Your child says, “I’m hungry,” and you grab them a snack. They say “I’m bored,” and you find a way to entertain them. But when should the butler treatment end? When is it time to teach your child how to be self-sufficient and let them do things for themselves?

Believe it or not—now is as good a time as any! Your two-year-old can help you do the laundry; your 6-year-old can brush her teeth; and your 10-year-old can hang out alone at home while you walk the dog. And, no matter how desperately they cry, “Watch me!” young kids don’t always need you right there next to them (being just nearby is just fine).

“What you’re really trying to do is get the child to learn how to make decisions and take control over the things they can have control over,” said Dr. Michael Ungar, director of the Resilience Research Center and the author of We Generation: Raising Socially Responsible Kids. “What you really want is a child who can make a contribution to their family, who can navigate their community, who can problem solve.”

We created an age-by-age guide that ranges from letting your toddler help with household chores to giving your tween tech time to help you figure out the right time to give your kids that much-needed independence. Here’s what the experts say.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 0 to 2

Don’t worry: You won’t need to start nudging your one-year-old out of the nest. According to Los Angeles child psychiatrist Patrick Kelly, it’s the opposite: the stronger the attachment between parents and their babies, the more comfortable those kids will be doing things independently as they grow. That said, there are a few “big kid” things your tiny tot can start learning at this age:

Feeding and Dressing Themselves – According to Los Angeles pediatrician Amin Davari, simple things like allowing older infants to feed themselves age-appropriate foods and letting young children dress themselves give kids “minor struggles and successes” that help them learn how to be self-sufficient and build skills and confidence.

Swim Lessons – The AAP recently changed its guidelines to say that kids should start swimming lessons at age one. Although swim lessons will never make a child “drown proof,” lessons between the ages of one to four years have been shown to reduce drowning risk, according to the AAP.

Sign Language – Just because your baby can’t talk doesn’t mean she’s not trying to tell you something. Advocates say teaching babies and toddlers basic signs (things like “eat,” “more” and “milk”) can increase confidence in both the kids and their caregivers, helping little ones who can’t yet speak get their needs met. Taking a class can mean a fun social outing for Mom or Dad—though you can also learn from home.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 2 to 4

chores are a good way to teach toddlers how to be self-sufficient


At this age, kids are ready—and willing!—to take on some responsibility around the house. You’ll know the time is right when you see them start pretending to do grown-up things, like playing “family” or play-driving the car when they’re in the push car. Take advantage of this need now by giving them:

Simple Household Chores – Give them a broom or a dustpan, and let them help you sweep the kitchen floor. You’d be surprised how willingly kids this age will want to help you clean. If you’re lucky, the habit will continue into their later years. Other simple household chores suitable for two-to three-year-olds, according to The Montessori Notebook are:

    • Help pack their backpack
    • Brushing/feeding the dog (just let it go when they make a mess!)
    • Helping make the bed (at four, kids should be able to at least pull up a duvet by themselves)
    • Placing clothing in the laundry and pushing the buttons you point to

Solo Playtime – As long as you’ve created a safe space to play, at this age most kids are generally past the swallowing-small-objects phase and can happily play by themselves for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. If your child is reluctant to play alone, just agree to be nearby, but set up toys with which they can play solo.

“Reading” Time – Your child doesn’t need to know how to read to get lost in a world of books. Give kids a stack of picture books and let them have at it. If they want to hear stories read out loud—but you still want them to be on their own—we love the Yoto player, a simple speaker designed for kids ages three and up that allows kids to insert small cards to read popular stories aloud.

Pick What they Wear – Something as simple as choosing their clothes can make a child feel incredibly independent, says Dr. Ungar. “Three-year-olds can’t negotiate their bedtimes, but they can decide to wear green pajamas or blue pajamas. The trick seems to be to find these ways that the child can make a genuine contribution.”

Use a Balance Bike – Kids may not be ready for a two-wheeler at age two… but a balance bike is an easy go-to! “Once a child can confidently walk around the house, they can start walking with a balance bike between their legs,” says Schwinn spokesperson Ryan Berkicht. “This could be as soon as 18 months old for some kids.”

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 4 to 6

Gross motor skills are advancing quickly at this age, too, so your kids should be ready for fun things like climbing on a play structure (without you constantly spotting), and using the “big kid swing” all by themselves. And while these may seem like ordinary childhood milestones, all of these accomplishments help them learn how to be self-sufficient and instill huge amounts of confidence. So cheer your kids on as they:

Brush Their Teeth: While most dentists advise that you keep assisting with their pearly whites until age 7, your kids should know how to brush their teeth all on their teeth by age 5 or 6—with you nearby to make sure there’s actual brushing going on (as opposed to just holding the electric toothbrush in their mouths while the motor revs). A good compromise is to let your kids do the morning brush and you can brush their teeth in the evening.

Use a Microwave with Supervision – Not only does using the microwave buttons help reinforce number recognition, but it also makes kids feel like real big kids. Teach your kids what can and can’t go in the microwave, and let them push the buttons and press “start” all on their own.

Ride a Two-Wheeler – Sure, some kids are ready for a two-wheeler at three years old—and some five-year-olds want nothing to do with a bike—but experts say age 5 or 6 is a good target age for getting a kid on her first two-wheeler. If they’ve been riding a balance bike or a bike with training wheels, they should be able to transition easily.

Have Drop-Off Play Dates – According to the AAP, kids around ages 5 and 6 are developmentally ready to be dropped off for play dates. Got a child who’s nervous about it? It might help to have the playdates at your house, where you can step away—but not out.

Day Camp – Since this is the age when kids start preschool or kindergarten, they’re also usually ready for day camp at this age, too. If your kids don’t seem uber-enthusiastic about camp, try to keep the camp schedule similar to their school schedule (if your child attends a half-day school, for instance, start with a half-day camp).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 6 to 8

dad teaching son how to be self sufficient


By this age, kids have started kindergarten and are usually happy to do anything that makes them feel grown-up and competent. So watch them closely for opportunities to teach them how to be self-sufficient—while also keeping them safe (for instance, let them ride a bike up and down your street, but make them wear a helmet). Here are some things kids are ready to do by this age:

Help You Prepare Dinner – According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, children ages 6 to 8 are ready to:

  • Use a peeler to peel raw potatoes, ginger, mangoes, and other washed fruits and vegetables
  • Break eggs into a bowl (and remember to wash hands afterward)
  • Scoop out avocados after being sliced in half by an adult
  • Snap green beans
  • Shuck corn and rinse before cooking
  • Rinse and cut parsley or green onions with clean, blunt kitchen scissors

Take a Bath By Themselves – According to this article in the National Library of Medicine, most children can take a bath by themselves (i.e., without you sitting by the tub) by age 6. We recommend parents still stay within earshot and keep baths short enough that kids don’t get tired or rowdy in the bathtub by themselves.

Tie Their Shoes (with you supervising) – By age 6 or 7, most kids have the fine motor skills to attempt this surprisingly complex set of movements, according to Carolina Therapy Connection. You’ll know your child is ready to tie their shoes when they’re able to easily cut paper with scissors, string beads, or button and unbutton buttons.

