As a new parent, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘back to sleep’ more times than you can count—an excellent reminder that infants should be placed on their backs whenever you lay them in their crib. This safe sleep guidance has been around for years and continues to be echoed by sleep experts and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which notes that babies should also be in their own sleep space with no other people, no blankets, and no added materials like stuffies. But you’ve also probably seen lots of photos of babies sleeping on their tummies all scrunched up like little roast chickens. Plus, Grandma won’t stop talking about how in her day babies slept however they wanted. So what’s a new parent to do? We spoke to Dr. Sara Siddiqui, a pediatrician at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital in New York, to find out when babies can safely sleep on their stomachs.

What are the risks of placing an infant to sleep on their stomach?

The main reason safe sleep guidelines recommend placing an infant on their back when you put them to sleep is because it reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). “Evidence suggests that when infants are placed on the stomach to sleep, decreased movements and decreased airflow cause an increase in carbon dioxide near the mouth and nose area, potentially causing respiratory suppression,” Dr. Siddiqui explains. By creating a safe sleep space and placing your baby on their back to sleep, you’re significantly reducing their risk of SIDS—knowledge that should help parents sleep better through the night, too.

Some parents think there are risks associated with back sleeping, like their little ones being more likely to choke if they spit up or to develop flat head syndrome (or plagiocephaly). But both are unfounded, according to the safe to sleep guidelines from the National Institute of Health. When babies sleep on their backs, their trachea is positioned above the esophagus, making it hard for fluids to travel against gravity and cause them to choke, whereas on their stomachs the trachea is beneath the esophagus and it’s easier for fluids to make their way to the lungs. Either way, babies very rarely choke in their sleep. Flat heads are also not a concern if your tot is doing tummy time and moving around during the day—plus, they typically resolve themselves.

What should you do if your infant rolls onto their stomach at night?

This is a tough one, because while ‘back to sleep’ is definitely best, babies will start repositioning themselves at some point—and the answer isn’t necessarily to roll them over every time it happens. If your baby has the strength and coordination to roll one way (from back to stomach), they’ll soon develop the ability to roll back over again, at which point you can confidently let them sleep in any position they like after placing them down on their back. You can reposition them if you want, but it’s okay to let them move around in their sleep. Don’t be tempted by products that claim to keep babies positioned on their backs, as they have not been proven safe and may actually increase risk.

“I do not recommend anything in the crib area including bumpers, blankets, sleep positioners, or [weighted] sleep sacks as these could lead to potential suffocation in infants,” Siddiqui says. Non-weighted sleep sacks are fine, she confirms, but any sort of weighted blanket or sleepwear poses a threat to your infant’s safety.

Should you stop swaddling your baby once they start rolling over?

Yes—once your baby is on the move, a sleep sack (or a cozy sleeper and no sleep sack) is safer than swaddling, experts agree. The Safe Sleep guidelines advise that you should stop swaddling your infant once they’re able to roll over, reminding parents that swaddling your baby doesn’t actually reduce their risk of SIDS.

Related: 8 Dos & Don’ts of Baby Sleep (So Everyone Gets More Rest)

Essentially, once an infant can roll onto their stomach, they need to be able to roll back—something they may not be able to do if restricted by a swaddle blanket. The NIH affirms Siddiqui’s view that parents should avoid weighted sleep sacks and swaddles, which have not been proven safe for use. Not only do these products restrict movement, they may restrict an infant’s ability to breathe by placing added weight on their bodies. This is particularly dangerous because infants’ rib cages are still developing in those early months, which makes it harder for them to expand their chests and breathe properly. The best sleep environment for an infant is one that’s basically empty—just your baby in a crib or bassinet, in their pajamas, with nothing else on or around them.

So, when exactly can babies sleep on their stomachs?

There’s no magic age, but most infants develop the ability to roll from their front to their back when they’re between four months and six months old (at which point the risk of SIDS drops significantly). You should still place your baby on their back at bedtime, but once they’ve reached this stage, it’s normal for them to reposition themselves throughout the night. If you’ve created a safe sleep environment that follows medical advice, you don’t need to worry about this movement. We all move in our sleep to find the comfiest position—babies included! The guidelines recommend putting your babe down on their back until their first birthday.

What other risks should be avoided?

While ‘back to sleep’ is the best-known safe sleep strategy, there are other ways parents can reduce risk. In addition to putting babies to sleep on their backs, it’s best to keep them away from secondhand smoke at all times and make sure they aren’t too warm at night, as overheating is thought to contribute to some cases of SIDS. Respiratory illnesses are another potential risk factor, so consider asking visitors if they’ve been unwell recently before letting them get close to your little one.

There are also ways to lower your child’s risk of SIDS by supporting their physical development. “Babies usually learn to roll from stomach to back, and then back to stomach as they become stronger,” Dr. Siddiqui says. “Tummy time is essential in this process.” By practicing tummy time with your baby, you’re helping them develop the core strength and coordination they need to roll safely from their stomach to their back. It’s not just about preventing a flat head—it’s also a safe sleep strategy!

And while bed-sharing isn’t recommended, room-sharing is. The Mayo Clinic suggests having your infant sleep in the same room as you, but not in the same bed, for a minimum of six months. Exclusively breastfeeding your baby (or giving them pumped breast milk) has also been linked to lower instances of SIDS—the longer you breastfeed, the lower the risk is, though the exact reason is unclear.

Sweet dreams for baby and parents

Getting your baby to sleep through the night may be a challenge, but at the end of the day, safe sleep habits are simple: place your infant on a firm, flat surface, avoid loose materials and weighted products, and always remember ‘back to sleep’ when positioning your child in their crib. If you have additional questions, Dr. Siddiqui suggests reaching out to your family doctor for answers and advice. “It’s essential to practice safe sleep practices with all infants,” she says. Talk to your child’s care provider, ask those questions, follow medical guidelines, and know that you’re doing a great job creating a safe sleep space for your baby.

There isn’t an entire book called The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding for nothing—it truly is an art. And for some of us artists, myself included, it just doesn’t come as naturally as we’d hoped. There are so many things I didn’t know before I started breastfeeding, from the cracked nipples to the awkwardness of doing it in public, but I was especially unaware that there are so many different breast and chestfeeding positions, not to mention the fact that you can pick and choose based on your unique needs.

Whether your breasts are large, you have twins, your baby won’t latch (same here), or you’re just really freaking tired (which you will be), rest assured that there’s a position for that. When feeds don’t go smoothly, or even when they do, it can be super empowering as a new parent to have a full menu of the best breastfeeding positions to pull from and know exactly how to maneuver them—and we’d bet you haven’t heard of a few of these. So stick with us. We’ve asked two lactation experts to explain how each position works and which to use for specific situations that may come up during your bodyfeeding journey.

The best breastfeeding positions start with a solid latch

Both experts agree that there’s no one-size-fits-all position when it comes to breastfeeding. Amy Peterson, IBCLC, a lactation consultant for Evenflo, says that while it can take great patience to get nursing going smoothly, the best breastfeeding position is one where the baby can latch effectively, the milk transfers well, and everyone is comfortable.

To get your baby latched and eating, the basic steps involve positioning yourself comfortably, positioning your baby close to you, supporting your breast, and attaching your baby to your breast, according to La Leche League International. Baby can be resting on a nursing pillow (a C-shaped pillow that often fastens around the parent’s waist), a regular pillow, or no pillow at all, depending on what works best for you. When attaching them, you want to start with their nose lined up to your nipple, then touch their chin to the lower part of your nipple, let them open their mouths, and pull them onto your nipple (it should be aimed at the roof of their mouth) with your hand forming a “second neck” to support them. Always be sure to bring the baby to your nipple height rather than leaning over them to avoid back and neck aches or sore nipples.

While the steps for getting into your breastfeeding position are pretty set, how you choose to hold your baby while nursing is totally up to you—and there are plenty of great options to try, practice, and perfect. The cradle hold is one of the most popular positions because parents so naturally hold their babies this way, says Molly Petersen, a certified lactation counselor with Lansinoh, but did you know you can nurse your baby like a koala, too? Petersen urges new parents to experiment and explore a number of styles that offer different benefits. Here are some of the best breastfeeding positions to try, from the tried and true to ones that probably aren’t on your radar.

First, the classics…

Cradle hold breastfeeding position

“The cradle hold is often very popular with new moms, as it is how we most often hold new babies and most people are comfortable with it,” Petersen says. “It works for all different breast sizes, and makes it easier to see if your baby is getting a good latch.”

