At 19 months old, my daughter has the appetite of a fully grown adult. She eagerly downs adult-sized plates of nutritious foods without complaint. How? I owe it all to baby-led weaning (also known as BLW). My husband and I don’t make a habit of spoon-feeding our child, and we’ve never bought baby food. From the beginning, she’s eaten what we eat—all on her own—within reason. Before I get into baby-led weaning and why I think it’s the savior of picky eaters everywhere, let me stress that BLW is a decision you should make after talking with your pediatrician. It may or may not be a suitable introduction to solid foods for your child.

So what exactly is baby-led weaning?

Typically babies start eating solid foods around 4-6 months by being spoon-fed purees. Slowly, they build up to chunkier foods until they graduate to solids. Babies learn to swallow food first and chew later.

With baby-led weaning, babies start no earlier than six months with soft solid foods cut into finger-length spears. Think watermelon, avocado, bananas, cooked veggies, or stewed meat.

Babies are allowed to experiment—i.e., play—with what they eat. Manipulating food teaches them how to deal with different tastes and textures, and how to bite or mash food into swallowable pieces.

Is BLW healthy?

Yes! The onus is on families eating well-balanced meals and sharing those meals with their children.

There are a few things to keep in mind though:

  1. Foods need to be low in salt and sugar, and as with any infant under one, no honey.
  2. While it can take babies a while—up to a few weeks—to swallow anything, they receive the nutrients they need via formula or breastmilk.
  3. Parents can incorporate a mix of BLW and purees, but we opted to stick to a strict BLW and breastmilk diet.

Is baby-led weaning dangerous?

BLW is a perfectly safe method of getting your child started on solid foods. A 2016 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics determined that BLW babies are at no higher risk of choking than spoon-fed babies. Technically, you can choke at any time in your life while eating just about anything (and there’s a big difference between choking and gagging, which babies do a lot).

My husband and I took an online infant safety class before our daughter’s first meal. But that’s a safe move regardless of how you choose to feed your child.

Now I don’t want to get into the ins and outs of BLW—you can read up on it here— but I want you to know it’s been one of our favorite parenting decisions.

Why was BLW one of our best decisions ever?

It’s made our daughter more independent. From day one BLW babies eat on their own. The method asks that you don’t spoon-feed your child—ever. (Though some people are more strict than others and we’ve had a few occasions where we’ve been more lenient).

BLW babies are expected to be in charge of their food journey. My daughter chooses what she wants to eat and how much of it—within the options that are in front of her. The implications of that set kids up for a life-long positive relationship with food. If she doesn’t want to eat that much one day? Fine. She’ll more than make up for it the next day.

Today, our friends, family, and her daycare teacher repeatedly tell us how good of an eater she is. And it’s true—we’ve avoided a picky eater which we think is due to her being in control of what she eats from the beginning.  My child is happily entertained with whatever you place in front of her. That means veggies, fruit, seafood—you name it.

I think that is because BLW kids are allowed (and encouraged) to experience their food. Because they’re eating on their own, it gives babies a chance to pick up their food, mash it, touch it, look at it, and eventually eat it.

Related: 6 Common Mistakes Parents Make When Starting Solids

What this encourages (aside from making a mess) is for kids to play with different textures, shapes, tastes, and colors.

But it also allows kids to experience food in the same form we eat it as adults. I don’t eat pureed carrots, or meat, or any mixture thereof. But I do eat solid carrots and meats. BLW allows kids to observe, touch, and taste whole foods the way they will encounter them as they get older.

Fussy eaters often complain about the differences in texture or taste. BLW nips that in the bud by having babies encounter those differences from the get-go.

The Result? We Have Stress-Free Meal Times

Because my daughter devours whatever we give her and because we don’t have to spoon-feed her, mealtimes are family time. There’s no need to feed the baby first and then eat once she’s gone to bed. The three of us get to enjoy our meals at the same time. And as babies learn through observation, BLW has helped our daughter be a part of a daily, communal family dinner.

The Unexpected Part? It Saves Time & Money

Here are the oh-so-fantastic list of things that we appreciate now:

  • No extra meal prep
  • No need to bring food when we eat out
  • No need to buy baby food

To a certain extent, it lets us live like we don’t have a baby. We enjoy our meals, we still eat out, and we eat a healthy, grown-up diet.

