Parenting tweens and teens comes with its own unique set of challenges—from when to let your kiddo get their ears pierced to ongoing debates about access to smartphones and supporting them as they deal with the highs and lows of adolescent social lives. Because they’re deep in the trenches of figuring out who they are, it can be tough to keep tabs on their ever-evolving interests, friend groups, and behaviors. That’s where natal astrology can come in handy. While their sun sign—aka the zodiac sign that the sun was moving through when they came into the world—is just one piece of the multilayered puzzle that is your child’s birth chart, it can offer you valuable intel into what makes them tick because it speaks to their core identity, self-image, and confidence. 

As an astrologer and the author of Raising Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology, I’m passionate about teaching parents how to use astrology to gain more insight into their child’s distinct perspective. This helps you hold space for your adolescent to evolve into their most centered, self-assured selves. So let’s dive in and look at each sun sign to explain how it colors your big kid’s personality and how you can best support them.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

A symbol for Aries, one of the 12 sun signs

The sign of the Ram is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, which means your Aries kid has a surplus of beans to burn through. They tend to be drawn to all kinds of physical activity, so they might be super involved in school or community athletics or eager to do their own thing, whether it’s going for runs or riding bikes with friends. Their competitive nature means they love any pursuit where someone is declared #1. As the cardinal fire sign, they’re innate go-getters who have a big-picture vision of what they want to achieve, from straight As to being voted class president. As driven as they may be, Aries is the first sign or “baby” of the zodiac. In other words, they’ll exhibit a wide-eyed, innocent sense of wonder that lasts well beyond their younger years, so expect to enjoy being playful and laughing a lot with your dynamic Ram. You’ll just need to watch out for the fact that their tendency to move at a face pace can mean they’re apt to be impulsive. Encouraging them to slow down and get grounded before making, well, just about any move will benefit them tremendously now and down the road.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

A symbol for Taurus, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Bull and ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, art, and beauty, you’ve probably noticed that your Taurus kid is an unhurried, grounded creature of habit. Sure, that might be another way of saying stubborn, but take heart from the fact that they’re far from the only fixed sign. (The others are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.) Their fixed nature does make them obstinate at times; they’ll dig their heels in when it comes to taking the same lunch to school every day or wearing that one pair of jeans over and over again. But try to bear in mind that they do this because they’re extremely protective of anything that brings them a sense of comfort and security. And there is a silver lining to being the fixed earth sign: Your kiddo is truly pragmatic and resolute. Once they’ve made up their mind to try out for the soccer team or learn how to play the clarinet, they’ll stick to it. Taureans are also known for moving at their own often-snail-like pace and nudging them to hurry up may backfire. One of the best ways to bond with your Bull is enjoying a leisurely activity out in nature, like a curated picnic with lots of yummy, gourmet bites or a walk through the botanical garden.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

A symbol for Gemini, one of the 12 sun signs

We’re sure you’ve already noticed just how much your tween or teen adores lively conversation and witty banter, given that this mutable air sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. They’re naturally buzzy, curious, and supersocial. They’re also apt to explore their writing talents and collect and devour a treasure trove of books. Even if they don’t grow up to be a journalist or publicist one day (though they very well may!), your big kid born under the sign of the Twins thrives on taking in and disseminating information. Heads-up: This could mean they are prone to gossiping or getting in trouble for talking too much in class. But their super-communicator skills can also be channeled toward academic and extracurricular success, whether they’re on the yearbook staff or leading the debate team to a state win. When it comes to bonding, you might find that they prefer to connect in a cerebral way, perhaps by talking about the news, watching Jeopardy, or doing a crossword puzzle together. And don’t be surprised if they’re warm and fuzzy one minute, then standoffish the next. Sure, hormones are partly the culprit, but Gemini is also known for its dualistic nature and ability to vacillate between two distinct personality traits.

Related: Your Parenting Style, Based on Your Astrological Sign

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A symbol for Cancer, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal water sign ruled by the moon, which influences emotions and intuition, your Crab tween or teen is deeply sentimental, nurturing, and loving—but also perhaps a bit reclusive when they’re in their feelings. Whereas other kids might be eager to fly the coop ASAP and spend lots of time at their friends’ houses or involved in extracurriculars for hours after school, your Cancer kid is likely happiest and most at peace when they’re at home, surrounded by family. This isn’t to say that they won’t get involved at school or hang with close friends—they are the cardinal water sign, after all, which means they’re also initiators and ambitious go-getters at heart. But getting enough quality time with you and other loved ones is integral to their overall well-being, and holding that in mind could make a world of difference for their confidence and sense of self and purpose. It’s also wise to remember that they’re quite sensitive and can be moody (yep, even more so than your average adolescent) because they’re ruled by the changeable moon, which switches signs and sets a different emotional tone every two-ish days. Connecting with them through homey, cozy experiences like baking, caring for a pet, or planning a family reunion together will make their hearts sing. 

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A symbol for Leo, one of the 12 sun signs

As the fixed fire sign ruled by the vitality-giving sun, your Lion is vivacious, charismatic, optimistic, self-assured, creative, and lots of fun to be around—but also super ambitious, running the risk of being a bit bossy. A born leader and lover of the spotlight, one of your Leo kid’s greatest lessons in life will be to own their confidence without treading into narcissistic, vain, or domineering territory. You can support this by celebrating their ability to love themselves and empower others while teaching them about humility and empathy. Because they adore a round of applause and are so innately self-expressive, they’ll be quick to sign up for drama club, film or dance classes, or any extracurricular where they can woo an audience or run the show. Like all of the fixed signs, they tend to get super, well, fixated on particular game plans and outcomes, so you might need to talk to them about the benefits of being adaptable and capable of pivoting when a situation simply isn’t working out. You’ll find you can best connect with your Leo through playful, upbeat, fun-loving activities, like impromptu dance parties in the kitchen, trips to the beach (they love to soak up the rays of their ruler, the sun), or writing and performing a funny play together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A symbol for Virgo, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet that oversees information-gathering and communication, your tween or teen is thoughtful, detail-oriented, helpful, analytical, sensitive, and an adept storyteller. As a result of their mutability, your Maiden kid is adaptable and eager to try their hand at different activities, whether that’s softball one year or piano lessons the next, but you’ll also find that they struggle with indecisiveness. Empowering them to trust their intuition and inner knowing and lean on practices like mindfulness can be incredibly helpful, especially because—as such a cerebral, Mercury-ruled person—they’re often in their heads, prone to overthinking and second-guessing. They might be quite shy or very outgoing (depending on other placements in their birth chart), but either way, they’ll want to connect with peers who share common interests. These kids are also so intellectually curious that they tend to enjoy school work more than the average adolescent, so you’ll do well to support their academic pursuits—while encouraging them to steer away from perfectionism. You’ll connect with your Virgo by learning something new together, trading factoids about their favorite subjects (be that STEM, history, or sports), and tackling everyday to-dos together (something organization-loving Virgo finds grounding).

Related: The Best Activities for Toddlers, Based on Their Astrological Sign

Libra (September 23-October 22)

A symbol for Libra, one of the 12 sun signs

Thanks to their planetary ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships, beauty, and art, your Libra kid is a total social butterfly with a keen eye for beauty. They could be drawn to a wide variety of artistic outlets, from dancing to painting, but they’re also bound to be particularly eager to express themselves through their wardrobe and, as they get older, their beauty or grooming routine. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras prize balance and justice above just about anything else, so you’ve probably noticed that your tween or teen is quick to diffuse or steer clear of any arguments that may pop up in the house. They attempt to avoid conflict at all costs. But as lovely as their peacemaking nature can be, they do run the risk of expressing their challenging feelings in a passive-aggressive way, so you’ll do well to teach them that difficult emotions, like anger or aggravation, are healthy to acknowledge and work through. This can be a particularly valuable lesson as they navigate social situations, especially one-on-one relationships, which they put even more value in than your average adolescent (because of their association with the Seventh House of Partnership). For this reason, you could find that some of your sweetest bonding moments come when you’re hanging out just you two, enjoying an aesthetically pleasing experience like checking out an art exhibit or visiting a pretty vacation spot

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

A symbol for Scorpio, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the sign of the Scorpion—the fixed water sign—your tween or teen is dynamic, magnetic, a bit mysterious, emotionally intelligent, intense, ambitious, sometimes aloof, and brimming with a formidable inner power that can make them utterly fearless and unstoppable. These traits are owed to Scorp’s co-rulers: their traditional ruler is Mars, the planet of action and energy, while their modern ruler is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power. In turn, Scorpio kids may be eager to check out student government, play a high-intensity sport (they could be into competitive swimming, as a water sign, or hockey), or try their hand at writing poetry. As one of the fixed signs, they also tend to be set in their ways, whether that’s hanging out with the same friends they’ve had since toddlerhood (hey, they’re very loyal) or continuing to put their nose to the grindstone to pursue a goal they set when they were in kindergarten. Basically, once they’ve made up their minds, it can be extremely challenging to get them to consider—let alone accept—change, which could be fuel for head-butting. And when they’re working through challenging emotions, you can expect radio silence. In these cases, your best bet is to give them plenty of space to work it out, reminding them that you’re there for them whenever they’re ready to talk. Regularly visiting your nearest body of water to walk, take artistic photos, and chow down on a yummy meal together can be therapeutic for your adolescent Scorp—and set the stage for meaningful bonding.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

A symbol for Sagittarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, your tween or teen is free-spirited, unfiltered, philosophical, fun-loving, funny, and full of wanderlust. Ever since they were tiny tots, we’d bet they’ve entertained you with their big, buoyant personality. Now, as an adolescent, your Archer is bound to be even louder and more gregarious, eager to make the most of life and believing that bigger is usually better (thanks to their ruling planet, Jupiter, which is not only the largest planet in the solar system but one that oversees fortune and abundance). This “more, more, more” perspective could translate to your Sag having a lot of fun wearing over-the-top outfits or enjoying pastimes like comedy that involve entertaining others, signing up for a bevy of diverse extracurriculars (at the risk of probably spreading themselves too thin), or opting to get out in the world and see and do as much as possible. This is one kid who needs to explore and break free from their mundane, everyday routine in order to grow and thrive. While this can’t always involve the globe-trotting they likely daydream about, you can nurture their adventurousness by encouraging them to learn another language or try different types of global cuisine. You’ll find you can easily bond by getting out of your comfort zones as a family.

Related: The Parent/Child Astrology Compatibility Chart

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

A symbol for Capricorn, one of the 12 sun signs

Born under the cardinal earth sign and ruled by taskmaster Saturn, which oversees commitment and boundaries, your Capricorn tween or teen is serious, goal-oriented, pragmatic, industrious, and jaw-droppingly mature beyond their years. In fact, they might have been talking about college applications and their ideal career trajectory well before their peers. Even if they’re not that laser-focused on their future, it does bear noting that their cardinal quality makes them quite driven and eager to take the initiative to make ambitious aspirations their reality. This trait also sets your Sea Goat kiddo up nicely for being a leader among their friends and peers. They’ll often be the one who proposes starting a new club or entering an academic competition. Unlike fellow cardinal sign Aries, for instance, you’ll notice that your Cap is perfectly fine working toward their goals at a steady, unhurried pace. In fact, they prefer to always have a clear objective and step-by-step game plan or they feel a bit lost. They might also struggle to let loose, move through big emotions, and accept their own mistakes, particularly because they dread the possibility that they may look “foolish.” In turn, you’ll do well to work with them on self-acceptance and embracing “oops” or emotionally intense moments as opportunities to grow and learn. And when it comes to bonding with your Capricorn, you’ll do well to suggest activities that involve working a little bit at a time toward a larger goal, like gardening, tackling an elaborate LEGO project, or learning about investing and saving together. 