Use a Computer to Browse the Internet – Experts recommend supervising children’s internet use at this age: If you’re not able to be there watching, you can use a filtering device like the Circle, which lets you dictate what apps and websites kids can and can’t visit online (as well as setting up bedtimes and screen time limits); or try a web filtering program like Microsoft Edge Kids Mode, which keeps your kids from seeing anything inappropriate online and lets you customize their web experience (it also prevents them from exiting the kid-safe browser to explore other apps on the computer).

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 8 to 10

Older kids are ready for adventure! Now’s the time to loosen the reins and let them chart their course a little bit. By this age, your child might be ready to:

Have a Sleepover – Around this age, they may be ready—as long as they can sleep through the night, no problem. That said, before you send your kids to another person’s home for the night, they must understand body boundaries and inappropriate touching. “I do think it’s a great time to start teaching kids about appropriate touches and that we’re the boss of our bodies and we’re the boss of our private parts,” writes child abuse prevention expert Pattie Fitzgerald. She also urged parents to talk to the host parents so they’ll know exactly who will be supervising and whether there will be older kids (such as teenage-aged siblings) or extended family in the home. The answer to these questions may well alter your decision to say “yes,” as parents should have a strong baseline of trust with the hosts.

Note: Some experts believe children (and their parents!) aren’t ready for sleepovers until the age of 10 and up.

Go to Overnight Camp – As long as your child can shower, doesn’t wet the bed, and has shown no problems spending the night at friends’ or relatives’ homes, they’re probably ready for sleepaway camp. While many overnight camps offer programs for kids as young as six or seven, the American Camp Association gives age nine as the target age for kids to start the summer camp journey. Some camps offer one-week “starter” programs for reluctant or nervous campers.

Walk to School by Themselves (Under Certain Conditions) – The AAP says elementary school-aged kids can walk to school by themselves, provided the walk is short, the neighborhood is safe, and there are school crossing guards stationed at any intersections. If there are non-guarded streets or you live in a city, waiting until age 12 is better.

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 10 and Up

tween girl at home with smartphone

Tweens are all about breaking free and taking risks. Your job is to let them experiment with autonomy while still making sure they’ve got set limits to keep them safe. By age 10, kids can:

Be Left At Home for a Short Time – The laws vary on this, with some states like Oregon and Tennessee giving home-alone privileges to 10-year-olds and states like Colorado and Delaware saying 12 is a better age to start this. This Washington Post article gives state-by-state guidelines on the regulations, but it’s a good idea to check with your state’s Family or Child Services Department to be sure.

In any case, before you leave your kids home alone—even for a short time—it’s important that they know what to do in case of emergency and what your expectations are should unexpected things happen (like someone knocking on the door or a friend stopping by unannounced). The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that parents ask themselves these questions before leaving kids alone:

  • Is your child physically and mentally able to care for him or herself? ƒ
  • Does your child obey rules and make good decisions? ƒ
  • How does your child respond to unfamiliar or stressful situations? ƒ
  • Does your child feel comfortable or fearful about being home alone?

If you’re leaving for more than an hour, it’s best to wait to take your children. And experts say it’s not a good idea to let kids this age babysit younger children while no parents are home.

For more advice and tips, see this handout from the DHH.

Ride a Bike to School – It’s hard to find any specific laws about kids riding bikes to school, but the American Academy of Pediatrics says that by late elementary school, most kids can safely do this, provided the route is short and the roads safe. Before your child starts riding to school, make sure you practice the route with them (several times!) and go over what to do if unexpected things arise, such as a fall or a flat tire. If it makes you feel better, have your child wear a GPS watch or other tracking device to alert you when she gets to school safely.

Of course, you should always make sure your kids wear a good-fitting helmet and try to enlist a friend to ride along, to ensure both kids get there safely.

Related: 10 Tracking Devices Perfect for Families

Things Kids Can Do: Ages 12 and Up

This is it. The bridge to the young adult years. Kids in this final stretch to the teens are longing to break free, so the trick is to let them feel independent and learn how to be self-sufficient while encouraging them to make responsible choices. Here are some things they’re ready to do now:

Have Their Own Cell Phone – While many argue that cell phones should wait until high school, middle schoolers can have a phone, provided it is monitored and filtered by the parents. Before you give your child a phone, have them sign a technology agreement that lays out the rules—for instance, no cell phones should be allowed in your child’s room overnight, and your child should know that you will read and monitor her messages. To keep your kids off inappropriate or dangerous apps and sites, use apps and programs like Screentime (for iPhones), Circle, or Securly.

Babysit Younger Children – There are no real legal restrictions for babysitting (except in states that have laws on when kids can be left alone), but the Red Cross doesn’t allow kids to take its babysitting course until age 11. By 12, kids should be able to babysit with a grown-up present in the house (or for short times when a grown-up leaves the house); by 14, they can usually babysit younger children on their own. When it comes to an older sibling watching the younger kids in the house, parents need to ask themselves whether their oldest is mature enough and responsible enough to handle the task. If there are any doubts, skip it.

Be Dropped Off in a Public Place with Friends – As long as your child agrees to stay with the group and you’ve talked about uncomfortable situations (if a stranger talks to them or if other kids are experimenting with drugs or alcohol), most experts agree that by middle school—or around age 13—kids can be dropped off at public place (like a movie theater or mall) for a few hours as long as they are in a group and you are leaving them in a safe location. This depends, of course, on your child’s level of maturity, your city’s crime rate, and whether you trust them to make good decisions.

Note: Check with your state laws before letting your teen go to certain places solo: Some states, such as Minnesota and Delaware, do not permit children under 16 to be in certain malls without adult supervision, according to this article.  


These are the beauty gift ideas that’ll make you feel like a holiday gift guru

The holidays are around the corner, and this is going to be the gift guide you save to send to your partner and family for sure. Although you can definitely use these ideas for your own mom, sister, BFF, etc., we put this one together with you in mind. So we ask: What’s better than indulging in some beauty products that you wouldn’t normally buy for yourself?

We’re all about the home spa experience, and these goodies range from intensive treatments to apply-and-go makeup to help you get out the door in a snap. We’ve rounded up the top beauty gifts of 2023 that will leave you feeling relaxed, recharged, and ready to tackle the day.

Avon Haiku Serenity Gift Set


There's no better time for a little zen than the holidays. Avon's cult-fave Haiku scent features a fresh, clean, green + floral blend that's best-selling for a reason. This set has the Eau de Parfum, Hair & Body Mist, and Haiku Intense Travel Spray.

Avon Haiku Serenity Gift Set ($57.00)—Buy Here!

Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler in Ceramic Pop


The Dyson Airwrap has been on our collective wish lists for multiple seasons, and this limited edition colorway makes us love it even more.

Dyson Limited Edition Airwrap Multi Styler in Ceramic Pop ($599.00)—Buy Here!

Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream

Sol de Janeiro

Yes. It is that good. It's a little bit of a splurge, but it's super rich, so it lasts a long time, and the scent is unbelievable. There's a reason Bum Bum Cream is such a viral hit.

