From the moment you find out you’re pregnant, many moms-to-be start to notice changes in their bodies. Morning sickness, thicker hair, even varicose veins are among the list of culprits that can show up and disappear. But what if they don’t? It turns out, your baby isn’t the only thing you’ll get from those nine grueling months—there are lots of body changes after pregnancy, too. These not-so-cuddly gifts may stick around long after your baby bump goes away. From wider hips to bigger feet, vision changes to sudden (or disappearing) allergies, many new moms will find these changes are part of their postpartum body.

Your Feet Grow

Your baby’s not the only one who's going to need new shoes. Many new moms add half a shoe size—or more—after pregnancy. Blame the hormone relaxin, which loosens the ligaments in your body to help prepare for birth (that pelvis has to widen, after all), which also causes the bones to spread in the feet.

Doctors say there is a chance your feet will go back to their old size after several months, but if your feet still feel cramped in your favorite shoes, it may be time to go shopping (as if you needed a better excuse).

Note: Call your doctor if your feet have swelled up suddenly, as this may be a sign of potentially dangerous preeclampsia or blood pressure changes.

Your Hips Get Wider

You know those glorious hips that widened to let your baby squeeze out into the world? They may never go back to the way they were (even if you had a C-section). Same goes for your rib cage, which also had to open up to make room for your growing child. For most women, these enlarged bones go back to their original place by about 18 weeks postpartum, but some women keep the extra girth permanently.

"My hips stayed permanently wider which was great for me because I had no shape before," said a Reddit user. "I was built like a teenaged boy, lol."

"My hips? Wider yes and not back to normal," said another mom. "But I have embraced it and now have a more hourglass figure with larger bust, slim waist and wide hips." 

"I hope my hips get wider during pregnancy. Wide hips are beauty beautiful," said another.

Related: 10 Things I Didn't Know about Pregnancy, Until I Was Pregnant

Your Breasts Shrink

While pregnancy’s powerful hormones will likely bump your bosom up a few cup sizes, once your milk-making machines dry up, you may end up with smaller breasts than you had before you were pregnant. “You lose a lot of breast elasticity,” Los Angeles–based OB-GYN Pari Ghodsi told Health magazine. “They’re not as full as they once were.”

That said, some women report larger breasts after pregnancy (even after nursing), so it's anyone's guess where your post-baby bust will be.

I was a C pre-pregnancy, was a DD in my second trimester," said a Reddit user. "I never measured postpartum but they were pornographic while I was pumping, and then once I stopped pumping they vanished into thin air and I’ve got A’s now."

“After nursing 6+ years with four kids, they didn't shrink......just deflated,” said another. “I can go out braless bc I can tuck them into my damn waistband.”

"Once my son was eating adult food they went back down to one cup size larger than they were pre-pregnancy," said another.

Your Hair Changes Color, Curl, or Texture

Pregnancy packs a wallop on your hormones, with these changes wreaking havoc on your body all the way to the tips of your strands. Some steadfastly straight-haired mamas get suddenly wavy locks post-baby, while some women with curls may suddenly go straight. (And this is in addition to losing the lustrous hair you likely grew while your baby was cooking.)

Sometimes, the hair goes back to the way it was months later; some women have changed tresses forever. Whatever your look, embrace it as your new mom style.

"I'm Asian and had thick, pin-straight hair before pregnancy,” said one mom on Reddit. “After I gave birth, it went all frizzy/weird, curly but not actually curly; beachy waves, but not nice beachy waves. Like an insane lion that had a bomb go off next to his head.”

“Got my first grey eyebrow hair 7 months along,” said another mom. “Hair is def not the same.”

“My wife was blonde her entire life, and is now a brunette after giving birth to our son,” said another Reddit user. “It’s crazy!”

Your Periods Change

As if you didn’t endure enough down there, postpartum periods tend to be permanently heavier or more painful after pregnancy. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these changes may relate to a larger uterine cavity causing more endometrium (mucous lining the uterus) to shed.

But it’s not all bad news. Some women actually experience lighter, easier periods after childbirth.

“The bottom line is that periods can change after having a baby,” OB-GYN Diane Young said in this article. “If you are concerned about your periods, make an appointment with your OB-GYN. There are medical therapies to help.”

That Dark Line that Points to Your Nether-Regions May Not Go Away

Pregnancy doesn’t just change your shape; it also changes your skin. Take the linea nigra: It’s the dark line that appears during pregnancy and runs from the middle of your belly to your pubic bone. A common hyperpigmentation that develops mid-pregnancy, it usually fades about three months after childbirth, but it can stick around permanently (as can darkened areolas, which also happens during pregnancy).

If the line bothers you, talk to your doctor. While it can’t be removed completely, there are skin-lightening creams and laser treatments that could make it less noticeable.  

Related: Is This Normal? Your Pregnancy Decoded

Your Allergies Disappear… or You Suddenly Have New Ones

Do you suddenly have a perpetually runny nose? Did your lifelong allergy to celery suddenly cease? Hormones are to blame for that, too. In fact, pregnancy can cause all sorts of changes in your immune system, which can alter your sensitivity to allergens. Experts say the most common newly occurring post-pregnancy allergies include seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, and PUPPP rash, a skin condition characterized by small pink itchy bumps on the abdomen. 

"Hormonal fluctuations impact your allergies because estrogen and progesterone have an impact on your mast cells (allergy cells)," allergist and immunologist Purvi Parikh of the Allergy and Asthma Network said in this Parents magazine article. 

Pregnancy isn’t the only dramatic hormonal shift that can trigger allergies, he added. “New allergies can emerge during periods of significant hormonal shifts, including puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, and menopause.”  

You Have Stretch Marks…in Places You Never Thought You Would

Stretch marks on the belly are a veritable right of passage into mommyhood. But stretch marks on the thighs? Breasts? Buttox? Sorry, but it’s a thing. Stretch marks—which appear as red, pink, or black lines (their color depends on your skin)—are actually small scars that happen when sudden weight gain  (i.e. your little miracle) tears the fibers of the skin. Up to 90 percent of pregnant women get them, with most common areas affected being the belly, thighs, hips, butt, and breasts. They can even happen in the upper arms and back.

And while you can’t get rid of (or prevent) stretch marks completely, most fade significantly after several months. In addition, there are some treatments—including chemical peels, lasers, radiofrequency, microdermabrasion, and microneedling— that may make them less noticeable.

