With St. Patrick’s Day comes plenty of green, but what if you’d rather have gold? You’ll need to set a few leprechaun traps to find out where the elusive pot o’ gold is hiding (hint: it’s not at the end of the rainbow). We’ve got the best tutorial on how to make a leprechaun trap, so give it your luckiest shot!

Looking for other fun St. Patrick’s Day activities for kids? Check out our favorite St. Patrick’s Day crafts, St. Patrick’s Day science experiments, and the best St. Patrick’s Day jokes for kids.

What You Need to Make a Leprechaun Trap

A cardboard box or shoebox
A stick (or pencil in a pinch)
A pillowcase
Food (see below)
Optional: some sparkle

Leprechaun Trap Step One: Make the Bait

Rainbow rice krispies are fun for a leprechaun trap
The Gracious Wife

Leprechauns, despite the rumors, do not subsist on pints of Guinness and shamrock-shaped cookies alone. They like a variety of foods, but most of all they appreciate a rainbow of flavors like the ones found in these rainbow recipes. Bonus: you get to keep the leftovers. This can be the most time-consuming step. If you are in a hurry, just grab a pack of Skittles and move on to step two. 

Step Two: Make the Leprechaun Trap

little boy who made a leprechaun trap
Amber Guetebier

The leprechaun is usually just under a foot high, although the size varies depending on age (they shrink as they get older) and origin.* So the best method here is a simple box trap. 

Get a smallish box, like a shoebox. A plain box works fine but if you want to increase your odds of getting a leprechaun,  paint the box green, a color most pleasing to them. Decorate it with anything that gives it that special glitz: glitter, coins, gemstones, or just an artistic use of the brush. 

Find a stick or pencil to prop the box up. You can even use a piece of cardboard, cleverly disguised as a friendly sign.


Step Three: Add Bait to Your Leprechaun Trap

Place the “bait” on a plate underneath the lid. No string is needed. Once the leprechaun takes his first bite of your delicious food, he’ll dance with joy. This dance almost always leads to kicking the stick over. Voila. He is trapped. If you’ve got preschoolers, how cute is this printable bait template from Mama Cheaps for leprechaun traps?

Hint: Don’t bother waiting up for the leprechaun. They never show under a watchful eye.

Related: 17 Easy St. Patrick’s Day Crafts That’ll Bring You Luck

Step Four: Get the Gold

Wait at least three hours before checking your leprechaun trap, but if you can, wait a full night. (Parents, you can leave a small note or coin in place of the treat from the escaped wee man). If your trap is empty, better luck next year. If, however, you caught your leprechaun, you’ll need to transfer it from the trap into your home. Use a soft pillowcase, and scoop up the entire box including (hopefully) the leprechaun. Remember, your goal here is to get him to reveal the location of his gold, not bring harm to him. Be firm but kind, and be persistent.

More Tips for Your Leprechaun Traps

Once you have him inside, lock your doors and close your windows. Leprechauns are master escape artists.

Be ready to barter. They are very clever and can trick you out of just about anything, but you will need to offer something in exchange for the gold (i.e., his freedom). Do not believe him when he tells you it’s “at the end of the rainbow.” They like silky fabrics, velvet, and shiny things.

Be sure you have enough food: they can eat an incredible amount of food, so be ready to lay out a feast or at the very least, a decent tea party.

If you can get them to tell you where the gold is, you truly have the luck of the Irish!

*While it was once true that a leprechaun could only be found in Ireland, there are generations of leprechauns that have naturalized in the woods, parks, and gardens across America. Rumors of how leprechauns came to the U.S. include stowing away in luggage, sliding across rainbows (totally unfounded), and the most plausible: paid passage. They are, after all, in possession of copious amounts of gold.

Editor’s note: No leprechauns were harmed in the making of this article. 

These back-to-school school jokes are clean enough for the classroom

Back-to-school season means saying goodbye to summer and getting ready for the next adventure, which typically includes a lot of gear like cool kids’ backpacks and new playground-ready shoes. But don’t forget to pack some funny school jokes in your kids’ back pockets, too! Our collection is filled with hilarious but cute kids’ jokes about school that will bring on belly laughs. Looking for even more giggles? Check out these extra squeaky clean jokes, printable lunchbox jokes, and math jokes. Get ready to LOL.