Sol de Janeiro Bum Bum Cream ($45.60)—Buy Here!

Christian Cowan Red Carpet Glamour Full-Look Set


This limited-edition set from the collab between Smashbox x Christian Cowan gives you everything you need to create a stunning full-glam look that's perfect for the holidays (and beyond).

Christian Cowan Red Carpet Glamour Full-Look Set ($39.99)—Buy Here!

KORRES Eau de Toilette Vetiver Root


Woody, warm, earthy...Vetiver meets lavender, cedarwood, and green tea notes. Wear it alone or as a layer. You can't go wrong (well, you can't go wrong with pretty much anything from KORRES.).

KORRES Eau de Toilette Vetiver Root ($54.00)—Buy Here!

Facial Mist Tool

Short & Suite

Designed to work with the Shorts & Suite Mineral Mist Pods, the Mist Wand rapidly delivers the finest dispersion of active mineral ingredients. It's perfect for the winter when skin is parched, and ideal for travel, too.

Facial Mist Tool ($129.00)—Buy Here!

ELEANOR 3 in 1 Combination Beauty Device


Get a non-invasive facelift, depuff, and contour your face with the ELEANOR. It uses radio frequency and LED light therapy along with the Glow Rose Conductive Gel (sold separately) to maximize effectiveness right from your home.

ELEANOR 3 in 1 Combination Beauty Device ($135.50)—Buy Here!

Thrive Causemetics Multeye Mask

Thrive Causemetics

These reusable eye masks help you get the most out of your eye cream or serum. Just apply, top it off with the eye masks, and leave on for 10 minutes. They also help protect during makeup application. Did we mention they're reusable? Just rinse, dry, and store them in the included compact when you're done.

Thrive Causemetics Multeye Mask ($28.00)—Buy Here!



The DIORIVIERA Set includes limited-edition 5 Couleurs Couture eyeshadow palette with shades that match the 5 miniature Dior nail polishes, all inspired by the French Riviera.

The DIORIVIERA Set ($200.00)—Buy Here!

Revitalash Bestsellers Collection

Revitalash Cosmetics

Give them the gift of transforming their lashes and brows with this collection. Condition, strengthen, and soften lashes while defending against brittleness and breakage. Brows are shaped and revitalized. And the Volumizing Primer + Mineral Tint makes those peepers pop. This is a great routine to start for the new year, too.

Revitalash Bestsellers Collection ($201.00)—Buy Here!

Charlotte Tilbury Lucky Chest of Beauty Secrets

Charlotte Tilbury

A $279 value, this pretty chest comes packed with all of Charlotte's favorites—a mini Pillow Talk Beauty Light Wand, Rock 'n' Kohl Eyeliner, Push Up Lashes! Mascara, and more. Everything Charlotte is most famous for is included in her Lucky Chest.

Charlotte Tilbury Lucky Chest of Beauty Secrets ($210.00)—Buy Here!

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset


The number of hours we spend shaving over the course of a year adds up (and it's kinda depressing, to be honest). The Air3 IPL handset offers a quick 12 minute treatment, skin-cooling technology for a nearly-painless experience, and results in only 3 weeks.

Ulike Sapphire Air3 IPL Hair Removal Handset ($329.00)—Buy Here!

Birthstone Mineral Soaps

Uncommon Goods

Skin-moisturizing soaps created after the shapes of 12 natural birthstones, complete with their own scent profile. They're almost too pretty to use.

Birthstone Mineral Soaps ($28.00)—Buy Here!

Renzoe Box's Clean Girl Edit

Renzoe Box

A 12-in-1 collection of all the things you could possibly need in one convenient box. It's literally a full face routine of name-brand luxe beauty brands, including brushes and an additional compartment for extras, in a take-anywhere-box. You can also purchase additional pods to swap out and refill. It's the only thing you'll ever need and we're obsessed.

Renzoe Box's Clean Girl Edit ($425.00)—Buy Here!

Uzari Ritual Box Set


Step into your new skin with this one-two punch of a shea butter-infused body wash that's PH-balanced for all skin types plus an effective exfoliator that unclogs pores and leaves your skin totally ready for the next step in your routine (and helps it absorb the additional products you use daily).

Uzari Ritual Box Set ($60.00)—Buy Here!

Benefit Mistletoe Blushin’ Lip and Cheek Stain and Blush Duo


A full-size duo featuring Benefit's Benetint Liquid Lip Blush & Cheek Tint and Shellie Blush.

Benefit Mistletoe Blushin’ Lip and Cheek Stain and Blush Duo ($32.00)—Buy Here!

VIOLETTE FR Petal Bouche Duo


VIOLETTE FR's iconic Petal Bouche lip color duo in (clockwise from top) Amour Fou (Violette's signature red—the one that looks good on everyone), her newest deep wine hue, Cerie Désir, or Cœur Infidèle (an intense magnetic pink), . *Tip: make sure to hydrate your lips before applying this matte, long-wearing color.

VIOLETTE FR Petal Bouche Duo ($50.40)—Buy Here!

Jones Road The Bobbi Kit 3.0

Jones Road

Everything you need for an effortless, no-fuss makeup routine that loos oh-so-put-together.

Jones Road The Bobbi Kit 3.0 ($82.00)—Buy Here!

ICONIC London Glowing Out Out Gift Set


Party season-perfect makeup is all wrapped up in this ICONIC London set.

ICONIC London Glowing Out Out Gift Set ($75.00)—Buy Here!

HANACURE The All-In-One Facial


This is no ordinary face mask. When you combine the ampoule and solution, use the included brush to paint onto your skin, wait 15-20 minutes, and you'll see major transformation after the first use.

HANACURE The All-In-One Facial ($110.00)—Buy Here!

Crystal-Infused Zodiac Nail Polish

Uncommon Goods

Flaunt your star sign personality with these twinkly nail polishes.

Crystal-Infused Zodiac Nail Polish ($18.00)—Buy Here!

Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Refillable Case

Saks Fifth Avenue

This stunning compact is covered in iconic Christian Louboutin studs, and is designed to be refilled with luxe palettes like the Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Blush & Highlighter Palette Refill or the Abracadabra La Palette Eyeshadow Palette Refill

Christian Louboutin Abracadabra La Palette Refillable Case ($73.00)—Buy Here!

Well People Supernatural Face Trio

Well People

This plant-powered + clean makeup set features three lifhtweight cream multi-use makeup sticks to create a youthful, natural glow with skin-hydrating benefits.

Well People Supernatural Face Trio ($56.00)—Buy Here!

Eucalyptus, Lavender & Rose Shower Bundle Trio

Uncommon Goods

Steam-activated aromatherapy, straight from the botanics themselves to create a therapeutic shower experience every day.

Eucalyptus, Lavender & Rose Shower Bundle Trio ($50.00)—Buy Here!

Molton Brown Festive Bauble Gift Set

Molton Brown

A bauble trio that can work as stocking-stuffers, tree ornaments, or just wrapped under the tree. Includes 3 best-selling body washes: Pink Pepper, Black Pepper, and Rhubarb and Rose.

