lanolin, formaldehyde, Xylene, Triphenyl Phosphate, and other toxic additives There’s more than 22o nail shades, and we’re betting you’ve seen them at Target, Ulta, Rite-Aid, CVS, Walgreens or on Amazon. Now you’ll know that ella+mia is mom-founded and has your family’s well-being at heart. 


Keeping Kids Hydrated: Water Your Body, Water Your World

Amber Tamar Harris

As a parent of a two-year-old baby girl mom, Amber Tamar Harris found getting her to drink enough water a daily struggle. So she decided to write a book, Water Your Body, Water Your World, to help her own daughter, and other kids, understand the importance of water and why it is so beneficial. From taking a bath and brushing our teeth to sustaining life on the planet, when we celebrate water it puts kids in the mindfulness mindset from an early age: one sip at a time!

Get your copy here, $13.60

Safe Pest Protection: Wondercide


When Stephanie Boone's beloved dog, Luna, began suffering from devastating side-effects caused by pesticide poisoning caused by commonly prescribed monthly flea-and-tick medication and quarterly pest control services, Luna's vet recommended putting her down. In Stephanie's own words, "That was just not an option." Her research led her to the shocking discovering that Luna's story was not unique and that there were many common household and pet pesticides that were toxic. So, she founded Wondercide, making safe and effective pest protection for pets, humans, and homes. Six years later, on the day Luna passed away, Stephanie was invited to be on Shark Tank. Wondercide is now the leader in non-toxic pest protection, making products that are naturally derived, DEET-free, have no harsh chemicals, and are safe and effective. In addition, Wondercide is a Green America, gold-certified business for high standards in social and environmental impacts and all their products are made with biodegradable and recyclable packaging. Once pet-parent, now busy mom, Stephanie's story will inspire us all! 


Ultimate Gut Health: Jetson


When it came time for Kiley Taslitz Anderson to transition her first son from breastmilk to formula, her pediatrician recommended "any" probiotic. But what was the best one? It turns out, there really wasn't one: so she decided to help invent one herself. Jetson's probiotic for kids, Jettie offers clinically proven probiotic strains for kids and babies, in an easy-to-take, flavorless powder that can be mixed in with any food or drink. In addition, Jetson is now offering a new Gut Recovery for Kids which helps combat side-effects from antibiotics, including replenishing the good bacteria. replenish the good bacteria and combats uncomfortable side effects like nausea and diarrhea as a result of antibiotics.


Eczema Fighting Skincare: Keller Works

Keller Works

When Krystn Keller discovered her son Elliot was born with severe eczema and over 50 allergies, she knew it would take special care to combat outbreaks. After all the recommended soaps failed to help, she decided to try making a gentler soap herself. Keller had no prior experience making soap, so she spent hours watching tutorials and experimenting in her own kitchen. After three months, she made the perfect batch. Soon after, Keller and her husband started Keller Works to help the scores of other people looking for hypoallergenic soap. Now, her Mobile, Alabama-based business serves people all over the country, employs local residents, and sells raw and refined products that include soaps, body butters, salves and essential oils.


Portable Handwashing: Suds2Go


When Arizona mom Cindy Trevizo took her kids to a restroom in a public park and found an empty soap dispenser, she’d had it. Tired of a lack of ways to keep kiddos hands clean, Cindy, a former elementary school teacher, and her husband, Gabe, set out to solve the problem. So, they invented Suds2Go, the first dual-purpose water bottle that allows you to both hydrate and wash your hands. The patented design includes a refillable container, a pump, and separate valves for drinking and rinsing to avoid contamination. Now you can have clean hands, wherever you are!


True Beauty: MIG Living

MIG Living

Jaime Cross worked in corporate banking for years but left to be home with her newborn son. Two years later, she couldn't staunch the desire to build an empire that had a worldwide impact and was powered by purpose. In response, she founded and launched MIG Living, a True Beauty movement focused on restorative products, health and wellness. In addition to her best-selling ritual cleansing bars, MIG Living sells oils, lotions bars, balms and even men's products.


Natural Health Promoting Products: Maty's


Carolyn Harrington was thrilled to welcome her first baby girl into the family after having two boys. But when they discovered Maty was born with major heart defects and Harrington was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, she knew there had to be better options than modern medicine. So, she began researching natural ways of healing and found a new passion. She created Maty’s natural and organic whole food health alternatives in her own kitchen after researching natural and alternative health. She relied on old-time remedies and used ingredients from her own kitchen, turning them into health promoting agents. Now she sells complete lines of products for babies, kids and adults everywhere!