School Jokes about School Supplies

1. What does your computer do for lunch?

Has a byte!

2. Why do math books always look so sad?

They are full of problems.

3. Where do pencils go on vacation?


4. What does a book do in the winter?

Puts on a jacket.

5. What did the paper say to the pencil?

Write on!

6. What did one pencil say to the other on the first day of school?

Looking sharp!

7. Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Pencil who?

Never mind, this is pointless. 

8. Why do calculators make great friends?

You can always count on them!

9. Where did the pencil go for vacation?

To Pennsylvania.

10. What dinosaur had the best vocabulary?  

The thesaurus.

11. Who is the leader of the school supplies? 

The ruler.

12. Did you know all books in the school library are the same color?

They’re all red.

Related: 30+ Math Jokes for Kids That Add Up to Laughs

School Jokes about Teachers

teacher and students laughing at school jokes on the playground


13. What did the student say to the teacher after they missed the first day of school? 

No, ma’am. I didn’t miss it at all.

14. Why did the kid eat their homework?

Because their teacher said it was a piece of cake.

15. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?

Because their students were so bright.

16. Where do math teachers like to go on vacation?

Times Square!

17. Why did the teacher jump into the pool?

They wanted to test the water.

18. What would happen if the dean lost their job?

They would lose his “ideanity.”

—Joshua Y.

19. What are 10 things a teacher can always count on? 

Their fingers.

20. What does an English teacher like to eat for breakfast? 

Synonym rolls.

Related: 12 Printable Lunchbox Jokes to Brighten Your Student’s Day

Kids’ Jokes about School

little boy laughing at school jokes for kids


21. Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much.

22. What did the buffalo say at drop off?


23. How does a scientist freshen their breath?

With experi-mints!

24. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?

Because they wanted to go to high school.

25. What do elves learn in school?

The elf-abet.

26. What should you grow in a school garden?

Human beans!

27. Why do magicians always do so well at school?

They can handle trick questions.

28. Where do surfers go to school?

Boarding school.

29. What is the smartest insect?

A spelling bee.

30. Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet?

Because they keep getting lost at C.

31. Why did the girl do her homework on an airplane?

To achieve a higher education.

32. Why didn’t the fish go on vacation?

Because they were always in school.

33. Why did the kid cross the playground?

To get to the other slide.

34. What did the spider make online?

A website!

35. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

Finding half a worm.

36. What school requires you to drop out in order to graduate?

Sky diving school.

37. What contest do skunks win at school?

The smelling bee!

38. Why is 2+2=5 like your left foot?

It’s not right.

39. What does a snake learn in school?


Related: 40+ Hilarious Knock Knock Jokes for Kids

There can never be too many corny jokes on hand

While we don’t recommend quitting your day job and taking these corny jokes on the road (do people still throw rotten tomatoes?), we do promise that if delivered with enough enthusiasm—or by an undeniably cute kid—these cheesy jokes will get some chuckles. And, when you’re done with these, be sure to share our favorite knock-knock jokes, summer jokes, funny dad jokes, and our ultimate list of jokes for kids that are always good for a laugh.

Q: Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
A: Because he felt crummy.

Q: Why did Johnny throw the clock out of the window?
A: Because he wanted to see time fly!

Q: Why was the baby strawberry crying?
A: Because his mom and dad were in a jam.

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Theodore who?
Theodore wasn’t open so I knocked.

Q: What do lawyers wear to court?
A: Lawsuits

Q: What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A: You look flushed.

Q: Why is there a gate around cemeteries?
A: Because people are dying to get in!

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Cows go
Cows go who?
No silly, cows go MOO.

Q: Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure?
A: Because he was a little shellfish.

Q: What has one head, one foot, and four legs?
A: A Bed

Q: What do you call an angry carrot? 
A: A steamed veggie.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An impasta.

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Little old lady
Little old lady who?
I didn’t know you could yodel.

Q: Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?
A: Because it’s pointless.

Q: Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
A: He wanted cold hard cash!

Q: What do call cheese that isn’t yours?
A: Nacho Cheese

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Etch who?
Bless you!

Q: How do you make an egg roll?
A: You push it!