I Can’t Imagine Doing It Any Other Way

BLW has made my daughter into the little devourer of food that she is. I’m proud to see her happily munching away at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’m relieved we can take her virtually anywhere and know she’ll be fine. But my favorite part? Sitting down as a family to a very normal, calm meal.

BLW has changed my whole outlook on getting kids started eating. It boosters a love for a healthy, varied diet while getting kids acquainted with food on their own terms.

Yes, it’s a personal decision, but I’m proud to say baby-led weaning has been a winning choice for our family.

I'm a New Yorker, married to a Texan, living in Spain, and enjoying the mash of cultures that keep us laughing every day. We have a too-smart-for-her-own-good toddler who's already more bilingual than we are. I'm also a teacher and creator of Bilingually Yours, a blog for Spanish teachers and bilingual families.

Dear Husband,
I. need. more. help.

Last night was hard for you. I asked you to watch the baby so I could go to bed early. The baby was crying. Wailing, really. I could hear him from upstairs, and my stomach knotted from the sound, wondering if I should come down there and relieve you or just shut the door so I could get some desperately needed sleep. I chose the latter.

You came into the room 20 minutes later, with the baby still frantically crying. You placed the baby in the bassinet and gently pushed it just a few inches closer to my side of the bed, a clear gesture that you were done watching him.

I wanted to scream at you. I wanted to launch an epic fight that very moment. I had been watching the baby and the toddler all damn day. I was going to be waking up with the baby to feed him all damn night. The least you can do is hold him for a couple of hours in the evening so I can attempt to sleep.

Just a few hours of precious sleep. Is that too much to ask?

I know we both watched our parents fulfill the typical mother-father roles growing up. Both our mothers were the primary caretakers and our fathers were relatively hands-off. They were excellent dads, but they weren’t expected to spend a significant amount of time changing diapers, feeding, caring, and tending to the kids. Our mothers were the superwomen who maintained the family dynamics. Cooking, cleaning, and raising the children. Any help from dad was welcome but unexpected.

I see us falling into these family dynamics more and more each day. My responsibility to feed the family, keep the house clean, and take care of the kids is assumed, even as I return to work. I blame myself for most of it, too. I have set the precedent that I can do it. And in truth, I want to. No offense, but I’m not sure I want to know what a week’s worth of dinner would look like with you in charge.

I also see my friends and other moms doing it all, and doing it well. I know you see it, too. If they can manage it, and if our mothers did it so well for us, why can’t I?

I don’t know.

Maybe our friends are playing the part in public and secretly struggling. Maybe our moms suffered in silence for years and now, 30 years later, they simply don’t remember how hard it really was. Or maybe, and this is something I berate myself over every single day, I’m just not as qualified for the job as everyone else. And as much as I cringe just thinking it, I’m going to say it: I need more help.

Part of me feels like a failure for even asking. I mean, you do help. You are an amazing father, and you do a great job with the kids. And besides, this should come easy to me, right? Motherly instincts, no?

But I’m human and running on five hours of sleep and tired as hell. I need you.

In the morning, I need you to get our toddler ready so I can care for the baby and make everyone’s lunches and drink a cup of coffee. And no, getting the toddler ready does not mean plopping him in front of the TV. It means making sure he goes potty, giving him some breakfast, seeing if he wants water, and packing his bag for school.

At night, I need an hour to decompress in bed, knowing our toddler is asleep in his room and the baby is in your care. I know it’s hard to listen to the baby cry. Believe me, I know. But if I can watch and pacify the baby for the majority of the day, you can do it for an hour or two at night. Please. I need you.

On weekends, I need more breaks. Times when I can get out of the house by myself and feel like an individual. Even if it’s just a walk around the block or a trip to the grocery store. And some days when I’ve scheduled swim class and play dates, and it seems like I’ve got it all under control, I need you to offer to lend me a hand. Or suggest I go lie down during the kids’ naptime. Or start putting away the dishes without me suggesting it. I need you.

Lastly, I need to hear you’re grateful for all I do. I want to know that you notice the laundry is done and a nice dinner has been prepared. I want to know you appreciate that I breastfeed at all hours and pump when I’m at work when it would be easier for me to formula feed. I hope you notice that I never ask you to stay home from your networking events and sports activities. As the mom, it’s assumed I’ll be home all the time and always available to care for the kids while you’re out and I feed that assumption by, well, being home all the time.

