These funny jokes will have them belly-laughing for days

Need a good joke when you’re in a pinch? We’ve got you covered with a joke of the day for almost a whole year, and most of them are original! These hilarious jokes for kids require little to no explanation from parents, but you’ll want to get in on the fun, anyway. From cheesy jokes to knock-knock jokes and beyond, many of these have been sent to us by kids themselves. We’ve also got squeaky-clean jokes, spring jokes, and printable lunchbox jokes. And for those looking to take the fun to the next level, we’ve got the best minute to win it games, too.

Why should you share jokes with your kids?

Because it allows kids to learn to laugh at themselves and not take themselves too seriously. It’s an easy way to have quality time that doesn’t include a screen. So go ahead, scroll through our favorite jokes for kids, and spend 15 minutes having a good chuckle with your kiddos.

1. What do you call an ant who fights crime? 
A vigilante! 

—Joe L., age 10 

2. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Olive who?
Olive YOU!

3. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.

4. What do you call a little legume?
A Tinybean.

5. What did the left eye say to the right eye?
Between us, something smells!

6. Why did the police play baseball?
He wanted to get a catch!

—Yuna, age 8

7. What did the microwave say to the other microwave?
Is it just me? Or is it really hot in here?

—Yuna, age 8

8. Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

9. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting pirate.
Interrupting pir—yarrrrrr!

10. What is brown, hairy, and wears sunglasses?
A cool coconut.

11. Two pickles fell out of a jar onto the floor. What did one say to the other?
Dill with it.

12. What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!

13. Why did the kid cross the playground?
To get to the other slide.

14. Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Icy who?
Icy you trying not to laugh at my knock-knock joke!

15. What kind of lion doesn't roar?
A dandelion.

16. How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying?
You rocket!

17. Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7, 8, 9

18. What does a cloud wear under a raincoat?

19. When does a joke become a “dad” joke?
When the punchline is a parent.

20. What do you call a dinosaur fart?
A blast from the past.

Related: 100+ of The Best Clean Jokes For Kids

21. What did the limestone say to the geologist?
Don’t take me for granite!

22. What do you call a duck that gets all A’s?
A wise quacker.

23. Why does a seagull fly over the sea?
Because if it flew over the bay, it would be a baygull.

24. Which is faster? Hot or cold?
Hot. You can easily catch a cold. 

25. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!

26. Why can't you trust an atom?
They make up everything.

27. Why was the baby strawberry crying?
Because her parents were in a jam.

28. What did the little corn say to the mama corn?
Where is pop corn?

29. What is worse than raining cats and dogs?
Hailing taxis!

30. How much does it cost a pirate to get his ears pierced?
About a buck an ear.

31. Where would you find an elephant?
The same place you lost her!

32. How do you talk to a giant?
Use big words!

33. What animal is always at a baseball game?
A bat.

34. What falls in winter but never gets hurt?

35. What do you call a ghost’s true love?
His ghoul-friend.

36. What building in New York has the most stories?
The public library!

37. What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you!

38. How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!

39. What is a tornado’s favorite game to play?

40. How do baby cats learn how to swim?
The kitty pool.

41. How do you get a squirrel to like you?
Act like a nut!

42. What do you call two birds in love?

43. How does a scientist freshen her breath?
With experi-mints!

44. How are false teeth like stars?
They come out at night!

45. How can you tell a vampire has a cold?
She starts coffin.

46. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
Finding half a worm.

47. What is a computer's favorite snack?
Computer chips!!
—reader Rebecca K.

48. Why don’t elephants chew gum?
They do, just not in public.

49. What was the first animal in space?
The cow that jumped over the moon

50. What did the banana say to the dog?
Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

51. What time is it when the clock strikes 13?
Time to get a new clock.

52. How does a cucumber become a pickle?
It goes through a jarring experience.

53. Which city does Paw Patrol like the most? 
New Yorkie.

54. What do you think of that new diner on the moon?
Food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere.

55. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
Because the chicken wasn’t born yet.

56. Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?
Because she will let it go.

57. How do you make an octopus laugh?
With ten-tickles!

58. How do you make a tissue dance?
You put a little boogie in it.

59. What's green and can fly?
Super Pickle!

60. When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look?
Because when you find it, you stop looking.

little girl and boy sharing a joke
Saeed Karimi via Unsplash

61. Why do shrimp never share?
They're so shellfish.

62. What musical instrument is found in the bathroom?
A tuba toothpaste.

63. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?
Because she wanted to go to high school.

64. Where do vampires keep their money?
A blood bank.

65. What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.

66. What do you call a dog magician?
A labracadabrador.

67. Where do pencils go on vacation?

68. Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse.

69. What do you cakes and baseball have in common?
They both need a batter! 

70. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel.

71. What do you call two bananas?

And speaking of bananas...

72. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it wasn’t peeling well.

73. Why was the mushroom the life of the party?
It was a fungi.

74. What stays in the corner yet can travel all over the world?  
A stamp.

75. How do you fix a cracked pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch.

76. What kind of award did the dentist receive?
A little plaque.

77. What do you call a funny mountain?

78. What should you drink while singing nursery rhymes?
Hot Cocomelon.

79. Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use a honeycomb.

Related: 30 Wacky Winter Jokes for Kids

80. What did the big flower say to the little flower?
Hi, bud!

81. There are two robots sitting on a wall. They are named Pete and Re-Pete. Pete falls off. Who is left?
( you repeat the whole thing again and again and again.)

—Henrik P., 10 

82. What is a pony’s favorite juice?
She really likes lemon-neigh’d.

—5-year-old Kerrigan

83. Where do fish keep their money?
In the River-Bank!

—Jaxon G., 7 y.o.

84. What do you call an alligator with a vest?
An investigator!

—Milo H-R, age 8

85. Why was the computer cold?
It left its window open!

—Milo H-R, age 8

86. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry!

—Milo H-R, age 8

87. In baseball, would it take longer to run from 1st to 2nd base or 2nd to 3rd base?
2nd to 3rd base because there’s a shortstop in between.

—Milo H-R, age 8

88. What has lots of leaves but never actually grew?
A book!

—Milo H-R, age 8

89. Why was the computer cold?
It had a virus. 

—Henrik, age 10 

90. Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer?
Because he couldn’t see himself doing it.

—Jan L. 

91. Who keeps the ocean clean?
The mer-maid.

—Jan L. 

92. What did the astronaut say when he crashed into the moon?
"I Apollo-gize."

93. Why didn’t the orange win the race?
It ran out of juice.

94. What dinosaur had the best vocabulary?  
The thesaurus.

95. What did one DNA strand say to the other DNA strand?
Do these genes make my butt look big?

96. Why aren’t dogs good dancers?
They have two left feet.

97. What did the wolf say when it stubbed its toe?
Owwwww-ch! (by Henrik, age 5)

98. Kid: What are you doing under there?
Mom: Under where?
Kid: Ha ha! You said underwear!!

99. Why did Johnny throw the clock out of the window?
Because he wanted to see time fly.

100. What did one toilet say to the other?
You look flushed.

101. Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
He wanted cold hard cash!

102. Why couldn’t the astronaut book a hotel on the moon?
Because it was full.

103. How do pickles enjoy a day out?
They relish it.

104. What do you call an old snowman?

105. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?

106. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?
Swimming trunks.

107. How do you throw a party in space?
You planet.

108. What do you call an attractive fruit?
A fine apple!

109. What happened when the skunk was on trial?
The judge declared, “Odor in the court, odor in the court!”

110. What do you call a sleeping bull?
A bulldozer!

111. Why did the tomato blush?
It saw the salad dressing.

112. What do you call a fish without an eye?
A fsh.

113. What’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef.

114. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a parrot?
A walkie talkie.

