Parenting tweens and teens comes with its own unique set of challenges—from when to let your kiddo get their ears pierced to ongoing debates about access to smartphones and supporting them as they deal with the highs and lows of adolescent social lives. Because they’re deep in the trenches of figuring out who they are, it can be tough to keep tabs on their ever-evolving interests, friend groups, and behaviors. That’s where natal astrology can come in handy. While their sun sign—aka the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—is just one piece of the multilayered puzzle that is your child’s birth chart, it can offer you valuable intel into what makes them tick because it speaks to their core identity, self-image, and confidence. 

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their child’s distinct perspective. This helps you hold space for your adolescent to evolve into their most centered, self-assured selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your big kid’s personality and how you can best support them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A symbol for Aries, one of the 12 sun signs

The sign of the Ram is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, which means your Aries kid has a surplus of beans to burn through. They tend to be drawn to all kinds of physical activity, so they might be super involved in school or community athletics or eager to do their own thing, whether it’s going for runs or riding bikes with friends. Their competitive nature means they love any pursuit where someone is declared #1. As the cardinal fire sign, they’re innate go-getters who have a big-picture vision of what they want to achieve, from straight As to being voted class president. As driven as they may be, Aries is the first sign or “baby” of the zodiac. In other words, they’ll exhibit a wide-eyed, innocent sense of wonder that lasts well beyond their younger years, so expect to enjoy being playful and laughing a lot with your dynamic Ram. You’ll just need to watch out for the fact that their tendency to move at a face pace can mean they’re apt to be impulsive. Encouraging them to slow down and get grounded before making, well, just about any move will benefit them tremendously now and down the road.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

A symbol for Taurus, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Bull and ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, you’ve probably noticed that your Taurus kid is an unhurried, grounded creature of habit. Sure, that might be another way of saying stubborn, but take heart from the fact that they’re far from the only fixed sign. (The others are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) Their fixed nature does make them obstinate at times; they’ll dig their heels in when it comes to taking the same lunch to school every day or wearing that one pair of jeans over and over again. But try to bear in mind that they do this because they’re extremely protective of anything that brings them a sense of comfort and security. And there is a silver lining to being the fixed earth sign: Your kiddo is truly pragmatic and resolute. Once they’ve made up their mind to try out for the soccer team or learn how to play the clarinet, they’ll stick to it. Taureans are also known for moving at their own often-snail-like pace and nudging them to hurry up may backfire. One of the best ways to bond with your Bull is enjoying a leisurely activity out in nature, like a curated picnic with lots of yummy, gourmet bites or a walk through the botanical garden.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A symbol for Gemini, one of the 12 sun signs

We’re sure you’ve already noticed just how much your tween or teen adores lively conversation and witty banter, given that this mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. They’re naturally buzzy, curious, and supersocial. They’re also apt to explore their writing talents and collect and devour a treasure trove of books. Even if they don’t grow up to be a journalist or publicist one day (though they very well may!), your big kid born under the sign of the Twins thrives on taking in and disseminating information. Heads-up: This could mean they are prone to gossiping or getting in trouble for talking too much in class. But their super-communicator skills can also be channeled toward academic and extracurricular success, whether they’re on the yearbook staff or leading the debate team to a state win. When it comes to bonding, you might find that they prefer to connect in a cerebral way, perhaps by talking about the news, watching Jeopardy, or doing a crossword puzzle together. And don’t be surprised if they’re warm and fuzzy one minute, then standoffish the next. Sure, hormones are partly the culprit, but Gemini is also known for its dualistic nature and ability to vacillate between two distinct personality traits.

Related: Your Parenting Style, Based on Your Astrological Sign

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A symbol for Cancer, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which influences emotions and intuition, your Crab tween or teen is deeply sentimental, nurturing, and loving—but also perhaps a bit reclusive when they’re in their feelings. Whereas other kids might be eager to fly the coop ASAP and spend lots of time at their friends’ houses or involved in extracurriculars for hours after school, your Cancer kid is likely happiest and most at peace when they’re at home, surrounded by family. This isn’t to say that they won’t get involved at school or hang with close friends—they are the cardinal water sign, after all, which means they’re also initiators and ambitious go-getters at heart. But getting enough quality time with you and other loved ones is integral to their overall well-being, and holding that in mind could make a world of difference for their confidence and sense of self and purpose. It’s also wise to remember that they’re quite sensitive and can be moody (yep, even more so than your average adolescent) because they’re ruled by the changeable moon, which switches signs and sets a different emotional tone every two-ish days. Connecting with them through homey, cozy experiences like baking, caring for a pet, or planning a family reunion together will make their hearts sing. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A symbol for Leo, one of the 12 sun signs

