A positive attitude about yourself goes a long way when it comes to building self-esteem in kids

How many times have you looked in the mirror and frowned at the outfit you’re wearing, or thought twice about eating dessert because it’s a “bad food” (even though it’s not)? Definitely a few, because you’re human, after all. But it’s important to take stock of the things you say when the kids are around and do your best to present yourself as a strong, confident parent.

Kids learn about body positivity and self-confidence from their parents long before they internalize perceived ideals of how they should look on YouTube or social media. And if they have a strong foundation of self-esteem, those messages will have far less of an impact when they do, inevitably, encounter them. We rounded up 9 things to say—and believe!—about yourself in front of your kids so you can help them learn to take pride in who they are.

1. I look nice today. Say it when you’re tired, say it when you feel a cold coming on, say it even if you haven’t showered in a few days. Little ones learn by example; if they hear you speaking positively about yourself, it becomes second nature to do the same. Projecting self-confidence shows worthiness—despite the negative messaging that bombards us daily. 

2. That was challenging, and I’m going to try again. Showing you are okay with failure helps kids develop the tools necessary for dealing with disappointment. It might be handy to have a list of people who failed before finding success on hand: think Albert Einstein, Michael Jordan, and Oprah. 

3. I made a mistake. It might be one of the hardest things to do, but admitting when we are wrong is one of the best ways to show (and teach) personal responsibility. And that’s a life skill everyone needs. 

4. Food keeps me healthy and happy. How you talk about food with kids has a major impact on how they look at their bodies and health. If you practice food neutrality (broccoli is broccoli, a cookie is a cookie—nothing is “good” or “bad”), it’ll help to set the stage for kids to learn the balance of fueling the body and enjoy the pleasures of the food itself. 

5. I am proud of my job. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, work remotely, or head out to a job, show pride in what you do! Talking about what you do all day shows the kids that while you might be busy, it’s for a good reason—not because you don’t want to read Dragons Love Tacos for the 10th time. 

6. I’m glad my body protects me and keeps me alive every day. We can kick a soccer ball, push a swing, and play a board game, and we can do it all without being the “right size.” Referring to your body as something you use as a tool for life is key to helping kids develop a positive self-image.

7. This outfit makes me feel beautiful. Raise your hand if you’ve found yourself cursing while trying on clothes because something doesn’t look quite right. Try focusing on things you like about what you’re wearing: this color complements my skin tone, these leggings are perfect for our park play date, and this hat makes me stand out in a crowd. Pointing out the good instead of the bad is a way to encourage self-love and confidence. 

8. I enjoy exercising because it makes me feel strong. Moving our bodies is about so much more than losing weight. It’s about how exercise is good for our brain, helps us ward off illness, and prolongs our lifespan. In today’s tech-driven culture, driving home these ideas is more important than ever. 

9. I believe every day is a new chance to start over. It’s easy to let negative thoughts rule our mindset. Yes, life is tough, but it’s also beautiful, and we only get one go of it. A wonderful gift (or tool) you can give your kids is the ability to look at the present and the future and understand that everything moves forward. We alone can make change for ourselves, even if it’s something as tiny as writing down notes of gratitude or as big as demanding the help you need.

Related: Want to Raise Confident Kids? Start by Doing This

It’s a conversation no parent wants to have, but if you have to, here’s what you can tell your child

As unfortunate as it might be, lockdown drills have become a regular occurrence at most public schools across the country, in some places as commonplace now as fire drills. And though they can be scary for young children, they’re necessary. They help to prepare and educate children about the proper and safe way to act in case of an emergency.

The first time our local elementary school did a lockdown drill when my son was in kindergarten, he came home a little shaken up. It’s not easy to explain to your child why lockdown drills are necessary or what exactly they’re protecting them against without inciting fear. But there are some strategies available for speaking to your children about the importance and purpose of lockdown drills. Here are just a few.

1. Stay Calm

Children often react first to an adult’s reaction, then to whatever situation is causing the reaction. For example, if your child falls and scrapes their knee. Their initial reaction might be to cry when they see the blood or because it hurts. But the severity of their reaction will have a lot to do with how you, as the parent, react. If you start panicking, your child will panic too because they’ll think there’s reason to: “If mommy is getting upset there must be something really wrong!”

This theory holds true for discussing lockdown drills. If you approach the subject with a calm and even tone, your child will not be initially alarmed. They’re more apt to calmly sit and listen to what you have to say. Acting in a paranoid or fearful way will only instill unnecessary fear in your child.

