It’s hard to believe that little one, who used to fit snugly in the crook of your arm, is finally ready for kindergarten… or are they? Maybe you should wait another year? After all, what is the right kindergarten age? Especially since the practice of “redshirting” kids—giving them an extra year before starting kindergarten (making them one of the oldest as opposed to the youngest)—has risen in popularity. But like most trends in the parenting world, it leaves parents wondering if it is a good idea. That’s why we looked at the studies and asked experts to weigh in on what is the right age to start kindergarten. Here’s what we found.

Getting Kids Started in Kindergarten

The preschool years are over and it’s time to start kindergarten. But where do parents start? Where we do with all things—online and by asking other parents. Now is the time to check out your local school’s website or find and join parent Facebook pages or other social media accounts associated with the school. Other suggestions include talking to parents with older kids and asking your preschool teacher about local schools and expectations. There are lots of resources out there for parents with inquiring minds.

Kindergarten First-Year Enrollment

Although kindergarten enrollment varies from state to state, parents can expect to encounter some similar requirements no matter where they live. Here are a few universals:

  • In most states, kids must turn five years old by a certain date, usually September 1.
  • Many schools require kids to have certain vaccinations before starting school; check with your district about specific requirements.
  • Most will ask for proof of residence. A utility bill or other piece of mail works fine.
  • You may be asked to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate to enroll.

What Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten?

Although the curriculum varies from district to district across the country, parents can count their kindergartners learning the alphabet, sight words, phonics, and basic sentence structure as part of Language Arts. Math covers basics like number recognition, counting, addition and subtraction, measurement, and basic geometry. Additionally, hands-on activities and play-based learning help kids learn about real-world concepts like weather, plants, and animals. But many would say the most important things kids learn in kindergarten support their social-emotional growth (or soft skills) like building relationships, solving conflicts, and developing empathy and self-awareness.

What is the difference between Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Transitional to Elementary School (TES)?

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is a two-year public school program designed for kids who turn 5 between September 2 and December 2 of the school year. It provides an additional year of instruction, focused on developing social-emotional skills, language and literacy, math, and physical development, to support kids who may not be ready for kindergarten.

Transitional to Elementary School (TES) is a program offered by preschools or childcare centers to prepare children for kindergarten. It typically focuses on language and literacy, math, social-emotional development, and basic self-help skills so kids can successfully transition to the academic and social expectations of kindergarten.

Related: How to Help Your Child Transition to Kindergarten Like a Pro

Pros of Delaying Kindergarten

three kids who are kindergarten age draw at a table with markers in the classroom

Your kid will (probably) be more willing to sit still if given an extra year.

Whether or not your five-year-old will sit still during circle time or stay on task at writing centers (or at home) may depend on their age, since younger children generally have a harder time doing both. Studies have shown that kids are often misdiagnosed with behavior problems in kindergarten when in fact, the behaviors are just a matter of being younger than classmates. And, according to this Stanford University study, children who wait a year to enroll have significantly lower levels of inattention and hyperactivity—with results continuing even at age 11.

Your kid may be misdiagnosed with ADHD if they start too early.

All those wiggles in the classroom may have some unintended consequences for kids regarding the right age to start kindergarten. A 2018 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that kids who turned five the month before starting kindergarten were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than those who started the month that they turned six. "Our findings suggest the possibility that large numbers of kids are being overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD because they happen to be relatively immature compared to their older classmates in the early years of elementary school," said study author Timothy Layton, an assistant professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, in this article for Education Week

An older child will probably have an easier time saying goodbye to you.

Younger kids—especially those who haven’t attended a preschool program—may have a tougher time saying goodbye in the morning (and we all know how hard it is to leave a tearful tot at drop-off). Giving your child more time to become independent may help her let go when it’s time for the school day to start. with the in-home model of learning most schools will use this year, it may be challenging to start a drop-off situation mid-year should children resume in-class learning. 

Their fine motor skills will be more developed.

Older kids usually have an easier time with fine motor activities (holding a pencil and using scissors, for instance). Doing these things can help build confidence and make a kid more excited about their accomplishments at school.

They have more time to be kids; you have more time with them.

Waiting to start formal schooling gives kids more time to be kids, to enjoy a more leisurely day, and to play freely (which, studies have suggested may be more valuable than academics for young children). Delaying kindergarten also gives you one more year with your child. If you're lucky enough to be home with your kiddo, you'll be glad you got that time.

Related: What Redshirting My Son Taught Me about Time

Cons of Delaying Kindergarten

a kindergarten age boy plays with friends building with colorful blocks

An older child may be taller than their classmates; that matters (especially in middle school).

You may not be thinking about the teen years yet, but let’s not forget: A child who is the oldest kid in kindergarten will also be the oldest in her middle school grade—and that’s no small thing, especially when puberty hits.

They may be bored (and consequently misbehave).

This study has suggested that kids who delayed kindergarten were twice as likely to drop out of high school. Researchers think this is because they reach adult age sooner, which is when kids are legally allowed to quit school on their own (most state laws require kids to stay in school until at least age 17).

That extra year may be expensive.

If you’re a working parent, delaying kindergarten means another year of paying for childcare or preschool. And, with the average cost of preschool as high as more than $10,000 per year in some states (according to this study from the Economic Policy Institute), it’s an expensive wait.

They may not find peers on their level (initially).