Molton Brown Festive Bauble Gift Set ($48.00)—Buy Here!

Joybos Makeup Storage Organizer Box with Led Lighted Mirror


How gorgeous is this cosmetic organizer? Complete with adjustable light, fan, and a ton of storage. Available in this green, pink, and white.

Joybos Makeup Storage Organizer Box with Led Lighted Mirror ($89.95)—Buy Here!

Lush Dreamland Gift Set

Lush USA

Packed with Lush's signature Sleepy scent, this set comes with bath bombs, lotion, body wash, and more—all designed to help unwind.

Lush Dreamland Gift Set ($84.00)—But Here!

Gucci Mini 3 Piece Matte Lipstick Festive Gift Set


3 flattering, non-drying, mini colors of Gucci's Rouge à Lèvres Mat lipsticks.

Gucci Mini 3 Piece Matte Lipstick Festive Gift Set ($45.00)—Buy Here!

Jo Malone Share Pomegranate Noir Body & Hand Lotion

Jo Malone

You truly have to smell it to believe it. Jo Malone's Pomegranate Noir scent is the warm, sultry, spicy vibe of our dreams.

Jo Malone Share Pomegranate Noir Body & Hand Lotion ($65.00)—Buy Here!

Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow

Karla Cosmetics

For the makeup-lover who likes to add some drama, these stunning multi-tonal gel shadows are the perfect option. Pictured in 'Snooze', there are multiple colors to pick from.

Karla Cosmetics Shadow Potion Gel Eyeshadow ($26.14)—Buy Here!

Deon Libra The Duo Unbothered Elixir and Big Up Body Glaze

Deon Libra

Beauty from the inside out—the daily adaptogen blend + silky body oil. Talk about a power couple.

Deon Libra The Duo Unbothered Elixir and Big Up Body Glaze ($112.00)—Buy Here!

Glossier Stretch Face Brush


Foundation application has never been so smooth or easy thanks to this contoured brush.

Glossier Stretch Face Brush ($28.00)—Buy Here!

Drunk Elephant The Littles 6.0

Drunk Elephant

6 travel-friendly a.m. and p.m. essentials to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, brighten, and replenish your complexion, resetting your skin to it's happiest state. We're talking in as little as 30 days.

Drunk Elephant The Littles 6.0 ($74.00)—Buy Here!

Orbits Eye Stones

Uncommon Goods

These Finnish disks are made from ancient soapstone and bring instant eye relief after they're chilled in the fridge.

Orbits Eye Stones ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Alleyoop Beauty MVP Set


This one-step bundle saves so much time in the morning—can even be tossed in your purse for fast touch-ups.

Alleyoop Beauty MVP Set ($79.00)—Buy Here!

SOKO GLAM Then I Met You the Giving Essence


This combo of niacinamide, naturally fermented ingredients, polyglutamic acid, and more make this a powerhouse to maximize any skincare routine. 

SOKO GLAM Then I Met You the Giving Essence ($50.00)—Buy Here!

Innbeauty Project Sunkissed Set

Innbeauty Project

Bright & Tight Eye Cream, Face Glaze, and Fruit Punch Lip Oil—a full glowy routine for a lit-from-within look all year.

Innbeauty Project Sunkissed Set ($68.00)—Buy Here!

Pour Moi Beauty

Pour Moi Beauty

You don't have to know everything about skincare to build the perfect set. Just enter the zip code of your gift recepiant and Pour Moi Beauty pulls up everything needed based on the climate of that area. Genius.

Pour Moi Beauty—Shop Here!

Victoria Beckham Beauty Smoky Eye Brick

Victoria Beckham Beauty

Who knows a smoky eye better than Victoria Beckham? Each minimalist compact sports 4 expertly-curated, high impact shades that take the guesswork out of application. Available in 5 color pallets (Signature is pictured here).

Victoria Beckham Beauty Smoky Eye Brick ($56.00)—Buy Here!

Blue Lagoon Iceland Signature Masks Set

Blue Lagoon Iceland

For all skin types, here are 4 signature masks in Blue Lagoon Iceland's award-winning formulas.

Blue Lagoon Iceland Signature Masks Set ($300.00)—Buy Here!

LANEIGE Midnight Minis Set


The iconic LANEIGE lip mask in 5 flavors for smooth, supple lips overnight.

LANEIGE Midnight Minis Set ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Futurewise Slugging System


Slugging is a powerful way to hydrate the heck out of your skin (even though the name is a little cringy). Layers of intense hydration make this system extremely effective for bouncy, healthy skin.

Futurewise Slugging System ($66.00)—Buy Here!

Pink Matter Multi Use Balm


We love a good multi-tasker, and Pink Matter does exactly that. Lips, cuticles, dry patches, cheekbones—put it anywhere.

Pink Matter Multi Use Balm ($24.00)—Buy Here!

Bag-All Gift Set


For the jet-setter in your life, this set will go a long way (pardon the pun). Available in black and blush.

Bag-All Gift Set ($114.00)—Buy Here!

Twinkle Apothecary The Stain

Twinkle Apothecary

An herbal-infused, oil-based, roll-on lip & cheek tint. It creates a natural and buildable flush.

Twinkle Apothecary The Stain ($20.00)—Buy Here!

Typology Tinted Glow Duo


Blend two to three drops of the Illuminating Concentrate with the Tinted Serum and say hello to radiant skin.

Typology Tinted Glow Duo ($77.70)—Buy Here!


All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

You’ve never been jealous of your kid’s room… until now

Whether you have a small space or just really the kids to share a bedroom, bunk beds will take their sleeping arrangements to a whole new level. From designer bunk beds to bunk beds with stairs, the only limit for these lofty projects is your imagination (and your ceiling height). And who knows? With these clever designs, sleeping in your kid’s room may not be such a bad option after all. 

Full-Twin Bunk Bed Combo

Rooms to Go

If you've got an older kid sharing with a younger sibling, this full/twin combo bunk bed will make a room feel like it belongs to everyone. Plus, the steps have built-in storage and one side is a storage chest, so it's perfect for a shared bedroom. Get the details at Rooms to Go

Convertible Bunk Bed

They want twin beds—no—they want a bunk bed! Lucky for you, Delta Children has a brand-new convertible bunk bed with guard rails and a ladder that can be converted into twin beds. 

Mid-Century Bunk Bed

If you love all things Mid Century, then this bunk bed from West Elm will be a perfect fit in your kids' room. We also love that the ladder is fixed, so there's no worry that someone will dislodge it. Get details at West Elm

Bunk Beds with Built Ins

Bailey McCarthy

We love the built-in shelves that line this twin over full bunk bed idea from designer Bailey McCarthy. It's perfect for older kids and allows for sibling sharing rooms to have their own decorative space. See the bunk beds over at Bailey McCarthy

Related: 13 Study Stations for Your Star Student 

DIY Designer Bunk Bed

Jeweled Interiors

Jewel Marlowe, interior designer and prolific DIY-er, upgraded a standard wooden bunk bed into this luxurious room-stopper in just seven easy steps. Head over to her blog Jeweled Interiors for the step-by-step instructions and see for yourself the amazing photo transformation before photo—you'll never look at a bunk bed in the same way again.

