There’s no shortage of information out there on the topic of getting your baby to sleep because, as you’ve probably already learned, being sleep-deprived is not fun. From sleeping through the night to nap routines, schedules and even self-soothing, there’s a lot to know about sleep when it comes to your babe. To help you wade through a bit of the confusion (and avoid that overwhelmed new parent feeling), here are a few of the most important do’s and don’ts of baby sleep, with help from Amanda Jewson, sleep consultant and founder of Baby’s Best Sleep.

Do: Let them sleep as much as they want for the first 3-4 months. Really.

When babies are newborns, their circadian rhythms aren’t fully developed. They sleep a LOT (around 16-20 hours a day!)—but in an irregular pattern. That means it’s pretty tough to get your baby on any kind of routine or schedule. “These initial months are a time of adjustment for your newborn as they’re still getting used to feeding and sleep patterns,” explains Jewson. But she stresses that there’s one time to be a little more diligent with even a wee newborn: If they have their days and nights mixed up. “You’ll want to correct that by waking from naps to feed and expose the baby to sunlight. Keep interactions overnight to a minimum and offer feeds quickly and in the dark when possible.”

So unless you’re dealing with day-night confusion, try to cut yourself a little slack and don’t obsess about sleep times and bedtime routines and all that just yet. Let your wee newborn sleep as much as they want, whenever they want, for the first 4 months or so.

Do: Set up a consistent place for them to sleep.

Once you and your baby are ready for a bit of a routine and schedule, setting up a consistent place for them to sleep is definitely key. Sure, it’s great to let them sleep on you while you’re watching TV or have them doze off while you’re out and about, but it’s not ideal once they get past that itty-bitty newborn phase and you establish a predictable routine. Having them go to sleep in the same place consistently will help them associate their sleep environment with bedtime—and you’ll all hopefully be getting the Z’s you need! Try setting up a room with a few safe sleep essentials essentials like a crib, blackout shades or blinds for a darkened room, and a white noise machine, and put them to bed there regularly for naps and at nighttime.

But don’t stress if this doesn’t totally work for your family. “I believe in the value of consistency, but I also appreciate the need for flexibility,” says Jewson. “For instance, you could aim for the first few naps to always be in the crib and then have some “on-the-go” naps later in the day to suit your lifestyle. Mostly, doing things that allow for the family to function is always preferred over a set routine or method. A problem is only a problem when it’s a problem for your family!”

Don’t: Keep them up late in order to try and get them to sleep in.

One thing you’ll hear a lot when the topic of baby sleep comes up is this: Sleep begets sleep. “Contrary to popular belief, keeping your baby up late doesn’t mean they’ll sleep in the next morning,” Jewson stresses. “Babies and young children have early circadian rhythms, meaning their bodies are ‘pre-programmed’ to wake early no matter when they go to bed.” So the later they go to bed, the less total sleep they’ll get—and getting an overtired baby to sleep is a challenge all in itself since their bodies can start to release cortisol, which makes it hard to settle. So heed our warning: If you keep your baby up late in hopes of a longer sleep-in, you’ll likely just end up with a sleepy and grumpy baby. Not fun for anyone.

Don’t: Ignore sleepy cues.

Over time, you’ll come to know your baby’s unique pattern of sleep cues, which present in two phases for newborns. “Look out for early sleep cues like a faraway stare, disinterest in play, or slower feeding,” Jewson explains. “Later tired cues like eye-rubbing, yawning, or fussiness may mean you’re past the point of having an easy sleep.” Once babies get older, the later cues become the ones to watch for. When you start noticing the things your baby does when they’re tired, try your best to get started on your naptime or bedtime routine as soon as possible. There’s nothing worse than missing a tired baby’s window and crossing into overtired territory.

Do: Develop a bedtime routine.

It may seem very minor, but wind-down time right before bed is crucial for little ones. “It serves as a signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down,” Jewson says. Your bedtime routine can be as simple as a bath, a cuddle, and a story, then off to sleep. Whatever you choose, keep it consistent so that your baby knows it’s time to relax and drift off to dreamland. The best part? “A bedtime routine is a simple and painless way to improve baby sleep immediately!”

Do: Use that routine at nap time, too.