2. Be Open to Questions

You want your child to feel comfortable asking you questions, about anything in life, but especially about something they’re concerned or curious about. Try not to meet their questions with resistance or negativity. Be open to whatever is going on in their minds. The more knowledge and understanding of the situation they have, the more comfortable they may become with the practice.

3. Use Comparisons

It’s sometimes easier for children to understand a new concept when they have a familiar reference to compare it to. The most common and logical comparison to a lockdown drill is a fire drill. Most children are familiar with fire drills before they even enter public school. Many daycare and childcare centers are required to perform routine fire drills. You might even have a fire plan in place for your home.

Explain to your child that a lockdown drill is very similar to a fire drill. It’s something the schools use just in case of an emergency and for practice because practice makes perfect! You can even compare practicing drills to wearing a helmet or seat belt. You do these things to be safe, just in case there’s an accident or your child falls off their bike. These things may never happen, but if they do, you’re protected.

The more relaxed and less serious you remain while discussing lockdown drills, the more relaxed your child will be. Emphasize that lockdown drills aren’t just for the students but for teachers as well and that they’re designed to keep everyone safe.

4. Helping Them Understand the Threat

But as we know, lockdown drills are in place for a very serious reason. It’s perfectly fine to ease your young child’s mind by making “light” of the situation and explaining that it’s simply for practice. But your inquisitive child will likely ask what a lockdown drill is keeping them safe from.

They already view teachers and other adults as authority figures. Explain to your child that sometimes, adults and teachers see a potential threat or something unsafe that children don’t see. This threat may be nothing, but until the adults can determine that, a lockdown drill is a good way to keep them safe.

Your child’s next question might be, “Well, what kind of unsafe stuff?” My son is 7 and I try to be as honest with him as possible, without striking fear. He knows that people make poor choices at times—from his friends in class to adults. When discussing what threats lockdown drills are addressing, explain that it’s the school’s job to keep the children safe from any adults around that might be making poor choices. There’s really no need to explain further what those choices are.

I often tell my son, “Sometimes people just do things that we don’t understand. Things that we would never do.” If your child is a little bit older you can go as far as to say, “Sometimes people get angry and confused and end up hurting people.” You know your child best, so offer as much or as little explanation as you think is appropriate or necessary.

5. Encourage Your Child to Be a Helper

Most kids love nothing more than being a helper, especially to adults! Making children part of what’s going on is a great way to involve them in their own safety practice, such as lockdown drills.

The teachers at my son’s school wear whistles on their school lanyards. During a lockdown drill, the teacher is supposed to pop their head out the classroom door into the hallway and blow their whistle three times. This alerts anyone in the hallway or neighboring classrooms that a lockdown is in place, in case they aren’t already aware. The teacher then locks the classroom door and the children take their positions. It’s my son’s job to remind his teacher to blow the whistle. Other students have other “jobs” like reminding her to pull down the shades or helping their friends find their special hiding spots.

By involving children in the lockdown process, you’re empowering them with a sense of responsibility and involvement. This can help to ease their worry. It also gives them something to focus on, distracting them from any fear they might be experiencing.

Try asking your child about the lockdown drill process. “So, what do you do first?” or “What happens next?” Become excited and involved in what’s happening. Your child will feel important and may view the drill as a necessary “job” they have, not as a scary experience.

6. Always be Available

It’s important to always be available for your child to ask questions, voice their concerns and simply listen to what they have to say. The first few lockdown drills your child experiences might be scary for them, but over time, they should become more comfortable with the process. If you need further information or help explaining lockdown drills with your child, speaking to your school’s principal or the district superintendent can offer additional help and resources about your specific school district’s procedures.

I am a 32 year old mother of a son and wife to an officer. I am honest about both the love and struggle of parenting. I enjoy being active and writing is my passion, second only to my family.

In an increasingly global world, having the ability to connect across languages and cultures is a beautiful thing!

There is a belief that being bilingual can only be achieved if a child begins to speak two languages simultaneously. I disagree. It’s a myth that you can’t be bilingual past a certain age. Although the ideal is to start learning languages in parallel, you can be bilingual by learning later as well.

I’m a Hispanic-American mother who was born and raised bilingual in Spanish and English here in the United States, while my parents are South American natives who have been in this country for over 30 years. Over the years, I’ve learned that you can learn a language and be bilingual if you study it in the right way.

Any child can be bilingual. And bilingual people not only have the advantage of knowing how to speak in another language, with the benefits that will accrue to the professional level but psychologically as well. Bilingual children are more creative, develop their brains differently, and have higher self-esteem.

How to Learn to Be Bilingual in Spanish and English

A safe bet is a total immersion in the language. Courses spoken in Spanish make it easier for children to get used to listening to another language, phonetics, and expressions and associating it with people who always speak to them in that language.