As the fixed fire sign ruled by the vitality-giving sun, your Lion is vivacious, charismatic, optimistic, self-assured, creative, and lots of fun to be around—but also super ambitious, running the risk of being a bit bossy. A born leader and lover of the spotlight, one of your Leo kid’s greatest lessons in life will be to own their confidence without treading into narcissistic, vain, or domineering territory. You can support this by celebrating their ability to love themselves and empower others while teaching them about humility and empathy. Because they adore a round of applause and are so innately self-expressive, they’ll be quick to sign up for drama club, film or dance classes, or any extracurricular where they can woo an audience or run the show. Like all of the fixed signs, they tend to get super, well, fixated on particular game plans and outcomes, so you might need to talk to them about the benefits of being adaptable and capable of pivoting when a situation simply isn’t working out. You’ll find you can best connect with your Leo through playful, upbeat, fun-loving activities, like impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, trips to the beach (they love to soak up the rays of their ruler, the sun), or writing and performing a funny play together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A symbol for Virgo, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees information-gathering and communication, your tween or teen is thoughtful, detail-oriented, helpful, analytical, sensitive, and an adept storyteller. As a result of their mutability, your Maiden kid is adaptable and eager to try their hand at different activities, whether that’s softball one year or piano lessons the next, but you’ll also find that they struggle with indecisiveness. Empowering them to trust their intuition and inner knowing and lean on practices like mindfulness can be incredibly helpful, especially because—as such a cerebral, Mercury-ruled person—they’re often in their heads, prone to overthinking and second-guessing. They might be quite shy or very outgoing (depending on other placements in their birth chart), but either way, they’ll want to connect with peers who share common interests. These kids are also so intellectually curious that they tend to enjoy school work more than the average adolescent, so you’ll do well to support their academic pursuits—while encouraging them to steer away from perfectionism. You’ll connect with your Virgo by learning something new together, trading factoids about their favorite subjects (be that STEM, history, or sports), and tackling everyday to-dos together (something organization-loving Virgo finds grounding).

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A symbol for Libra, one of the 12 sun signs

Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, and art, your Libra kid is a total social butterfly with a keen eye for beauty. They could be drawn to a wide variety of artistic outlets, from dancing to painting, but they’re also bound to be particularly eager to express themselves through their wardrobe and, as they get older, their beauty or grooming routine. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras prize balance and justice above just about anything else, so you’ve probably noticed that your tween or teen is quick to diffuse or steer clear of any arguments that may pop up in the house. They attempt to avoid conflict at all costs. But as lovely as their peacemaking nature can be, they do run the risk of expressing their challenging feelings in a passive-aggressive way, so you’ll do well to teach them that difficult emotions, like anger or aggravation, are healthy to acknowledge and work through. This can be a particularly valuable lesson as they navigate social situations, especially one-on-one relationships, which they put even more value in than your average adolescent (because of their association with the Seventh House of Partnership). For this reason, you could find that some of your sweetest bonding moments come when you’re hanging out just you two, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing experience like checking out an art exhibit or visiting a pretty vacation spot

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

A symbol for Scorpio, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—your tween or teen is dynamic, magnetic, a bit mysterious, emotionally intelligent, intense, ambitious, sometimes aloof, and brimming with a formidable inner power that can make them utterly fearless and unstoppable. These traits are owed to Scorp’s co-rulers: their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy, while their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. In turn, Scorpio kids may be eager to check out student government, play a high-intensity sport (they could be into competitive swimming, as a water sign, or hockey), or try their hand at writing poetry. As one of the fixed signs, they also tend to be set in their ways, whether that’s hanging out with the same friends they’ve had since toddlerhood (hey, they’re very loyal) or continuing to put their nose to the grindstone to pursue a goal they set when they were in kindergarten. Basically, once they’ve made up their minds, it can be extremely challenging to get them to consider—let alone accept—change, which could be fuel for head-butting. And when they’re working through challenging emotions, you can expect radio silence. In these cases, your best bet is to give them plenty of space to work it out, reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they’re ready to talk. Regularly visiting your nearest body of water to walk, take artistic photos, and chow down on a yummy meal together can be therapeutic for your adolescent Scorp—and set the stage for meaningful bonding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