115. Why are robots never afraid?
They have nerves of steel.

116. Why did the cabbage win the race?
Because it was a-head.

117. What does an evil hen lay?
Deviled eggs.

118. What does a book do in the winter?
Puts on a jacket.

119. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Needle who?
Needle little help right now.

Related: 30+ Math Jokes for Kids That Add Up to Laughs

120. What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier?

121. What kind of haircuts to bees get?

122. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Donut who?
Donut ask me, I just got here.

124. What do you get if you cross a pie and a snake?
A pie-thon.

125. What do you do if you get peanut butter on your doorknob?
Use a door jam.

126. Why was 6 so mad at 7?
Because 7 8 9.

127. Why didn’t the robot finish his breakfast?
Because the orange juice told him to concentrate.

128. Why can’t you play hockey with pigs?
They always hog the puck.

129. Why do porcupines always win the game?
They have the most points.

130. Where do elephants pack their clothes?
In their trunks!

131. What does bread do on vacation?
Loaf around.

132. Why was the broom running late?
It over-swept.

133. What part of the fish weighs the most?
The scales.

134. What do ghosts like to eat in the summer?
I Scream.

135. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?
Because her students were so bright.

136. What do you call a deer with pink eye?
A colorful eye-deer. (credit to Capt. John of the Appledore!)

137, Where do sheep go on vacation?
The Baaa-hamas.

138. What does every birthday end with?
The letter Y.

139. What did the paper say to the pencil?
Write on!

140. Why do birds fly?
It’s faster than walking.

141. Why did Superman flush the toilet?
Because it was his doody.

142. Why did the pillow cross the road?
It was picking up the chicken’s feathers.

143. Can February March?
No, but April May.

144. What time do ducks wake up?
At the quack of dawn.

145. Why did the giraffes get bad grades?
She had her head in the clouds.

146. What did the flower say after it told a joke?
I was just pollen your leg.

147. What did the traffic light say to the truck?
Don’t look, I’m changing.

148. What do kids play when they don’t have a phone?
Bored games.

149. Why didn’t the koala bear get the job?
They said she was over-koala-fied.

150. Who was that owl who did all the tricks?

151. What kind of vegetable is angry?
A steamed carrot!

three girls laughing at jokes for kids

152. How does the moon stay up in the sky?

153. Why isn't there a clock in the library?
Because it tocks too much. 

154. Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they're so good at it! 

155. What day of the week are most twins born on?

(submitted by reader Scooter T.!) 

156. Would February March?
No, but April May. 

157. What do you call bears with no ears?

158. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!

168. What do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk. 

—Jasper L., young reader submitted!

169. What’s yellow and looks like pineapple?
A lemon with a new haircut. 

—submitted (and created) by Rafael L. 

Related: 41 Giggle-Inducing Jokes for Toddlers

170. What do you call a deer with no eyes?
"No eye-deer." 

—also sent in by young Raffy 

171. What did the lunchbox say to the banana?
You really have appeal. 

172. What did the mouse say to the keyboard?

You're my type! 

173. What did the science book say to the math book?
Wow, you've got problems. 

174. How do squids get to school?

They take an octobus. 

175. Where do mermaids look for jobs?
The kelp-wanted section. 

176. What word starts with the letter t, ends with the letter t, and has t in it?
A teapot!

—young reader Collin S.

177. What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!

—Lewis G.

178.  Two goats were munching on a movie script. 
Goat 1: This is good!
Goat 2: The book was better.

—reader submitted by Mr. Jeffry

179. What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?

—submitted by Stella D.

180. Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall?
To make up for his miserable summer.

—reader submitted by Kaci Y.  

181. Why did the woman become an archeologist?
Because her career was in ruins.

182. Knock knock! 
Who's there?
Manatee who?
Manatee would be better than a sweater today, it's hot! 

183. What do you call two monkeys that share an Amazon account?

—Merci P., aged 10

184. What snack should you make for the Snowman Holiday Party?
Ice Krispy Treats

—Emmerson H., age 13

185. What do you call a nun who sleepwalks?
A roamin' Catholic. 

—Janice B., a reader like you! 

186. Why do birds fly south?
It's too far to walk.

—Pearl, age 10

187. What did the traffic light say to the cars?
Don't look, I'm changing!

—reader, age 6 

188. Why is there a gate around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in!

189. What is a scarecrow's favorite fruit?
A strawberry. 

190. How does a hurricane see?
With one eye. 

191. How do they answer the phone at the paint store?

—Lily, age 6

192. Why do scissors always win a race?
Because they take a shortcut!

—Foster, age 5 

193. How do you stop a bull from charging? 
You unplug it! 

—Jadyn, Age 12 

194. What did the dad say to his daughter at the cook out? 
This grill is on fire! 

—Jadyn, 12 (This kid is on fire! 🤣) 

195. Why did the king go to the bathroom?
He wanted to sit on the throne.

—Eric, age 10

196. What is a pirate's favorite body part?
The booty!

—C.J., age 9

197. If it takes two men to dig a hole in one day how long would it take for one man to dig a half a hole?           
There is no such thing as a half a hole.

—Eric, age 10

198. How do cats bake cake?
From scratch. 

—reader Jacey

199. What is a zombie's favorite thing to eat?
Brain food. 

200. How do you fix a broken tomato?
With a can of tomato paste. 

201. What do you call a rabbit with lice?
Bugs Bunny. 

a family laughing at jokes for kids

202. It took 10 workers 10 days to build a bridge.  How long would it take 5 workers to build the same bridge?
None—it’s already built!

—Liam, age 7 

203. How do you make the word Tiger longer?

—Kabir, Age 9

204. How do you clean chicken?  -
Put it in dishwasher.

—Kabir, Age 9

205. What do frogs order at McDonalds?
French flies and a Croak-a-Cola.

206. There's a girl on a boat in a pretty pink coat. What's her name?

—Ray, age 9

207. Where does a rat go when it has a toothache?
To the rodentist. 

—Ray, age 9!

208. What does an alien do when it is bored in school?
Spaces out. 

—Ray! (they are on a roll!), age 9

209. What does a broken plate say when she gets her cupcake?
Is this GLUE-ten free?

—Guess who? Ray! age 9 

210. Why didn't the hyena cross the road?
He was too busy laughing. 

—reader submitted by Gillian P. 

211. Have you heard the one about the student who was afraid of negative numbers?
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

212. What do you call it when a hammock teases another hammock?

—Joe L., age 8 

213. What did they say when Marie Curie and Albert Einstein said the same thing at the same time?
Greatest minds think alike! 

—Henrik, age 9

214. What did the kid learn about knowledge?
It was all knowing.

—Reader submitted by Deziree

215. Why did the chicken go the hospital?
Because it needed some tweatment!

—Joshua Y., age 9 
216. Why did the skeletons cross the road?

To get to the body shop!

—Also Mr. Joshua Y., age 9

217. What is more impressive than a talking parrot?
A spelling bee.

—submitted by...drumroll...Joshua Y., age 9!! 

218. What do you call babies in the army?

—Joe L., age 9

219. What is a cat's favorite color?

—Olivia W., age 7 

220. Why did the dragon cross the road?
Because he was too chicken to fly!       

—Joshua Y. 

221. Who won the race of princesses?
Rapunzel, By a hair!

—Josh Y! 

222. What did the egg say when it was late for breakfast?
I have to scramble!

—our buddy, Joshua Y. 

223. How do you stop a bull from charging?
You take away it's credit card!

—Joshua Y. 

224. Where does the T-rex go shopping?
The dino store!

—Joshua Y., age 9 

225. Why was the rabbit happy?
Because somebunny loved him!

—Guess who? Joshua Y.! 

