Parenting is the hardest job. 

At times I feel like I am wasting my time arguing with my tween daughter just because I want her to perform better in her studies.

I feel sick of dealing with my son’s tantrums. 

Parenting is also the most stressful job, I forgot to add that.

I was told by well-meaning relatives that a mother has the right to feel frustrated at times. But little did I know (before my husband and I decided to have two kids) that parenting is mind-numbing, mundane and boring. It feels like you are living someone else’s life and not yours.

I mean, parents are humans too. Parents would like to live their lives too. Just because one has had kids doesn’t mean it is the end of the road for one’s personal wishes, desires, dreams and most importantly, their freedom.

Freedom does get curtailed quite a lot after becoming a parent. 

Well, especially for parents like us who have no help. 

Yes, my husband and I have to just rely on each other. It can very hard when you are desperately looking for a break from doing things for kids all the time.

One thing that has reduced the stress from this monotonous job was that I decided to put my kids into a routine from a very young age (3 months of age). A stroke of luck or intuition.  

I was led to believe, by another set of well-meaning relatives that as a parent, I am too strict. Yes, because I put my babies into a routine.

I was told that I am like a timetable! I have too many rules with the kids.

I know at times I do go overboard with my rules. Sometimes, one rule contradicts another and creates confusion.

But hey, I am trying my best here without much help. My hubby works full time so help is available from him only in the evenings and weekends. 

It is okay if I make mistakes at times. I know I am not a perfect parent.

But I know for sure that I am doing my best. 

Sometimes, my kitchen is messy. Sometimes my laundry basket is overflowing. At times, I even postpone cleaning as I am so tired or I have just haven’t had the chance.

But I know I am doing my best.

At times, I yell at my kids without a reason. But there are times, I follow all the parenting tips that I preach to the T.

But I know I am doing my best. 

At times, I cry on my husband’s shoulder because I am so bored and frustrated with being a mother even if the kids haven’t misbehaved the entire day.

But I know I am doing my best.

I know I love my children and it is okay for me to feel frustrated at times.

There are times when I feel like the most privileged person in the universe when people praise my kids for being so well mannered. 

Sometimes, I just feel privileged for doing things for them.

Sometimes, I feel privileged when I watch them playing together. At times, I feel so touched by their innocent questions. 

And sometimes I just melt when they hug and kiss me. 

These far and few good moments are what give me the strength to get through the tougher moments of parenting. 

But I know deep inside my heart that I cannot imagine my life without my kids. 

Parenting is a tough journey but worth it in the end. 





Priya is a Freelance Writer for hire. She has a Parenting Blog. She has also written an E-book Painless Parenting where she shares tips that can make the difficult journey of parenting easier.  She is a regular mum from London who loves spending time with her kids and eating chocolates.

If you played any video games at all growing up, chances are your fingers graced the buttons of a Tiger Electronics LCD Game. A far cry from the cartridge games of Nintendo, Tiger games themed-units came with a screen, two buttons, a D-Pad and terrible music.

Now, the time-wasting games are making a comeback! This weekend, Hasbro will be unveiling four “new” games that include The Little Mermaid, Sonic the Hedgehog, Marvel X-Men Project X and Transformers Generation 2.

For now, Hasbro, who purchased Tiger Electronics back in the late ’90s, has only released the names of these four titles. There’s no word yet if the 150+ legacy titles will also become available in this relaunch.

You can preorder all four games for $14.99 each at GameStop. There’s been no set release date, but they are expected to ship sometime in the fall.

––Karly Wood

Photos: GameStop/Composite: Red Tricycle



This Dancing Baby Shark Toy Could Be the Hottest Item at the NYC Toyfair

The “Stranger Things” Monopoly Game Is Here & Will Hold You Over Until Season 4

It’s Time to Introduce a New Generation of Shoppers to Mall Madness

Being a stay-at-home mom is anything but easy! Heck, being a mom in general is tough—but I have come to learn a lot since becoming a mother.

I am a stay-at-home mom to my fifteen-month-old son. I have grown to love staying at home with him but believe me, there were days that I wanted to go back to work and have my mother or a nanny take care of my son while I worked.

