Dear Husband,
I. need. more. help.

Last night was hard for you. I asked you to watch the baby so I could go to bed early. The baby was crying. Wailing, really. I could hear him from upstairs, and my stomach knotted from the sound, wondering if I should come down there and relieve you or just shut the door so I could get some desperately needed sleep. I chose the latter.

You came into the room 20 minutes later, with the baby still frantically crying. You placed the baby in the bassinet and gently pushed it just a few inches closer to my side of the bed, a clear gesture that you were done watching him.

I wanted to scream at you. I wanted to launch an epic fight that very moment. I had been watching the baby and the toddler all damn day. I was going to be waking up with the baby to feed him all damn night. The least you can do is hold him for a couple of hours in the evening so I can attempt to sleep.

Just a few hours of precious sleep. Is that too much to ask?

I know we both watched our parents fulfill the typical mother-father roles growing up. Both our mothers were the primary caretakers and our fathers were relatively hands-off. They were excellent dads, but they weren’t expected to spend a significant amount of time changing diapers, feeding, caring, and tending to the kids. Our mothers were the superwomen who maintained the family dynamics. Cooking, cleaning, and raising the children. Any help from dad was welcome but unexpected.

I see us falling into these family dynamics more and more each day. My responsibility to feed the family, keep the house clean, and take care of the kids is assumed, even as I return to work. I blame myself for most of it, too. I have set the precedent that I can do it. And in truth, I want to. No offense, but I’m not sure I want to know what a week’s worth of dinner would look like with you in charge.

I also see my friends and other moms doing it all, and doing it well. I know you see it, too. If they can manage it, and if our mothers did it so well for us, why can’t I?

I don’t know.

Maybe our friends are playing the part in public and secretly struggling. Maybe our moms suffered in silence for years and now, 30 years later, they simply don’t remember how hard it really was. Or maybe, and this is something I berate myself over every single day, I’m just not as qualified for the job as everyone else. And as much as I cringe just thinking it, I’m going to say it: I need more help.

Part of me feels like a failure for even asking. I mean, you do help. You are an amazing father, and you do a great job with the kids. And besides, this should come easy to me, right? Motherly instincts, no?

But I’m human and running on five hours of sleep and tired as hell. I need you.

In the morning, I need you to get our toddler ready so I can care for the baby and make everyone’s lunches and drink a cup of coffee. And no, getting the toddler ready does not mean plopping him in front of the TV. It means making sure he goes potty, giving him some breakfast, seeing if he wants water, and packing his bag for school.

At night, I need an hour to decompress in bed, knowing our toddler is asleep in his room and the baby is in your care. I know it’s hard to listen to the baby cry. Believe me, I know. But if I can watch and pacify the baby for the majority of the day, you can do it for an hour or two at night. Please. I need you.

On weekends, I need more breaks. Times when I can get out of the house by myself and feel like an individual. Even if it’s just a walk around the block or a trip to the grocery store. And some days when I’ve scheduled swim class and play dates, and it seems like I’ve got it all under control, I need you to offer to lend me a hand. Or suggest I go lie down during the kids’ naptime. Or start putting away the dishes without me suggesting it. I need you.

Lastly, I need to hear you’re grateful for all I do. I want to know that you notice the laundry is done and a nice dinner has been prepared. I want to know you appreciate that I breastfeed at all hours and pump when I’m at work when it would be easier for me to formula feed. I hope you notice that I never ask you to stay home from your networking events and sports activities. As the mom, it’s assumed I’ll be home all the time and always available to care for the kids while you’re out and I feed that assumption by, well, being home all the time.

I know it’s not how our parents did it, and I hate even asking. I wish I could do it all and make it look effortless. And I wish I didn’t need kudos for doing things most people expect from a mom. But I’m waving a white flag and admitting I’m only human. I’m telling you how much I need you, and if I keep going at the pace I’ve been on, I will break. And that would hurt you, the kids, and our family.

Because, let’s face it: You need me, too.

This post originally appeared on And What a Mom!

Hi! I’m Celeste. I consider myself a relatively new mom with two boys ages 4 and 2. Other titles I go by include: wife, health & wellness coach, marketing guru, avid reader (self-help books are my favorite), writer, travel/adventure seeker and fitness nut.