A symbol for Sagittarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, your tween or teen is free-spirited, unfiltered, philosophical, fun-loving, funny, and full of wanderlust. Ever since they were tiny tots, we’d bet they’ve entertained you with their big, buoyant personality. Now, as an adolescent, your Archer is bound to be even louder and more gregarious, eager to make the most of life and believing that bigger is usually better (thanks to their ruling planet, Jupiter, which is not only the largest planet in the solar system but one that oversees fortune and abundance). This “more, more, more” perspective could translate to your Sag having a lot of fun wearing over-the-top outfits or enjoying pastimes like comedy that involve entertaining others, signing up for a bevy of diverse extracurriculars (at the risk of probably spreading themselves too thin), or opting to get out in the world and see and do as much as possible. This is one kid who needs to explore and break free from their mundane, everyday routine in order to grow and thrive. While this can’t always involve the globe-trotting they likely daydream about, you can nurture their adventurousness by encouraging them to learn another language or try different types of global cuisine. You’ll find you can easily bond by getting out of your comfort zones as a family.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A symbol for Capricorn, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal earth sign and ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries, your Capricorn tween or teen is serious, goal-oriented, pragmatic, industrious, and jaw-droppingly mature beyond their years. In fact, they might have been talking about college applications and their ideal career trajectory well before their peers. Even if they’re not that laser-focused on their future, it does bear noting that their cardinal quality makes them quite driven and eager to take the initiative to make ambitious aspirations their reality. This trait also sets your Sea Goat kiddo up nicely for being a leader among their friends and peers. They’ll often be the one who proposes starting a new club or entering an academic competition. Unlike fellow cardinal sign Aries, for instance, you’ll notice that your Cap is perfectly fine working toward their goals at a steady, unhurried pace. In fact, they prefer to always have a clear objective and step-by-step game plan or they feel a bit lost. They might also struggle to let loose, move through big emotions, and accept their own mistakes, particularly because they dread the possibility that they may look “foolish.” In turn, you’ll do well to work with them on self-acceptance and embracing “oops” or emotionally intense moments as opportunities to grow and learn. And when it comes to bonding with your Capricorn, you’ll do well to suggest activities that involve working a little bit at a time toward a larger goal, like gardening, tackling an elaborate LEGO project, or learning about investing and saving together. 

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

A symbol for Aquarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Traditionally ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the sign of the Water Bearer is also influenced by game-changing Uranus, its modern ruler, producing a tween or teen that can be both resolute and rebellious. They’re also science-minded, super-social, independent, free-spirited, humanitarian, and fired up to strike out against convention. A born people person, you’ve probably noticed that they’re able to make friends with anyone and everyone, yet, as a fixed sign, they do have certain VIPs who they’re closest to. Their fixed quality can also contribute to a particularly stubborn mindset that they’ll “do what they want.” In other words, if you have a weekend plan for family togetherness and they’d rather play video games or see a movie with their besties, you might have to deal with some fireworks. (Uranus’s influence can cause Aquarians to lose their cool out of the blue, so you’ll need to steel yourself for some of that.) But their fierce devotion to marching to the beat of their own drum can also impress you, as they’ll be the first in their class to sign up for a volunteer opportunity to support a local charity or the kid who’s always educating their peers about climate change. You’ll do well to support their desire to be uniquely themselves by complimenting their power-clashing outfits or interest in an up-and-coming indie band. Bond with your Water Bearer by checking out a science museum or getting involved in a philanthropic community effort. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A symbol for Pisces, one of the 12 sun signs

Your tween or teen born under the mutable water sign Pisces is deeply empathic, artistic, emotional, eager to help, and in touch with the mystical, spiritual side of life. You could find that your big kid Fish is incredibly intuitive, even a bit psychic, picking up on the emotional subtext of any situation—and then, often, taking on other people’s feelings as their own. This is a case for working with them on recognizing their own feelings and separating them from those of others—and explaining the difference between (and pros and cons of) sympathy versus empathy. As a mutable sign, your Pisces is super adaptable and capable of trying a variety of hobbies and activities, but being ruled by the planet of spirituality and dreams, Neptune, means they’ll be especially eager to dive into fantastical pursuits like theater, filmmaking, or creative writing. They may also love fantasy novels and watching movies that take place in different, ethereal worlds because they have such vivid imaginations and enjoy any chance to step out of their everyday reality. Because they feel so deeply and are so sensitive, they could be easily heartbroken when friendships, or later, romantic relationships don’t work out, so you’ll do well to remind them that you’re there for them and to encourage them to foster self-love, which will serve as a strong foundation for all of their bonds. You can connect with your adolescent Pisces by exploring a wide variety of creative, spiritually fulfilling ways to work through emotions, whether that’s journaling about daydreams, doing yoga, or putting on a whimsical performance. 