Sophisticated Bunks

Tess Neustadt via Amber Interiors

If your kid's (or your) taste tends to eschew on the less juvenile side, get inspired by Amber Interior's bunk bed situation that was made with timeless design in mind. This modern marvel, complete with stairs and built-in bookcases may be the best twin bed over a full bunk bed that we've ever seen. Don't be surprised if your kids never want to leave their room.


Triple Bunk Beds

Foxhole Farmhouse via Instagram

The problem with a lot of bunk beds is that they look, well, out of place. This triple-bunk by Foxhole Farmhouse looks as if it has always been in this space thanks to custom woodwork like moldings and shiplap. For the full instructions on how these clever DIY-ers maximized this corner in their house, check out the "Bunk Tutorial" on their Instastories.


Private Bunks

private bunk beds
Vardehaugen Architects

Sleek and simple, this bunk design by Vardehaugen Architects, a firm located in Norway, nails the privacy and space issue while maximizing the hygge feel of course. 

Bunk with Stairs

Instead of a ladder, which might be scary for little kids, this one has a set of stairs (keeping bunk bed ideas for toddlers in mind) that'll take your little one to dreamland. Plus, with an extra pull-out trundle and built-in cupboards, this one is perfect for sharing among family and friends. More details at Wayfair.

Built-In Ladder Bunk Bed


We love how the ladder is built into the side of this bunk bed from Crate&kids, saving additional floor space, not to mention the rolling twin bed feature that allows you to change the positioning of the lower mattress from parallel to perpendicular to the bunk. More details at Crate&kids

Related: 7 Products That’ll Make You Look Like a Design Pro 

Bunk for One

Room & Board

Kids that don't have to share a room can enjoy the perks of bunk living too. This loft-style IKEA bed allows for the top to be used as the sleeping space, and the area below as a reading nook or even a study space, which is ideal for a small room. More details at IKEA

Navy & Brass Bunk

Steven Dewall

We love how Sarah Barnard Design tackled this kid's bedroom. While bunk beds don't traditionally don't scream privacy, the addition of individual curtains on the bunks coupled with the private desk alcoves all but guarantees that each kid will have plenty of space to themselves.

Cottage Chic Bunk Bed

Dangerfield Woodcraft via Etsy

Wake up and play in this fully customizable farm fresh-inspired bunk that comes complete with flower boxes and a handy trundle space that can be used for storage or extra sleeping space. More details at Etsy.

Tractor Bunk Bed

Rucker Rendezvous

For those kids that love tractors more than trains, this DIY bunk bed pays tribute to the iconic brand John Deere including an exact color match and those can't miss decals. If you want to make one for your own little hauler, all the details (including measurements!) can be found at the blog Rucker Rendevouz


LEGO Bunk Bed

Suzanne Nichols Design Group

The Suzanne Nichols Design Group took their inspiration from one of childhood's most clever toys and designed a room that any master builder (or master builder in training) will want to cozy up in thanks to the eye-popping colors and brick-inspired steps. 

Industrial Modern Bunk Beds

Kimberly Gavin via Massucco Warner Miller

The metallic frame on this bunk bed looks like it is made from plumbing parts. It lends an industrial modern edge to the room and successfully mixes and matches with the classic Hudson Bay bedding. The whole look is pulled together by interior design company Massucco Warner Miller

Triple Bunks


If you’ve got triplets (we salute you!) or three kids sharing a room, this modern, made-to-order bunk bed set from Wayfair could be the answer to your prayers. The bottom flor bunk uses the space well, and the simple design makes for a streamlined look. 

Fun & Smart Bunk Beds

Max Trix Kids

The best part about this bunk bed setup is that you can fully customize it to meet your needs. But don't worry about feeling stuck with it—not only are the parts are reversible, but they can also be dismantled and used separately, meaning you can change the configuration as the needs of your family changes. Oh, and let's not ignore the awesomeness of the slide. More details at Max Trix Kids.

DIY Loft Bunk

Apartment Therapy

Here's some fun math: Five people, two bedrooms, and 1000 square feet. Tight right? Well, maybe not. Thanks to this unique setup by Meg Freeman who ran the blog, Elsie Marley: Handmade and Imperfect, she found a fantastic solution for providing the best dreamscape for her growing brood. Here she created a makeshift bunk bed by building a loft above the existing bed adding "clouds" to double as a guardrail and as a decorative distraction from an unmade bed. 

Groovy Bus Bunk Bed


Beep! Beep! It’s nothing but sweet dreams ahead. As his daughter’s third birthday approached, and her days in the crib were numbered, this handy dad raced to finish her adorable big kid bed. Made with real VW parts, painted in a spectacular palette of psychedelic colors, and finished just in time for the big celebration, you can see this incredible bed come together at the blog Treehouser.

Rope Bunk

Barbara Chapartegui

Just hanging around takes on a whole new meaning with this lofty bunk bed designed by Barbara Chapartegui. Like a modern hammock suspended from strong ropes, this modern twist on traditional bunk beds is an ingenious solution to creating a shared sleeping space. 

Bunk Over a Crib

bunk over crib
Casa Kids

Expecting a new addition to the family? Your toddler might be ready to abdicate their spot in the crib and move on up…to the top bunk! Customize your shared space with a lofted toddler bed/crib combo. This configuration features easy staircase access to the top bunk, a built-in bookcase, sturdy safety railing and shelving. The crib is even outfitted with wheels for easy mobility. More details at Casa Kids.

Treehouse Bunk Beds

Riikka Kantinkoski via Aalto Aalto

Inspired by treehouses, this bunk bed design is available in an assortment of vibrant colors and unique configurations. We love the slim and compact nature of the beds—providing maximum comfort in a minimal amount of space. More details at Aalto + Aalto.

Cozy Cabin Bunk

cabin bunk bed
Mathy by Bols

The ultimate sleeping quarters for your little campers, this adorable cabin is handcrafted by a Belgian design company. The house-inspired bunk bed is great for a shared space that also doubles as a playroom. More details at Mathy by Bols

Climbing Bunks


Opting for a rock wall in lieu of a traditional ladder helped to transform these top bunks into a private space that's definitely worth the climb. More details at Decoist

Related: 14 Space-Saving Loft Beds Kids & Parents Will Love



All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Stop saying these homophobic slurs and help break the chain of hurtful speech.

In a vulnerable time like this, communication is incredibly important. Our kids are relying on us more than ever for education, and social development. So, how do we avoid unintentionally hurtful words and teachings that we ourselves may have learned by accident? Linguistically speaking these terms and phrases can be considered a “pathogen”—they’re “Word Germs.”

Perhaps you can recall a time when a parent or grandparent taught you a word or spoke aloud an idea that was offensive to you, or to people you cared about. You, when you decided not to repeat it, were the first link that broke that instructional chain of thinking and speaking. 