Q: What word is always spelled wrong in the dictionary?
A: Wrong.

Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: Put a little boogey in it!

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer!

Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Mikey who?
Mikey doesn’t fit in the keyhole!

Q: Why were the fish’s grades bad?
A: They were below sea level.

Q: What do you call a sad berry?
A: A blueberry

Q: Why are cornfields bad places to tell secrets? 
A: They’re full of ears.

Q: Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? 
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?
A: Because it’s pointless.

There’s nothing left-handers can’t master

Spiral notebooks, scissors, keyboards. Just a few of the “tools” you’ve mastered twice as well as any right-hander. Being a lefty is something to be proud of: did you know that according to MENSA 20% of all geniuses are left-handed? So, for International Left-Handed Day, celebrate the southpaws in your life, and enjoy these hilarious left-handed memes. If you’re looking for more laughs, check out our mom memes, our Halloween parenting memes, and potty training memes.

1. Stupid scissors.

left handed meme

2. Because being left-handed is totally right. 
left handed meme

3. Funny, but true.

left handed meme 3


4. No one believes you.
lefties meme left handed meme


5. Your parents kept putting your pencil/spoon/baseball bat in your other hand. 
left handed meme kid


6. Because you rejoiced when you discovered stores like this really do exist. 


7. If you had a nickel…
Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 6.01.37 PM


8. I can wave with my left hand, too! 

left handed meme scale

9. ‘Nuf said. 


10. Sigh. 

leftie meme two


11. Because you still have to “special order” what you need at the office. 


Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 6.01.59 PM


12. Awww, yeah! 




Conjure up serious entertainment

You and your magic-loving tykes aren’t Hogwart’s Alum? No worries, because with a little practice, and a lot of illusion, the kids will be amazing audiences (probably you) in no time. We’ve got seven easy magic tricks, and don’t forget the “Alakazam!”

easy magic trick with a dollar bill
photo: Gabby Cullen

Paperclip Magic Trick

For our first trick, we chose a simple one with a major WOW factor. A dollar bill and two paperclips are all your magician will need to get “oohs” and “ahhs” from audience members of all ages. Make the magic happen by jumping over to Kids Activity Blog for the how-to.

Color Coded Cards 

Card counting isn’t a necessary skill when performing the color card trick, which makes it perfect for tiny magicians’ assistants. Simply separate a deck into black and red stacks (without showing anyone), then ask an audience member to pick, look at, and reinsert a card; after cutting the stack, “magically” select the right card (it should be the only wrong card in a colored stack). If you’re curious about the fine print, Funology has the details.

Leak Proof Bag
photo: Shelley Massey

Awesome Illusions
Your older brainiacs may know the secret behind plastic and polymers, so this “magic” trick is a great way to have your science pros impress any younger siblings. We’ve got the scoop for any sorcerers’ assistants right here.

Disappearing Coin Magic Trick

Beginning illusionists will really need to get their hocus pocus working if they want to make a coin disappear. From sweeping the coin under the table to saying the magic words, kids trying this trick will learn that practice makes perfect, and a lot of hand waving helps. You can get the whole tutorial over at Kid Spot.

easy magic trick with a toothpick
photo: Gabby Cullen

Floating Toothpick Magic Trick

This trick gives liquid soap a little mojo (we aren’t talking dirty dishes). Getting the five toothpicks to stay in the right place while floating in the water will be your little magician’s hardest challenge. This trick is all about the science of water and surface tension, so kids will be learning a little something, too! You can find out how to master this gimmick over at Kid Zone.

photo: Gabby Cullen

Magnetic Pencil Magic Trick

From levitating, and rubber-esque scribblers, to sticking a #2 through your head; there is more than one way to perform a magic pencil trick. The one we like for beginning magicians will defy the laws of magnetic forces—the pencil will seem to be stuck to the performer’s hand. Magneto would approve! Find out how to perfect this trick here.

photo: Gabby Cullen

Coin-in-Matchbox Magic Trick

Presto! The classic coin-in-matchbox not only looks super cool, but after a few practice rounds, it’s a trick even a muggle can manage. You don’t need anything but the box, a coin, and a few views of this awesome tutorial from Instructables.