Spring at Trader Joe’s brings the cutest plants and lemon everything

Warmer weather, beautiful blooms, tasty treats—that’s right, spring is almost springing! In typical fashion, there are tons of new Trader Joe’s items for the season that will have you more than ready to make a grocery run. With all the lemon products hitting the shelves, we can tell that TJ’s is all in. There are even a few products perfect for school lunches on the list.

Assorted Foliage in a Bunny

Trader Joe's spring products

These cuties are a top pick for spring every year, and you’ll want to grab one before your store sells out for the season. They come with a variety of plant options so you might have to get yourself a colony.


Candy Coated Dark Chocolate Almonds

These dark chocolate covered almonds are some of Trader Joe's new items for spring

These babies are cute enough for Easter baskets but tasty enough to keep for yourself. They tend to sell out well before the holiday, so snag now before they hop away.


Gourmet Jelly Beans

Trader Joe's spring products

Just in time for Easter basket stuffing, these big bags of gourmet jelly beans have hit the shelves. You’ll love that they have no artificial colors or flavors. The kids will just love them, period.


Peas & Carrots Sour Gummy Candies

Trader Joe's spring products

You’ll definitely be able to get the kids to eat their peas and carrots when they come in gummy form. The peas are like sour Skittles and the carrots are a traditional sour gummy candy. Yes, we tried them so that we could report back (that’s the official story, at least).


Pastel Hyacinths

Trader Joe's spring products

If you’re heading to a spring party this weekend, bring along one of these colorful hyacinths. They’ll dress up any doorstep!


Cheery Lemon Animal Crackers

Trader Joe's spring products

We’ve never seen these cuties on the shelves before and we know that the kids will go wild to find them in their lunchbox this spring.


Raspberry Kringle

Trader Joe's spring products

Either you love Kringles or you LOVE Kringles. There’s no in-between. The spring flavor is raspberry and it tops our list for sure. Perfect for breakfast or to share as an after-school snack.


Lemon Mini Sheet Cake

Trader Joe's spring products

We don’t blame you if this is one of those treats that you don’t share with the kids. You can always find the vanilla version of this cake at Trader Joe’s but the lemon sheet cake is our favorite. It packs just the right amount of sour/sweet punch.


Springle Jangle

The spring version of this holiday snack mix is cute to have in a bowl for the next party you are planning. It is a mix of yogurt-coated pretzels, butter toffee peanuts, milk and dark chocolate peanut butter cups, broken pieces of dark chocolate Joe-Joe’s, and nonpareils.


Scented Candle Trio

Trader Joe's spring products

We’re a sucker for all the candles at Trader Joe’s and this one instantly made its way into our cart. You’ll get tiny tins of raspberry/rose, rhubarb/bamboo, and lemon verbena. The lemon is our favorite, naturally.


Mini Succulents

Trader Joe's spring products

Is it wrong to buy a succulent every time you visit Trader Joe’s? We think not. These cuties were looking extra spring-like with tiny flowers sprouting out of them. Just what you need to get you through the last dreary months before summer comes around.

We’re all over here celebrating the start of a new school year (because summers can be LONG) but you know what comes along with the back to school? Extracurricular activities. Soccer practice, piano lessons, dance team, and on and on and on. From the minute the work day ends, parents move on to their second job as a kid-chauffeur with everything that goes into it.

In a viral TikTok video, mom @rexandmo went on a rant about the struggle of being a working mom with kids of different ages in extracurriculars and what a logistical nightmare that can be.


S/O to my husband cause he work too & coaches but when i get home these HIS KIDS 😂😂😂 #rexandmo #fyp

♬ original sound – Rex & Mo 🥰

“Being a working mom with kids in extracurricular activities is unrealistic. It is so hard. It doesn’t even make sense. If feels unsustainable. Like how long am I going to be able to do this? I’m going to work, I’m getting off work, and I gotta round everybody up. I got a school-age child. I got babies at daycare. I got to make sure I got his stuff for football. I gotta make sure I got their snacks. I gotta make sure I got a portable potty. When I’m done doing that, sitting there trying to entertain the little ones while the big one is practicing, I then have to go home, wash everybody up, feed everybody, get everybody down for bed, and do it again the next day.”