226. What did the pear say to the shoeless?
You need a pair of shoes. 

—reader submitted by Rose A. 

227. What do you call a bear with no ear?
A "B"

—Alexis R. 

228. What would happen if the dean lost his job?
He would lose his "ideanity." 

—Joshua Y. 

229. Why did the baby cross the road? 

To get to the whine shop!

—Matilda C., age 7

230. Why shouldn’t you trust stairs?
Because they are always up to something.

—Ryder, Age 3!!! 

Related: 20 Cheesy Jokes To Make Anyone Crack a Smile

231. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was out standing in his field.

—Suzanna R. 

232. What do you call a cat burrito?
A purrito

—Rosewyn age 8 and 3 quarters 

233. What kind of key opens a banana?
A monkey!

—Rosewyn age 8 and 3 quarters 

234. What do you call a pounding headache? 
A temple tantrum!

—hilarious reader, MJ Sims

235. How do you get a cat to code?

You Scratch it!

—Musegirl, 8

236. Why was the man mad at the clock?

He was ticked off!

—Nolan A. age 8

237. What is the strongest kind of shoe?

Under Armor!

—Liam A. age 9

238. Why did Rudolph have a bad report card?

Because he went down in History!

—Sreeja K., age 8 

239. Why don't scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything!

—Sreeja K., age 8 

240. Why can't you spell dark with a "c", so it says "darc"?
Because you can't c in dark!

—Shivani age 8

241. How do you clean a chicken?
An egg wash!

—MB, age 12 

242. Why did the cookie have to go to the doctor?
It was feeling crummy. 

243. What's Joanna Gaines' favorite snack food?

—H.P., aged 9

244. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
Because there was noBody on the other side. 

—Grandpa Jo, 54

245. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
He didn't have the guts. 

—Londynn, 9

246. What do you do when an astronaut’s wife is upset?
Give her some space.

—Jaden, 11

247. Why did the young astronaut cry on the moon?
Because he missed his mother earth. 

—A mother on earth

248. Two monkeys were fighting over a banana. What happened?
Banana split! 

—Saori K. 

249. What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
A blood orange!

—Rianna G., age 10

250. Why don't eggs like to gamble?
They always get a raw deal. 

251. When is a door not a door?
When it's ajar. 

252. Why did the scientist take out the bell?
He wanted to win the no-bell prize. 


253. Why are strawberries natural musicians?
They love to jam. 

254. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot! 

Related: 40+ Hilarious Knock Knock Jokes for Kids

little girl laughing on a swing

255. Did you hear about the kid who drank eight sodas?
He burped 7-Up. 

256. What be the pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?
No, it be the C! (Sea).

—A hilarious 6-year-old reader. 

257. What is a tree's favorite beverage?
Root beer! 

258. Why do fish live in saltwater?
Pepper makes them sneeze! ACHOOOOOO!!!!!!

—Hasset A. 

259. Why are fish so smart?
Because they live in a school!

—Ronit P. 

The following four jokes were written by Kaleb, age 4, as told to his grandpa:

260. Why did the cow lie down in the grass? 
He was ground beef.

261. What did Mama cow say to Baby cow? 
It’s pasture bedtime.

262. Why did the phone walk in the water? 
He was wading for a phone call.

263. What is blue, but not heavy?
Light blue.

264. How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
You look for fresh prints. 

—Joshua N. 

265. Why don't you ever date a tennis player?
Because love means nothing to them.

—Joshua N. 

266. "Doctor, doctor I am afraid of squirrels!"
Doctor: You must be nuts.

—reader Jerry C. 

267. What happened to the frog whose car broke down?
He had to be toad! 

—Martin F. 

268. What is the best day to visit McDonalds?

—Gianni, age 6

269. What's a cow's favorite drink?
A s-moooo-thie.

—Young readers Jax (7) and Kora (5)

270. Knock knock!
Who’s there?
Cow who? 
Cows don’t say who, they say moooo!

—Adalyn, age 5

271. Why did the tomato stop?
Because he was out of juice. 

—Karma E. 

Related: 51 Totally Goofy Birthday Jokes for Kids

272. What are cats best at?

—Macy (10)

273. Where do cats roam?
In the catacombs!

—Katie (34)

274. What kind of stick does a cat chase?
A cat-stick!

—Macy (10)

275. What kind of fruit does a dog eat?
A dog-berry!

—Macy (10) & Katie (34)

276. Why do hockey players make great bankers?
Because they are good at checking.

—Henrik, age 9 3/4

277. How do chickens dance?
Chick to chick.

278. Mr. Red and Ms. Red live in the red house; Mr. Purple and Ms. Purple live in the purple house. Who lives in the white house?
The president!

—submitted by young reader Gwen I.

279. Why did the chicken cross the road?
It was trying to get away from the KFC.

—Ben, age 8

280. Who sits at the bottom of the sea and twitches?
A nervous wreck.

—Alesha, age 11

281. Why was the snowman in the box?
Because he was picking his nose.

—Peter, age 8


happy kids laughing

These next five were sent in from Jax (7) and Kora (5):

282. What’s a dog's favorite toy?
A funny bone!

283. What’s a cow's favorite rock?
A mooo-n rock

284. What’s the scariest plant?

285. What’s a cow's favorite place to go?
The mooo-vies!

286. What’s the scariest injury?
A booo-booo!

(Jax & Kora!) 

287. Why was the snow yellow?
Because Elsa let it go! 


289. Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
To go with the traffic jam!


290. What do you call a dinosaur that is sleeping?
A dino-snore!

291. What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
Frost bite!

292. What did one plate say to the other plate?
Dinner is on me!

293. What do you call Chewbacca with cookies in its fur?
A chocolate-chip Wookie. 


294. What is black and white and looks like a penguin?
A penguin. 

—Zhan, age 5 

295. What does a cow like to drink?
A smoothie. 

—Carolina, age 8

296. Why did the parent hit the cake with a hammer?
It was a pound cake. 

little girl and her mom laughing at jokes

297.  When is the best time to go to the dentist?
At tooth-hurty!!!

—Tyler R.

298. Why is "dark" spelled with a k and not a c? 
Because you can’t c in the dark!


299. A new pig came to the farm, he was a great painter. What do you think his name was?


A spin-off:

300. What is the name of the Dutch pig who was famous for painting sunflowers and cutting off his ear?
Vincent van Hog

—Gloria, age 8

301. What is a bat’s favorite game to play?
A com-bat

—Bianca, age 7

302. What did the salad say to the carrot after it lost the fight?
You've lettuce down.

—Joe, age 10

303. What did the salad say to the carrot when it asked for directions to a restaurant?
Beets me!

—Joe, age 10

304. Why don't eggs tell each other jokes?
They'd crack each other up!

—Raina, age 10

305. Which milkshake always comes with a straw?
A strawberry milkshake

—Gloria, age 8

306. What stories do crustaceans like best?
Lobster Tales

—Gloria, age 8

307. What did the basketball say to the hoop when it missed?
Oh shoot!

—Layla, age 9

308. Why did the lion cross the road?
To get to the other pride!

309. What is the best gift you could ever ask for?
Broken drum sticks. You just can't beat it. 


310. Why did the nurse have a red crayon?
To draw blood.


311. What mood best describes a sad librarian?
Under the books.


Related: You’ll Be Taco-ing about These Jokes All Day

312. What do you call a Buffalo that likes beef?
A Beef-alo

313. What does a camel say to a hunter?
Do you need some camel-flage

314. Why does the dinosaur like the bathroom?
Because it’s ex-stink-t

315. Why does the dentist use a computer?
Because it has Bluetooth.

—Jokes 312-315 by Gunner, age 8

316. What’s grey?
A melted penguin.

317. What goes black, white, black, white, black white?
A penguin rolling down a hill.
318. Can a match box?
No, but a tin can!
319. Why was the baby in Egypt?
It was looking for its mummy.
320. Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
It was stuck on the chicken’s foot.
321. What does a cow eat for breakfast?
322. Doctor, doctor, I feel like a dog.
Then go and see a vet!

