These funny jokes will have them belly-laughing for days

Need a good joke when you’re in a pinch? We’ve got you covered with a joke of the day for almost a whole year, and most of them are original! These hilarious jokes for kids require little to no explanation from parents, but you’ll want to get in on the fun, anyway. From cheesy jokes to knock-knock jokes and beyond, many of these have been sent to us by kids themselves. We’ve also got squeaky-clean jokes, spring jokes, and printable lunchbox jokes. And for those looking to take the fun to the next level, we’ve got the best minute to win it games, too.

Why should you share jokes with your kids?

Because it allows kids to learn to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously. It’s an easy way to have quality time that doesn’t include a screen. So go ahead, scroll through our favorite jokes for kids, and spend 15 minutes having a good chuckle with your kiddos.

1. What do you call an ant who fights crime? 
A vigilante! 

—Joe L., age 10 

2. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive YOU!

3. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.

4. What do you call a little legume?
A Tinybean.

5. What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!

6. Why did the police play baseball?
He wanted to get a catch!

—Yuna, age 8

7. What did the microwave say to the other microwave?
Is it just me? Or is it really hot in here?

—Yuna, age 8

8. Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

9. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting pirate.
Interrupting pir—yarrrrrr!

10. What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?
A cool coconut.

11. Two pickles fell out of a jar onto the floor. What did one say to the other?
Dill with it.

12. What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!

13. Why did the kid cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.

14. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Icy who?
Icy you trying not to laugh at my knock-knock joke!

15. What kind of lion doesn't roar?
A dandelion.

16. How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket!

17. Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7, 8, 9

18. What does a cloud wear under a raincoat?

19. When does a joke become a “dad” joke?
When the punchline is a parent.

20. What do you call a dinosaur fart?
A blast from the past.

Related: 100+ of The Best Clean Jokes For Kids

21. What did the limestone say to the geologist?
Don’t take me for granite!

22. What do you call a duck that gets all A’s?
A wise quacker.

23. Why does a seagull fly over the sea?
Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull.

24. Which is faster? Hot or cold?
Hot. You can easily catch a cold. 

25. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!

26. Why can't you trust an atom?
They make up everything.

27. Why was the baby strawberry crying?
Because her parents were in a jam.

28. What did the little corn say to the mama corn?
Where is pop corn?

29. What is worse than raining cats and dogs?
Hailing taxis!

30. How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced?
About a buck an ear.

31. Where would you find an elephant?
The same place you lost her!

32. How do you talk to a giant?
Use big words!

33. What animal is always at a baseball game?
A bat.

34. What falls in winter but never gets hurt?

35. What do you call a ghost’s true love?
His ghoul-friend.

36. What building in New York has the most stories?
The public library!

37. What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you!

38. How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!

39. What is a tornado’s favorite game to play?

40. How do baby cats learn how to swim?
The kitty pool.

41. How do you get a squirrel to like you?
Act like a nut!

42. What do you call two birds in love?

43. How does a scientist freshen her breath?
With experi-mints!

44. How are false teeth like stars?
They come out at night!

45. How can you tell a vampire has a cold?
She starts coffin.

46. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
Finding half a worm.

47. What is a computer's favorite snack?
Computer chips!!
—reader Rebecca K.

48. Why don’t elephants chew gum?
They do, just not in public.

49. What was the first animal in space?
The cow that jumped over the moon

50. What did the banana say to the dog?
Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

51. What time is it when the clock strikes 13?
Time to get a new clock.

52. How does a cucumber become a pickle?
It goes through a jarring experience.

53. Which city does Paw Patrol like the most? 
New Yorkie.

54. What do you think of that new diner on the moon?
Food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere.

55. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because the chicken wasn’t born yet.

56. Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?
Because she will let it go.

57. How do you make an octopus laugh?
With ten-tickles!

58. How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it.

59. What's green and can fly?
Super Pickle!

60. When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look?
Because when you find it, you stop looking.

little girl and boy sharing a joke
Saeed Karimi via Unsplash

61. Why do shrimp never share?
They're so shellfish.

62. What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A tuba toothpaste.

63. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?
Because she wanted to go to high school.

64. Where do vampires keep their money?
A blood bank.

65. What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.

66. What do you call a dog magician?
A labracadabrador.

67. Where do pencils go on vacation?

68. Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse.

69. What do you cakes and baseball have in common?
They both need a batter! 

70. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel.

71. What do you call two bananas?

And speaking of bananas...

72. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it wasn’t peeling well.

73. Why was the mushroom the life of the party?
It was a fungi.

74. What stays in the corner yet can travel all over the world?  
A stamp.

75. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch.

76. What kind of award did the dentist receive?
A little plaque.

77. What do you call a funny mountain?

78. What should you drink while singing nursery rhymes?
Hot Cocomelon.

79. Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use a honeycomb.

Related: 30 Wacky Winter Jokes for Kids

80. What did the big flower say to the little flower?
Hi, bud!

81. There are two robots sitting on a wall. They are named Pete and Re-Pete. Pete falls off. Who is left?
( you repeat the whole thing again and again and again.)

—Henrik P., 10 

82. What is a pony’s favorite juice?
She really likes lemon-neigh’d.

—5-year-old Kerrigan

83. Where do fish keep their money?
In the River-Bank!

—Jaxon G., 7 y.o.

84. What do you call an alligator with a vest?
An investigator!

—Milo H-R, age 8

85. Why was the computer cold?
It left its window open!

—Milo H-R, age 8

86. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry!

—Milo H-R, age 8

87. In baseball, would it take longer to run from 1st to 2nd base or 2nd to 3rd base?
2nd to 3rd base because there’s a shortstop in between.

—Milo H-R, age 8

88. What has lots of leaves but never actually grew?
A book!

—Milo H-R, age 8

89. Why was the computer cold?
It had a virus. 

—Henrik, age 10 

90. Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?
Because he couldn’t see himself doing it.

—Jan L. 

91. Who keeps the ocean clean?
The mer-maid.

—Jan L. 

92. What did the astronaut say when he crashed into the moon?
"I Apollo-gize."

93. Why didn’t the orange win the race?
It ran out of juice.

94. What dinosaur had the best vocabulary?  
The thesaurus.

95. What did one DNA strand say to the other DNA strand?
Do these genes make my butt look big?

96. Why aren’t dogs good dancers?
They have two left feet.

97. What did the wolf say when it stubbed its toe?
Owwwww-ch! (by Henrik, age 5)

98. Kid: What are you doing under there?
Mom: Under where?
Kid: Ha ha! You said underwear!!

99. Why did Johnny throw the clock out of the window?
Because he wanted to see time fly.

100. What did one toilet say to the other?
You look flushed.

101. Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
He wanted cold hard cash!

102. Why couldn’t the astronaut book a hotel on the moon?
Because it was full.

103. How do pickles enjoy a day out?
They relish it.

104. What do you call an old snowman?

105. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?

106. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?
Swimming trunks.

107. How do you throw a party in space?
You planet.

108. What do you call an attractive fruit?
A fine apple!

109. What happened when the skunk was on trial?
The judge declared, “Odor in the court, odor in the court!”

110. What do you call a sleeping bull?
A bulldozer!

111. Why did the tomato blush?
It saw the salad dressing.

112. What do you call a fish without an eye?
A fsh.

113. What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef.

114. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?
A walkie talkie.

115. Why are robots never afraid?
They have nerves of steel.

116. Why did the cabbage win the race?
Because it was a-head.

117. What does an evil hen lay?
Deviled eggs.

118. What does a book do in the winter?
Puts on a jacket.

119. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Needle who?
Needle little help right now.

Related: 30+ Math Jokes for Kids That Add Up to Laughs

120. What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier?

121. What kind of haircuts to bees get?

122. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Donut who?
Donut ask me, I just got here.

124. What do you get if you cross a pie and a snake?
A pie-thon.

125. What do you do if you get peanut butter on your doorknob?
Use a door jam.

126. Why was 6 so mad at 7?
Because 7 8 9.

127. Why didn’t the robot finish his breakfast?
Because the orange juice told him to concentrate.

128. Why can’t you play hockey with pigs?
They always hog the puck.

129. Why do porcupines always win the game?
They have the most points.

130. Where do elephants pack their clothes?
In their trunks!

131. What does bread do on vacation?
Loaf around.

132. Why was the broom running late?
It over-swept.

133. What part of the fish weighs the most?
The scales.

134. What do ghosts like to eat in the summer?
I Scream.

135. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?
Because her students were so bright.

136. What do you call a deer with pink eye?
A colorful eye-deer. (credit to Capt. John of the Appledore!)

137, Where do sheep go on vacation?
The Baaa-hamas.

138. What does every birthday end with?
The letter Y.

139. What did the paper say to the pencil?
Write on!

140. Why do birds fly?
It’s faster than walking.

141. Why did Superman flush the toilet?
Because it was his doody.

142. Why did the pillow cross the road?
It was picking up the chicken’s feathers.

143. Can February March?
No, but April May.

144. What time do ducks wake up?
At the quack of dawn.

145. Why did the giraffes get bad grades?
She had her head in the clouds.

146. What did the flower say after it told a joke?
I was just pollen your leg.

147. What did the traffic light say to the truck?
Don’t look, I’m changing.

148. What do kids play when they don’t have a phone?
Bored games.

149. Why didn’t the koala bear get the job?
They said she was over-koala-fied.

150. Who was that owl who did all the tricks?

151. What kind of vegetable is angry?
A steamed carrot!

three girls laughing at jokes for kids

152. How does the moon stay up in the sky?

153. Why isn't there a clock in the library?
Because it tocks too much. 

154. Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they're so good at it! 

155. What day of the week are most twins born on?

(submitted by reader Scooter T.!) 

156. Would February March?
No, but April May. 

157. What do you call bears with no ears?

158. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!

168. What do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk. 

—Jasper L., young reader submitted!

169. What’s yellow and looks like pineapple?
A lemon with a new haircut. 

—submitted (and created) by Rafael L. 

Related: 41 Giggle-Inducing Jokes for Toddlers

170. What do you call a deer with no eyes?
"No eye-deer." 

—also sent in by young Raffy 

171. What did the lunchbox say to the banana?
You really have appeal. 

172. What did the mouse say to the keyboard?

You're my type! 

173. What did the science book say to the math book?
Wow, you've got problems. 

174. How do squids get to school?

They take an octobus. 

175. Where do mermaids look for jobs?
The kelp-wanted section. 

176. What word starts with the letter t, ends with the letter t, and has t in it?
A teapot!

—young reader Collin S.

177. What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!

—Lewis G.

178.  Two goats were munching on a movie script. 
Goat 1: This is good!
Goat 2: The book was better.

—reader submitted by Mr. Jeffry

179. What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?

—submitted by Stella D.

180. Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
To make up for his miserable summer.

—reader submitted by Kaci Y.  

181. Why did the woman become an archeologist?
Because her career was in ruins.

182. Knock knock! 
Who's there?
Manatee who?
Manatee would be better than a sweater today, it's hot! 

183. What do you call two monkeys that share an Amazon account?

—Merci P., aged 10

184. What snack should you make for the Snowman Holiday Party?
Ice Krispy Treats

—Emmerson H., age 13

185. What do you call a nun who sleepwalks?
A roamin' Catholic. 

—Janice B., a reader like you! 

186. Why do birds fly south?
It's too far to walk.

—Pearl, age 10

187. What did the traffic light say to the cars?
Don't look, I'm changing!

—reader, age 6 

188. Why is there a gate around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in!

189. What is a scarecrow's favorite fruit?
A strawberry. 

190. How does a hurricane see?
With one eye. 

191. How do they answer the phone at the paint store?

—Lily, age 6

192. Why do scissors always win a race?
Because they take a shortcut!

—Foster, age 5 

193. How do you stop a bull from charging? 
You unplug it! 

—Jadyn, Age 12 

194. What did the dad say to his daughter at the cook out? 
This grill is on fire! 

—Jadyn, 12 (This kid is on fire! 🤣) 

195. Why did the king go to the bathroom?
He wanted to sit on the throne.

—Eric, age 10

196. What is a pirate's favorite body part?
The booty!

—C.J., age 9

197. If it takes two men to dig a hole in one day how long would it take for one man to dig a half a hole?           
There is no such thing as a half a hole.