We’re exhausted just reading all that and can only imagine what this schedule is going to look like once the little ones have their own activities. The comments section made it clear just how many parents are in the same predicament.

@rexandmo does show some appreciation for her partner in her caption: “s/o to my husband cause he work too & coaches but when he gets home these HIS KIDS.” We support this.

Our only recommendation: don’t feel like you have to do everything. It’s okay if your kids aren’t in every activity. It’s okay if you don’t do home-cooked meals every night. Many successful working moms find that the only way they can get through the day is by giving up on things like that.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month this March, we recognize local luminaries who have shaped DC’s history through the arts, politics activism and more. Scroll down for some of the most influential Washington women who have shaped our city’s deep history.

Kamala Harris

A 1986 graduate of Howard University with degrees in political science and economics, Harris was inaugurated as vice president in 2021.  She is the United States' first female vice president, the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, and the first Black and first Asian American vice president. 

Eleanor Holmes Norton

US House Office of Photography

Eleanor is a native Washingtonian who was very active in the Civil Rights movement. She is now DC’s delegate to Congress. The District’s tireless nonvoting representative serves on committees, introduces legislation, and speaks on the House floor; however, she is not permitted to vote on the final passage of any legislation, since DC is not a State.  

Muriel Bowser

Lorie Shaull

Bowser has been mayor of the District of Columbia since 2015. She is the second female mayor of the DC after Sharon Pratt, and the first woman to be reelected to that position. A lifelong Washingtonian, Bowser attended Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA for her undergraduate degree and then returned to DC to obtain a masters from American University's School of Public Affairs. Bowser is responsible for Black Lives Matter Plaza, the two-block-long section of Downtown Washington, DC. Written in striking yellow paint, the words "Black Lives Matter" run down the blocks near the White House. She is also known for her tireless work in trying to make DC the 51st State.

Clara Barton


While she is mostly known as the founder of the American Red Cross, Clara also served as a clerk in the US Patent Office. This was the first time a woman had received a substantial federal clerkship and at a salary equal to what a man would earn. She was a hospital nurse in the American Civil War and is noteworthy for doing humanitarian work and civil rights advocacy at a time before women had the right to vote.

Lucy Burns

Library of Congress

One of the leaders of the National Woman’s Party in the early 1900s, Burns was arrested  six times and led a hunger strike at the Occoquan Workhouse. She is remembered for being a fervid  advocate for women’s rights. She retired from public life with the passage of the 19th amendment.

Mary McLeod Bethune

State Archives of Florida

As president of the National Association of Colored Women, Ms. Bethune purchased a property at 1318 Vermont Ave., which became the first black controlled organization to be headquartered in the District! She was also invited by Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover to lead on issues relating to children’s health. She later formed a coalition called the Federal Council of Negro Affairs which advised President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Shirley Horn

Bruno Bernard

A singer and pianist who was born in DC, Shirley teamed up with dozens of jazz greats including Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie and Wynton Marsalis. She was nominated for nine Grammy Awards winning in 1999 for Best Jazz Vocal Performance. Encouraged by her grandmother, Horn began piano lessons at the age of four. She studied piano and composition at Howard University.

Chita Rivera

Kingkongphoto via Wikipedia

Also born in DC, Rivera is a singer, dancer and actor who starred in Broadway musicals including Anita in West Side Story,  Chicago, and the title role in Kiss of the Spider Woman. She is a three-time Tony Award recipient and is the first Hispanic woman and the first Latino American to receive a Kennedy Center Honor and is a recipient the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Denyce Graves

John Mathew Smith via Wikipedia

Famous opera singer, Denyce Graves was born in Washington, DC, and was raised by her mother on Galveston St. SW., in the Bellevue section of the District. She graduated from the Duke Ellington School of the Arts  and studied voice at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music and the New England Conservatory. The Mezzo Soprano is recognized worldwide as one of today's most exciting vocal stars and continues to gather unparalleled popular and critical acclaim in performances.