I know it’s not how our parents did it, and I hate even asking. I wish I could do it all and make it look effortless. And I wish I didn’t need kudos for doing things most people expect from a mom. But I’m waving a white flag and admitting I’m only human. I’m telling you how much I need you, and if I keep going at the pace I’ve been on, I will break. And that would hurt you, the kids, and our family.

Because, let’s face it: You need me, too.

This post originally appeared on And What a Mom!

Hi! I’m Celeste. I consider myself a relatively new mom with two boys ages 4 and 2. Other titles I go by include: wife, health & wellness coach, marketing guru, avid reader (self-help books are my favorite), writer, travel/adventure seeker and fitness nut.

In the fall 2012 my mother informed me that my father had been diagnosed with cancer. I was saddened, but I was not shocked. I had known for a long time that my dad was sick. He was never in a good mood and was always in pain. Throughout the next five years there were plenty of ups and downs.   

In July 2017 we heard the word terminal for the first time. My father’s cancer was terminal and there was no cure. I was devastated and relieved at the same time. I know it sounds cold that I was relieved, but I was finally released from the back-and-forth rollercoaster ride I had been on the last year or so.  There was a definitive answer.  

While there is no modesty in death, there are those days where you long for normalcy. You long for things to go back to the way they were before you knew death was there. You long to have the same philosophical conversations that you used to…not about death. I take that back, you long to have any conversation if it’s not about death. You just want your dad back. You just want to be able to call and hear him rattle on about everything and nothing all at the same time. You long to hear about how the rain last night made the lawn too wet to mow this morning. You long to hear him tell you how some land owner was making things difficult for the surveyors. You long to hear him tell you about the ride around town that he and mom took and how some random person put fencing up and you can no longer see the pond. Just random everyday occurrences that do not mean anything to the scheme of anything. Normalcy. 

On the Friday morning before your death, I sat on the edge of your bed talking to you before driving back home. You were nearing the end and I could feel it. In a moment of pure selfishness, I asked if you were proud of me. You beamed. You offered no hesitation and proudly stated that I had always made you proud. I was not by your side long that morning. It’s not the time that matters anyways. It’s the quality of the time. I can tell you, without hesitation, this is true in all cases.   

On Sunday, I made my way back to my parent’s house. I drove like a madwoman. The drive consisted of speeding, passing cars, and me begging God, out loud, to let him live until I could get there. I was a mess. I tried to contain myself before walking into the house. My father was in the living room in a hospital bed and my mother was laying by his side. It was the saddest, most amazing thing I have ever seen.  The culmination of over 50 years was in front of me and the tears came without warning.   

Tuesday, October 24, 2017, was my birthday. I had an overwhelming feeling for a while that my father was going to pass on my birthday. He had been unresponsive for nearly three days now and still wasn’t eating or drinking. The pamphlet stated that when a patient in hospice care gets extremely agitated then the end of very near. My father was very agitated the whole day. I guess it makes me feel better thinking that he was agitated at God for wanting to take him on my birthday. He stayed.   

Fifteen minutes after twelve on October 25, 2017, my father left his body and his spirit joined heaven. I was lightly sleeping in my mother’s bed at the time.  She tapped me on the arm and told me he was gone.  There is nothing that can prepare you for seeing someone you love as a dead body. Your mind and heart try to play tricks on you. They tell you, “They aren’t really dead, and they are just sleeping.”  Maybe that is their way of trying to protect you from the harsh realities that are about to come. You are going to have to call for assistance. The body will have to go somewhere.   

After death there was a blur of phone calls, hospice arrival, moving vehicles, disposing of medications, tears, screaming, and then sleep. It wasn’t a normal sleep. Sleep was a messed-up slumber of exhausted sadness. What I didn’t know then was that the blur would continue for quite some time after death.   

We are approaching the fourth anniversary of my father’s death this month. It’s hard this year. I am reminded of something a dear friend told me, “You have to say goodbye to someone to be able to say hello to them again.” I don’t know what’s out there. I don’t know if there is a heaven or a hell. I don’t know if it’s something different. I know that I could spend a lifetime studying the plethora of ideas of what it might be. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks because none of us really know for sure. I would much rather go on the very simple idea that someday I will be able to say hello again.   