Children don’t have to resist speaking in English. It Is normal if they wish to communicate in the language with which they feel more comfortable. Don’t pressure them. If children feel pressured, they’ll end up blocking the language, making it harder for them to enjoy learning. A common mistake parents make is to press without realizing it. The typical “Tell me something in Spanish” when they pick you up after school can potentially have a negative effect.

It bears repeating: if a child feels pressured, they’ll end up blocking the language, and it will be more difficult for them to enjoy learning and therefore to learn.

On the other hand, the brain needs time to be able to jump into speaking another language. It’s like math. A child can’t learn to add without knowing anything about numbers first. Trying to get him or her to speak a new language on the first day of class is like forcing a kid to do math with three-figure sums while they are still learning the basics of single digits numbers.

Parents need to understand that learning a language takes a while. The first six months to a year of a child’s life are “the period of silence,” a necessary time during which the child can’t speak any language, but his brain is working. One day, all of a sudden, they’ll start building sentences correctly! I was so excited when this first happened, but I digress!

Simple Things Parents Can Do to Introduce Spanish to Their Kids

  • Watch TV and movies in Spanish: Many stations such as ABC, Netflix, and Disney have Spanish language options. Just change the language in the audio settings or switch to the dedicated Spanish language station. Movie night in Spanish can be fun for the whole family.
  • Find bilingual books: We can instill a love of reading in another language using bilingual books adapted to their age. Some libraries also have audiobooks that can be listened to at home, in the car, or before bedtime.
  • Find simple and fun activities to help reinforce learning: For example, if the school focuses on learning nouns for colors in Spanish, ask your child to call out the colors of buildings and signs on the way home.
  • Download apps in another language that children can use: Always make sure they are age appropriate of course.
  • Teach at Certain Times: Alternate between speaking English and Spanish on different days. These help keep the languages fresh and strengthen their ability to switch between languages once they grow older.
  • Teach by Specific Themes: Use a certain language to talk about something in particular. For example, if there’s a favorite Spanish language series that has now been adopted, always discuss it in Spanish.

Children’s minds can absorb a great deal of information while they are young, and it’s the best time to teach them a new language. My husband speaks five languages, and I’m always jealous of his ability to connect to so many people and cultures in so many parts of the world. During increasingly polarized and divisive times, sharing culture and language can help bring us all closer together.

Im a new Hispanic mother in the United States here to offer tips for new parents about the best products for their little ones.

There are a few things you can do to help your elementary school kid thrive

When my oldest daughter was first starting elementary school, I missed all the registration deadlines, so I couldn’t tour the building or meet her teachers. Since I blew it in regards to a tour, which may have allowed me to tell my daughter how special her future classroom was, or how nice her teachers seemed—my only interaction with the school was with the secretary. While we mostly spoke about up-to-date medical forms and school supply lists, I did my darndest to talk up how wonderful Lisa, the secretary, was after every conversation. It was my daughter’s only peek into the place that would soon occupy six hours of her day, five days a week, and I knew I had to do my best to make it a positive one.

Our recommendations and assurances, as parents, have an amazing impact on the comfort level of people who know and trust us. They are even more intrinsic when it comes to our children’s confidence in the new environments we are tasked with introducing them to throughout their childhood. A new sport, a new playdate, and especially a new school involves your child trusting in the potential of the match you have arranged on their behalf.

When children are about to embark on a new adventure, they look to us to see if they should be scared, excited, confident, or resistant. When that new adventure involves separation from us, as the school does, it’s even more crucial that children have the sense that we like and trust the people in whose care we are placing them in. Of course, your child has the final say in whom they like and trust, but we can do our part to warm them up to the idea of exploring new relationships and situations if we make the effort to set a positive tone from the outset.

It’s no wonder that one of the biggest indicators of children’s success in school is the parental attitude toward school.

Here are five things you can try to help your child feel a sense of trust, ease, and confidence as the new school year begins

1. Speak positively about your child’s school and teachers. Any small expression of fondness goes a long way. No need to feel hindered by not having details; your child is trying to pick up on your energy and attitude, not necessarily your knowledge of specifics.

2. Look for opportunities to find similarities so your child feels a sense of familiarity and belonging. This can be done in small ways, such as letting your child know that you saw her favorite book in the school library or that his teacher has the same first name as a family member.

3. Convey a sense of trust. If your child is worried about being away from you, give reassurance that you would only put her in the care of people who are capable of caring for her in your absence.