Helen Hayes


Hayes was born in Washington, DC in 1900. She was an actress whose career spanned 80 years. She is one of a handful of people to be an EGOT (recipient of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony).  Hayes received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Ronald Reagan in 1986 and was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 1988. The annual Helen Hayes Awards, which have recognized excellence in professional theatre in greater Washington, DC, since 1984, are her namesake.  

Sharon Pratt


A native Washingtonian, Ms. Pratt is an American attorney and politician who was the third mayor of the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1995. Most notably, she is the first African-American woman to hold that position.  

—Guiomar Ochoa and Aimee Della Bitta


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Much has been written about the over-scheduled child. Family calendars are packed with so many extra-curricular and enrichment activities, it’s a wonder that children have time to eat, sleep and finish homework. And while kids are so busy, they (and we) are increasingly disconnected from each other as we are drawn to devices and screens. 

Parents are searching for ways to reconnect, to keep kids grounded and grateful and to fight against the rising tide of negativity and cynicism. I believe that family service is the answer—a proven way to achieve these goals for your own family while improving the lives of others in your community. 

Volunteering together helps parents raise compassionate, empathetic kids with the added bonus of creating warm family memories. But how can you find the time, in the midst of all the other commitments crowding a busy family’s schedule?

There’s no question that there are many benefits to volunteering with kids and that it is worth the time and effort it often takes to do so. Inevitably, though, saying “yes” to service means saying “no” to something else. It will require a little bit of planning, some creativity, an open mind and most importantly, a sense of purpose. 

Prioritizing service demonstrates to your children that helping others is important—just as important as soccer, piano lessons or any of the other commitments that fill the calendar. As the author Laura Vanderkam wrote in her essay, Are you as busy as you think?: “Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time’, try saying ‘It’s not a priority for me’ and see how that feels.”  

1. Start early to create life-long habits of kindness.

Even young children can engage in service projects at home, or join older siblings and parents on special outings, like delivering groceries to the food pantry or cleaning up a local park. If you start while children are young and incorporate service into daily routines, giving back will become a habit, woven into the fabric of your family life.

2. Let the school calendar, holidays and seasons help you create new family traditions around service.

At the end of each month, take a few moments to identify upcoming holidays, days off from school and family milestone celebrations when you might volunteer together. At the change of season, work with kids to sort through gently used, outgrown clothing and outerwear for donation to children in need. 

At the end of summer, host a lemonade stand and donate proceeds to childhood cancer research, or fill backpacks with essential supplies for kids in under-resourced schools. In the fall, identify a soup kitchen that can use your support at Thanksgiving. 

As the winter “giving” holidays of Christmas and Hanukkah fill the calendar with festivities, find an opportunity to make wishes come true for children in need through toy drives or “adopt-a-family” programs. The important thing is to find a project that resonates with your family and be sure to include the activity in your calendar each year.

3. Incorporate service into things you are already doing.

If your child is hosting a playdate with a few friends, add a kindness activity to the afternoon of fun. Kids can bake cookies and create cheerful cards to deliver to your local fire station, police precinct or nursing home. 

When planning your child’s birthday party or other milestone event, ask them to select a charity they’d like to support with their celebration and incorporate a donation drive or related hands-on service project, or ask for donations in lieu of gifts. 

4. Try “kitchen table kindness” activities at home.

You don’t need much to engage kids in kindness activities. With some crayons and a piece of construction paper, a child can write a letter or draw a picture for a lonely senior, a member of our active duty military or a hospitalized child.

5. Practice random acts of kindness as you move through your day. 

Every day presents countless opportunities to practice kindness with kids. As you head to the market, offer to pick up groceries for a homebound neighbor. Bring a hot cup of coffee to the crossing guard on a cold day (or a cold drink during a heat wave). Pick up trash as you walk around your neighborhood. Hold the door and smile at the next person coming through the entrance. Allow your kids to leave a few coins in the tip jar at the coffee shop. 

Your one small, simple act might have a ripple effect in changing a person’s day and the gratitude your child receives will make them feel great, too.

Finding time for family service allows you to live your values while spreading compassion and joy in a world that is in desperate need of both. Children feel pride in serving and reap the benefits of flexing their empathy “muscles.” There is no magic formula—parents simply need to keep an open heart, an observant eye and a positive intention. 

Every day and in every busy schedule, there’s always time to do good.

Natalie Silverstein
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Natalie Silverstein, MPH, is the NYC coordinator of Doing Good Together. She is a writer, speaker and consultant on the topic of family service. Her first book Simple Acts: The Busy Family's Guide to Giving Back was published in 2019 and her second book for teens will be published in 2022.

