I’ll never forget how in third grade, Kim used to repeatedly ask me to open my mouth, look inside, and ask if I have a retainer. “Why do you talk weird?” she’d ask. I’ll always remember her look of sheer disbelief that the only thing in my mouth was a Daffy Duck-sounding lisp. One friend thought it was so hilarious to ask me to say,“Sprite” and “slushy” to hear my speech impediment in action. Both felt awful and embarrassing.

In fifth grade, Barbara threatened me to fight in the middle of recess—she fought everybody, and I was a “goody-goody.” I told her she couldn’t cut the line and boss people around during jump rope. I told her to wait her turn, and so she was ready to punch me in the face like another girl the week before. The only thing I could stammer was, “I don’t want to fight yooo!” Then I walked so fast into class as the bell rung, holding my breath the entire way—she never bothered me again.

In seventh grade, a boy asked me out and I said, “no” because I was so shy, and so he retaliated by telling everyone my arm hair was like a gorilla’s. He called me “gorilla” often and to everyone. Little did he know that I secretly liked him too, so I made light of the name-calling scenario by giving him a red stuffed animal gorilla. It was so mortifying—all of it—but he never called me that name again. Case closed.

Identifying the Bully

Bullies come in all forms—physical, emotional, and verbal—and it always stinks to be on the receiving end. What’s even worse is when you watch your kids suffer through it all.

No, you shouldn’t be the police parent or the blind-eye parent either. But what do you do? When do you step in? What if the child tells the teacher and he/she downplays the scenario and does nothing? The most important role as children face new and challenging scenarios is to arm them with the best knowledge to identify, speak up, alert a teacher, discuss with a parent, and trust that the parent will step up when necessary.

When gearing up your kids to return to the back-to-school trenches, parents should first understand my top five keys to effective anti-bully combat.

1. Enable open communication and a trusting environment.

2. Discuss “red flag” rules.

3. Provide the proper tools for self-defense.

4. Empower children to alert and escalate an issue to responsible adults.

5. Know when and how to intervene as a parent.

Teach Them to Talk

As kids move through the ranks in school, there will be many situations that cause your kid grief. From pushing and sharing issues, friendship woes, three’s a crowd, jealousy, name-calling, physical grabbing, taunting, and threatening, most negative behaviors stem from the bully’s personal frustration, and often, a lack of discipline. While some situations are minor, others require immediate attention and action.

One of the most important responsibilities as a parent is to create an honest and open line of communication with your child. This communication may seem trivial when he/she is young, but it may be life-changing through the years. Let your child know that he/she is always free to discuss anything about the day without reprimanding—such as trivial social dilemmas, questionable peer discussion, and concerning situations.

Red Flag Rules

Some situations may be part of learning how to navigate through friendships and those less friendly. Social development is vital for children to positively gain a sense of self-worth, identity, and the power to stop and prevent a negative action for themselves and others.

While it isn’t necessary to “tattle” in every instance, children need to learn the “red flags” of inappropriateness. Always teach and remind your children where to draw the line.

  • Physical threatening
  • Verbal threats to physically harm
  • Aggressive grabbing on the body
  • Inappropriate touching or flashing private parts
  • Excessive and condescending name-calling

All scenarios need to be discussed thoroughly, especially when kids are young—role playing is the most effective tactic in arming your child understanding and confidence.

Tools of Armor

Sometimes kids can be emotional, moody, and jealous. Does that mean a call to the principal/head master? Absolutely not, when it’s just a friendship issue. Now that they know what to look out for, it’s time to teach them what to do, which is equally important.

One simple phrase, “Have a nice day!” That’s it. If a friend is rude and unreasonable, wish them well and move on. “Don’t be part of their dark cloud. Continue your sunny day and walk away,” I say. He/she can’t get mad at that phrase. Works every time.

Verbal defense is such an important facet of self-worth and self-respect. I’ll never forget how proud I was when my eldest daughter told me about a girl who kept bullying her and calling her “shrimp” and “such a cute little girl like a baby,” continuously. The bully always pushed her way in front of her in line, until that one day when my daughter spoke up.