Using a nursing pillow or regular pillow to support your baby, have them lie on their side facing your body with their hip and mouth level to your nipple. Baby’s head should be resting on your forearm with your inner arm and palm supporting their back and bum. To help your infant latch, try a “U” hold” or a “C” hold—meaning you can use your hand to support your breast underneath to make a U shape or hold it from the side like the letter C.

Cross-cradle hold breastfeeding position

For smaller newborns and preemies, or babies who aren’t yet experienced eaters, this position is a great choice because it provides ample support. Baby’s position is similar to the cradle hold, tummy to tummy across the width of your body, but they’re nursing on the breast opposite the arm you’re using to support them. So rather than supporting their head in the crook of your arm, you hold their lower body and bum in the crook of your arm and support their neck with your fingers (and your palm resting in between their shoulder blades). It’s helpful to have a comfy chair with armrests to support your elbows.

Football hold breastfeeding position

If you have twins and want to tandem breastfeed or are recovering from a c-section, you’ll want to get acquainted with the football hold. The only drawback, according to Peterson, is that you can’t see the baby’s bottom lip to evaluate the latch, so if you’re new to nursing or have had issues with latching you may want to have your partner, a friend, or a family member take a closer look while you’re feeding.

For this hold, find somewhere where you’re comfortable, supported, and upright, like a large chair or sitting against your headboard, Petersen explains. “Place a pillow on the side you will be feeding from or, if feeding twins, on both sides. Lay your baby on top of the pillow with their feet tucked between your elbow and your side and their head pointing toward your feet.” Just make sure the pillow is high enough to bring baby’s head to breast height so you aren’t hunching over. To support their head, use the arm on the same side they are lying to cradle their neck in your palm with your pinky and thumb curving towards their ears, Petersen says. Ensure that baby is tucked tightly next to your body and isn’t putting pressure on your tummy, adds Peterson.

…And the ones you probably don’t know about but should

Laid-back breastfeeding position

“Laid-back feeding has you sit in a reclined position supported by pillows, and your baby lays on your stomach with their head resting next to your breast,” says Petersen. “This position can be great for moms with a forceful let-down, as it allows the baby to better regulate milk flow.” The laid-back breastfeeding position is intuitive and comfortable, according to Peterson, which is why it’s so popular.

It also offers a number of benefits. “Laid-back positioning uses gravity to promote baby’s reflexes to kick in and help with latching,” she says. “It also takes advantage of gravity—baby is fully supported on mom’s body.” It can also be a form of tummy time for older babies who hold their necks up for part of the feed. Best of all, if your babe is suffering from a gassy tummy, this position can help offer some relief.

Related: Breastfeeding Essentials for Nursing Your Baby

Side-lying breastfeeding position

“Side-lying is a great position for babies who seem to pull away from the breast,” Peterson says. “It is also just an all-around relaxing position worth mastering.” If you’ve had a c-section, have larger breasts, or are doing nighttime feeds, the side-lying breastfeeding position may be the one for you, according to Petersen. This sometimes underutilized option is also just goals in general because you get to lie down, and honestly, that’s the dream when you have a baby.

So how do you do it? “In a side-lying position, you lay on your side with your head supported by a pillow,” Petersen explains. “Place your baby on their side facing you with their mouth lined up with your nipple.” You can then pull your bottom arm up under your pillow or head, whatever is most comfortable, and if you’re worried about your little one rolling away you can put a pillow or rolled-up towel behind their back. We have a feeling this will become a fast favorite.

Related: What If Breastfeeding Gear Was Actually Cool

Koala breastfeeding position

The koala breastfeeding position is a bit more acrobatic, but Peterson says just think of it like you’re sitting your baby up on a table. “Baby’s legs straddle mom’s thigh, and mom supports the baby for an upright feed. This can be beneficial if there are some oral motor weaknesses or oversupply issues,” she says. Petersen adds that “if your baby is smaller you can also use a small pillow or rolled-up towel on top of your leg to boost them higher and bring their mouth in line with your nipple.”

Koala is a great position for babies with reflux or chronic ear infections and parents with a forceful let-down because it better allows baby to control the flow of milk and the pace of the feed.

A cheat sheet for the best breastfeeding positions for any parent and baby

If you’re looking for the best breastfeeding positions for specific scenarios, here’s a list of common concerns and the nursing options to help you handle them.

Breastfeeding Positions for Newborns

With so much uncertainty in the newborn stage and while still trying to perfect that latch, it’s nice to lean on positions that feel extra secure for everyone. These positions provide a lot of support and optimal positioning to make it easy for your baby to latch.

  • Cradle Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Cross-Cradle Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Football Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position

Breastfeeding Positions for Reflux

If your baby has reflux you’re probably dealing with a lot of spit up. To reduce pressure in their tummy and for the milk to work with gravity instead of against it, breastfeeding positions where they’re sitting up with their head above their waist can help immensely.

  • Koala Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position

Positions for Breastfeeding Twins

Twins require some maneuvering where breastfeeding is concerned. If you’re feeding them in tandem, you need positions where they can fit on either side of you comfortably or be laid on top of one another in a parallel position. You can do one position at a time, or combine two (e.g. simultaneously using the football hold for one and cradle hold for the other).

  • Football Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Parallel Cradle Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position

Breastfeeding Positions for Gas

Similar to reflux, to help your gassy baby it’s best to keep their head above their waist. In feeding them while basically sitting up, there’s less potential for extra air to build up in their tummies.

  • Koala Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position
woman breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Positions After C-Section

These positions are all about comfort for parents while they heal after having major surgery, which means keeping babies away from their incision.

  • Football Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Side-Lying Breastfeeding Position

Breastfeeding Positions for Large Breasts

Those with large breasts may have a hard time breastfeeding because of visibility issues (not being able to see how the baby is latching) and a sore neck and back from certain breastfeeding positions.

  • Side-Lying Breastfeeding Position
  • Cradle Hold Breastfeeding Position
  • Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position

Picking the best breastfeeding position is super personal and will probably include some trial and error. If you’re having issues latching or finding the best position for you and your baby, you can always reach out to an IBCLC lactation consultant in your area to help with your journey.

Once baby is fed and happy, make sure to capture all their firsts—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Discover new favorites with these Black-owned online businesses that sell must-have items for pregnant women, new moms, babies, and toddlers. From pregnancy necessities and breastfeeding support to baby clothes, books, and toys, these companies were built with quality and representation in mind. If you’re heading to a baby shower soon, this list has lots of great options for both mom and baby.

Lucy Lue Organics
Made with premium organic cotton, these stylish, solid-colored baby essentials are made to last from season to season, and to be handed down. Check out the timeless bodysuits, bloomers, rompers, pants, tops, hats and more.

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Sun & Lace
Each of these adorable moccs, boots, oxfords, mary janes, and bella janes (their signature style) are handcrafted by owner Briana in her Wisconsin studio. These are heirloom-quality shoes in neutral colors with sweet and stylish details.

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Kammy Kids
This is the place to find graphic bodysuits and t-shirts with sayings you’ll love: “little love,” “best friend,” “new to the crew,” “big bro” and our favorite, “milk’n it.” These will take your Insta photos to a whole new level.

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These breast milk bags just changed the pumping game. They’re made from 100% food-grade silicone, they’re reusable, and they’re safe for the dishwasher, microwave, freezer or oven. With milk bags, boxes, jars and cups, they have everything you need to store your liquid gold.

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What Little Wonder
Dress up your nursery with these modern and bohemian knit blankets, perfect for tummy time, cuddles, naps, and reading. Also great for staying warm during stroller walks.

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Yinibini Baby
We especially love the cute designs that are hand-screen-printed on organic cotton onesies. In addition to baby clothes, Soyini George’s shop also sells bibs, books, toys, teethers and more.

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Happy Mango
Get baby gear, nursery necessities, toys, clothes, and everything you need for bathing and feeding. The Black-owned business sells top brands and offers a baby registry you can fill with items on your wishlist.

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Tippy Tot Shoes
A great spot to buy luxury shoes for your favorite babies, from crib shoes to walking shoes. Search the stylish selection of classic, vintage, and retro styles for timeless kicks you’ll love.

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Coco’Pie Clothing
Celebrate black girl beauty with these cute clothes, pillows, and accessories for babies and young girls. The website also sells natural hair care to keep those gorgeous locks healthy and nourished.

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KaAn’s Designs
The Greens family owns this parenting lifestyle brand of tees and accessories for kids and the whole family. Check it out for cool sayings, holiday collections, and matching outfits for siblings, mommy & me, daddy & me, and more.