323. What do girl snakes write at the bottom of their letters?
With love and hisses.

324. Why did the bacteria cross the microscope?
To get to the other slide.
—Jokes 316-324 by Elijah, age 11
325. Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Let us in, it’s cold out here!

326. What do you get when you cross a bridge with a car?
To the other side of the river.

327. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a cake?

328. Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a dog.
Then sit on the couch and we’ll talk about it,
But I’m not allowed on the furniture!

329. Doctor, doctor I feel like a sheep.
That’s baa-aaa-aad.

330. What do you call a bee that buzzes quietly?
A mumble bee.

—Jokes 325-330 by Malachi, age 7 and a half

331. Where do you find a polar bear? 
The same place you left her.

—Thomas, age 7

332. What is fast, loud, and crunchy?
A rocket chip!

333. How does a vampire start a letter?
Tomb it may concern…

334. What has ears but cannot hear?
A field of corn…

335. Did you hear the one about the claustrophobic astronaut?

He just needed a little space.

Make sure to capture all the giggles—and share them with your family and friends near and far—with the Tinybeans app. The secure platform puts parents in total control of who sees and interacts with photos and videos of their kids.

Holiday jammies? Check. Thermos of hot cocoa? Poured. Sounds like you’re ready to hit the city in search of Seattle Christmas lights with the kids

Seattle’s dark winter nights make the perfect backdrop for the colorful holiday lights that kick off the winter season right after families have finished their Thanksgiving dinner. If a brighter-than-bright light display is what you’re after, we’ve got more than a few Seattle Christmas lights that will get you in the spirit. From synched neighborhood light shows to spectacular walk-thru and drive-thru experiences, each will dazzle and amaze wide-eyed kiddos and their bundled-up parents, too. Don’t forget the hot cocoa!

Where to find the best Seattle Christmas lights

Candy Cane Lane

23 cute little houses all in a row, adorned with lights, blow-ups, sleighs, and reindeer are what you’ll find at this Seattle institution. Since 1949, Candy Cane Lane in Ravenna has been charming visitors far and wide with their whimsical, neighborhood display. Want the scoop on this popular event? Read up before heading out.

Find It: N.E. Park Rd., just off the main drag of Ravenna Blvd. at the cross street of 21st Ave. N.E.

Disco Vinnie's House

A local favorite, Disco Vinnie has been designing elaborate light displays that really wow the neighborhood for years. With over 5,000 LED lights and 12-foot video screen, visiting this spot is a feast for the senses that’s full of holiday cheer. Unlike other shows, this one runs for five hours and cycles through 80 songs, so you can swing by, stay for a bit and then come back another time for a totally new experience. It features four singing, old-fashioned light bulbs with talking faces (they make great back-up singers when harmonies are needed) and two arches that will really dazzle the kids.

Insider Tip: Disco Vinnie’s house is near the zoo, so hit this one before or after seeing WildLanterns!

Find It: 6212 9th Ave N.W., Seattle

Related: Stroll Down Seattle's Sweetest Lane This Holiday Season

Menashe Family Lights

West Seattleites have long loved visiting the Menashe Family Lights. With over 340,000 lights strung around the property, alongside blow-up characters, animated animals, a manger scene with vintage figures and a sweet little train that captivates the kidlets, this is one display that’s brimming with holiday cheer. In years past, the Menashes have invited Santa and Mrs. Claus to make an appearance and even unleashed gentle flurries on the gathered crowd. Who knows what special additions will be made this year. Plan to park the car along the street and get out to wander (and wonder) at this dazzling display.

Insider Tip: When you're on this side of the bridge, drive-by West Seattle Yuletide to watch their dancing lights. And check the West Seattle Blog for other happening houses that are totally lit this Christmas.

Find It: 5605 Beach Dr. SW., Seattle

Lights Actually

One of the newer Seattle Christmas light shows on the block, this display started in 2020 and has been bringing it ever since. After a successful first Halloween light run, the Christmas lights are next on the holiday spirit list. Usually set up the first week in December, it's an engaging synched light show that follows the recipe for success—catchy tunes, dancing lights, and the chance to enjoy them both from the comfort of your car. Tune into 103.1 FM and then sit back. This year promises to be another great one, with bigger and brighter lights. Plus, they've been known to host a New Year's Eve countdown too.

Find It: 8103 8th Ave. N.E., Seattle

Olympic Manor

The Olympic Manor Neighborhood light display makes for a lovely winter evening walk (or slow drive) for families. The houses in the area are decked and then decked again for a truly illuminating effect that can’t help but make you smile. Bundle up for this one!

Find It: Between N.W. 75th & N.W. 100th, Seattle

Mountlake Terrace

A lovely drive through a lighted neighborhood and favorite holiday tunes on the radio is the perfect incentive for some fun with the fam. So, fill up the tank and grab your slippers, then head out to this multi-family display in Mountlake Terrace where you can take a stroll or drive around the nearly 25 houses lighting the way. This sparkling spectacular runs through New Year's Day. Away you go!

Find It: 22702 42nd Pl. W., Montlake Terrace, WA

Lit eagle lanterns at Seattle Christmas lights at Woodland Park Zoo's Wildlanterns
Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo

WildLanterns at Woodland Park Zoo

Although this isn't a traditional holiday light display, we're willing to cheat. Because the popular WildLanterns is back for 2023, and it’s all-new with a few surprises in store. A different kind of winter light display, it features four themed zones where you’ll encounter lighted animals and plants lining the zoo’s walking paths. From the beautifully lit butterfly, bug and plant lanterns that start everything off to the mysterious animals just past the fairy tree, this display is totally lit. Don’t forget to make a stop at the interactive zone (in the center of the zoo), but know when you do, your kids won’t want to leave. 

Dates: Select dates Nov. 10, 2023-Jan. 14, 2024
Times: 4-9 p.m. (last entry at 8:30 p.m.)

5500 Phinney Ave. N.
Event details

Related: WildLantern's Returns! Your Insider's Guide is Here

Seattle holiday light displays
Downtown Seattle Association

Illuminate Winterfest at Seattle Center

If you like your holiday lights with a side of a music and water show, head to Seattle Center to take it all in. Part of the annual Winterfest celebration, the campus will be lit from trees to buildings with lights to illuminate Seattle's dark winter nights. Also in the mix is the International Fountain, programmed for holiday cheer with a music and light show to get everyone in the spirit of the season.

Find It: 305 Harrison St., Seattle
Dates: Nov. 25-Dec. 31, 2023

Related: Can't-Miss Holiday Attractions in Downtown Seattle

The best holiday light displays in Bellevue & beyond

Snowflake Lane at the Bellevue Collection

Cue the snow flurries! Bellevue is bringing the winter merriment back this season. The annual parade that features twinkling lights, festive music, drummers, dancers, and of course, snowflakes falling from the sky makes its return to the streets outside of Bellevue Square for 2023. Our suggestion? Make a plan to visit Santa when you visit.

Find It: Bellevue Way N.E., between Bellevue Square & Lincoln Square
Dates & Times: Nov. 24-Dec. 24, 2023; 7 p.m.