Aquarius (January 22-February 18)

A symbol for Aquarius, one of the 12 sun signs

Traditionally ruled by taskmaster Saturn, the sign of the Water Bearer is also influenced by game-changing Uranus, its modern ruler, producing a tween or teen that can be both resolute and rebellious. They’re also science-minded, super-social, independent, free-spirited, humanitarian, and fired up to strike out against convention. A born people person, you’ve probably noticed that they’re able to make friends with anyone and everyone, yet, as a fixed sign, they do have certain VIPs who they’re closest to. Their fixed quality can also contribute to a particularly stubborn mindset that they’ll “do what they want.” In other words, if you have a weekend plan for family togetherness and they’d rather play video games or see a movie with their besties, you might have to deal with some fireworks. (Uranus’s influence can cause Aquarians to lose their cool out of the blue, so you’ll need to steel yourself for some of that.) But their fierce devotion to marching to the beat of their own drum can also impress you, as they’ll be the first in their class to sign up for a volunteer opportunity to support a local charity or the kid who’s always educating their peers about climate change. You’ll do well to support their desire to be uniquely themselves by complimenting their power-clashing outfits or interest in an up-and-coming indie band. Bond with your Water Bearer by checking out a science museum or getting involved in a philanthropic community effort. 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

A symbol for Pisces, one of the 12 sun signs

Your tween or teen born under the mutable water sign Pisces is deeply empathic, artistic, emotional, eager to help, and in touch with the mystical, spiritual side of life. You could find that your big kid Fish is incredibly intuitive, even a bit psychic, picking up on the emotional subtext of any situation—and then, often, taking on other people’s feelings as their own. This is a case for working with them on recognizing their own feelings and separating them from those of others—and explaining the difference between (and pros and cons of) sympathy versus empathy. As a mutable sign, your Pisces is super adaptable and capable of trying a variety of hobbies and activities, but being ruled by the planet of spirituality and dreams, Neptune, means they’ll be especially eager to dive into fantastical pursuits like theater, filmmaking, or creative writing. They may also love fantasy novels and watching movies that take place in different, ethereal worlds because they have such vivid imaginations and enjoy any chance to step out of their everyday reality. Because they feel so deeply and are so sensitive, they could be easily heartbroken when friendships, or later, romantic relationships don’t work out, so you’ll do well to remind them that you’re there for them and to encourage them to foster self-love, which will serve as a strong foundation for all of their bonds. You can connect with your adolescent Pisces by exploring a wide variety of creative, spiritually fulfilling ways to work through emotions, whether that’s journaling about daydreams, doing yoga, or putting on a whimsical performance. 

When we first heard about the solar eclipse—happening on April 8th, 2024, by the way—we had no idea how much of a big deal it would be. Call us clueless, but it turns out, the whole country is so excited for this event. And, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that there’s so much excitement. The next total solar eclipse that can be seen from the contiguous United States will be August 23, 2044. So, okay, 20 years is definitely major. It’s no wonder there’s so much eclipse merch that’s been popping up for the last few months. From solar eclipse glasses to tees and toys, there’s a lot of goodies out there to commemorate this heavenly happening.

This is a major chance for learning, too. There are a lot of schools that are even closed that day, so it’s an awesome idea to take the time to break out these fun activities for a chance at family time and a teaching opportunity. Oh, and don’t worry; you can learn right along with them, thanks to these informative books and toys, too. So order these solar eclipse glasses ASAP (Seriously. Don’t look directly at the sun without protection!) and make sure to snag some of these eclipse-themed goodies! We also made sure that most of these will get to most customers on or before Monday, April 8th. But don’t wait!

AAS Approved 2024 Solar Eclipse Glasses

set of 2 eclipse glasses

These must-have glasses are made in the USA by NASA-approved manufacturer American Paper Optics, and are recognized as ISO-compliant by the American Astronomical Society. Eclipse glasses are #1 on the list of things to have for the big day!

AAS Approved 2024 Solar Eclipse Glasses ($14.99)—Buy Here!

'A Solar Eclipse Story' by Daniel Hallback

A Solar Eclipse Story Book
Vets Publish

This story is about a family learning about the solar eclipse the night before the big event! Perfect for ages 5 and up.

'A Solar Eclipse Story' by Daniel Hallback ($10.79)—Buy Here!

Smartphone Solar Imaging Enhancing Photo Lens 3-Pack

cell phone filter for solar eclipse

Literally no one wants to see blurry eclipse pictures, least of all you! These enhanced photo lenses that turn your smartphone camera into a solar imaging capable camera, specifically designed to capture the eclipse with precision. The lens acts like a solar imaging protector for your smartphone camera, too, shielding it from harmful rays. And again, we have to stress: never look directly at the sun without eye protection. (We nag because we care!)

Smartphone Solar Imaging Enhancing Photo Lens 3-Pack ($13.99)—Buy Here!

Celestial Buddies Eclipse Bundle

set of sun, earth, and moon stuffed toys
Celestial Buddies

We'll probably never recover from these hilarious and adorable plush planetary pals (we know the sun and moon aren't planets, but stay with us). Now only are they incredibly cute, they also help you demonstrate to younger kiddos the whole big deal behind the eclipse! You can snag these Celestial Buddies seperately, too, here: Earth Buddy, Sun Buddy, and Moon Buddy.

Celestial Buddies Eclipse Bundle ($77.99)—Buy Here!

Solar Selfie T-Shirt

white t-shirt with earth, moon, and sun illustration all taking a selfie

A t-shirt that isn't just darling for the day of; this'll easily become a favorite to wear all the time! Available in men's, women's, and kids' sizes and 10 colors.

Solar Selfie T-Shirt ($19.99)—Buy Here!

Total Solar Eclipse Sticker

multicolored total solar eclipse sticker with date
Stick to It Creations

Notebooks, water bottles, bulletin boards—everyone loves stickers! This would be perfect for a scrapbook, too.

Total Solar Eclipse Sticker ($4.99)—Buy Here!

1,000 Piece Solar Eclipse Jigsaw Puzzle

solar eclipse collage jigsaw puzzle
Buffalo Games

The Path of Totality has never looked so cool. Well, aside from the literal Path of Totality. But this colorful puzzle is definitely the second-coolest. 1,000 pieces to keep you entertained while you wait for the actual event.

1,000 Piece Solar Eclipse Jigsaw Puzzle ($14.99)—Buy Here!

Bright Eyes T-Shirt

grey t-shirt with 'turn around bright eyes' text

You had to know this would happen. Available in men's, women's, and kids' sizes and 9 colors.

Bright Eyes T-Shirt ($19.99)—Buy Here!

National Geographic Kids Window Art Kit

plastic stained glass making kit for kids
National Geographic

Help your kiddos get in the spirit of this celestial event with this super fun window art kit from National Geographic. Great for kiddos 8+ years.

National Geographic Kids Window Art Kit ($16.99)—Buy Here!

Cyanotype Paper Sun Print Kit

set of blue UV transfer paper for art projects

This kit includes everything you need to create frame-worthy art with just the power of the sun! Place the object of your choosing on the cyanotype paper, press and keep it secure with the included acrylic board, and in 5-15 minutes, your art appears.

Cyanotype Paper Sun Print Kit ($12.99)—Buy Here!

Solar Eclipse Coloring Book

solar eclipse coloring book

Not just a coloring book; this takes your kiddos through a whole journey of solar eclipse facts and fun!

Solar Eclipse Coloring Book ($8.99)—Buy Here!

Solar System Foam Ball Kit

foam space paint art kit

Kids love paint, of course, but add all the elements of this science-meets-fun kit that you can display after they're all done.

Solar System Foam Ball Kit ($23.99)—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Give your child a name that’s out of this world (literally!) with these unique astrology names influenced by the astrological signs, constellations, and our solar system. Whether you name your child after an astrological sign (hello, Leo!) or something that will impress an astronomer (like Cressida, an inner satellite of Uranus), there are lots of heavenly names to choose from. For unique names a bit closer to home, consider baby names based on nature or travel.

One of Jupiter’s moons, the name comes from Greek mythology. Amalthea was a goat who nursed Zeus.

If you’re having a Sagittarius baby, consider this beautiful name. Sagittarius means archer in Latin.

Another astrological sign, Aries is a fire sign represented by a ram.

The third brightest star in the constellation Sagittarius.

Named for the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora refers to the beautiful lights you can see in high-latitude regions like the North and South poles.

A moon of Uranus, Bianca is part of the Portia group of satellites that includes Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind, Cupid, Belinda and Perdita.

This name means chisel in Latin and represents a faint constellation in the southern sky.

This constellation is located near the celestial south pole and in Latin means the keel of a ship.

It means heavenly in Latin, which makes sense, since celestial is another word for heavenly.

It means sun and is the Spanish and Italian version of the name Cyrus.

This name comes from cosmos, meaning universe.

Like Bianca, Cressida is one of Uranus’s moons.

This Persian name means sun; Ciro is the Spanish and Italian variation.

This moon of Jupiter is also the name of one of Zeus’s lovers.

This name means sun in Spanish and Italian.

The Eos family is a very large asteroid family in the outer region of the asteroid belt.

Like Estrella and Stella, the name Estelle means star.

The name of a mid-size comet currently in the constellation of Gemini that’s controlled by Jupiter’s gravitational effects.

This small, dark moon has a retrograde orbit around Uranus, meaning it moves in the opposite direction from the regular moons and Uranus’s own rotation. Perfect for an independent, free-thinking child.

This small moon orbits around Neptune and is named for the sea nymph who attended to Poseidon.

The most famous comet, Halley taught astronomers that comets could be seen in our skies more than once. It revolves around our sun every 76 years and will return in 2061.

This small moon of Saturn shares an orbit with another moon, Dione, and is therefore referred to as a Trojan moon.

Another comet that travels through our solar system, it was last seen from earth in 2008.

Discovered in 1966, the moon Janus orbits around Saturn.

Originally a boy’s name, Jupiter is now commonly used for girls too. It’s the largest planet in our solar system and the god of the sky and thunder in Roman mythology.

Gaining popularity because it sounds like both Kyle and Tyler, Kyler comes from the Dutch and means archer, so it would make a great name for a Sagittarius baby.

This small moon near Neptune’s faint ring system was discovered in 1989 and was named for a nymph in Greek mythology.

Leo is both the name of a constellation and a dwarf galaxy within that constellation.

The name Lucian means light and is another sun-related baby name.

Meaning moon in Latin, Luna was also a moon goddess in Roman mythology. Lunette, a variation of Luna, means little moon in French.

A star in the constellation of Taurus, it’s part of the Pleiades open star cluster, along with Alcyone, Atlas and Electra, all excellent baby names.

The smallest and fastest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun, it comes with a built-in nickname, Merc.

Discovered in 1948, this moon of Uranus is known for its varied landscape. It was named for Prospero’s daughter in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest.

This bright star is in the Cassiopeia constellation. It was named by American astronaut Virgil Ivan Grissom, after his middle name spelled backwards.

It means “new star” and is the name for exploding stars whose luminosity increases. It’s one of the most popular astrology names for girls.

A star located in the constellation Sagittarius, it’s even more massive than our sun.

The name of a bright main-belt asteroid, Nysa is also the name of a mountainous region where nymphs raised the god Dionysus.

A small inner moon of Uranus and another example of people loving to name moons after Shakespearean characters.

If you love the name Hunter, consider Orion, the name of a constellation depicting a hunter. Orion is also the name of a NASA spacecraft.

Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, Pallas Athena, Pallas is a massive asteroid.

This moon around Saturn was named after a Titaness in Greek mythology who was associated with the moon.

The Phoenix space probe landed on Mars in 2008 and was used to assess the history of water on the planet. We love this astrology name for either gender.