Related: Make Magic with Your Very Own Fairy Garden for Kids

Grab a stack of origami paper and get ready to do some folding, because we’ve discovered your next crafting obsession. With a few cuts and folds, you can create owls, flowers, cranes and frogs—these paper crafts will blow your mind. Keep reading to get the scoop on simple origami for kids that is easy enough for beginners but cool enough to impress your friends.

Origami Heart Garland

simple origami for kids, heart garland origami

This Origami heart garland from Mama.Papa.Bubba. is an adorable way to decorate your house or just spread some love! And it's such a fun craft to make.

Origami Flowers

origami flowers
Dream A Little Bigger

These Origami flowers from Dream A Little Bigger are a beautiful and fun project. If you want, you can follow the instructions to connect the flowers into a Kusudama ball.

Origami Bookmarks

simple origami for kids are origami bookmarks
Easy Peasy and Fun

If you’ve got a budding bookworm in your family, you’ve got to make this adorable project from Easy Peasy and Fun. There’s lots of room for creativity with these since you can add eyes, teeth, horns...the sky’s the limit.

Origami Bracelets

Origami bracelets are simple origami for kids
Paper Kawaii

File this under “coolest idea ever”: origami you can wear! These modular bracelets from Paper Kawaii are so much fun to make and can be made in any color combination or size your little ones desire.

Origami Frogs

It’s Always Autumn

Take inspiration from It’s Always Autumn to make a batch of colorful frogs. Once you’ve made them, you can get a competition going to see who can make them fly the furthest.

Origami Pencil Holders

Origami pencil holders are simple origami for kids
Gathering Beauty

These pencil holders from Gathering Beauty are a perfect project for origami newbies. They’re super easy to put together with a few folds and a dab or two of glue.

Origami Teddy Bear

Christal Yuen

We can hardly bear how cute this origami craft is, and it’s easy to make too. Kids will get to finish off their masterpiece by drawing on eyes and a mouth.

Origami Cootie Catcher

Easy Peasy and Fun

Cootie catchers just got way cooler, thanks to this awesome craft from Easy Peasy and Fun. If you made these yourself as a kid, it’ll be fun to pass on the tradition on to your kids.

Origami Faces

Pink Stripey Socks

How cute are these origami faces from Pink Stripey Socks? Kids will love putting them together and customizing each one with colorful hair, jewelry and freckles.

Origami Ninja Start

What Do We Do All Day?

This might be our favorite simple origami for kids. We’re obsessed with these transforming ninja stars from What Do We Do All Day?, and chances are your kids will feel the same way. You’ll first make eight parallelograms into a wheel, then push and pull on the sides to turn it into a star.

Origami School Bus

Moms & Crafters

You’ll have the perfect new prop for your “Wheels on the Bus” sing-alongs thanks to this DIY from Moms & Crafters. It’s super easy for beginners, and kids can decorate it with markers, buttons or whatever else you have on hand.

Origami Mermaid

This origami mermaid is simple origami for kids
Pink Stripey Socks

If your kids are fans of The Little Mermaid, they’ll have a blast making this adorable origami from Pink Stripey Socks. Pop the movie on in the background while you make them, and you’ve got a great afternoon in store.

—Taylor Clifton & Susie Foresman



20 Perfect Paper Crafts for Kids

Mother’s Day Paper Crafts for Kids

Easter Paper Crafts for Kids

5 Super Simple Paper Bag Crafts to Bust Out Today

Get ready to play! Inspired by products from the 1980s and 1990s, these toys from Fisher-Price will transport you back to the days of your youth.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.

Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Puppy's Mixtape


The new Puppy Mixtape incorporates content that teaches the alphabet, counting and colors via fun songs, sounds and phrases. If you ever used a pencil to wrap the tape ribbon back up you'll love that Fisher-Price added an interactive tape ribbon that your little one can wind up and down.

Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Busy Boombox


The Busy Boombox is loaded with music and lessons for babies. It even includes the key functions you would use the most in an actual boombox, such as the play button and volume lever.

Fisher-Price’s Laugh & Learn

Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Lil' Gamer


This handheld pretend “gaming console” takes families back to the ‘90s with a D-pad, A and B buttons, pretend game cartridge and a light-up screen. The toy integrates nostalgic music, sounds and phrases, and teaches directions, colors, numbers and shapes.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of Fisher-Price


Welcome 2022 with the Newest American Girl Doll (& Her Little Sis!)