These should all make an appearance in future father-son talks

From simple, everyday interactions to more serious, big-picture issues, there are important life lessons we dads can—and should—share to help a young boy grow into a courageous, honorable, and kind adult. That said, we realize that not all families include fathers, so these words of wisdom for a father-son talk apply to any parent figure who wants to help their child stand a little taller and do good in the world.

I’ll always be here for you.
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. Reminding your son that you always are available to him and mindful of his needs will go a long way in establishing and building trust over time. Mindful parenting means being present in the moment and aware of what’s happening. Modeling positive, supportive behavior while your son is young will show him that good men are reliable and responsible.

Treat others with compassion and empathy.
The Golden Rule may be a simple principle to follow, but teaching empathy can provide a deeper framework for how people should behave regardless of circumstance. Fostering empathy can help young boys to find commonalities between themselves and others who are seemingly different—and encourages them to positively and proactively think about and care for others.

Related: Daughters (Who’ll Conquer the World) Need to Hear These 8 Things


Winning is great, but losing with grace and humility is just as important.
Good sportsmanship is a beneficial trait that goes well beyond what happens on the playing field. By teaching our sons how to win and lose with dignity, we’re giving them strong interpersonal relationship skills that will serve them well in many other aspects of their lives besides sports. Telling them that the main point of competition is to have fun will alleviate the feeling of needing to win at any cost, and allows them to enjoy themselves.

Surround yourself with people you admire.
Dads can’t always pick our son’s friends, but we can encourage them to choose their friendships wisely. Find out who your son admires and who his heroes are, and you’ll quickly discover the kinds of people he wants to emulate. Real friendships are fundamental in early childhood development, so teaching our sons how to find good friends and be good friends will help guide them in the right direction.

I can teach you how to throw a punch, but never start a fight… and always know when to walk away.
A parent should teach their son when to stand their ground and when to walk away. Establishing a baseline that it’s never appropriate to hurt others for no reason is a critical, essential first step.

Never make an important decision on an empty stomach.
Over the course of a young boy’s life, he’ll have to make many important decisions. These are just warm-ups to the big ones that he’ll have to make as an adult, and every dad knows that important decisions should never be made on an empty stomach. There’s a science to explain why people become grumpy or have poorer judgment when they are hungry. Remind your kid to have a full belly before making any major decisions.

It’s OK to play with dolls.
Or dress up as Beyoncé. Or sing like Beyoncé. Or dance like Beyoncé. By the time most boys are five years old, they’ve already learned lots of things that perpetuate toxic masculinity. Break the cycle by letting your son know that there are no such things as “girls-only toys” or “girls-only behaviors.” Instead, teach your son that there’s more than one way to be a man.

Honesty matters.
Whether it’s telling the truth about a broken window/bike/toy or speaking up against bullies, honestly is always the best policy.

What was the best part of your day?
At the end of a long day of work and school, many dads will simply ask their sons, “How was your day?” And the typical response is a bluntly delivered, “Fine.” Rather than try to start a conversation with a generic question, be specific. Avoid questions that can be answered with a single word. As our kids get older—particularly as they enter their tween and teen years—they may be less inclined to volunteer information about what’s happening in their lives. Asking pointed questions will help tease out what’s really going on and what’s really on their minds.

Let’s talk about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Because if you’re not the person who’s initiating conversations with your son about topics as important as these, then someone else inevitably will, and that someone else may not always have your kid’s best interests in mind. There are plenty of resources to help parents talk to their kids about sensitive and sometimes awkward topics. At the very least, make sure your son has a handle on the basics from the school of rock.

I’m so lucky that I get to be your dad.
And while you’re at it, tell your son that you love him every day, and give him lots of hugs and kisses, especially while he’s still young so that he gets used to receiving affection from (and giving it to) his old man.

Winter has arrived and along with the freezing temperatures comes the onslaught of cold and flu bugs. It might seem like the only way to defend your family against the germs is by putting them in a bubble, but there are some things you can do without resorting to hibernating until spring.