I am a single mom of three beautiful daughters ages 29, 20, and 15.  At 50, I am recently divorced and making a career change.  I'm trying to put my BA and my MA to use finally!  My life hasn't always been easy but I feel good about the future!

Finally, we can start traveling again! If you have a baby, you know how much gear you need to make your trip as smooth as possible—if you have a teething baby, you have an extra challenge. Well—challenge accepted because we have the perfect #MomHack for on-the-go families with cranky babies: Camilia Teething Drops! Read on for five reasons why these sore-gum soothing drops are going to be the best thing you’ve discovered all summer.

Red Tricycle readers can get a coupon to save $2 on Camilia Teething Liquid Doses! Get Your Coupon

1. Easily Portable

Camilia comes in pre-measured liquid doses, so you don’t need to stress about mixing or measuring. They’re so tiny they can even fit in your pocket, which makes them ideal on the go (hello, plane travel!). Just twist the plastic top and squeeze Camilia into your baby’s mouth and goodbye cranky pants!


2. Mess-Free (& Hygienic!)

The small amount of liquid in each dose is quickly absorbed so no sticky mess. Unlike other teething products, you don’t need to rub it on their gums using your finger or an applicator—just open the vial, squeeze the clear, tasteless liquid into the baby’s mouth, toss the plastic vial in recycling and done!

Red Tricycle readers can get a coupon to save $2 on Camilia Teething Liquid Doses! Get Your Coupon


3. Clean Formula

Nothing artificial—just what works to relieve painful gums, irritability, and minor digestive upsets sometimes associated with teething.* Camilia Teething Drops are made with plant-based active ingredients like chamomile for teething pain relief. And they’re free of benzocaine, preservatives, flavors and sugars.

Red Tricycle readers can get a coupon to save $2 on Camilia Teething Liquid Doses! Get Your Coupon


4. Trustworthy

Camilia has been soothing babies for 25 years and is a Mom’s Choice Awards winner and recipient of the Moms Meet seal of approval. Camilia Teething Liquid Doses are made by Boiron, world leader in homeopathic medicines, so you can rest assured these are the real deal.

Red Tricycle readers can get a coupon to save $2 on Camilia Teething Liquid Doses! Get Your Coupon


5. Widely Available

Out of town and away from your usual shopping hub? No problem! Camilia Teething Drops are available at all major retailers nationwide. Deal alert: Red Tricycle readers can get a coupon to save $2.00 on Camilia Teething Drops!

Get Your Coupon


*Disclaimer: Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.


—Jamie Aderski


As I work to raise my kids, I often think back to my mid-20s when I started entertaining the idea of ever having children.

I remember deciding I would be more of a mentor than a parent. I told myself I would never take any shortcuts. And most hilariously of all, I thought I would never ever allow my child to throw a tantrum.

But most of these ideas came back to bite me when I became a mom. On one occasion, I even found myself standing in the middle of the grocery store, watching in horror as my 3-year-old had a (very loud) public meltdown.

Unfortunately, that was far from the last time something like that happened. But, since then, I have managed to learn about the reasons my kids were having tantrums. And, more importantly, my partner and I found a few good ways of fixing the issue.

What Are Tantrums or Acting Out?

Before I could start looking for ways to prevent my kids from acting out, I had to understand what the concept meant in the first place. According to most sources, it’s an exhibition of improper behavior or unrestrained actions. It’s also usually caused by emotions that have been suppressed or that have not been acknowledged.

Basically, children act out to reduce stress. It’s their way of showing emotions that have previously been hidden. And the best way to prevent it is to address these stressors directly.

The following are the things we focused on while attempting to prevent major tantrums.

1. Their Needs Are Unmet 
When trying to figure out why our older child was acting out, this was the first thing we looked at. After all, don’t we all get a bit cranky when our basic needs aren’t met?

Young children aren’t always capable of voicing their needs. Instead, they act out (like when they need to pee but are shy to tell us.)

We have a couple of strategies in place to prevent tantrums caused by unmet needs:

  • Have a few healthy snacks on hand
  • Make up for missed sleep
  • Have a strict “pee before we leave the house” policy

Of course, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t any mishaps. But at least we’re doing our best to prevent unnecessary stress for everyone in the family.

2. They Are Afraid
Children have fears that they grow out of in time (like monsters or men with beards). These are usually caused by something they have seen, read or heard, and can cause them to act out. When this type of thing happens in our family, our strategy is always to have a conversation around it. First, we try to identify the fear. Then, we do our best to dismantle it.