The Safest Oral Care Products: RiseWell


Kori Estrada was on a mission to eliminate scary chemicals found in everyday products like toothpaste from her home. When she had a hard time finding a natural replacement for her oral care products that she actually enjoyed and that worked, she and her husband, John Estrada, along with her brother, Dr. Derek Gatta DMD MS FACP started formulating oral care products backed by science and that were safe enough to eat. With main ingredient, hydroxyapatite, a natural mineral that makes up 90% of tooth enamel, RiseWell was on its way. Launched in May 2019, the company is now bringing to market "the safest and most effective oral care products." 


Sweet Dreams: Sleepenvie


Joy Elena's family has been in the mattress business for over 50 years. Taking her knowledge in the mattress industry, IT, marketing and PR she took a leap and created her own bed in a box brand, after giving up a prior venture doing the same thing back in 2003. The mom of two now runs Sleepenvie, a company that offers high-density foam mattresses with optimal structural support, which means mattress reliability and longevity. The end result is an amazing and comfortable mattress that lasts.


Keep the Bugs Away: Proven Insect Repellent

Proven Repellent

After having her first child, Carolyn Ellspermann became very conscious of the products and ingredients she used on her family. She shifted to using more organic, natural and clean products, but ended up avoiding bug spray all together because of the harsh aerosol chemicals. Natural products didn't bring the confidence that they were actually providing enough protection, especially when it came to Zika, West Nile and Lyme disease. In 2016, Ellspermann started to work on a new kind of insect repellent that was both safe and extremely effective at repelling disease-carrying insects, and Proven Insect Repellent was born. The safe products use Picardin as long-lasting and non-hazardous bug repellent that gives parents peace of mind and pesky bugs away from kids.


Online Destination For All Things Postpartum: Bodily


After having her first child, Tovah Haim was startled to find the lack of information, poor products and the "taboo" nature surrounding birth and recovery. In response, she launched Bodily, a modern approach that supports women, partners and anyone else with resources, products and research to navigate the postpartum period. Currently, Bodily's shop carries Birth Boxes, breastfeeding supplies, belly support and mesh undies.


Kid-Friendly Beauty Products: Girlpalooza


Becky and six-year-old daughter Lola Vandenbroek founded Girlpalooza as a safe way to play "dress up" with bath and beauty products. The two set out to create products free from harmful ingredients like parabens, mineral oils and talc. In addition, Girlpalooza products are vegan, come with empowering scents and messaging and a portion of each sale go towards charities that support young girls.


Worry-Free Throat-Soothing Pops: Lolleez

Momeez Choice

Two years ago, when mom of four and health coach Melissa Evans’ daughter came down with a sore throat, Melissa wished there was something she could provide to soothe her kiddo. That’s when she noticed there were no options that she felt comfortable with. Cough drops and lozenges posed a risk for choking and, for the most part, contained chemicals like artificial colors, flavors and ingredients. She then came up with the idea for a worry-free, healthier, effective and fun alternative for kids. Lolleez are available at Target, CVS, Stop & Shop, Kroger and on Amazon! Lolleez come in packs of 15 pops: Watermelon, Strawberry, Orange Mango and a Variety Pack for a suggested retail price of $6.99. 


The Aha Moment: Throat Scope

Jennifer Holland

Jennifer Holland had her “aha!” moment at the doctor’s office with her young son. It led her to create Throat Scope—the world's first illuminated tongue depressor that lights up the entire throat and mouth. Her invention is not only popular, in 2017 it won silver at the Edison Awards in New York for her innovation. This mama always dreamed of inventing something that would make the world a better place and she’s achieved that goal: she’s on a mission to educate families on how to recognize the signs of oral cancer or detect a sore throat, strep throat, thrush, inflamed gums and tooth pain. The stay-at-home mom’s innovative product is now available in 140 countries.


In Health We Trust: Ritual Supplements


Kat Schneider wanted to do the right thing for her health and her baby, so when she found out she was pregnant she started taking prenatal vitamins. That’s when she noticed that many supplements had questionable ingredients, and worse, the ones she was taking didn’t even list the ingredients. So she decided to found Ritual: subscription-based supplements delivered directly to your door, each month. They are all non-GMO, vegan, gluten and soy-free and all are designed exclusively for women, with clear ingredients lists so you always know what you are putting in your body.


Featured photo: Sarah Zollo for Flourish Fund

—Amber Guetebier with Kate Loweth, Erin Lem and Karly Wood

All photos provided by companies unless otherwise noted. 



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