Naps can be tricky because babies and kids seem to hate them, but parents love them—and everyone needs them! So, if there’s anything that can be done to help encourage your baby to nap, we’re all for it, and Jewson says that means incorporating a bit of your nighttime routine before naps. “At nap time, you can employ some elements from the bedtime routine, like reading a short story or dimming the lights, to establish the association with sleep and these pre-bed activities.” Anything they can associate with sleep will make it easier on you and your baby.

Don’t: Rush in the second your baby makes a little noise.

Babies tend to make a lot of noise when they sleep, but just because they’re fussing a little doesn’t necessarily mean they’re ready to get up. Even though it’s pretty much a burning instinct within us to pick our baby up as soon as she cries, Jewson says to wait. “Before rushing in to soothe a crying baby, I suggest waiting a few minutes to see if they’ll self-soothe.” That being said, it’s important to discern whether your baby is briefly fussy or actually distressed—and you can generally trust your intuition on this one. Trying your best to let them practice falling back asleep on their own is a great life skill that will serve you all well in the long run. 

Do: Whatever works for you.

You can try following every tip, trick, schedule and philosophy under the sun when it comes to sleep. In the end, you’ll find that whatever works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for you and your family because every child is unique. “The best approach suits your family’s needs and aligns with your child’s temperament,” Jewson explains. “Be flexible and willing to adapt your strategy as your child grows.” And don’t feel the need to fix other people’s problems—just the ones that make it hard for your family to function. “All the rest will come out in the wash!”

Life has certainly been far from normal. Usually, children are well into their regular school routine at this time of year, but with the pandemic defining every parent’s “new normal,” many children have not yet made the full transition, and their sleep is suffering. Let’s throw in daylight savings, travel, or a sickness, and even the best sleepers can find themselves disrupted. In my practice as a pediatric sleep consultant, I have seen a significant increase in preschool sleeping issues over the last several months, which I believe directly correlates to the lack of physical and mental stimulation children are receiving during the day. Like many families, you may be finding yourself scrambling to get your family back into a healthy sleep routine.

Create a Bedtime Routine 

I always suggest to my clients that they have a “timed routine” which means to have a set time for bed and not just allow children to fall asleep when they seem tired. This can result in bedtime being far too late for their age. Last spring, and over the summer, a lot of families were struggling to figure out their new “normal.” Sleep was all over the map as parents tried to balance working from home and keeping their children entertained. Now that school is back in session, it’s essential to maintain a regular bedtime routine that works for your family. Children of all ages do best with consistency so, that’s why a predictable, nightly routine can be the key to a good night’s sleep.

Start with turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime (blue light from screens can delay melatonin), wind down with bath/shower time, or perhaps washing up at the sink, pajamas followed by brushing teeth. Then move to the bedroom and dim the lights for a few books. At this point, your child can climb into bed and it should take them about 20 or so minutes to fall asleep if bedtime is at an appropriate time. Keep in mind that overtired and under-tired children may struggle more to fall asleep, so keep an eye on that clock! Wake times will vary based on your child’s age and activity levels. Try and stick to this schedule as much as possible but recognize that it’s common to deviate on occasion. After all, sometimes it’s fun to be spontaneous!

Utilize Outside Sleep Resources

You may need to utilize outside resources to help your child wind down before bedtime. Guided meditations and yoga are excellent ways to have your child calm their bodies and minds and settle prior to climbing in bed. Some children are so wound up from their day, especially if they’ve been on screens for a large part of it, and they need a little physical outlet that also helps relax them. Consider reading to your child every single night; not only is it a great part of the wind down routine, but it also promotes early literacy. So, it’s a win-win!

Call in Sleep Reinforcements 

If you’ve established a good routine, you are using your outside resources, but bedtime is still a struggle, then it is ok to get back on track with the help of a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is the hormone released by your body that aids in sleep. Under the supervision of your pediatrician, this can be used for a short period of time to help supplement your child’s natural melatonin production if their bedtime has gotten far off track. The best way to use melatonin is after you’ve tried to implement a steady routine for at least a week since the majority of children benefit most from routine and consistency.

—Nicole Cannon,

Nicole is a sleep consultant and mom of 3 boys with a baby on the way. She's a member of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants and has certifications in Infant Mental Health and Maternal Mental Health. Nicole views sleep holistically, addressing all elements in a child’s life that could prevent him/her from sleeping well.