My stretch marks are all over my legs!” said one Reddit user on this thread. “Nobody talks about calves, thighs and hips got ‘em for sure. Interesting how everybody’s different.”

“I got zero stretchmarks until after I gave birth,” said another. “And then suddenly they were everywhere! Even behind my knees, under my arms, and on my pubic bone!”

Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Weaken

Sorry, but sneezing may never be the same. The strain of pregnancy and childbirth can weaken your pelvic floor muscles (those are the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel). This can cause mild to severe urinary incontinence or other pelvic floor disorders including problems related to your bowel or sexual functioning.

The good news? There are exercises you can do to improve things, with daily Kegels being your best first step. If you’re noticing excessive leaking—more than just a little squirt with a sneeze or “Oops” on the trampoline—you may want to talk to your gynecologist about regular physical therapy to improve symptoms (Don’t worry; it’s less embarrassing than it sounds).

Related: The Best Hidden Exercise You Should Do Every Day

Your Vision Changes

Ah, hormones—Is there any part of the body you don’t control? Apparently not. If you’re not seeing your ABCs like you used to, you’re not alone. Up to 20 percent of women experience vision changes after pregnancy, Optometrist Dr. Arian Fartash said on her website. This is because pregnancy hormones cause water retention, which can cause swelling in the eyes. 

“Your feet don’t only swell, but your eyes can swell, too, and that makes your vision change,” Fartash said in her video blog, “Ask an Eye Doctor.” “These changes can stay until after you’re done breastfeeding—or it can stay until the rest of your life.” Consequently, Fartash recommends getting your eyes checked after pregnancy to see if you need a new prescription. 

You Have Phantom Baby Kicks

Yes, phantom kicks are a thing. Your tummy may not be growing a baby anymore, but it’s not uncommon to feel those familiar baby flutters even long after childbirth. According to Texas OB-GYN Tiffany Woodus, phantom kicks are the perception of fetal movement in the abdomen weeks, months, or years after pregnancy has ended. And it's experienced by more women than you'd think. 

Experts aren’t sure why women experience phantom kicks, but according to an online survey done in Australia, women who experience them do so for an average of 6.8 years postpartum, with one mom in the survey reporting phantom kicks up to 28 years later!

My daughter is 7 and I STILL get them!,” said a Mama in this thread.

It freaks me out every time. I'm so glad I saw this post, it's had me guessing a lot,” said another. “My son is nearly three and I've been getting them for the last 6 months. A part of me thinks it's my body teasing me because I do want a second now.”

“Same thing happens to me,” said another. “I even took a pregnancy test to confirm I'm not going crazy even though there was zero chance of pregnancy.”

Related: I Miss the Attention I Got When I Was Pregnant

Your Face Has Dark Spots All Over It

If your face looks splotchier than it did in your child-free days—or if you suddenly have a blanket of freckles all over your nose, you probably have melasma, a common condition caused by pregnancy hormones (it can also happen with the start of birth control pills). The condition, categorized by splotches or freckles of darker skin, usually occurs mainly on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and above the upper lip. 

For some women, it goes away a few months after their baby is born (or after they stop taking the pill); for others, the change is permanent. But don’t despair: There are several treatments that may help, including lightening creams and laser light therapy. 

A Final Note

While it may seem daunting to learn about all the uncomfortable or potentially permanent side effects of pregnancy, try to keep things in perspective: After all, you just added a human to the world. Those are battle scars you're earning!

And anyway—stretch marks, vision changes, and splotchy skin equals new baby, plus a lifetime of love and purpose. We'll take it.

As a dietitian, it’s no surprise that I’m a smoothie lover—and I’m always cooking up new smoothie recipes for kids. These blended bevys are versatile, easy to whip up, absolutely delicious, and provide a healthy dose of nutrition. Smoothies are also my secret weapon for brightening up cranky moods after a nap—and my kids are over the moon when I turn them into smoothie bowls with rainbow sprinkles. Who wouldn’t want to feel like supermom every time the blender roars?

What you might not know is that smoothies have their own superpowers, too. These handy drinks can be used to address several everyday challenges that kids encounter. The ingredients you toss in your blender can ease constipation, support healthy weight gain, or help balance their moods. And when your kid comes home with their fourth stuffy nose of the month, grab your trusted blender from the pantry because it’s smoothie time! Here are some of my favorite kid-approved smoothie recipes that can turn these challenges into tasty triumphs.

1. The Smooth Move
Supports: Constipation

If your kid’s bowels seem to have gone on strike, this fiber-packed smoothie might just get them moving. In addition to balancing blood sugar and increasing satiety, fiber also combats constipation. Adding high-fiber foods such as chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, and leafy greens can help stimulate the bowels and make it easier to go. If you’re worried your child won’t like chia or flax, rest assured that they have a nutty flavor similar to peanut butter. Prunes are also well-known for their laxative effects (just don’t add too many—you don’t want any accidents at the kitchen table!).


  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 1/2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt or kefir (bonus: probiotics!)
  • A handful of spinach
  • 1-2 prunes (optional)
  • Milk of choice, thin to desired consistency

Directions and Notes:

  • Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.
  • Start by adding a small amount of milk to the blender. Nothing is worse than a watery smoothie!
  • Try frozen mango or pineapple instead of mixed berries for a tropical twist.
  • In a hurry to catch the school bus? Pour leftover smoothies into reusable pouches for your kiddo to finish at school.

2. Pink Immuno Blast
Supports: The Sniffles

Backpacks filled with art projects and homework aren’t the only things coming through the door now that school is back in full swing; kids are also bringing home pesky classroom germs. While the sniffles, coughs, and sore throats are basically rites of passage for school-age children, adding some vitamin C-packed smoothies can make stay-at-home-with-mom days a bit more bearable. Dragon fruit, berries, walnuts, and hemp seeds may not cure your little scholars, but they pack a ton of immune-supporting nutrients, including omega-3s and protein. Plus, adding dragon fruit will transform this smoothie into a vibrant shade of pink, adding a touch of magic while your kid is curled up on the couch.


  • 1/2 cup frozen dragon fruit
  • 1/2 c frozen strawberries
  • 1 tbsp walnuts
  • 1/2 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Milk of choice, thin to desired consistency

Directions and Notes:

  • Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.
  • Swap out half of the milk for pomegranate juice to give your smoothie an extra punch of immune-supporting antioxidants.
  • Freeze leftover smoothie blend into popsicle molds as the cooling effect will work wonders to soothe sore throats.