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Shop by age for clothing, books, toys, activities and more at this family-owned shop based in Chicago. Run by married creatives Doug and Keewa, he designs prints for shirts while she drives the vision and curates the shop.

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Miles and Milan
Minimalist yet fashion-thoughtful is the aesthetic of Shennel Fuller’s shop of clothing basics and fashion pieces. The casual joggers, hoodies, tees, and sweatshirts come in solids and simple designs. One cute bodysuit made Oprah’s Favorite Things list.

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The Rooted Baby Co.
“Rooted in love. Rooted in culture” is the mantra behind this online shop celebrating the founders’ Ghanaian background. The baby items are designed with authentic African print fabric or are inspired by the Ghanaian people. Find bows, swaddles, gift boxes and more.

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Ade + Ayo
Enjoy the beauty of African design with these baby and toddler clothes, accessories and toys. Founder Temidayo Adedokun designs and curates the collection of beautiful and practical items.

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We love these stylish clothing essentials for kids. The mix-and-match solids and stripes are the epitome of casual cool and built for playtime.

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Brave + Kind Bookshop
Shop for inclusive board books, picture books, chapter books and cool toys and accessories. The book bundles takes the guesswork out of shopping for gifts.

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The colorful designs on these diapers feature super cute babies who are Black, Brown, Asian American and Pacific Islanders. In addition to being adorable, they’re absorbent and made with plant-based ingredients. Available in newborn to size 4.

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Stina & Mae
Founded by new mom Mishell Ekunsirinde when she couldn’t find a changing mat she liked, Stina & Mae sells organic, high-quality products for modern mamas and babies, including mats, snuggle blankets, nursing pads, bibs, burp cloths and cotton wipes. Buy items individually or choose a beautiful gift box curated with eco-friendly baby essentials.

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Cozy n Cute Kids Boutique
The kids’ clothes at the Cozy N Cute Kids Boutique are cute, comfortable, and always on trend. You’ll find cool sayings, sweet ruffles and fun prints you and your child will love. This online kids clothing store was founded by Priscilla Wesson, a Black mom with two daughters from Long Island, NY. She launched her online shop in June 2020 and focuses on practical everyday styles for young kids, with affordable prices, great deals and top-notch customer service.

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Milky Mama
Milky Mama was created by Krystal Nicole Duhaney, a registered nurse, board-certified lactation consultant and breastfeeding mother of two. She began her business making lactation cookies and has branched out into brownies, iced tea, lemonade, smoothie mix and herbal supplements, all to help women maintain their milk supply. The website also offers breastfeeding support from a team of lactation consultants, doula services and a Moms at Work Program to assist corporations in supporting breastfeeding employees in the workplace.

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Pretty Please Teethers
When mom Kelli had trouble finding safe, stylish, natural handmade items for her babies, she decided to make and sell her own. Her teethers, pacifiers, pacifier clips, rattles, bibs and snack cups are functional and beautiful with minimalist flair, in soft and stylish colors. All of the products are handmade and designed in Utah and made from food-grade silicone and natural beechwood.

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Mila Christina
The beautiful and durable cashmere (yes, cashmere!) baby bodysuits from Mila Christina help regulate body temperature and are soft on baby’s sensitive skin. These gorgeous turtleneck bodysuits come in soft, classic colors and have buttons at the bottom and up the turtleneck for easy on and off. Founder and creative director Ollia Njibaloh created the bodysuits to keep her own daughter warm and comfortable.

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Healthy Roots Dolls
Show your love for curly girls with a Zoe doll from Healthy Roots Dolls. The company’s first doll, Zoe is 18 inches tall with a soft cloth body torso and vinyl limbs. Best of all, her gorgeous dark, curly hair is washable and styleable! Leave her hair down or put it in braids, puffs and other beautiful styles. Founder Yelitsa Jean-Charles was inspired to create more diverse toys while studying illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. With a grant from Brown University and support from Kickstarter backers and other groups, she made her dream come true, and now creates dolls like Zoe that make lots of little girls’ dreams come true.

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The Stork Bag
We love this pregnancy gift created by Ericka N. Perry for bringing a smile to mamas: Pregnant women receive a cute, reusable bag full of useful products handpicked by moms, geared toward the trimester, postpartum, or to moms expecting a rainbow baby after a pregnancy loss. The company also sells pregnancy journals, baby products, body products, and more.

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King + Lola Kids 
Jasmine Walker started her kids fashion business while pregnant with her second child and completing her MBA degree. King + Lola sells children’s clothing and accessories, including eco-friendly and upcycled items. The products are all made in the USA with fabrics from around the world. The company gives back to charities and nonprofit organizations.

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Little Muffincakes Baby Boutique
From blankets and bibs to burp cloths and bodysuits, the products from Little Muffincakes Baby Boutique are adorned with sweet images of Black kids at play. Through relatable imagery and high-quality products, they aim to promote self-acceptance and self-esteem.

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The mother-daughter duo behind HarperIman dolls are committed to designing dolls of color that reinforce to children of color how important, smart, talented, creative and beautiful they are. Choose from keepsake dolls, baby dolls, tea party dolls, more to love dolls, or order a custom doll, when available.

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Families are so spread out these days that many of us have to get by with a little help from our friends—and our apps (it is the 21st century, after all). But with so. many. options out there it’s hard to know which are the best apps for moms and dads to help make our lives a little easier.

For new parents bringing home their first baby, it’s wildly overwhelming to know how to track feeding schedules, diaper changes, sleep schedules, and milestones (that notebook you were using at the hospital isn’t going to cut it—something I learned at our first pediatrician’s appointment when I couldn’t read my own exhausted handwriting). As your baby gets older, you’ll need to know where all the good playgrounds are, how to create the cutest photo books, and somehow find play inspo for your kid’s ever-changing age and stage. And let’s not forget that moms need to find mom friends to add to their village; there’s an app for that, too.

They say necessity is the mother of invention, and this list proves it. Here are 10 family apps that parents are using right now to make their lives easier.

Sharing photos and making baby books: Tinybeans

Tinybeans photo sharing app is one of the best apps for moms

Some families have cities, countries, or even oceans between them and it’s a struggle to stay connected. If you’re looking for a secure way to share photos and videos of your littles with family and friends, look no further than, well, us! Not only does Tinybeans let you capture and share memories without any of the safety concerns of social media, but it’s also a handy milestone tracker and source of parental ideas and inspiration. You can grab your best posts and easily create beautiful photo books directly through the app. And don’t worry, Tinybeans prompts you to post if you aren’t a natural sharer, so we’ll keep those eager relatives off your back.

Cost: Free or paid (Tinybeans+: $74.99 per year or $7.99 per month) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Baby milestone tracking: The Wonder Weeks

Screenshots of the Wonder Weeks, one of the best apps for moms
The Wonder Weeks

Wondering why your happy babe is unusually grumpy or has suddenly become a stage-5 clinger? Enter The Wonder Weeks app, based on the popular book by the same name. What your baby is probably experiencing is called a “leap”—a period of rapid developmental gains that can throw your little one for a loop (there are 8 of these in baby’s first year). The Wonder Weeks app gives you peace of mind and information on how to best support your kid during these developmental leaps. All you have to do is tell the app your child’s birthday, and you’ll receive alerts prior to each leap and advice on how to handle them.

Cost: $5.99 on Apple App Store and $6.49 on Google Play

Feeding: Solid Starts

Screenshots of Solid Starts, one of the best apps for moms
Solid Starts

Starting solids is a game changer—a new activity to add to your routine, those adorable scrunched-up faces when baby tries new foods, and getting to drop a few of those breast or bottle feeds (bless!). But there are also so many questions when it comes to nutrition, safety, and which foods your baby should have based on their age. Solid Starts makes this entire process much easier for parents who are interested in baby-led weaning, putting everything you need to know about starting solids right at your fingertips. This includes information about more than 200 foods, including how to prepare them based on age and which are potential allergens, which you can access in the free version. If you pay, you can also keep a food log that records your baby’s progress, make lists, document reactions and sensitivities, and access a searchable database with more than 300 recipes.