When my son was only a few months old, he was easy to take care of. I could leave him in his bassinet and he would stay there at least for an hour while I got things done. Once he became more active and mobile is when I was constantly after him making sure he wouldn’t get hurt or get into anything he wasn’t supposed to. He also became more fussy and demanding while I got impatient and frustrated at times.

I know I don’t have a lot of experience yet as a mother but from the experience I do have, I have come up with some tips on how to stay sane and actually enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. Learning from mistakes I made in the past, I’ve developed new habits and made some changes that have helped me become a more patient, loving and attentive parent.

Here are my 10 tips and tricks I’ve learned and applied to my daily life to help me stay sane as a stay-at-home mom.

1. Staying Organized

Motherhood is already messy and it can become messier when we don’t have structure and organization in our daily lives. I remember waking up next to my son after his morning nap looking at the time and feeling like I wasted the morning sleeping or just scrolling through my feed on Instagram. I was tired of the cycle of feeling like I was wasting time and not getting much done.

I finally decided to start planning out my day. I got myself a nifty little planner and wrote out the activities for the day. I loved it! I loved having my planner there to remind me of what was next. Now I’m not saying it all goes as planned because life with children is so unpredictable sometimes but for the most part, I followed through with my planner and had a set time for each activity. I even made it a goal to exercise daily and I find myself feeling great and very productive!

2. Wake Up Early

I know this one may be a tough task to accomplish especially if your little one still wakes up at night, but making an effort to wake up a little earlier than your spouse and baby gives you time to yourself to catch up on reading, drink your coffee (while its still hot), workout or whatever you want to do.

I like waking up an hour before my son wakes up. I have my cup of coffee while I read The Word. This sets the tone for the rest of the day. I enjoy listening to worship music while reading The Bible and having some quiet time before the chaos begins.

3. Exercise

Did you know that when you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you feel good? Yep. I experience that every time I workout. Since the beginning of 2018, I have made it a goal to exercise at least four times a week. Not only am I getting back in shape but I feel more energized and happy because I know that I did something good for myself.

Getting that workout in each day is like having “me time” even if it is only for thirty minutes. I can assure you that getting some exercise each day will elevate your mood.

4. Take a Break

You are not weak if you ask the grandparents or a babysitter to watch the kids for a few hours while you go get a pedicure, run some errands or do some shopping. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. We all need help sometimes!

Taking a short break even if it’s for two hours will help you relax, take a breather and relieve some stress. Parenting comes with many challenges and we can’t always face those challenges on our own. I’m so thankful for grandparents because they are always willing to babysit for occasional date nights or whatever need may arise.

5. Keep a Journal

Writing has always been something I have loved to do! I have many journals filled with thoughts, dreams, prayers and revelations The Lord has given me. What I can’t express verbally, I do it in writing and I find that it brings me some relief writing my thoughts down. If you had a tough day, write it down. Years later you can look back on those hard times and be thankful that they were only for a season. I like writing letters to God because He alone gives us the strength we need to live each day. Journal what’s important to you.

6. Find a Hobby

I took it upon myself to start learning how to play the guitar this year. My husband plays, I sing and I have always wanted to raise a family where we are musically inclined and talented. While my toddler is busy playing or is entertained, I practice at least thirty to forty minutes a day.

I have already learned some chords and am excited to continue learning. Not only is it fun, but learning something new makes you feel productive and just great overall.

7. Spend Time With Other Moms

Spending time with other moms is another way to relieve some stress the day may bring. Go grab some coffee with a friend and just chat and catch up. When mothers unite, we can encourage each other when we face certain challenges.

We have common ground and an understanding of what it is like being a parent. Now I’m not saying to go to someone just to vent or complain but to genuinely build strong friendships with other women will really help you in the journey of motherhood.

8. Get Out of the House

It can get tiring for mom and baby to always be at home. There will always be things to do around the house: there will always be dishes to wash, laundry to do, trash to take out, crumbs to sweep off the floor, etc.

I like going for a walk with my son when the weather is nice. We get some sunshine and fresh air and enjoy being out of the house. Taking the kids to the park will also give you a little break from housework. Not to mention, they will get worn out doing all that running and playing which might result in a nap once you get home.