A year can make a big difference when you’re only still in your first decade of life. This means a calm, more introverted six-year-old may have trouble finding like-minded peers in a kindergarten class full of rowdy five-year-olds.

It may not matter in the long run.

Despite conflicting research and strong opinions on both sides, it is still unclear whether “redshirting” makes any difference in the long run. Some studies even suggest that, whether your child starts school a year early or a year late, it all levels out by the middle school years.

Related: 16 First Day of School Picture Ideas to Start the Year Off Right

So… Now What?

With all that information,  you’re probably still wondering: What is the right age to start kindergarten? The answer: Both. It depends on the kid.

“Kids should be with developmental age peers as much as possible since kindergarten builds not just academics but social skills, too,” said Deanna Lapen, a Los Angeles-based school psychologist and former kindergarten teacher. “With that being said, every child is an individual. Parents should think about why they would consider redshirting.”

Lapen said parents should talk with their child’s preschool teacher (if applicable) as well as look at the kindergarten curriculum for whatever school their child might attend. Then ask: “Is the upcoming kindergarten class a place where the child will thrive socially and academically?”

If so, don’t delay. And, as always—trust your instincts.

We had a chat with the world’s most famous groundhog. Find out what he had to say

Each year on Feb. 2, the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania celebrates Groundhog Day and their resident legend, Punxsutawney Phil. Phil’s the guy whose shadow (or not) lets you know how many weeks of winter are to come. According to tradition if he pops out of his hole, sees his shadow, and heads back in, there will be six more weeks of winter. Otherwise, it’s an early spring. We caught up with lil’ Phil to find out more about the critter behind the legend: read on to hear Phil dish on the weather, love, and life underground.


TNY: Phil, thanks for taking the time to speak with us. We know you’re busy.

PP: No problem: Actually, the town is doing all the prep work. At this point in my career, I just snack and then put on a top hat when someone says “go-time!” I hibernate during the winter, so overall, it’s pretty chill.


TNY: Phil, you sound so relaxed. Truthtell: Have you always been able to take it easy, or was there a time when you really felt the pressure of your job?

PP: When I was a young kit, there were some nerve-wracking moments. I mean, it’s my call if you’re going to see spring flowers blooming soon or if you need to keep your snow boots near the door. Back then, it was before television or the internet, so people were really relying on me to predict the future. And if I was wrong, well, that’s how Mr. McGregor’s garden froze over.


TNY: Have you ever been wrong?

PP: No, although unforeseen weather patterns can change the outcome, especially in today’s climate. My job is to give my best guess. So in that way, I can’t really ever be wrong.


TNY: Is it really true that you’ve been predicting since 1886? Zoologists say that is impossible: that a groundhog’s maximum life span is just six years.

PP: No comment.


TNY: Has anyone ever tried to sway you toward winter or spring?

PP: Well, I’m not going to name any names but there was a rather well-to-do seed company that came poking around my den in late January. This was a few years back. They left a basket full of indoor-grown (hydroponic or some such nonsense) vegetables for me to eat. There was a little note that said, “Hope you enjoy the bounty of an early spring.” They never came out and said, “Pick spring!” but I got the message. Early spring is good for crops.


TNY: What did you do?

PP: I did what any self-respecting groundhog would do. I ate all the vegetables and then predicted exactly what I saw. Punxsutawney Phil don’t do bribery.


TNY: What’s with the top hats?

PP: It’s the way you know whose part of my Inner Circle: their signature top hats and tuxes. The Inner Circle is like the President’s advisors. Everyone needs their peeps, and mine help convey my prediction with dignity.


TNY: So the tradition is that two scrolls are placed near your stump, one for winter and one for spring, which you direct the Vice President of the Inner Circle to choose from. Do they actually have the words “winter” and “spring” written on them?

PP:  Yes, but it’s in Groundhog-ese. Only Inner Circle members (and other groundhogs) know this complex language.


TNY: Are you married?

PP: My current partner and I have been together for 25 years this April. We have 30 kits, most of them now full-grown with families and burrows of their own.


TNY: Have you had any career highs and lows?

PP: Like any job, there are definite ups and downs. Going on the Oprah Winfrey Show back in 1995 was pretty thrilling. Last year I was almost arrested for my prediction. The charges have been dropped, so I can talk about it now. It was pretty scary. But as I said, this isn’t an exact science. And if you can’t arrest the weatherman for being off, you can’t arrest me.


TNY: Any spoilers on winter vs. spring?

PP: Haha. I can’t say at this time but if you come to Punxsutawney you’ll be the first to know.


TNY: Thanks for your time, Punxsutawney Phil. Any parting words?

PP: Yes. A lot of farmers and home gardeners campaign against groundhogs because they say we eat their food crops. I want to go on record saying that not all groundhogs are thieves: in fact, most of us are hardworking with dozens of mouths to feed. I hope people have more compassion for the noble groundhog. 

Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


Whether you are planning a big Halloween party or just a festive night at home with the family, these Halloween songs for kids will get everyone into the groove.

Get yourself in the mood for ghosts and goblins with this not-too-scary list of Halloween songs for kids. Don your Halloween costumes and cue up your playlist with old favorites like “Ghostbusters,” “Monster Mash,” and “I Want Candy.” You just might find some new favorite tunes to get you in the Halloween spirit before you dive into those party games!