One of the essential things about addressing tantrums caused by fear is that we have to stop ourselves from dismissing our children’s fears. Yes, they may seem irrational to us. But, for a child, they can be perfectly reasonable.

3. School-Related Stress
One of the more recent episodes in our household just happened to be around my oldest’s exams. At first, I was baffled as to why he would be acting so uncharacteristically. Then, it turned out that his behavior was stress-related.

Children who are ambitious and want to do well in school often get very stressed out about their exams. This, in turn, will cause them to act out at some point. However, they may not even be able to identify exam stress as the cause of their mood. They’ll just know what they feel like without realizing the reason behind their feelings.

When exam season approaches, we’ve found that the best thing to do is attempt to relieve some of the stress our child is experiencing. We try to give him his space, accept that he may have a shorter fuse and try not to add fuel to the fire by asking too many questions about his study habits.

4. Not Understanding Limitations 
With our younger child, the cause of his tantrums rarely seemed to be that he was sleepy or stressed or afraid. Rather, it was that he had to understand the logic behind everything. And if he didn’t, he just wouldn’t obey, and he’d carry on doing his own thing.

With him, our main method of fixing the problems relied on “learning lessons.” If he wanted to do something, it was never enough just to say no. We had to explain the logic behind our rules in a way he could accept.

So the reason for not being allowed to eat chocolate after bedtime wasn’t that mom and dad said so—it was that he had already brushed his teeth and eating food could lead to tooth decay and (potentially) painful visits to the dentist.

5. Being Overcontrolled 
Finally, when our kids throw tantrums or act out, it’s not a bad idea to reflect on whether their behavior is caused by something we’re doing as parents.

Children who feel they are being controlled too much and have no way to assert themselves will often act out. And we parents often run a very tight ship. Or we may simply be imposing expectations that are too high for our kids. When this is the case, they might decide that lying or hiding certain behaviors is the best course of action.

If we find that we are a bit too strict, it’s completely fine to loosen up a bit. After all, perfection is impossible. And expecting it from our children is unfair and stressful—both to them and to us.

Children will be children, and they will naturally act out to test their boundaries and to learn more about life. When they do, attempt to work out the underlying cause of their behavior. Then work on that, as opposed to fixing the mere superficial behaviors.

Please Don’t Apologize When Your Kid Throws a Tantrum
10 Secrets to Dealing with Tantrums
5 Basic Strategies to Control Toddler Temper Tantrums

Holly Schaeffer is a long-time writer focusing on health, lifest‌yle, and home improvement. Originally from New Jersey, she moved to California to pursue a degree in creative writing. She now spends her days split between writing and raising her two young sons.

Once upon a time, I was one of the youngest employees at any given place I worked. A sweet little baby ready to change the world! Ugh, my goodness, someone go back and talk some sense into her. But I digress…

My point is, I’ve worked with a lot of mamas throughout the years. My career in nonprofit management means that I’ve worked with a lot of women because the nonprofit deck is stacked to be mostly female. And while it goes without saying these working mamas were absolute badasses, there was a lot I didn’t realize until I became a working mom myself.

I saw working moms come in flustered at 8 a.m. and didn’t realize the battles they’d already fought that day to get kids fed, dressed, and off to school on time.

I watched working moms hang up silly artwork their kids made without realizing that a little human at home had said, “I made this for your office mama,” and that it was actually the most beautiful piece of art they’d ever seen.

I watched working moms go to meetings that could’ve been handled in an email, work through projects that coworkers were taking way too long on, and read through intolerable memos with the grace and patience of a queen. They knew something I didn’t: Nothing that happens at the office is anywhere near as important as what happens in their life at home.

I watched working moms count down until 5 p.m. and race out the door like their pants were on fire. I had no idea they were just getting started on the second part of their day. No idea that they were analyzing if they were going to make it to daycare or aftercare on time before late pickup fees started. I didn’t realize they’d get in traffic and start calculating how long until they got there, how many minutes until they got home to make dinner, do homework, do the bath, and bedtime. I didn’t realize that drive might be the only alone time they’d have for the day and they’d have to be actively shutting off from work mode and into mommy mode.

I didn’t know that she’d feel guilty for wanting to have a career, for not caring about her career anymore, or for being fine where she was because a promotion could tip her rocking boat right over.