3. Nutrilicious Delight
Supports: Picky eating and poor weight gain

During those frustrating bouts of fussy eating or when your kid could use some help with weight gain, the key is to focus on foods that are rich in nutrients and packed with energy. Nut or seed butter, coconut oil or milk, bananas, rolled oats, Greek yogurt, and dates are ingredients that make every sip count. Want another helpful tip? You can toss some veggies into the smoothie—not to sneak them past your kiddo (we want them to trust us!) but to prove that vegetables can actually be delicious in different forms. Opt for mild-tasting options like spinach and zucchini to make sure they don’t compromise the flavor.


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/4 cup frozen zucchini or a handful of spinach
  • 2 tbsp nut/seed butter
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2-3 pitted dates
  • Whole milk or coconut milk, thin to desired consistency

Directions and Notes:

  • Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.
  • If your kid is craving something chocolatey, toss in 1-2 tbsp of cocoa powder.
  • Looking for a time-saving hack? Get ahead of the game by prepping a week’s worth of smoothies. Simply fill silicone or ziplock bags with all the ingredients (minus the liquid) and toss them in the freezer. When you’re ready to whip up a smoothie, just grab a bag, add your milk, and you’re one step closer to mom of the year!

4. Strawberry-Banana Brain Booster
Supports: Focus and blood-sugar balance

What do iron, protein, and fat have in common? They all play a crucial role in helping our kids bring their A-game. Iron supports brain development, while protein and fat keep blood sugar balanced, sparing us from cracky moods and wipe-out level fatigue. Now that it’s back-to-school season, these nutrients can be a game-changer for kids trying to stay focused and energized in the classroom. So, if you’re thinking of sending them off to school with a smoothie, go for one that’s iron-packed with pumpkin and chia seeds, plus almond or cashew butter for the extra protein and fat kick. Don’t forget to include some vitamin C from strawberries, which helps the body absorb all those iron superpowers!


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp almond or cashew butter
  • Nut milk or coconut milk, thin to desired consistency

Directions and Notes:

  • Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender and blend until smooth.
  • Since calcium from dairy can inhibit the absorption of iron, this one works best with non-dairy milk.
  • Consider a fun cup or straw that features a sports team or a character they love, like Paw Patrol or Elsa.
  • Get your kids involved in the kitchen by turning smoothie-making into a fun family tradition!

What hope is there for a healthy self-image when the body-shaming is coming from inside the house?

If you’re a fan of the Bravo Real Housewives franchise and you’ve ever struggled with your body image, you may have experienced how triggering the shows can be. When the women aren’t flaunting their million-dollar homes and stacked closets—they’re obsessing about their looks. From med-spa visits to deep tans that aren’t found in nature to obsessive body talk, this series is a recipe for disaster for anyone struggling to accept their beautiful selves just the way they are.

This week, Milania Giudice, 17-year-old daughter of Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice, appeared on her mom’s podcast and talked about losing 40 pounds between middle school and high school. She referenced middle school as her “weird era” and compared her physique to “a pumpkin.”

“Do you remember me in middle school?” she asked her mom.

“She was, what would you say? A little bit thicker,” Teresa responded.

“And then one day it hit me, I was like, ‘That’s it,'” Milania said. “I literally felt like suffocating with my own body. I was like, ‘No, no, no, I can’t do this anymore.’ So one day I told my mom to get me a nutritionist and she did, and I ate three meals a day, and they were literally the healthiest meals… I ate it and I woke up before school and I worked out 30 minutes. I woke up like at 5, waiting for school because my school starts early. So I woke up before school. I worked out and then after school, I would work out again. And in two months, I lost 50 pounds.”

That’s a very large amount of weight. In two months. At the age between middle school and high school—so roughly, age 12? 13? Around the same time that weight gain is normal and expected, “as the body stores fat to prepare for the rapid growth and changes associated with puberty,” notes

At this point in the podcast, Milania remembers her “heaviest” weight before middle school. “My heaviest was 150, and when I was done, I was like 110… I was so skinny after that, I was literally sick I was so skinny, because I worked out. But I felt good. But then I gained it back and now I look like… I don’t know.” At that point, the co-host asks, “So you actually felt something, though? You were like, ‘Yuck… was it like, because you saw yourself on the show?” Reminder: this is an adult woman talking to a 17-year-old child.

Milania replies, “Oh, no. My mom would be like—she’d never say anything to me—she’d be like, ‘Are you gonna have another ice cream?’ and I’d be like, ‘I don’t care if I’m fat. Listen, it’s my life. If I want to have ice cream, I’m going to have another ice cream. When I want to lose weight, I’m going to lose weight. And she knew it. And one day it just clicked. And I did it.”

Passive-aggressive remarks about a child’s ice cream intake do the talking for you—you don’t have to specifically say “don’t eat that” for your message to be heard.  And yet here Teresa adds, “They have to want to do it themselves. You can’t force them. I didn’t want her to have a complex or anything. And I thought she looked adorable. She was just a little thicker.”

“My sisters would always throw jabs at me,” Milania explains. “But it was fine.” She went on to add, speaking about what she perceived as her heavier body, “When I was in elementary school, it was cute, but when I got to middle school, it was… not right.”

This conversation, consisting of two adults talking to a child about her weight, is not funny. It’s not light. It’s not cute. It’s not podcast entertainment. “Weight teasing predicts weight gain, binge-eating, and extreme weight control measures,” per data from a 2016 study about eating disorders in adolescents. And “the best-known environmental contributor to the development of eating disorders is the sociocultural idealization of thinness,” research has found.

Which brings us back to the Housewives universe. This isn’t the first time conversations about weight surrounding children have been front-and-center in the series. Yolanda Hadid exhibited infamously problematic behavior toward her daughters, Bella and Gigi, as she repeatedly pressured them to diet to be prepared for their inevitable supermodel futures. “You can have one night of being bad, right,” Yolanda said in one clip from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, where she was chiding Gigi for wanting one bite of cake at her birthday party. “Then you gotta get back on your diet, though. Because, you know, in Paris and Milan, they like the girls just a tad on the skinny side.”