4. Use names, not titles, when referring to people at your child’s school. Instead of saying, “your teacher” or “your principal,” which makes the relationship seem to be only between your child and that person, try saying, “Ms. Christine,” so it feels like you are speaking about someone you both have a warm relationship with.

5. Avoid criticism of any aspect of school, no matter how small it may seem to you. Inevitably situations will come up that irk you, but do what you can to vent frustrations and concerns after your children are sound asleep. This will help children preserve the trust and confidence you have worked so hard to help them cultivate.

As simple as some suggestions may seem, it’s our consistency and intentionality that will allow children to thrive in their new environment over time.

Here’s to positive beginnings and a smooth start to yet another back-to-school season!


Christine Carrig, M.S.Ed., runs Carrig Montessori School in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She is an early childhood specialist and mom of four. She helps parents who are seeking more holistic ways to support their children along the messy road of development. You can sign up for her newsletter at The Family Flow or follow her on Instagram.

I try to keep my daughter on a schedule and routine that she’s used to because, without a schedule, things get a little crazy around here. Our normal schedule works great for day-to-day things, but during the summer, I think it’s important to mix things up a little bit. The best (and most fun) way to do this is to introduce your kids to travel.

I started traveling with my daughter pretty consistently (even if it was just a weekend staycation, which she actually likes most) about a year ago. We average about one trip per month during the school year; however, during the summer, all bets are off, and we’re jet-setting as much as possible.

If you’ve thought about introducing your kids to travel but are still on the fence about it, here are some of my top reasons why you should encourage all members of your family to get out and about, no matter how young they are.

Close up of a young family enjoying city life while traveling

1. Adventure

Traveling is a great way to give your kids the chance to experience an adventure. No matter where they travel, your kids will love discovering their adventures along the way. They will venture outside their comfort zone and experience new and exciting things they wouldn’t get a chance to do at home. These adventures will quickly become something your kids look forward to doing each time they travel.

2. Compassion

Traveling is also a great way to foster compassion in your kids. When kids travel, they get a chance to see different socioeconomic backgrounds, especially if they travel to foreign countries. Your kids will see firsthand that not everyone is as blessed as they are, giving them an appreciation for what they have and compassion towards those less fortunate.

A mom using airplane hacks while traveling with a toddler
Paul Hanaoka via Unsplash

3. Flexibility

If you’ve ever traveled, you know that plenty can go wrong. When this happens, you need to be flexible and find a solution to the problem. That’s why traveling is so valuable of an experience for your kids. They will learn to be flexible when something happens outside of their control. This helps them learn to roll with the punches, so to speak, an important skill to have in life.

4. Education

Wherever your kids travel, you can expect the journey to be educational. Your kids will get the chance to experience different cultures and learn about the area’s history, giving them a broader and more educated view of the world.


5. Memories

The memories that your kids make during their travels will be something that sticks with them throughout life. When they think about their childhood, they’ll remember these trips with fondness. They won’t remember the shiny new toy they got for their birthday or the toy that was so hot last Christmas every kid had to have it (Who remembers that Hatchimal)?  They will, however, remember the adventures they had when they traveled.  Whether your family travels together or if your kids travel alone or with friends, your kids will remember what they experienced. These memories will be lasting ones.

6. Independence

You want your kids to be independent, which is why family travel is such a valuable experience for kids. Traveling will cultivate your kid’s sense of independence, teaching them how to do things on their own. To help get them started, allow them to research and plan your next vacation. Start with small tasks like researching the history of a location, the food, or the language.

As they get older, give them more responsibilities like researching the currency or mapping out how to get from the airport to the hotel. By the time they are 7, they should be able to do enough research (thanks to Google and Youtube) to be able to point out the country on a map, tell you what language they speak in that country, what currency they use, and be able to say “hello,” “I need help” and “thank you” in that countries language.

7. Self Discovery


Your kids will be amazed at what they discover about the world around them and what they learn about themselves during their travels. Your kids will discover what interests them, including what their favorite places to go are and what foods they like to eat. This type of self-discovery is essential for kids to develop since it will give them confidence in who they are and what person they want to be.

Family travel is what helped me discover just how much my daughter loves history. Every time we would go somewhere new, she would spend hours researching the history of that state or country. She can spend hours in a museum and loves talking to locals.

Traveling is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your kids. Your kids will learn more about who they are and develop skills and characteristics they’ll use throughout their lives.


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I’m Courtney! A thirty-something-year-old travel, food, lifest‌yle and family blogger for The World In Four Days. In addition to being a jet-setter, I’m also a wound care nurse and mommy to the cutest little eight-year-old on earth (IG @reesealvarado


Words. They matter.

I spent the better part of my post-high school academic career studying the written and spoken word and how those words matter.