I watched working moms smile at me when I was impossibly rude and couldn’t bother to remember their kids’ names even though we worked together for years. I politely smiled at her cute little stories but didn’t realize how full her heart was from those special moments.

I didn’t realize that for working moms a ‘perk’ was getting to go to the bathroom alone with the door closed.

I watched working moms call (and later email and text) to say their kid was sick and they’d be out. And could I cover this? Or could someone call to reschedule that? I had no idea the guilt she’d wrestled with, how exhausted she was from being up all night, and sometimes how relieved she was to just be home for a day. Even if it meant cleaning up puke.

I invited working moms to parties my friends and I were hosting that started insanely late at night. I laughed along when they said they couldn’t come and told them they’d be missing out.  I had no idea they weren’t.

I didn’t realize that a call from the school could send her into a panic and that most of those calls actually start with someone saying, ‘Your child is okay but…’ and then go on to explain any number of incidents that occurred she’ll have to deal with later.

I didn’t know that some days, work was a break from a hard night at home. And some days, work took her away from the best night at home.

I didn’t know that she had no idea how great she was doing. That most days she rocked work and went home and rocked motherhood. And that she wouldn’t ever think that. And she’d spend the night wondering how she could do better the next day.

This post originally appeared on Momlando.

Dana Nichols is a mama in Orlando where's she's raising Violet & Simon with her husband Reid. They are always on the hunt for the best donut and are obsessed with painting murals on the walls outside their house. Dana runs Momlando which aims to inspire and unite moms in Central Florida.

As parents of super active kids, we’re more than a little relieved to see how those monstrous foam domes that passed as helmets during our childhood are being replaced with newer, safer and way more stylish designs that kids are actually excited to wear. Below we’ve selected the latest crop of kids bike helmets on the market for your newbie cycling enthusiast. Whether they’re on a bicycle, tricycle, scoot bike, skateboard or a passenger in your family cargo bike, rest assured your kiddo will be safe and stylish this season.

Nutcase Baby Nutty Helmet

Protect their noggins from the minute they are passengers on your family cargo bike with this cute option from Nutcase. It comes with the top-of-the-line MIPS (Multi-directional Impact Protection System) for extra protection.

Buy it here, $47.99. 

Trek's Bontrager Jet WaveCel


Skater-inspired styling, stickers for customization and a no-pinch magnetic buckle are what kids love about the Bontrager Jet WaveCel helmet. Parents love that it comes with super noggin protection from WaveCel, a leading technology in the protection against cycling-related head injuries. 

Buy it here, $89.99. 

Woom Kids' Helmet

From the bike makers who really know how to outfit kids, comes this helmet from Woom. You'll get everything you want in a helmet: extended protection for the forehead, temples and back of the head, an easy-to-use magnetic closure system, optimal ventilation and a perfect fit thanks to interchangeable pads and a size-adjustment dial.

Buy it here, $69. 

Joovy Noodle

Little ones will appreciate the pinch guard on the chin of this kids helmet and parents will appreciate the price tag and safety features. Snag it in red or orange to really stand out during family bike rides. 

Buy it here, $24.99. 

Bern Nino 2.0

How cute is your little rider going to look in this shark-inspired helmet from the pros at Bern? They revamped the style and shape of the original Nino helmet, with their newest safety technology and updated patterns like fruit and the solar system. The Nino 2.0 is complete with MIPS Brain Protection System and the no-fuss EZ-fit system. In addition, the Nino 2.0 features 13 vents with increased airflow, EZ-fit system,  a removable flip visor, lay flat adjustable straps, compression-molded pads and a lightweight shell. 

Buy it here, $64.99

Go Kids Bike Helmet with LED Lights

It's all about safety with this helmet that has front and back lights with different modes to adjust for day and night. You can charge the helmet after use with a USB cable. 

Buy it here, $39. 

Giro Scamp MIPS Youth Helmet

If you want protection, you want to look for MIPS or Multi-directional Impact Protection System that redirects energy in case of a crash. This option from Giro comes in a dozen colors and sizes from little kids to big. 

Buy it here, $59.95. 

Electra Lifestyle Bike Helmet

Whether you go for bright coral to really stand out in the crowd or the more subtle black, the Electra Lifestyle Bike Helmet is turning heads all over town. It has a durable ABS hardshell for protection and EPS foam liner for security. 