LEGO Just Dropped 100 New Sets & 2022 Never Looked So Awesome

24 Bunk Beds That Save Tons of Space

2022 as the ideal time to refresh and regroup. If your home is in need of some TLC, it’s time to stock up on simple organizing supplies that will make the new year great. From bulletin boards to utility carts, and label makers to school folders, this list has something for everyone.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation.


Mind Reader Supreme Snack Organizer

Offer your favorite students yummy treats and snacks with this carousel organizer that rotates a full 360-degree for easy access. Twelve slots on the top row are ideal for granola bars, nut packs and other small items while the bottom row is open for larger items like chip bags and maybe even some fresh fruit. 

Shop it on Amazon, $33

LapGear Designer Lap Desk 

When your student is doing homework or studying at home, keep her comfy with this lap desk. While the flat surface is perfect for writing assignments, this lap desk can still accommodate laptops up to 15.6,” and a built-in lip prevents it from sliding. The built-in cellphone holder keeps her phones upright and viewable, and the cushioned bottom conforms to her lap for extra stability. 

Find it on Amazon, $30.

Homecube Pencil Case Big Capacity Storage 

Made from durable oxford fabric, this pencil case can go through some things and remain in tip-top shape. Generously sized, this pencil case can hold up to 50-60 pens and pencils, and it’s even large enough to hold a graphing calculator for your older students. A detachable velcro organizer and mesh and velcro pockets also keep things neat and tidy. Kids can use case as an all in one organizer to store everything from pens, pencils, erasers, and other small items as well as headphones, charging cords and other small items. 

Choose from several color options on Amazon, $10

Magnetic Calendar for Refrigerator

Everyone has their weekly schedule on their devices, but how often do they check in with each other? To make things go smoothly and keep everyone in the loop, try this magnetic calendar. There’s plenty of space to record weekly activities, assignments and chores, and the note section is large enough to accommodate the ever-growing, ever-popular, shopping list. A super-strong magnet ensures that this calendar stays put, and the durable surface wipes clean with no ink-ghosting. Helpful hint: use a different colored marker for each member of the family! 

Available on Amazon, $19

U Brands Magnetic Dry Erase Board

A dry-erase bulletin board is a must-have for every busy family. Park it by a prime traffic area in your home, and you’ll see what we mean. Use this board for a helping hand to keep everyone informed and on-task. Leave notes for the family on the way out the door, reminders for assignments due, or have a spot to demonstrate adding fractions (should the need arise). 

For a companion to your dry erase board, try this set of dry erase markers. Packed with all the essentials, it has everything you need to maintain some order and organization including, four markers, an eraser, and a whiteboard cleaner spray. 

Find it on Amazon, $13

Plastic Envelopes Poly Envelopes

When the new year starts, there’s no doubt that there will be plenty of paperwork coming home too. Keep it organized with this set of punchy colored school folders. Made from durable PVC, these envelopes are almost guaranteed to make it through the school year intact, and they’re transparent so you and the kids can tell what’s inside. And to help you out, each one has a clear pocket for labeling. These folders are letter sized, sold in packs of 10 and if you or the kids don’t care for bright colors, there are clear envelopes available as well. 

Snag a bunch on Amazon for only $8

Post-it Super Sticky Notes

There are a million ways to use post-it notes, and really, the possibilities are endless. So when the new school year rolls around, use them for to-do lists, quick reminders, getting organized, and maybe even a sweet lunchbox note (or 10—no judgment). This collection of post-it notes includes 15 pads in assorted sizes and colors. 

Remind yourself to “add to cart” on Amazon, $13

2022 Planner - Academic Weekly & Monthly Planner with Tabs

Keep your child organized and teach her the essentials of time management with this cute academic planner. This planner runs from July 2020 through June 2021 (with 12 monthly tabs), so she’s covered for the whole school year. A durable cover and thick pages will keep the organizer intact, and she can choose from assorted sizes and colors. 