I also have three children who struggled to find their voices. They have worked through intensive speech therapy to be able to find and use words.

The power of a word is not lost on me.

I teach my kids to think before they speak. Is it kind? Is it truthful? Is it necessary? If they can’t answer all of those questions with a yes then maybe they should think about saying whatever it is before they do.

This is why it bothers me so much when people say, “They are only words.”

Words have power.

The way we talk to people isn’t a reflection of them as much as it is a reflection of ourselves. The way we talk to and about our children becomes their inner voice.

I’ve had this on my mind a lot for a few months now. It seems like in our current culture it has become a social norm to be a “keyboard warrior” online and to excuse really, really awful behavior because “they are only words.”

I really got to thinking about this last night after what turned into a heated social media discussion, if we can call it that, with someone I respected. I generally try not to engage and avoid hot button issues—especially when I know the other parties aren’t particularly receptive to different points of view. I know it was 100% it was my fault for kicking the proverbial bee’s nest, but it was most certainly not a respectful discussion on either side. I am not too proud to admit it wasn’t a good look for either of us.

Follow me as I dig a little deeper.

It isn’t just the written word that matters. It isn’t just what we see each other write online that matters. It’s true that social media has empowered a lot of us to say things that we wouldn’t necessarily say to someone’s face and we should think before we type, but we also need to think before we speak.

The power of a word.

There have been moments in my life where words have been really influential on me: The words contained in the acceptance letter to my dream college. My husband asking me to marry him. My Grandmother’s marriage advice. My Dad’s wedding toast to my husband and me. The first time my children told me they loved me. Any time someone told me “You can’t.”

I also can think of moments where words didn’t just have an impact on me, but also on my view of the world or someone in it.

Once, after the birth of a new baby, some relatives came to visit and meet him. One of them had been wanting a baby of her own and working their way through the options. She mentioned how she was slightly discouraged because another family they knew had received another foster placement while she was still longing for her first. Her husband responded with a remark about how that child had autism and that family was able to get another child because they were willing to “take whatever garbage was thrown at them.”

Now, it was a passing conversation and the people involved probably don’t remember it, but I do. Six months later as my oldest son received an autism diagnosis, it resurfaced in my mind. It took up space and it lives there. Every interaction this person has with my child, his words come to mind.

A few summers back a new family moved into our neighborhood. My girls were thrilled to have more kids their age to play with. It was great at first. They played frequently and I was all for it until I started to hear the way these children were speaking. They were being mean to my girls and thinking they were funny.

Their words weren’t welcome and it was tough to navigate, but my girls learned they needed to speak up for themselves, but also to believe in themselves and they were worthy and capable of great things.

Around the time of my first son’s ASD diagnosis I reached out to the few mamas I knew with children on the spectrum. I was lost and looking for guidance. Out of them, most were encouraging, offered support, and gave some advice. One, however, told me to get over it and not make it about myself. She had nothing to offer and I would figure it out just as she had.

That stung and put a wall in our friendship. I often think about her words when I am sharing my perspective on our life with the spectrum. I hope should another mama ever come to me looking for a lifeline as I had been that I remember her counsel and offer better.

These are only a few examples of the power of words, but they were impactful enough to bear mention. They were said in passing and have an echo that remains.

Lately, this world doesn’t seem built for kindness. To have a soft heart or to admit your hurt almost instantly is met with more insult or a suggestion to “toughen up.” I don’t agree with that, but I am also not saying that we should all walk around in bubble wrap with fragile egos and tiptoe around people. But maybe, speak less and think more before you do.

Is it kind? Is it truthful? Is it necessary? If our answer is no to any of these questions, then maybe we need to rethink our words.

The old childhood rhyme “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” comes to mind. Maybe words can’t break a bone or cause visible damage, but words do in fact matter. Words can break and words can damage.

Words have power.

It’s up to you whether or not you use your words for good.

Choose your words wisely.


This post originally appeared on How Many Monkeys Are Jumping On the Bed?.

Marisa McLeod lives in Waterville, Ohio, with her husband and four kids. She's a Golden Girls, Disney, and organizational junkie. She can usually be found sipping coffee (or wine), watching reality television, or Pinterest-dreaming her next adventure. You can follow along with her on her blog How Many Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Facebook, or on Instagram.

Each word you speak to your child programs their concept of reality. Sounds, just like words, have meaning woven through them. Every word or sound is infused with your thoughts and intentions conveyed through the tone, cadence and through the subtle non-verbal cues accompanying it.