With many kids learning remotely, parents are looking for enrichment activities that can be accessed from home. LUMI offers a way to learn how to play the piano without leaving the house. 


The all-in-one LUMI system lets you choose the songs you love from Beyonce to Beethoven in the app and play them instantly by following lights on an illuminated keyboard. You can select from hundreds of songs, lessons and exercises that will help to build lifelong musical skills

Roland Lamb, founder and CEO of ROLI, said: “We set out to make LUMI the world’s first fully integrated hardware, software, and content platform for music learning. Its growth and evolution over the past year truly make LUMI the easiest and most fun way to get started learning the piano. Meeting a need that’s more important than ever before, LUMI empowers people who love music to teach themselves an instrument entirely from home.”


Previously available only on Kickstarter, LUMI was the most-funded music learning project ever on that platform. Over the past year, ROLI has comprehensively upgraded LUMI Keys and the LUMI app based on feedback from thousands of early users. These improvements include:

  • Internally redesigning LUMI Keys 1 for an overall stronger build. Now 77g heavier, the keyboard is more durable. Its key action performance is better and its key sensitivity is even more precise.
  • Tripling the size of the LUMI Complete content library, now with 400+ songs and 100+ lessons.
  • Introducing new ways to read music and play songs, including through traditional black-and-white musical notation.
  • Introducing 360 exercises for practicing scales and chords in every key.
  • Improving navigation, interactivity, and the performance of the app experience on an expanded range of devices.

Stock of LUMI Keys 1 is limited, and all preorders will be delivered on a first-ordered, first-shipped basis. Early buyers save $130 in a limited-time bundle offer that includes LUMI Keys 1, a free Snapcase, free shipping, and a $50 discount voucher to LUMI Premium all for $299.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of LUMI


Virtual Events Calendar: Online Events & Activities including Storytimes, Crafts, Sports and More

Celebrities Read Bedtime Stories to Comfort Kids Stuck at Home

Who knew piano lessons could help me bond with my children and prevent dementia at the same time?!?

When I signed my girls up for piano lessons last year, I had no idea what I was getting into. I’ve never played an instrument in my life and didn’t even know how to read sheet music. But I did know that music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.

I’ve always loved dance and music. I wanted my children to be appreciate music and I knew that starting lessons early was great for their brain development. So when some of the other mothers in my book club mentioned that they were starting piano lessons, I decided to give it a try. (One must keep up with the Joneses.)

Things started off great. We didn’t have a piano but I bought a large piano-like keyboard. We have a lovely teacher that comes to the house weekly. She is very patient, calm and understanding. I’m by no means a Tiger mom. I’ve never wanted my kids to be concert pianist—if that’s what they want to do then I will support them, but if not, that is fine also—I just wanted them to have fun and develop those neuronal connection early. 

What I didn’t anticipate was how hard it would be for me. I had  to learn to read music so that II cpould help them practice. The other moms in the book club already knew how to read music and could help their children without starting from scratch. I often found myself frustrated, because for some reason I have a mental block when it comes to learning to read music.

I consider myself a hardworking and bright individual (I can speak four languages and have two postgraduate degrees). But for some reason this was very difficult! There were many times when I  wanted to quit. But the girls were enjoying playing and learning. If I did quit, what sort of example would I be setting for the girls?

One of the many parenting books I read had that suggested spending individual alone time (20 minutes) with each child. I think it’s wonderful advice, though not always practical. Especially when you have twins! But the piano lessons have helped us with that. For 20 to 30 minutes daily (well, five days a week at our house) each child gets my individual attention while we’re practicing. I keep the other one occupied with homework, colring, playing—or as a rare special treat the iPad-educational activities only. The girls enjoy spending one on one time as well as the time where they get to play by themselves while her sister is practicing the piano.

Recent brain research shows that bilingual people’s brains function better and for longer after developing Alzheimer’s disease. Even if you learned the new skill or second language in adulthood it may slow age-related cognitive decline.

There are still days that I want to quit, but I’m happy we’ have stuck with it. I enjoy the bonding time, I’m glad my girls are having fun learning the piano and I’m enjoying learning to read music and hoping it well help delay or prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Patel is an allergist in Pasadena California. She is board-certified in Allergy-Clinical Immunology and Pediatrics. She is the co-author of The Mommy MD guides to Twins Triplets and More! She understands that parenting is the hardest and most fulfilling job you can have. You can find her @TMommyMD.