—Eric, age 10

198. How do cats bake cake?
From scratch. 

—reader Jacey

199. What is a zombie's favorite thing to eat?
Brain food. 

200. How do you fix a broken tomato?
With a can of tomato paste. 

201. What do you call a rabbit with lice?
Bugs Bunny. 

a family laughing at jokes for kids

202. It took 10 workers 10 days to build a bridge.  How long would it take 5 workers to build the same bridge?
None—it’s already built!

—Liam, age 7 

203. How do you make the word Tiger longer?

—Kabir, Age 9

204. How do you clean chicken?  -
Put it in dishwasher.

—Kabir, Age 9

205. What do frogs order at McDonalds?
French flies and a Croak-a-Cola.

206. There's a girl on a boat in a pretty pink coat. What's her name?

—Ray, age 9

207. Where does a rat go when it has a toothache?
To the rodentist. 

—Ray, age 9!

208. What does an alien do when it is bored in school?
Spaces out. 

—Ray! (they are on a roll!), age 9

209. What does a broken plate say when she gets her cupcake?
Is this GLUE-ten free?

—Guess who? Ray! age 9 

210. Why didn't the hyena cross the road?
He was too busy laughing. 

—reader submitted by Gillian P. 

211. Have you heard the one about the student who was afraid of negative numbers?
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

212. What do you call it when a hammock teases another hammock?

—Joe L., age 8 

213. What did they say when Marie Curie and Albert Einstein said the same thing at the same time?
Greatest minds think alike! 

—Henrik, age 9

214. What did the kid learn about knowledge?
It was all knowing.

—Reader submitted by Deziree

215. Why did the chicken go the hospital?
Because it needed some tweatment!

—Joshua Y., age 9 
216. Why did the skeletons cross the road?

To get to the body shop!

—Also Mr. Joshua Y., age 9

217. What is more impressive than a talking parrot?
A spelling bee.

—submitted by...drumroll...Joshua Y., age 9!! 

218. What do you call babies in the army?

—Joe L., age 9

219. What is a cat's favorite color?

—Olivia W., age 7 

220. Why did the dragon cross the road?
Because he was too chicken to fly!       

—Joshua Y. 

221. Who won the race of princesses?
Rapunzel, By a hair!

—Josh Y! 

222. What did the egg say when it was late for breakfast?
I have to scramble!

—our buddy, Joshua Y. 

223. How do you stop a bull from charging?
You take away it's credit card!

—Joshua Y. 

224. Where does the T-rex go shopping?
The dino store!

—Joshua Y., age 9 

225. Why was the rabbit happy?
Because somebunny loved him!

—Guess who? Joshua Y.! 

226. What did the pear say to the shoeless?
You need a pair of shoes. 

—reader submitted by Rose A. 

227. What do you call a bear with no ear?
A "B"

—Alexis R. 

228. What would happen if the dean lost his job?
He would lose his "ideanity." 

—Joshua Y. 

229. Why did the baby cross the road? 

To get to the whine shop!

—Matilda C., age 7

230. Why shouldn’t you trust stairs?
Because they are always up to something.

—Ryder, Age 3!!! 

Related: 20 Cheesy Jokes To Make Anyone Crack a Smile

231. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was out standing in his field.

—Suzanna R. 

232. What do you call a cat burrito?
A purrito

—Rosewyn age 8 and 3 quarters 

233. What kind of key opens a banana?
A monkey!

—Rosewyn age 8 and 3 quarters 

234. What do you call a pounding headache? 
A temple tantrum!

—hilarious reader, MJ Sims

235. How do you get a cat to code?

You Scratch it!

—Musegirl, 8

236. Why was the man mad at the clock?

He was ticked off!

—Nolan A. age 8

237. What is the strongest kind of shoe?

Under Armor!

—Liam A. age 9

238. Why did Rudolph have a bad report card?

Because he went down in History!

—Sreeja K., age 8 

239. Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything!

—Sreeja K., age 8 

240. Why can't you spell dark with a "c", so it says "darc"?
Because you can't c in dark!

—Shivani age 8

241. How do you clean a chicken?
An egg wash!

—MB, age 12 

242. Why did the cookie have to go to the doctor?
It was feeling crummy. 

243. What's Joanna Gaines' favorite snack food?

—H.P., aged 9

244. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
Because there was noBody on the other side. 

—Grandpa Jo, 54

245. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have the guts. 

—Londynn, 9

246. What do you do when an astronaut’s wife is upset?
Give her some space.

—Jaden, 11

247. Why did the young astronaut cry on the moon?
Because he missed his mother earth. 

—A mother on earth

248. Two monkeys were fighting over a banana. What happened?
Banana split! 

—Saori K. 

249. What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
A blood orange!

—Rianna G., age 10

250. Why don't eggs like to gamble?
They always get a raw deal. 

251. When is a door not a door?
When it's ajar. 

252. Why did the scientist take out the bell?
He wanted to win the no-bell prize. 


253. Why are strawberries natural musicians?
They love to jam. 

254. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot! 

Related: 40+ Hilarious Knock Knock Jokes for Kids

little girl laughing on a swing

255. Did you hear about the kid who drank eight sodas?
He burped 7-Up. 

256. What be the pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?
No, it be the C! (Sea).

—A hilarious 6-year-old reader. 

257. What is a tree's favorite beverage?
Root beer! 

258. Why do fish live in saltwater?
Pepper makes them sneeze! ACHOOOOOO!!!!!!

—Hasset A. 

259. Why are fish so smart?
Because they live in a school!

—Ronit P. 

The following four jokes were written by Kaleb, age 4, as told to his grandpa:

260. Why did the cow lie down in the grass? 
He was ground beef.

261. What did Mama cow say to Baby cow? 
It’s pasture bedtime.

262. Why did the phone walk in the water? 
He was wading for a phone call.

263. What is blue, but not heavy?
Light blue.

264. How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
You look for fresh prints. 

—Joshua N. 

265. Why don't you ever date a tennis player?
Because love means nothing to them.

—Joshua N. 

266. "Doctor, doctor I am afraid of squirrels!"
Doctor: You must be nuts.

—reader Jerry C. 

267. What happened to the frog whose car broke down?
He had to be toad! 

—Martin F. 

268. What is the best day to visit McDonalds?

—Gianni, age 6

269. What's a cow's favorite drink?
A s-moooo-thie.

—Young readers Jax (7) and Kora (5)

270. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Cow who? 
Cows don’t say who, they say moooo!

—Adalyn, age 5

271. Why did the tomato stop?
Because he was out of juice. 

—Karma E. 

Related: 51 Totally Goofy Birthday Jokes for Kids

272. What are cats best at?

—Macy (10)

273. Where do cats roam?
In the catacombs!

—Katie (34)

274. What kind of stick does a cat chase?
A cat-stick!

—Macy (10)

275. What kind of fruit does a dog eat?
A dog-berry!

—Macy (10) & Katie (34)

276. Why do hockey players make great bankers?
Because they are good at checking.

—Henrik, age 9 3/4

277. How do chickens dance?
Chick to chick.

278. Mr. Red and Ms. Red live in the red house; Mr. Purple and Ms. Purple live in the purple house. Who lives in the white house?
The president!

—submitted by young reader Gwen I.

279. Why did the chicken cross the road?
It was trying to get away from the KFC.

—Ben, age 8

280. Who sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?
A nervous wreck.

—Alesha, age 11

281. Why was the snowman in the box?
Because he was picking his nose.

—Peter, age 8


happy kids laughing

These next five were sent in from Jax (7) and Kora (5):

282. What’s a dog's favorite toy?
A funny bone!

283. What’s a cow's favorite rock?
A mooo-n rock

284. What’s the scariest plant?

285. What’s a cow's favorite place to go?
The mooo-vies!

286. What’s the scariest injury?
A booo-booo!

(Jax & Kora!) 

287. Why was the snow yellow?
Because Elsa let it go! 


289. Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
To go with the traffic jam!


290. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?
A dino-snore!

291. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
Frost bite!

292. What did one plate say to the other plate?
Dinner is on me!

293. What do you call Chewbacca with cookies in its fur?
A chocolate-chip Wookie. 


294. What is black and white and looks like a penguin?
A penguin. 

—Zhan, age 5 

295. What does a cow like to drink?
A smoothie. 

—Carolina, age 8

296. Why did the parent hit the cake with a hammer?
It was a pound cake. 

little girl and her mom laughing at jokes

297.  When is the best time to go to the dentist?
At tooth-hurty!!!

—Tyler R.

298. Why is "dark" spelled with a k and not a c? 
Because you can’t c in the dark!


299. A new pig came to the farm, he was a great painter. What do you think his name was?


A spin-off:

300. What is the name of the Dutch pig who was famous for painting sunflowers and cutting off his ear?
Vincent van Hog

—Gloria, age 8

301. What is a bat’s favorite game to play?
A com-bat

—Bianca, age 7

302. What did the salad say to the carrot after it lost the fight?
You've lettuce down.

—Joe, age 10

303. What did the salad say to the carrot when it asked for directions to a restaurant?
Beets me!

—Joe, age 10

304. Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
They'd crack each other up!

—Raina, age 10

305. Which milkshake always comes with a straw?
A strawberry milkshake

—Gloria, age 8

306. What stories do crustaceans like best?
Lobster Tales

—Gloria, age 8

307. What did the basketball say to the hoop when it missed?
Oh shoot!

—Layla, age 9

308. Why did the lion cross the road?
To get to the other pride!

309. What is the best gift you could ever ask for?
Broken drum sticks. You just can't beat it. 


310. Why did the nurse have a red crayon?
To draw blood.


311. What mood best describes a sad librarian?
Under the books.


Related: You’ll Be Taco-ing about These Jokes All Day

312. What do you call a Buffalo that likes beef?
A Beef-alo

313. What does a camel say to a hunter?
Do you need some camel-flage

314. Why does the dinosaur like the bathroom?
Because it’s ex-stink-t

315. Why does the dentist use a computer?
Because it has Bluetooth.

—Jokes 312-315 by Gunner, age 8

316. What’s grey?
A melted penguin.

317. What goes black, white, black, white, black white?
A penguin rolling down a hill.
318. Can a match box?
No, but a tin can!
319. Why was the baby in Egypt?
It was looking for its mummy.
320. Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
It was stuck on the chicken’s foot.
321. What does a cow eat for breakfast?
322. Doctor, doctor, I feel like a dog.
Then go and see a vet!

323. What do girl snakes write at the bottom of their letters?
With love and hisses.

324. Why did the bacteria cross the microscope?
To get to the other slide.
—Jokes 316-324 by Elijah, age 11
325. Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Let us in, it’s cold out here!

326. What do you get when you cross a bridge with a car?
To the other side of the river.

327. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a cake?

328. Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a dog.
Then sit on the couch and we’ll talk about it,
But I’m not allowed on the furniture!

329. Doctor, doctor I feel like a sheep.
That’s baa-aaa-aad.

330. What do you call a bee that buzzes quietly?
A mumble bee.

—Jokes 325-330 by Malachi, age 7 and a half

331. Where do you find a polar bear? 
The same place you left her.

—Thomas, age 7

332. What is fast, loud, and crunchy?
A rocket chip!

333. How does a vampire start a letter?
Tomb it may concern…

334. What has ears but cannot hear?
A field of corn…

335. Did you hear the one about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space.

Make sure to capture all the giggles—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

With bocce ball courts, aerial artists and bathtubs full of ping pong balls, it’s all about food with flair at these entertaining eateries

Since taking young kids out to a posh restaurant can be daunting, and quite possibly cause a scene fit for a rambunctious cafeteria, we’ve got the solution to this particular foodie dilemma. Check out a dozen of Seattle’s coolest themed restaurants. From entertaining sport spots and surprising refurbs to over-the-top sweets and beachy eats, these fun restaurants have something to pique everyone’s interest, whether you’re a gastronome or just a little gnome along for the delish ride.

Seattle’s Best Theme Restaurants to Take the Kids


1. Shug’s Soda Fountain

O Decadence, Decadence, wherefore art thou Decadence? As it turns out, apparently in downtown Seattle. Tiny confectionery cuties, we know where you want to be. That’s at Shug’s Soda Fountain, a nostalgic old-school soda fountain and ice cream parlor located at Pike Place Market. Leave your no-dessert-for-me persona at the door. You and your wee Willy Wonka wannabes will be in a candy-coated oasis. Shug’s serves everything from extravagant ice cream, shakes, sodas and floats, to embellished sundaes, sugarlicious cocktails and coffee. This adorable, pastel-hued joint is dripping with sweetness, so go ahead and cap those little monsters off with a sweet sugar high.