Here’s our guide to keep your kids healthy during the winter.

Photo: Troy T via Unsplash

Flu season is in full swing.

Flu season took on a whole new meaning after the pandemic, but the virus is still alive and well. It’s just as important to protect yourself against the flu as ever, so head to the CDC website to get the complete rundown of flu season this year.

Speaking of the flu, make sure your kid gets their flu shot.

When given the choice between a shot and anything else, kids will almost always choose “anything else,” but when it comes to the flu vaccine, trading in the needle for the nose spray might not be the best idea. A study confirmed which flu vaccine works best for kids. (Hint: they’ll need a band-aid afterward.)

Sometimes, it’s not “just” a cold.

January through March marks peak season for respiratory syncytial virus—known more commonly as RSV. While this virus may seem like the common cold, it isn’t. Read on to find out what is RSV and what parents need to know.

P.S., it’s also hand, foot and mouth disease season.

Is your kiddo in daycare? Do your littles spend plenty of time around other children? Hand, foot and mouth disease in kids is a common childhood illness—it’s common for kids to pick it up this time of year. Even though anyone of any age can come down with a case of HFMD, this easy-to-pass-on virus is most often seen in children ages five and under.

photo: schlauschnacker via Pixabay

Have a cold? Science says try chicken soup.

It turns out mom was right: chicken soup really is the best dish for a sick day. One dietician explains how chicken soup can help fight a cold.

These are the Vitamin C recipes you need to fight a cold.

When it comes to vitamin C, orange juice is old news. We’ve hunted far and wide and rounded up a bevy of recipes that will upgrade your family’s daily dose of this all-important vitamin. From healthy Dole Whip to irresistible Brussels sprouts, these foods are high in vitamin C and worthy of any winter menu.

Pack in some extra vitamins.

Sometimes no matter how much OJ we chug, it’s still not enough. Make sure your kiddos immune systems are prepped and ready by chewing on a few vitamins. We recently tried Emergen-C Kidz Gummies and give them a solid thumbs up. They’re packed with Vitamin C, B vitamins and Vitamin D and taste like a treat!

Let the kids nosh on some chocolate if they have a bad cough.

Getting kids to take their medicine isn’t always easy, unless it happens to be a spoonful of chocolate. Your kids will think you’re Mary Poppins when you bust out the chocolate as a cough remedy and, according to experts, it can do more good for their throat than codeine.

Still desperate to cure a cold? Put potatoes in your socks. (Yes, really!)

When kiddo is sick you’ll do anything to make them feel better. One mom swears by this potato trick during cold and flu season. But does it actually work?


Photo: sweetlouise via Pixabay

Pump the breaks on the probiotics.

A stomach bug is never fun for kids or parents. In fact you’ll probably do just about anything to avoid the misery -and mess- that comes with one. Unfortunately you might have to count one item out of your parental bag of tricks as new research shows that probiotics don’t help stomach bugs.

Prep these mom-tested home remedies for cold and flu season.

Cold season is upon us, which means it’s time to stock up on home remedies to help soothe your kids if they catch a cold but may not require a trip to the doctor. These simple ways to treat a cold at home will bring your little ones some comfort for symptoms ranging from a cough or a sore throat to nausea, a stuffy nose and more.

Keep your kids warm and safe for winter weather play.

As temperatures drop, it’s still important for children to get outside and play. It’s a bit more complex as parents and caregivers need to ensure the children are properly protected from the cold. To adequately prepare, it’s vital to know the actual temperature and the wind chill factor, to know how many layers and what type of clothing will protect children in cold weather.

Follow these pediatrician-approved tips to keep winter germs at bay.

If you’re a parent and you want to protect your family from the cold and flu, going to a doctor’s office is the last place you want to go. Even though it might sound counter-intuitive, you run the risk of exposing your kids and those with compromised immune systems to more germs and making mild cold symptoms go from from bad to worse. Don’t fret—there is a solution to the threat of the waiting room.

—Shahrzad Warkentin & Karly Wood

Feature image: Vitolda Klein via Unsplash



Can That Viral “Potatoes in Socks” Home Remedy REALLY Cure a Cold?