Like Phoebe, Rhea is a moon of Saturn. Other Saturn moons include Dione, Titan, Daphnis, Europa and Tethys.

This blue-white supergiant in the constellation Orion, Rigel is one of the brightest stars in the sky.

The sixth planet from the sun, this gas giant has more than 50 known moons and beautiful rings.

Like Estelle and Estrella, the name Stella means star.

Launched by NASA in 2007, the Themis satellite measures minerals on Mars.

Like Rhea and Phoebe, Titan is a moon of Saturn. Titan is the planet’s largest moon and the second-largest natural satellite in our solar system.

This bright star is visible in the summer sky in the Northern Hemisphere and is part of the constellation Lyra. A perfect astrology name for boys or girls.

The second planet from the sun, Venus is named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Make sure to capture all the sweetest moments with your little astrology baby—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

There’s no doubt about it: kids are sponges when it comes to learning (and picking up on swear words, turns out). We’ve rounded up some fun facts for kids that will entertain and wow them (and you!). For those in search of trivia for teens, we’ve got you covered as well! Try to stump your kids at the dinner table or go all in for a family trivia night. In the mood for even more fun? Try out these hilarious jokes for kids, the best minute to win it games, and some selections from the 100+ movies every kid needs to see before they grow up.

Fun Facts for Kids About Space

fun facts for kids about space
NASA via Unsplash

1. The moon is very hot (224 degrees Fahrenheit, average) during the day but very cold (-243 degrees average) at night.

2. Venus spins clockwise. It’s the only planet that does!

3. One teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh six billion tons.

4. Sally Ride was the first American woman to fly in space, on June 18, 1983.

5. One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

6. Even in an airplane, a trip to Pluto would take about 800 years. 

7. Ham the Astrochimp was the first hominid in space, launched on Jan. 31, 1961. 

8. Neptune’s days are 16 hours long.

9. It takes eight minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun to Earth.

10. The footprints on the moon will be there for 100 million years. 

11. A neutron star can spin 600 times in one second. 

12. Jupiter is the fastest-spinning planet in the solar system (it only takes about 10 hours to complete a full rotation on its axis). 

13. Sound does not carry in space. 

14. The Earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun. 

15. The very first animals in space were fruit flies...they were sent up in 1947 and recovered alive. 

16. In 2011, ten-year-old Kathryn Aurora Gray discovered a supernova (a star that has run out of energy, explodes and then collapses before it dies) that no one else had seen before. 

17. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has saltwater geysers that are 20x taller than Mt. Everest. 

18. Saturn's rings are made from trillions of chunks of orbiting ice. 

19. Alpha Centauri isn't a star, but a star system. It is 4.22 light years away. 

20. One day on Venus is almost 8 months on Earth. 

21. Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a storm that has been raging for over 200 years. 

22. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth.  

Looking for more space facts? Check them out here

Facts for Kids About Food

find out about hot dogs with food trivia for kids

1. The world’s longest French fry is 34 inches long.  

2. Garlic bulbs are full of Vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and more. It also has 17 amino acids.

3. On the South Atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha, potatoes were once used as currency.

4. The strawberry is the only fruit that bears seeds on the outside.

5. According to Tori Avey, coffee became a popular drink in America after the Boston Tea Party of 1773: Making the switch from tea to coffee was considered a patriotic duty.

6. The double coconut palm produced the biggest seed in the world: 45 pounds.

7. Ice cream was once called “cream ice.”

8. Pound cake is so-called because the recipes once called for a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs, and a pound of flour. 

9. Peanuts aren't nuts! (They're legumes.)

10. Carrots weren't always orange: they were once exclusively purple. 

11. Cherries are a member of the rose family (Rosaceae) as are quince, pears, plums, apples, peaches, and raspberries! 

12. Lima beans have an amazing ability to command wasps as a defense. If insects are eating the lima bean's leaves, the plant gives off a substance that acts as a signal to parasitic wasps to swoop in and destroy their enemy (i.e. the leaf-eating insects).

13. Apples float because they are one-quarter air! 

14. Ripe cranberries will bounce like a ball. (Go on, try it!). They also float. 

15. German chocolate cake is not from Germany. German is the last name of the man who invented a kind of baking chocolate (Sam German). 

16. Cilantro and coriander are considered to be the same. 

17. SPAM is a mash-up of the words "spice" and "ham."

Amazing Facts for Students About History

library where you can find fun facts for kids and trivia questions for kids

1. The Wright Brothers only flew together once (though both piloted the planes individually): on May 25, 1910, they took a six-minute flight piloted by Orville with Wilbur as his passenger.

2. Regardless of their size, naval tradition declares submarines to be called “boats” rather than “ships.”

3. Hedy Lamar was a famous Hollywood film actress who also invented what became modern-day Wi-Fi. 

4. Walt Disney started sketching regularly when he was just four years old.

5. Abraham Lincoln lost five separate elections before he became president of the U.S. (Never, ever, ever give up!)

6. Pablo Picasso entered art school around the age of 10. The Picasso Museum in Barcelona, Spain includes many “early works” from his childhood.

7. Frederick Douglass taught himself to read and write.

8. Before European contact (which caused populations to diminish rapidly ) California indigenous tribal groups spoke more than 200 unique dialects. 

9. Amelia Earhart first saw a plane at the age of 10 but didn't take an airplane ride until 1920 when she was 23 years old. 

10. Abe Lincoln was a professional wrestler long before he became the 16th President of the United States. 

11. After landing in Ireland after her first solo Atlantic flight, a farmer asked Amelia Earhart where she was from. When she said America, he almost didn't believe her! 

12. Frederick Douglass's birth name was Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. When he married he chose the last name Douglass after the hero clan in Sir Walter Scott's famous poem, Lady of the Lake

13. Frida Kahlo created 143 paintings. Of these, 55 were self-portraits. 

14. Babe Ruth was the first baseball player to hit a home run in the All-Star game, at Chicago’s Comiskey Park in 1933.

15. The Olympics used to award gold medals for art

16. George Washington didn't chop down a cherry tree. 

Fun Facts for Kids About the Weather

fun facts for kids about lightening
Sean McAuliffe via Unsplash

1. Some tornadoes can be faster than Formula One race cars!

2. There are 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth every minute.

3. The wind is silent until it blows against something. 

4. There are ice caves in Iceland that have hot springs.

5. The fastest recorded raindrop was 18 mph! 

6. The US gets over 1200 tornadoes a year.

7. Lightning can strike twice.

8.  Clouds look white because they are reflecting sunlight from above them.

9. Yuma, Arizona gets over 4000 hours of sunshine a year, making it the sunniest place on Earth. The least sunny place is the South Pole, where the sun only shines on 182 days a year. (Which would you rather live in?) 

10. Rain contains vitamin B12. 

11. A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun. 

12. A hurricane releases enough energy in one second to equal that of 10 atomic bombs. 

13. It can be too warm to snow, but never too cold. 

14. Tropical storms and hurricanes started getting "named" in 1953. 

15. You can tell the weather by counting a cricket's chirps! 

16. Worms wiggle up from the ground when a flood is coming. 

Animal Trivia for Kids

kids can learn about manatees with animal triva for kids.
NOAA via Unsplash

1. Many people believe that early mermaid sightings can be attributed to dehydration + manatees.

2. Sloths cannot shiver to stay warm, and so have difficulty maintaining their body temperature on rainy days.

3. In the wild, some reindeer travel more than 3000 miles in a single year.

4. Only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep when asleep and the other half stays awake.

5. Other than humans, emperor penguins are the only warm-blooded animals to stay in Antarctica for the winter.

6. The biggest fossil of a spider was found in China. It is one inch long and 165 million years old.

7. The largest living animal is the blue whale, which can measure as much as 100 feet. 

8. Nearly 10% of all of a cat's bones are in its tail.

9. In the wintertime reindeer grow their facial hair long enough to cover their mouths, which protects their muzzles when grazing in the snow. Beard-os! 

10. Dolphins have been seen wrapping sea sponges around their long snouts to protect them from cuts while foraging for food.

11. Shrimp's hearts are in their heads. 

12. While pandas sometimes eat fish or small animals, 99% of their diet is bamboo. 

13. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 

14. A fox uses its tail to communicate with other foxes. 

15. Dogs have wet noses because they secrete a thin layer of mucus, which helps dogs smell! 

16. The female hummingbird builds the world's smallest bird's nest (approximately 1.5 inches in diameter, around the size of a walnut!). She weaves it from spiderwebs which allows it to expand as the chicks grow. 

17. The largest land animal in Antarctica is an insect: the columbola (which looks like an earwig). Penguins are considered marine animals. 

18. There are 222 owl species in the world. Most are nocturnal, but a few are active during the daytime, such as the Barred Owl.

19. Sloths are strong swimmers, especially good at the backstroke. 

20. Sharks do not hunt humans or consider humans food. Shark incidents occur when sharks are hunting for seals, dolphins, or other "human-sized" prey. It's a case of mistaken identity!  

21. A koala's fingerprints are so similar to human fingerprints that they could taint a crime scene. 

22. The loudest animal in the world is the Pistol Shrimp. It can collapse its jaws so fast that creates a bubble that collapses and creates a sonic blast.

Get more fun facts about animals here.

Sports Trivia for Kids

Sports trivia for kids includes fun facts for kids about Babe Ruth
Wikimedia Commons

1. In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain scored 100 points in a single NBA basketball game. No one has broken this record (not even Steph Curry!).

2. Babe Ruth began his career as a pitcher: Ruth was both a left-handed pitcher and a left-handed batter.

3. The record for the long jump is held by Mike Powell: 29 ft. + 4 inches. That’s like jumping the length of two minivans!

4. The most medals won for Olympic basketball (male or female) are both held by women: Teresa Edwards and Lisa Leslie with four gold medals each.

5. Wilma Rudolph (who set the world record in 1960 for 100, 200, and 4x100-meter relay) had polio, scarlet fever, and pneumonia as a child, leading doctors to believe she’d never walk again.

6. NFL Super Bowl referees also get Super Bowl rings. 

7. In 1919, Cleveland Indians pitcher Ray Caldwell was struck by lightning in the middle of the 9th inning. He kept playing! 

8. The 'G' on the Green Bay Packers helmet stands for "greatness" not Green Bay! 

9. Baseballs last an average of seven pitches. 

10. Manon Rheaume is the only woman to have played in an NHL game.

11. Golf is one of only two sports ever played on the moon. In 1971, Alan Shepard hit a ball with a six-iron while on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission. The other sport was a javelin toss, during the same visit. 

12. The shortest player in the National Hockey League (NHL) was goaltender Roy Waters who measured 5 ft. 3 in. tall.

13. The tallest player in the NHL is Zdeno Chara, who is 6 ft. 9 in. tall. 

Get more fun facts for kids about sports here.

Fun Facts for Kids About the Human Body

little girl in bookstore learning fun facts for kids and trivia for kids.

1. The nose can detect a trillion smells! 

2. One-quarter of your bones are in your feet. 

3. Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth! 

4. Your blood is as salty as the ocean. 

5. Not only does everyone have unique fingerprints, but humans also have unique tongue prints!

6. The average brain weighs about three pounds. A newborn brain weighs about 3/4 of a pound. 

7. Your nose and ears never stop growing. 

8. A human body contains almost 100 trillion cells. 

9. Fingernails can grow 4x faster than toenails. 

10. Eyelashes live for about 150 days before falling out. 

11. Humans are the only animals with chins. 

12. You can't breathe and swallow at the same time.  




Ever wonder how your sign and your child’s zodiac sign stack up? Similar to those classic partner astrology compatibility charts, this one takes a look at how you and your progeny likely get on. This particular version is based on sun signs—how you see yourself, the person you are becoming, and your general personality. Of course, nurture has plenty to do with your bond, but the stars have their own way of aligning things. (P.S. If you’re curious how the next year is going to play out for you and your little one, dig a bit deeper into the toddler zodiac).