Related: Say Cheese: Where to Take Photos with Santa in Seattle

Garden d'Lights

Get into the holiday spirit with this long-standing Eastside family favorite. The annual Garden d’Lights at the Bellevue Botanical Garden opens the day after Thanksgiving and runs through Dec. 31. Expect to see displays you've grown to love over the years, like Charlotte of web fame and Willie the Slug, but be on the lookout for some new displays and critters in the mix too. Plan about 30 minutes to see this fantastic display along oh-so-stroller-friendly trails.

Good to Know: Tickets are just $8 per person, and kids 10 & under are free but will need a ticket. Tickets are date and time-specific and must be purchased in advance.

Dates: Nov. 25-Dec. 31, 2023 (Closed on Christmas Day)
Time: 4:30-9 p.m.

Bellevue Botanical Garden
12001 Main St.
Bellevue, WA
Event details

Related: Merry, Merry! Eastside Holiday Attractions for Families

Seattle Christmas lights like Google Musical Holiday Lights in Kirkland delight families with large lit trees and synched displays
Google Musical Holiday Lights

Google Musical Holiday Lights

The Cross Kirkland Corridor is where you'll find this musical display. Back again for another exciting year, families can gaze at this magnificent display that's programmed by Google engineers. It's a chance for them to dazzle you with their programming chops. 10,000 lights will dance to holiday music. Whether you and the kids do too is up to you. There are two places where families can park for free to enjoy the display. Try the Google surface parking lot (Google Building B, 787 6th St. S.) or the first level of Google Building D (451 7th Ave. S.).

Insider Tip: Plan to see this display turn on when you attend the party on December 2. Expect a petting zoo, a photo booth, hot chocolate and cookies for all. It all starts around 5 p.m., carolers take the stage at 5:15 p.m., and the display goes live around 5:30 p.m.

Dates & Times: Dec. 1, 2023-Jan. 1, 2024; 5-10 p.m.

Find It: 509 6 St. S., Feriton Spur Park, Kirkland, WA

Redmond Lights 2023

Art meets light at this walkable public display. It's a month-long celebration of community and belonging that highlights local artists and their work. This year has plenty of special additions to the usual display including Friday Night Celebrations featuring live entertainment, crafts, vendors, and more—a great reason to brave the chilly winter nights in December. Or keep everyone warm and still have fun when your budding artists participate in the kid's coloring contest.

Dates & Times: Dec. 1, 2023-Jan. 3, 2024; 5-11 p.m.

Downtown Park
16101 N.E. Redmond Way
Remond, WA

Maple Valley Lights

Maple Valley Lights

You'll find merriment and dancing lights at this stunning display in Maple Valley. Getting in on the festivities is easy. Simply pull up with your cuties and tune the car radio to 101.9 on your FM dial to enjoy the show that's filled with Christmas spirit. Then sit back and watch the mesmerizing 70,000 lights do their thing as they cycle through 15-20 songs (that's about 35-40 solid minutes of programming) before heading home to put the Littles to bed. In addition to finding Santa, complete with reindeer, on the roof, exciting new songs has been added to the playlist.

Good to Know: If you would like to drop off a food donation, you'll find a spot to leave non-perishables for the Maple Valley Food Bank. 

Insider Tip: While you're in the area, be sure to check out two other area displays. Swing by Paint the Night Christmas Lights and Christmas at the Arbors to make your night complete.

Find It: 22629 S.E. 263rd Pl., Maple Valley, WA

Christmas in Redmond

Christmas in Redmond

Now in its eight year, this Eastside display is all about tradition. And this is the second year the display will be completely RGB (that's light show speak for pixelated red, green and blue LED lights). Now boasting a complete rainbow of colors, families can expect about seven or eight songs to be featured, and should plan to sit back and relax as the lights do their thing for about 20 minutes. Just tune your car radio to 103.1 FM to make the cascading jumping lights spring to life, like a reindeer on a rooftop.

Location: 6203 144th Ave. N.E., Redmond, WA 

Head north of the city to see these holiday lights


Evergreen Lights

The folks at Evergreen Church in Bothell hope you and the kids will stop by to enjoy this popular light display that's a favorite with north end families. The Littles will be entertained by over 500,000 bright lights dancing to choreographed music while parents can snuggle up under the heat lamps nearby. Expect snow flurries every 30 minutes and an improved Pixel Light Tunnel that's sure to impress your friends on social. Head inside to watch trains and warm up with cookies and cocoa (available for purchase) before making your way back to the city.

Find It: 3429 240th St. S.E., Bothell, WA
Dates: Dec. 1-24, 2023
Event details

Kornfed's Christmas Lights

Lights and inflatables that are the envy of Christmas enthusiasts cover pretty much every inch at this house in Bothell that really goes all out for the season. When you visit, stay a while to take it all in, checking out what's new and different—and hey, what's over there? Kids will have a blast seeing the whimsical elements of this brighter-than-bright display that gets bigger every year. But the real heart of this display is the donations they collect for families in need. If you're able, please bring a food or toys to support the MayWood Hills PTSA. Cash or monetary donations work too. Last year, they collected over $3,000 and 1,000 lbs. of food that went to local famililes.

Find It: 10629 Sunrise Dr., Bothell, WA

Pennlights Holiday Show

This spectacular dancing light show, started back in 2007 by Dan Penn, and it pulls out all the stops, bringing holiday cheer to the neighborhood. Plan to spend around 20 minutes taking it all in, tuned to 92.1 FM from your car. Enjoy watching the 10-foot rooftop light grid that really wows. Expect lots of fast-paced holiday songs, mash-ups, and dub step that'll have your kids dancing in their car seats. If you're able, take in this show on a weeknight; it's at the end of a cul-de-sac so things can get a bit crowded on the weekends. Make a plan to visit this cheerful display.

Find It: 21726 N.E. 136th Pl., Woodinville, WA

Lynnwood Lights

A sweet, family-run show that's not too far from the city is what's in store at this display. After pictures with Santa at Alderwood Mall, swing by to catch the nightly show that runs just under 20 minutes. Tune your dial to 103.1 FM to hear the music that's synched to the lights, then sit back and enjoy. Shows run every 30 minutes to help you make your plan.

Insider Tip: Park across the street for the best view of this charming display.

Find It: 1409 172nd Pl. S.W., Lynnwood, WA

Seattle Christmas light displays
The Lights of Christmas

The Lights of Christmas

If you're up for a drive, consider making the trek to Stanwood to see The Lights of Christmas. A truly special show that features over one million twinkling lights, it doesn't get better than this one for spreading holiday cheer. Tune into Christmas music on the radio, then roll down the windows to wave to Mr. & Mrs. Claus as you drive slowly past. Favorite light displays include the light tunnel, Cascade Splendor mountain scene, and Santa with his reindeer. Save some room for their fresh mini hot donuts—the perfect snack for your drive home.

Insider Tip: Advance online tickets are required.

Dates: Select dates Nov. 26-Dec. 30

Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center
20800 Marine Dr.
Stanwood, WA

South Sound holiday displays that are worth the drive

a mother and daughters walk along the path at Point Defiance zoo one of the seattle christmas lights displays families love
Oona Copperhill/PDZ


Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium’s annual Zoolights festival is a great outdoor display for animal lovers of all ages to catch. Each year, the grounds are decked out in their dazzling best to wow visitors big and small. In addition to familiar faves, like the giant octopus and the Narrows Bridge, kids should keep their eyes peeled for Sasquatch and other secret displays as they marvel at this magical electric avenue. And for all the light tunnel fans—get your cameras ready—because this Christmas light display has two tunnels.

Dates: Nov. 24-Jan. 1 (closed Dec. 24-25)
Times: 4:30-9 p.m.

Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
5400 N. Pearl St.
Tacoma, WA 
Event details

Holiday Magic

Bigger, better, and brighter is the name of the game at this year’s Holiday Magic, a walk-through light experience at the Washington State Fairgrounds. It premiered in 2020 as a safe way for visitors to get their holiday light fix. Now, families will encounter more fantastic light displays at the Light Extravaganza and Hometown Holiday Forest, where lighted trees delight, but the fun doesn't stop there. We know your kids will want to hop aboard the Santa Express Train, ride the Sugar Plum Merry-Go-Round, and see if they can spot the Big Guy in Red at Santa's Village. The ice skating rink is back for another season of cheer, and holiday food is available to purchase, an easy way to keep the kids happy as you explore. 

Dates: Delect dates Dec. 1-23

Washington State Fairgrounds
110 9th Ave. S.W.
Puyallup, WA

Related: Where to Find Seattle's Coolest Ice Skating Rinks This Season

seattle holiday light displays christmas lights
The Very Merry Christmas House

The Very Merry Christmas House

Be sure to put the Best Of Washington's 2015 winner on your driving route this year. Families will always find something different at this display that changes from year to year. To listen to the songs synched with the over 70,000 lights, tune into 89.1 FM. We love that this display is totally committed to being "green." In fact, almost everything you see has been saved from the landfill by display designer, Gena Laws and her family. If the spirit of the season moves you, bring some canned food to support the Black Diamond Senior Center and Food Bank. The Laws family is proud to have raised over 50,000 pounds of food in the past 13 years.

Find It: 30211 176th Ave. S.E., Kent, WA (follow signs off of Covington/Sawyer Rd. & 179th)

Good to Know:

1. Be sure to check the Facebook pages of your favorite residential displays for progress reports, scheduling changes, and amazing photos of what you’ll see.

2. Many of these displays go live Thanksgiving weekend, while others don’t start until December. Be sure to check dates, times, and ticket requirements of your favorite displays before heading out.


These indoor games for kids include things to do to play with friends and family, perfect for both solo and group play

Is the weather keeping you inside? No problem. The good news is that we’ve got a ton of indoor activities for kids that go beyond your normal play routine. From crafting your own robots to writing stories, here are more than 100 activities and inside games for kids that’ll keep everyone busy.

indoor activities for kids

1. Introduce your kids to yoga with this beginner series.

2. From balloon sports to indoor hopscotch, we’re obsessed with these indoor activities that will get your kids moving.

3. Make music on your phone! Here are the best music-making apps for kids.

4. Create a stained-glass art window.

5. Learn about snowflakes in a whole new way with snowflake experiments. Bonus: you don’t need actual snow to pull them off.

6. Make a time capsule.


7. Download a new kids’ album and host a dance party.

8. Forget the paintbrush. Use a comb instead to create your next masterpiece!

9. Upcycle your own newspaper into a crazy awesome dome.

10. You don’t need a ton of supplies to keep your kids entertained. Check out our ideas for fun kid games with three supplies or less.

11. Get your kids excited about learning words with these awesome dictionary games.

12. Sharpen those memory skills by playing a brain-boosting learning game.

indoor activities for kids

13. Create a rad rhino mask.

14. Sometimes you need indoor fun that lasts more than an hour. For fabulous long-term play projects click here.

15. Is your kid still learning how to tell time? We have five games that’ll help them get there.

16. Channel Ariel and make your own mermaid tail.

17. If they’re more into Ursula, try out one of these fun octopus crafts.

18. For a quiet afternoon, print out one of these awesome winter-themed activity sheets.

19. Intro. your kids to Scrabble with our version of the game that features two-letter words.

indoor activities for kids
Pink Stripey Socks

20. Show your kids how epic dragons really are with easy dragon crafts that’ll keep ‘em entertained all day long.

21. Send a hug to a family member or loved one far away with a DIY hug card.

22. Bend water with a comb.

23. Only have 10 minutes to spare? We've got 15 play ideas that'll do the trick.

24. Transform all your old and broken crayons into a stunning work of art.

25. Teach your kids how germs really work with a science experiment high on the fun (and gross) factor.

26. If you’re feeling less than energetic, try a low-key activity. We have 13 ideas to get you started.

indoor activities for kids

27. Let your kids be their favorite Sesame Street character for the day.

28. Whip up a batch of glow-in-the-dark ice cubes.

29. Make your own harmonica with only four supplies.

30. Try your hand at creating a confetti balloon ball.

31. Use old toilet paper rolls to make binoculars.

32. Fashion jewelry out of food.

indoor activities for kids

33. All you need is 30 minutes to make your own dolphin.

34. Teach your kids a little more about yourself. Here are 10 questions they can ask you today.

35. Put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) with three simple ideas to turn your kids into an author for the day.

36. Make poop (yep, you read that right).

37. Carving out quality family time doesn’t have to be challenging. Simply look at our guide for easy ideas.

38. Download a cool crop of apps geared toward kids who love to invent.

indoor activities for kids

39. Make an easy color wheel.

40. Learn about the importance of spit with this great experiment.

41. Never lose your place in your book again thanks to this DIY bowtie bookmark project.

42. Read a book or 100.

43. Let snowmen inspire snacktime. Take a peek at our favorite snowmen-inspired treats.

44. Use up those leftover gingerbread house gumdrops with a science experiment or two.

45. Did you know that Ziploc finger painting requires only two supplies? Get the scoop here.

indoor activities for kids

46. You can never have too many books about construction. Book it to the library to check out one of our favorite books they’ll really dig.

47. Paint with popsicles.

48. Make Star Wars crafts with your force of nature.

49. Go beyond Monopoly with new family games.

50. Transform your toilet paper rolls. Here’s how!

51. Don’t throw out those popped balloons. We have the perfect craft to use those rubber pieces up.

creating a comic is a good indoor activity for kids
Melissa Hecksher

60. Write your own comic book.

61. Prep for spring and all the birds by making an egg carton bird feeder.

62. For easy sensory play, explore the temperature and texture of ice.

63. Skip that ship in a bottle. Try out a cork boat instead.

64. Shake up free time with a subscription box.

65. If saying the word “poop” is a surefire giggle-maker, you’ll want to check out these yucky (and so fun) games for the whole family.

66. Did you know you can make a lunchbox out of a plastic water jug? Get the tutorial here.

67. Play a game that helps with hand-eye coordination. Bonus: there’s a barnyard twist.

Annie Spratt on Unsplash

68. Before there were smartphones, there were maps. Pass the paper reading map skills down a generation by showing your kids how to read a map, old-school style.

69. Paint like Van Gogh.

70. Make edible art that the kids can eat.

71. Transform empty bottles into a scuba tank.

72. Take some time to teach your kids about a historic icon: Frederick Douglass.

73. It may be gloomy outside but you can still spot a rainbow thanks to these four clever ways of making your own.

74. Lounge in style with a homemade hammock.

75. Use air (hey, it’s cheap!) for your next science experiment.

indoor activities for kids

76. Make your own bubbles.

77. Make a terrarium for your kid's favorite prehistoric pal.

78. Cast a spell with a pretend potion.

79. Play a game of sniff-and-seek.

80. Learn a new magic trick (or seven!).

81. Paint rocks to hide outside on a sunny day.

82. Craft your very own shooting star.

83. Score a new set of wheels. Here are 10 cool trains you can make at home.

indoor activities for kids
Aditya Chinchuren via Unsplash

84. Break out the deck of cards to learn these easy card games and tricks.

85. Even if you can’t run around outside you can still play football. Paper football that is.

86. It’s Girl Scout cookie season (YES!). To celebrate, learn two Girl Scout songs today.

87. Write your own fairy tale. Use our fill-in-the-blank story to get started.

88. Fold an origami teddy bear.

89. Check out our ideas for pretend play you can set up (and enjoy!) in one afternoon.

90. Create your own puppet theater.

indoor activities for kids

91. Make the kids LOL with 300+ hilarious jokes.

92. Practice counting with these clever hacks.

93. Check out nine sand play ideas. No beach required!

94. Create your own family laws just for today. Use these five ideas to get you started.

95. Learn how to make shadow puppets.

96. Make a no-batteries-required robot. We've got three awesome projects.

97. It’s time for a geography lesson. Get started with our Name That State printable.


indoor activities for kids
Gabby Cullen

98. Embrace the mess with these confetti poppers fun for any time of year.

99. Make your own I Spy Jar.

100. Changing the world is easier than you may think. Check out our handy guide for kids here.

101. Make your own tic-tac-toe board.

102. Keep kids busy with a new activity book or two.

103. Take craft time to the next, out-of-this-world level with a fun alien craft.

104. Make a bird feeder out of an empty soup can.

105. Finally, for the mom and dad who have crafted, created, entertained, and danced, you deserve a pat on the back ... and maybe even a glass of wine. Make things interesting with our wine bingo printable you can download. Cheers!