Flu Season Has Arrived. Here’s What Parents Need to Know (So Far)

Science Says Chicken Soup Really Is the Best Medicine


Boppy products are super popular with new parents, but the company is facing a massive recall due to reports of eight infant deaths since 2015. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has announced the recall of the Boppy Original Newborn Lounger, Boppy Preferred Newborn Lounger and Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn Loungers.

In total 3.3 million loungers are under recall, which have been sold since 2004 for between $30 and $44. This recall involves all loungers produced, no matter the style or color option. Eight infants reportedly suffocated after being found on their side or on their stomach in the loungers.

“These types of incidents are heartbreaking,” said Acting Chairman Robert S. Adler. “Loungers and pillow-like products are not safe for infant sleep, due to the risk of suffocation. Since we know that infants sleep so much of the time – even in products not intended for sleep – and since suffocation can happen so quickly, these Boppy lounger products are simply too risky to remain on the market.”

Boppy noted that the lounger was not marketed as an infant sleep product and the CSPC continues to emphasize that the best place for an infant to sleep is on a firm, flat surface. If you have one of these loungers or know someone who does, immediately stop using it and contact The Boppy Company for a refund.

––Sarah Shebek

Image courtesy of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 



Recall Alert: Maxi-Cosi Updates Recall with Additional Model

Parenting is hard. If I had to go back and tell my pre-parent self anything about parenting it would be that it is so freaking hard. It’s also incredibly gross and unbelievably exhausting. I’ve been a parent for over 17 years and I’ve definitely had my share of “OMG did that really just happen?” parenting moments.

Here are my top three:

1. The time my entire family had a stomach virus.
One winter my oldest daughter (who was about 18 months old) started vomiting. I’ve been through several stages of parenting and the worst time to have a child vomit is when she’s a toddler. They always cry, vomit right where they may be standing, and get it all over every piece of clothing and strand of hair they may have, every time. By day two, my husband had begun to vomit as well. This of course sent him straight to bed moaning that he was going to die. I, of course, kept managing our little one, trying to keep her fever down as well as any fluids.

On day three I began get sick. I was violently ill and I had a very sick toddler. She would vomit, I would vomit right along with her and then I would clean it all up. By day four I decided that she needed to be seen by a doctor. It was Sunday so I was told to take her to the ER at our local children’s hospital. My husband was functional by this point and he drove us. My poor little baby was so hot with fever and so limp from dehydration I barely acknowledged my own sickness at this point. They took one look at her and pulled her into triage to give her an IV and get the fluids going. After what seemed like hours, our pediatrician found us. After checking on my improving baby she took a hard look at me. “Have you talked to your OB this week?” Um, no. Why?. “Well, you’re pregnant, have a fever, and I doubt you’ve eaten or drank much of anything for a few days.” Oh yeah, I thought. I’m pregnant. I truly and honestly had forgotten.

2. The time we got “The Lice.”
Yes, a case of lice is as awful as you can imagine. Yep, I never thought it could happen to me. I have three daughters with long hair. Enough said, right? After several weeks of constant laundry, combing, and crying I finally admitted defeat to the little jerks and dragged us all into one of those places that looks like a hair salon but is actually filled with lovely people picking dozens of bugs and eggs out of children’s hair at the cost of hundreds of dollars. It’s worth every cent. Take away? Hugs spread bugs (and little girls LOVE to hug each other). Also, keep your kids a little dirty because lice LOVE clean hair. It’s been several years and I still don’t have the emotional strength to rehash any more of this particular saga. Maybe someday…once the involuntary shivers at the sight of anything brown on my kids’ scalps stop.

3. The time my daughter threw up chicken nuggets in the car 30 minutes into a five-hour drive.
One weekend, my family decided to head to Washington, DC for a long weekend. We decided to leave Friday night hoping the kids would sleep for most of the trip. After my husband got home from work we packed the car, put the kids in pajamas, grabbed fast food for dinner, and got on the road. It quickly got dark as the kids happily munched on their dinners. Then we hit a part of the highway that winds around extreme curves. Now imagine my children in the back of my car, in the pitch dark (no lights on this highway) as the car rocks back and forth on these curves. Disaster. My youngest daughter quietly said, “Mommy…I don’t feel well” before enacting a scene from the exorcist all over herself, her beloved Elmo doll, her carseat, and the floor around her carseat.