Note: Chart is read as Child X Parent

The Aries Child

Aries X Aries: Lots of feisty energy in this combo! You can embrace your inner child together, but it is very important to work through aggression and impulsiveness. Be the model for your little one.

Aries X Taurus: Your job is to keep your impulsive Aries kiddo on track. Aries have lots of passionate beginnings, but often burn out their energy before seeing things through. You are the perfect guide to teach them how to do so.

Aries X Gemini: It will always be important for you two to keep an open line of communication. You guys are a fun pair who love to socialize. You will always have lots of friends and events to go to, keeping you busy.

Aries X Cancer: You are here to nurture your Aries kid's inner child (we know how that sounds). Let them play and enjoy life. Don’t forget to get in on the action—they’ll love to have you in the pretend play mix.

Aries X Leo: Such a lively parent and child pair! You guys are the life of the party wherever you go. Your challenge will be managing both of your fiery personalities and learning to keep your cool.

Aries X Virgo: You have a little firecracker on your hands, Virgo! You can keep calm and cool in most situations, and it’s your job to help your impulsive Aries child learn to do the same.

Aries X Libra: Your Aries child will be your BFF. While they love to do things independently, your gentle guidance and peace-keeping ability will come in handy when they get hot-tempered.

Aries X Scorpio: Your Aries child is here to remind you of your inner child—you are still a kid at heart, after all! Enjoy these times with them as they won’t stay this little forever.

Aries X Sagittarius: The “dynamic duo” of the parent and child world. Sagittarius loves to learn and teach, and Aries is the eternal child, always seeking some loving guidance. No better person to share your wisdom with!

Aries X Capricorn: Your Aries kid may struggle to complete or stay focused on tasks. Good thing you are skilled at helping them see the bigger picture and encouraging them to not give up to get there.

Aries X Aquarius: Talk about two people who love their freedom! You both need room to explore and be yourselves. You will always have each other to do this with.

Aries X Pisces: This little firecracker kiddie will spark something in you, Pisces! Teach them to get in touch with their creative side and express themselves.


The Taurus Child

Taurus X Taurus: You will fully understand each other but just cannot be rushed. You two can experience life together through your senses: good food, sensory play, nature time and lots of creating art.

Taurus X Gemini: As quick as you are, Gemini, you cannot rush your Taurus little. You have to respect not only their time, but that they truly only want to do things once and do them right. While you like lots of options, they do not. You must learn to work with that.

Taurus X Cancer: A very loving and affectionate duo you two are. You know just how to comfort your Taurus little, something they seek a lot. You are truly their caretaker, and they love every minute of it.

Taurus X Leo: Your Taurus kid will always be teaching you how to take your time and be more grounded. You both enjoy the finer things in life—this will be your foodie BFF for life.

Taurus X Virgo: You are both practical, hard-working and down-to-earth. And you both prefer life to be easygoing and chill. Together you can take adventures to push you out of your comfort zones.

Taurus X Libra: Both of your ruling planets are Venus. You will find your Taurus kid loving all the pretty and shiny things, just like you. Together you will see the world through rose-colored glasses.

Taurus X Scorpio: While the Scorpio parent can be a bit intense, your Taurus little will teach you how to ground your emotions! But be careful, you can both be on the stubborn side. Don’t let it get the best of you.

Taurus X Sagittarius: Your Taurus kid is here to teach you some patience. You will learn they will do everything on their own time and you cannot rush them.

Taurus X Capricorn: You are here to teach your Taurus tot a bit about flexibility as they can be a bit reluctant to move! No better person than you, a sign who can move mountains.

Taurus X Aquarius: Your Taurus kid tends to stay in their comfort zone, but you, the Aquarius parent, like to push limits. Teaching them to try new things (safely) will always be your job.

Taurus X Pisces: Your Taurus kid is very practical, while you are a bit more dreamy. They are meant to show you grounding and stability, things that you probably crave.

Taurus X Aries: Opposites attract: As an Aries parent, you are really good at getting things started, and your Taurus kid has the endurance to help you see things through. Don’t rush your little one, though. We know how fast you can be, Aries.


The Gemini Child

Gemini X Gemini: THE ACTUAL TWINS! You two will be the social host and hostesses with the mostesses. It is important to work through indecisiveness together as well as nurture their sharp wit.

Gemini X Cancer: Your Gemini babe needs to be out and about socializing to thrive, while you are more of a homebody. Always remember to give them choices and let them have lots of fun. It’s okay if they don't want to be at home much—you need to get out, too.

Gemini X Leo: There might be a little bit of drama associated with this duo. Leo is so outstanding, and the Gemini kiddo loves to initiate the fun. You two will never have a dull moment.

Gemini X Virgo: Both signs are ruled by Mercury, meaning you will be one very busy pair! Nobody will ever question your abilities to get stuff done. You live by lists and schedules and always support each other in completing your to-dos.

Gemini X Libra: Talk about a fashionable parent and child pair. You two are always on point in the fashion department and tend to set the trends.

Gemini X Scorpio: Your Gemini kid is going to show you how to be a bit lighter, Scorpio. They have a fun, lighthearted air that will do you some good.

Gemini X Sagittarius: Together you two are meant to explore the world and learn through experience. Your Gemini kid will be your favorite person to go on trips with, meet new people and even try new foods with. You’ll cherish the memories.

Gemini X Capricorn: Your Gemini child will teach you how to communicate in so many ways! Their openness and intelligence will inspire you, and their wit will keep you on your toes.

Gemini X Aquarius: This parent/child combo are the networking masters. They can befriend anyone. Put them on a playground, and they’ll come back with a whole new group of BFFs.

Gemini X Pisces: You two have very different modes of communication. Your Gemini’s quick intelligence and gift of gab will seriously impress you and inspire you to find your inner voice.

Gemini X Aries: The social butterflies! You two will make lots of friends and wow any crowd. Communication will be the foundation of your relationship.

Gemini X Taurus: It will be your job to ground your flighty little Gemini and help them make decisions, as they often struggle with indecisiveness. Always offer them a set of options: Making that choice helps them feel more secure.

The Cancer Child

Cancer X Cancer: The emotions run high with this pair. You are both sensitive and intuitive. It is your task to teach your little—and yourself—not to be scared to face things head on rather than side-stepping through life like the Cancer crab.

Cancer X Leo: The Leo parent is tasked with nurturing their little Moonchild is a very big way. Your child will appreciate you showering them with both attention and affection.

Cancer X Virgo: The Virgo parent will always be the one who helps, and the Cancer kid loves the extra attention and guidance. While the Virgo parent will teach them how to analyze everything, the Cancer child will teach them to feel the feels.

Cancer X Libra: One of the sweetest and most loving duos. Libras nurture in their own very special way, and the Cancer kid eats that up. Libra is probably the best to guide them through all their emotions.

Cancer X Scorpio: You two ride emotional waves as water signs. You are both empathic and sensitive and can pick up on each other's moods nonverbally. You have a very special, almost psychic connection.

Cancer X Sagittarius: The Sag parent will have to teach the Cancer child that it’s safe to leave home and explore. The Cancer child will show the Sag parent that being home is necessary, too, and can even be fun.

Cancer X Capricorn: The Capricorn parent is tasked with balancing both their career and home life, as Cap is associated with work life. No better kiddo than the family-oriented Cancer kid to show you how to be the CEO Soccer Mom/Dad.

Cancer X Aquarius: Your Cancer kid is sweet, kind and emotional, and it will melt your heart, Aquarius. You will be singing the tune: “I never knew there was a love like this before”.

Cancer X Pisces: You are both on the more sensitive side and enjoy the comfort of your home. Create a home that is like your castle, so you will both always feel safe and secure.

Cancer X Aries: You have a sensitive and emotional little one on your hands. Family is of the utmost importance to them. With your noble spirit, you provide them that comfort and safety they so crave.

Cancer X Taurus: You two thrive at home. Lots of family time, honoring your inner nurturers and snuggling up together. There isn’t a sweeter pair.

Cancer X Gemini: While you might like to be the social butterfly, your Cancer little is a bit more of a homebody. You two can balance each other out and find harmony in this. Make sure you get your Moonchild out of the house and they will make sure you enjoy restorative time at home.

Related: 50 Baby Names Based on Astrology & the Solar System

The Leo Child

Leo X Leo: Another feisty and fiery pair! Together you two know how to bring the sass and the fun—you’re always a good time to be around.

Leo X Virgo: You two will always motivate and encourage each other to be your very best. You are each other's biggest fans.

Leo X Libra: You two are a pair that catches the eye no matter where you go. The Leo child will always shine bright, and the Libra parent is always so put-together. We see you.

Leo X Scorpio: This is a pair that knows how to bring the intensity! Scorpio is quite fiery for a water sign, so the emotions and dramatics can run a bit high. Be wary of mood swings and work on staying level-headed together.

Leo X Sagittarius: Your Leo will be your loving little lion cub, Sag. They will always respect and admire your wisdom and want to learn from you. They are the best little protege.

Leo X Capricorn: While the Capricorn parent may seem on the conservative or classic side, the Leo kid is going to break that chain with their sass and golden auras. They are something else, and you will love it.

Leo X Aquarius: You both exude bravery and confidence. You will be okay with your Leo little testing limits because you were once that person, too. You’ve got this, Aquarius.

Leo X Pisces: Having a child that isn't scared of the limelight is kind of inditimating to you, Pisces. You can learn a thing or two from their fearlessness. Let them show you how to be brave.

Leo X Aries: Talk about a passionate pair! Your Leo child will love the spotlight, especially with your encouraging nature. Just watch the dramatics—two fire signs can be quite extra.

Leo X Taurus: Oh Taurus, your little Leo is going to give you a run for your money. You just gotta love ‘em, though—they will always be bold, brave and outstanding. Always try to nurture their inner performer and they will thrive.

Leo X Gemini: Your little Leo wants alllll of your attention. It is important you take the time to stop the millions of things you do and give them some undivided time. They thrive when they know they have their parents all to themselves.

Leo X Cancer: Your Leo child is going to get you out of your shell. You can learn a thing or two from them by watching them own the spotlight.


The Virgo Child

Virgo X Virgo: You two appear to be quiet and reserved, but you're both just taking in your environment and other people. You are here to remind one another that perfection does not exist and to take it easy once in a while.

Virgo X Libra: Both the Libra parent and the Virgo kid thrive when their spaces are clean, uncluttered and harmonious. It suits you both to be on the minimal and organized side as chaos is neither of your jams.

Virgo X Scorpio: You both really love learning and have a laser focus. (I see lots of time spent watching documentaries and going to museums in your future.) Your Virgo’s ability to break down information to better understand it will truly impress you.

Virgo X Sagittarius: While your Virgo kid is excellent at mastering the details and breaking down everything to understand it, you can show them the bigger picture so they aren't so fussy. Teach them to be more easygoing, as they can be a little uptight.

Virgo X Capricorn: A more serious pair, you two are here to learn how to have some fun together! Life needs to have some play mixed in with all the work, after all. Learn to let go.

Virgo X Aquarius: Your Virgo kid's mind works quite differently than yours, Aquarius. Observe them, guide them and ask yourself what you can learn from them.

Virgo X Pisces: The Pisces brain is imaginative, while the Virgo brain is analytical. You are the best person to teach them to see beyond the facts, as well as not to beat themselves up over perfection.

Virgo X Aries: You two have a knack for getting stuff done. You really know how to take initiative and your little Virgo loves to take things apart, analyze and perfect. The last thing anyone would call you two is lazy.