Keep this list of the best photo booths in New York and Brooklyn where you can strike a pose with the kids, the old-fashioned way

There’s just something about an old-fashioned photo booth. Despite it feeling a little archaic in the age of the cell phone, it’s hard to pass on the opportunity to step behind the velvet curtain to snap a few fun-filled photos. Nowadays, believe it or not, there are still some traditional photo booths in New York—and a select few still use film. (What?!) For an alternative to the formal family portrait, cram into one of these little photo booth “studios” and let the magic happen! Want more nostalgic fun around New York? Head to NYC’s family-friendly arcades! Or for some old-school New York fun, try these “vanishing New York” spots! 

Where to Find Classic Photo Booths in NYC

1. The Ace Hotel

The Ace Hotel is an NYC gem any time of the day. Grab a meal, a quick coffee (they serve Stumptown afterall), or enjoy its free lobby WIFI to get some work done, all while your kids enjoy the legendary photo booth. Located in the Flatiron District, this spot is also fun to go grab drinks and dinner without the kids as well!

850 Broadway
Flatiron District

2. DeKalb Market Hall at City Point

There are many reasons to visit the downtown Brooklyn mall of City Point (the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater, Trader Joe’s, McNally Jackson bookstore, etc.). Yet another is DeKalb Market Hall, a food hall featuring vendors selling bites and beverages of all kinds. There is also a photo booth here, found right at the foot of the escalators. It’s $5 for a strip, and you can share to your social accounts right from the booth if you want.

445 Albee Square W.
Fulton Mall
Downtown Brooklyn

3. Kiehl’s

The folks at Kiehl’s want you to capture how radiant their products make your skin look right in store. Head to the brand’s Meatpacking District location to capture your picture-perfect complexions.

400 W. 14th St.
Meatpacking District

4. UNIQLO Fifth Ave.

Shopping and taking pictures sounds like a match made in heaven, especially when you have the kids with you. (It’s a good way to keep them from getting bored.) We guess that’s what UNIQLO had in mind when it installed a photo booth inside its massive 89,000-square-foot flagship store on Fifth Ave. Take note!: It’s free for a strip of four pictures. (You will no doubt “pay” for the snaps with the purchase of some of the brand’s duds.) Also good to know: there’s a Starbucks inside the store and cell phone charging stations, so you could stay a while…

666 5th Ave.

photo booth fun in NYC

5. 7B Horseshoe Bar

This spot goes by three names: “The Horseshoe Bar”, “Vazac’s”, and “7B”. On the outside it looks like a classic Lower East Side dive bar, because, well, it is. But it’s got more than that going for it on the inside. With a bar that’s actually shaped like a horseshoe, major LES cred and grittiness, this place has also made cameos in major films like the The Godfather II, Crocodile Dundee, and The Verdict. Its latest star turn? In the incredible, dimension-bending Netflix series, Russian Doll.

108 Avenue B (at E 7th St.)
Lower East Side

6. The Smith

Getting your kids ready to enjoy brunch at The Smith is as easy as “1, 2, cheese!” the restaurant’s Midtown, East Village, Lincoln Square, and NoMad locations all have photo booths for you to enjoy, with some located in the basement by the restrooms, and some, like in NoMad, actually in the restroom.

Various Locations

7. Joe & The Juice

Is your face photo-ready thanks to kale and beet smoothies? If so, stop by Joe & The Juice to grab some healthy grub and snap a few photos in its photo booth (near the back of the shop). This is one of the more spacious juice/café spots in NYC, so feel free to bring the kids and stay a while.

67 Spring St. (btwn Crosby & Lafayette St.)

8. M&M World New York Store

The M&M store is the ideal spot for kids to explore the magical world of chocolate and document it all with a photo booth keepsake. The three floors of M&M themed candy and gifts is sure to keep both adults and children occupied, but after you’ve got your chocolate fix be sure to head to the photo booth on the 2nd floor and take home some snaps to remember the outing!

1600 Broadway
Times Square

9.  Bubby’s Tribeca

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and pies! Oh my! More than two decades ago Bubby’s started off by baking pies, and now it’s a full-fledged restaurant with a couple of locations around the city. (Note: they serve some of the best pancakes in the city.) But head to the one on Hudson Street for a little bit of top model action to take some pics. 

120 Hudson St.


There are four cities in the Crystal River region: Crystal River, Homosassa, Inverness, and Floral City. We spent our time in Crystal River and Homosassa and found plenty to do

Imagine a stretch of Florida coast along the Gulf of Mexico filled with riverways, low-lying mangrove trees, crystal clear water, and wildlife. While it might not be as well traversed as parts of the panhandle or the white sandy shores a couple of hours south, this charming spot is filled with delightful fun and sights that are perfect for families looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the beach cities for which the sunshine state is so well known. My kids and I had the chance to visit Crystal River, FL, and we fell in love—not just with the manatees—but with the unique culture and activities that abound in this wild area.

Our Favorite Things to Do in Crystal River, FL

Watch a Mermaid Perform

Mermaid at The Mertailor's in Crystal River FL
Gabby Cullen


Outside the Crystal River city limits lies a magical realm where mermaids dwell. The Mertailor’s Mermaid Aquarium Encounter is a hidden gem. Located in an unassuming spot off the highway, you’ll enter the space filled with birds like Macaws and Cockatoos, a stingray touching tank (where my kids spent at least 30 minutes), a starfish and sea urchin discovery station and examples of the local spring habitats. The real star of the show is the mermaid tank, where, every hour or so, guests are treated to an underwater performance from a mermaid performer.

Swim with the Manatees

swimming with manatees in Kings Bay
Gabby Cullen


The natural springs in Citrus County (known as the Manatee Capital of the world, BTW), beckon to upwards of a thousand manatees in the winter months. In the summer, you’ll still find these gentle giants in the clear waters of Crystal River and Kings Bay, and several companies take you out to snorkel or kayak. We loved Hunter Springs Kayak. They are located in the heart of downtown and are a quick walk from the docks at Kings Bay Park. The captains are knowledgeable, and you’ll have a diving partner. They’ll show you the various springs and guide you if a manatee comes to check you out. And if you’re lucky, you might see dolphins!

You can also view the manatees from the boardwalks that line Three Sisters Springs (closed for construction until November 2023). For water access to the spring, launch your craft from any of the public docks in Kings Bay Park or Hunter Springs Park.

Hang Out in Hunter Springs Park

This lovely park is perfect for an afternoon with the kids. There’s a boardwalk for viewing manatees, a sandy beach and playground for kids, BBQ grills, a kayak launch, and plenty of grass for games and picnics.