My husband took the nearest exit which happened to be a rest area. I then spent the next twenty minutes cleaning up my kid, her items, and her entire side of the car with the very few napkins we happened to find in the glove compartment because this rest area was “green” and there was not one freaking paper towel or napkin in the entire place. Not one. I ended up washing Elmo off in the sink and then dried him under the hand dryer. I did the same with my daughter’s clothes since the back of the car was packed so tightly I couldn’t get to the suitcase with her spare clothes in it. I dumped her back into her carseat and we got back on the road. Oh…the smell. With every mile we traveled that night the smell of the vomit seemed to get stronger. Since it was February, opening the windows for any length of time froze us solid. My older kids gagged and whined. The baby slept soundly. We finally arrived at our hotel around midnight and neither my husband nor I wanted to even think about dealing with the residual vomit in the car. I’ll let you imagine what we faced (and smelled) in our car come morning. Our first stop on our lovely weekend away was a local grocery store to purchase Lysol wipes and air freshener. I also had to hunt down the hotel’s laundry room to deal with her vomit encrusted coat.

So there you have it. Parenting is messy, exhausting, and filled with unexpected mishaps. I’ve realized that finding a way to laugh through some of it is the best way to manage. In the end I think I’m stronger for it (at least my stomach is) and they are most definitely worth it.


I am a certified speech-language pathologist working with teenagers by day, a mother to three daughters (two teenagers and one almost teen) day and night, and a writer sharing my thoughts, fears, wishes, and experiences any spare moment I can find. I love my children, my husband, and the ocean. 

Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time—but could do without the backaches, nausea and sleepless nights. It may feel like you are at the whim of the little human growing inside of you, but there are things you can do to feel better and enjoy your pregnancy! Read on for five ways you can make your pregnancy easier on you (and possibly your partner, too!).

1. Balance Out Cravings With Vitamin-Packed Foods

Go ahead, have that bowl of ice cream if you're craving it, just try to balance it with a healthy choice. We know what we should eat, but that doesn't always mean we will actually eat it. Plus, pregnancy hormones can mean lots of food aversions, even colorful fruits and veggies that you normally love! If you know you cannot stomach those big salads right now, be sure to supplement your diet—vitamins are a great option to ensure you are getting optimal nutrition for yourself and your baby. 

2. Take the Guesswork Out of What Nutrition You Need

Check out MegaFood Baby & Me 2™ Prenatal Multi. These vitamins are made with real food like broccoli, carrots and oranges and paired with key nutrients like iron, vitamins B12, B6 and D3*. They also include choline to support baby's brain development, and methylated folate (the active form of folic acid) to support fetal health.* Just two tablets daily are all you need, and the best part: You can take them any time of day, even on an empty stomach! Perfect for mamas with sensitive tummies and nausea. Ask your doctor which prenatal vitamin is best for you!

For a limited time, shop now and save 20% on prenatal and postnatal vitamins and supplements with code MEGA20. Offer ends 6/30/21.

3. Nausea Relief

Uh-oh. The dreaded pregnancy symptom—nausea. It's fairly common, normal and you can do a few things to keep that gurgly feeling at bay. Keeping some plain crackers, minty gum, and gingered-food items on hand can be a big help. Even better: keeping these Baby & Me 2™ Morning Sickness Nausea Relief* Soft Chews close-by and at the ready! The magic formula? Vitamin B6 in combination with 250mg of ginger supports nausea relief from morning sickness, especially among pregnant women*. We love that these are only two grams of sugar per chew, with no added colors or artificial flavors, and are non-GMO and vegetarian!

4. Use Pre & Probiotics for Optimum Health

One of the foundations of health is in your gut, and pre and probiotics are all the rage for this very reason! They can help with digestion, nutrient absorption, energy levels and all-around wellness. Talk to your doctor to find a pre and/or probiotic that will be best for your needs—there are lots to choose from. Pro tip: Look for at least 10 billion CFU's per dose to get the most out of your pro (or pre). We like Baby & Me 2™  Prenatal Probiotic + Prebiotic with 14 unique probiotic strains and 30 billion CFU's of active bacteria, plus these supplements have added ginger to help soothe upset tummies and promote healthy digestive function*.