Halloween songs for young kids


The Great Pumpkin Waltz by Vince Guaraldi

This is a classic Halloween song for kids you'll want to add to your playlist for sure! 

Haunting Days of Halloween

By Lucy Kalantari & the Jazz Cats

Haunting days of Halloween
Nothing's quite as it may seem
All the tales you’ve been told
All the creatures you know
Have been walking with you hiding under your nose
But now now now now 
It’s time time time
To be free!

Witches' Brew by Hap Palmer

Dead leaves, seaweed, rotten eggs too
Stir them in my witches' brew
I got magic

Spider web, moldy bread, mucky mud too
Stir them in my witches' brew
I got magic

Halloween Rules by Bounce Patrol

Whatcha wanna be for Halloween
A ghosty or a goblin or the fairy queen
A superhero red and blue
A monkey or a mouse
It's up to you

Ding dong, trick-or-treat
Walking up and down the street
Halloween night is way too cool

Ding dong, trick-or-treat
Candy and make believe
Can you shout it out? 
Halloween Rules!

Related: Grinning Ghouls: 35 Halloween Jokes for Kids

Five Little Ghosts

Five little ghosts went out one night
Haunting, spooking what a fright
Mother ghost said, "Booooo, boo!"
But back to the house only four ghosts flew
One, two, three, four

Four little ghosts went out one night
Haunting, spooking what a fright
Mother ghost said, "Booooo, boo!"
But back to the house only three ghosts flew
One, two, three

Down by the Spooky Bay

Down by the bay
Where the pumpkins grow
Back to my home
I dare not go

For if I do
My mummy will say
Did you ever see a ghost
Eating some toast
Down by the bay

Down by the bay
Where the pumpkins grow
Back to my home
I dare not go

For if I do
My mummy will say
Did you ever see a vampire
Making a campfire
Down by the bay

Trick or Treat Nursery Rhyme

By Blippi

Every 31st of October there's a day
Where the people all come out onto the streets and like to play

All dressed up in costumes in all shapes and every size
It can be a little spooky but no need to close your eyes.

Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
First one said "Oh my, it's getting late!"
Second one said "There are witches in the air,"
Third one said "but we don't care!"
Fourth one said "Let's run and run and run."
Fifth one said "I'm ready for some fun!"
Ooo ooo went the wind, and out went the lights,
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Halloween Sharks

By PinkFong

Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark (BOO)

Halloween, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Halloween, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Halloween, doo doo doo doo doo doo

Skeleton Dance

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones,
Now shake dem skeleton bones!

The toe bone's connected to the foot bone,
The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone,
The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone,
Now shake dem skeleton bones!

Monster Boogie

By Laurie Berkner

I'm the biggest monster that you've ever seen
My eyes are purple and my teeth are green
I'm big and I'm scary, you know what I mean
This is what I like to do

I do the monster boogie, the monster boogie
The monster boogie round the room
Everybody does the monster boogie
The monster boogie, the monster boogie

Choc-o-lot in My Pock-o-lot

By Laurie Berkner

When I walk, I walk a lot
And when I talk, I talk a lot
And when I’m not, what do I got?

Choc-o-lot! I got choc-o-lot!
I got choc-o-lot in my pock-o-lot!

I wear my shoes and my socks a lot
And when I paint, I wear a smock a lot
But when I’m not, what do I got?

Choc-o-lot! I got choc-o-lot!

The Purple People Eater

By Sheb Wooley

Well, I saw the thing comin' out of the sky
It had the one long horn, one big eye
I commenced to shakin' and I said "ooh-eee"
It looks like a purple eater to me

It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
(One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater)
A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me (one eye?)

Scooby Doo Theme Song

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you?
We got some work to do now
Scooby-Dooby-Doo, where are you?
We need some help from you now

Halloween songs for older kids


Something's Brewing

By Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies

Something's brewing in the basement
That's where, the basement
Down, down, down, down, down
Something's spooky on the stairs
There's an empty chair
I think this house is haunted
Look around, look around
What's that sound? 
Don't look now
Is that a blob?
Or is it Bob?

You can find the whole Something's Brewing  . . . It's Halloween album here

Disney Halloween Songs

This medley of Disney Halloween songs includes "This Is Halloween," "Vive La Vi," "The Haunted Mansion Opening Title," "It is Halloween-lo-ween," "I put a spell on you," and "Grim, grinning Ghosts."

Haunted House

Oh no, here we go
Walking through the haunted house
Haunted house, haunted house
What do you see?
I see skeletons!

Oh no, here we go
Walking through the haunted house
Haunted house, haunted house
What do you see?
I see a witch!

Ghost In My House

By Jumpin' Jamie

My homework's missing
There's holes in the sheets
He pushed my sister
And blamed it on me
Always turning on and off the lights
And making noise so I can't sleep at night

There's a ghost in my house
And he's really annoying
And he needs to get a job
But no one will employ him

Monster Mash

By Bobby Pickett

I was working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the monster mash

I Want Candy

By The Strangeloves

I know a girl who's tough but sweet
She's so fine, she can't be beat
She's got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire

I want candy
I want candy
I want candy
I want candy

Related: Halloween Party Games for Kids

Ghostbusters Theme Song

By Ray Parker, Jr. 

If there's something strange
In your neighborhood
Who you gonna call?

If there's something weird
And it don't look good
Who you gonna call?