Find it on Amazon, $9


Gamenote Wooden Pen Holder

Keep pens, pencils, art supplies, and other small items in one spot with this bright and cheery wooden pen holder by Gamenote. This pen holder comes fully assembled, and six compartments keep your supplies organized and easily accessible

Available on Amazon, $24

Wall Closet Hanging Storage Bag

Give your little ones a place to stash their supplies when it’s time to clean up with these hanging storage bags. These organizers can be hung on any wall or door, and they fold up compactly for storage when not in use. Sold as a three-piece set, each one has three large pockets to stow pretty much anything.

Get it on Amazon, $12

Umbra Buddy Wall Hooks

Umbra’s buddy wall hooks offer a unique and fun way to keep the kids’ stuff organized, accessible, and off the floor. Each pack comes with three ‘buddies’ that climb the walls in various positions, and each buddy can hold up to five pounds. Use buddy’s arms, legs, and head to hang coats, scarves, backpacks, and more.  

Available on Amazon, $20

mDesign Modern Plastic  Water Bottle Holder Stand 

Water bottles are totally necessary, but they tend to create a lot of clutter in pantries and cupboards. Reign it all in with these stackable water bottle organizers. Sold in packs of four, these racks can hold three bottles each, storing them horizontally for easy access and a quick grab. Use it to organize reusable bottles, sports, and soft drinks. These racks are BPA-free and shatter-resistant, and in case of spills, just clean them with mild soap and water.

Snag it on Amazon, $43

Drawer Storage

While junk drawers are a great catch-all for all small items, rifling through them to find the things you need can be a pain. Sort it out and get it organized with these plastic drawer storage organizers. Sold in a pack of 36, there's enough for every type of "junk" and for multiple drawers, too. Mix, match and assemble them any way you like, and if they get dirty, just wash with soap and water.

Available on Amazon, $26

DYMO Label Maker

Nothing says “organized” like a label maker, and Dymo’s label maker might be one of the best organizational tools ever. Use it to make labels for kids' school supplies, folders, and even pantry shelves and food items so everyone knows where to find the good stuff. With five font sizes, seven print styles, eight box styles, and 1- or 2-line printing, the possibilities are endless. 

Find it on Amazon, $30


SimpleHouseware Heavy-Duty 3-Tier Metal Utility Rolling Cart

Use this three-tier utility cart to maximizes your storage space and get organized. Store extra pens, glue, notepads and paper, and maybe save the top tier for quick grab-and-go after school snacks. This utility cart is on wheels, so set it up where you want and move it whenever you need to.

Available on Amazon, $41

Washi Tape Set

Use this washi tape set to liven up and personalize boring folders and papers. Kids can skip the scissors and tear it by hand and reposition whenever they want without ripping the paper. Plus, there’s no waxy coating, so they make great labels for kids because they can write on it and make it even more fun. Each roll is 15 feet long, so there’s plenty to go around. 

Grab this pack on Amazon, $7

Joseche Reusable Magnetic Cable Ties 

The biggest difference between school supplies 30 years ago and school supplies today is probably the number of cables kids have to manage. From cell phone chargers to laptop chargers, and myriad USB cables, cords are everywhere. Use these magnetic cable ties to cut down on the chaos and tidy things up. What’s more, these handy little helpers are magnetic, so they have plenty of uses around the house. Use them to tie off bags, hang notes on the fridge, and even to keep your keys in a safe spot. 

Find them on Amazon, $15

—Sharon Brandwein

Editor’s Note: At the time of publication, all items were available for purchase.



The Hottest School Supplies on Amazon Right Now

24 Awesome Backpacks to Organize Your School Gear

20 Lunchboxes That’ll Start the School Year Off Right

22 Bento Boxes That Make Lunch Time Fun


Parenting is hard. You’re responsible for a little (or not so little) person and making all the right decisions. But what happens when you don’t know what the right decision is?

Decision-making, especially in an emotionally charged situation, is exhausting. What if an easy way to make decisions existed? Having made thousands of extraordinarily difficult decisions in my senior leadership career and as a father of four, I’ve figured out a relatively simple method to make decisions I can live with and be proud of that many successful leaders use. It’s perfect for parents, too, because parents are the leaders of their family.