After surveying an NYC-based LGBT & Ally Performer network, we have come up with 10 commonly used words and homophobic slurs that you may not have known were offensive to the LGBTQ+ community and some alternative options that will promote our children to grow up to be compassionate and intelligent advocates for justice in their classrooms, social circles and future homes. 

“No, that’s for girls/boys.”

that's a girl toy is one of the homphobic words to stop saying
Robo Wunderkind via Unsplash

Kids are naturally curious and like to try out all different kinds of playtime activities as well as clothing options. Playing house, playing with trucks, or building LEGO sets are formative activities for young kids of any gender. Additionally, playtime, for households with multiple children, is a social activity. It’s not rare or wrong for a brother and sister to play cars, dolls, or dress-up pretend games together, so why do we enforce separation when it comes to other activities?

For example, when your son wants to try makeup or wants his nails painted, it can simply be because activities such as those are calming and involve spending quality time with you, or perhaps an older sibling. When a young girl plays with tools or has an interest in mechanics/building, not only are those creative activities the foundation for important skills she will need as an adult but are also a bonding activity for her and a parent and/or sibling. Though these activities aren't indicators that your child will grow into an LGBTQ+ adult, your reaction will be remembered if they begin having questions about their gender and sexuality, so responding positively and openly will set a trusting foundation for your relationship when they need your help finding those answers later in life. Celebrating your child’s curiosity will ultimately bring you closer together.  

“He’s a little ladies’ man/She’s going to give her Daddy trouble when she’s older.”

happy baby
Jason Sung via Unsplash

It's a known fact: babies are cute. And it's exciting to see their personalities take form. When babies/toddlers are social and bubbly, sometimes adults will remark in a way that indicates when they grow up, they’ll have plenty of romantic attention. Comments like this could potentially make your child fear making gestures of affection, particularly in front of you or other adults, in case they would be ridiculed or embarrassed. It also establishes an expectation that in adulthood, your child will be heterosexual.

Maybe you can recall having a “kindergarten boyfriend/girlfriend” who waved at you at pick-up or held your hand on the playground. These sorts of gestures of friendship and closeness among young kids should be encouraged. It teaches kids to be honest about their feelings and establishes a place in their life for kind gestures and affection, rather than concealment of emotions and violent outbursts.

These types of comments can also set a tone that same-sex relationships or the need for physical comforts such as hugs or hand-holding outside of a romantic relationship are "strange" or “abnormal.” Instead, it's important to encourage your children to be openly kind to their friends and classmates, without jokingly hinting that something else lies beneath those actions.   

"Be more ladylike."

Kenny Eliason via Unsplash

Whether she was climbing a tree or sitting bowlegged in a chair, every single girl has heard this phrase at least once growing up. This saying is damaging to every girl, establishing limitations on what girls can and cannot do. In the same way that "no, that's for boys" discourages girls from exploring interests in male-dominated fields, "act like a lady" teaches girls to consider themselves an "other" to boys, even something less than boys. While, of course, we want to teach children manners, how to be polite, to say "please" and "thank you," and to treat everyone with kindness and respect, comments like this make girls resent being born as girls.

It also assumes that a child's sex and gender match one another. Jo March from Little Women, the "blueprint" for how we view tomboyism, often remarked that she was "the man" of the family, cutting her hair short, wearing trousers, and refusing to do "girly" things like needlepoint or flirt with boys. She, like many young girls, rebels against conventional expectations of girlhood/womanhood. So, it's unsurprising that theorists have wondered whether Jo was gay or transgender. Allowing girls to breathe a bit as they develop, leaving room for any activities regardless of her sex will help her in expressing her gender identity later in life.


Related: 5 Trivia Questions for Pride Month

“You’re so brave for being out.”

be an LGBTQ ally by erasing these homophobic slurs out of your vocabulary
Anna Selle via Unsplash

While it comes from a place of kindness, and of understanding that there are plenty of people who are still intolerant of the LGBTQ+ community, telling a gay person "you're so brave" reinforces that being gay is an abnormality. Not every gay person is completely out, some are only out to friends or friends and a portion of their family. You may have heard "but I haven't told my uncle" or "but I'm never telling my Nona." This homophobic slur subtly assumes that a gay person wants to talk about their struggle to openly accept their sexuality. Saying instead, "I'm here for you if you need to talk (coming out, your intolerant relatives, being bullied at school, feeling confused, etc.)" establishes that you're an ally, and they're in control of when they bring up potentially traumatic events. You could also say, "I'm happy that you're so happy," or "I'm glad you've found your significant other."

“I’m not gay but.../I'm no homo...” 

two dads on how to Be an LGBTQ ally

We'd love to say the reminder is unnecessary, but we'll say it anyway: stop saying this homophobic slur or any variation of it. Whether you think Lupita Nyong'o is beautiful or you love spending time with your best friend, you don't have to reaffirm the admiration of a celebrity or the strength of your love as platonic. This is another phrase that alienates LGBTQ+ people, making it seem as though gay people are abnormal, and there's a necessity to keep reaffirming you do not belong to that group. It makes it seem as though there is some fear attached to being mistaken for gay as if there is some punishment that may be involved. It's much easier to simply say "I'm really happy we're friends" or "I love the time we spend together" to someone you care about without adding the addendum at the end.

“I have a great gaydar.”

LGBTQ ally at a pride parade
Josè Maria Sava via Unsplash

We've all heard some version of it: "I always knew ____ was gay!" or, "With style like that, it was obvious!" or to the opposite effect, "But you don't look like a lesbian?" Employing your "gaydar" assumes that there is one single way of being gay. When in fact, gay people and their experiences are just as diverse as anyone else. It also gives gay people a reputation for being "sneaky" as if being in the closet is an act to fool or trick people, but those with "gaydar" are more adept at seeking out the lie. Instead of telling your friend/child/family member that you always knew they were gay, try saying "That's great!" Or if they tell you they're transgender or nonbinary, ask questions like "What does that mean for us going forward?" and "Do you have a new name or pronouns?" and "How can I best support you in this?" Showing you're listening and you care is the most crucial step in making the person you care about feel loved and accepted.

“But, are you sure? Have you ever dated a (person of the opposite sex)?”

learn how to be a good LGBTQ ally
Masha S. via Unsplash

Even members of the LGBT+ community are guilty of this one. It's natural to be curious about how someone came into their sexuality, but ultimately it's not your business. Often times gay and transgender folks experience "internalized homophobia" where, it's difficult not to listen to the voices of bullies, politicians, clergy members, and even characters on television, who tell them they're "looking for attention" or "just haven't found the right person" or "can't possibly know unless they tried." You wouldn't ask a straight person how they knew they were straight if they'd never been in a same-sex relationship, so why the curiosity when it comes to gay people?

“I don’t mind what you are but, you’ll always be my little boy/girl to me.”

homophobic slurs to stop using today
Brian Kyed via Unsplash

It's understandable that a change such as your child's gender can be shocking. Especially when discussions of reassignment surgery, hormone therapy and legal measures (regarding name, insurance, official documents, etc.) follow. Fond memories of watching your child grow up will potentially feel like a "Before" and "After" and perhaps, your child will not remember those precious moments with the same fondness, as they will remember them as a time of closeted-ness. It is so crucial in helping your child to feel accepted for who they are, to let go of the "Before" and "After" mentality. Talking openly about your concerns, and listening to theirs will help you better understand each other's needs. Sometimes decisions about how best your child can live their life happily as their preferred gender will require several conversations and lots of research. Tackle those moments of doubt by listening to what your child needs. Help them find an LGBTQ+ network, and as their parent, talk to adults who went through the same thing at their age, and what they needed/wish they had, as far as parental support.