For a limited time, shop now and save 20% on prenatal and postnatal vitamins and supplements with code MEGA20. Offer ends 6/30/21.

5. Postnatal Health Is Just as Important

Don't forget about your health after the baby, as well. Postnatal recovery takes time. In all the craziness that is being the mom of a newborn, getting rest and eating well may not be at the top of your to-do list. New moms need support, including help staying on track of their health while they take care of their newborn. Baby & Me 2™ Postnatal Multi help support optimal nutrition for mom after birth with key nutrients like vitamins C, D3 and E, plus minerals like iodine and chromium to meet changing nutritional demands while breastfeeding*, choline to help support baby's brain development* and Moringa leaf, which may help support milk production*. Whether or not you choose to breastfeed, a multivitamin can help keep your health and well-being balanced!

For a limited time, shop now and save 20% on prenatal and postnatal vitamins and supplements with code MEGA20. Offer ends 6/30/21.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


 —Jamie Aderski


Photo: Jaime Ramos Via johnnysspiri

I use the word “obsessed” a lot, especially when it comes to my five-year-old autistic son, Johnny. He really gets into certain toys, songs, and shows. It annoys my husband that I use the word so much. “He’s not obsessed, he just likes it” and to his credit, the interest comes and goes often even though he does fixate for a short time. 

The one thing—not even my husband can den—is that Johnny is obsessed with my stomach. The kid loves it. It can drive me insane, but something about it fascinates and comforts him. Sometimes it is in a silly, squishing my flab, way; other times it is him resting his usually restless head on it, or hiding his face in it when he is anxious or nervous in public.

I’m sure it stems from the hours of skin to skin as a baby, the comfort of laying on mommy as a toddler, and all the encouragement to touch and love on it when it held his little sister. 

The older he gets the more we work on the appropriateness of it. He’s still little, but attempting to lift up my shirt at home or grab my tummy in public isn’t going to work. He has to learn to respect my space and body. The moment I lie down when he’s around he goes straight for it. You will hear “no belly” often, in our home.

The thing is, sometimes I look at my belly in the mirror after the shower and think I feel ashamed of it. My 30’s belly is much different than the almost flat stomach from my 20’s. My workouts come and go, as do my healthy eating habits. I try but I’m also a tired and exhausted mom who has been through many ups and downs. 

So, I won’t lie, he’s not catching rock hard abs there, It’s surely a comfortable and soft pillow. 

The neat thing is he doesn’t see it as fat, or unhealthy, or shame, he simply sees it as mom, comfort, and safety.

No judgment, just love. 

My son loves a part of me that I find hard to, and that changes the way I see it. Don’t worry I’m not using it as an excuse to stay unhealthy or out of shape, but it is a reminder of my son’s beautiful, unconditional acceptance and love.

So when I stand in the mirror looking at that belly, I can say it’s the way it is because I carried two beautiful children in it and because I’m a special needs mom who has had some really hard days. It’s not perfect because there is not time for perfection in my life right now, maybe there never will be. But I am doing my best and that’s okay. 

I’m loved and accepted no matter what, by my son.

Johnny is different. The amazing thing about him is that he does not judge. He doesn’t look for the flaws in others or make fun of others, instead, he seeks. Seeks what makes him happy, and what he loves. 

There is something undeniably beautiful in that and I’m grateful for that unconditional love and for someone who truly loves my flaws.

This post originally appeared on

Jaime Ramos, is a mom from Colorado. She's married to Isaac and has two kids, Amelie and Jesse. Jesse, her Johnny, is on the Autism Spectrum. She went to school to be a filmmaker, but now spends her days mainly as a stay at home mom.


Our new series, Tiny Birth Stories, is aimed at sharing real-life stories from our readers to our readers. In just 100 words or less, we’re bringing you the raw, the funny and the heartwarming stories you’ve lived while bringing babies into the world. Here are five stories that will have you laughing, crying and nodding your head in solidarity. 