The Addams Family Theme Song

By Vic Mizzy

They're creepy and they're kooky
Mysterious and spooky
They're all together ooky
The Addams family
Their house is a museum
Where people come to see 'em
They really are a scream
The Addams family

This Is Halloween

From The Nightmare before Christmas

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

Costume Party

By The Popups

Went to the closet to put on some costume clothes
and there it was just hanging right above my head
my sister grabbed the tie that grandpa used to wear
and I only had eyes on that lavender dress (really had my eye)

(It's a costume party!) maybe it's the way some things button in the back
some are really scratchy some are silken thread
it's ok to try things on to see how it feels
because clothes I suppose are just the way that you're dressed

Jump in the Line (Shake Senora)

By Harry Belafonte

Shake, shake, shake, Senora,
Shake your body line
Shake, shake, shake, Senora,
Shake it all the time
Work, work, work, Senora,
Work your body line
Work, work, work, Senora,
Work it all the time

Little Red Riding Hood

By Sam the Sham

Who's that I see walkin' in these woods?
Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want
Listen to me
Little Red Riding Hood
I don't think little big girls should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

Related: Underwear Jokes That Are Mostly Clean 

The Ninjas

By Barenaked Ladies

I woke up this morning
And everything was different
Something was strange in the air
I woke up this morning
And everything was different
I knew that the ninjas had been there


by Caspar Babypants (aka Chris Ballew from the '90s band Presidents of the United States of America)

On Halloween he can be seen dancing to and fro
play your bones, Skeletone
In the mist he will insist on a long solo
play your bones, Skeletone

“You are what our family needs”

If there’s ever a group of people who deserve to be called unsung heroes, it has to be teachers. These individuals nurture and care for our kids every day, all while helping them learn the skills to be productive in school and life. May 2-6 is Teacher Appreciation Week, so you may wonder how to say thank you to your kiddo’s teacher. Here are 15 compliments for teachers your family can give out every day.

1. Thank you. Sometimes those two simple words are good enough.

2. You care about your students. Judi Holst, a Language Arts teacher at Rocky Heights Middle School in Colorado, said the best compliment she received from a student was that she genuinely cares for her students’ lives and all the things that involve being in middle school.

3. My kid wants to learn more about XYZ. Nothing excites a teacher more than hearing that a student wants to learn. Have your kiddo verbalize that desire for knowledge. It will make the teacher’s day.

4. My kiddo came home and tried to teach me what they learned in your classGeorge Bartuska, an Engineering/Aerospace teacher at Central Florida Aerospace Academy of Kathleen High School in Florida, said the best compliment he received was from a parent who shared with him not only how much their kid enjoyed his classes, but also how they’ve come home and explained some of the activities or classroom discussions.

5. My kiddo is always excited to come to class. If a teacher knows students are excited to be in school, they realize they’re doing a good job.

6. You are what our family needs. Lynn Thedell, a preschool teacher in San Diego, was told by a parent that her class was exactly what their family needed when they were having a difficult time with their kiddo.

compliments for teachers mean a lot to educators.


7. We appreciate you. You can always say “thank you.” But telling a teacher you appreciate them expresses a different level of gratitude.

8. You helped my kiddo understand this differently. Teaching is not only helping kids understand new concepts, but it’s also helping them reexamine how they think. That recognition is sometimes even more powerful, which is why this is one of our favorite compliments for teachers.

9. Thank you for connecting with my kiddo. According to the National Education Association, the best teachers care about the relational aspect of teaching, along with imparting knowledge. Let them know you recognize the effort they’re making.

10. Thank you for respecting my child as a person. This may seem like a simple idea, but you may be surprised how many kids don’t feel like their teacher has respect for the people they are.

11. You’re a great sub. Shannon Giles, a substitute teacher in Indiana, said receiving that compliment meant the world to her. If you have a favorite substitute, don’t forget to tell them you appreciate them and think they’re awesome too.

12. You make learning fun. Not everyone likes school. If your kiddo is having fun during the day, your teacher is doing something right.

13. Your dedication doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s never been harder to be a teacher in America. Those who teach do it because they truly love to educate. Make sure your teacher knows you understand.

14. You helped my child when I couldn’t. It could be that they got them through a tricky unit. It could be that they were able to help your child see the future. It could be they helped deal with a school bully. As parents, we can’t be there for everything, and it’s important to let other adults know when they’ve helped you out.

15. My kid still talks about your class. Even though teachers may see hundreds of kids throughout their careers, you better believe there’s a place in their hearts for all of them. To know they have a place in your kid’s core memory is a wonderful compliment for teachers.

Mean girls aren’t born; they’re created

When I was in middle school, the popularity board of directors chose me as their new target. They created an online poll and sent it around to everyone in our school. The poll was titled, “Who’s Uglier: Lilly Holland or Sarah Johnson’s Leg Hair?”

Poor Sarah Johnson, who was endlessly mocked because she wasn’t allowed to shave her legs. As I sobbed into my mom’s lap, she stroked my hair and assured me that the girls who created that poll were mean girls, and mean girls are not people you want to be friends with, now or ever. Of course, she ended up being right. One of the girls continued being malicious right through college. I’m sure to this day she’s still a mean girl.