“My mom said that people come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, and THAT is what makes us beautiful. So why don’t you go and pick on someone your own size!”

The bully sheepishly went to the back of the line and later apologized. Speaking up without a personal attack, but with reason, is so critical. From the time a child is beginning school to upper senior school, it is so crucial to teach how to say some key phrases, such as:

  • Stop!
  • Don’t touch me!
  • Leave me alone!
  • That’s not ok.
  • We’ll talk when you’re calm/nicer.

Arming your child with a strong verbal shield is key to confronting the bully. The next step is equally important in knowing when and how to request backup support from school teachers and parents.

Elevating Responsibility

Your kid comes home crying and torn about an issue. As a parent, you don’t want to micro-manage or swoop in for the save every time. But when is it ok to elevate?

Let mild social issues settle themselves unless it crosses the line and there’s some serious name-calling or physical bullying infractions. Parents then get the green light to step in by navigating through a few suggested contacts.

  • Confront the bully’s parent in a team-minded approach to resolve the issue.
  • Alert the class teacher for in-class attention.
  • Step in with the mommy stink-eye.
  • Meet with the head of school.

Mommy-Stink Eye

Did the “mommy stink-eye” catch your eye? Good. This little trick was coined by yours truly, and it’s quite an effective crowd-pleaser among my mom crew. When alerting the bully’s parent isn’t part of your plan, the teacher’s response is weak, and the issue isn’t big enough to escalate to the head of school, what do you do? That’s right, the stink-eye. When I accompany my kid to primary school class and see the snot-faced kid pestering mine, I take action:

  • Ask your kid to repeat what the other one did.
  • Repeat it just loud enough for the child to “overhear.”
  • When the kid turns around to sneak a guilty look at you, give your best look of disapproval and shake your head in dismay. “Don’t worry, I know he/she won’t do that anymore because that’s not ok. It’s never ok to [repeat the bully crime]. Please let me know if it happens again because I know his/her mom well.” Done.

Always remember to trust your instinct. If you see your child coming home particularly angry, moody, or frustrated, get to the bottom of the problem. Discuss options, role play, and always be there for your child to learn from the situation.

Ruthi Davis is a the Founder of Ruth Davis Consulting LLC with over two decades of success in advertising/marketing, media/publicity, business development, client relations, and organizational optimization for a variety of clients. Ruthi is a proud mom and influencer in the parenting and family market as founder of the Superfly Supermom brand.

Of all the holidays, which are you most willing to spend with your former spouse?

(a) Christmas Day

(b) Thanksgiving

(c) Halloween

(d) All of the above (I’d do it for the kids).

(e) Oh HELL no.

As far as I know, no formal studies have been done on this subject of which holidays are easiest to spend around an ex. I can only speak from the hundreds of divorced parents I’ve asked, and here’s what they say: If they spend any holidays together (and for obvious reasons, many do not), Halloween is the easiest. Maybe it’s because it’s a chaotic event in the dark with lots of other people. Or because you can wear a mask over your face to hide the stink eye you may be giving your ex.

Whatever the reason, some divorced parents do choose to spend Halloween together. If you can do it without damaging your children’s (or your) psyche, go for it. But if not, here are a few other ways you can share Halloween in a less “together” way:

One neighborhood, Split the Night

If one of you lives in a better neighborhood for trick-or-treating, then agree to go there. (Option B is to alternate which neighborhood you go to each year). The parent who doesn’t live in that ‘hood gets to pick whether to have the first or second half of the night. Then when you get to the half-way point, meet at an agreed-upon spot and swap. That’s it.

Pro: You each get to spend time with your children, and more importantly, they get to spend time with each of you.

Con: There isn’t one other than missing out on half of the trick-or-treating, which, if you’re like me, doesn’t feel like that much of a con after all.

Two neighborhoods, Split the Night

If you can’t settle on one neighborhood, then one parent gets to trick-or-treat with the kids in her neighborhood first, then the other parent takes the kids to his neighborhood.