With rising food prices, there’s no doubt you’ve been trying to think of ways to shop smart when you head to the grocery store. If you’re determined to lower your bottom line, you’ll be glad to know there are plenty of ways to keep your wallet just as full as your cart—from using coupons to downloading grocery savings apps and more. Keep scrolling to find our savvy list of hacks on how to shop smart the next time you’re cruising the aisles.


Shop online and do drive-thru pick-up. You might balk at the fee some grocery stores charge to bring the groceries to your car but consider the money you'll save by not wandering the aisles with kids who'll no doubt beg for every snack in sight?

Plan your meals.
To avoid over-buying on your next grocery run, plan your meals. Write out the days of the week and under each heading, choose what you’ll be eating and what ingredients you need so you can streamline (and save on!) your trip. Recovering Spender author and financial life coach Lauren Greutman puts things into perspective. "If we spend $25 on pizza every week, we're forking out an extra $1300 a year on takeout!"

Shop in stores where you know the layout. Quick trips to the grocery store can turn into a free-for-all if you don't know where everything is, especially when you are tired or in a hurry.

Stay away from pre-chopped veggies.
You may be tempted to reach for those containers of ready-chopped onions, celery, and carrots, but they also come with a higher price tag. According to, you'll be paying almost double for that pre-prepped status. Instead, shop smart and opt for buying the entire vegetable and set aside time for chopping.

Start using the Flashfood App.
This app has partnered with grocery stores all over the country in hopes of eliminating food waste, plus, users can save up to $108 a month. How does it work? Download the app, and then search for a grocery location near you. Then you can choose and purchase discounted food items—you know, the items that have "just" reached their best buy date, and pick them up at designated Flashfood Zones in the store.

shop smart and go to the store late

Shop during the quiet hours.
When the store is crowded with busy, tired folks and crying babies, all you want to do is get your shopping done. There's little chance of you taking the time to price compare or search for bargains. Instead, hit the aisles when fewer customers are around, and you'll feel less stressed to get a move on. Want to know what hours to avoid? The Time Use Institute states that the busiest hours of the day are 4 p.m.-5 p.m. on weekdays, and from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m or so on the weekends.

Go meatless.
If you’re shopping on a budget, consider adding Meatless Monday (or Tuesday or Wednesday) to your weekly meal rotation. You’ll save on one of the most expensive staples on your grocery list and you’re guaranteed to get in all of your greens! A study published in the Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition found that vegetarians save up to $750 a year by going meatless.

Become a coupon clipper.
We’re not saying you need to audition for the next season of Extreme Couponing, but before you head to the store, do a quick online search for any coupons that will apply to the items on your grocery list. You’ll also want to check if your grocery store has its app. Many stores like Target and Kroger have their app with additional digital coupons you can use.

Download cashback apps.
As you’re looking for coupons on the items on your grocery list, take a few minutes to download cashback apps like Ibotta and Checkout 51. These apps allow you to earn a percentage or dollar amount back on certain items after you upload a photo of your receipt. And while they may be small amounts at first (25 cents back on any item, for instance), they add up quickly!

lady buying generic labels to shop smart

Buy generic.
You probably have a few brands that you’ve used for years, but when it comes to everyday items like salt or flour, you can make your wallet a little happier by buying generic. 

Look up or down.
Did you know that supermarkets often stock the priciest items at eye level? When you’re looking to shop smart and find the best deals, remind yourself to look on those top and bottom shelves.

Buy in bulk.
If cheese is on your list, spring for a block. Grated cheddar is almost always more expensive. And, when a family staple, like chicken noodle soup, goes on sale 10 for $10, go ahead and load up! If you don't have room in the pantry, ask a store associate if you can still get the discounted price.

Don’t shop while hungry.
Heading to the store on an empty stomach? Do your budget a favor and eat first. Grocery shopping while hungry can lead you to buy much more than you need and make impulse purchases. Like Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping says, "more than 60% of what we buy wasn’t on our list."

shop smart and send the frugal person to the store

Send the most economic partner to the store. If one partner is more likely to use coupons, look for bargains or attempt to spend the absolute minimum amount possible, consider having that partner tackle the big shopping trips (quick weeknight trips don't count—those are anyone's game!).  