Mean girls aren’t born; they’re created. They’re empowered by other kids and their parents, often inadvertently. As a teacher, I watched this happen in my classroom every year. There was always a mean girl. The girl who put others down to make herself feel better because she lacked confidence and control in her life. She had her band of loyal followers and would gain power every time she did something unkind. Every year there was a different version of the same girl. And every year, the old adage would ring true: the apple never falls far from the tree.

Nine times out of ten, the mean girl had a mean-girl mom. The mean-girl mom disguised it better than her second-grade daughter, but it was still obvious from her interactions with others. The power structure doesn’t really change from elementary school, it just becomes more complex.

Today at our library, I saw exactly how mean girls are made. My daughter, who is 18 months old, was enamored by the two five-year-olds that were playing with LEGO bricks. The two girls and their mothers were the only other people in the library. My daughter inched closer and closer until she was within reach of the girls. Not yet able to really communicate, she gave her own kind of greeting. Beaming, she reached out to give one of the girls a pat on the arm.

The girl pushed my daughter’s hand away, stomped over to her mom, and loudly complained right in front of me, “There’s a baby over there, and I do not like it!” If my child had said that, I would have been mortified. This mother rolled her eyes and suggested her daughter ignore “the baby.” My baby, whose mother was sitting ten feet away from this dynamic duo.

I gave the mom the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she was embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle it. Clearly, the girls were not going to give my daughter the time of day. Knowing how tough it can be for older kids to play with younger kids, I took Penny’s hand and led her to play in another area. The little girl came back, unprovoked, and said, “You can’t stand up like we can,” jabbing her finger in the air, “because you are a baby.”

The mother was nowhere to be found, so in my best teacher voice I said, “You know, kiddo, you were exactly the same age and size not too long ago.” She ran away.

We play a huge role in our children’s lives. The mother was probably tired of hearing her daughter’s complaints. Since she was enjoying having a conversation with her friend, she told her daughter to ignore the baby who was “bothering” her. What about explaining to her that little kids look up to big kids? Or asking her how the baby was “bothering” her and then trying to figure out a solution?

Every decision we make sends a message to our children. That little girl learned that it’s okay to act unkindly towards another child just because she’s younger. If Penny had come up to me and complained about a smaller child annoying her, I would have explained to her that in our family we are friendly to everyone and that she should be especially friendly to younger kids who admire her.

When I walked into the play area initially, I sat by the two moms because they were the only other adults in the library. I thought it was odd that neither acknowledged me. Of course, I didn’t expect to be brought into a private conversation, but a simple hello would have been nice. It was inconvenient for those moms to say hi to another mom, just like it was inconvenient for one of their daughters to be kind to another child. It was inconvenient for the mom to take advantage of a simple teachable moment.

I’d like to think this was an isolated incident. I know through many interactions with children that this is not the norm. Most kids see babies toddling around the library, remark how cute they are, and bring them into their game—at least temporarily. Obviously, we can’t—and shouldn’t— monitor everything our children say and do. However, it seemed this child has already learned, whether through inconvenience or blissful ignorance, that it’s okay to be unkind to someone else.

I wish I had had the courage to speak with the mother myself and try to figure out why she responded this way. Instead, I’m writing about it now. Hopefully, someone can learn from it, no matter which mother you are in this story.

I'm a former New Yorker turned suburbanite. I'm incredibly lucky to be a professional writer and stay-at-home mom to Penny: my sassy, mischievous toddler. When I'm not pulling play-doh out of Penny's mouth, I write about parenting and my former career as a teacher in an elite NYC private school.

There’s nothing left-handers can’t master

Spiral notebooks, scissors, keyboards. Just a few of the “tools” you’ve mastered twice as well as any right-hander. Being a lefty is something to be proud of: did you know that according to MENSA 20% of all geniuses are left-handed? So, for International Left-Handed Day, celebrate the southpaws in your life, and enjoy these hilarious left-handed memes. If you’re looking for more laughs, check out our mom memes, our Halloween parenting memes, and potty training memes.

1. Stupid scissors.

left handed meme

2. Because being left-handed is totally right. 
left handed meme

3. Funny, but true.

left handed meme 3


4. No one believes you.
lefties meme left handed meme


5. Your parents kept putting your pencil/spoon/baseball bat in your other hand. 
left handed meme kid


6. Because you rejoiced when you discovered stores like this really do exist. 


7. If you had a nickel…
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8. I can wave with my left hand, too! 

left handed meme scale

9. ‘Nuf said. 


10. Sigh. 

leftie meme two


11. Because you still have to “special order” what you need at the office. 


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12. Awww, yeah! 




Stop saying these homophobic slurs and help break the chain of hurtful speech.

In a vulnerable time like this, communication is incredibly important. Our kids are relying on us more than ever for education, and social development. So, how do we avoid unintentionally hurtful words and teachings that we ourselves may have learned by accident? Linguistically speaking these terms and phrases can be considered a “pathogen”—they’re “Word Germs.”

Perhaps you can recall a time when a parent or grandparent taught you a word or spoke aloud an idea that was offensive to you, or to people you cared about. You, when you decided not to repeat it, were the first link that broke that instructional chain of thinking and speaking. 

After surveying an NYC-based LGBT & Ally Performer network, we have come up with 10 commonly used words and homophobic slurs that you may not have known were offensive to the LGBTQ+ community and some alternative options that will promote our children to grow up to be compassionate and intelligent advocates for justice in their classrooms, social circles and future homes. 