Good to Know: Shug’s is closed Monday through Wednesday, so swing on by later in the week or on the weekend.

1525 1st Ave.

2. Mt. Rainer Railroad Dining Co.

If you have littles that go loco for locomotives, you’ll want to chug along over to Mt. Rainier Railroad Dining Co. in Elbe. About 90 minutes outside of Seattle, it’s a bit of a drive but totally worth it to check out the quaint town and this one-of-a-kind, train-turned-noshery. Once a touring train with over 26 cars, you can now sit inside the dining train car and get a truly legit railway vibe while enjoying their yummy delectables such as steak, chicken, fish, shrimp and pasta. Or, hit it up in the morning for their breakfast lineup. Your wee conductors will be head over heels to choo, choo, chew their way through this nostalgic train car restaurant.

Good to Know: You can stay the night here, too. Check out The Hobo Inn where train cars have been refurbed into hotel accommodations for overnight fun. Rooms are complete with sinks, toilets, showers, beds and electricity. Some even have jetted tubs.

54106 Mountain Hwy. E.
Elbe, WA 

3. MOX Boarding House

Do you like to treat the kiddos to some friendly competition with a family game night? Does a roll of the dice sound even better if you can do it with a bowl of rice? Then your posse needs to hit up MOX Boarding House in Bellevue. This board game themed eatery offers Rummy—make that yummy international and traditional cuisine and a scrumptious kid’s menu with burgers, noodles, chicken and grilled cheese. But the kicker is the free board game library with hundreds of titles to choose from, so you can play while you dine. If you find a game you just can’t live without, don’t forget to stop by MOX’s shop to check out their massive game and trading card collection and pick something out to bring home. With a cool library vibe and whimsical art deco ambiance, dinner really doesn’t get much more winning than this. Go any time the gaming bug bites. MOX is open seven days a week. They also have additional locations in Seattle and Portland.

Good to Know: Check out their calendar to see what gaming events are coming down the pipeline. Beyond boardgames, MOX’s treasure trove store, also carries Magic: The Gathering and Pokemon cards.

13310 Bel-Red Rd.
Bellevue, WA

4. Rhein Haus Seattle

Eins, Zwei, Drei! Time to “mach schnell” over to the Rhein Haus in Capitol Hill (there’s also one in Tacoma and Leavenworth). This Bavarian-themed restaurant might sound like it’s only fit for those of Octoberfest age, but it’s actually great for the kinders, too. Rhein Haus boasts indoor bocce ball courts, an outdoor biergarten and one of the best spots in town (short of Climate Pledge) to watch the Kraken play. While it tends to lean more towards a bar atmosphere the later you get into the night, if you head out there early, you can challenge your tiny ballers to a game of bocce. They have a full kinder menu for your diminutive Deutschers, or nosh on the homemade sausages and a giant pretzel the entire family can share. Das ist gut!

Good to Know: Put this one on your date night radar, parents. It’s a great spot with or without the kids.

912 12th Ave.

5. Bongos

Who doesn’t love a good beach excursion? We know that when you are toting around a youngster or two, there is a good chance your beach outings include more digging sand out of toddler pants than sitting with a cocktail and watching your beach bums build a sand castle. But maybe, just maybe, you can have it all when you check out Bongos, a beach-themed Caribbean restaurant near Green Lake. Bongos is the ideal place to let your tiny sand tots do their thing. Along with an indoor seating area and a patio, there is an outdoor dining area filled with sand where you can all enjoy palate-pleasing Caribbean and Cuban food like pork and cuban sandwiches, jerk chicken, black beans and yuka fries with your toes in the sand and your tots preoccupied with the restaurant’s sand toys in the dunes. It’s pretty much a win-win. Great island food, relaxed ambiance and your little beach beauties playing away in their faux seaside happy place.

Good to Know: Bongos is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, so plan for a Hump Day (or beyond) chow down.

6501 Aurora Ave. N.

6. The Pink Door

Move over, PT Barnum! The greatest show on earth might just be housed right here in Seattle. If your kids are ready to be a ring leader, let their imaginations run away with the circus at The Pink Door, a spectacular trapeze and entertainment-themed Italian-American restaurant in Post Alley. Each night features an eclectic mix of entertainment such as jazz and blues musicians, tap dancing and tarot card reading. While some of these gigs start a bit late for the miniest of maestros, don’t let this culinary, old-timey experience pass you by. You will want to hit this joint up on Tuesdays for their delightful aerial performances, with all the twists, turns and contortions performed right above you. There are four short performances between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., first come, first served. This is one pasta and farm-to-table eatery where you and your posse can enjoy your vittles while someone else swings from the rafters.

1919 Post Alley

seattle themed restaurants
Allison Sutcliffe

7. XXX Rootbeer Drive-In

There is no place more decked out in mid-century nostalgia then the one and only vintage-themed restaurant, XXX Rootbeer. Literally covered from floor to ceiling in '50s and '60s memorabilia and antiques, this former drive-thru will be so captivating for your groovy little gang they won’t want to leave. One of only two XXX Root Beer restaurants in the entire country (with the largest lighted Plexiglass sign in the west), it’s definitely a landmark you will want to experience. Grab some American diner fare for your little sock hoppers from the kids’ menu (hot dogs, burgers, fries), play a few songs on the old-fashioned jukebox and grab a sweet for the road from the oversized gumball machine. Don't forget quarters for the ride-ons outside. They're irresistible to toddlers. 

Good to Know: The restaurant has outdoor seating for sunny days and a classic car show on most Sundays. 

98 N.E. Gilman Blvd.
Issaquah, WA 

Best themed restaurants in Seattle
SPIN Seattle

8. SPIN Seattle

Looking for a restaurant where you can really have a racket? Why not try SPIN Seattle, an eccentric, graffiti-gorgeous ping pong restaurant. Yep. This is a legit ping pong eatery. Located in downtown Seattle, SPIN is a 10,000 square foot table tennis social club where you can reserve a ping pong table, unlimited balls, paddles and dedicated seating for up to 10 people. Reservations go for $39 an hour per table (they have 10 tables available). While this quirky, cool place does give off a pretty hip bar vibe, kiddos are welcome to come in and enjoy a bite and game (or two) before 9 p.m. The menu includes farm-to-table goodies like apps, pizza, tacos and sandwiches, perfect fare to refuel after all those backhands. Make a reservation for your petite ping pongers online before heading over. Don’t forget to check out their signature bathtub filled with ping pong balls. It's as amazing as it sounds.

1511 6th Ave.

9. NEKO Cat Cafe

Got a crew of feline fanatics? Head over to this Capitol Hill cafe right “meow.” It’s not just a cat decorated cafe with “Hang In There” posters on the wall. It’s an actual café where you can dine and also play with the furry critters IRL. At NEKO (it means cat in Japanese, where the cafe got its inspiration), your little kittens can nibble on light treats (think: donuts, cookies, bentos, savory breads), while you sip on coffee, wine or beer. If an afternoon spent petting the purr-fect pal is on your bucket list, also make a reservation in the cat room. Reservations are highly recommended, but if the kitty room is full, the café is always ready to welcome you and your feline fanatics. This will be an experience your tomcats and tabbies won’t want to hide from.

Good to Know: Kids 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult, and there must be one adult for every two kids under the age of 10 when in the cat room. Also, the feline friends here are adoptable.

519 E. Pine St.

10. Queen Mary Tea Room

Who says you have to be a queen to enjoy a spot of tea? The petite royals in your life can feel like princes and princesses when they visit the Queen Mary Tea Room—the oldest independently owned tea room in America! How very delightful. Located in Ravenna, this quaint Victorian-themed restaurant will charm your booties off. Come for brunch, lunch or afternoon tea and let your kids order off the kids’ menu that includes shortbreads, sorbets, fruit, tea cakes, tea sandwiches and grilled cheese. Set up your reservation for parties of two or three (1 hour and 45 minutes), or plan a two-hour reservation for up to six. Get your little royalty ready to put their pinkies up and head over to Queen Mary for a tea-rrific time. They also serve tea, ice tea and crumpets to go.

Good to Know: Booster seats and highchairs are not available, so plan accordingly. Also, Queen Mary needs her beauty sleep on Mondays and Tuesdays, so schedule your visit Wednesday through Sunday.

2912 N.E. 55th St.

11. Summit House Crystal Mountain Resort

Want to dine with your adolescent alpine lover? While not a themed-restaurant per se, this place certainly has its own particular milieu that makes it worthy of this list, and your pocket-sized explorers will go gaga over it. It’s Washington’s highest elevation restaurant, the Summit House at Crystal Mountain Resort. While it’s got the lodge/ski resort feel, the novel fun for your young cliff connoisseurs is how you get there. When you get to Crystal Mountain Resort, you will need to climb the mountain. And by climb, we mean ride the enclosed ski gondola all the way up to the 6,872-foot top. Summit House gives you the most spectacular views of Mt. Rainier (like you could reach out and touch it views). The Summit House offers traditional faves, as well as a scrumptious “pasture, land and sea” menu. There is also outdoor seating (yes, please!) available first-come, first-served.

Good to Know: Always check the website before you go. If bad weather strikes, the gondola may not be operational. Also, your reservation does not include the gondola ride.

33914 Crystal Mountain Blvd.
Enumclaw, WA

When you become a parent, your bar days may be over, but breweries are fair game! If you’re looking for a new place to hang for a family date, consider these brew pubs that check off all the family-fun boxes. On our list are kid-friendly breweries that boast a wide range of perks like old fashioned arcade games, made-for-digging sand pits, onsite playgrounds, fireside s’mores kits, kid-friendly menus and ample room to run around. From splash pad-adjacent Dacha Beer Garden in Navy Yards to worth-the-drive-for-a-playground Vanish Farmwoods Brewery in NOVA, here are the best family-friendly breweries to grab a cold one this summer.

Washington, DC

Dacha Beer Garden
With riverfront views, a kid’s play area and (if you’re lucky) a night sky filled with Nat Park fireworks, what more could you want? How about a near-by splash park to cool off during the summer. This place is so family-friendly, you can even bring your pup!

Insider tip: Also coming to The Yard this summer is The Cove, a reincarnation of Bardo that will also be a family-friendly spot to grab a brew. Expect a tropical vibe with fire pits, games and tented sandlots.

1600 7th Street NW
Navy Yard

Atlas Brew Works
This brewery is so kid-welcoming the event space often hosts first birthday parties. For older kids, you’ll find a number of classic arcades. Head here on the first Sunday of the month and they cost a dime. You’ll often find parent meet-ups at this Ivy City hangout, but if you want to kick back and relax sans kids, drop them off at The Lane Social Club down the street for 2 hours of fun-filled childcare.

Editor’s note: the tap room is temporarily closed for a summer refresh. While you wait for this Ivy City brewery to reopen, be sure to head to their Half Street location by Nat Park. Andy’s New York-style pizza makes this worth a visit with kids.

2052 West Virginia Ave NE #102
Ivy City


City State Brewing 
Follow this brewery’s event page for kid-friendly events like Kids, Eggs & Kegs and magic shows from the likes of The Great Zucchini. There is free goldfish, juice boxes ($1) and chips (.50) for little eaters. The open-air indoor seating is spacious and provides plenty of room for families to spread out. Bring packs of Play Doh or Wikki Sticks for tabletop activities. There are also onsite arcade games, skeeball and corn hole for those that need an active challenge.

Insider Tip: Thomas the Train lovers will love the City State Brewing’s front row seat to the rails. Over 85 trains pass by a day!

705 Edgewood St NE

DC ‘Burbs

Eavesdrop Brewery 
Leave the hustle-and-bustle of all-things-metro behind at this rustic, barn-like brewery off Route 28 near Manassas. Tucked away behind a small, suburban strip mall, Eavesdrop offers plenty of space for kids (and adults) to run and play outdoors. You’ll find the usual beer-garden staples, like cornhole, on the property. The patio area is expansive with numerous picnic tables; outside food is welcome and encouraged. Weather permitting, there is an outdoor fire pit for roasting marshmallows. The indoor space is small, but does feature board games and a popcorn machine.