Buy frozen vegetables and fruit.
Depending on what’s in season, you can save a few bucks by buying your vegetables in the freezer section. Certain grocery stores like Trader Joe’s often have frozen veggies and fruit for under $2 so you can stock up!

Find bargains online.
In the days of Amazon Fresh and other online retailers, you can easily find food at bargain prices—you just have to know where to look. suggests buying the following non-perishable items online to save your hard-earned dollars: snack bars, coffee, baby food, pasta and more.



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Shopping at Whole Foods? Amazon Prime Members Can Get This Special Perk

Pre-kids, you sported tired eyes like a badge of honor—they usually meant you’d been out late having fun night before. Now that you’re a parent, things have changed, and those dark circles and not-so-glowing skin could mean any number of things (sick kid, new baby, extra work, take your pick). Luckily, there are plenty of products that aim to help you look refreshed and bright-eyed, even if you didn’t get enough zzzs the night before. See our favorites below.

Liquid Green Oil, I-N

Rough day? I-N's Liquid Green facial oil is here to replenish. The lightweight product reduces redness, plumps and firms and gives you a radiant glow. The certified organic Intelli-Seed™ antioxidant oil helps to restore collagen and elastin production and is made of argan, blue tansy, açai and active essential oils. We love using this product both in the morning and night.

Buy it here, $85


Female-owned skincare and beauty line Karuna has arrived! Available at Whole Foods Market, the three-collection lineup offers beauty products that act in synergy with the body, utilizing the four principles of Ayurveda practices, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Adaptogens and Clinical Science. We love the brand because of its 11 creamy and revitalizing products that are free from parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, and SLS/SLES and come in at an affordable price of $5-23 each. Shop what appears to be made-for-mom options like "Wake Up Eye Cream," "Illuminate Face Oil" and a "Drench Sheet Mask."

Buy it here and at your local Whole Foods Market, $5+ 

Malie Coffee Fruit Mask

In order to make your skin look bright and shiny like you’ve had a great night of sleep, go straight to the source and try a product made with coffee fruit. With more antioxidant power than any other fruit, it’ll do all sorts of good things like battle dull skin, (the anti-bacterial factors in Quinic Acid & Trigonelline are key), smooth out wrinkles and help to fade hyper pigmentation. It’s got a strong scent, but it’s because it’s made with 70% organic ingredients, instead of chemicals like parabens, sulfates, phthalates, petrochemicals, mineral oil, and silicone, among others.

Buy it here, $55.

The Spa Dr. Glow Boost

Speaking of youthful, glowing skin, we found a hidden gem of a product for glowing skin. Part of a four-step skin regimen from The Spa Dr., it ’s the last thing you’ll apply before moisturizer, morning or night. It’s got a diverse blend of organic ingredients full of antioxidants such as pomegranate and raspberry seed oils, which help to smooth wrinkles overall, which means it’s perfect for dark circles and under-the-eye bags. Called “liquid gold” by devotees, we love that it doesn’t leave an oily residue after use and that it totally hydrates the skin. .

Buy it here, $79.99.

Revitalite Professional Eyelid and Dark Circle Corrector

Revitalite Eyelid and Dark Circle Corrector from Dermelect has a metal applicator that’s cool to the touch, which immediately helps to soothe puffy, tired eyes. It’s also full of light diffusing pigments, which help to conceal, lighten and brighten dark circles, and finally, the emollient textures help to infuse skin with moisture, which leaves the eye area feeling well rested.

Buy it here, $59.

Benefit's Boiing Industrial Strength Concealer

If you need serious under-eye coverage, Benefit's cult-classic concealer will do the trick. Simply swipe a small amount under eyes and softly blend outward. Boiing is offered in six colors, will stay on all day, and since you only need a tiny bit, will last you for months. 

Buy it here, $22. 

Osmosis Colour Navy Eye Pencil

Did you know using cool tones helps to reduce the look of redness? Yup, on those days when it’s obvious you didn’t get enough sleep, swap out your go-to black eyeliner with this navy color from Osmosis and it’ll brighten the whites of your eyes.

Buy it here, $25.

Grace & Stella Anti-Wrinkle and Energizing Eye Masks.