“No, that’s for girls/boys.”

that's a girl toy is one of the homphobic words to stop saying
Robo Wunderkind via Unsplash

Kids are naturally curious and like to try out all different kinds of playtime activities as well as clothing options. Playing house, playing with trucks, or building LEGO sets are formative activities for young kids of any gender. Additionally, playtime, for households with multiple children, is a social activity. It’s not rare or wrong for a brother and sister to play cars, dolls, or dress-up pretend games together, so why do we enforce separation when it comes to other activities?

For example, when your son wants to try makeup or wants his nails painted, it can simply be because activities such as those are calming and involve spending quality time with you, or perhaps an older sibling. When a young girl plays with tools or has an interest in mechanics/building, not only are those creative activities the foundation for important skills she will need as an adult but are also a bonding activity for her and a parent and/or sibling. Though these activities aren't indicators that your child will grow into an LGBTQ+ adult, your reaction will be remembered if they begin having questions about their gender and sexuality, so responding positively and openly will set a trusting foundation for your relationship when they need your help finding those answers later in life. Celebrating your child’s curiosity will ultimately bring you closer together.  

“He’s a little ladies’ man/She’s going to give her Daddy trouble when she’s older.”

happy baby
Jason Sung via Unsplash

It's a known fact: babies are cute. And it's exciting to see their personalities take form. When babies/toddlers are social and bubbly, sometimes adults will remark in a way that indicates when they grow up, they’ll have plenty of romantic attention. Comments like this could potentially make your child fear making gestures of affection, particularly in front of you or other adults, in case they would be ridiculed or embarrassed. It also establishes an expectation that in adulthood, your child will be heterosexual.

Maybe you can recall having a “kindergarten boyfriend/girlfriend” who waved at you at pick-up or held your hand on the playground. These sorts of gestures of friendship and closeness among young kids should be encouraged. It teaches kids to be honest about their feelings and establishes a place in their life for kind gestures and affection, rather than concealment of emotions and violent outbursts.

These types of comments can also set a tone that same-sex relationships or the need for physical comforts such as hugs or hand-holding outside of a romantic relationship are "strange" or “abnormal.” Instead, it's important to encourage your children to be openly kind to their friends and classmates, without jokingly hinting that something else lies beneath those actions.   

"Be more ladylike."

Kenny Eliason via Unsplash

Whether she was climbing a tree or sitting bowlegged in a chair, every single girl has heard this phrase at least once growing up. This saying is damaging to every girl, establishing limitations on what girls can and cannot do. In the same way that "no, that's for boys" discourages girls from exploring interests in male-dominated fields, "act like a lady" teaches girls to consider themselves an "other" to boys, even something less than boys. While, of course, we want to teach children manners, how to be polite, to say "please" and "thank you," and to treat everyone with kindness and respect, comments like this make girls resent being born as girls.

It also assumes that a child's sex and gender match one another. Jo March from Little Women, the "blueprint" for how we view tomboyism, often remarked that she was "the man" of the family, cutting her hair short, wearing trousers, and refusing to do "girly" things like needlepoint or flirt with boys. She, like many young girls, rebels against conventional expectations of girlhood/womanhood. So, it's unsurprising that theorists have wondered whether Jo was gay or transgender. Allowing girls to breathe a bit as they develop, leaving room for any activities regardless of her sex will help her in expressing her gender identity later in life.


Related: 5 Trivia Questions for Pride Month

“You’re so brave for being out.”

be an LGBTQ ally by erasing these homophobic slurs out of your vocabulary
Anna Selle via Unsplash

While it comes from a place of kindness, and of understanding that there are plenty of people who are still intolerant of the LGBTQ+ community, telling a gay person "you're so brave" reinforces that being gay is an abnormality. Not every gay person is completely out, some are only out to friends or friends and a portion of their family. You may have heard "but I haven't told my uncle" or "but I'm never telling my Nona." This homophobic slur subtly assumes that a gay person wants to talk about their struggle to openly accept their sexuality. Saying instead, "I'm here for you if you need to talk (coming out, your intolerant relatives, being bullied at school, feeling confused, etc.)" establishes that you're an ally, and they're in control of when they bring up potentially traumatic events. You could also say, "I'm happy that you're so happy," or "I'm glad you've found your significant other."

“I’m not gay but.../I'm no homo...” 

two dads on how to Be an LGBTQ ally

We'd love to say the reminder is unnecessary, but we'll say it anyway: stop saying this homophobic slur or any variation of it. Whether you think Lupita Nyong'o is beautiful or you love spending time with your best friend, you don't have to reaffirm the admiration of a celebrity or the strength of your love as platonic. This is another phrase that alienates LGBTQ+ people, making it seem as though gay people are abnormal, and there's a necessity to keep reaffirming you do not belong to that group. It makes it seem as though there is some fear attached to being mistaken for gay as if there is some punishment that may be involved. It's much easier to simply say "I'm really happy we're friends" or "I love the time we spend together" to someone you care about without adding the addendum at the end.

“I have a great gaydar.”