Parenting Cornerstones

From the very beginning, set an intention to talk to your child with conscious awareness.  What do you want to be the cornerstones of your child’s reality? Love? Peace? Harmony? Joy? Security? Safety? Bliss? Happiness? Balance? Abundance? Nurturance? Empowerment? Compassion? Give this some thought and list your top three to five parenting cornerstones on a piece of paper to be posted in several places in your home where you will frequently see them.

Remember these buzz-words when you talk with your children; whatever age they may be. A newborn that is spoken to with intention and love hears this in your voice and senses your intention as extrasensory input. The preschooler feels your inner smile and love and senses that you are one hundred percent present with them if even for a few minutes. The school-age child notices how your eyes and body language tell a story and models their behavior after yours and thereby becomes a proficient communicator. The preteen appreciates your attention and affection as they begin the journey of forming their own identity. The high school age young adult/child knows on a deeper level that you are a steady pillar nearby in case they falter providing them with consistent messages of life’s most precious cornerstones.

You are empowered to use your words and communication skills to teach your child. Through this conscious choice, you model the deeper concept that each person creates their reality. In doing this for your child you will find yourself transforming as well. You too will become an aware, empowered communicator and will draw to you more of the same. Words can be a path to conscious living.

Empathy & Compassion

To teach children compassion, invite them to treat others as they want to be treated. Speak this aloud to your child in a variety of ways: Smile at others the way you’d like to be smiled at. Say words to others that you would like to hear. Do things to help others the way you would like to be helped. Provide examples of this in daily life, like “Pat that doggy gently the way you would like to be patted if you were him.”

Say it and live it. Invite children to be empathetic by modeling compassion for others. Lots of times having children in our lives teaches us to live better, more mindful lives. Allow your child or children’s presence to inspire you to be more peaceful, compassionate, and conscious. Choose to empower yourself and live a life of honor and peace.

Conscious Parenting

Remember children live what they learn. You are an inspiration to your child and everyone you meet. Raising a child is always an immense learning opportunity for the adults in the child’s life. To embrace this and be truly present to it is the embodiment of conscious parenting.

By choosing to parent with presence and consciousness you are providing an opportunity for your child to learn to be a conscious individual. You are providing a framework for healthy, ecologically responsible, spiritually connected living. You are the model, and one day your child may become the model for you.

Enjoy this journey. It is an expression of beauty; sometimes poignant, often joyful, frequently challenging and it is totally unique. You, your child and all life are soul essence. You are spiritual beings and spiritual beings learn from each other. Watch your child, learn and grow and watch your own life transform as you walk a conscious path together towards ever-expanding awareness.

Amy Leigh Mercree is a holistic health expert, medical intuitive and best selling author of 11 books including, A Little Bit of Mindfulness: An Introduction To Being Present and The Mood Book to name a few. Mercree teaches internationally sharing Next Level Healing, Meet Your Guides, Mindfulness Meditation, and Bestseller Bootcamp classes. 

We know that being able to hire a nanny is a privilege—and finding a bilingual nanny is even more of a luxury. There are many families for whom this is not an option—whether because of expense or availability. But if you do have the desire and opportunity to hire a bilingual nanny because you want to enrich your child’s dual-language enironment, you can create a much richer environment by thoughtfully partnering with that person. Whether it’s a full time nanny, part time or nanny share (for our family, we have set up nanny shares—where we partnered with another family to “share” one nanny, both for socialization and to defray cost), here are a few ways to maximize new language skills.

1. Have an explicit conversation with your nanny about speaking in their language.
I have to admit that this is not something I thought of at first. I assumed that if my nanny spoke Spanish, she would just speak Spanish with the kids all the time. But I speak English with her, our house is filled with English books and music, we live in a predominantly English-speaking city, she speaks English, and so it’s natural that she would just use English in my home.  

It’s worth thinking about what level of language exposure you are looking for when your child is in your nanny’s care. Are you comfortable with a mix of English and Spanish and letting that happen naturally? Do you want to have certain times of the day or dedicated activities that you would like to be “all in Spanish”? Or do you want as much Spanish as possible all the time—including spoken conversations, songs, books, etc.? Whatever you choose, it’s worth talking it through explicitly with your nanny. She may have some great advice from past experience, and it also allows you to be aligned on expectations. 

2. Try to learn yourself (even if just a little bit), so it’s not just your nanny speaking another language. 
Many folks we have interviewed have discussed how critical it is to model love and appreciation for the language you are teaching. And perhaps the most obvious way to do this is to speak the language yourself!  