It’s all so unacceptable. It’s well-documented that mothers who make frequent comments about weight are “more likely to have daughters who use extreme weight control behaviors.” I struggled with a three-decade-long eating disorder that started when I was 12. Twelve. In Milania Giudice’s case, any doctor would be alarmed by a two-month, 50-pound weight loss, but the two adult women she’s chatting with, one her own mother, are taking it with a grain of salt.

Body-image issues and eating disorders are dangerous. They are predictors of additional mental health struggles like anxiety and depression. And while I don’t in any way think that Teresa Giudice has sent any of these messages intentionally, impact is always greater than intent.

And when the impact is the risk of sending our kids into decades-long struggles with body image, it’s something we really need to think about more.

A pea in the pod, a bun in the oven, preggo… no matter what you call it, everyone who experiences pregnancy knows you spend half of the nine-month stretch feeling joyful and excited and the other half feeling anxious and wondering if the things happening with your body are normal. You’re probably spending hours rabbit-holing into Google’s depths to read other mothers’ experiences and analyzing your own, wondering, “Is this normal?” Let’s break down a few common pregnancy “normals” and set your mind at ease.

You Are Not Your Belly
Few instances in your life could ever change your appearance so drastically and so quickly, and no two women are going to feel the same. While one may feel more beautiful than ever before, with shiny hair, glowing skin, and a cute, round belly, another woman may be counting down (by the minute) until her due date so she can hit the gym and feel like her old self again. The normal response? Whatever is normal for you.

Know that it’s okay to feel whatever it is you feel about your body; just remember that you are not your belly or your thighs or your boobs. Many women feel negative about weight gain and don’t love that random strangers will comment on their stomachs and bodies without prompt or permission. Be gentle with yourself; you’re creating a life, and your body has to change for that to happen. You will feel like yourself again one day, sooner than you think. In the meantime, pay attention to the happy changes going on with your body, especially when you’re able to feel those fluttery kicks from within.

Sex Drive (Or Park)
Some research points to an increased libido during your second trimester, and supposedly during this time, you’re feeling hot and ready for lovemaking at any time of day or night. This may be normal for some, and for others, it may be the exact opposite, where you sleep with a fly swatter next to your bed to fend off any unwanted advances (unless, of course, it actually is just the much-needed neck massage and nothing more. Yeah, right. We know your tricks.).

The point is, a lot is happening with your body and mind during this time (you’re growing a little human, for goodness sake), with hormones raging like they might during a slow jam during an eighth-grade dance. You’re feeling it? You’re not feeling it? Don’t worry. Whatever you’re feeling is normal. But if you’re concerned about the increase or decrease in your sex drive, talk with your doctor, and have an honest discussion with your partner about your needs.

The Prolapse and the Pee
Something else totally normal that happens to women during pregnancy? Pelvic floor conditions, including urinary and fecal incontinence, and a little condition called prolapse, which happens when the ligaments holding up the pelvic floor stretch, causing the uterus to descend. When this happens, the bowels and/or bladder can be pushed up against the vaginal walls and can cause a bulge, or prolapse, to push out of your vagina.

While this entire description should be a headline on the pamphlets aiming to prevent unplanned teen pregnancies, it is a completely normal side effect of pregnancy and childbirth. Many women say it feels like something coming down into their vagina or that it feels like sitting on a small ball.

Pelvic floor conditions affect one in five women, so to say it’s normal is an understatement. Every pregnant woman has peed a little without making it to the bathroom, but some pelvic floor conditions can be serious, so alert your doctor if you show symptoms, both during pregnancy and afterward. Together you can develop a plan for treatment and healing. There are also pelvic floor specialists who can develop a treatment plan for you.

And in the meantime, there’s leakproof underwear from brands like Proof. Choose the level of absorbency you need and the style you prefer (thong, brief, cheeky, hipster, and more), and you’ll get some piece of mind back.

Anxiety and Terror and Nightmares
When you’re pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is, “Oh, don’t mind her. She’s just emotional because she’s pregnant.” Don’t you just want to kick that person as hard as you can? Or maybe that’s just the emotions talking…? No, it’s a justified desire to kick that person as hard as you can. Of course, you’re emotional; you’re angry and weepy and nostalgic and sentimental and anxious and fearful and excited and happy and… it’s a smorgasbord of emotions, really. But every single one of them is normal, according to  medical experts.

Yes, you will cry over sweet commercials, and yes, you will get irate that the bag in the box of cereal wasn’t closed the right way and now your Captain Crunch is stale. And yes, you will lie awake at night, mapping and remapping the best route to the hospital where you’ll be giving birth. And yes, it’s completely normal to start crying in your kitchen while looking at your dog, wondering how in the world you’re ever going to still love your dog, or if you’re going to love your new baby as much as your dog.

Having a baby is a big change, and every emotion you are feeling is normal. Talk to friends about their “crazy” pregnancy emotions, journal about what you’re feeling, or ask your partner to give you a secret signal if you’re spinning out. Sometimes it can be as easy as telling yourself, “This anxiety/fear/anger I’m feeling only feels like more than I can handle because I’m pregnant.” Or just take comfort in knowing that the worry and anxiety you feel now is a good indicator that you are going to be a caring, concerned, and wonderful mom.

Finding Your New Normal
Try to stay off WebMD about your bump in the night, and instead talk with friends and family who have been pregnant and may have had similar experiences. And always mention anything you find concerning to your doctor. It doesn’t always seem like it, but the nine months are going to be behind you, and before you know it, you’ll be Googling “Is This Normal?” questions about your new little one. For now, try to relax and know that the most normal thing about the questions you’re asking is that every other pregnant woman is asking them as well.

Model and mom-of-three Ashley Graham has never shied away from being totally authentic. It’s a reason she has millions of fans. But in a recent essay she penned for Glamour, Graham shares her harrowing birth story with her twins, and how it’s taken longer than expected to get back to loving her body.

Graham has been a champion of body advocacy for years. She’s also human, and after the birth of her twins, Graham said it’s been a slow journey back to feeling like herself. Part of it, she said, comes after a home birth that didn’t go quite as expected.  “The night I gave birth to the twins, I hemorrhaged,” she wrote.

Graham said her first son, Malachi, was born right as her midwives were arriving. Hours later, Roman was born in her apartment bathtub. Though her sons were healthy and safe, Graham said what happened next shook her to the core.