7223 Centreville Road Suite 115
Manassas, VA 20111



Port City Brewing Company
This tasting room has all the beer hall gaming classics for an entertaining afternoon: giant Jenga, ladderball, darts, cornhole and more. It’s the old school arcade games — which don’t cost a penny — that are sure to please the 6 & up crowd. Don’t forget to pack the pb&J sandwiches and mozzarella sticks when you hit this picnic-friendly brewery. Outside food is welcome!

3950 Wheeler Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22304

Solace Brewery Company 
This expansive tasting room has oversized picnic tables for families to gather over a board game. A foosball table, a pinball machine and an arcade game keep kids (and adults) entertained. If the kids get the tummy grumbles, grab some popcorn from the old-timey popcorn machine onsite.

Insider Tip: Head to near-by Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center or Sully Historic Site to make this outing an all-day event.

42615 Trade West Drive
Sterling, VA 20166

Denizens Brewing
The Denizens slogan says it all: “Unified by beer.” All are welcome at this Silver Spring beer hall, conveniently located off Georgia Avenue. Expansive rooms mean even parents with small children in tow can find a quite, un-crowded spot. The rooftop offers ample seating (but, note, there is limited shade outside). If hunger strikes, this brewery has a kid-friendly menu with crowd pleasers like chicken fingers .

1115 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

If you enjoy family game night, bring your crew to this Sterling establishment for some beer and board games.  Twinpanzee offers games for all ages, including Candy Land, Operation, Chutes and Ladders, Trouble, Sorry!, Clue and more. There is also a Nintendo Entertainment System with over 30 games to challenge your loved ones with. Kids 16 and under are treated to free chips and juice. The brewery frequently hosts family-friendly events like kart racing.

10 Executive Drive
Sterling, VA 20166

MacDowell Brew Kitchen

MacDowell Brew Kitchen

Craft beer aficionados regularly gather here with their littles who like to play and build sand castles on the year-round beach outfitted with a couple of fire pits for chilly afternoons. With a full menu, this is the perfect spot for a laid back weekend brunch.

Insider Tip: For more beach-themed dining, check out this guide

202 Harrison Street SE, Suite B
Leesburg, VA 20175

Worth the Drive

Dirt Farm Brewery
Dirt Farm, nestled on the side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, not only serves exceptional beers but it offers outstanding views. If your crew is hungry, this brewery serves hand-tossed flatbread pizzas. You’ll find plenty of toys and attractions on-hand to entertain the little ones, like tubs of bubbles, monster-sized trucks and more. The most fun? Playing in the dirt, of course!

Insider Tip: Great Country Farm (owned by the same family that runs Dirt Farm) is at the foot of the mountain and a must-see stop.

18701 Foggy Bottom Road
Bluemont, VA 20135

Spend the day in the country at this Loudoun County brewery; set on over 50 acres, this rural establishment encourages guests to BYOG (bring your own games), enjoy over 20 beers on tap and make use of its wide open spaces. Enjoy the rural outdoor setting while playing corn hole or gaga ball and if the kids need to burn off some energy, there is a  a playground on site. This brewery often hosts special events with kid-friendly attractions like face painters.

Insider Tip: While you are in the area, be sure to check out Temple Hall Farm, a working farm open free to the public (and a short five mile drive from the brewery).

42264 Black Hops Lane
Leesburg, VA 20176



Peabody Heights Brewery 
The largest brewery in Baltimore City is also the most kid-friendly; Peabody, located in the Abell Neighborhood, offers tours and tastings every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. In addition to the industrial-style tasting room, you’ll also find outdoor seating. The real draw is the dedicated kid play space, that includes two bookcases filled with children’s books, a train table, ride-on toys and more.

401 E 30th Street
Baltimore, MD 21218


Harpers Ferry Brewery
This brewery is exactly 60 miles from the city; it’s a mini road trip, but well worth the drive for the breathtaking views of the Potomac River. Make a day of it by spending some time on the water, visit the nearby historic town of Harpers Ferry, or take a stroll down the C&O towpath.

37412 Adventure Center Ln
Purcellville, VA 20132


11 Local Beach-Themed Restaurants for Vacay Vibes 

7 Epic Hotel Pools Near DC That You Must Visit at Least Once

DC’s Best Places to Picnic & Play

If an easy-to-plan Seattle staycation is all you’ve ever wanted, there’s no better time than spring break to give it a try. Especially since the region has some of the best attractions in the world, right in your backyard. Sleep in a perfectly made bed and let someone else do the cooking, while avoiding those long lines at the airport, when you book your family’s vacation at one of these seven Seattle-area escapes.

Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes

courtesy Lakedale Resort

Just a ferry ride or float plane away! Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes touts a "one of a kind experience and a breath of fresh air," but that only begins to describe the tranquil magic families create on this 82-acre property on San Juan Island. For starters, choosing an accommodation is part of the joy. An elegant lakefront hotel, log cabins, yurts, canvas cabins for glamping and a lake house family vacation rental are all on the menu. Decide what fits your family's personality and dive in.

The lakefront hotel is wonderful for groups with young adults sixteen and older, no pets please. The stunning great room and fireplace were made for board game competitions and fine wine sipping. Davy Crockett fans will love the log cabins, which hold up to six guests and two pooches. Families will settle in to these cabins for serious bonding. For closer but even hipper living quarters, order up a deluxe yurt. They feature King-size beds with flannel sheets, flat screen TVs, private hot tubs and wet bar. The Littles will enjoy cuddling up to doze on the full size sleeper, with flannel duvet and linens. This is glamping staycation-style.

Walk To:
It will be hard to leave your cozy home away from home, but Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes is all about the outdoors. Pursue games of chess on a giant chess set, or try ping pong, bocce ball or horseshoes. Three fresh spring water lakes offer gentle swimming areas and rentals a-plenty (paddle boats, row boats, kayaks, stand-up paddle boards and canoes). You can also take your kids fishing. The lakes are plentifully stocked with wide-mouth bass and trout (psst...permit required).

Good Eats:
The lodge & hotel offer complimentary breakfast that tempts taste buds with options like Lakedale signature granola, homemade jam and egg dishes. For all other accommodations, bring in food for cooking or barbecue fun. The General Store on site is open on weekends starting in May, and seven days a week from June 1 to Labor Day. Hot espresso drinks, sandwiches, salads, wine, beer, groceries, ice cream, and camping and fishing gear (including bait), ice, wood and more are available for purchase.

A short drive away, The Company Store in Roche Harbor is open for sundry and grocery needs. Madrona Bar & Grill serves fish and chips, rockfish tacos plus more yummy snacks guaranteed to please tiny tots. And Friday Harbor Ice Cream Company is a wonderful treat on a warm evening.

Don't Miss:
San Juan Island Zip Tour is adrenaline-fueled family bonding for ages 8 and up. Newbies welcome. The experience takes three hours but is only one mile from the resort.

4313 Roche Harbor Rd.
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

The Maxwell Hotel Seattle

courtesy Maxwell Hotel Seattle

If you and the kiddos desire a quieter setting, The Maxwell Hotel is a great option. While the hotel is nestled in a quieter Lower Queen Anne neighborhood, it’s just a skip and a hop to the Seattle Center. A quick monorail ride will take you to the sights and sounds of downtown. And with the hotel’s complimentary shuttle service and loaner beach cruisers, you’ll have plenty of transportation options. But make it back in time for the Afternoon Delights of coffee and the hotel's signature pineapple cupcakes!

Stay: Kings, duet queens and suites are available. All rooms feature complimentary wifi, a microwave with popcorn welcome packet, and a mini-fridge for storing cold items. The indoor pool is a bright, sunlit space and super kid-friendly: it only goes to 4’ deep.

Good Eats: The Pineapple Bistro & Bar, in the lobby, offers espresso and locally baked goods from 6:30-11:30 a.m. and is open from 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. ('til 11 p.m. Thurs.-Sat.) for beer, wine and craft cocktails as well as locally sourced starters, brick oven pizzas, sandwiches and a daily happy hour from 4-6 p.m. The best part? Guests are welcome to enjoy their Pineapple Bar purchases anywhere in The Maxwell Hotel lobby, so you can make happy hour a family affair.

Walk To: Seattle Center, Space Needle, Pacific Science Center, Seattle Children’s Museum, Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP) and the monorail. Queen Anne Avenue, with a huge array of charming boutiques and delish restaurants, is only a few blocks away.

Don’t Miss: The Dashing Through the Snow Promo has been extended through the end of April! Take 15% off your stay by booking online with the code WINTER19, or just mention it on the phone at 866-866-7977.

300 Roy St.
Seattle, WA 98109

Four Seasons Hotel Seattle

"Urban Retreat" conjures chic images not always associated with spring break. Think again! Imagine the wow your kids will have jumping into an outdoor heated infinity pool, with views of the Sound. Find it at Four Seasons Seattle—the only pool of its kind in the area. Almost every room has a spectacular view of the water as well. Afternoon treats are served in the lobby every day after 3 p.m., from house made s’mores and ice cream cupcakes, to caramel apples and macarons.

Adults will enjoy the most extensive collection of Pacific Northwest artwork outside a museum or gallery. Kids will revel in the vacation welcome gift. Let the staff know your munchkins' ages so they can enjoy fun treats like cookies and milk for tiny tots, or root beer and popcorn for tweens. Kid-sized robes and slippers are available, as are cribs, baby toiletries, and diaper genies for packing ease. Add in other convenient touches, like step stools in the bathroom so kids can reach the sink, and bath toys for the deep soaking tubs and you've got the perfect home-away-from-home getaway.

Good Eats: Find fabulous fare at in-house Goldfinch. The kids' menu is as much fun as the LEGO stacking utensils and coloring sheets that accompany it.

Walk to: Enjoy Four Seasons Hotel Seattle's excellent location near Pike Place Market, Seattle Art Museum, Seattle waterfront, the Great Wheel, shopping, theater, music and more. Book the Space Needle VIP Experience for that truly OMG moment. Your family will tour the iconic monument an hour before it opens to the public with a private photographer capturing every WOW. Breakfast bites and coffee included.

Don't miss: Make room for everyone with 30% off a second guest room when booking two nights at Four Seasons Hotel Seattle, 25% off 60 day advance purchase or third night free when booking two nights. Restrictions apply.

99 Union St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Fairmont Olympic Hotel

photo: courtesy Fairmont Olympic

The historic Fairmont Olympic Hotel is so fancy it will make the littles feel like they're Eloise living at the Plaza. It wouldn't be spring break without pool time, and the gigantic indoor pool delivers, with plenty of floaties and pool toys. Note: The renovation currently underway won't affect your fun, per the hotel concierge.

Stay: Check out the locals-only Resident's Rate for a whopping 20% off your stay with ID.

Good Eats: The Fairmont’s Shuckers Oyster Bar restaurant offers a tasty Kid's Menu. Even better, kids five and under eat for free! Nearby Sweet Iron Waffle Bar has waffles to please any kid, young and old, while Potbelly Sandwich Shop offers warm, grilled namesakes.

Walk To: The Seattle Public Library has a gigantic children’s section and fun events every week. The Seattle Waterfront, Seattle Great Wheel, Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle Aquarium, Seattle Art Museum, Pike Place Market and Pioneer Square, are all a short hop, skip, Link, Lyft, or walk away.

Don’t Miss: When making your reservation, ask for special kids' bath amenities. They will have tiny bath robes, special products and fun kids' stuff waiting in the rooms.

411 University St.
Seattle, WA 98101

Kimpton Hotel Monaco Seattle

courtesy Kimpton Hotel Monaco

The Kimpton Hotel Monaco Seattle might seem too glam for the fam but it's not: It's fun for the fam! Upon checking in, curious kiddos receive an adventure map to go exploring. The lobby library loans out kid-friendly bedtime stories. Upon request, Land of Nod teepees and play tents will be delivered to the room, and custom lunch pails with activities, snacks, and gum are also available. These fun extras are also freebies! The venue lies just steps away from major sights and sporting events, so grab your two legged and four legged creatures and set off an urban adventure.

Stay: Kings, queens and suites are available. All rooms come complete with wifi, pillow top beds, and flat screen TVs. Check online for hotel promotions—they offer a Northwest resident rate.

Good Eats: The hotel’s restaurant Outlier offers seasonally-driven global fare such as Seafood Laksa and Duck Bolognese, as well as brick oven pizzas for sharing. The restaurant has a back patio space, perfect for dining out during warm spring days. The Kid's Menu includes choices so tasty you’re going to wish you were under 12.