Even if you don’t speak it (me!), you can try learning a few vocaulary words and phrases. Don’t worry if your accent is not perfect!  This is more about showing that you value the target language vs. you being the pronunciation teacher. For example, our nanny makes eggs for the kids every morning. We talk about huevos instead of eggs and say ¿Quieres comer? Instead of Do you want to eat? I also try to repeat phrases our nanny uses frequently with the kids like ¿Qué pasó? (What happened?) and ¡Hasta mañana! (See you tomorrow!). Another fun activity to help us all learn was decorating and hanging these fun printables of household objects.  

3. Keep foreign language books at home for your nanny to regularly read from.
Building a collection of children’s books—however small or large—is, for me, one of the most magical parenting responsibilities. But being an English-speaking family, I did not instinctively start with any Spanish books. As soon as we had the Habbi Habbi books at home, our nanny naturally gravitated to them, reading them to our son in Spanish. It seems so obvious in hindsight—if I wanted her to read to the kids in Spanish, I needed to provide the materials! You may want to ask your nanny for recommendations to add to your collection or provide a library card so she can select some herself. 

As a side note, I’m so inspired by other moms’ libraries. For example, Valicia and Eveline are huge proponents of multilingual exposure and have amazing libraries filled with Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, and more. 

4. Seek out foreign language classes and storytimes for your nanny to bring your child to.
Before the pandemic, our nanny took the kids to music classes and storytime at the library. The kids loved it and we loved the exposure to music and stories! It may take a little extra research, but many libraries, bookstores and music programs offer neighborhood classes in foreign languages. Your local children’s museum or zoo may also offer activities in another language. Again, this is a great conversation to have with your nanny, as she may already know the best local classes and programs.  

5. Find inspiration from food—whether cooking or visiting restaurants and cafes.
In our family, we love to cook and explore foods from all over the world. Food is one of our favorite reasons to travel, and—much like language—a critical part of cultural identity. So it makes sense for us to celebrate it at home, too. 

Our first nanny was originally from Brazil and would take the kids to the Mercado Brasil in our neighborhood to get pão de queijo (still my son’s favorite!). In addition to building a very strong affinity for delicious Brazilian cheese bread, it also gave him an opportunity to hear more people speaking Portuguese together, since the shop was very popular among Brazilians in San Francisco. Our second nanny was originally from El Salvador and was an incredible cook (who loved feeding everyone!). She would make arroz y frijoles (rice and beans) and homemade tortillas for the kids, and green (unripened) mango (which I had never tried before and is so yummy).

There are so many ways to reinforce language and cultural context around food (which is also just delicious and thus creates an association of joy!). You may want to ask your nanny to incorporate Latin foods into your child’s diet, teach them the names in Spanish, talk about the regions they come from or the importance of the dish.

By Anne-Louise of Habbi Habbi 

This post originally appeared on Habbi Habbi.
H&AL of Habbi Habbi
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Habbi Habbi Reading Wand & Bilingual Books is the easiest way to start kids on Chinese & Spanish. Just turn on and tap. Every inch is tappable, and our books are as intentional in content as they are beautiful - topics like kindness, emotions, and more. @BeHabbi | habbihabbi.com.


Vacationing with kids: stressful, unexpected, but also pretty great. In fact, a new survey found that 52% of parents think trips are more enjoyable if the kids can come too. It’s part of a larger study focusing on family vacations as summer travel season comes to a close.

SWNS, in conjunction with OnePoll and Apple Vacations, surveyed more than 2,000 Americans about their travel preferences and 59% also said that they don’t mind a bad day of vacation, as long as their kids get to enjoy it! That may relate to happy family trip memories—half of respondents who traveled growing up said the excitement will never go away. And despite the headaches of planning and packing, 80% plan to continue family vacations to build strong bonds.

Speaking of packing, respondents ranked it as the least enjoyable part of vacationing (relatable). Once families reach their destinations, there’s plenty of water activities they’re eager to experience. Over one third (35%) said they’re excited for kids to try swimming, visiting a water park (29%) or fishing (28%). Don’t forget those swimsuits when you’re filling those bags!

Finally, it’s no surprise that Americans prioritize price when booking a vacation destination, followed by Wi-Fi access and a pool. Luckily, we have the perfect, budget-friendly ideas no matter where your fam is headed next, from Portland (Oregon) to Portland (Maine)! And if your travel is done for the year, you’ll have plenty of time to snag that hot reservation for next summer!

––Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash



Amazing Vacation Rentals That Are Ideal for Families

12 Unplugged Family Vacations to Take in 2021

Photo: Habbi Habbi

Like many families, we are an English-speaking household trying to incorporate a second language (for us, Spanish) into our lives. Our boys get the majority of their Spanish exposure through immersion school. But I know that building on that and reinforcing it at home is critical too. As a Spanish beginner myself, I cannot practice popular methods like OPOL (one parent one language), so, I came up with 5 actionable things I could do at home. They’re not fancy or complicated; they’re short and approachable enough, so I can do them consistently, which is the most important thing!    