Cost: $1.99 per month or $9.99 per year on the Apple App Store and Google Play

Sleep schedule: Huckleberry Baby

Screenshots of Huckleberry Baby, one of the best apps for moms
Huckleberry Baby

Your friends with kids have probably prepared you for how much time you’ll spend obsessing over your baby’s sleep. From wake windows to sleep cues and, later, sleep training, there’s so much to think about. Enter Huckleberry Baby, which takes the guesswork out of your baby’s sleepy time to help tired parents everywhere get more Zzz’s. The free version tracks your kid’s sleep and eating sessions, but parents who need more support can pay for Huckleberry experts to customize a unique sleep plan for each and every family. There’s no generic advice and no crying it out, per the app website. It helps you discover your “child’s natural rhythm” and takes the guesswork out of creating a sleep schedule that works for everyone involved, from newborns through three years old. No wonder it’s got thousands of 5-star ratings.

Cost: Free or paid (Huckleberry Plus: $9.99 per month or $58.99 per year and Huckleberry Premium: $14.99 per month or $119.99 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play


Family organizer: Cozi

Screenshots of Cozi Family Organizer, one of the best apps for moms
Cozi Family Organizer

Choir practices and baseball games and gymnastics… oh my. If you’ve entered your glorified chauffeur era, you know how crucial it is to track where every kid needs to be whenever they’re not at school. And most importantly, all drivers, I mean parents, have to be on the same page. Cozi takes the guesswork out of family organization by offering a way to track the whole family’s activities in one place. Family members are color-coded so they know who needs to be where at a glance, and you can share the grocery list, to-do list, meal plan, and more—so it all doesn’t fall on one person (we know who that would be).

Cost: Free or paid (Cozi Gold: $19.99 – $39 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Meeting other moms: Peanut

Screenshots of Peanut, one of the best apps for moms

Those long, monotonous days of early motherhood can feel so lonely and the best salve is meeting other moms who are going through the same things you are. While some parents are able to wing it and make friends at the museum or the playground, others need a little help. Peanut is basically like Tinder for moms looking to make friends. You can search for your future bestie based on age, location, where they’re at in their parenting journey, and more. The app’s groups and communities let you build relationships with other parents who share your interests. And if you need a little mom advice this is an alternative to your Facebook moms group, which we know can be a tad…dramatic at times.

Cost: Free and paid (Premium features from $3.99 to $79.99) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Groceries and meal planning: Plan to Eat

Screenshots of Plan to Eat, one of the best apps for moms
Plan to Eat

When you have the Plan to Eat app, you’ll at least spend less time staring aimlessly into an empty refrigerator wondering what in the world you’re going to cook for dinner. This app is a quick and easy way to plan your grocery trips and meals for the week. You can choose and upload recipes from anywhere on the web and a shopping list is automatically created for you in the app with items sorted by store and aisle. You can also categorize all your recipes any way you want and you won’t be stuck searching Pinterest or your old handwritten recipe cards ever again.

Cost: Free or paid ($5.95 per month or $49 per year) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Music and audiobooks: Spotify

Screenshots of Spotify, one of the best apps for moms

The Spotify app is a lifesaver that the whole family can enjoy, from impromptu dance parties and keeping kids occupied in the car to podcasts and audiobooks for everyone. Ever tried doing storytime without even picking up a book? On particularly exhausted nights, Spotify’s storytime podcasts do the trick—or you can search audiobooks from Dr. Seuss, Peppa Pig, Robert Munsch, and more. And oh the playlists you’ll make: a “bedtime playlist,” a “car playlist,” or, if you’re like my 5-year-old, a “Super Mario Brothers” playlist that features every Mario song known to man. The only downside of using Spotify to curate your favorite kid’s music is that it will kill your Spotify Wrapped, the app’s wildly popular and personalized year-end review. My most-liked song of last year was “Poopy Bum Bum.” You’ve been warned.

Cost: Free or paid ($16.99 per month for a premium family plan) on Apple App Store and Google Play

Play and activities: BabySparks

Screenshots of Babysparks, one of the best apps for moms

Sure your baby can very briefly entertain themselves by looking at shiny things, dangling toys, or just enjoying some tummy time, but if you’re looking to take your play to the next level and stimulate some brain development—or you’re flat out of ideas for how to play with your babe—the BabySparks app is a great place to start. The app features thousands of personalized activities and milestones for littles from infancy to three years old and a slew of virtual and on-demand parenting classes that cover nutrition, potty training, and discipline, plus 450 new articles added to the app every week. That’s a whole lot of info at your fingertips.

Cost: For 0-12 months, a one-time purchase of $7.99. Basic subscription is $4.99 per month or $29.99 per year and premium subscription is $19.99 per month or $119.99 per year on Apple App Store and Google Play

Tracking diapers, feeding schedules, and more: Baby Connect

Screenshots of Baby Connect, one of the best apps for moms
Baby Connect

Baby Connect is the ultimate tracking app for all the tired newborn parents looking to monitor their babies’ feeding times and amounts, diapers, naps, bedtime, milestones, and more. You can review stats by the day, week, or even since birth if you need to, and then share the data with your partner and nanny. The best part? Say goodbye to the dreadful task of explaining everything you just did to someone else before you can take that much-needed break.

Cost: $4.99 per month or $119.99 per year for the family plan on Apple App Store and $6.99 to $164.99 on Google Play

Finding the best parks: Playground Buddy

Screenshots of Playground Buddy, one of the best apps for moms
Playground Buddy

Once your baby is old enough to enjoy going to the park (and you’re ready to get out of the house more often) the Playground Buddy app is an invaluable resource that grows with your family. Perfect for toddlers and elementary-aged kids, this app provides a map of all the closest playgrounds, plus photos so you can see what they look like and what types of equipment they have (look out for baby swings!). You can also share the playground with others when planning playdates, even if they don’t have the app. You’ll have access to an encyclopedia of 400,000 playgrounds in 170 countries right in your pocket.

Cost: Free on Apple App Store and Google Play

Who says safety and style can’t be BFFs? Not us. These foam play mats prove that baby-proofing and cute home decor can totally go hand in hand. These mats are the perfect canvas for tying the room together and lowering your stress levels when it comes to keeping your minis on cushy ground. From charming florals to on-trend geo prints, these foam play mats are easy to keep set up even after the kiddos have gone to bed. Plus, beneath all the “okay, that’s super cute” sentiments is a layer of padding that helps babes bounce back from bumps and bruises a lot faster.

These foam play mats are the superheroes of convenience. Need a play area in the living room? Set up your play mat and add a few toys and you’re set. Planning a picnic in the park? Boom. Just roll your mat up, toss it in your trunk, and don’t forget the Goldfish Crackers. And here’s the best part: these mats are so easy to clean that even the messiest of messes won’t stand a chance. A quick wipe, an occasional spot treatment. Super easy. Maybe it sounds a. little dramatic, but these foam play mats really are a solid investment.

Totter + Tumble

Totter Tumble

You have several gorgeous, sophisticated patterns to choose from with Totter + Tumble play mats, and each reversible mat has two subtle, stylish prints to choose between. Certified for newborns on up, your child will love the soft 1/2-inch-thick memory foam that provides gentle support. These antibacterial mats are easy to care for; just wipe them down with a cloth and cleaning solution to keep them at their best. Your child will be playing on this mat for years to come, and during naptime, you can steal it for yoga and pilates sessions.

Totter + Tumble Play Mats (Starting at $110.00)—Buy Here!



Featuring a beautiful leaf shape design and three dreamy colors, this play mat will add a touch of nature to any space (including your living room!). The thick padding makes it comfortable and safe play area for your babe, while the double sided design allows for endless possibilities.

Jabaloo Thick Sherpa Cotton Baby Play Mat ($79.99)—Buy Here!



Double-sided with two tasteful prints, these generously sized mats (78x55 inches) are designed for the whole family to enjoy. Babies can use them for tummy time, crawling and rolling, while older kids can practice gymnastics and martial arts. The waterproof surface also makes it a great spot to get messy. Adults, and all ages, can use the mat for yoga, meditation and other workouts, so this is a room addition you'll love for years to come.

Cushmat (Starting at $179.95)—Buy Here!



These hand-illustrated and painted foam floor mats come in a soothing pattern and stylish colors. Made of non-toxic EVA foam and just under a half-inch thick, they wipe clean with a dry cloth and come in a 4 ft x 6 ft set consisting of 6 tiles and 12 edges, so you can customize the right size for your space.

Famokids Play Mat (Starting at $89.00)—Buy Here!



This handcrafted cushioned mat looks great in your home and folds in half with handles for easy transporting to different rooms, the park or grandpa's house. It's made from natural latex foam, which is breathable and resists mold, mildew and dust, and is covered in a removable, machine-washable cotton fabric. There's also a pocket for baby essentials. The mat measures 33 inches across and one inch thick and comes in soft neutral colors to complement any decor.