Virgo X Taurus: You are a pair of two very grounded, down-to-earth Earth signs. Teach your little Virgo not to be so hard on themselves and remember not to set unattainable standards or goals for them—they really beat themselves up.

Virgo X Gemini: Two Mercurial planets aligned. While the Gemini parent is one busy bee, having a solid schedule is what will help your Virgo little thrive. Setting routines and sticking to them (yes, Gemini) will be best for you both.

Virgo X Cancer: While you are very into your feelings, your Virgo kid is more analytical. You feel; they think. You can each teach each other something about one another.

Virgo X Leo: You two are both ambitious go-getters. While the Leo parent is here to teach the Virgo child not to be so hard on themselves, the Virgo kid will actually teach the Leo parent all about minimalism and structure.


The Libra Child

Libra X Libra: The Libra parent and Libra child are another pair of besties. Libra thrives in partnerships, and there is no bond stronger than that of parent and child.

Libra X Scorpio: The Scorpio parent can be a little impatient, but your Libra child’s even and peaceful temperament will help you learn to be more mindful. They will show you how to handle things with grace.

Libra X Sagittarius: Your Libra tot loves to do everything with you. While a Sagittarius prides themself on their independence, having your Libra along for the ride brightens your world.

Libra X Capricorn: Your Libra kid is literally going to show you the beauty of life. Because of them, you will find yourself noticing every flower, sparkle, seashell and color that you were probably letting pass by before. Soak it in.

Libra X Aquarius: A pair that enjoys intelligent conversation and are equally as charming. That little Libra will win your heart and be the best baby date you’ll ever have!

Libra X Pisces: This pair is another undercover super combo! You are two of the kindest and most loving of the signs—you will just get along famously.

Libra X Aries: This combo of sister signs is like yin and yang. Where you will always be teaching your Libra independence, they will teach you the importance of relying on others, too. You two will always balance each other out.

Libra X Taurus: Two Venus-ruled signs with a love of beautiful things. Whether it’s fashion, art, interior design or jewelry. . . together you two will make this world a more aesthetically pleasing place.

Libra X Gemini: Your Libra little is your BFF, your road dog, the child who will care for you when you are sick and not put you in a home when you are old. You’ve got each other for life.

Libra X Cancer: Such an ideal pair! Libra kids love nothing more than being with their parents, and there is nothing more that a Cancer parent loves than being a parent.

Libra X Leo: Both of these signs have a certain love for love. Your Libra offspring will be very attached to you the more you shower them with love. And let’s face it, you both love the attention.

Libra X Virgo: Virgo, you are being tasked with encouraging your Libra little to be a bit more independent. Show them by example—let them know they can do hard things alone.

The Scorpio Child

Scorpio X Scorpio: Whenever we see the same sign, we know you are meant to be each other’s mirror: the good, the bad, the ups, the downs and all that comes with it. You will always be this to each other.

Scorpio X Sagittarius: You both share a deep love of learning. You are tasked with showing them how to lighten up and let go a little. These little ones are intense, but your optimism is contagious.

Scorpio X Capricorn: The Capricorn parent can be very calm, which is something your intense Scorpio child will need from you. Show them how to manage their emotions, leading by example with your cool, collected ways.

Scorpio X Aquarius: Aquarius and Scorpio are two who will fight to the death for a good cause. There is no better parent than Aquarius to teach a Scorpio kid humanitarianism at such a young age.

Scorpio X Pisces: The funny thing about this combo is you both need a lot of rest! You pick up on each other’s emotions very easily, so it is important to conserve (and restore) your energy.

Scorpio X Aries: Now this is a case of true opposites, but both sprinkled with sass. While Aries is bold and outgoing; Scorpio is much more secretive and introverted. Learning to respect each other’s way of being will be to your highest good.

Scorpio X Taurus: Where you are grounded and stable, your Scorpio little is a bit of a mystery to you. Teaching them trust is the biggest thing you can do for them. Embrace their love for learning and they will teach you in return.

Scorpio X Gemini: The intensity of a Scorpio little might be a bit much for you as such an easygoing Gem, but you guys are meant to be each other’s mirror. You will show them how to be lighthearted, and they will teach you to have some depth.

Scorpio X Cancer: While you are both quite empathic and emotional, you must nurture their deep little souls and show them what love truly is. You earn love with these littles.

Scorpio X Leo: You two will be each other’s greatest lessons. The Leo parent will help the Scorpio child to be more extroverted, and the Scorpio little can teach the Leo parent a few things about privacy and spending time alone.

Scorpio X Virgo: Nothing gets by either one of you! A kid will NOT put up with white lies or bribes, a Virgo parent can analyze anything you say to them. We wouldn’t mess with this team.

Scorpio X Libra: Fairness will always be very important to you both. Keep that in mind when parenting your Scorpio kid, who might have a tendency to be a bit extreme.


The Sagittarius Child

Sagittarius X Sagittarius: You and your little Sag will want to have the spotlight so get ready to share. Teach them the wisdom of your years and get re-invigorated with their zest for life. 

Sagittarius X Capricorn: You have a fun-loving and joyful little kiddo on your hands, though they can sometimes be a wild one. Where they are spirited, you are peaceful. Where they are extra, you are grounded. No better parent to teach them boundaries in these situations.

Sagittarius X Aquarius: You two are so similar yet so different. Your Sagittarius little will teach you how to enjoy life a bit more and not take everything so seriously.

Sagittarius X Pisces: The ideas are just endless with the Pisces parent and Sag child. Your Sag kid's ability to focus on the big picture will inspire your imagination. No limit to what you can create together.

Sagittarius X Aries: While both are fire signs, Sagittarius has that free spirit streak that might make a controlling Aries a little crazy. Encourage them to be who they are and let them be free.

Sagittarius X Taurus: Your little Sag is probably always on the go. They want to explore and, in the future, travel. While you are more of a homebody, it is important they always get to spread their wings with a loving home to return to.

Sagittarius X Gemini: Another profound set of sister signs. Together you will explore the world, learn about different cultures, be fearless in trying new things and grow through experience. You have a beautiful journey ahead.

Sagittarius X Cancer: While your Sag kid is the happiest baby on the block, they might not be as affectionate as you are. Doesn’t mean they don’t love you. They just need to be free to express their love in their own way.

Sagittarius X Leo: Meet your match, Leo! Your Sag kid will out-spunk you, outwit you and out-drama you. But you’ll have the best time together, as they are a tough kid to stay mad at.

Sagittarius X Virgo: Your Sagittarius little one will teach you to see the bigger picture, while it will always be your job to teach them to slow down and not overlook the details.

Sagittarius X Libra: You two are both such good-natured souls. Libra, you like to operate in a pair or partnership, while your Sag kiddo is quite independent. You have to give them that space they need to grow.

Sagittarius X Scorpio: You are the pair who is ready for an adventure. Your Sagittarius tot will happily lead you places you always wanted to go, but now you get to share these magical experiences through their joyous hearts.

Related: Your Parenting Horoscope for 2023

The Capricorn Child

Capricorn X Capricorn: A sure set of old souls who found each other. You will always be your Capricorn child's teacher, and they, the consummate overachievers—yep, even as little ones. They will continue to make you proud as they grow.

Capricorn X Aquarius: This duo will be each other’s greatest lesson. Your Capricorn child will teach you hard work and discipline and you will teach them how to let go and have fun.

Capricorn X Pisces: It might surprise you to have a child who seems like a little adult. Encourage them to play and be a kid through creative activities.

Capricorn X Aries: Strong-willed is the theme for you both. You’re hard workers and goal-oriented individuals—together you can take over the world.

Capricorn X Taurus: You are both extremely hard-working, so it’s important you remember to play and enjoy life. You share similar qualities of patience, calmness and loyalty. This babe will be your best friend for life.

Capricorn X Gemini: You are here to help your little old soul Cappy be less serious and somber and to have some fun. In return, they will teach you how to focus on your goals, see the bigger picture and be a bit less flaky.

Capricorn X Cancer: You are here to love on these little old souls. While they teach you the importance of hard work, you teach them how to love and nurture.

Capricorn X Leo: The Leo parent loves their role as the leader of the pack, and their Capricorn child is the perfect little cub. They appreciate a parent that will always protect and guide them.

Capricorn X Virgo: This is a pair that has success written all over them. Your Capricorn little is always the first to reach their milestones, and you couldn’t be prouder.

Capricorn X Libra: These two signs may seem quite different, but you’re both Cardinal signs, which means you are the pioneers. You’re the first to get things started and spark ideas. You are both natural-born leaders, and others will always turn to you.

Capricorn X Scorpio: The two old souls of the Zodiac! It must feel like you’ve known each other for lifetimes, and you probably do. You two are one of the most unlikely peas in a pod, but that you are.

Capricorn X Sagittarius: You two are another ambitious and motivated duo. No one can stop you guys from achieving your dreams. You both think big, but your Capricorn kid will help you keep things a little more realistic.


The Aquarius Child

Aquarius X Aquarius: A double Aquarius, you are meant to be innovative leaders. Together you will show the world a better way and to be more open-minded and kindhearted.

Aquarius X Pisces: Your Aquarius kid is a love, but it probably amazes you they aren't as emotional as you are. Aquarius are known to have a good grip on this. Perhaps they are here to teach you the same.

Aquarius X Aries: The Aquarius child is truly an individual. They have a secret superpower of staying calm in the tensest of situations, and this will come in handy with the passionate and impulsive Aries parent.

Aquarius X Taurus: Your Aquarius kid loves freedom—and loves to test you. Stay cool, Taurus. They do it because they love you. Patience is a virtue, especially in this duo.

Aquarius X Gemini: “Let’s get weird” should be this pairing's motto. The weirder, the better and certainly, the more fun. Embrace the odd and silly side of life together. You’ll have way more fun than conforming to the norm.

Aquarius X Cancer: Cancer parents, you have to love having an unconventional kiddo. You want to love all over them, but they just want to do their thing. Give them space—they’ll still always need your support.

Aquarius X Leo: A pair of rebels! You both love doing your own thing and not being told what to do. You two show the world it’s okay to march to the beat of your own drum.

Aquarius X Virgo: Your Aquarius kid is here to shake up your routine. While the Virgo parent likes schedules and order, the Aquarius child learns differently. Let them do their own thing.

Aquarius X Libra: The Libra parent is tasked with teaching the freedom-seeking Aquarius child some boundaries. It may seem the Aquarius little is fearless; encourage them to be brave while being cautious.

Aquarius X Scorpio: The Scorpio parent and Aquarius kid weren’t born to fit in. They were born to break molds and shock everyone. You are both humanitarians at heart, and we can’t wait to watch you make waves.

Aquarius X Sagittarius: Meet your mini-me, Sagittarius. Your Aquarius kid will walk your walk and talk your talk! It will always be a trip to see how much they remind you of yourself.

Aquarius X Capricorn: Your Aquarius kid may be quite the rebel. Where you relish control and order, they love to have their freedom. You two will always be figuring out this balance.


The Pisces Child

Pisces X Pisces: We can only imagine the creativity coming out of this Pisces/Pisces pair. You two inspire others and are the muses of this world.

Pisces X Aries: Encourage your dreamy Pisces babe through their creative streak. Show them to have courage and always stand tall. They will always lean on you for this kind of support.

Pisces X Taurus: What a creative pair you two are. It will be your job to help your emotional Pisces babe get a handle on those feelings and express them through art, music and other creative outlets.

Pisces X Gemini: Together you two will need to discover grounding. You’re both big dreamers, but you often drift from reality. Learn to use your imaginations but also come back to the real world.