“That’s gay.”

Raphael Renter via Unsplash

This phrase has somewhat fallen out of fashion in the last ten years but it still comes up, particularly around the adolescent schoolyard. The sentiment is simple: all things stupid, inconvenient, weird, loud, gross, tedious, annoying, and so forth, are branded "gay" instead. With a vocabulary so rich and diverse with words that describe the things that irritate us, why continue to choose the word gay at all? It reinforces the notion that there's something inherently wrong with being gay. If you hear it said by someone you know or even someone you don't, it's easy to correct, "Did you mean (new word)?" or "Gay isn't a synonym for (new word)." Setting an example for your kids in this way, when they hear these pathogen-like phrases (especially when they're uttered by others in your presence), will help them not only learn not to say these things but also why it's important not to.

The “Reclaimed Slur”: “Fairy,” “Queen,” “Queer,” “Dyke,” “Faggot,” “Tranny,” “Cross-Dresser” 

homophobic slurs to quit using against the LGBTQ community

This last one is a little trickier than the others. Sometimes, you will hear members of the LGBT+ community use terms that seem offensive, or you've heard them used offensively before. There isn't one single opinion from the community about these terms. Some people find it liberating to use words that were once meant to damage them as a signifier of pride or self-love. Others prefer to leave homophobic slurs in the past. However, at one point in history, the words "Gay" and "Lesbian" were also slurs, so it's difficult to come down decidedly on one side of the argument or the other.

Ultimately, “slurs” can only be reclaimed by the parties they were originally used to bully. Even if you hear someone call themselves an offensive word, it does not mean they’ve permitted you to use that word to describe them as well. Communicate with your child, friend, or family member, and ask them how you should refer to them—there’s almost always a straightforward answer. Whether it be “Sometimes I call myself a dyke, but please call me a lesbian in conversation” or “I’m gay, but I also use the word queer, so you may too when talking about me.” 

As with any marginalized group, the best thing you can do to support the LGBT+ community is to listen to and amplify their voices whenever/wherever you can. Educating yourself is the first step to becoming an LGBTQ ally to those you care about.

Related: 14 Inspiring LGBTQ Books for Kids

It’s rainy season here in our favorite Puddle Town, but fear not—we’ve got more than 25 spots to have fun and stay dry

Rain goes with Portland the way peanut butter goes with jelly. From December through April, you can count on lots of wet weather (140 days, on average, to be exact). The simplest way to enjoy the rain with little ones is to put on boots and Muddy Buddies and head out for puddle-jumping through neighborhoods and forests. But if you’re looking for indoor fun, take your pick from our ultimate list of rainy-day activities below. Splash on, Portland!

1. Grab Coffee & Treats around Portland

We’re a caffeinated, food-obsessed city, with artisan coffee shops and bakeries on every corner. Kick things off with an early start at one of these kid-approved breakfast and coffee spots. You’ll want to fuel up for the full day ahead!


Slappy Cakes: Start the day at a Portland standby where breakfast is the main attraction and the entertainment. Let your kids make the meal, with griddles set into the table and customizable pancake batters to pour, flip, and top just the way they like.

4246 SE Belmont St.

Pip’s Original Doughnuts & Chai
Tucked into a bustling section of shops on NE Fremont, this gem turns out perfectly crisp mini donuts in tantalizing, constantly-evolving flavors. Pick up a dozen and order a chai for yourself (in a variety of homemade blends), then choose a table near the window to watch the rain fall. There are high chairs for the littlest foodies and kids’ books near the counter to keep ‘em busy while you wait. Be prepared for a line on weekends!

4759 NE Fremont St.

Posie’s Bakery & Cafe: Looking for a mix of bagels, baked goods, and heartier fare? This homey coffee shop, bakery, and cafe has got the goods, plus a play area in back. If your kid’s been up since 5 a.m. and is ready for lunch by 9, not to worry: the kids’ menu offers grilled cheese, PB&J, and cinnamon toast, with a side of chips or cucumbers.

8208 N Denver Ave.

2. Get Cozy with Books & Bookstores in Portland

Reading is a classic rainy-day activity. Maybe that’s why the rainy City of Roses has one of the most well-used libraries in the country, and a plethora of excellent independent bookstores. Cuddle up with your kids with a pile of books and get lost in a completely different world, through the power of story.

Storytime at the Library: The Multnomah County Library is a national leader among libraries. Besides its large collection of circulating items, it’s well-known for storytimes, with daily offerings geared toward different age groups and in a range of languages. It’s free, fun, and a great way to make new friends– for kids and grown-ups alike. Afterward, stick around to load up your book bag with more books to take home.

Days, times, and age ranges vary by branch

Powell’s Books: Head downtown to the City of Books—a whole city block with room after room of both used and new volumes. You can snuggle up in the pink room downstairs, where children’s books are organized around a reading area with cozy rugs and low tables with small chairs. A cafe near the yellow room serves up hot drinks and treats. Or, visit one of the smaller (but still impressive) Powell’s branches to get your book fix.

Various Locations

Green Bean Books: This children’s bookstore offers weekly storytimes and musical events in multiple languages, in addition to a well-curated selection of kids’ books, all in a bright and cozy red house. Check out their bank of vintage vending machines and bring a stack of books to the green couch to read together.

1600 NE Alberta St.

Fort Vancouver Community Library: Our neighbors to the north have a great library, too! Hop on the freeway and spend an afternoon exploring the top floor of the Ft. Vancouver Community Library. It’s entirely dedicated to kiddos, with a hands-on learning area, dress-up bins, interactive literacy-focused tech stations, and daily storytimes. You could easily spend hours here. Pop down to the first floor to refuel at the coffee cart. And psst! Multnomah and Washington County residents can get a free Reciprocal Library card to check out materials from the FVRL system.

901 C St.
Vancouver, WA

3. Explore Fun Animal Encounters around Portland

Rainy day blues got you down? Studies show that even 10 minutes of petting an animal can significantly improve mood and reduce stress. Head to one of these fun spots to get cozy with bunnies and kitties.

The Pixie Project: A no-kill animal rescue and adoption center, The Pixie Project fosters both dogs and cats for adoption. You must make an appointment to visit with the dogs and cats. Consider making a donation with your visit to support this non-profit’s good work.

510 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.

4. Make & Create Art around Portland

Get creative at one of Portland’s many kid-centric art studios. Check our favorites below.

Vibe Studio: At their locations on both SE Division and in St John’s, Vibe Studio offers a wide range of drop-in creative arts classes for toddlers all the way through the teen years. Check their website for a full list of offerings. (Choosing preschool or youth classes will send you to an online schedule, then click the “drop-in” tab to sort by location.) Most drop-in classes for toddlers are on Friday and Saturday mornings, while older kids can select a class during after-school hours almost every day of the week.