9. Get Ready

I have always struggled to get ready even when my son was a few months old. I was either too lazy or the moment I attempted to get ready, my baby would cry for my attention. Some days I lived in my pajamas but I also felt extremely unproductive when I didn’t make an effort to get ready.

I try my best to get ready every day after my workout now. Even if I only apply a little makeup and get dressed, I feel put together and ready for the day. Plus, if you have to go somewhere all of the sudden, you will be ready to head out the door.

Yes, I understand that it is hard and I even found myself applying mascara while holding my baby at times (whatever works for you). Now that he is a toddler, I let him cry for a bit because sometimes there is just no way around it.

10. Count Your Blessings

Sometimes, we can fall prey to whining and complain when our children are fussy or when they throw a temper tantrum or make a huge mess. Sometimes our emotions will match our child’s emotions but it shouldn’t be that way.

In moments when you feel like you have it hard and that no one understands you, remember that there are so many mothers out there that wish they could stay home and raise their children, but can’t. It’s going to be hard and frustrating but it is a blessing to be a stay-at-home mom because you are raising your child the way that you want.

You do not have to worry about what your kids are learning and picking up if other people take care of them. You have the opportunity to mold your child and watch all of their milestones when you stay at home with them. Remember to try and have a grateful heart.



Born and raised in Texas. Married to a hard-working loving man. Stay-at-home mom to a sixteen-month-old son. I'm a believer and am saved by His grace. Aspiring author to blog, Running on Caffeine and a coffee lover. I enjoy encouraging mothers on the journey of motherhood. 

One of the founding concepts at AVYN is that motherhood changes everything, but it doesn’t have to change your style. However, how do you keep your personal st‌yle rocking with waaay less time to get ready? Developing a quick, easy routine with a few staple wardrobe options will significantly help manage your mornings and keep your stress levels at bay. Below are my top five ways to crush your morning routine.

1. Dry Shampoo. While we may have time for a quick shower here and there, we in no way have the luxury of washing, drying and styling our hair everyday. Enter stage left, Living Proof Dry Shampoo. This stuff actually cleans your hair while also eliminating oil and adding some texture. When I think about all the precious free time I wasted on my hair prior to becoming a mom, I dramatically heavy sigh at what a damn fool I was.

2. Balm Stick. The pocket-sized Olio balm stick is locally made in Portland, Oregon and I cannot get enough of it. I want to put it all over my body and call myself pink. For a more conservative approach, simply apply it to your cheeks for a touch of color, moisturize your lips, or tame flyaways. The No. 2 French Melon is my favorite and I promise, this snappy color works for everyone. Buy two, one for home and one for your purse.

3. Bomb Jeans. Levi has taken ‘mom jeans’ to a whole new level with their new rib cage high jeans. Never again will you hike up jeans every time you bend down to pick up a toy and your phone will never fall out of the back pockets. It’s like your whole body is snugly tucked away in a denim hug.

4. Comfy Shoes (but still cute, duh). The Italian shoe company SugerGa had comfort and casual cool in mind when they designed these street-friendly studs. They were made to walk 500 miles (and I would walk 500 more) plus they literally pair well with EVERYTHING in your closet, whether you’re wearing cropped jeans, a dress, or shorts. They come in a rainbow of colors and a few animal prints.

5. The Perfect Bra. Obviously, I’m going to include our AVYN Bras on this list, but I’m going to politely add them at the end of the list in an effort to be subtle. Honestly though, since designing and manufacturing these bras, my morning routine has this element of simplicity I didn’t have before. I no longer have to think about what bra I’m going to wear because I love them all and they all feel like butter. Plain and simple.

Here’s to wonderful days full of big hair, rosy cheeks, and well-supported boobs.

This post originally appeared on

I'm an outdoor enthusiast, travel junkie, exercise nerd and co-founder of AVYN. After having my son 4 years ago, I saw a need on the market for athletic-st‌yle nursing bras. AVYN Bras allow women to do "all the things" while still being stylish enough for happy hour. You can find us at 

Photo: Promo photo

Before you had kids, a trip to the movies was a no-brainer. You liked the actor or the movie poster was cool, so you went. Simple. But if you have little kids, you have to put a bit more thought into a visit to the multiplex, especially the first time you go. Here are some tips for making the first venture to the theater a success.