Pro: Two neighborhoods equals potentially double the candy for the kiddos.

Con: Who really wants to be driving around on Halloween night?

Meet for Photos, Then Go Separate Ways

This works for those folks who can be civil long enough to snap a few photos of the kids, but not long enough to get through the night together without someone going to jail. My suggestion is to meet wherever the trick-or-treating will begin (ideally a public spot), take some photos, hug your kids, and then move on. The more one of you lingers, the more uncomfortable it will get for everyone.

Pro: Your kids see you can be around each other, even if it’s for 5 minutes, and then they can just go have fun.

Con: It’s no fun to see your kids dressed up all cute or scary, and then have to leave them.

Alternate Years

If none of the above work for you, then just stick with the traditional schedule of alternating Halloween night each year. When it’s your night, you have the kids all to yourself. When it’s his, same thing.

Pro: No drama.

Con: You’ll miss out on the fun every other year.

Don’t forget there are other Halloween-related activities besides the night itself: school parties, pumpkin patches, haunted houses, and more. If you want to find a way to involve the other parent without messing with Halloween night, offer for him to take the children to one of these activities even if it falls on your time.

And of course, if you’ve already entered into a parenting plan that addresses Halloween, you’re going to have to follow it unless you agree to do something else.

How you deal with Halloween is ultimately up to the two of you. Whatever you decide, try to remember that it’s one night, it probably means way more to your kids than to you, and even if the night isn’t ideal, you’ll have an entire basket full of Snickers, Reese’s, and candy corn to ease your pain.

Divorce in Good Company is a female-focused digital destination dedicated to helping women survive and thrive as they go through divorce. Our vision is to rebrand divorce and dramatically improve the lives of women going through it. We help women find answers, stay positive, and be good to themselves!

As school is quickly approaching (and has already arrived for some), I’ve thought of some ways that I can embarrass my 2 elementary-aged kids. I have vivid memories of my father standing outside of his 1985 Buick LeSabre waving at me in the circle drive at the middle school like he was trying to direct a Boeing 747 his direction. Let me repeat– he stood OUTSIDE of his car. Leaning against it. When you’re in middle school, that’s tragically uncool. While I didn’t appreciate it then, I think it’s hilarious now. I want to be like my father, except I want to be the most embarrassing school mom.

So, I’ve come up with a list of 10 things that can make anyone the most embarrassing school mom:

1. Skip through the parking lot hand-in-hand with your child. Make sure you skip right in front of the car drop-off line so all of their friends can see them. Do it every day for the first few weeks of school despite their protests. The older your child, the more embarrassing it is for them. Relish in it.

2. Be sure to cry loudly and wail at the front door when they walk in. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a major eye-roll in return, but most kids will just pretend they don’t know you even when another kid turns to your child and says, “Hey, isn’t that your mom? Is she okay?”

3. Make sure to shout, “Don’t forget to wipe after you go potty!” as soon as they walk in the front door. This will most likely elicit giggles from other students, but you’ll get the total stink eye from your child.

4. Show up to the school wearing a personalized t-shirt that says “Johnny’s Mom” (well, if your child isn’t “Johnny” then you may want to put a different name on there) and wave at him like a zoo animal through the classroom windows.

5. Surprise him for lunch on the first day of school with your personalized t-shirt. Make sure to ask if he wiped after going potty. On your way to the cafeteria, stop by the nurse’s office and talk to her about Johnny’s constipation issues.

6. Walk Johnny back to his classroom after lunch and meet the teacher. Remind her about his constipation issues and his irrational fear of apples. Confirm that there is no mention of “apples” in today’s curriculum.

7. Wearing the  “Johnny’s Mom” shirt, creep outside the fence where recess/PE normally is. Wave your hand made sign “Go Johnny!” outside of the gate. Relish in the embarrassment when your child spots you.

8. When it’s time for pick-up, you are already there (since you’ve been there all day embarrassing your child). However, make sure you are the first one in the car pick-up line, roll down your windows and turn on the most embarrassing music for your child. For maximum embarrassment, I like to choose Barry Manilow.