These eye masks will perk you right up like you’ve had a full eight hours. Formulated with collagen, peptides and hyaluronic acids, they help to revitalize that delicate area around the eyes. It’s been suggested to put them on in the morning, before starting the day. They are also cruelty-free, vegan and made with zero parabens.

Buy it here: $21.96 for 12 pairs.

DRMTLGY Age Reversal Eye Cream

This cream battles under-eye issues in two ways: it’s full of peptides, collagen to boost skin growth (read: refreshed-looking skin), and it’s got light-diffusing minerals that provide a solution to dark circles and puffiness on the spot. It has virtually no scent (it’s fragrance free), is light the touch, and it’s a great price.

Buy it here, $52.

Honey Belle Eye Crème

This natural product is made with evening primrose oil, white willow and jojoba oil, all things that help relieve the puffiness and inflammation that can occur under eyes when you haven’t slept enough, drank enough water, or gotten enough exercise (all things that make your skin look as tired as you feel!). It has a creamy texture, and you can even use it under concealer, to help with hydration and creasing.

Buy it here, $18.

basq NYC Bright Eyes Cucumber Tea Eye Gel

Ahh, cucumber circles, it’s one of the first things you think about when thinking about classic eye treatments. Here’s the good news—we found an eye gel that’s cool to the touch, and full of antioxidants, which means it’s perfect for both as night time deep treatment and morning eye opener. Plus, All basq NYC products are safe for pregnant and nursing mamas, yay!

Buy it here, $24.

Hard Candy Instant Eye Fix

Sometimes, you just need a product that’ll work instantly. This under-eye treatment will brighten tired skin and de-puff skin. It’s also slightly tint, which helps to cover any dark areas.

Buy it here, $6.

FarmHouse Fresh Wine Down Serum

Have a glass of antioxidants to “wine” down at night. This serum is perfect for overnight treatments—after even just a couple of hours, the compounds from various veggies and fruits (including Texas grapes!) help to shrink pores, and the clinically-test added peptides help to make under-eye circles appear lightened.

Buy it here, $56.

2nd KIND Ground Coffee + Cocoa Face Mask

You drink coffee to wake up, why not add it to your beauty regimine, too? This exfoliating mask wakes skin up by fighting free radicals, increasing circulation and cleansing skin for a fresh feeling.

Buy it here, $19.

Be Well Company Probiotic Facial Toner

You know probiotics help your body on the inside, but did you know they can make you look better on the outside, too? Made with rose water unique organic cold pressed live probiotic kombucha cultures, it helps to minimize dark spots, and has anti-inflammatory ingredients too. You can use it all day long, so it’s a perfect refresher while you’re on the go. Best part? You can choose your natural scent. It comes in rose, lavender and jasmine.

Buy it here, $48.99.

— Gabby Cullen

featured image: Mattheus Ferrero via Unsplash 

All images courtesy retailers.



I Know Why You Are Exhausted

11 Ways to Stay Awake When You’re Exhausted (That Aren’t Coffee)

5 Reasons You’re Exhausted (Besides Parenthood)

To Every Exhausted Mom in Her ’30s


Busy school night? Pizza. Tired and don’t want to cook? Pizza. Have a major craving? PIZZA.

Because of American’s all-out love affair with the savory pie, decided to find out the average price of cheese/plain and pepperoni pizza across the the United States to give hungry folks all the info they need to satisfy their cravings. Researchers not only discovered the cheapest pizza around, but they also found the average price by city and the density of pizzerias per person!


Some of the key findings were that the cheapest cheese pizza can be found in North Dakota and will only set you back $6.64. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a cheese pizza in Alaska means you’ll be forking over $9.21 per pie.

If you want to head to the city with the cheapest pizza, make a trip to Virginia Beach, or check out Rhode Island, the state with the most pizzerias per person!

If you fancy pepperoni, Expensivity also found that Utah has the cheapest at $6.49, while Oklahoma is going to wreck your budget at $15.56 for one pizza! Want to scarf down more deets on the U.S. Pizza Index? Head to

––Karly Wood

Feature photo: David Fedulov via Unsplash



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Wonder Woman Gal Gadot has added a third daughter to her crew! The actress announced the news on Instagram today with the first shared photo of the family of five. She and husband Jaron Varsano welcome daughter Daniella, who joins Alma and Maya.