Pisces X Cancer: You are the perfect parent to nurture the emotional needs of the Pisces little one. They crave your love, caring and attention. Lots of hugs and snuggles with this duo.

Pisces X Leo: You two share common ground in needing to express yourself through your creative side. Encourage your Pisces kid to explore the arts and watch them flourish.

Pisces X Virgo: You two are here to balance each other out. A Pisces kid will teach the structured, analytical Virgo parent how to go with the flow and be more creative.

Pisces X Libra: You will always be your Pisces kid’s safe space because you provide fairness and harmony in every environment. Pisces kiddos need lots of security and reassurance, and you are the perfect parent for that.

Pisces X Scorpio: Your Pisces little one is certainly a sweetheart. They will warm your heart with their loving and tender ways. You’ll be butter to their charm.

Pisces X Sagittarius: Your Pisces child will teach you how to express your creative side. While they may seem more geared toward the arts and you toward wisdom, you still love to learn, especially from them.

Pisces X Capricorn: You two may seem like the odd couple—the business-orientated Capricorn parent and the dreamy, imaginative Pisces child. But you are each here to teach the other your ways.

Pisces X Aquarius: A Pisces child views the world through rose-colored glasses, while the Aquarius parent is a bit more of a realist. They will teach you to use your imagination more than ever before.

All illustrations via Shutterstock


Plan your family trip so you can be in the 2024 solar eclipse path

Experiencing a total solar eclipse is a rare event for many people. Even though this phenomenon occurs about twice a year worldwide, they are less frequent in the United States. Before the 2017 eclipse that U.S. residents viewed, it had been 38 years since a total solar eclipse was visible in the contiguous United States. Residents are lucky to have another total solar eclipse happening through parts of the south, midwest, and northeast on April 8, 2024. This one will be a definite not-to-be-missed experience since this is the last one in the continental U.S. until 2044.

Observing a total solar eclipse is an experience that is unique and also a great learning experience for children. So here are some locations within the path of totality (where you can see the sun totally covered by the moon) where families can witness the 2024 Great North American Eclipse.

Image of full total solar eclipse from movie at planetarium at Cleveland Museum of History
photo by Marcea Cazel

Carbondale, Illinois

Home to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale is 105 miles southeast of St. Louis, Missouri, and 200 miles northwest of Nashville, Tennessee. With a four-day festival planned at the university, which is also home to a planetarium, families will have plenty to experience and learn about.

One unique event is the Crossroads Astronomy, Science and Technology Expo (CASTE). Taking place at the university’s arena, vendors specializing in science and astronomy will showcase their products to visitors. There will also be an Eclipse/Comic Con, a music event, and on the day of the eclipse, the opportunity to view the over four minutes of totality in Saluki Stadium with thousands of others.

Rochester/Finger Lakes, New York

Upstate western New York will have plenty of activities the weekend of the solar eclipse to keep families busy. In Rochester, the Rochester Museum & Science Center is hosting a 4-day festival that includes activities, music, and speakers. Also in Rochester, the Strong National Museum of Play will host a three-day event centered around light and showcase a display of space-themed games and toys.

The city of Brockport is at the center of the path of totality, and visitors attending the Total Eclipse of the Port event at SUNY Brockport will experience an extra five seconds of totality over other towns in the area.

In Mumford, the Genesee Country Village & Museum, a three-day festival, will look at how those in the 19th Century observed eclipses, showcase celestial photography, and discuss women in science in the 1800s. The museum also has an expansive green area, where the viewing party on the day of the eclipse will be held.

Perryville, Missouri

Located 85 miles south of St. Louis, Perryville was in the line of totality for the eclipse in 2017. For the 2024 event, the city is hosting three days of events for everyone in the family. From a hot air balloon festival to special museum exhibits to a special winery release in honor of the eclipse, the weekend has plenty of activities to keep families occupied. On the eclipse day, the area will have five viewing areas for families to enjoy the event.

Cleveland, Ohio

Home to the second largest number of astronauts, including John Glenn, Ohio has a long history and association with astronomy and space. Cleveland is hosting plenty of events throughout the weekend leading up to the three minutes and fifty seconds of totality to showcase that connection.

At the Great Lakes Science Center’s NASA Glenn Visitor Center, families can view the actual module from the Skylab 3 mission, along with artifacts from Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission. The weekend leading up to the eclipse, the center will host science activities, provide free viewing glasses, and host the Cleveland Orchestra for a free community concert. The Science Center is also one of the three locations in the line of totality in the U.S. where NASA will broadcast the eclipse live.

Skylab module on display in Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland, OH
photo by Marcea Cazel

The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is home to the Shafran Planetarium, where the films Eclipse Fever and the Sesame Street show One World, One Sky are showing. As it gets closer to the eclipse, another eclipse show, Meeting Totality, will be introduced to help build suspense. The weekend before the eclipse, the museum will host Eclipse Family Fun Days, and the day of, there will be a viewing party in Wade Oval, a green space across the street.

Cleveland is also home to the International Women’s Air & Space Museum. Located downtown at Burke Lakefront Airport, it’s the only museum of its kind in the world. It houses artifacts from Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Electra, World War II test pilots, and information on the first females accepted in NASA’s astronaut program. The museum is also planning on hosting events for the eclipse.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Experiencing the almost three-and-a-half minutes of totality in Indianapolis allows families to view the eclipse in various ways. The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is one of three locations in the United States that NASA will be broadcasting from, and NASA experts will be there to talk to on-site visitors. There will also be multiple viewing parties across the city, including at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the Indianapolis Zoo, White River State Park, Indiana State Museum, and Conner Prairie, an outdoor museum 20 minutes north in Fishers, Indiana.

Aroostook County, Maine

This total eclipse will hit rural parts of Maine, including Aroostook County. About 125 miles north of Bangor, the county will experience three and a half minutes of totality during the eclipse. Several towns will have events scheduled, although Littleton is the city located in the line of totality. The area is also home to the world’s second-largest 3D solar system model, which allows visitors to take a 100-mile road trip to view each model and learn about astronomy.

Dallas, Texas

Visitors to Dallas will not only get to experience three minutes and 51 seconds of totality, but they’ll also be able to enjoy various activities throughout the city. Home to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science and the Frontiers of Flight Museum, the city has ties to many milestones of NASA and offers opportunities for families to view exhibits and shows on space. On eclipse day, visitors can enjoy viewing events at several locations, including the science museum, flight museum, and the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.

Tips for Safely Viewing the 2024 Total Eclipse

While you might think it’s okay to look into the sun while it is partially blocked during an eclipse, the only truly safe time, according to NASA, is when the moon’s surface completely covers the sun. This includes looking through a telescope, camera, or other device before the eclipse is in totality. Many locations in the line of totality, especially planetariums and science museums, will have solar viewing glasses for sale or as part of the price of a ticket for events. Homemade pinhole projectors are also an acceptable way to see an eclipse and a fun project for children.

Finding a Place to Stay During the Total Eclipse

As time gets closer to the date of the eclipse, hotels in many of the larger cities are filling up. Families can also stay farther out and drive into a metropolitan area to view the eclipse. Another option is to visit a smaller town in the line of totality and find lodgings through Airbnb or Vrbo there. Those visiting Indianapolis also have the unique opportunity of camping at the Motor Speedway.

View looking into Grand River KOA campgrounds, Thompson, OH
photo courtesy of KOA

And speaking of camping, there’s also the option to stay at a KOA campsite. Their campgrounds offer RV and tent sites and, depending on the location, private cabins with bathrooms. KOA sites are located near many major cities and also have locations a little farther out that are still in the line of totality. So families can enjoy spending time outdoors together, without having to sacrifice seeing the full eclipse.

Weather During the Eclipse

Once totality begins, the temperature can drop up to ten degrees, and the wind can pick up due to the air getting more dense as it gets cooler. Also, since the 2024 eclipse is taking place during the spring, some locations, including those farther north, may experience cloudy or rainy weather. While this would impact the viewing of the eclipse, there is no guarantee what the weather will be like that far in advance, so plan on bringing a poncho and umbrella and a positive attitude.

These trivia questions for teens might teach your older kids a thing or two

It’s not always easy to impress a teen or to tell them something they don’t “already know.” But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. From who is the half-blooded prince to who is the oldest gamer on YouTube, we’ve rounded up some of the most intriguing trivia questions for teens (and tweens) that are guaranteed conversation starters.

find out about hot dogs with food trivia for kids
Ball Park Brands via Unsplash

Q: Who holds the world record for most hotdogs eaten?

A: Joey Chestnut with a whopping 73 hot dogs.

Q: Who has the most followers on Instagram?

A: Instagram! The platform's own channel is the most followed. Second place goes to footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

Q: What national holiday is celebrated in all countries?

A: New Year’s.

Q: What is ‘Baby Yoda’s’ real name?

A: Grogu.

Q: When was the iPad first released?

A: 2010.

Q: What is the largest ocean in the world?

A: The Pacific Ocean.

Q: Which artist made history as the youngest winner of the Grammys‘ four main categories in 2020?

A: Billie Eilish.

Q: Who was the first basketball star to appear on a box of cereal? 

A: Michael Jordan.

Q: Which actor voiced both Darth Vader and The Lion King‘s Mufasa?

A: James Earl Jones.

Q: What flower plant does vanilla flavor come from?

A: An orchid.

Q: What is the first monster Percy Jackson defeats in The Lightning Thief? 

A: The Minotaur 

Q: What holiday celebrates the end of slavery in the United States

A: Juneteenth, on June 19

Related: 35 Harry Potter Trivia Questions Even Muggles Will Love

Connor Simonson via Unsplash

Q: What tree is the largest and tallest in the world?

A: The California Redwood.

Q: Stan Lee made his last cameo in which Marvel movie?

A: Avengers: Endgame.

Q: How many stars are there in our solar system?

A: One, the sun!

Q: What is Rhianna’s real name?

A: Robyn Fenty.

Q: Who is the Half-Blood Prince in the Harry Potter series?

A: Severus Snape.

Q: Which company owns Lamborghini, Ducati, Porsche, Audi and Bugatti?

A: Volkswagen.

Q: What is the largest mammal in the world?

A: The Blue Whale.

Q: What show has an ice cream shop called Scoops Ahoy?

A: Stranger Things.

Q: What is the strongest muscle in the human body?

A: The masseter or jaw muscle.

Q: Who was able to pick up Thor’s hammer in Endgame?

A: Captain America.

Q: What is the smallest country in the world?

A: Vatican City.

Related: The Ultimate List of Trivia for Kids

trivia questions for teens: what is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
Markus Spiske via Unsplash

Q: What is the diameter of a basketball hoop?

A: 18 inches and regulation hoops are 10 feet high.

Q: What is Mickey Mouse's original name?

A: Mortimer Mouse.

Q: What is the most spoken language in the world?

A: Mandarin.

Q: What kind of animal is Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?

A: Despite his name, he’s actually an octopus.

Q: What famous artist was suspected of stealing the Mona Lisa?

A: Pablo Picasso.

Q: What country was checkers invented in?

A: Egypt.

Q: What is the number one most streamed song on Spotify?

A: “Blinding Lights” by The Weeknd.

Q: What percentage of people have black or brown hair?

A: About 80%, only 2% have red hair.

Q: How many toes does a cat have?

A: 18, 10 on its front paws and 8 on its back.

Q: Who is the oldest gaming YouTuber?

A: Hamako Mori, better known as Gamer Grandma was born in 1930.

Q: Which Star Wars movie contains the line, “Luke, I am your father.”

A: None, the often misquoted line is actually, “No, I am your father.”

Q: What is the busiest airport in the world? 

A: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (over 100 million passengers annually!).

Q: What is superman’s real name? 

A: Kal-El 

Q: What is ailurophobia? 

A: The fear of cats

Q: What is the most common M&M color?