“The next thing you know, I looked at my midwife and I said, ‘I don’t feel good. I think I need to lay down,’ and I blacked out,” she explained. “All I can remember is feeling a light touch on my cheek, which I found out later was actually somebody smacking the crap out of my cheek, someone holding my hand, my husband Justin in my ear, praying, and someone jabbing me with a needle in my arm. And I remember seeing darkness and what seemed like stars.”

Graham said she came to sometime later and was shocked by what she saw. “I looked around the room, saw blood literally everywhere, and let out this deep, visceral cry,” she wrote, “an emotional release from the chaos I had just experienced.”

Graham said during her recovery at home, she realized she wouldn’t be “bouncing back” to work or in her skin for much longer than she’d planned. “I lay on that bed for four straight days. I couldn’t walk for a week. And I didn’t leave my house for nearly two months,” she said.

Graham said the weight gain, stretch marks, and slower pace caused her to doubt her relationship with her body. “Like so many women, what I went through with childbirth has reshaped my relationship with my body—and I say this knowing that I am the person who has been shouting from the rooftops to you all, ‘Love the skin you’re in,'” she explained. “Yet for me, the births of all my three children threw a lot of that out of the window.”

She was also vulnerable about her own reality while helping other women. “I have always fought against unfair and unrealistic standards and yet, if I am being completely honest, here I was, expecting myself to snap back. And fast,” she said.

At the end of the end, Graham said she’s learned valuable lessons through her experience: “I want to continue to create spaces for women to feel fearless and beautiful and vulnerable, all at the same time.”

When it comes to feeding our families, parents know that despite our best intentions, sometimes all we can handle is what is quick and easy. But we also know that healthy food choices now set our kids up for better choices as they grow up. So what’s a busy parent to do? We asked some nutritional experts for advice on what to buy at the grocery store to set ourselves up for success, whether prepared foods, frozen veggies, or fresh. So even when you’ve got to bust out the mac and cheese once in a while, take their tips below, and you’ll be on the right track for a happy, healthy, well-fed family.

What to Buy at the Grocery Store

Whole Foods/Georg Beyer

Fresh Seafood

Registered dietician and Fresh Thyme Market's resident industry and retail expert Meghan Sedivy recommends parents make seafood a main source of protein twice a week if possible. “In addition to being a great meatless alternative, fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, trout or oysters are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that promote brain and heart health." 

If you're not out there with a rod and a reel yourself, the frozen fish you find at the grocery store is usually flash-frozen for optimal taste and freshness, which makes it easy to have it on hand for a quick dinner. Sedivy reminds us that fatty fish is also, "a great source of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, which aids in calcium absorption, immune function, and protecting bone, muscle, and heart health.” 

Whole Foods

Have you ever heard the term “shopping the edges?” It means focusing on the exterior aisles of the grocery store—where the whole foods reside (all the processed food is in the middle). Renowned chef Gerard Viverito, aka “The Sustainable Chef,” stresses the importance of eating whole foods because that’s where you’ll get a nutritional bang for your buck. He says, "emphasize food quality over quantity by focusing on whole, unprocessed foods that are nutrient-dense foods, high in fiber and low in net carbs-but are still packed with other nutrients.”  

Also, according to Nicolette M. Pace, MS, RDN, CDE, CBC, CDN, CFCS, and FAND, you should be paying attention to the labels. “Don't be fooled by packaged items that are marketed as ‘made with fresh fruit’ or ‘contains a full serving of vegetables.’ Single-ingredient foods like an apple or broccoli do not need labels they are whole foods." Instead, Pace recommends that you cut your selections to those with five or fewer ingredients. "More than likely, a paragraph of ingredients will contain additives, preservatives or flavor enhancers which if routinely eaten can harm a child's health.”

Plant-Based Snacks

Often, the snack foods our kids want for lunch or after school are just empty calories. Consider swapping some of them out with plant-based snacks. Kids will still feel like they're eating snacks, but they'll fill up on fiber and protein. Jill Castle, MS, RDN, is a huge believer in plant-based proteins for kids. “For plant-based snack ideas, try edamame in the shell or black bean dip with whole-grain crackers,” she says. Or, if they’re dying to have a favorite like mac and cheese, a plant-based version, like Banza, a high-protein, chickpea-based pasta, is a good substitution. “Not only does it deliver a plant-based source of protein, but it’s also a significant source of calcium and iron,” says Castle. 

vegetables should be on your list of what to buy at the grocery store
FitNish Media via Unsplash

Fresh (and, If Possible, Local) Produce 

When it comes to healthy food, fresh is best. The best way to eat fresh produce is to try to eat seasonally and locally. If you can’t swing that, stick with what’s available or frozen veggies. It’s also important to try to “eat the rainbow,” Pace says. “Start with a list of different fruits and vegetables that are five different colors in a rich rainbow of healthy nutrition for a child's mental and physical growth. A colorful plate of food is not only appealing to kids, but the plant pigments in red, orange/yellow, green, purple, and even white are plant chemicals, which are super-smart superfoods that help keep kids healthy and develop well.” 

Sedivy agrees with this concept. “I always recommend picking up fresh, in-season produce when grocery shopping. Not only do fruits and vegetables add a pop of color to your plate, but they add flavor, and texture and increase your nutrient intake. Aim for at least three different colored fruit or veggie options like blueberries, tomatoes, green beans, or Brussels sprouts to ensure that you are consuming a variety of nutrients.”

Healthy Fats 

Fat can be an excellent source of nutrition; it just depends on what type you're eating, and yes, there’s a difference. Fats from things like avocados, nuts, seeds, and fish are all filled with healthy-boosting qualities. Chef Viverito is a big fan. His list of healthy fat sources includes grass-fed butter, ghee, avocados, coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil and Malaysian certified sustainable palm oil. He mentions palm oil in particular. “Malaysian palm oil has scientifically proven benefits for the heart, brain and liver. It is loaded with carotenoids, much more than carrots and tomatoes. It’s also much better for cooking and grilling, as it holds up to high heat and has a neutral flavor.”

Pantry Staples

It’s important to have a few basic ingredients on hand at all times, so you can make a homemade meal instead of deferring to pre-packaged meals, so be sure to always have a running list before you hit the grocery store. If you're wondering what you can make with these few ingredients, check out our roundup of pantry meals

What Not to Buy at the Grocery Store

soda isn't what to buy at the grocery store
NeONBRAND via Unsplash

Sugary Drinks

We’ve known about this one for a while, but sometimes it can be tempting to let the kids have that sugar-free energy drink or even the juice box. There’s not only a ton of added sugar in sodas, juices and other flavored drinks, but there are also a lot of artificial ingredients. According to The Sustainable Chef, it’s important to avoid heavily processed fruit juices and sodas. “Clean hydration is important because they help flush your system,” he says. “Water, sparkling water, green tea, black tea, coffee, protein shakes, milk alternatives, vegetable juice, kefir, and kombucha can all offer interesting alternatives to often chemical-laden and heavily processed fruit juices and sodas.”