Ever find yourself wishing for elves to take care of your household chores while you sleep? We’ve got the next best thing here in Portland! While you go off to work or play chauffeur from soccer practices to piano lessons, these handy helpers will cook, clean, organize and generally make your life easier back at home. Breathe a sigh of relief and enlist one of the following local businesses to lend a very capable hand.

photo: We Got This, LLC

We Got This, LLC
This dynamic duo does the cooking and cleaning in one fell swoop. For a single fee, you’ll have the house cleaned and dinner cooked by the time you arrive home at the end of your day. You get to choose the meal from the menu on their website, and they’ll do the grocery shopping (they’ll even pick up your favorite bottle of wine). In addition to their standard cooking and cleaning gig, they have additional services available such as green cleaning, walking the family dog, helping you prep your house for a party and their “romance” package, which includes fresh flowers.

We Got This, LLC currently serves Portland and Happy Valley. Their fees are based on the size of your home and the number of residents, pets and rooms. Cooking is available as a stand-alone service if requested, and they have a $25 referral reward.

We Got This, LLC

Tidy Gnomes
Imagine handing off your to-do list to someone else to complete. The Tidy Gnomes work by the hour on whatever it is that has been nagging you. It may be the regular housecleaning, chopping veggies or other dinner prep, pulling weeds, organizing the closets and pantry or cleaning out the fridge! They’re all about flexibility and doing whatever they can to make your life a little more Zen. They also offer their services for set-up and clean-up of weddings and other events, like birthday parties.

The Tidy Gnomes are available mainly in Inner Portland, but they do have a general service area map. Fees are typically calculated by the hour except for a few services that have flat rates. Rates are available on their website.

Tidy Gnomes


photo: Domestic Details, LLC

Domestic Details, LLC 
It’s all in the details for this professional, highly-skilled team. They start with your standard housecleaning services, offered on three different levels. Their Basic service is a quick and efficient cleaning and ranges to the Deluxe, which includes things like fresh linens on the bed, washing and folding laundry and sweeping the porch, depending on your needs. Their personal errand services will tackle your simple errands or your special projects, everything from waiting for the cable guy to planning your next party.

Services are offered in the Portland metro area, but locations outside of their standard distance can be arranged for a mileage fee. Cleaning services average $35/hour and all other services are dependent upon a pre-arranged package with a minimum monthly commitment.

Domestic Details, LLC

Lucky Larder
Is food preservation (also known as canning) on your list of things to try? Whether you’d like to learn how to preserve or would rather enjoy the year-round benefits without the learning curve, the folks at Lucky Larder are your new best friends. Hand over the fruit from that prolific tree in your backyard or visit a u-pick farm for your goodies, and they will either preserve them for you or teach you how to do it yourself in a group class or one-on-one session.

Visit the Lucky Larder website for a schedule of classes and events, or contact them directly for information on individual instruction and complete preservation services.

Lucky Larder

Have you found a housekeeping service that has made your life easier? Let us know in the Comments below!

— Marianne Walters

You’ve shuttled your crew from school to (enter key word: soccer practice, sitter, piano lessons, or all of the above) and back home again. Before your hunger pains set in, turn to this recipe, courtesy of Lisa from Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish, that will have your fam fed in no time.

1 whole chicken or 1 cut-up fryer
2 oranges
1 lemon
garlic powder
olive oil
4 sprigs rosemary
1/2 cup white wine

1.Place a cast iron skillet or other baking dish in the oven and preheat to 425 degrees. If using a whole chicken, cut into 4 pieces (2 wing/breast pieces and 2 thigh/leg pieces).

2. Zest 1 orange and the lemon. Slice the other orange into 8 pieces.

3. Season chicken pieces generously with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Sprinkle chicken with orange and lemon zest.

4. Once oven is preheated, remove skillet or baking dish and drizzle with a little olive oil.Place chicken pieces in the skillet, drizzle olive oil over the chicken and top with two orange slices on each piece. Place rosemary sprigs on top of chicken. Pour wine into skillet.

5. Roast for 50-60 minutes, until skin is browned and chicken is cooked through.

6. Let rest for about 5 minutes. Serve with the pan juices.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Lisa from Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish. Check out her website for more fabulous dinner ideas by clicking here.