Determine whether your kid is really ready. What’s the right age to take kids to their first movie? Well, it depends on your kid. Lots of kids see their first movie around the age of 3 or 4, but some parents wait until kids are a bit older, especially if they’re sensitive to loud noises or scared of the dark.

Choose the right movie. Obviously, you want something kid-friendly -– usually, animation fits the bill. But also look for movies that are slower-paced or shorter than the average blockbuster. These kinds of movies aren’t always playing in the mall theater, but keep your eye out for special screenings at art house theaters, churches, or schools where they show classic kids’ movies on the big screen. Here’s a list of great first movies to watch at home or at a special screening.

Skip the ads and trailers. Lots of theaters show a slew of commercials before the feature. Kids younger than about 8 aren’t able to distinguish advertising from content. Also, movie trailers are often louder and faster-paced than the movie itself, which can be a scary introduction to the theater.

Plan it right. Most little kids are at their best earlier in the day, so a theater’s first screening can be a great time to go — and it’s usually filled with other kids who won’t care if your kid talks through the whole thing (for older kids, teach movie theater etiquette — no talking, no devices, no getting up for no reason). Make sure kids are well fed, and decide ahead of time if you’ll be buying popcorn or candy so you don’t have to negotiate in the theater. (And if you buy popcorn, make sure you have water –- that popcorn’s salty!)

Go with the flow. You won’t be the first parent who’s left a theater with a screaming, crying, or otherwise overwhelmed kid. Yes, you might feel like you wasted your money on tickets, but you don’t want to force your kid to sit through something they’re not ready for. On the other hand, sometimes a short break in the lobby will be enough to prepare your kid for one more try.

– By Sierra Filucci, Common Sense Media 

This post originally appeared on Common Sense Media.
Common Sense Media
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Common Sense Media is an independent nonprofit organization offering unbiased ratings and trusted advice to help families make smart media and technology choices. Check out our ratings and recommendations at

Photo: Katie Hickenbottom via

For many the New Year symbolizes a clean slate. At midnight we resolve to be our best selves in the year to come. We promise to eat better, have more patience or be present just to name a few. I typically make some sort of resolution to be more organized, which is always difficult considering on Jan. 1, I am ready for the holidays to be over. I mean boxed up, put away and done!

It’s like a switch is flipped. When the ball drops in New York City I am ready for the New Year to officially begin, sans decorations. This all poses another major dilemma because I am also ready to lie around all day and half-watch football. So, for me, the New Year typically begins with a bit of conflict—the struggle is real.

But this year along with conflict also came clarity. An AHA moment! As we were taking the ornaments off the tree a few thoughts went through my mind: my 2019 resolution of being more self-aware and of course, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” Who isn’t thinking about that show?

An incredible thought popped into my head, “I don’t need to keep all this. It does not bring me joy. Why are we keeping it?” The answer was: guilt. Friends and family gave us decorations over the years and we were hanging on to them out of respect. But this strange obligation to honor their gifts was actually getting in the way of our happiness.

So, we did it! We decided to keep the decorations and ornaments that make us happy and get rid of the ones that don’t. Some were old and falling apart, others didn’t fit our st‌yle. Whatever the reason, we filled a box with the holiday décor that we didn’t want and donated it. You know what happened next?

We felt better. Lighter somehow? Not only were we not wasting time carefully wrapping and packing up things for next year that we didn’t care about, but we were also taking a stance. This is who we are and we don’t need to explain it to anyone. I guess some might say we are growing up? No time, like the present!

It sounds so simple. Keep the things in your life that give you joy; get rid of the stuff that doesn’t. Why hadn’t we thought of it sooner? There were so many reasons. First, self-reflection is really hard. I mean people actually seek out professional help to aide with the process.

Second, we are all busy. Now more than ever, people describe themselves as overwhelmed, slammed—just plain busy. Sure, this may be self-induced and have a lot to do with social media, but most of us still feel busy. And, busy people don’t have a ton of extra time for self-reflection.