Hugomat (Starting at $220.00)—Buy Here!

Comfort Design Mats

Comfort Design Mats

With ultra soft padding (no bruised knees here!), Comfort Design Mats are a must buy. Each modern mat is ½ inch thick and made up of waterproof foam that’s hypoallergenic, BPA-free and non-toxic. Each mat is easy to wipe down and measures about 78” x 55”, so think of it more like a rug than the typical petite play mat you may be used to. It’s so comfortable and versatile you can even use it for yoga or exercise. Good to know: Because of the mat’s size, they do not fold up easily, so you won’t be putting this away once playtime is over.

Comfort Design Mats ($184.95)—Buy Here!



Made of bonded leather material, Gathre play mats are winning over design-savvy parents everywhere. Both beautiful and functional, the mats can be used at home, outside (think of the mat like a beach towel or picnic blanket) or even hung up on the wall as a piece of art. Gathre mats are waterproof, compact and free of toxins, PVC and phthalates. Pro tip: If you love the look of a Gathre Playmat but want something a bit thicker to soften falls, place it over a rug.

Gathre Play Mat (Starting at $89.00)—Buy Here!

House of Noa

House of Noa

These play mats are so gorgeous you could use them in both your baby's nursery and your kitchen for padding while you cook and clean. They're available in seven sizes, too. The mats were illustrated and designed by professional artist Sophia Vincent-Guy and are premium quality, non-toxic EVA foam that's just under a half-inch thick.

House of Noa Play Mat (Starting at $129.00)—Buy Here!

Toki Mats

Toki Mats

With play mat covers that are interchangeable and machine-washable, you’ll never grow tired of looking at your Toki Mat. Made of foam from the sap tree, each Toki Mat is soft enough to serve as your family’s meet-up spot for tummy time, cuddles, first steps and first falls. Toki Mats are foldable, so when not in use, you can stash it away.

Toki Play Mats (Starting at $185.00)—Buy Here!

Ruggish Play Mat


Ruggish Play Mats feature the look of a rug with the feel and functionality of a play mat. On one side you’ll find a cool geometric design; turn it over and you’re greeted with an interactive play mat that encourages imaginary play. Ruggish mats are ½-inch thick and are waterproof, non-toxic, easy to wipe down and provide more cushion than your typical foam tiles.

Ruggish Play Mat ($199.00)—Buy Here!

Make sure to capture all the playful moments—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.

If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.

All images courtesy of retailers.

Keep baby cool and entertained this summer with sweet outdoor water play ideas they’ll love

When it comes to water play with babies, it’s easy to fall back on tub time. What’s not to love about bubble parties, paint parties, and letting your little one play with their favorite bath toys in a totally contained environment? It’s an easy way to keep kids cool (and clean) on a hot summer day. But it’s time to think outside the tub and leave the house for some creative outdoor water play with your little fish. Whether your child is scooting, crawling, cruising, or still working on tummy time, there are activities in this guide for them to enjoy. Just remember, splashing (and parental supervision) are required.

Water Painting

No Time for Flash Cards

Kids painting with no mess? Yes, please! Fill a tray with water, grab some brushes and sponges, and put your budding artist to work painting deck boards, rocks, driveway, or walls. Allison at No Time for Flash Cards suggests introducing different painting tools when attention starts to drift. Head over to her blog for more playtime tips.

DIY Car Wash

Design Mom

Upgrade from sprinklers by taking your little one through their very own car wash. Perfect for early walkers, they’ll love pushing their favorite “vehicle” through the water. Plus, you’re guaranteed some adorable photo ops. Visit Design Mom for a list of materials and assembly instructions.

Tummy Time with Water

Messy Motherhood

A little water transforms tummy time into a full-body sensory experience. Expect lots of giggles as your little one moves the water around and discovers the cause and effect of splashing. Check out how the resourceful mom over at Messy Motherhood set up this splash-tastic activity with items from around the house.

Giant Frog Pond

Asia Citro via Fun at Home with Kids

This giant frog pond provided hours of excitement for the tiny tadpoles over at Fun at Home with Kids. Hop over to the blog for instructions and sources for creating your own pond world.

Five Little Ducks Sensory Tub

The Imagination Tree

Attention, mama ducks! By adding an aquatic element to the classic children’s story, even the littlest ducklings will love taking the rubber ducks in and out of the bucket or tub as you sing the song. It’s a great way to work on numbers, counting, and music. Set the scene with instructions from The Imagination Tree.

Kiddie Pool Play

Learn Play Imagine

Your little one will have a ball splashing around in a kiddie pool filled with vibrantly colored plastic balls. Allison at Learn Play Imagine set up the pool for her 13-month-old twins, who loved—you guessed it—tossing the balls out onto the grass.

Baby Waterbed

Meri Cherry

A mini version of the popular water blob, these colorful “waterbeds” are perfectly sized for baby play. Great alone or when filled with bouncy balls and other objects, your little one will love pushing the water around inside. Visit Meri Cherry to learn how to make your own.

Water Scooping

Tinker Lab

Just water, a bucket, and colorful scooping tools can keep baby busy for a good long while. Using measuring cups, they'll practice how to pour, empty, and fill and will be captivated from start to finish. Get tips for play from Tinker Lab.

Tray Play

The Imagination Tree

Does your baby like water? Do you have a high chair or a baby plate with a suctioned bottom? Then you have everything it takes to try this. Babies will splash, trickle, pour, and go wild with just a little bit of water. Add a blast of color using food coloring to keep things interesting. Find out more from The Imagination Tree.

Gelatin Bath

Growing a Jeweled Rose

When you put blue Jell-O in the bathtub (try four boxes' worth, spread evenly on the bathtub floor), you get an awesome ocean adventure. Add plastic fish, boats, and duckies to keep with the theme. Learn more from the master of creative play at Fantastic Fun and Learning.

Bowls of Bubbles

The Imagination Tree

Sometimes the best toys are right in your kitchen cabinet. Anna at The Imagination Tree grabbed some measuring cups, plastic bowls, and dish soap and headed outside with her child for some bubbly fun. Her little one loved transferring the sudsy water from one container to another.

Cubes on a String

Dukes & Duchesses

Are you familiar with soap on a rope? Make an ice cube version of it by placing a piece of yarn throughout your ice cube tray and freezing colored cubes of water. The coolest part? The ice cubes, being attached, won’t slip away from your baby. Get the details from Dukes & Duchesses.

Rainbow Bath

Growing a Jeweled Rose

Babies love color and bubbles so why not combine the two? The blogger mama at Growing A Jeweled Rose throws food coloring and bubble bath in the sink for some rainbow water play.

Small Bowl, Big Fun

Childhood 101

A plastic bowl and a few baby-safe items are great for water play. Just a little bit of water is all you'll need, along with a few simple items such as large smooth rocks, spoons, and cups. This activity guarantees a wet baby so it's best on warm, sunny days. For more on this simple but effective experience, check out Childhood 101.

Baby-Safe Water Beads

Fun at Home with Kids

Water beads for baby? Yes, provided you make these mini, edible water beads. Follow this tutorial from Asia at Fun At Home with Kids. With just basil seeds, food coloring, and water, you’ll be on your way.

A Simple Sprinkler

MI PHAM via Unsplash

One of the easiest ways to let wee ones get some water action is turning on a sprinkler in the yard, set on low, of course. Any sprinkler head will do the job, but a kid-friendly one will add a little something extra to playtime.

Additional reporting by Gabby Cullen

You waited 9 months and baby is finally here. And even though you’re ready to have fun with that little bundle, baby—not so much (especially during those first few months). But in between the diaper changes, naps, and feedings, you and your little one can find time to play simple games that benefit baby’s development. Playing helps babies learn about the world and develop new motor skills and social skills. The key is knowing at what age they’re ready for baby games like peekaboo and blowing bubbles. Here’s an age-by-age guide for the best games to play with babies at different times during their first year.

Games for Babies: 0-3 Months

two moms play peek a boo, games for babies, with a newborn on a bed

1. Imitation Game

Your face is your baby’s favorite thing to look at. Keep it about a foot away from your newborn so they see you properly, and then stick out your tongue or form an O with your mouth. Before you know it, baby will copy you. Bonus points for making silly noises to go along with your expressions.