LGBTQ ally at a pride parade
Josè Maria Sava via Unsplash

We've all heard some version of it: "I always knew ____ was gay!" or, "With style like that, it was obvious!" or to the opposite effect, "But you don't look like a lesbian?" Employing your "gaydar" assumes that there is one single way of being gay. When in fact, gay people and their experiences are just as diverse as anyone else. It also gives gay people a reputation for being "sneaky" as if being in the closet is an act to fool or trick people, but those with "gaydar" are more adept at seeking out the lie. Instead of telling your friend/child/family member that you always knew they were gay, try saying "That's great!" Or if they tell you they're transgender or nonbinary, ask questions like "What does that mean for us going forward?" and "Do you have a new name or pronouns?" and "How can I best support you in this?" Showing you're listening and you care is the most crucial step in making the person you care about feel loved and accepted.

“But, are you sure? Have you ever dated a (person of the opposite sex)?”

learn how to be a good LGBTQ ally
Masha S. via Unsplash

Even members of the LGBT+ community are guilty of this one. It's natural to be curious about how someone came into their sexuality, but ultimately it's not your business. Often times gay and transgender folks experience "internalized homophobia" where, it's difficult not to listen to the voices of bullies, politicians, clergy members, and even characters on television, who tell them they're "looking for attention" or "just haven't found the right person" or "can't possibly know unless they tried." You wouldn't ask a straight person how they knew they were straight if they'd never been in a same-sex relationship, so why the curiosity when it comes to gay people?

“I don’t mind what you are but, you’ll always be my little boy/girl to me.”

homophobic slurs to stop using today
Brian Kyed via Unsplash

It's understandable that a change such as your child's gender can be shocking. Especially when discussions of reassignment surgery, hormone therapy and legal measures (regarding name, insurance, official documents, etc.) follow. Fond memories of watching your child grow up will potentially feel like a "Before" and "After" and perhaps, your child will not remember those precious moments with the same fondness, as they will remember them as a time of closeted-ness. It is so crucial in helping your child to feel accepted for who they are, to let go of the "Before" and "After" mentality. Talking openly about your concerns, and listening to theirs will help you better understand each other's needs. Sometimes decisions about how best your child can live their life happily as their preferred gender will require several conversations and lots of research. Tackle those moments of doubt by listening to what your child needs. Help them find an LGBTQ+ network, and as their parent, talk to adults who went through the same thing at their age, and what they needed/wish they had, as far as parental support.

“That’s gay.”

Raphael Renter via Unsplash

This phrase has somewhat fallen out of fashion in the last ten years but it still comes up, particularly around the adolescent schoolyard. The sentiment is simple: all things stupid, inconvenient, weird, loud, gross, tedious, annoying, and so forth, are branded "gay" instead. With a vocabulary so rich and diverse with words that describe the things that irritate us, why continue to choose the word gay at all? It reinforces the notion that there's something inherently wrong with being gay. If you hear it said by someone you know or even someone you don't, it's easy to correct, "Did you mean (new word)?" or "Gay isn't a synonym for (new word)." Setting an example for your kids in this way, when they hear these pathogen-like phrases (especially when they're uttered by others in your presence), will help them not only learn not to say these things but also why it's important not to.

The “Reclaimed Slur”: “Fairy,” “Queen,” “Queer,” “Dyke,” “Faggot,” “Tranny,” “Cross-Dresser” 

homophobic slurs to quit using against the LGBTQ community

This last one is a little trickier than the others. Sometimes, you will hear members of the LGBT+ community use terms that seem offensive, or you've heard them used offensively before. There isn't one single opinion from the community about these terms. Some people find it liberating to use words that were once meant to damage them as a signifier of pride or self-love. Others prefer to leave homophobic slurs in the past. However, at one point in history, the words "Gay" and "Lesbian" were also slurs, so it's difficult to come down decidedly on one side of the argument or the other.

Ultimately, “slurs” can only be reclaimed by the parties they were originally used to bully. Even if you hear someone call themselves an offensive word, it does not mean they’ve permitted you to use that word to describe them as well. Communicate with your child, friend, or family member, and ask them how you should refer to them—there’s almost always a straightforward answer. Whether it be “Sometimes I call myself a dyke, but please call me a lesbian in conversation” or “I’m gay, but I also use the word queer, so you may too when talking about me.” 

As with any marginalized group, the best thing you can do to support the LGBT+ community is to listen to and amplify their voices whenever/wherever you can. Educating yourself is the first step to becoming an LGBTQ ally to those you care about.

Related: 14 Inspiring LGBTQ Books for Kids

We were late again.

The daily morning chaos had unfurled in all its glory: Oldest Child was refusing to eat breakfast (this time because of a newly erupted canker sore); Middle Child was lackadaisically searching the house for his shoes, which would inevitably be found a full five minutes later right by the door. Youngest Child, always barefoot, was insisting we find her Aurora doll before we leave.

And there I was, just willing them to hurry up, like usual. Standing against the doorway holding three backpacks, three winter coats, and a pair of toddler boots, I waited.

“We’re going to be late!” I called.

“Come on!” I yelled.

“Let’s go!” I insisted.

Eventually, the three of them ambled downstairs and shuffled out the door, the two older boys bickering with each other about something I didn’t have the patience to decipher. And when Middle Child whimpered something about being late, I shrugged my shoulders and said, “It is what it is. Next time we’ll do it differently.”

And we will. Because as of that moment, I decided that I’m done rushing my kids around.

At least, I’m going to try. Because what good does it do? Sure, in this instance, we might have made it to school on time. But isn’t it better to just accept that we’re late and face the inevitable consequences (in this case, a tardy slip and an embarrassing solo walk into the classroom)? Isn’t the best solution to figure out a way to get them out the door earlier? To leave room for dawdling because, well, that’s just what kids do?