Processed Foods

Processed foods are another one to avoid if you can. Processed foods are likely to have far more additives and fewer of the micronutrients your body needs. What’s more, they are associated with several negative health effects, including weight gain, diabetes, overall mortality and heart disease. By choosing processed foods over nutritious, whole foods, you may become deficient in micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, and vitamins C, D, and K,” says Chef Vivierto.

Non-Grass Fed or Organic Meats

This can get pricey, but it’s worth it. According to the Cleveland Clinic, while grass-fed meats are the best, organic meat is still better than nothing at all. The benefits of choosing these pricer cuts of meats range from being better for the environment to having more nutritional benefits like extra omega-3 fatty acids, less cholesterol and more antioxidants. 

Pre-Packaged Deli Meats

Turkey, ham and chicken cuts can be a good source of protein for kids, but the pre-packaged stuff has tons of saturated fat and sodium. The Cleveland Clinic recommends selecting fresh deli meats because they have fewer nitrates, look for the leanest cut of meat or a low-sodium option. 



Why does being a woman have to be so complicated? I stood in front the mirror this morning in jeans and a bra, just staring.  This body of mine is just a body.  Over the course of the last couple of years, I have been trying to figure out how to give myself a pass for how I look, again. There has been unemployment (twice), moving (three times), changing jobs (three times), loss of my dad, the tail end of a bad marriage, a divorce, and a traumatic event.  I ate a lot of feelings.  But instead of focusing on the good, like the fact that my body is still capable of getting me anywhere I want to go without assistance, I make derogatory comments and hope people laugh with me. I’m so much more than my physical self yet I, as well as many other women, get caught up thinking about the body. We must find balance, but where is it?

Almost 13 years ago, I was 38 and was continuously telling myself that I didn’t want to turn 40 looking the way that I did. I was extremely overweight. I had some very bad habits. I made everyone around me think that I was okay with my weight. I used to talk about not having any health problems and I was going on dates, so men didn’t seem to mind. I don’t believe that anyone likes or enjoys being overweight. Anyone overweight that tells you that they are truly happy, are lying to you. I know because I was there, and I was one of those people lying to you. My inner dialogue was so much different.

Turning 40 wasn’t important enough, though, because 40 came and went and I still looked the same. Unfortunately, all I did was gain more weight after turning 40.  I stayed overweight and continued with conflicting internal and external dialogue through age 40, 41, and 42. 43 was the point when things started to change for me, physically. After a very emotional conversation with my parents in January of 2014, I started walking the next day and gave up eating sugar and a lot of things that would turn to sugar after eating them. It was somewhere between low carb and ketogenic.

Even after one hundred pounds of weight loss, I was still figuring out the mental part. A lot of people only think about the physical part of weight loss and don’t ever address the mental part. Aside from physical illnesses or certain medications, there millions of other reasons for weight gain and lack of ability to lose weight. We need to tackle the reasons why we gained weight and why we continue to hold on to the weight.

Are women ever truly happy with the body that reflects in the mirror? Honestly, no. After I lost my weight, I thought that I would never question my body again. I will admit that I questioned it far less than I had in previous years, but the questions were still there. The problem is that women do not ever look at their bodies through their own eyes. We look at our bodies through the eyes of media, through the eyes of men, through the eyes of other women, through the eyes of the 5th grade bullies, through the eyes of their love interest, etc. Women are consistently being set up to question themselves. Women are not allowed to be content with their own personal perfection.

Perfection related to anything is relative. What this means is that we all believe that “perfect” is something different. My point of perfection might be complete crap to someone else. The part that makes this so ridiculous is that I believe we all know this, yet we still set similar goals of perfection. The idea of perfection is something that all people need to let go of. The reason I say this is simple. We never reach the point of perfection in our own minds, let alone what anyone else thinks about what we are trying to accomplish. I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “you are your own worst critic.” It’s true and that is why we never reach what we believe is our personal perfection. We sabotage ourselves by believing that we have never quite gotten to perfection, when our lives, our bodies, our love lives, our whatever, is just where they are supposed to be. Instead of worrying about perfection, we need to start trusting ourselves more. We need to be dialed in to feelings of greatness. If it feels great, then it probably is. Take weight loss for instance. You have a goal to weigh 125 pounds and you have worked incredibly hard to get there. You changed your eating habits. You exercise regularly. You feel more amazing than you have in years, but you have been sitting at 128 pounds for months. And? What makes 125 more perfect than 128 pounds…absolutely nothing!  Everything is telling you that 128 is the sweet spot, so what’s the harm in listening to the universe and nothing else?


I am a single mom of three beautiful daughters ages 29, 20, and 15.  At 50, I am recently divorced and making a career change.  I'm trying to put my BA and my MA to use finally!  My life hasn't always been easy but I feel good about the future!

In the land of kids and monsters, Sleep Monster wouldn’t let anyone sleep a wink. Although Sleep Monster said it was fun not to sleep, he was telling a lie. Kids and monsters alike were tired and cranky, but no one knew what to do.

And so begins the saga of the Sleep Monster who discourages sleep and well-being for everyone around him. Sleep Monster is related to the Worry Monster who appears in the author’s popular book on children’s anxiety. Now the author addresses ways to tame the sleep monster as another important health focus for families.

The Importance of Sleep in Children

Sleep is an essential building block for your child’s mental and physical health. Scientists know that a child who consistently gets a good night’s sleep is more creative, can concentrate longer, can solve problems better, is able to remember new things, has more energy, has a more robust immune system, and can create and maintain good relations with others.

But, according to a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, almost half of American children do not get enough sleep. The risk factors for sleep-deprived children are great. Many of these children show signs of increased irritability, stress, forgetfulness, problems learning, low motivation, and high levels of anxiety. Often sleep-deprived children’s behaviors will mimic ADHD leading to incorrect diagnoses and treatment. As if these issues weren’t enough, prolonged sleep deprivation can worsen existing behavior problems and contribute to depression and anxiety.