Walk To: The Pinball Museum, Magic Mouse Toys, Seattle Aquarium and the Seattle Great Wheel.

Don’t Miss: If you're looking to see the city on two wheels, complimentary hotel bicycles are available to use during your stay. Hotel Monaco hosts an evening wine hour from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. every day, showcasing local vineyards sp parents can sip and unwind, while sodas, snacks, and treats keep the minis at bay.

1101 Fourth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101

Embassy Suites by Hilton

Nestled in the Pioneer Square neighborhood, the Embassy Suites by Hilton Seattle sits right next door to the King Street Station and just steps away from CenturyLink Field. Families traveling into the city via Link light rail, car, or ferry will find the hotel’s convenient location a major perk along with its proximity to some of the city’s top tourist attractions. Access the Seattle Great Wheel, Seattle Aquarium, Pike Place Market and Seattle Art Museum, along with a plethora of restaurants, eateries, and specialty shops all within one mile of the hotel.

Stay: The Embassy Suites by Hilton Seattle is composed of two glass towers, boasting ahh-mazing views of downtown Seattle and Elliott Bay. The spacious two room suites--perfect for a family of four--each feature a separate living area, private bedroom, and a mini kitchen. Each room features an Amazon Echo so your kids can ask for additional towels, room service, or the soundtrack to Frozen 2. If you’re hoping to take in the city’s gorgeous views from your room, be sure to upgrade to a premium suite or go big and book an exclusive Embassador suite on the top floor.

Good Eats: Each morning, families can enjoy a free made-to-order breakfast in the hotel's second floor dining hall. In the evenings, families can take advantage of complimentary drinks and snacks at the hotel’s evening reception inside Zephyr Bar. Bring the whole crew into Zephyr between 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. (it’s 100% kid-friendly) and let them nosh on tasty snacks and drinks while you enjoy an assortment of Northwest-inspired wine, beer, and craft cocktails. For another easy, tasty option walk down the block to Cone & Steiner for yummy sandwiches, local brews, and any sundries you need. For late owls or early risers, Seattle institution 13 Coins is located in the hotel's lobby. 24 hour breakfast, lunch or dinner is just an elevator ride away.

Walk To: It's Sounders season and the hotel could only be closer if it was on the pitch. So why not take in a game? Go Sounders! Or march the kiddies to the Seattle waterfront with stops at the Seattle Great Wheel, Pirate’s Plunder, Old Curiosity Shop, Wings Over Washington, Seattle Aquarium and Olympic Sculpture Park. Then, venture to Magic Mouse Toys in Pioneer Square, Pike Place Market, and Seattle Public Library. Make your way over to the Seattle Center to explore the International Fountain, Artists at Play playground, Seattle Children's Theater, Pacific Science Center and MoPOP. Want to see a bit more of the city from the water? Argosy Cruises on Pier 69 offers daily cruises along Elliott Bay and excursions to Tillicum Village.

Don’t Miss: If the weather cooperates, the outdoor rooftop deck with killer views of the Seattle skyline and Elliott Bay will not disappoint.

Embassy Suites by Hilton
Pioneer Square
255 S. King. St.
Seattle, WA 98104
Reservations: 206-859-4400

Hyatt Regency Lake Washington

Courtesy of Shubha Tirumale Photography

Stay: If the Hyatt Regency Lake Washington didn't exist, staycation would invent it. Upon entering the welcoming lobby, the lake view and Seattle skyline seem to say "Leave it all behind." Grab a chair on the outdoor patio and start relaxing while the kids splash and play. Be sure to pre-order the Kids Glamping Package for $40. Well worth the delight in their eyes when the room is opened and a teepee replete with cozy pillows, soft blankets and S'mores plates greet them. Book a suite to give the group a play room, and pack swim suits and a favorite floatie for the indoor pool and hot tub.

Good Eats: Water's Table, the on site restaurant, masters the art of fine dining alongside family feasting. The kids cookie decorating option is a creative way to entertain fidgety diners--it's complimentary so pre-order with ease. There is also a 24 hour-market available for last minute snacks, souvenirs and goodies.

Walk To: Bordering the hotel is a wonderful playground within the 57-acre Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park.

Don't Miss: Nearby Skykart Indoor Racing Center, Henry Moses Aquatic Center and the Museum of Flight make stimulating field trips and Woodinville wine country is lovely for more adult group entertainment.

1053 Lake Washington Blvd. N.
Renton, WA 98056

—Natalie Compagno, Kristina Moy & Myriam Gabriel-Pollock


Pack Your Bags: 11 Relaxing Mom Getaways to Book Now

And Then There Were…9 Babymoon Escapes You Can Drive To

Discover Seabrook: A Beach Town on Washington’s Scenic Coast

Fuel up for These 11 Summer Road Trips

Take a Parents-Only Getaway to the Newly Remodeled Salish Lodge & Spa

All aboard! Do you have a tiny sailor who loves all things marine? A little aquatic aficionado who can’t wait to get out on the waves? Fortunately, we live in a city that has boatloads of places that will thoroughly entertain any water-loving adventurer. From the best boat rides in Seattle to museum exhibits, this on-point navigational tool includes the all the cool places in Seattle for kids who love boats!

Salish Sea Tours

Salish Sea Tours

If you haven’t heard of Salish Sea Tours before, it might be because they are brand new! This one-of-a-kind Miner’s Landing waterfront boat touring company is Native-owned and offers an Elliot Bay tour like no other. The narrated tour shares not only the history of Seattle but focuses on its Indigenous people as well. With a fleet of two, 93-foot Native-designed catamarans, creatively called Orca 1 and Orca 2, you and your Littles can take the hour-long tour of the Bay, learn about the city’s history, be captivated by its Duwamish heritage and ride the waves in style. The boats have numerous seating options that accommodate just about anyone. Stadium seating in the front for outside viewing, indoor seating great for snack time or our plethora of rainy days and open deck seating for those beautiful summer afternoons. Plus, two full service bars (with snacks!), parents! It’s a unique and exciting addition to Pier 57, and one that is perfect for even your tiniest seafarers. Get tickets online and don’t forget those jackets. The wind can get a bit chilly out on the water.

Launch Hours: 1:30, 3, 4:30, & 6 p.m.
Cost: $30/Adult; $20/Kids (3-11); $27/Senior; Free for kids 2 & under

Pier 57-Miner's Landing
1301 Alaskan Way
Seattle, WA 98101

Argosy Cruises Blake Island Fast Ferry

Kristina Moy

While Argosy Cruises are revamping many of their water tours this year, one is still up and running and would make a great day trip for your enthusiastic mariners. Check out the Blake Island Fast Ferry. Departing from Pier 55 nearly every hour, jump aboard their vessel for the 30 minute trip to the 1,127-acre Blake Island State Park to experience the trails, nature life, beaches, clam digging, views and all that this little island has to offer. Stay for a couple hours or make it an overnight excursion by camping! Blake Island is only accessible by boat and makes for a great day trip away from the hustle and bustle or, better yet, a smart way to occupy kiddos on these long summer days. And you won’t be left wondering how to nosh. Hit up the Longhouse Cafe for eats and treats if exploring sets that belly rumbling. Take a break and make it to Blake, for goodness sake!

Cost: $29/Person; Free for kids 3 & under

1101 Alaskan Way
Pier 55, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98101

Ballard Locks

Ames B. via yelp

If watching boats is more your kiddos’ speed, look no further than the Ballard Locks, the busiest locks in the nation! Located just north of the city in the Ballard community and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, these locks will ooh and aah you little ship lovers. Watch along the railings as boats and ships both large and small pass through. Or bring a blanket and a picnic and sit in the grassy hill adjacent to the Locks as you watch the boats go by. Swing by the visitor center and admin building for further historic facts or stroll the botanical garden while you're there. It is also a great way to watch migrating salmon from June through September as they pass through the salmon ladder of the viewing windows. Not a bad way to spend a day with your nautical nuts.

Hours: Daily, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
Cost: Free

3015 N.W. 54th St.
Seattle, WA 98107

Center For Wooden Boats

free things to do with kids in Seattle
Center For Wooden Boats

If the nostalgia of a good ole traditional wooden boat is strong with you and your cadets, Seattle has just the place for you! Check out the Center for Wooden Boats, located on Lake Union. Founders Dick and Colleen Wagner, who had previously been renting out their wooden boats for the past decade, started this hands-on, living museum in 1976 to showcase and educate others about their collection. Now expanded to include the Wagner Education Center, you will be able to see more historic wooden boats than ever. Visit the gallery installations, hanging boat exhibits, restoration projects and art displays while you are there. But that’s not all. Since this is a living museum, you can rent out a wooden boat yourself! Their fleet, from rowing boats, to cats, to sailboats, are rented out for personal use right on Lake Union. ‘Wood’ you like to sail? You bet!

Hours: Weds.-Sun., 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Closed Mon. & Tues. Last boat out at 5:45 p.m.

South Lake Union
1010 Valley St.
Seattle, WA 98109

The Electric Boat Company

Jacquelyn F. via yelp

What’s that? Captain your own boat? Yes, you can! The Electric Boat Company located on Lake Union lets you drive around your very own crew of up to 12 people. Easy to maneuver and navigate, with plenty of seating for all your skippers, these leisurely electric boats are where it’s at for a DIY glide on the water. We recommend the Duffy boats, perfect for a family. The kiddos will be able to check out all manner of boats and ships on the lake, as well as the draw bridge, the floating house community, and all the other quintessential Lake Union sights. Life jackets are complimentary for adults and kids and you can even bring your own food and bevvies while out on the ride. A pro when touring the lake this way is that the Duffy boats can also be fully enclosed and are heated if you book outside the summer months!

Cost: $125/hr. (minimum 2 hours)

2046 Westlake Ave. N., Suite 102
Seattle, WA 98109

Maritime Seattle at MOHAI

free or cheap museum days Seattle
courtesy MOHAI

Anyone who has been to Seattle knows how important our waterways are to our region. Lakes, chilly glacier runoff rivers, the Sound and the Pacific are all within our fingertips. It’s no wonder we have so many little lovers of water ready to learn and explore more! Check out the permanent Maritime Seattle exhibit at the Museum of History and Industry with your aquatic, inquisitive bunch. Located in MOHAI’s Naval Reserve Building, this gallery features old-timey diving equipment, a WWII-era submarine periscope with 360-degree views of Seattle, a Fresnel lens from the Smith Island Lighthouse, a real working ship’s wheel, an engine telegraph system and a tour of many historic ships with interesting tales to tell. You and your gang will leave here with tons of maritime knowledge that you won’t soon "castaway!"

Good to know: Check out MOHAI's newest exhibit Da Vinci-Inventions when you visit.

Hours: Daily, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thurs. in Aug., 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Cost: $22/Adult; Free for kids 14 & under

860 Terry Ave. N.
Seattle WA 98109

Emerald City Pirates Family Treasure Cruise

Kristina Moy

Arrr, Matey! Climb aboard for a pirate treasure cruise on the Emerald City Pirates’ ship, Queen Anne’s Revenge! Your buccaneers can join in this floating, interactive marauder experience while you toil around Lake Union in a pirate ship! You can take in the awesome view of the city skyline, but the real treat is the treasure search, games and the talk-like-a-pirate lessons your kiddos get while on board the hour-long swashbuckling cruise. They also have the chance to try their hand at the water cannons and will get a gift of their choice from the ship’s treasure chest. It’s truly all the fun your little hearties are searching for. You will want to walk the plank to the ship about 30 minutes ahead of time to board. And make time to check out the booty, swag, snacks and drinks at the ship’s store beforehand, too!

Hours: Sat. & Sun., hours vary
Cost: $32/Adult; $27/Kid (18 mos.-14); $15/Kid (18 mos. & under)

860 Terry Ave. N,
Seattle, WA 98109

Lake Sammamish State Park Boat Rentals

Alaina Weimer

With so many glorious lakes in our PNW region, it is hard to pick just one that is great for kayaking. But Lake Sammamish State Park is one of many worth the mention. If you are hitting up the Eastside and your Littles are eager to hit the waves, check out Lake Sammamish. There is a boat launch with kayak and board rentals at Tibbetts Beach. Get the kiddos jacketed up and send them out into the calm waters of the lake for a great day of paddling. Glide past the swimming area, hit the sand bar or check out the connected salmon creek. Don’t forget to keep your eyes on the sky. There are always bald eagles to be spotted here! Then, once your Littles get oar-arm, hit up the huge playground as well as the large sand beach for some picnic or sandcastle-building time. The concession stand is open now, too. Grab some ice cream, or if everyone is feeling the tummy rumbles, they also serve hot dogs, chicken sausages, nachos and…wait for it….Zeek's pizza! You won’t famish at Lake Sammamish! Full summer day filled with water fun? Check! Just remember your Discover Pass.