Lastly, we are creatures of habit. Whether it’s daily rituals or annual ones, there is a comfort found when activities take a familiar form. But this year we didn’t do things as usual and took a moment to reflect on this specific annual tradition.

Don’t get me wrong. We still kept a ton of decorations including our Murano Italian glass ornament and our Hawaiian Santa that plays Mele Kalikimaka when we press the button. But, these things make us happy; they actually bring smiles to our faces.

It may seem silly, but I hope this strange process helped teach our kids a little bit about living a thoughtful and purposeful life. A life that includes time to ask the simple yet powerful question, “Why,” instead of always relying on the familiar, “Because we’ve always done it this way.”

At the end of the day, even if we continue doing things the way we always have, it is also good to know why.

In all forms, I love a good story! I love to hear them, tell them and write them. When not writing, networking or trying to figure out the next social media algorithm I am hanging out with my husband, Scott and two energetic and spunky girls, Bailey and Harper.

photo: WKYT News

Being in labor is hard enough — how about being in labor and delivering someone else’s baby at the same time?

That’s exactly what Frankfort, Kentucky OBYGYN Amanda Hess did recently when she helped another mama give birth even while she was in labor herself.

“You know I love doing what I do,” Hess told WKYT News. “I love taking care of mothers and babies and I mean, really, a lot of doctors are always thinking of their patients even when they’re a patient themselves.”

The other soon-to-be mother was waiting for her doctor to get to the hospital, but her baby was wasting no time. Hess decided she had to take action.

“I just put on another gown to cover up my backside and put on some boots over my shoes, to keep from getting any fluid and all that stuff on me, and went down to her room,” Hess told the news station.

It turned out, the woman was a patient she had seen the day before. Hess helped deliver the baby and then went back to her room to have her own—a healthy baby girl.

Did you get the doctor you expected for your labor and delivery? Tell us in the comments below.

Today Is #NationalCoffeeDay
Don’t leave home without it.

You know what goes great with a cup of coffee? Everything. But especially coffee cake.


Never run out of coffee again thanks to these coffee prescriptions…we mean subscriptions.

You’ll fall in love with this dad and his message of thanks to all the coffee-wasting moms out there.

{ Today’s ideas brought to you by Cream & Sugar }

Your mom squad has provided countless personal recommendations for sitters, play spaces and dentists. But if you’re looking to expand your discoveries beyond your village, turn to Momstamp, a platform started by moms for moms. Momstamp will not only help your family find local service providers from contractors to tutors, the network also provides an ideal space for mompreneurs to promote their businesses directly to the mom community. They say it takes a village. Read on to meet yours.

Why Momstamp Rocks for Mompreneurs
Momstamp allows small business owners to market to and connect with the mom community in the most direct way possible. Entrepreneurs get the rare (and invaluable) opportunity to see what other moms are seeking in the marketplace, and then respond to those needs through a direct offer of services. Maybe a mom is desperately searching for the tastiest cupcakes in town and you’re opening a new bakery. Or junior needs after-school help with his arithmetic and you own a tutoring company. Connecting a family’s needs to dependable providers who can actually help is what Momstamp is all about. They close the gap between small business owners and local parents who seek their services.

Unlike other review sites, Momstamp promotes your company via trusted recommendations from fellow parents instead of long diatribes from opinionated strangers. They offer business owners a level of credibility like never before.

Any entrepreneurs who offer their services on may be featured in their weekly newsletter and featured in the Momstamp marketplace. This perk for small business owners gets you targeted marketing to the parents you’re trying to reach most. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Beyond Small Business Owners: What Momstamp Can Offer You!
In addition to helping mompreneurs, Momstamp also provides everyday parents a unique forum to connect with friends (and friends of friends) to find exceptional local service providers. Users can exchange word of mouth recommendations with other reliable parents they know (or know by proxy) about everything from speech therapists and nannies to dog trainers and swim teachers. If families have questions about a particular provider or need further clarification, they can simply ask their Momstamp friends before wasting time with someone who may not be the best fit. Making parents’ lives easier is name of the Momstamp game.

We’d love to hear the swell benefits you’ve discovered by using Let us know in the comments below!

– Jennifer O’Brien

photos: Momstamp