Physically, kids who do not get enough sleep are at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, smaller stature, weakened immune system, and obesity. According to sleep experts, the link between obesity and weight gain is related. Along with fast food and insufficient exercise, lack of sleep is a factor in weight gain.

How Much Sleep Does Your Child Need?

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following guidelines for the amount of sleep needed per day (naps included):

  • Toddlers: 11-14 hours
  • Pre-schoolers: 10 -13 hours
  • Children 6-13 years: 9 -11 hours
  • Teenagers 14-17 years: 8 -10 hours

What Interferes with a Good Night’s Sleep?

Sleep is a complex, yet imperative biological function. For children, there are many factors that interfere with sleeping well, with one of the biggest problems being screen time. According to the National Sleep Foundation, using electronic devices before bed (especially small screens held close to the face) interferes with the release of melatonin—the hormone that helps us sleep. This is mainly due to the blue light emitted from the screen, which can be the equivalent of drinking a cup of coffee. Parents wouldn’t say, “Why don’t you have a cup of coffee and go to bed.” Yet when screens are allowed in the evening, the effect can be similar.

Other risk factors include living below the poverty line, lack of caregiver information about the importance of sleep, adverse home life, and mental health issues. One of the biggest mental health issues is anxiety—the number one referring problem to mental health providers in the world.

Anxiety is like a constantly dripping faucet. Worrying thoughts come into the brain like water from a leaky faucet and it seems impossible to stop them. Soon the thoughts get to a very high level and will cause real damage if not controlled. The anxious dripping thoughts are often worse at night. The anxious child lays awake in bed, unable to shut off the worries and unable to sleep. Then he worries that he is not sleeping. It is a vicious cycle. The book, Shrinking the Worry Monster, A Kid’s Guide for Saying Goodbye to Worries, addresses the topic of kids’ anxiety and offers many concrete solutions to lower worry.

Ways to Tame the Sleep Monster

It is important to carry out good sleep hygiene, which refers to healthy sleep habits. The behaviors and choices your child makes during the day and especially at night affect how well he or she sleeps. Seattle Children’s offers an excellent handout on tips to help children sleep well. Some of their tips plus other ideas are described below.

1. Keep consistent bedtimes and wake times every day of the week. Changing times on the weekend can throw a sleep schedule off.
2. Keep your child’s bedroom cool, quiet, and comfortable. Make sure the mattress and pillow are of good quality.
3. Keep your child’s bed for sleeping only. Discourage the use of electronic devices or reading in bed, so the bed won’t become associated with wakefulness.
4. Limit electronic devices and anything with high stimulation to within an hour of bedtime.
5. Bedtime should include a predictable sequence of events like bath, brush teeth, quiet talk, story, and lights out.
6. Relaxation techniques have become more popular and effective. Try deep, slow abdominal breathing or remembering positive scenes from past events. There are a number of apps that offer mediation for children’s sleep.
7. Turn the clock away from view. Clock watching at night only increases anxiety about not sleeping.
8. Physical exercise and being outside are important every day, but don’t exercise within 2 hours of sleep time.
9. Security objects at bedtime can be helpful.
10. Limit caffeine and soda after 2 p.m. Caffeine can fragment sleep.
11. Worry time should not be at bedtime. There are a number of wonderful techniques for handling worries in children. In addition to the author’s book, her blogs include articles on how to build a Worry Box and how to use Worry Time. Do not let anxiety interfere with your child’s sleep. Anxiety is controllable.

Good sleep is essential for all kids (and adults). It’s imperative to discuss why sleep is important, how sleep deprivation hurts kids, sleep requirements, and offers concrete tips on ways to tame the sleep monster. Just like the Worry Monster, the Sleep Monster can be managed. Hopefully, the end of our story could be—In the land of kids and monsters, everyone sleeps well.

This post originally appeared on Why Can’t I Sleep? Ways to Tame the Sleep Monster.

I am a child psychologist who specializes in children's anxiety. I just published a top seller children's book titled Shrinking the Worry Monster, A Kid's Guide for Saying Goodbye to Worries. I love sharing ideas about decreasing worry in children, especially now. I also love to hike and bike in beautiful Pacific NW. 

If you’re expecting twins, you may be wondering if there are certain considerations you need to be aware of that are different than those carrying singleton pregnancies. To help you address this, here are some common questions I hear from pregnant women expecting twins.

1. What are my delivery choices with twins? Is it possible to deliver without surgery?
In my experience, about 50 percent of twins are vertex/vertex (both head down) in the uterus. The next most common presentation is vertex/breech, with one baby head down and the other baby bottom down. The second baby can be delivered breech or turned by external cephalic version (ECV). Either option is reasonable. Twins can also both be breech, and I have delivered breech twins vaginally.  Of these three possible presentations, the breech/vertex position is considered a poor choice for a vaginal birth because of the chance of locking chins. The pregnant women I’ve treated have not exhibited this presentation, but the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends a C-section in such cases. So in most cases, yes — it is possible to deliver twins without a C-section, and even without an episiotomy.

2. How common is it to have one twin delivered vaginally and one by C-section?
I’ve often said that birthing the first twin vaginally and the second twin by C-section is the worst of both worlds. I have never done this procedure. Management of the second twin requires patience, discernment, judgment, and luck. Of these, patience is the most important. A new mom who has a combination vaginal/C-section delivery will be more tired and sore, and will need much support at home to avoid depression. Recovery time will also be longer, from 4 to 6 weeks. To avoid the vaginal/C-section combination delivery, new moms need to know their options and discuss them with their doctor. If your babies are not vertex/vertex (both head down), what is your obstetrician’s comfort level with managing the delivery?

PRO TIP: Dads can play a big part in post-partum support. In my experience, dads attending prenatal visits and classes are more able and willing to help out after delivery. The father of the quads I delivered took an active part in caring for his babies. He told me he figured out that he changed 7000 diapers per month! Now that’s dedication and commitment.

3. What unique aspects of being pregnant with twins should I be aware of in each trimester?
First trimester: Nausea, lack of interest in food, and risk of miscarriage are all higher during the first trimester.
Second trimester: Risk of preterm cervical dilation and hypertension increase in trimester two.
Third trimester: When pregnant with twins, preterm delivery is common in trimester three. With twins, 38 weeks is considered term.