So, if being an embarrassing school mom isn’t your thing, then you probably don’t want to do any of the above things. For my the sake of my children’s future therapy bills, I’ll probably stick with just a few of the above.

I’m off to go pick up my kids from school. If they’re lucky, they’ll be hearing “Copacabana” play loudly as they walk up to the car.

I'm a full-fledged Texan that appreciates good tortillas, spunky eyeglasses and retro tennis shoes. I also love to have a good chuckle. I am somehow responsible for a fish, cat, puppy, 3 kids and a husband. My 8th grade teacher told me that I should be a writer. Now that I'm 40, I'm finally trying it. 

Congratulations, mama, on finding time to shower. Next on the to-do list: Leave the house. If you need a good reason to pack up all that gear, we’ve got one. These new moms groups offer everything from tips on the latest baby products to emotional support led by licensed clinical counselors. Of course, babies are welcome at all of them. (And you won’t get the stink eye if she cries or spits up.)

The 6,000 families-strong Neighborhood Parents Network (NPN) connects Chicago parents at events and a popular discussion forum. Each month NPN moms of infants sip coffee and swap stories at the New Moms Mingle. Snacks, live music and raffled prizes add to the fun. After the event, attendees receive a spreadsheet with everyone’s vital stats (contact information, baby’s birth date, zip code and mom’s work status) so they can reconnect. If you’ve ever tried to swap info with someone while holding a squirming baby, you know what a perk that is.

Next event: Sunday, May 5, 3:30-5:30 pm at Bubbles Academy. The event is free and for NPN members only (one-year membership $55). Register here.

Clinical therapist Alison Kramme and child development specialist Sara Sladoje started Grasp Group to help women navigate the sometimes-choppy waters of new motherhood. “It’s that old saying, ‘If mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy,’” Kramme says. In the group, they tackle the big question, “How do we get happy in our own lives… and give our baby the best start possible?” Each six-week session provides a safe space for new moms to explore topics like breastfeeding and staying connected to your partner. Participants can reach out to Kramme and Sladoje for advice throughout the session, so it’s a true support group.

Next session: May 10-June 14, Thursdays, 12:15 pm-1:30 pm at Little Beans Café. $175. Register here.

Kick Back
Online community kickSprout Chicago brings together moms and moms-to-be for events and classes on fitness, breastfeeding, first-year milestones and more. Moms get together monthly at the New Moms Café for adult conversation and wisdom from a Birthways postpartum doula.

Next event: Every third Wednesday of the month, 1:00-2:00 pm in the Moms Lounge at Little Beans Café. Free with purchase of drink or snack. RSVP here.

Bump Club and Beyond
hosts more than a dozen events each month for expecting and new moms. “The best support comes when people don’t know they’re getting support,” founder Lindsay Pinchuk says, adding, “And it’s so important to get out of the house.” Besides product demos, shopping nights and dinners, the popular BCBrunch for New Moms brings together moms of infants for socializing and big-ticket prizes with a different theme each month.

Next event: Sunday, May 5, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, at Bubbles Academy. The Mother’s Day brunch is open to moms, grandmas and tots ages two and older. There will be a special craft from Babbaco and open play. $40-$60 per group, with additional fee for a second child or adult. Register here.

Linda Szmulewitz — a licensed clinical social worker, sleep coach and postpartum doula — founded Chicago New Moms Group two years ago because of her own experience with a moms group after her daughter was born. “I felt a tremendous sense of relief that I wasn’t alone,” she says. Now she aims to do the same for others attending her six-week session. Each week focuses on a different discussion topic, such as body image, traveling with an infant and finding your parenting identity.

Next session: May 8-June 12, Wednesdays, 1:00-2:30 p.m. at Multilingual Chicago. $150. Register here.

What is your favorite new moms group?

— Heidi Moore

Photos courtesy of Neighborhood Parents Network, GRASP Group, KickSprout, Bump Club and Beyond, and Chicago New Moms Group