1. Write the Problem Down
Focus on the issue, not your emotions. The brain tends to mix up logic processes when dealing with complex or emotionally charged decisions. Writing the problem down forces us to turn an abstract thought into a concrete statement, idea or question. In that process, we can more precisely frame the problem and, ultimately, downsize it from a larger-than-life issue to one we can work through.

For example, if you’re a parent with school-aged kids battling what to do about your child’s education due to the risks and restrictions of COVID-19, these thoughts might be going through your head:

  • In-person/online/homeschool
  • Will kids/adults wear masks?
  • Fear of getting sick
  • Uncertainty of the future
  • Sadness over lack of control
  • Will kids fall behind academically?
  • Guilt we just want things to be normal
  • Frustration with lack of work time

All the competing emotions make the decision-making process difficult.

However, when you write the problem you’re facing in one or two sentences, it may actually look like this:

We want our kids to safely get the best education possible while allowing us to work. What can we reasonably do to make that happen?

Writing the true essence of your problem down helps you focus on the most important part.

Which of those two “problems” looks more approachable? You can spend your time dealing with emotions, fears and unknowns or you can focus on the positive and productive opportunities.

Now that we have a more approachable problem, how do we decide what to do about getting our kids the best education possible? Do we make a pro-and-con list? What if they come out even?

2. Discuss the Problem with Others You Trust
The more people there are to talk about a problem, the more potential solutions there will be. Teams almost always come up with better solutions than individuals. Even though we can be sidetracked, if we don’t share our problems, we often miss other perspectives, relevant data and variables we may not have considered that can help us find solutions or flaws in our assumptions and general approach.

When it comes to our children, there’s nothing new. Someone out there has had a similar problem, so tap into the wisdom of extended family and friends.

Nearly every parent out there is processing what to do about school. Ask trusted friends what they’re thinking. Join a Facebook group, and search to see what other people are discussing. When evaluating education options and risks from COVID-19, share your concerns with your child’s teacher. See if their plans for the school year help guide your thought process.

3. Get Active to Reflect
It’s hard to focus and think about an issue logically when our conscious mind is easily overcome by emotions and daily distractions. When we do a physical task, our subconscious mind can work, which makes decision-making easier. Ask yourself a simple question about the problem when starting the activity.

In our example about school, the simple question is not, “How can I not worry about sending my kids to school?” or “How will I work if they’re home with me.” The right simple question is a positive one: “What can I do to make sure my kids get the best education right now?”

When you do this, physical movement is key. No scrolling social media! Relax by doing something that doesn’t require much thought but has you moving. Almost always, after the activity, your mind will deliver the right answer. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Shower
  • Walk or run
  • Long bicycle ride
  • Swim

Physical exercise helps quiet your brain. It allows you to focus on your movements, not your thoughts.

Another great approach to relaxing the conscious brain is sleeping. Just before putting your head on the pillow, ask yourself the simple positive question. In the morning, the solution is ready. I’ve found that having paper and pencil by the bed helps, particularly when you want to remember something as you wake up.

4. Take Action
Problems can appear larger than life, causing us to struggle with how to move forward. When you write it down, discuss it and reflect on it, solutions always become evident. They may not be what you expected, but solutions will appear. Then you can look at your options and see which one you are most comfortable with. Once your decision is made, the path forward will be clear, even if it’s not an easy one.

Solutions provide the path and the plan.

Though we may struggle with the murky future of public education, nothing is permanent. You can reassess in a few months and make a different decision if necessary. Do the best you can with the information you have. In this unprecedented set of circumstances, there is no one right answer.

Easy Decision-Making Strategy

  1. Write the problem down
  2. Discuss the problem with others
  3. Get active to reflect
  4. Take action

Every one of us has faced issues where it seemed impossible to make a decision. It’s absolutely exhausting to continually replay all the worries in your mind. But when you use these four steps, you’ll have the ability to make a decision even in the toughest of circumstances and enjoy the rewards or manage the fallout. That’s what made my career so successful and makes life as a father so rewarding. The state of being “undecided” is way worse than choosing to move forward one way or another.

Rick Stephens

After a 33-year career, concluding as Boeing’s global leader of HR and Administration, Rick Stephens, father and grandfather, co-founded Raising Families with his wife. Together, they use their knowledge, insight and experience to support parents in becoming joyful, confident and intentional family leaders so they can raise engaging, successful children.