1. Speak: Add choiceful vocabulary into our everyday routine.

Time: n/a [Just replacing some English vocabulary we use]  

Since I’m a beginner too, I try to learn some new vocabulary words that I can easily use with my kids on a daily basis (e.g. using agua, leche, pan during mealtime instead of water, milk, bread) The two books we ‘go to’ most for this are our In My Home & Foodie Friends books. For example, they are really into brushing their teeth right now (thanks to a new flavor of toothpaste) so we’re adding words like el cepillo de dientes, la pasta de dientes, el hilo dental  (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss) to our daily rotation. These are words that get repeated multiple times a day.   

2. Sing: Spanish songs everyday on our walk to school.

Time: 5 minutes daily [as a fun habit, practice each morning at a specific habitual time]  

Each morning, we have a short walk to drop my boys off at school. I picked a few easy Spanish songs that have a lot of repetition, and I plan to sing those with my boys as we walk. For example, ¡Colores, colores! is fun for practicing colors and names of different jobs; the song traditionally just talks about Dad’s jobs, but we use papá or mamá. Sometimes, we switch it up by using different family members like abuelo, abuela, tío and tía!  Another song that’s fun, easy to repeat, and has great vocabulary is 10 Pececitos (10 little fish).  

3. Environment: Set up their spaces to encourage using Spanish instead of English, with Spanish books and labels.

Time: 5-15 minutes [set up the environment to replace English options with Spanish], more environmental to encourage them to pick up independently   

We have a great reading nook, and my kids love curling up with them in a big comfy chair for story time. We intentionally place our Habbi Habbi collection nearby—both the Spanish-English and Chinese-English, with a Wand for each child. We try to keep them in places that are visible and accessible to the kids (e.g. a low shelf), and encourage them to choose them for story time and independent play. We also rotate titles or display more prominently titles that we want to “lightly suggest” they look at.   

We have also decorated our home environment with Spanish signs and labels. Most recently, we used the Habbi Habbi “In My Home” Printable Flashcard Set to color, cut, and tape them to everyday household objects. It’s a fun activity… and will remind all of us – not only the kids but me and my husband as well—to use the Spanish names for certain objects throughout the house.   

4. Community: Engage and learn from Habbi Habbi Reading Club.

Time: 5 minutes daily [Overlaps with our independent reading time—and keeps me accountable to hear from other parents!]  

Continuing on the Habbi Habbi theme…we are also participating in the Habbi Habbi Reading Club (virtual, on Facebook). The boys already love playing with the Wands & books “freest‌yle” —tapping, making up games, dancing to the music. But I also want to increase their community of Spanish speakers (and/or learners!). So, we participate in the Reading Club, which is an intimate environment for me. It encourages me and the boys to use our Spanish everyday at home (and not just at school). I also love seeing how other families use the Wand and books; it has given us some new ideas (e.g. keeping a Wand and book in the car for a little Spanish when we are on the go—even if it’s just a 5-10 minute ride!). It’s a fairly low time commitment, and we can sprinkle it in throughout the day—e.g. before bed, around mealtimes—which makes it fun and manageable.   

5. Play: Utilize Printables for further tangible play and learning.

Time: Ad-hoc and great time filler [at a restaurant, when looking for an activity, etc!]   

My kids are at an age where they LOVE to color and draw (the chant at breakfast this morning was “¡Más arte!”). Printables are a great way to practice Spanish, not to mention reading, writing, math and more. We love them at home or on the go. When we take the kids out to eat, I like to bring a variety of printables and crayons to keep them occupied while we wait for our food. Some of our (free!) favorites come from this set. In particular—we love this interactive math printable (we use raisins to complete the math problems, which my kids adore).  

We don’t always follow the directions on the page but that means we can use the same printable in lots of different ways. For example, this vehicle printable can be used for coloring, matching, “I spy”, or even a silly “Name that truck sound” game.  

—By Anne-Louise Nieto, Mom of 2 | Grew up in the US | Native English Speaker | Used to speak French | Non-Native Spanish speaker, learning Spanish with my kids in hopes of raising them bilingual!  


H&AL of Habbi Habbi
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Habbi Habbi Reading Wand & Bilingual Books is the easiest way to start kids on Chinese & Spanish. Just turn on and tap. Every inch is tappable, and our books are as intentional in content as they are beautiful - topics like kindness, emotions, and more. @BeHabbi | habbihabbi.com.