Buy it here, $49.99.

Giro Tremor MIPS Youth Helmet

Older kids will love the racing style of this helmet that was engineered and tested in Giro's helmet testing lab. It is super lightweight and the size adjusts so you get the perfect fit, right out of the box. 

Buy it here, $65

Bern Winter Bandito

Got a tween who loves to hit the slopes in the winter and the bike trails in the summer? This is the helmet you want. It comes with a removeable inner liner for snow sports and transforms into a bike helmet for summer. Utilizing the EPS Thin shell technology, the Bandito has a lightweight yet burly construction certified to protect consumers on a bike or on the slopes. 

Buy it here, $69.99. 

Raskullz Mohawk Helmet

You'll definitely stand out in the crowd with this helmet that little dino lovers will be obsessed with. It comes in both toddler and youth sizes. 

Buy it here, $24.99.


The 28 Best Kids Bikes & Tricycles for Every Age & Stage

Biking with Kids: The 16 Best Family Cargo Bikes

Just Roll with It: Tips & Tricks to Getting Kids Riding

7 Scooters That Will Have You Cruising the Neighborhood

As a working mom, there’s always the sense you can be doing more, whether it’s with your family or your career. At least, it can feel that way. The trick is to find a sense of balance that works for you. It’s a very individualized process and experience. One way of doing things doesn’t work for everyone.

Maybe if you work from home, on some days, you put the baby in the swing and do office hours that way. Then, once your baby is up from her nap, you let your clients or boss know that your office hours are over. For some moms, balance might be more about completely disconnecting from technology when they’re with their family.

The following are specific tips to keep in mind to have a sense of balance in your life as a working mom.

1. Talk to Your Boss about Your Schedule
If you aren’t already working from home some or all of the time, and your job would be something you could do remotely, speak to your boss. A lot of employers are more willing than ever before to go with flexible scheduling. Then, you can cut out some of the unnecessary elements of your day, like your commute, giving you more time to dedicate to the things that are important to you.

2. Organize Your Schedule
When you’re busy, and you feel like you’re juggling a lot, staying organized can help relieve some of the stress that might occur as a result. Create a family schedule and a work schedule, and post them both where the entire family can see them easily.That way, everyone knows what to expect and when.

3. Share the Housework & Outsource What You Can
Everyone in your family should be sharing in the housework. You don’t have to do it alone. Assign everyone in the house their weekly chores. Start teaching your kids how to do chores from an early age, so it becomes part of their routine. And if you can afford to, outsource some of these things as well, to give yourself a bit of time to relax when you are at home, rather than trying to get it all done. For example, maybe have a cleaner come a couple of times a month.

4. Stop Multi-Tasking
We’re trained to think multi-tasking is the most efficient way to do things, and the reality is that it’s not. When you’re trying to do multiple things at once, your attention levels are pulled in these different directions, and you’re going to end up being less productive.

Instead, focus on one thing at a time and give it all of your attention when you’re doing it, whether that’s related to work or your family.

5. Aim to Have Weekends That Are Completely Free 
Finally, your weekends should be a time of solace. Try your hardest during the week to get all of your work done, and also try to eliminate the number of chores and errands you have to do that are related to the household. That way, you can block out a period of time at the end of every week where you really can focus on being with your family. You can return to work on Monday, recharged and refreshed. Don’t let work or an overwhelming shuffle of errands and activities take over your weekends.


"Rae is a graduate of Tufts University with a combined International Relations and Chinese degree. After spending time living and working abroad in China, she returned to NYC to pursue her career and continue curating quality content. Rae is passionate about travel, food, and writing (of course)."

After almost a year of virtual learning and homeschooling, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us face apprehension about our kids returning to school. Many questions are surrounding our kids going back into the classroom after being gone for so long. You might wonder if it’s safe, or if your kids will be able to pick up where they left off, or you might have fears that you didn’t keep up with the whole virtual learning thing as well as you thought, and your kids are now behind. 

While all of these are valid concerns, it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone, mama. Although we all faced different challenges and unique situations throughout the last year, we also shared similar fears and uncertainties. As many have noted, we might not have all been in the same boat, but we were adrift in the same storm, doing our best to navigate turbulent waters and make our way safely to shore. Perhaps it’s fate that many of our kids are heading back to school this month. After all, National Kindergarten Day is April 21st, and kindergarten is when many children begin their school careers. Many parents experience nervousness when their kids stand on the threshold of attending school for the very first time. 