Various Locations

Live Laugh Love Art: Guided art classes for makers of all ages, Live Laugh Love Art offers canvas painting, wood signs, pottery, or glass arts. Check out the family pass to make art time a regular thing for you and your kids.

9160 SW Hall Blvd.

5. Find Stop-Worthy Lunch & Snacks in Portland

Soro Soro Coffee & Dessert: Kitten cheesecakes, rainbow cakes, animal-themed latte art, and matcha tiramisu? Sign us up! This recently-opened Korean coffee shop serves up seriously cute desserts alongside Stumptown Coffee and Steven Smith Tea. Perfect for a quick sugar rush before you hit the indoor playground.

2250 E Burnside St.

Laughing Planet: Dinosaurs at every table, an extensive menu with kid favorites like quesadillas, smoothies, and the “trifecta” of three side dishes served in separate (not touching!) bowls, it’s no surprise that there are 10 Laughing Planet locations in the Portland area. Find one near you and stop in for quick, friendly service and happy kid bellies.

Various Locations

Two Sisters Play Cafe: This Milwaukie bakery and cafe serves up healthy fare (including gluten-free and vegan options) alongside a play room with a play structure, toys, games, and puzzles. Choose from paninis, sandwiches, salads, and a simple kids’ menu, then let the kids loose.

11923 SE McLoughlin Blvd.
Milwaukie, OR

6. All the Places to Run, Jump, and Climb Indoors in Portland

For especially wet days, Portland’s got you covered with a host of indoor parks. We’ve put together a comprehensive list of affordable indoor playspaces in every neighborhood. Here are some of our stand-out favorites.

The Nest: Drop in for open play or take a class at this multi-purpose indoor playground and cafe. A large play structure, soft play area, and a rock-climbing wall are all available during open play hours, recommended for kids 12 and under. Try out yoga or an art class and get free admission to open play. Bring socks to play in, and enjoy treats from the cafe (outside food and drink not allowed.)

6517 NE Sandy Blvd.

The Wiggle Room: Tucked into a corner of the Hollywood neighborhood, and within walking distance of the library and Laughing Planet, the Wiggle Room is a thoughtfully-designed playspace for kids from 0-7. Everyone can find their groove, with a larger structure for big kids, a padded play area for kids under 2, and a coffee bar for grown-ups. Natural light and a low-key color scheme keep things simple for people with sensory sensitivities.

1925 NE 42nd Ave., Suite C

Hammer + Jack’s: We love this toy shop and play space in the rapidly-changing Foster-Powell neighborhood. Stop by to check out the toys, then drop-in for open play. Spend $10 for free play time, or get a punch card and become a regular. Check the website for open play hours and special events like kindie musicians, art classes, and storytimes.

6416 SE Foster Rd.

Playdate PDX: This is the ultimate indoor playground, with a three-level playstructure for kids up to age 12, a selection of beverages for grown-ups, and a separate play area for toddlers. Make sure you have socks for playing inside the playstructure! Work up an appetite? Hit the cafe for lunch and snack items.

1434 NW 17th Ave.

7. The Best Museums for Kids

On days when the weather promises to pour nonstop, a visit to the museum is the perfect way to stay active, happy, and dry. Portland’s got ten museums within city limits! Here are our top three for families.

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI): At this waterfront museum, hands-on science displays, motion simulators, and a planetarium supply a whole day’s worth of exploration. You can even tour a submarine! For kids 6 and under, check out the Science Playland. Plan your visit on the first Sunday of the month to get in for just $2.

1945 SE Water Ave.

Portland Art Museum: If you think an art museum is too refined for little kids, think again! With family tours and Baby Mornings, the Portland Art Museum welcomes and encourages even the littlest citizens to become patrons of the arts. Bags and large backpacks must be checked upon entry, so pare down to the essentials. Strollers are allowed, but littler ones might do better in a carrier.

1219 Southwest Park Ave.

8. Where to Swim, Splash, and Skate Indoors in Portland

For especially energetic kids, there’s nothing like a pool or skating session, and a rainy day is the perfect excuse to head indoors for some active fun. Portland’s got several indoor pools and skating rinks to choose from.

Oaks Bottom Roller Rink: In addition to afternoon and evening open skate sessions, Oaks Park has a preschool skate on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. just for kids 6 and younger. The session includes skates, cookies and milk, a group lesson and games. Adults are free with one child admission, and shoes and strollers are welcome on the rink. There’s also a Saturday morning Kids Skate for ages 10 and under that includes skates, fun games and a visit with Chipper. (

7805 SE Oaks Park Way

Lloyd Center Ice Rink: Take to the ice at the Lloyd Center Ice Rink, open daily in the mall. Rent skates and join public open skates during the day, or enjoy live DJ music during Rock n’ Skates on Friday and Saturday evenings.

953 Lloyd Center

McMenamin’s Kennedy School Soaking Pool: This ceramic, heated outdoor soaking pool is filled with chlorinated saltwater, in a private outdoor courtyard surrounded by gardens, on the spectacular Kennedy School grounds. Yes, we said outdoor, but hear us out: on a day when light rain or showers are predicted, it can feel pleasant and cozy to be outdoors in a warm pool. After soaking, grab a bite at the restaurant or catch a flick in the theater in this elementary-school-turned-hotel. Supervised minors welcome; bring your own towel! Note that during the rainy season, the pool is closed every 1st and 3rd Tuesday for cleaning.

5736 N.E. 33rd Ave.

Portland Parks & Recreation Indoor Pools: You know what they say when kids get cranky: put them in water! Portland’s public indoor pools are open year-round for open swim, family swim, and preschool swim. Check the website for the closest pool to your neighborhood. Swim times vary by location.

Multiple Locations

9. Where to Dine Out in Portland When It Rains

After a long rainy day full of adventure, let someone else do the cooking while you unwind with the family. Here are our top picks for easy, delicious meals in a family-friendly setting.

McMenamin’s Kennedy School: Wander the halls of this former elementary school, now turned into a playland—McMenamin’s style—with a hotel, bars, movie theater, soaking pool (see above!), and restaurant. Your little ones can choose from a range of kid-approved favorites like pizza, tater-tots, and french fries, while the grown-ups enjoy a well-deserved pint.

5736 NE 33rd Ave.

Mississippi Pizza Pub: With fantastic pizza and a family-friendly atmosphere, this neighborhood fave could have had us at “Hello.” But add in performances from favorite local kids’ bands on Friday nights? Next-level. Let your kids get out any last wiggles with a dance party while you kick back.

3552 N. Mississippi Ave.

Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB): There’s a reason why this brew-pub is packed around 5 pm: it has several fully stocked play areas where kids can entertain themselves with toys while you enjoy your brew. Kids can chow down on mac n’ cheese or a Little Brewer’s Burger, and grown-ups can take their pick from a range of burgers, salads, pizza, and more. (Psst: There’s even organic baby food available for $2 a jar.)

Various Locations