Foodie footnote: If a non-concession lunch or dinner is in the plan, hit up the XXX Root Beer Drive-In restaurant a few miles away for a monstrous burger, fries and a root beer float. There are only two of these themed eateries left so you won’t want to miss this novelty. Plus, it’s filled to the brim with groovy, nostalgic decor, making it a fun and unique place worthy of the visit while in the area!

2000 N.W. Sammamish Rd.
Issaquah, WA 98027

King County Water Taxi

Andrea U. via yelp

If bigger is better when it comes to boats, consider taking an adventure on one of the King County Water Taxis! Departing from downtown Seattle, there are two trips you can take on the Taxi. Head to either West Seattle or Vashon Island for the day. Departing from Pier 50, the taxis leave just about every hour for the Seacrest Dock in West Seattle, or if you are heading to Vashon to play for the day, the taxi leaves in the morning and evening commute times. These vessels hold 278 people and there is room on board for bicycles if you feel like biking instead of hiking. If a day in West Seattle or Vashon is on your bucket list, your itty bitty cruisers will find this means of getting there totally up their waterway! The online schedule has exact taxi times.

Foodie footnote: About half a mile down Harbor Ave, Salty's on Alki Beach is a must for their famous brunch (on Saturdays and Sundays), lunch or dinner! You get one of the very best views of the Seattle skyline plus award-winning Northwest seafood cuisine (think: crab, lobster, salmon, halibut, name it!), and it’s absolutely worth a pop over! And, yes, they do have a kids menu if your kiddos prefer to see their sea life in the water as opposed to on their plate!

201 S. Jackson St.
Seattle, WA 98104

Ice Cream Cruise

Seattle Water Tours

Claimed to be the “sweetest trip around Lake Union,” the Seattle Water Tours’ 42-passenger Ice Cream Cruise is clearly meant to be enjoyed by your kiddos with ice cream treats in hand. Their ship, the Fremont Avenue, leaves on Sundays, every hour on the hour for a 45-minute trip around the lake. Youngsters can learn about some of the hot spots on Lake Union including the history of Boeing, the floating homes community and a shipyard that has been working for over 100 years. It’s even dog-friendly, if you feel like bringing the pooch! The excursion is on a first-come, first-served basis for cruises on Sunday year-round, and also for select times on Saturdays in the summer. Perfect for your little boaters and your sweet tooth. I scream, you scream, we all scream for cruising with ice cream!

Days & Hours: Sun., year-round sailings every hour, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. summer-only sailings at 11 a.m., noon & 1 p.m.
Cost: $15/Adult; $10/Kids (3-12); $4/Kids (2 & under)

860 Terry Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109

Woodmark Waterfront Adventures

Tweens and teens and even brave little teenies, we haven’t forgotten about you! If hitting the waves means taking your kiddos out for a bit more of an audacious ride, you may want to consider looking into Woodmark Waterfront Adventures. Located on Lake Washington at Carillon Point in Kirkland, this boat rental outfit has everything from ski/wakeboard passenger boats to jet skis, and from one and two-seater kayaks to SUP boards. They are all up for grabs! You can captain your own crew on a passenger boat, zoom around with your wild child on a jet ski, or, if you are feeling a sightseeing vibe, they also offer a captained boat to motor you around the scenic lake where you can see all the luxury real estate along the shore. You never know who’s house you may glimpse!

1200 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98033

—Alaina Weimer


Anchors Away! 9 Puget Sound Campsites You Can Easily Boat To

MOHAI’s Newest Exhibit & 5 More Places to Explore in South Lake Union

13 Safe & Scenic Places for Families to Go Kayaking

All Hands on Deck: 13 Houseboats to Rent with Your Crew

Oh, Say Can You Sea! Where to Take Kids Tidepooling

Stay cool on your days out with a sweet treat from one of these amazing Bay Area ice cream spots. From cones shaped like a fish, fresh flavors made-to-order or a delicious non-dairy alternative, there is something for everyone. Get the real scoop this summer with our guide to the best ice creams in the Bay!

San Francisco

The Baked Bear

This Fisherman's Wharf ice cream shop is dishing up our favorite scoops sandwiched between two deliciously-fresh cookies and we are down for it. With cookie options like snickerdoodle, funfetti and red velvet, you may just have a hard time deciding. Get your sandwich pressed for that warm-from-the-oven goodness. 

2824 Jones St.
303 Columbus Ave. 
San Francisco, CA

Polly Ann Ice Cream

Polly Ann’s has been a celebrated fixture in the Outer Sunset for over 60 years. Overwhelmed by all the choices? Spin the flavor wheel and leave it up to fate. You may just get lucky and win a free cone! Get your scoop and head on down to Ocean Beach for some ice cream, sand and surf with the kids.

3138 Noriega St.
San Francisco, CA

Bi-Rite Creamery

Bi-Rite Creamery, a San Francisco institution, is just steps away from another SF destination-must, Dolores Park; ice cream after a romp in the kids’ playground makes for a grand outing. There’s almost always a line out the door, so if your brood is getting impatient, try the soft-serve line: it’s usually shorter, and you can score ice cream sandwiches and popsicles from there as well.

3639 18th St. and 550 Divisidero St.
San Francisco, CA

Gott’s Roadside

Gott’s Roadside

Looking for a dairy and nut-free (but still delicious) ice cream? Gott’s has your back with their oat milk-based soft serve from their Ferry Building location. Choose from a chocolate, vanilla or chocolate-vanilla swirl.

Ferry Building Marketplace, 1 Ferry Building #6 , San Francisco, CA

Humphry Slocombe

Head to Humphry Slocombe for the ultimate in wacky and unexpected flavors. Although they’re most famous for their exotic inventions like chèvre fig and Szechaun strawberry, you’ll still be able to find more kid friendly delights like Wexler’s root beer and malted milk chocolate.

2790A Harrison St. and 1 Ferry Building
San Francisco, CA

2335 Broadway
Oakland, CA

Ice Cream Bar

Ice Cream Bar is the coolest and not just because of the ice cream. It’s a full service 1930s-style soda fountain, down to the servers in bow ties and paper hats. The bar at the back of the shop serves genuine old fashioned concoctions like tinctures and phosphates.

815 Cole St.
San Francisco, CA

Mitchells Ice Cream

Mitchells Ice Cream via Yelp

This long-running Outer Mission favorite has been serving delicious specialty ice cream, sorbet and sundaes for over 50 years. They serve up all the classics, as well as their signature tropical flavors; we love Ube-Macapuno, purple yam blended with young coconut. They also sell pre-packed half gallons if you want to stockpile a supply at home—or make the kids really happy.

688 San Jose Ave.
San Francisco, CA

Ghiradelli Chocolate

If you are hanging near Fisherman’s Wharf, there are two places to score classic scoops complete with a killer view. Dating back to 1864, the Original Ghirardelli Chocolate Manufactory in the Clock Tower Building serves up World Famous Ghirardelli Hot Fudge Sundaes, plus it has a bustling chocolate shop and original chocolate manufacturing equipment on display. At a second location in the West Plaza, the Ghirardelli Chocolate Marketplace also serves legendary sundaes and features a live chocolate master creating handcrafted chocolates.

900 North Point St.
San Francisco, CA

Mr. and Mrs. Miscellaneous

The most tongue-twistingly named ice cream shop in San Francisco, this Dogpatch shop is worth the visit even if you keep mispronouncing the name. Their flavors are smooth, clean and inventive without being over the top: try Pink Squirrel (a mix of almond and chocolate flavors) or candied violet, while the kiddies will love the milk and cookies flavor.

699 22nd St.
San Francisco, CA

San Francisco’s Hometown Creamery

San Francisco’s Hometown Creamery

This Inner Sunset spot is run by two brothers with a passion for ice cream and the neighborhood. Their wildy creative, house-made flavor combinations include strawberry balsamic, honey berry breakfast and peanut butter chocolate fudge. Hometown Creamery currently is the only ice cream shop in San Francisco that makes their ice creams completely from scratch in-house.

1290 9th Ave.
San Francisco, CA


What started as a svelte shipping container serving up no more than three flavors a day has turned into a local household name, in no small part to the high-tech show that comes with a visit: Proprietor Robyn Sue Fisher developed the Brrr machine, which uses liquid nitrogen to make ice cream in 60 seconds. The original Hayes Valley location still serves a limited menu, but their newer, bigger outposts offer more choices. Bonus: they also ship nationwide! 

432 Octavia St.
2404 California St.
904 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA

5800 College Ave.
Oakland, CA

3055 Olin Ave. Suite 1055
San Jose, CA

Swensen’s Ice Cream

This wonderfully retro-style ice cream parlor in Russian Hill is known for its rich, creamy, flavorful ice cream. Parking is tricky, so plan accordingly. Give the kids an extra thrill and hop on the Hyde Street cable car (or the 45 bus from Union Street) and let someone else take the wheel. But don’t spend all your quarters—this place is cash only.

1999 Hyde St.
San Francsico, CA

Salt and Straw

Salt and Straw

The Portland favorite made it down to the Bay Area and we are thrilled! They specialize in unique, interesting flavors, like brown butter rice gelato and olive oil with lemon custard, but the most popular items are sea salt caramel ribbon and toasted strawberry tres leches. Bonus: you can order in advance for local pickup. You can also have your pints delivered or shipped nationwide! 

2201 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA

586 Hayes St.
San Francisco, CA

250 University Ave.
Palo Alto, CA

1309 Burlingame Ave.
Burlingame, CA

Westfield Valley Fair
2855 Stevens Creek Blvd.
San Jose, CA

Twirl and Dip

Twirl and Dip is the sweetest food truck in Golden Gate Park. Stationed near the California Academy of Sciences, their signature offering is an organic vanilla bean soft serve dipped in TCHO dark chocolate and sprinkled with Maldon sea salt that has grownups and kids alike queuing up for a cone.

335 Martin Luther King Jr Dr. (near California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park)San Francisco, CA

Garden Creamery

Super unique and decadent flavors with a punch. Huge ice cream selection made from the best local ingredients and one of the most extensive vegan menus in the city. 

COVID-19 Update: You can pre-order on Thursday at 7 p.m. for pick up on Friday or Saturday. 

3566 20th St.
San Francisco, CA

East Bay

Fenton’s Creamery

Hazel C. Via Yelp

This spot is seriously old-school—the original Fenton’s opened in 1894, when they delivered fresh milk by horse-drawn wagon. They seem to have ignored the crazy flavor fad—dark chocolate raspberry swirl or green tea is as wild as it gets—but they have truly mastered the more than 30 classic flavors they still mix up by hand. Movie trivia: Fenton’s classic ice cream parlor was even featured in Pixar’s Up.

4226 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA

Curbside Creamery

This sweet little creamery in the Temescal neighborhood serves up scoops, ice cream sandwiches and fresh-made waffle cones. For treats on the go, track down their cooler-equipped trike on the weekends at the Grand Lake Farmer’s Market, Bites at the Lake and Bites off Broadway.

COVID-19 Update: You can pre-order for pickup or have your ice cream delivered via Caviar. 

482 49th St.
Oakland, CA

YERSEN Gelato Cakes

Blink and you'll miss this tiny shop in a Danville shopping center. Gelato fans rave about all the amazing flavors that are made in house by the owner himself. Need to impress someone for their next birthday? Yersen's Gelato Cakes are almost too good to eat (we said ALMOST).

9000 Crow Canyon Rd
Ste N
Danville, CA


Little Giant Ice Cream

Brad M. Via Yelp

Little Giant has made a giant impression on the Oakland ice cream scene—their ice cream is sweet, smooth and made on-site. Kids will love peeking into the back kitchen where the ice cream is made. Chances are they’ll also love the robot-themed décor with vintage robots hung on the walls.

COVID-19 Update: Pre-order for pickup or delivery. 