Therefore, to help overcome your uncertainties about your kids returning to school post-pandemic, consider some of these tips that often help parents and children when they start kindergarten.

1. Talk about It
Your kids are likely feeling a bit unsure about what the future holds when it comes to returning to the classroom. They could be nervous; some may have likely gotten used to being home and don’t want to go back, while others could be raring to go and excited. No matter which of these describes your kids, there’s no denying that there’s a big transition coming. Talk with your kids about how they feel, share your feelings with them, and get a clear understanding of the situation. 

2. Expect Anxiousness
When you enter into a new situation, expecting certain things to happen better prepares you for when those things occur. Therefore, expect some nerves and anxieties to surface, whether it’s just your own or your children’s as well. Practice breathing exercises and coping skills with your kids ahead of time, so you’re prepared when these moments of anxiousness strike.

3. Stay Flexible
Even though things are inching back to pre-pandemic ways, things are still a bit uncertain. Therefore, flexibility is key. Stay adaptable, expect changes, and help your kids adjust when things have to shift a bit. 

4. Be Patient
Don’t expect everything to become normal, wonderful, and carefree overnight (although, is anything ever really normal?). Be patient and help your kids learn how to take things as they come. Don’t spend too much time worrying about what-ifs and what could happen; just stay focused on the moment at hand. 

5. Hold Regular Family Meetings
It’s always essential to stay up-to-date and aware of what’s going on in your kid’s life, but it’s even more critical now. Have regular meetings or check-ins, whether it’s over dinner or a family game night, to ask your kids how they’re feeling. If you sense any changes in your child’s behavior, like irritability, acting more quiet than usual, overly tired, not enjoying activities anymore, etc., don’t dismiss it as “a phase.” Talk to your kids and talk to a doctor or therapist if you sense something is going on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

These tips will help ease your apprehension about your kids returning to school, as well as guide you in the right direction to help relieve your children’s stress and worry. However, if you’re one of many parents who have decided to continue homeschooling, check out the MamaZen app’s Mindpower Session called ‘Patience with Homeschooling’, along with other resources available in the app, to find the support you need. 


This post originally appeared on

Jake Y. Rubin, M.A, is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, a former university professor of psychology, and a recognized expert in hypnosis and hypnotherapy with degrees in Psychology from UCLA and the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. He is the founder of the MamaZen app.


Summer is not over ‘til it’s over, baby.

Right now is about the time when you have started to be inundated with advertisements and articles about back to school. And almost every kid cringes when they hear the words, “back to school.” With this reminder glaring at us in almost every direction, part of you might be a little relieved that you don’t have to keep entertaining kids! 

If these last weeks of summer seem to be dragging on as the boredom has struck (and when it strikes, it strikes hard!), here’s a little list to give you some oomph before kids get on the school bus.  

1. Book a last-minute camping trip.  

What a great way to enjoy the outdoors! Plan a short weekend getaway to a campsite to jam in some extra fun summer memories. Here are some of the things you’ll need. Don’t stress! Enjoy a sporadic trip to the good outdoors. 

2. It’s not too late for a bonfire. 

What kid doesn’t love roasting marshmallows or making s’ mores? Would you dare try to mix up the delicious perfection of the s’ more? Here’s a list of 15 OTHER ways to create delicious s’mores. Go ahead and give them a try! 

3. Make an outdoor movie theatre.

Because nothing says summer entertainment like “an outdoor movie.” Butter-up some popcorn, fill a cooler, bring out your TV,  extension cord, DVD player, blankets, a comfy blanket (the more the merrier!), and some family and friends. 

4. Plan a last-minute party. 

If you’re feeling like you just haven’t been able to see everyone, and your kids, too, then don’t despair and plan a party. Take a minute and plug a date into your calendar to invite some friends over. If you want to impress your guests, plan a refreshing mocktail, and some easy-apps.

Hopefully, with some proper encouragement and inspiration, you can pack the rest of your summer days with memories and kick boredom goodbye! Summers are short with our kids, and it’s easy to spend the latter days of summer longing for school to start. But why not create all the memories we possibly can?

Hi, I'm Deanna. Mom and step-parent and I'm dedicated to positively contributing to the parenting community!