Accompanying the candid snapshot, Gadot wrote, “My sweet family 🖐🏼 I couldn’t be more grateful and happy (and tired 🤪) we are all so excited to welcome Daniella into our family. I’m sending all of you love and health. GG ♥️🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼🖐🏼”

Varsano posted the same photo to his account with the caption “And now we are 🖐🏼 So happy and grateful. My dear wife is a lioness! So thankful and humbled by your powers.”

The 36-year-old Gadot married Varsano, an Israeli real estate developer and businessman, in 2008. Oldest daughter Alma was born in 2011 and Maya joined the family in 2017. In an earlier post this year, Gadot praised her husband as “the greatest dad in the world!”

Congratulations to the happy family! No doubt Gadot’s powerful superhero will be an inspiration to all three daughters for years to come.

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Tinseltown/Shutterstock 



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  1. You muted your microphone on a Zoom call but forgot to turn your camera off to yell at a child to get back on their kindergarten Google Meet. Your entire team is now terrified of making you mad.
  2. You made an unexpected appearance in said kindergarten Google Meet that you thought was muted but wasn’t. Now your child’s entire kindergarten class is also terrified of you.
  3. You pull on a sweater over your dirty t-shirt ten seconds before a meeting and pop in with a big smile and a bigger cup of coffee.
  4. People constantly tell you that you look tired. Mostly because you are tired. So tired. But you just smile and nod because responding would make more people scared of you.
  5. You have attended a meeting, paid attention, changed a diaper, unloaded the dishwasher, and fed the dog in the last three minutes.
  6. You have been hit in the head with a Nerf dart or some sort of ball during a video meeting.
  7. You don’t wear real pants anymore. Ever.
  8. You are stretched so thin that you think you might not be able to do this any longer.
  9. When you get the rare chance to go to the office, you cherish it. You can be alone and sit in silence and drink coffee and think without hearing crying or barking or the tv or a microwave or screaming YouTubers.
  10. You have had a meeting or important call while crouching in a closet or in the bathroom because it’s the only place your kids can’t find you.

This post originally appeared on HashtagMomFail.



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I am a full time working mom with two little boys, Henry and Simon. I write about real life and real life gets messy. Contributor for Motherly, HuffPost Parents, Scary Mommy, Today Parents, Love What Matters and Her View From Home. 

Baby George made her inaugural appearance on Mother’s Day! She’s the first child of Orange is the New Black writer Lauren Morelli and actress Samira Wiley, who currently stars in The Handmaid’s Tale.

The two-mom couple kept their pregnancy and birth under wraps and chose the holiday to make their baby announcement in a sweet Instagram post.

“Welcome to the world, babygirl. We love you and we thank you for giving us the best 1st Mother’s Day two ladies could ask for,” Wiley penned, noting that George was born Apr. 11.

Morelli shared the same photo on her feed with a caption that all new parents can relate to: “4 weeks ago today, our daughter came into the world and changed everything. We are so happy, so grateful and so tired.”

The couple has been married since 2017 and met in 2012 on the set of Orange Is the New Black, where Wiley played Poussey Washington. Morelli proposed to Wiley four years later and they tied the knot in the same location—Palm Springs, California. You couldn’t write a better script for this little family!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image credit: Kathy Hutchins /



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The haiku is an uncomplicated form of poetry that kids will take to with natural skill. This traditional Japanese verse is just three lines. All you need is to remember that and the 5-7-5 rule. Read on for the how-to.

photo: cegoh via pixabay

Here’s the basic structure of the haiku:

1st line: 5 syllables
2nd line: 7 syllables
3rd line: 5 syllables

The biggest challenge is teaching them the difference between words and syllables and helping them count it out if they need it. Kids can count on their fingers as they try and figure out the perfect way to say it with words. Here’s an example:

1st verse:
It is ice cream time (5)

2nd verse:
Serve it in a cup or cone (7)

3rd verse:
Ice cream time is here (5) 

More examples:

Ride your tricycle
It is red and has a bell
Take it to the street

Mom is tired now
But soon she will rise again
No rest for mommy

—Amber Guetebier


Poetry Crafts for Kids 

How to Write a Limerick with Your Kids

Fill-in-the-Blank Poetry Fun 

Beyond Mother Goose: Best Poets for Kids