2. Singing

Newborns might not be able to see you from across the room, but they can hear you, and they recognize (and love) your voice. Sing a lullaby or “Wheels on the Bus,” belt out your favorite song or commercial jingle, or make up a song about your daily activities. It doesn’t matter if you’re out of tune, your voice gives your baby comfort and joy.

3. Flashcards

While even the smartest newborn nerd isn’t ready for math or reading flashcards yet, simple images from cards or books get their attention. Black and white images, simple patterns and bright colors are easiest for them to see at this age. They also love images of other babies. All you have to do is hold up the card, point at the picture, and talk about the image. Or put it down in front of them to explore during tummy time.

4. Hanging Toys

Your little one might not be reaching out for toys yet, but looking at them is one of their favorite baby games. Hang a mobile above the crib or find an activity gym with hanging toys and lay baby on their back to enjoy. Baby-safe mirrors are great, too. Babies won’t know it’s their face, but that won’t dampen their enthusiasm for staring at it or reaching out for it.

5. Repetitive Routine

While the endless cycle of eating, burping, sleeping, diapers and baths may not be thrilling for you, it’s your baby’s whole world. Add some fun to the routine by singing a song during bath time, dancing after a diaper change, or stopping to look at framed photos of family members. Whatever you do, the key is doing it consistently.

Related: Baby Games: 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Amuse Your Baby

Games for Babies: 4-6 Months

two dads hold a baby in the bed playing games

6. Interactive Stories

Your little one is a bit more responsive at this age. Change up those simple newborn activities for slightly more interactive baby games. This is a great time to introduce games like “This Little Piggy.” They don’t require independent movement from baby, but kids find the story super fun.

7. Moving Tummy Time

Put tummy time in motion to mix things up. Once your baby has pretty good head control, lay them on their stomach on a small blanket. Then slowly pull them around the room. Make motor or train noises for even more silly fun.

8. Blowing Bubbles

You don’t need to wait until baby’s old enough to chase after bubbles to introduce then. At this age, babies are starting to see better, so they will be fascinated with the moving rainbows of bubbles. Blow the bubbles near them but not directly at them to keep the soap out of their eyes.

9. Echo Noises

When your baby makes a happy noise, make one back. If they blow bubbles with their lips, blow some back. You’ll get big smiles real quick from this imitation game.

10. How Big Is Baby?

It’s amazing how fast those early months fly by. Your six-month-old will seem huge in comparison with how little they were just a few months ago, making the classic “How Big Is Baby?” game all the more poignant. To play, hold baby’s hands and ask in a sweet voice, “How big is baby?” Then put their hands up over their head and say, “This big!” Mix it up by replacing “big” with different adjectives smart, sweet, etc.

Games for Babies: 7-9 Months

a dad kisses his baby on the forehead, baby sitting on the counter, playing games for babies

11. Patty Cake

You don’t need to retire those songs from the newborn stage, but continue to up the game with tunes that have motions and finger play to go along with them. Start by showing the motions to songs like “Patty Cake,” “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and “Wheels on the Bus.” You can also help babies do the motions with their hands.

12. Peekaboo

By now your baby is beginning to have an understanding of object permanence, knowing that when things are out of sight, they aren’t gone forever. If your little one hasn’t already discovered the joy that is peekaboo, this is the perfect time to try it out. Hide your face behind your hands, hide baby’s face behind your hands, or pop out from behind a door or curtain. You can also hide or partially hide objects (like putting a musical toy under a blanket) to see if your child will look for them.

13. Flying Baby

At this age, your baby should have enough control and strength for some flying time on your knees. Lay flat on your back or slightly propped up on a pillow. Use your bent legs to support your baby’s body, hold their hands, and gently fly them around. You can go up and down, side-to-side or a combination of the two. Sound effects and silly songs are mandatory with this activity.

14. Roll the Ball

Once your child is able to sit, sit across from them and roll a ball toward them. At first, baby probably won’t roll it back, but they might pick it up and play with it or chew on it. When they lose interest in the ball, pick it up and roll it back to them to start the game over. Eventually, they’ll be rolling it back to you.

Related: The Smart Parents’ Guide to Montessori Toys for Babies & Toddlers

Games for Babies: 10-12 Months


15. Sensory Boxes

Nothing is more fun for your older baby than taking things out of a box and putting them back in. Fill a box or bin with a combination of balls, soft blocks, small books, scarves or baby-safe household items like a wooden spatula. Look for objects that have different textures and are big enough not to be choking hazards. Show your child how to take things out of the box and put them back in. It won’t be long before they’re dumping out and rearranging every box they can get their hands on, not to mention your purse and diaper backpack.

16. Obstacle Course

Let the baby games begin! Chances are your little explorer is on the move, or ready to be soon. Whether scooting, crawling, walking or full-on climbing, a baby-appropriate pillow obstacle course is a good energy burner. Set out couch cushions or pillows all around the floor. Demonstrate how to climb over, around or peek under them and then watch your kid go.

17. Dance Time

There are so many ways to enjoy dancing with your baby. You don’t have to stick to baby music; play your favorite tunes if you’d like. Sit on the floor together and bop your head and body or pretend to play an instrument. Baby might not be ready for air guitar yet, but it won’t take much prompting to get them bopping along to the beat. You can also hold baby in your arms and spin in slow circles or sway back and forth. Or sit them in your lap and bounce them on your knees in time to the music.

18. Stack & Attack

Stacking cups, stacking rings and blocks are a favorite for your almost one-year-old. In fact, any items that can be put on top of one another and knocked back down without breaking are fair game. Try plastic storage containers, empty yogurt containers, or small boxes and bring in your little destructor to hulk-smash them down.

19. Bath Splash

A few plastic cups, clean sponges and washcloths add baby thrills to the nightly bath. Use the cups to show how they can be filled with water and them emptied. Squeeze the sponges and washcloths on baby’s belly. Show baby how to smack the water to make a big noise.

20. Make Noisemakers

Fill a clear plastic container with dry beans or rice. Give it a shake and roll it along the floor to show your baby how to make music with it. Add a few colored pom poms to the container to make the shaking even more interesting for your baby.

Related: Play All Day: 20 Sensory Play Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

A seasoned mom shares all the best ways to navigate the festive season with a wee one

They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year—and it is!—but even at the best of times the holidays can be a tad stressful, from travel logistics and finding the right gifts for everyone on your list to those less-than-subtle comments from relatives. Now throw a newborn into the mix and suddenly the season has an entirely new sense of magic, plus a fresh set of challenges as you navigate ever-changing sleep schedules, seasonal viruses, and an overwhelming number of commitments. As a mom of six, I’ve journeyed through my share of holidays with a new baby in tow (my third was born one week to the day before Christmas, and I really wish I’d had this list back then). Drawing from personal experience and expert advice, here are some tried-and-true tips for helping a new mom survive (or even thrive!) this holiday season.

1. In Good Health

No matter the season, keeping your babe healthy is always priority number one, but it’s especially important to be on guard with a newborn during the holidays. Baby’s immature immune system, large crowds gathering indoors, and the circulation of respiratory viruses make for the perfect storm. Dr. Priya Thomas, founder of Mindful Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine and mom of three, explains the risk. “An adult who just has a cold can pass along RSV, which can become severe in young babies.” Her advice is to steer clear of the crowds, practice proper hand-washing, and ask others to do the same before holding your infant. “Parents should feel empowered in this area, as it’s a matter of the health of the newborn,” says Thomas. But she is quick to remind us that that doesn’t mean new parents need to skip all the fun with friends and family. “This is the time to be creative. You don’t have to miss out on the holiday cheer, just avoid the large holiday parties and opt for a more intimate gathering in your home,” she suggests.

Related: 3 Ways to Protect Your Baby From Respiratory Viruses, According to a Nurse

2. Respond Right

As you spend more time with family and friends in the coming weeks, expect a flurry of questions and offers of unsolicited advice. (Take it from me, this time of year they’re as reliable as busy stores and even busier parking lots.) For example, if your little one’s sleep schedule coincides with a family event, you might hear remarks like, “We never cared about schedules in my day.” While these comments are often well-intended, they may not be helpful, especially when tender, postpartum emotions are swirling. To ease the pressure of responding in the moment, prepare a general response ahead of time, such as “We’re doing what we think is best for our baby.” Give your response with confidence and a smile, then gracefully transition the conversation to a more enjoyable topic. And, if tensions escalate still, take some advice from Theresa Gray, founder of Blooms of Grace Counseling. “If you’re noticing that you’re starting to feel anxious, angry or stressed, it’s okay to step away for a moment,” she shares. “Take deep breaths that fill your belly and relax your jaw and visualize a peaceful scene or memory.”