4. Does giving birth to multiples lead to higher postpartum baby blues, depression, or psychosis?
A multiple pregnancy can have everything a single pregnancy can have, and have more of it. So yes, more baby blues, more depression, and for some, more post-partum psychosis are possible. Dads are most important. They are most available to help. Stay in touch with your care provider and ensure you have a strong support system of friends and family in place for the first few months after you give birth—especially those first few weeks.

5. Can you share tips for nursing twins?
First off, know that nursing twins can absolutely be done. Most often, nursing is simultaneous and each baby gets one breast. Nursing is wonderfully adaptive. The babies can be held like a football under each arm, with the head on the breast and the body and legs to the mother’s sides and back. Most importantly, don’t worry! About the only thing that wrecks nursing is worrying and thinking you can’t. If you think it can’t happen, it won’t. Until your milk production catches up, you may need to top off the twins’ feedings with formula. Please do not worry when providing your twins with a little formula. You are not bad or inferior. Your babies must eat and gain weight.

6. Giving birth to one baby carries some risks for mother and child. Are those risks the same when giving birth to twins?
Giving birth to twins offers more risks for everything. But in my experience, it’s not twice as much risk.

PRO TIP: Don’t smoke!!!

7. Can I maintain my pre-pregnancy exercise regimen when pregnant with twins? What modifications should I make, if any?
Maintaining your pre-pregnancy exercise program depends upon what your  pre-pregnancy program was. I would avoid running five miles daily—or even one mile daily. Yoga would be better.

8. Do I need to eat more when pregnant with twins than I would with a singular pregnancy?
Although we kow the optimum weight gain for singleton pregnancies, less is known about multiples. My experience with twins indicates you should eat about 50 percent more than with single pregnancies, but not twice as much. Certainly you need the maternal volume increase, which will be about four pounds a month. There will be more amniotic fluid, more blood volume, more placenta, and more baby.

9. What should I do in terms of self-care when pregnant with twins?
Set your mind at ease by learning more about what it means to carry, birth, and raise twins. The more knowledgeable you feel, the more you will be able to advocate for yourself with your care providers, and navigate all the unique realities that having twins will present to you.

All pregnancies require an increased level of care and attention from expectant mothers. Carrying twins simply means a slightly higher level of due diligence on your part to protect your health and your babies’ health during pregnancy, delivery, and especially during their first few months of life.

Stay in touch with your care provider through each step of your journey, and don’t hesitate to ask these and other questions to help you incorporate the information into your unique pregnancy and birthing experience.

FUN FACT: With deliveries on one side of midnight and one on the other, I have had twins deliver on separate days, separate months, and even separate years (New Year’s Eve / New Year’s Day)!

Dr. Alan Lindemann
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

An obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D. teaches women and families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. In nearly 40 years of practice, he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! Visit


Many pregnant women anticipate that the next few years of their lives will be filled with sleepless nights and tired days. While it feels like common sense to think that having a child can mean less sleep, few people ask why we have to sacrifice rest for parenthood, and it’s time that we do.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 74% of stay-at-home moms report insomnia but working parents can be just as affected to, experiencing problems with performance and even safety risks such as driving to risk with sleep deprivation.

Lack of sleep does more than just cause parents to be tired. Not getting rest can create serious havoc such as causing hormonal changes, weight gain, lack of concentration, weight gain, and a weakened immune system. When you’re trying to devote your time to caring for a newborn baby or busy toddler, these are the last things you should be dealing with.

In fact, studies show that better sleep makes you a better parent, as exhaustion is likely to make parents resort to permissive decisions they may not otherwise choose if rested.

Parents Want to Sleep, but Habits Don’t Change
The infant sleep industry which includes specialized cribs, bassinets, blankets, and other products to help babies fall and stay asleep is a 325 million dollar industry. Parents are willing to pay for a good night’s rest but many end up disappointed in products that do little to nothing to solve the problem.

Why? Devices and smart technology do little to address sleep habits.

So, how do you get the nights of sleep from your pre-baby days and why is it important to spend just as much time investing in you and your baby’s sleep health as you do as something like nutrition?

Why Early Sleep Habits Are Important
Healthy sleep habits are something that follows us through every developmental life stage and those habits start from as young as infancy. So instead of accepting bad sleep, why not use the time with your child to instill positive sleep habits that can set a positive foundation for toddler years and beyond?

If your child has bad sleep habits, the many effects of exhaustion aren’t just something that happens to you or your partner. Research indicates that poor sleep habits that begin early in childhood can lead to problems like obesity, poor academic performance, and learning difficulties.

For many, better sleep simply begins with shifting their philosophy. Sleep health is part of total health and good sleep doesn’t have to be something parents have to wait for—better habits can start in one night.

Consistency Is Key
Learn about your child’s developmental stages and their rest needs. For example, between naps and nighttime sleeping, a six-month-old should be sleeping about 15 hours a day.

A good way to gauge your baby or toddler’s sleep health is to see if they are getting close to their recommended hours of sleep and falling and staying asleep easily (depending on their age). However, if sleep is continually sporadic or seems to be a battle every night, it may be time to look at strategies to help soothe your child and get him or her into a more regular nap and bedtime routine.

Don’t Carry All of the Weight—Communicate!
If you feel like the pressure of your child’s sleep schedule is overwhelming—ask for help. Dividing up nights with your partner as you establish a routine can be a helpful way to ensure you have your own healthy sleep routine. It’s also okay to ask for professional help.

Sleep consultants are infant and toddler sleep experts that can help families get their nights back to normal by providing in-home or remote sleep training. For working parents, the benefit of an in-home consultant can provide both peace of mind and the supportive care needed to get baby and parent rest back on track for good.

Don’t Feel Bad if Regression Happens
Children change and go through many stages. Sleep regression is normal and as long as you’re consistent with your plan of action, you can expect success over the long term.

However, you don’t have to hold your exhaustion up as proof of your parenthood or accept sleepless nights. You and your baby deserve a better night’s sleep.


Epic Baby Sleep Guide: Expert Advice & What to Expect in the First Year

Sweet Dreams: White Noise & Sound Machines for Babies

Featured image: iStock 

Melissa has 4 children which led her to learn the importance of instilling healthy sleep habits. As a Certified Sleep Consultant, Melissa has developed an approach to sleep training that is tailored to each individual family’s unique goals. Having worked with hundreds of families, Melissa has become a go-to resource for parents.