A. Blue 

Q: What galaxy is the planet Earth in? 

A: The Milky Way 


From stargazing meet-ups to museum events, these are the best astronomy activities around town

Do you have a budding astronomer in your family? Is your little one always looking to the stars? New York City has plenty to offer to kids interested in space and the universe. We’ve rounded up the best family-friendly places to visit with kids who are obsessed with space. From planetariums and museums to observatories and amateur astronomy star parties, check out everything that NYC and its surrounding area has to offer for astrophiles.

Space Events and Exhibits in NYC

Beyond the Light at Artechouse

Sit down on one of the provided cushions and watch the projected images dance around and beneath you. For “Beyond the Light,” Artechouse collaborated with NASA scientists to create a visual representation of the data collected from space over the years. The immersive art experience was crafted with the help of the latest technologies, including AI-created visuals, an original musical score crafted from galactic data, and stunning images from the new James Webb telescope. Each presentation lasts about half an hour and loops seamlessly. An on-site is available with space-themed cocktails (the baristas are also adept at turning these into mocktails for the little ones!). Sit down, relax with a drink in hand, and let the experience wash over you!

On display through Sep. 30, 2023
439 W 15th St.

Stargazing on the High Line

Head to the High Line every Tuesday evening through October for telescope viewings of the night sky. Knowledgeable hosts from the Amateut Astronomers Association will be on site from sunset to park closure to guide visitors in their exploration of stars, planets, constellations, and beyond. State-of-the-art telescopes will be available for visitor use—no experience necessary! The program is free and open to aspiring astronomers of all ages.

Every Tue. from sunset to 30 minutes before the park closes, Apr. 4-Oct. 31
Gansevoort St. To W. 30 St. bet. Washington St. and 11 Ave.; meets at 13th Street

Astronomy Nights at Summit One Vanderbilt

It can be difficult to find a good place to view the stars among all the lights of NYC. Rise above the lights—literally!—for the best views, literally. SUMMIT’s Astronomy Night gives you an incredible view of the NYC night sky from over 1,100 feet above the Manhattan streets. Hosted by the Amateur Astronomers Association, these stargazing events give visitors access to telescopes and expert guidance. This event is held about once a month, and umis included in the entry fee to the summit. While you’re there don’t forget to look down through the clear floor to see the twinkling lights of the city, much like stars themselves!

Certain Wednesdays through October
45 East 42nd St.

Stargazing and Astronomy Speeches with the Amateur Astronomers Association

Besides the High Line and the SUMMIT, the Amateur Astronomers Association hosts other star viewings at various times and locations around NYC throughout the year. While some events are members-only, others are open and free to the public and all ages. Each stargazing meet is guided by members of the association, who’ll show you everything from how to use a telescope to how to find celestial bodies in the sky. Check the website to find an upcoming event!

Various times and locations

Columbia Astronomy Public Outreach at the Pupin Physics Laboratory

For the older or more serious junior astronomers, Columbia University’s public outreach programs might be a good option. The program is held at the Pupin Physics Laboratory and consists of a number of opportunities to interact with telescopes and experts. There are free public lectures, guided star-gazing sessions, Q&A with scientists, slideshows of astrophotography, and more. Once in a while, the program sets up their telescopes at the corner of 125th St. and Adam Clayton Powell Blvs. During the summer, you can also catch sci-fi movie screenings, followed by lectures analyzing the science in the movie. And if that isn’t enough for you, you can catch Family Astro events, which are held three times a year and have activities aimed at kids ages 6-12.

Various times
Enter at Broadway and 116th St.
Morningside Heights

Star Parties at South Mountain Facility

Star parties with the Lehigh Valley Amateur Astronomical Society are a family-friendly affair. The events happen a few times a year and include a Planetarium show for parents with kids, and a presentation about space exploration. Throughout the event, you can go on tours of the observatory and look through the telescopes.

Various times
620 East Rock Road
Allentown, NY

Star Parties with the Westchester Amateur Astronomers Society

Party with the stars—at least, the ones in the sky! These star parties are held by the Westchester Amateur Astronomers Society once a month, with dates selected based on when the moon will be the least visible (if the weather’s not great, a make-up date will be scheduled). These parties are bring-your-own-telescope, but the regulars at the events are usually more than happy to share their telescopes and knowledge if you’re not sure if you want to commit to buying your own yet—and if you do decide to buy, you can bring it to an event to get help from the experts on how to set it up and use it. You can prepare for each star party by downloading the detailed PDF that shows which planets and notable objects will be visible on that night.

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Route 35 and 121 South
Cross River, NY

Stargazing in the Parks

The NYC parks’ Urban Rangers periodically hold astronomy nights in various parks around the city. These events provide telescopes for visitors to use and expert guidance to help kids along. Check the NYC Parks website to see what’s coming up!

Various times and locations

Astronomy Programs at the Library

If you’re looking for kid-friendly activities and educational programs about space, look no further than your local library. Libraries all around the city often hold astronomy programs for different age audiences. For example, as I’m writing there’s one program coming up that teaches kids about stars and galaxies through interactive demonstrations. Check the websites for the Brooklyn and New York Public Libraries to see what’s coming up near you!

Various times and locations
Online: and

Permanent Space Exhibits in NYC

The Rose Center for Earth and Space at the AMNH

Probably the most famous option for star-eyed young learners, the Rose Center at the American Museum of Natural History is the best place in NYC to learn about the universe. Literally walk through a scale model of the universe, where you can get a sense of size and distance. Speaking of scales, see how much you’d weigh on different planets. Plus, learn a vast amount of information about space through informational displays. Don’t miss the show at the Hayden Planetarium, displayed at a spectacular half dome above you (note that this show isn’t recommended for kids under 6, because it’s loud and dark!).

81st St. between Central Park West and Columbus Ave.
Upper West Side

The Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum

This museum, housed on a literal docked aircraft carrier, is a great place to learn about aviation, space exploration, and the US Navy. Among its many aviation and Navy artifacts, the aircraft carrier houses the prototype space shuttle Enterprise, as well as original artifacts, photos, audio, and film that showcase the history of the Enterprise and its role in shaping the space shuttle program. The exhibit is also home to the Soyuz TMA-6 space capsule, and you can get a bird’s eye view of it all from an observation deck. The Intrepid often holds special exhibits and events, sometimes held virtually, and even has sensory-friendly days for different age groups.

Pier 86, West 46th St.
Hell’s Kitchen

New York Hall of Science

This kid-friendly, hands-on museum has plenty of ways to interact with STEM topics for the youngest in your family. Spark a love of space exploration with the interactive exhibits at the NY Hall of Science, where concepts of math and engineering are explored in a multi-disciplinary and approachable way. Of course, no trip to the museum is complete without a pit stop at the museum’s Rocket Park, where families can play mini-golf among actual space rockets and space vehicles parts.

47-01 111th St.

City of Stars Self-Guided Tour

NYC has so many more space-themed sculptures, parks, exhibits, and cool spots to explore, that you could make an entire list of them. Luckily, we don’t have to—the fantastic Neil deGrasse Tyson already has. In an article written in January 2002, Tyson creates a list of astronomy-related sites in New York City. The sites include the Atlas and Prometheus sculptures at Rockefeller Center, the stunning night sky and zodiac painted ceiling of Albertine Bookstore, the phases of the moon sculptures at South Park in Hunter’s Point, and many more. You can find a full list with descriptions at the Amateur Observers’ Society of New York. (An interactive map of them can be found here.) Embark on a scavenger hunt to check out all the items on the list, or keep an eye on the AOSNY website for the occasional guided tour opportunity.


Astronomy Exhibits Beyond NYC

The Vanderbilt Museum’s Planetarium Sky Observatory

Whether you visit the Vanderbilt Museum during the day or night, the planetarium and observatory has something to offer. That’s because the sky observatory has both nighttime and daytime telescopes for visitors to check out. You can even check out the changes that the sun undergoes in real-time, thanks to their H-alpha telescope. If you buy tickets for a show at the planetarium, you’ll also gain access to the rest of the museum, the grounds, and the mansion—so make sure to make time to explore! For those space lovers who also enjoy a day out in nature, you can check out the solar system hiking trail, which features a scale model of the Solar System. Just be aware that the trail isn’t beginner-friendly, as it features mixed terrain and drastic elevation changes.

180 Little Neck Rd.
Centerport, NY

Cradle of Aviation Museum

Long Island’s Air and Space Museum is a love letter to aviation and space flight. They display everything from hot air balloons and airplanes to spacecraft and lunar modules. Aviation fanatics will be thrilled at the expansive display, featuring over 75 air and space vehicles across eight themed galleries. Explore the history of flight, from the first few seconds off the ground to the first steps on the moon—and beyond! Plus, learn about Long Island’s own history in the aerospace world, and why it’s called the Cradle of Aviation. Visitors will be greeted by expert volunteers on hand to answer all their questions, and more easily distracted kiddos will be kept entertained with over 30 hands-on exhibits and a bunch of actual cockpits to climb around and explore. You can even download and print “Aerospace Quests,” a fun and interactive way to engage with the museum.

Charles Lindbergh Blvd.
Garden City, NY

The Dudley Observatory Loudonville, New York

The Dudley Observatory is three hours away from central NYC by car, but it’s well worth the drive. The observatory has tons of interactive experiences and programs for visitors of all ages that aims to present the science of space in an approachable way—whether you’re a kid or a scientist. Programs on offer include star parties, camps, and labs, as well as special events like “Ask an Astronomer” educational sessions, lessons, and dark sky observations. For a sneak preview at what the night sky has to offer, you can visit the observatory’s Facebook page, where you’ll find the informational Skywatch Line. This is where you can read a detailed explanation of what to look for in the sky tonight, any cool upcoming celestial events, and even some fun bits of history.

515 Loudon Rd.
Loudonville, NY

The Alice and Leonard Dreyfuss Planetarium at the Newark Museum of Art

This planetarium is included with the admission to the Newark Museum of Art, and is a must if awesome shows are what you’re into. The planetarium is an interactive dome theater all about space science, with rotating shows that tend to contextualize the science of space within the realm of life on earth. At the time of this writing for instance, one of the shows being screened is “Stars of the Pharaohs,” a program that shows how ancient Egyptian knowledge of the stars contributed to their architecture and culture. Different shows have different age recommendations, so be sure to check the recs before you take the littles.

49 Washington St.
Newark, NJ

How fast does a tornado go? What’s the tallest tree in the world? Find out!

When it comes to conversation, nothing beats the weather, especially if you can spout off a few cool facts about weather science or space trivia for the kids. Use these fun science facts to create your own trivia questions for teens or kids for a game night or just to learn something new.

12 Fun Science Facts About the Weather

learning about fun science facts about lightening.
Michał Mancewicz on Unsplash

1. Some tornadoes can be faster than Formula One race cars!

2. There are 2,000 thunderstorms on Earth every minute.

3. The wind is silent until it blows against something. 

4. There are ice caves in Iceland that have hot springs.

5. The fastest recorded raindrop was 18 mph! 

6. The US gets over 1200 tornadoes a year.

7. Lightning can strike twice.

8.  Clouds look white because they are reflecting sunlight from above them.

9. Yuma, Arizona gets over 4000 hours of sunshine a year, making it the sunniest place on Earth. The least sunny place is the South Pole, where the sun only shines on 182 days a year (Which would you rather live in?). 