3. Baby Yourself

This time of year is all about giving, so go ahead and give yourself the gift of a break. “Self-care is often thought of as things like hot baths, mani-pedis, and shopping trips with friends, but those aren’t really the things that recharge us,” explains Gray. “Instead, self-care during this busy and highly sociable season might be to get up before the baby to prepare yourself and your heart for the day.” She continues: “It should include spending intentional time with your spouse or close friends and asking for help and communicating the needs and desires you have.”

a toddler sleeping on their tummy for a story about when babies can sleep on their stomach

4. Respect the Nap… Or Don’t

With all of the added festivities, the holidays are notorious for throwing off routines. As the parent, you get to decide whether to toss your schedule to the wind or politely decline any events that may mess it up. In my early years of motherhood, I took the respect-the-nap-at-all-costs approach. Although I missed out on certain events, I enjoyed the outings I did take because I had a happy, rested sidekick. Now, six kiddos in, we tend to let baby nap on the go, and she generally thrives in the spontaneity. In the end, how much to alter your baby’s schedule over the holidays is up to you and the kind of kid you have. “There is wisdom in keeping to a schedule, as there is a physiological need for that, but some flexibility is good, too,” says Thomas. “I am all about being mindful of what works for your family.”

5. Layer Up

The weather outside can be frightful this time of year, so it’s especially important to dress your little one so that they’re warm and comfortable. Because infants aren’t able to regulate their body temperature yet, they can lose heat four times faster than adults—though that’s not a reason to keep them indoors, no matter how many times your grandma warns about catching your death of cold. “Your baby is not going to get sick from exposure to the cold, but do be mindful of low temperatures and proper clothing,” advises Dr. Thomas. Layering is the key to ensuring your tot doesn’t get too cold or too hot. The rule of thumb: Dress them in the same amount of clothing you’d wear yourself, then add a layer. Also, be sure little’s outfit includes a hat, as the head and face are where babies lose heat the quickest.

6. Travel Smart

If you’re hitting the road this year, it can be helpful to plan your drive around baby’s nap time or bedtime to help you travel in peace. If they’ll be awake for the drive, schedule in lots of stops for feeding and cuddling. If your babe is prone to fussiness in the car, consider a genius travel companion like this: the Baby Shusher. It has consistently calmed our crankiest car-bound babies (and also soothed their hyperventilating parents) for years. Another option is the Hatch portable sound machine, or just turn up the tunes. “Santa Baby,” anyone?

Related: 11 Do’s and Don’ts of Your Baby’s First Holiday Season

7. Toy Time

Now that you’re a parent, it’s time we break it to you: for the next decade, the holidays will be virtually synonymous with toys. So many toys. If you have family eager to load baby up with gifts, my seasoned-mom advice is to skip anything with batteries (a.k.a. noisemakers) and keep it simple. For young babies, an activity mat is a great choice, suggests Thomas. “You can do tummy time on the mat with a newborn even just for a few minutes,” she says. “Look for one with a mirror and different contrasting colorings and textures, things they can touch and feel or make sound.” For older babies, my go-to’s are wooden blocks, hand puppets, and board books, each of which develops their motor skills or fosters imagination and emotional connection.

a mom cuddling a bundled up baby during baby's first Christmas

8. Slow Down

During the holidays, we often feel the pressure of doing more, but this is your permission to slow down. Replace the holiday “ho-ho-ho” with “no-no-no.” “Self-care sometimes means saying ‘no,’” Theresa explains. “You don’t have to do everything and be everywhere. Choose the things that prioritize the health of your family and the reason for the season.” (Read that again if people-pleasing is your kryptonite.) Letting the hustle and bustle of the holidays pass while you soak up the simple pleasures—quietly snuggling up on the couch with your favorite festive bevy and your tiny little elf—may be the best thing you add to your schedule this season.

9. Nobody’s Perfect

Sometimes, the most precious moments are the least perfect. It took me a long time to learn this. For years, I aspired to have the perfect Christmas tree (you know the one, straight from a Pottery Barn catalog), but with so many curious little hands moving things around, I’d have to rush to secretly redo the ornaments each night after bedtime. Now, looking back, I realize that I missed the magic in pursuit of perfection. Learn from my loss and let go of the idea that there is an “ideal” Christmas or Hannukah card, photo, or party. Instead, be present with your baby and enjoy the moment, no matter how imperfectly (or downright messily!) it unfolds.

These are the newborn baby gifts that parents will love, too

Baby’s first holiday season is pure magic, and we’ve got the best newborn baby gifts to make it extra special for all the 0 to 6-month-olds on your list. You’ll find tummy-time faves, educational toys, keepsakes, and cuddly stuffies to love on. Shopping for lots of littles? Check out our gift guides for one-year-olds and 18- to 24-month-olds.

Gund My Little Food Truck Play Set

Gund My Little Food Truck Set is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

We love a gift that grows with your baby! Infants will love holding the little sensory toys (like a crinkly taco and a squeaky burger) and putting them in and out of their plush case; when they’re older they can transition to imaginative games where they’re serving food from a food truck.

Gund My Little Food Truck Play Set ($21)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pods Sweet Pea

Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pods Sweet Pea is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

A first doll perfect for six-month-olds, this snuggly little baby comes in their own peapod home. Little hands will love taking their super-soft pal in and out of her pod. Since we’re sure it’ll be love at first sight, you might want to give two of these cuties (in case one goes missing *shudder*).

Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pods Sweet Pea ($24)—Buy Here!

Mushie Links Teether

Mushie Links Teether is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

How beautiful is this? Babies will put just about anything in their mouths, so why not give them a teether or two that are soothing and aesthetically pleasing for parents, too. This Mushie option also comes in calming blue, beige, and sand. *adds to cart*

Mushie Links Teether ($22)—Buy Here!

Melissa & Doug Ice Cream Take-Along Toy

The Melissa And Doug Ice Cream Take Along Toy is one of the best newborn baby gifts

From the stroller to their car seat, babies will love this clip-on vibrating pull toy. As they get to know each of the four ice cream scoops and sensory tags and teethers, you’ll be able to get some stuff done. Definitely one of the best newborn baby gifts this year. 

Melissa & Doug Ice Cream Take-Along Toy ($20)—Buy Here!

Soft Tummy Time Book and Mirror

Tummy time can be such a drag, but your newborn’s sure to be entertained by this multifaceted gift. Your tot can have a tummy party with themselves thanks to the mirror, make some new animal friends on the soft pages, squish the crinkly paper and play with other textures, and attack the gummy orange teether.

Soft Tummy Time Book and Mirror ($35)—Buy Here!

Fox Warmies

Warmies Fox is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

Weighted with buckwheat that you can warm up in the microwave, this super soft woodland stuffie is the soothing companion your baby doesn’t know how to ask for. Just be sure to keep an eye on their snuggles so they don’t get too close. Hot tip: Foxy makes a great heating pad, too.

Fox Warmies ($30)—Buy Here!

Haba Quartett Soft Block Set

Haba Quartett Soft Block Set is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

Give the babes on your list a little STEM action with this foursome of plush cubes each boasting a different sound, color combination, and texture. The best part? They’re machine washable, so spit-up and drool are no match for this toy.

Haba Quartett Soft Block Set ($35)—Buy Here!

Over the Rainbow Music Box

Lull your baby to sleep with a bedtime rendition of "Over the Rainbow," played on this hand-painted, wooden music box. Twist the sun to hear up to three minutes of this favorite melody.

Over the Rainbow Music Box ($72)—Buy Here!

Fisher Price 3-In-1 Crawl and Play Activity Gym

The Fisher Price 3-in-1 Crawl and Play Activity Gym is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

This activity gym does triple duty as your newborn grows. Tinies can bat at the rattles and teethers on their back while older babies love the mirror and singing watering can for tummy time. Once you’ve got a crawler, convert the mat into a little fort that also makes a great tunnel. Baby’s first clubhouse!

Fisher Price 3-In-1 Crawl and Play Activity Gym ($75)—Buy Here!

Plan Toys Sensory Tumbling Set

Plan Toys Sensory Tumbling Set is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

Each of these adorable tumbling balls stimulates a different sense—red is touch, with its fluffy stuffing; blue is sound, thanks to three clanking balls; and with a mirror hiding inside, yellow is sight. And baby? Well, baby is endlessly entertained.

Plan Toys Sensory Tumbling Set ($25)—Buy Here!