1951 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA

Tucker’s Supercreamed Ice Cream

Tucker’s is THE place for ice cream in Alameda—they set up shop in 1941 and have been here ever since. They serve over 30 flavors of ice cream, sorbet and sherbet in their charming, old-fashioned parlor, all extra-whipped in order to live up to that “supercreamed” title.

1349 Park St.
Alameda, CA

Mr. Dewie’s Cashew Creamery

Ice cream that's 100% vegan, dairy and gluten free? Mr Dewie's Cashew Creamery has done it with their cashew milk-based gelato. The brothers who founded Mr Dewie's were inspired to create the concoction when they found out they were both lactose intolerant. If you're a cashew fan, go for their roasted cashew flavor, otherwise they have a full menu of classic and updated flavors from chocolate orange chip to green tea. 

1116 Solano Ave.
Albany, CA

5959 Shellmound St.(inside the Emeryville Public Market)
Emeryville, CA

4184 Piedmont Ave.
Oakland, CA 94611

Uji Time Dessert

Vicky P. Via Yelp

Impress your little ice cream lovers with this Japanese soft ice cream treat. Their eyes will triple size when they get to hold their taiyaki, an oversized cone made out of pancake batter, shaped like a fish (symbol of good luck in Japanese culture). Taiyaki means "baked sea bream" and it is perhaps the cutest Bay Area trend when it comes to noshing soft-serve in style.

2575 Telegraph Ave.
Berkeley, CA

22 Peace Plaza Suite 440 (inside the Japantown East Mall)
San Francisco, CA

2705 Stoneridge Drive, Unit H, Pleasanton

106S. B Street, San Mateo, CA 94401

Cookiebar Creamery

Cookies and ice cream together sound like every little kid's dream come true. Add in some decidedly kid-tempting ice cream flavors like Fruity Pebbles and Cinnamon Toast Crunch and this is a must-stop if you're in the neighborhood with the littles. You can get just ice cream, just cookies, or get them together as an ice cream sandwich—we know what our choice would be.

647 Central Ave.
Alameda, CA

517 8th St.
Oakland, CA


Yogurtland is now available on all major platforms (Doordash, Grubhub, Postmates, Ubereats) along with in-store pickup offering a peachy treat right at your doorstep—even contactless. Bonus: they just debuted their new Plant-Based Piña Colada flavor and it's just the vacation-substitute we all need right now. 



It’s-It Ice Cream

Ron M. via yelp

It’s-It ice cream sandwiches are a bit of Bay Area history: they used to be sold only at San Francisco’s iconic Playland-at-the-Beach before the park was demolished. Fortunately, It’s-It lives on. Yes, you can find It’s-It in grocery stores around the Bay Area, but it’s worth a stop by their factory store, as they carry some hard-to-find, rare flavors like pumpkin and strawberry.

865 Burlway Rd.
Burlingame, CA

Palo Alto Creamery

Palo Alto locals used to flock here for the 15-cent milkshakes. Sure, that was 1923, but besides the price, not too much has changed since then. Come here for the ultimate old-timey diner experience, with breakfast served all day, burgers, fries and ice cream sundaes, of course.

566 Emerson St.
Palo Alto, CA

Rick’s Rather Rich Ice Cream

This ice cream shop is tucked away in an unassuming shopping center, but offers up a “rather rich” experience. They carry 48 flavors of ice cream, all hand-made in small batches, as well as their version of a popsicle, called "frozen ice." Take a hint from Rich’s store motto: “Eat Ice Cream for Daily Happiness”.

3946 Middlefield Rd.
Palo Alto, CA

Scoop Microcreamery

Kevin W. via yelp

Scoop is indeed a micro-sized store, but it’s hard to miss when you’re walking down University Avenue—there’s always the amazing scent of fresh waffle cones wafting out the door. Scoop’s ice cream is made with liquid nitrogen, although not to order; available flavors are displayed already made in the case.

203 University Ave.
Palo Alto, CA

Tin Pot Creamery

This sweet spot was started by a former dessert chef at Facebook, and today its “likes” are off the charts. No wonder, with it’s fabulously rich, smooth ice cream and a constantly rotating menu of flavors like Orange Dreamsicle and Roasted Banana Fudge Ripple. Tin Pot has kept tech-connected by partnering with Postmates and Door Dash, so you can get ice cream delivered to your front door. They've now expanded to four locations in the South Bay and Peninsula.

855 El Camino Real, #121
Palo Alto, CA

170 State Street Los Altos, CA

1875 South Bascom Ave. #370
Campbell, CA

3081 South Delaware St. Suite B
San Mateo, CA


South Bay

Campbell Creamery

Campbell Creamery via Yelp

With something for everyone, stop by and sample Campbell Creamery’s menu of ever-changing flavors. Kids will love a scoop of the bright blue Cookie Monster, while adults might want to check out the delicious frozen custard or frozen yogurt.

267 E Campbell Ave Ste A, Campbell, CA

Cauldron Ice Cream

This Orange County favorite has made its way north to San Jose and we couldn't be more thrilled. The puffle cone topped with liquid nitrogen-churned ice cream shaped like a flower is an Instagram favorite and a kid favorite, too. Choose from traditional flavors like double chocolate or opt for Earl Grey lavender for a more exotic flavor.

1088 E Brokaw Rd
Ste 60
San Jose, CA

Dolce Spazio

John N. Via Yelp

If you’re dreaming of the Italian Riviera, visit Dolce Spazio for traditional gelato—a dense, creamy dessert in a variety of rich flavors. Relax in the shady courtyard with your family and enjoy the laid-back Los Gatos vibe.

221 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, CA

Icicles Cream Roll

Skip the scoop and rock the roll instead! Locals are lining up around the block to try this hand-made Thai treat at Icicles Cream Roll. Cream, milk, eggs and sugar—that’s all you’ll get at Icicles where top-notch ingredients are the only way to roll.

1275 Lincoln Ave. Suite 1
San Jose, CA

Other locations in San Mateo, San Francisco, Newark, Cupertino, Pleasanton and Mountain View


Fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies with a scoop of your favorite ice cream sandwiched in the middle is what makes CREAM a Bay Area favorite. You can also get your ice cream in a taco (YES!) or go for a float on a hot, hot day. Cakes, pints and other baked goodies are the perfect option to take home with you. 

COVID-19 Update: Grab pints or the ice cream sandwich kit for delivery.

1275 Lincoln Ave. Suite 1
San Jose, CA 95125

Other locations: Palo Alto, Concord, Walnut Creek, San Francisco, Alameda and Berkeley


Pizzeria Picco

Leah V. via yelp

Sure, this is a pizza joint (and a fantastic one at that), but those in the know come for the Strauss soft serve ice cream. The first choice is simple: chocolate, vanilla or swirl. But then things get interesting. Try topping it with olive oil and sea salt, or getting it dipped in a Scharffenberger chocolate “magic shell.” Our go-to combo? Chocolate soft serve topped with warm caramel and sea salt. What pizza??

316 Magnolia Ave.
Larkspur, CA

Posie Ice Cream

Started by Kyle Caporicci, a local dad and former pastry chef, Posie offers an artisanal array of ice cream and even to-go pints. All of the ingredients are locally sourced, and you’ll often spot Kyle at local farmer's markets gathering whatever’s in season. As a bonus, Posie also has dairy-free options and all of their cones are gluten-free, so ordering for your whole family is easy.

250 B Magnolia Ave.
Larkspur, CA

—Sarah McDonald & Anita Chu

Bay Area Dessert Shops That Deliver When You Need It Most
Kid-Friendly Fishing Spots
Luxurious Camping Close to the Bay Area
Beach Babes: The Best Swimming Beaches for Kids

Between Seattle’s super hot summer and the start of National Ice Cream month, we couldn’t think of better reasons to treat yourself and the kids to an ice cream scoop (or two!) at one of our favorite Seattle ice cream or gelato shops. From new spots you gotta try to old faves that can’t be beat, here’s where to score the best frozen treats in Seattle and beyond.

The Pastry Project

The Pastry Project

Although eating ice cream is always good, doing good while eating ice cream isn't a guarantee. Enter the new collab between The Pastry Project (a sweet social enterprise that helps future bakers and pastry chefs overcome barriers to education and jobs) and Molly Moon's. Just swing by The Pastry Project Dutch door to order a soft serve in a cone or cup. For now, this brand-spanking new enterprise is focusing on classic flavors (chocolate, vanilla or a swirl) paired with homemade crumbles, dips and hot sauces. Doesn't a soft serve twist with sticky toffee sauce and rainbow peanut crunch sound like something you need in your life?  

165 S. Main St.
Seattle, WA

Hours: Thurs. & Fri., 4-8 p.m.

Milk Drunk

Jerrica K. via yelp

As parents it's hard not to love this place just based on the name alone. And we're pretty sure after you've had a taste of their scrumptious soft serve you'll be "milk drunk" too, just like your sweet newborn. They serve up irresistible flavors like lime leaf and ginger pineapple that can be enjoyed as single flavors or twisted together for an unexpected treat. Flavors rotate often... guess that means you have to go a lot this summer!

2805 Beacon Ave. S.
Seattle, WA

Hours: Tues.-Sun., noon-10 p.m.

Seattle Pops

Seattle Pops via yelp

Sure you can make your own popsicles at home, or you can just head to Wallingford to score the best pops in town. These handmade frozen treats are inspired by Mexican pelatas and they are either fruit or milk based. You can find fruity flavors like zesty lime, lilikoi and banana mango all the time, alongside creamy flavors like chocolate fudge and coconut cream. But the way to go with these pops is to soup them up with fancy drizzles, toppings and dips. Trust us on this one!

Good to know: You can also find Seattle Pops at local farmers markets and in grocery stores.

1401 N. 45th St.
Seattle, WA

Hours: Weds.-Sun., 1-9 p.m.


Wendy K. via yelp

If light and creative ice cream flavors are what you're craving, look no further than this local small batch pop-up. Indulge in a pint of Dirty Matcha, Melon Mint or Orange Thai Basil while you can. These pints are only available until they sell out, so order yours while you can!

Good to know: These fabu pints are available as a pop-up pick-up at Musangtino's at Fair Isle Brewing in Ballard on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Or grab scoops at Communion Restaurant & Bar, Musang Seattle, Taste of the Carribean or Sugarhill.  


Molly Moon’s

Molly Moon's Handmade Ice Cream

You used to have to drive to Wallingford to wait in an around-the-corner line for Seattle’s best ice cream. That was so 2009. Now, almost every pocket of the city can stake a claim to a Molly Moon’s, including Madrona, Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, University Village, Wallingford and 19th & Mercer downtown. C’mon, Ms. Molly Moon Neitzel: here's hoping for new stores to start selling scoops of salted caramel and scout mint in Beacon Hill and West Seattle.

Locations in Wallingford, Capitol Hill, Queen Anne, Madrona, U Village, Columbia City, Redmond and Bellevue.

Sweet Alchemy

Wendy K. via yelp

When it comes to small-batch, made-from-scratch ice cream, it doesn't get any better than Sweet Alchemy. This delish spot hit the ice cream scene back in 2016 and owner Lois Ko has been crushing it ever since. You'll find inventive flavors like London Fog, Persian Rose and Thai Iced Tea, alongside flavors your kids know and love like Strawberry, Sweet Cream and Cookie Explosion. Get yours in a waffle bowl to make it extra special.

Good to know: In addition to its three retail shops, Sweet Alchemy has pint pick-up locations around the city.

Locations in the U District, Ballard and Capitol Hill.

Frankie & Jo's

Tiffany C. via yelp

If you're looking for plant-based ice cream, look no further than this vegan option. At Frankie & Jo's, families can count on intriguing ice cream and sorbet flavors like Salty Caramel Ash and Golden Milk to tempt their vegan tastebuds, served alongside seasonal flavors that rotate. Have yours scooped into a cone with Frankie & Jo's signature Moon Goo and you won't be disappointed.

Locations in U Village, Capitol Hill and Ballard.

Shug’s Soda Fountain & Ice Cream

Shug's Soda Fountain & Ice Cream

This Pike Place Market favorite is an old-school soda fountain, complete with novelty ice cream sundaes and egg creams. The interiors are preciously pastel and modern, with a row of stools to perch and enjoy your Mighty-O Donut topped with Lopez Island vanilla and a dollop of hot fudge. Make a day of it and enjoy a walk around the market or trip to the aquarium after.