10. Rain contains vitamin B12. 

11. A bolt of lightning is five times hotter than the sun. 

12. A hurricane releases enough energy in one second to equal that of 10 atomic bombs. 

13. It can be too warm to snow but never too cold. 

18 Cool Science Facts About Space

NASA on Unsplash

1. The moon is very hot (224 degrees Fahrenheit, average) during the day but very cold (-243 degrees average) at night.

2. Venus spins clockwise. It’s the only planet that does!

3. One teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh six-billion tons.

4. Sally Ride was the first American woman to fly in space on June 18, 1983.

5. One million Earths could fit inside the sun!

6. Even in an airplane, a trip to Pluto would take about 800 years. 

7. Ham the Astrochimp was the first hominid in space, launched on Jan. 31, 1961. 

8. Neptune’s days are 16 hours long.

9. It takes eight minutes and 19 seconds for light to travel from the sun to Earth.

10. The footprints on the moon will be there for 100 million years. 

11. A neutron star can spin 600 times in one second. 

12. Jupiter is the fastest-spinning planet in the solar system (it only takes about 10 hours to complete a full rotation on its axis). 

13. Sound does not carry in space. 

14. The Earth's core is as hot as the surface of the sun. 

15. The very first animals in space were fruit flies... they were sent up in 1947 and recovered alive. 

16. In 2011, ten-year-old Kathryn Aurora Gray discovered a supernova (a star that has run out of energy, explodes, and then collapses before it dies) that no one else had seen before. 

17. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has saltwater geysers 20x taller than Mt. Everest. 

18. Saturn's rings are made from trillions of chunks of orbiting ice. 

12 Crazy Cool Facts About the Human Body

science trivia for kids
Ben White on Unsplash

1. The nose can detect a trillion smells! 

2. One-quarter of your bones are in your feet. 

3. Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth! 

4. Your blood is as salty as the ocean. 

5. Not only does everyone have unique fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints!

6. The average brain weighs about three pounds. A newborn brain weighs about 3/4 of a pound. 

7. Your nose and ears never stop growing. 

8. A human body contains almost 100 trillion cells. 

9. Your heart beats 100000 times a day. 

10. Earwax is a type of sweat.

11. You shed over 30,000 dead skin cells every minute.

12. The only muscle that never tires is the heart.

5 Fun Science Facts About Botany

Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

1. Tomatoes are fruit and watermelons are technically berries!

2. There are some plants that smell like rotting flesh when they flower, attracting pollinators like beetles and flies (who like smelly things). 

3. In Utah, there is a forest of aspens that is thought to be one of the oldest living organisms on earth, an estimated 80,000 years old. 

4. The tallest tree in the world is the Sequoia redwood, which stands over 379 feet tall. 

5. There are more than 391,000 known plant species in the world. 


Take an evening at home to learn about stargazing with the kids

Summer is the perfect time of year for stargazing, especially after school is out and the kids can stay up late. The key to stargazing is to pick a clear night and find a spot that’s away from the city lights and clear of trees. Want to leave the astronomy lesson to the experts? Plan a visit to a dark sky national park for their seasonal stargazing programs. Then check out our gear and tips to get the kids really jazzed about this outdoor activity!

First, Get Your Kids Interested

Stickerscape on Etsy

Sure, any kid will jump at the chance to stay up past bedtime with the family, but it's best to get your kids interested—or at least familiar with—the stars before heading out for a night of skywatching. Luckily, there are tons of books, games and gadgets out there to get them excited:

Bring the Stars Inside - Stick constellation stickers on your child’s ceiling to get her used to looking up and seeing those familiar shapes.    

Make a Star Wheel - This activity works best for older kids (8 and up), but once they make it, kids will love being able to use this homemade tool to navigate the night sky. 

Read All About It - From A Hundred Trillion Billion Stars to A Little Kid's First Book of Space, there are plenty of books out there to get your kid primed for a night with the stars. Check out these great suggestions from  

Make Crafts - If you're the crafty type, your kids can get some planetary know-how with this cute space mobile from Honeybear Lane. 

Play Space-Themed Games - Planet-themed Bingo, anyone? Play Dough to Plato has free BINGO cards that even preschoolers can enjoy. (Note: You'll have to submit your e-mail address, but the download appears immediately). 

Have Smart Screen Time - At NASA's Space Place, kids can find some fun games that'll help kids explore the solar system as well as comets, black holes, and weather systems.

Watch Storytime From Space - This may be the coolest thing ever: Astronauts read stories from the International Space Station. Sure, your kiddo may be too preoccupied with watching the astronaut's hair floating in the no-gravity environment, but that's OK; They'll be space-crazed by the story's end. 

Related: Here's How Your Kid Can Get An Astronaut Pen Pal

Gather Your Supplies

father and daughter stargazing

It might seem like plopping down on the grass and simply looking up would be enough—and it is if all you want is a few minutes of stargazing—but rounding up the right supplies for a night of sky-watching is essential to making your evening easy and fun. Little stargazers can get hungry, antsy, and uncomfortable, so it's best to be prepared! Here is what you'll need: 

A large (preferably waterproof) blanket - Sitting directly on the ground may be scratchy and uncomfortable (not to mention you're exposing yourself to any creepy-crawlies that might be lingering below), so make sure to bring a comfy surface for the littles to lay on. Waterproof blankets help, in case the grass is wet. 

Folding chairs - If you'd rather lounge than lay on a blanket, folding chairs make for comfy outdoor digs. Try to find chairs that recline, so you're not left with a stiff neck afterward. 

Pillows - Lying down is, after all, the best way to get a full view of the sky, so bring along pillows to make things extra cozy!

Snacks - Little bellies need constant attention! Bring finger foods and snacks that the kids (and you!) can munch on while gazing skyward. It's best to stick to dry snacks so you won't get sticky fingers on that brand-new set of binoculars. 

A Flashlight - If you're in a particularly dark spot (which is better for seeing stars), you should bring a flashlight in case you need to read a sky map, find the snacks or get your bearings. Of course, a phone works just fine, too. 

Bug Spray - When the sun goes down, the bugs come out—so be prepared. For bug protection that will last the longest, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids over age two use an insect repellent containing (a maximum of 10%) Deet. For younger children and babies, use products containing Picardin, an odorless chemical safe for babies as young as two months; or natural products containing citronella, lemongrass, peppermint, and cedarwood (note: these usually need to be applied more frequently to be effective).   

Star Apps - Easy apps like Night Sky or Skyview are great for finding the constellations, even when the sky conditions aren't ideal. Just hold your phone up and you'll get an AR, up-close look the constellations, satellites and planets in real-time. 

S'mores - A strong recommendation from our writer's eight-year-old. Here's where you can find our favorite s'mores recipes

Get Set Up with an Easy-to-Use Telescope or Binoculars

kid looking through telescope stargazing
Kate Loweth

Seeing the constellations with the naked eye is fun—but it's always cooler if your kids can get a closer look. Telescopes (and binoculars, which can surprisingly offer just as good a view) are a perfect accessory to any stargazing outing.

Telescopes: There's nothing that dampens the excitement of a stargazing night than an overly complicated telescope that you're worried about the kids destroying. For stargazing with kids, we like the Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope for its ease of assembly, ease of use, and integration with your cellphone. Bonus, its $140 price tag is not too shabby. This video shows all the steps needed to get your telescope set up. When we tried it out, we found that older kids could set it up easily including focusing and attaching their cellphones so they could take photos. The telescope can also be used in the daytime for birdwatching and other activities. 

Binoculars: For binoculars, look for a pair that's 7x50 (the most popular size for skywatching). These will not only get you a view of the moon's craters but may also snag you a glimpse of Saturn's rings and Jupiter's belts.

Related: Blast Off! Inspiring Cardboard Spaceships You Can Make at Home

Figure Out Where You'll Go

Allison Sutcliffe

The darker the sky, the more you'll see—so it's best to get out of busy towns and cities if possible. Consider yourself lucky if you live near one of dark sky national parks, but really, any spot away from light pollution will work. State parks are usually good, safe spots to visit. 

Of course, if you can't get out of your backyard, that's fine; you can usually see a scattering of stars (and the moon)—and that's a start. 

Note: Wherever you go, make sure to give it time. Stargazing experts say it takes your eyes 20-30 minutes to completely adjust to the dark. 

Plan the Best Time

Ryan Jacobson via Unsplash

Check the Sky Forecast - While most kids are keen to get outside on any given night, not all evenings are ideal for stargazing. Check your local forecast to see when the skies will be clear. If you want to be uber-informed, you can check out, which publishes "astronomers forecasts" to help people find the clearest, darkest sky reports for locations all around the country (It's a bit tough to read, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to find the best location near you to go, plus the best time to do it.). 

Pick Your Night - To find specific space events in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, check out, which has up-to-date forecasts. will tell you when you'll be able to spot the International Space Station—as well as other bright satellites—at your location. You can download a super-cool free map of this month's night sky at (Even if your kids don't understand it, the fact that it's an actual MAP OF SPACE should make it extra-cool.). 

If You Can ... Look for a Meteor Shower - There's something about those sudden streaks of light ... they make you feel lucky just for seeing them. So try to schedule your stargazing outing for a night when shooting stars are in the forecast. The Perseids Meteor Shower, which takes place every year from Jul. 24 - Aug. 24, is the best night show of the year, with up to 100 shooting stars per hour during the shower's peak, Aug. 11-13.  Be sure to explain to your little astronomers that meteors aren't really "stars" at all—they're big chunks of space debris (bits of broken comets and asteroids) colliding with our Earth's atmosphere. For a list of other notable meteor showers, check out

Start Stargazing!


So, you're outside. It's dark. You're looking up. Now what?

For New Stargazers

The first thing to explore is the moon. After all, it's Earth's best celestial buddy, and it's big enough to see without binoculars. Ask your kids if they can see the lighter splotches on the moon—then explain to them that those are the moon's mountain ranges and highlands, which are filled with humongous, city-sized craters.

For Intermediate Astronomers

Then, find the visible planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. To tell them apart, look at the colors: Jupiter is the brightest, Saturn is usually golden-yellow, and Mars is light orange-red. For a more detailed guide on finding what's visible in the sky week-to-week (because it changes!), check out

For Future Astronauts

After that, start looking for the constellations, which can vary in visibility depending on the season. For help finding these, NPR published an easy, animated how-to guide. The simplest ones to find are:

    • The Big Dipper (Ursa Major)- This is usually the easiest to find, as it looks like a giant ladle in the sky. 
    • Polaris (a.k.a. The North Star) - If you follow the invisible line formed by the two farthest stars in the Big Dipper's saucer, it will point to the North Star. 
    • The Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) - The North Star is the top star in the handle of the Little Dipper. Just follow the stars down to see the curved handle and cup. 
    • Scorpius

Keep an eye out for man-made space inhabitants like the International Space Station and large satellites, both of which appear as small, moving stars. 

Related: 7 Amazing Spots Where You Can Watch a Real Rocket Launch

Tell Your Kids These Amazing Facts about the Sky!

young girl stargazin

Don't know what to talk about with your kids while you're watching the stars? How about some of these amazing facts about space?  

  • Since the light from stars takes millions of years to reach Earth, seeing a star means you are looking millions of years back in time.
  • There are approximately 200-400 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy alone.
  • Each galaxy—and there are estimated to be more than 100 billion of them—contains hundreds of billions of stars In all, the total number of stars in the universe is possibly as high as 300 sextillion, or 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
  • Stars do not actually "twinkle." The twinkling appearance is only the Earth's atmosphere deflecting the light that reaches our eyes.
  • When you're looking at a star, you're seeing something that's about 20 quadrillion miles away.  
  • There is no sound in space.
  • Venus rotates so slowly that one day there is about a year on Earth time.  
  • There may be a planet made out of diamonds. According to research from Yale University, a rocky planet about 40 light-years away from us may have a surface made of graphite and diamond.
  • Some scientists believe the moon may once have been a piece of Earth that tore off when an object smashed into our planet long, long ago.


Related: Space Trivia for Kids That Is Totally Out of This World


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