Lulujo Security Blanket - Rainbow

Buttery soft cotton muslin lined in satin makes this the softest security blanket around, and we love that you get a set of two off the bat (always, always, always have a backup). Your baby’s not going to want to put these down!

Manhattan Toy Learning Cube ($35)—Buy Here!

Sassy The Mover & Shaker Sensory Toy Gift Set

This a baby gift hat trick for the six-month-olds on your list! Expect plenty of fine motor skills and sensory development as your bebe holds and gums the links, spins their rainbow reel (hello, high chair entertainment!), and learns to stack the colorful magnetic pals.

Sassy The Mover & Shaker Sensory Toy Gift Set ($19)—Buy Here!

Hallmark Under the Same Moon Recordable Storybook

Hallmark's Under The Same Moon Recordable Storybook is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

If you live far away from the newborn on your gift list, record a special rendition of this sweet story just for them so they can always hear your voice. The beautiful illustrations are a bonus.

Hallmark Under the Same Moon Recordable Storybook ($35)—Buy Here!

7AM Enfant Cub Set

7am Enfant's Cub Set is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

This is the coziest newborn baby gift by far! Transform your babe into a little bear cub with an adorable sherpa set that’s sure to keep their tiny hands and heads warm all winter long.

7AM Enfant Cub Set ($50)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Learning Cube

Manhattan Toy Learning Cube is one of the best newborn baby gifts

The best baby gifts can be used in lots of different ways to keep baby endlessly entertained. Take that longer-than-you-expected checkout line! This plush cube has six sides to explore, from crinkle paper and a textured teething ring to the elephant’s fun bungee trunk.

Manhattan Toy Learning Cube ($35)—Buy Here!

Malarkey Kids' Chew Tube

Once they’re past the newborn phase and teething is in full swing, this easy-to-grasp toy and teether is a parent’s dream. The textured silicone outer cube soothes tender gums while the black-and-white inner rattle cube is a sensory delight.

Malarkey Kids' Chew Tube ($13)—Buy Here!

Rookie Humans In the Jungle Swaddle Blanket

Rookie Humans In the Jungle Swaddle Blanket is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

We’re smitten by the safari print on this luxuriously soft swaddle, perfect for keeping baby cozy while they sleep, acting as a light blanket in their stroller, or—dare we say—mopping up the odd puddle of spit up.

Rookie Humans In the Jungle Swaddle Blanket ($25.00)—Buy Here!

Black & White Board Book: A High Contrast

An absolute classic newborn baby gift, this board book by award-winning photographer Tana Hoban folds out entirely and is sturdy enough to stand on its own during tummy time. Littles love the high-contrast black-and-white images, which help to develop their eyesight.

Black & White Board Book ($7)—Buy Here!

Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Toy

Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Toy is one of the best newborn baby gifts of 2023

This is one of the least annoying musical baby toys out there, which is why it’s been a staple on baby gift lists for a decade. Infants 3 months and older delight in pressing the colorful buttons to start the music and spinning the beads on the handle, and it’s easy to throw in your bag for on-the-go entertainment.

Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Toy ($10)—Buy Here!

Curious Baby Activity Cards

This is truly a gift for first-time parents Googling “How to entertain a two-month-old” at 3 a.m. The convenient flip guide developed by pediatricians takes parents through games and activities that contribute to five different areas of a baby’s development, from birth to one year.

Curious Baby Activity Cards ($35)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.

These little guys want to move around and make noise, so give them all the tunnels, building blocks, and musical instruments

Get moving and grooving with these presents for one-year-olds (and under!) that they’ll enjoy long after celebrating their first birthdays. From a musical cube and bath boats to magnetic blocks and easy-to-grip teethers, these holiday gifts and toys for 6-month-olds to a year will make life more fun… and just a little bit louder.

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle

There are so many things for baby to explore in this food-themed sensory set, from the six-piece PB&J take-along toy to a box full of gifts that baby can wrap, and the soft-stacking pineapple. Yum!

Melissa & Doug Baby's First Sensory Toys Gift Bundle ($54)—Buy Here!

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun

Find a nice spot in your home for this 6-in-1 toy because it's going to be around for a while as your little one transitions from tummy time to tunnel time. We love that you can pop off the zebra's keyboard for take-along tunes. 

Vtech 6-in-1 Tunnel of Fun ($60)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Baby's will love so many things about this wobbly bear! They can bat it around to see where it lands, drop it and watch it bounce, or give it a big snuggle when they need to take five. 

Manhattan Toy Wobbly Bobbly Bear ($18)—Buy Here!

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

We're smitten with that happy little crinkle stuffie bean! If you're tired of baby pulling out all your tissues, give them their own garden-themed tissue box to explore. Bonus: a book that teaches them how plants grow. 

Kiwi Co's Growing Seeds Tissue Box Toy ($40)—Buy Here!

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

You won't believe how soft and cozy these blankies are, and Angel Dear clearly knows parents by offering not two, but three bunnies in the set to account for any lost-lovey disasters that may come up in the future. 

Angel Dear Beige Bunny Blankie Set ($42)—Buy Here!

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Bath time just got a whole lot more fun with these floating boats in bright, beautiful colors. Tots can stack them or watch water rain out of their drain holes. Now all you have to worry about is keeping the water inside the tub. 

Boon Fleet Stacking Boats ($10)—Buy Here!


Baby's First Book of Banned Books

Baby's First Book of Banned Books is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

From The Diary of Anne Frank to To Kill a Mockingbird, there are plenty of amazing lessons to learn from books that have no place being banned—and you're never too young to start learning. 

Baby's First Book of Banned Books ($10)—Buy Here!

AIXMEET Baby Teether

Designed to give teething littles the best possible grip, this teether fits right onto their chubby little hands so they can gnaw to their heart's content. 

AIXMEET Baby Teether ($6)—Buy Here!

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The softest bamboo-infused viscose and the prettiest patterns make this a no-brainer for holiday gifting—and when the weather outside is less frightful, parents can plop their newly sitting kids down on the blanket just about anywhere. 

Aden + Anais Marine Gardens Blanket ($65)—Buy Here!

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Whether you're looking to entertain baby while you get a few things done or lull them to sleep at bedtime, this ocean-themed crib toy is completely mesmerizing. The drift-off feature gradually tones down the entertainment and a handy remote lets you turn it on or off from up to 12 feet away. 

Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Musical Toy ($38)—Buy Here!

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy Fish is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Babes love anything that makes noise, so they won't be able to put down this crinkly black-and-white fish. And we just love its face! 

Wee Gallery Crinkle Toy - Fish ($17)—Buy Here!

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Your little bunny will learn about object permanence and practice their fine motor skills when they put the little stuffed bunnies in and out of the cute cottage, which comes with a handle so they can tote their friends around once they're officially walkers.

Manhattan Toy Cottontail Cottage ($42)—Buy Here!

Tegu's First Building Blocks

Tegu's First Building Blocks is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

The littlest hands can get up to some fun open-ended play with these clever magnetic blocks, complete with soft rounded corners and cheery colors. 

Tegu's First Building Blocks ($20)—Buy Here!

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube

Calling all budding composers! Each side of this cube features a different instrument to delight baby's senses—think harp, flute, French horn, piano, and violin—with lights flashing to the tempo. They can layer individual sounds or play the full symphony, Mozart style. 

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube ($29)—Buy Here!

HABA Koala Water Play Mat

Tots love water; parents love when said water can't spill all over the house. Consider this a win-win. The cuddly koala's tummy has a water bottle that's fun to squish during tummy time. And when spit-up happens (it will), simply pull out the water bottle and throw the koala in the wash. 

HABA Koala Water Play Mat ($40)—Buy Here!

Copper Pearl Bibs

A four-pack of Copper Pearl Bibs is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

With cotton knit on the front and absorbent polyester fleece on the back, these bandana bibs are as practical as they are chic. And boy are they chic.

Copper Pearl Bibs ($22)—Buy Here!

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball

When the handle is on, little ones can practice lifting this rattly toy kettlebell just like their parents. Without the handle, they can remove and stack the colorful rings that make up the ball and feature a different Spanish number on each. 

Bebe Fuerte Stack & Count Kettleball ($15)—Buy Here!

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy is one of the best gifts and toys for 6 month olds in 2023

Sitters have a new take on the world, and that means new toys to explore. Push-and-spin toys are great for building core strength and balance, and your babe will love the cause and effect of pushing the sun down to see the corn spin and pop.

Skip Hop Farmstand Push & Spin Toy ($16)—Buy Here!

All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.—