1525 1st Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101

Hours: Thurs.-Sun., 1-8 p.m.

Salt & Straw

Salt & Straw Ice Cream

This family owned business, which has gained a cult-like following since its first opening in 2011, is known for conjuring up wildly imaginative, city-specific flavors made with in-season organic and sustainable ingredients sourced from local businesses. Produced in small batches, Salt & Straw’s ice creams combine unique flavors you can’t (and won't!) find anywhere else.

Their menu has two parts: “classics” which are permanent menu fixtures that are so beloved they remain year-round and monthly flavors that rotate. Tempt your tastebuds with classics that include Pear & Blue Cheese, Honey Lavender and Sea Salt with Caramel Ribbons. Psst... they've got two classic vegan flavors too, if plant-based is your jam. The rotating flavors always delight and usually tie in with a theme (this month it's Rad Readers, as in books). 

Locations in Ballard, Capitol Hill and Totem Lake, but they also ship nationwide.

Top It Yogurt Shoppe

Top It Yogurt Shoppe

Located in historic Snohomish, Top It Yogurt Shoppe gives the old school ice shop a modern twist with a dozen different flavors offered each day. Flavors change weekly, but you’ll usually find the old standbys of Cake Batter, County Vanilla and Pomegranate Raspberry on the daily menu. You’ll also find a huge selection of toppings to pile on as well, including fresh fruit, nuts, syrups and candy pieces. The prices here are pretty sweet as well.

801 1st St., Ste. 203
Snohomish WA 98290

Rachel's Ginger Beer

Rachel's Ginger Beer

So while this may not be your first place in mind for ice cream, think again. Rachel’s offers a mean ginger beer float. Ginger beer has a more aggressive flavor than root beer, but ice cream is the perfect way to temper it for a more kid-friendly palate. Choose your ginger beer flavor—original is awesome, but the seasonal varieties like blueberry, white peach and blood orange are both gorgeously colored and extremely flavorful—and add ice cream in vanilla, strawberry or vegan coconut flavors. Psst.. they're doing pop-ups at the Spheres every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m. 

1530 Post Alley
Seattle, WA 98101

1610 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122

University Village
4626 26th Ave. N.E.
Seattle, WA 98105


Cupcake Royale

Cupcake Royale

The creative geniuses behind Seattle's delicious cupcakes have brought their bakeshop favorites to ice cream, so you can have your cake and your ice cream too. Enjoy flavors like Red Velvet, Salted Caramel or Triple Vanilla, made with fresh, natural, local ingredients, or try the newest flavors in the Royale Creamery’s Elevated Soda Fountain Classic series (think: Banana Split and Salted Cookie Dough ice creams and Retro Cherry Cola sorbet). Go ahead and order a double scoop. We won't tell!

Locations in Capitol Hill, Ballard, Downtown, West Seattle, Madrona.

Snoqualmie Ice Cream

Snoqualmie Ice Cream

This ice creamery is a bit of a drive for Seattle families, however it’s worth it! Snoqualmie churns sorbet, ice cream and frozen custard (our favorite is the Lemon Custard) with no artificial flavors or colors and is sweetened with non-GMO cane sugar. They also churn a line of Snoqualmie Organic flavors (try their salty caramel - it's to die for!) and 22 gluten-free flavors. In addition, their shop (Snoqualmie Ice Cream & Fountain) hosts parties, so you can take your next big bash there. It’s also a perfect place to end a trip to Flower World or even Woodinville. And you can also buy pints at local markets if Snohomish isn’t on your "to-do” list or find it at several restaurants around Seattle, including Ivar's on the waterfront.

Good to Know: Order pints from their website and have them delivered right to your doorstep. It doesn't get any sweeter than that!

21106 86th Ave. S.E.
Snohomish, WA 98296

Hours: Daily, noon-8 p.m.

Husky Deli

Jason W. via Yelp

This West Seattle icon is where everyone heads for cups, cones and milkshakes. The family owned shop has been making its ice cream for over 75 years! In addition to classic flavors, Husky Deli makes an array of gourmet flavors, but it's their Husky Flake, French Orange and Dollar Mint that keeps locals coming back. Pick up a few scoops, sandwiches and drinks, head to Alki and voila! A perfect day with the kids.

4721 California Ave. S.W.
Seattle, WA 98116

Hours: Sun.-Thurs., 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

Full Tilt

Helen Green

The closest ice cream will ever get to being considered punk rock, Full Tilt serves sweet treats in colorful shops featuring pinball machines that hearken back to when we were kiddos. In addition to dairy flavors like mexican chocolate and green tea chip, vegan families can bite into scoops of crusty punkin or mint chocolate.

Locations in Ballard, Columbia City, White Center and the U District.

Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery

Doug T. via Yelp

Grab some of Scoop Du Jour’s delicious ice cream in a waffle cone and walk down to the park or waterfront in Madison Park. No frills and around forever, Scoop Du Jour is an unpretentious, beloved Seattle tradition. Don’t miss out on their kid-approved burgers or grilled cheese, either.

4029 E. Madison St.
Seattle, WA 98112

Bluebird Ice Cream

Peter C. via Yelp

Bluebird is as much a destination for kiddos as it is for adults: Little ones love bowls of ice cream infused with the likes of pink-iced animal crackers or floats made with Rachel’s ginger beer or small batch root beer, and grown-ups can fill take-home growlers of Chocolate Milk Stout at the Greenwood store from Bluebird’s nanobrewery. Plus Bluebird is now doing home delivery of your favorite pints to customers in Fremont, Ballard, Phinney Ridge, Maple Leaf, Crown Hill, Queen Anne and Wallingford on Fridays.

7415 Greenwood Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103

Hours: Tues.-Fri., 2-9 p.m.; Sat. & Sun., noon-9 p.m.

Nutty Squirrel Gelato

Turk S. via Yelp

The smell of fresh-made waffle cones hits you from a block down Greenwood from this adorable little café. Who could resist? The gelato here is rich and ultra-flavorful; even the "small" can be made with two flavors, so try multiple flavors like the sea salt caramel or nutty pistachio (or go fruity with the dairy-free sorbettos). There’s no need to rush, as there are tables and a felt play wall at the back perfect to keep littles entertained.

Phinney Ridge
7212 Greenwood Ave. N
Seattle, WA 98103

2425 33rd Ave. W.
Seattle, WA 98199


Hours: Daily, noon-9 p.m.

Bottega Italiana

Bottega Italiana

Wish you were in Italy? This is where you can get your gelato fix. Bottega Italiana’s ingredients are fresh and creative, and the menu includes vegan and non-dairy options. With 60% less fat than ice cream, you’ll be saying “grazi!” alongside the kids.

Pike Place Market
1425 1st Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101

Fainting Goat Gelato

Fainting Goat Gelato

With two Seattle locations, this small family business serves up delicious handcrafted gelato and sorbetto in a variety of flavors. In addition to local seasonal berries, Fainting Goat also uses only organic milk and sugar, making the shop a popular family destination. Plus with flavors that rotate daily, you can expect to find a new fave (or two!) every day of the week.

1903 N. 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98103

3415 Fremont Ave. N., A
Seattle, WA


Sirena Gelato

Jamie T. via Yelp

During the warm summer months, families line up outside to get a huge scoop of this delicious premium gelato, handcrafted one pan at a time from an old-fashioned Italian recipe. Indulge in one of their many flavors including amaretto, cappuccino, chocolate, strawberry, mango, lemon or coconut or go for a pan dolce gelato “popsicle” or one of the many frozen sandwiches heaped with the Italian treat.

109 Park Ln.
Kirkland, WA 98033

960 Harris Ave.
Bellingham, WA 98225



Kristina Moy

A San Fernando Valley, California chain with a slew of local stores, it’s hard to say no to Menchie’s self-serve froyo since it averages about 20 to 40 calories per ounce. When your kids add gummy worms, cookie dough chunks and peanut butter sauce that good-for-you dessert might cross the line into junk food territory, but you can always stick with fresh fruit toppings...and maybe a drizzle of hot chocolate.

Many area locations

—Allison Sutcliffe, Jeffery Totey, Kristina Moy, Chelsea Lin & Sara Billups

feature image: iStock


Chill Out: Seattle’s Coolest Spots for Shave Ice Treats

Ripe & Ready: The Best Farms to Pick Your Own Berries

Fill Your Bucket: 11 Organic Farms for U-Pick Blueberries

11 Walk-Up Windows to Grab Food on the Go

Cool Off at the City’s Best Spray Parks, Wading Pools & Beaches

After a long day of working from home and distance learning, you and your kids deserve an ice cream party. Walmart now has new varieties that will satisfy everyone. The flavors include Margarita Lemon-Lime Sherbet, Root Beer & Vanilla Float Ice Cream, nostalgic Circus Cookie Ice Cream, and Mango Habanero Coconut Ice Cream.

Margarita Sherbet

Depending on location, all four flavors are available for pickup and delivery via the Walmart Grocery app and retail for about $3.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Jennifer Swartvagher


Duncan Hines Launches Single-Serve Unicorn, Mermaid & Galaxy Cake Cups

These New Pillsbury “Trolls” Cookies Will Have You Feeling the Beat

Limited Edition Lucky Charms Cookie Dough Is Here for Your Sweet Tooth

Foil eggs, jelly beans, and chocolate bunnies take up prime real estate in most Easter baskets. PEEPS are another popular non-chocolate treat.This year, PEEPS is rolling out seven new varieties. 

We take pride in seeing that parents who were given PEEPS in their Easter baskets as kids are now passing those traditions on to their own family,” said Caitlin Servian, Brand Manager for PEEPS. “We strive to meet the perfect balance of history and innovation by continuing to offer our classic PEEPS Chicks and Bunnies, while also bringing new and exciting products to our fans.”

PEEPS Pancakes & Syrup Flavored Marshmallow Chicks

Peeps Pancakes and Syrup

To take things one step further, fans craving even more flavor can top their stack of bunny pancakes with the PEEPS® Pancakes & Syrup Flavored Marshmallow Chicks, which offer the same authentic taste of pancakes in fluffy marshmallow form. These Marshmallow Chicks are available at retailers nationwide and on the PEEPS & COMPANY® website

PEEPS® Chocolate Pudding Flavored Marshmallow Bunnies

Chocolate Pudding PEEPS

These PEEPS combine a classic chcolate dessert with sweet, fluffy marshmallow. This treat is sure to be a welcome addition to any chocolate-lover's basket. 


PEEPS® Root Beer Float Flavored Marshmallow Chicks

Root Beer PEEPS

Root Beer Float Flavored Marshmallow Chicks combine the refreshing taste of a frosty mug of root beer and extra scoops of vanilla ice cream into one incredibly delicious sweet treat.

PEEPS® Froot Loops™ Flavored Pop


PEEPS teamed up with Toucan Sam this Easter to bring you this sweet treat. For a limited time only, these Froot Loop flavored marshmallow pops, featuring four colorful chicks, will only be available at Target and Walmart stores. 

PEEPS® HOT TAMALES® Fierce Cinnamon Flavored Marshmallow Chicks

Hot Tamale PEEPS

These PEEPS combine a spicy cinnamon flavor with a sweet fluffy marshmallow! These PEEPS are available exclusively at the Kroger Family of Stores.

PEEPS® Delights™ Raspberry Flavored Marshmallow Chicks Dipped in Crème Flavored Fudge

Raspberry PEEPS

These chicks are bursting with raspberry flavor and are lightly dipped in delicious crème fudge. These PEEPS are available exclusively at Target. 

PEEPS® Individually Wrapped Marshmallow Chicks for Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt PEEPS

Your Easter Egg hunt will be a hit when you hide these individually wrapped PEEPS Marshmallow Mini Chicks. These are available exclusively at Walmart. 

PEEPS® Flavored Jelly Beans

PEEPS Jelly Beans

Enjoy two classic Springtime sweets at once! The iconic PEEPS Marshmallow flavor and colors are brought to life in Jelly Bean form to create an Easter basket essential. Flavors include Strawberry, Lemon, Blueberry and Marshmallow.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of PEEPS


Easter Egg OREO Cookies Are Coming Back to Fill Your Baskets

This Pottery Barn Collection Is the Easter Bunny’s Dream Come True

Get Ready for Easter—Peeps Coffee Creamer Is Back