Experts agree. In this Psychology Today article by Dr. Laura Markham, author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids, she says that rushing our children “interrupts their developmental work of exploring the world, so they lose their curiosity.” She also says that hurrying kids from one place to another can “habituate them to busyness.”

In other words, they’ll be bored with life at a regular pace. Furthermore, rushing them can also cause anxiety. They’re human after all, and always feeling like you’re going to be late is stressful for anyone, big or little.

Kids don’t rush. They probably don’t get why we grownups always do. For a kid, walking to school is a time to explore (even if you’re late). Leaving the playground is still, after all, time at a playground (even if Mom is ready to go). Getting in and out of the car is a time to dawdle (even if it makes Mom crazy). Simply: life is for living.

It’s us grownups who have it wrong.

Last week my three-year-old threw a tantrum because I wouldn’t let her stop and visit our next-door neighbor when we pulled into our driveway at the end of the day. And yesterday she wanted me to chase a woman halfway down our block because she wanted to pet her doggie. I said no both times because I just wanted to go inside and put everything down (the backpacks, half-eaten snacks, and trash that I’m always fishing out of the car at the end of the day). Meanwhile, if we had done it her way, we would have strengthened our friendships with the neighbors and maybe made a new friend.

Today, I tried it differently. On the last few blocks of our way to school, I let my daughter get out of the stroller. It sounds like it shouldn’t be a big deal, but we’ve got a mile-long walk to school—if she walked it, we’d have to leave at sunrise.

At first, she held my hand, and we walked together. This is nice, I thought. I can do this. Then, she broke free. She leaped onto the grass. She hopped atop a low garden wall and walked, balance-beam-st‌yle, the whole length of it, her arms stretched out like a poised gymnast. She stopped to pick flowers, handing me one and saying, “Mommy, will you marry me?” (because she thinks that’s what people do when they get married). In short, she did what kids are supposed to do, which is to simply delight in the world.

And even amid the adorableness of it all, even while I knew that this was the right way to mother her, I felt my bubbling impatience, my desire to hurry. But I held it in. I tried to be there with her because she deserved to enjoy every inch of that walk. Every moment.

This isn’t all to say it’s okay to let our kids be irresponsible or that it’s okay to be late to school. But we parents need to give them more time to get there. More time to find their shoes, pick flowers, tie their own laces, or zip their own jackets so we don’t get frustrated and take those learning experiences from them.

“Rushing costs us,” Markham says on her blog. “It stresses us out, so we enjoy our children less. It makes us less patient, so it’s hard to feel good about our parenting.” So how do we do it? Here are six things I’m going to try:

Leave more time for transitions

Leave for school or activities at least 15 minutes early to give kids the ability to take their time.

Make park dates longer

Try to make your playground visits last. If we only block out a half-hour for a playground visit, our kids will probably be resistant to leave (and we’ll end up frustrated). Stay longer, so kids are ready to go when it’s time.

Shift the evening schedule earlier

This one is going to be hard for us because our evenings with three little ones are pure chaos. But I figure if we have dinner at 5 p.m., we can get our kids to bed by 6:30 or 7 p.m., which will give them an hour or two to read or play in their rooms before lights out (and before I totally lose it).

Find time for quiet

Teach kids the value of slowing down by planning time for quiet moments. Go watch the sunset. Color in silence. Lay on the grass and look at the clouds. Sometimes, it’s those silent moments that speak the loudest.

Take leisurely walks

You’d be surprised how much fun kids can have just walking around the block. Let them explore. Let them linger. Smell flowers. Play in the leaves. Let them enjoy the world around them and try to suppress any desire to say, “Come on” or “We have to go.” See how long it takes them to move on naturally.

Be in the moment with them

In those moments when it’s hard to wait, try to stop and see what your children are seeing. Try to find the fun where they find it. Maybe—if we’re lucky—we can learn a little something.

Melissa Heckscher is a writer and mother of three living in Los Angeles. She is a former staff writer for the Los Angeles Newspaper Group and the author of several books, including,The Pregnancy Test: 150 Important, Embarrassing, and Slightly Neurotic Questions (Quirk Books, 2011). 

Pittsburgh Unified School District teacher Dorothy Honey Mallari’s second grade-style version of  Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts” is an educational anthem every student needs to hear.

According to KPIX 5, the Los Medanos Elementary second grade teacher regularly rewrites pop music for her class.

Even though original lyrics to the song aren’t all-together child-friendly, Mallari told KPIX News, “And when the song came on — the Kid’s Bop version — they were really digging it.” The teacher continued, “And so I said, ‘OK, this is the song we’re going to do it to.’”

The revamped version of the song now includes lyrics such as, “Let’s be great, cuz’ I know we are great” and, “Help you with your homework, just a little.”

So what do Mallari’s second graders think of the song? Based on the video clip, they all enjoy it! Eight-year-old student Hayden Wiebe told KPIX News, “It makes us feel happy in the morning and it makes us feel like a family.” Another student, Jaxson Sanchez, said of his inspirational teacher, “She makes a difference of school, because other teachers just do normal things.”

It’s not just Mallari’s students who see the brilliance in her “Truth Hurts” re-do. Along with most of the Internet, Lizzo chimed in, tweeting, “Ur right..this IS the best thing I’ve watched today.”