Interested in telling your birth story? Click here.

Pregnancy with a broken uterus by Christina F. 

My uterus is broken. I have a bicornuate uterus, a condition that’s present in only 0.1%-0.5 of American women. What makes my reproductive organ even more rare is that it functioned completely “normally” and grew to full-term my two beautiful children. You see, a bicornuate uterus put you at higher risk of infertility, miscarriage, extremely premature baby, and needing a c-section. And yet, with both my pregnancies (each in different “horns” of my uterus), and both my babies, we conceived within a few months, we luckily did not miscarry, we made it to 40 weeks, and I delivered vaginally!

The stomach flu brought on my labor by Erica W.

What my husband thought was food poisoning at work was actually the stomach flu. I wasn’t due for 7 more days and at my appointment the day before this kid was nowhere near dropping. The next day the stomach flu hit after what everybody can imagine vomiting and sitting on the toilet for hours started contractions. We rushed to the hospital and the contractions were closer too dehydrated for an epidural I labored for 14 hours. Finally I got an epidural and it made me shake, so I they gave me propofol after that Demerol pretty much the opposite of natural birth. Have a very loose birth plan.

A wonderful double blessing by Dawn L. 

I was 29 years old when I had my first baby. When I was 37, I found out that I was pregnant with my second child in the month of August. Unfortunately, at 11 weeks I found out that the baby stopped growing around 8 weeks. Many doubts and why’s came to pass. The very next summer in July I told my mom if I don’t get pregnant by December that God has given me the one child that I was meant to raise and I was going to be content. In the month of August (freaky timing) I found out that I was pregnant this time with twins. My “Double Blessing”!!

Big baby surprise by Tracey S. 

Ever since I became pregnant, I was terrified of giving birth, especially to a large baby, as my husband and I are both very tall. My doctors kept assuring me that due to my stomach size, the baby would not be big. The day that I went into labor ended up being one of the more painful days of my life! The contractions were very strong from about 6 am until I went to the hospital at 1:30 pm. In the hospital, I was able to get an epidural rather quickly and was pain free! Three hours later, I was 10 cm dilated, and ready to push. I pushed for 40 minutes, and couldn’t feel any of it. Not long after I started pushing, out popped my beautiful, 9 pound, 9 ounce baby boy. So much for not having a big baby!

My husband caught our son, in our living room by Jessica P. 

Labor started slowly. As we were preparing to leave, I had an incredibly strong contraction. My husband tried to call 911, my water broke, and I started to have another contraction. In a voice much calmer than reality, I said ‘Honey, I either need to go to the bathroom or we are having a baby.’ A quick check made clear our baby was crowning. I looked for a place to lie down quickly, then decided squatting was a perfect position. He put out his hands and caught our son, about 10 minutes after that first contraction, in our living room.

Christmas was a little more magical for the PenaVegas: Carlos and Alexa announced their fam is growing!

The actors shared a special video on Instagram, showing “Baby #3 2021” written on Alexa’s stomach. The little bundle of joy will join big brothers Ocean King, 4, and Kingston James, 1 and a half.

Carlos also shared a photo to his Instagram account, where he references baby number three arriving next summer. The family has been residing in Maui since 2017, after marrying in 2014.

––Karly Wood

Feature photo: Shutterstock



Wilmer Valderrama & Amanda Pacheco Expecting First Child

Taylor & Natalie Hanson Welcome Seventh Child

Robin Thicke & April Love Geary Welcome Third Child Together

Christina Milian

Congratulations are in order. Christina Milian is expecting her third child, her second with boyfriend Matt Pokroa. The couple started off the new year by welcoming a son, Isaiah, in January.


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Milian revealed her baby bump in a sunset photo with Pokora placing a kiss on her growing abdomen followed by a sweet snap of Isaiah placing his hands Milian’s stomach.

Pokora shared the same photo with a caption written in French proclaiming that Isaiah is already a protective big brother.

The new baby will also join Milian’s daughter Violet who she shares with ex-husband The-Dream.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: DFree via Shutterstock


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