Visit Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

Gabby Cullen


This is one of Florida’s most beloved state parks for a reason. The water is stunning, and the park meanders all along its shores. You can take a boat ride or a tram ride from one of the main entrances to get to the park, the underwater observatory in the spring itself allows visitors to see the resident manatees, a boardwalk that runs all through the park, and over Homosassa Springs which is a favorite spot for wild manatees, fresh and saltwater fish. There are plenty of animals to see, including panthers, a black bear, a bald eagle, a hippopotamus, and more. The animals can’t return to the wild, so they serve as educational ambassadors for the park. Grab an ice cream or cold drink from the snack shops or carts to beat the heat, enjoy the beauty of the wild surroundings, and remember your sunscreen!

Take an Air Boat Tour

Homosassa and Crystal River FL
Gabby Cullen


A highlight of our trip was taking an Air Boat Tour with Irish Dave of River Safaris. Tucked away in the town of Homosassa is Two Pop’s Sandwich Shop, where you can book a tour on a pontoon or airboat. Walk through the backyard to the river’s edge and be transported down the river to the coastline through quintessential Florida waterways that seem unnavigable except for those who know the terrain.

This is where the springs meet the sea, and Florida’s natural beauty is on display. This stretch of coastline is shallow, clear, and filled with mangrove islands that are a refuge for birds, fish, sharks, and other sea life. It’s a stunning area I didn’t even know existed until this tour. Irish Dave loves this land, and his knowledge of the river is unsurpassed. This experience is a must for anyone visiting Crystal River and Homosassa.

Related: Florida’s Sports Coast is the Outdoor Adventure Park Your Family’s Been Waiting For

Our Favorite Restaurants in Crystal River, FL

The Crystal River seafood is legendary for a reason. Riverside restaurants will cook your catch, you’ll discover some of the freshest grouper you’ll ever have, and shrimp is everywhere on the menus. Oh, and the local coffee shop is a must.

Pick a Spot Near Monkey Island

After your boat tour, head down to the riverfront, where you’ll have your pick of fun restaurants with lots of outdoor dining. Crump’s Landing is a popular spot with live music, kids’ activities, a boat dock, and a beachfront, but the one with the best view of the famous Monkey Island, home to four wild spider monkeys, is Florida Cracker Monkey Bar. You can watch them frisk about while enjoying your meal.

Enjoy the Incredible Pizza at The Grill at Pepper Creek

This new dining spot is in the Visitor’s Center at Homassas Springs Wildlife Park. If you aren’t won over by the views, the pizza will do the trick. We ordered more than was good for us and insisted on taking the rest home—it was that good. The service is impeccable, and it’s the perfect way to start your visit to the park.

Check Out the Sunset at Waterfront Social

Everything is made from scratch at this charming spot on Kings Bay. With stunning views of the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge, we loved the coconut shrimp, the grilled salmon entree, and the clam chowder starter. There isn’t a bad seat on the patio, and it was hard to focus on anything but the incredible water views. We even peeked over the edge of the lawn to look for the manatees that swim by.

Indulge at Kane’s Cattle Co.

Even if you don’t want one of the impressive steak entrees, this restaurant in downtown Crystal River will have something you’ll love. We loved the Ahi tuna appetizer, the whole fish entree, and the hand-battered coconut shrimp.

Perk Up at Cattle Dog Coffee Roasters

There are four locations in the area, and we tried the one in Crystal River (located on Main Street, which is worth exploring on its own). Besides coffee, hot chocolate, and other beverages, you’ll find housemade savory breakfast sandwiches, sweet pastries like muffins and scones, and light lunch options like the Hampton BLT, the Salt & Sea Toast, and Cali Toast.

Related: This Underrated Beach Town Is the Florida Destin-ation You Didn’t Know You Needed

Where to Stay in Crystal River, FL

Kings Bay Lodge in Crystal River Florida
Gabby Cullen


While you can opt for a modern hotel like the Hampton Inn or the Holiday Inn Express, if you want to be close to the water and experience the vibes of Old Florida, check out King’s Bay Lodge. A place that’ll take you back to a lost era, it’s the only spot in Citrus County (and almost all of Florida) with a spring-fed swimming pool. There’s free boat docking for guests, a full kitchen setup that’ll help you save on food costs, outdoor pavilions, grills, and a lawn perfect for playing games. The Lodge is in the heart of Crystal River; you can walk to your kayak or manatee tour and various dining establishments.

If you want to splurge, consider booking a stay at Plantation Resort at Crystal River. The tempting lagoon-style pool, golf course, pickleball courts, and full adventure center will keep your crew busy. Rent a boat, go scalloping and diving, or enjoy one of the three on-site restaurants.

More Details about Crystal River

To get to this quaint vacation destination, fly into Tampa International Airport (TPA) and drive just over an hour north on FL-589.

Related: Make a Splash at These 9 Florida Properties with Water Parks

Editor’s note: This trip was paid for by Visit Florida, but all opinions belong to the writer.

In honor of Mammoth’s record-breaking snowfall, your guide to skiing Mammoth—from which lodge is best, what to do if you don’t ski, where to stay in Mammoth with kids, and where to eat is here—plus insider hacks to make your ski experience the best one ever

“With 28-30” of snow since yesterday afternoon, we just blew through our all-time season snowfall record of 668”. We’ve received 695” of snowfall to date at Main Lodge, making the 22/23 season the biggest in our history!

To our employees, to this community, to all of you who have battled the elements this season – YOU are the stuff of legends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 💪🏽 It’s going to be a legendary spring up here and we’ll be open daily through at least July!”

– Mammoth Mountain

Mammoth Lakes, which sits at close to 8,000 feet (if you’re keeping track that’s about 1,600 feet higher than Lake Tahoe), typically has a long ski season but thanks to a record-breaking snowfall this year, Mammoth is slated to stay open for skiing at least through July and quite possibly, as late as August. If you were waiting for a sign to finally get your family up on skis or snowboarding, now’s the time to take advantage of the best (and brag-worthy) conditions. And, as we approach spring, the mountain just gets better and better—more sun, less wind, means less layers.

From world-class ski schools, après ski experiences catered just for kids, a multitude of activities off the slope, and a variety of lodging options to suit your family, Mammoth is a world-class destination that is, lucky for California families, within easy reach.

Whether your family is new to skiing, could use a lesson or two, here are the best places to learn how to ski in Mammoth, what else there is to do off the slopes with toddlers and big kids, which nearby restaurants are kid-friendly, and of course, and which cozy hotels are best for a snow-based adventure everyone will enjoy.

Mammoth is kid-friendly and isn’t the sleepy little town you remember (there are loads of hotel and restaurant options galore—and for foodies, the Voltaggio brothers just opened Vulcania in the Village last year). Add to that a straightforward drive you can handle (it’s about a two-movie drive, with a break in between for a potty break!), or a quick flight, it should become your new winter and springtime tradition.

Everything You Need to Know about Skiing in Mammoth—Especially for Beginners & First Time Skiers

Like we said before, spring in Mammoth means mild conditions, a sunny après scene and the chance to take advantage of the season’s massive snow fall. The mountain itself is large and spread out, offering loads of options for every type of snow play.

Good to Know: On the mountain, there are three lodges: Main Lodge, Canyon Lodge, and Eagle Lodge, which means that even on busy days, the crowds disperse throughout the mountain so you never feel claustrophobic on the slopes. There are free shuttle buses between all three lodges, if you want to hit all the parts of the mountain, but for first timers, we recommend choosing one of the lodges for the day (more on which one we recommend below) and committing to the one spot for ease—especially with little ones.

If You Want Your Kids to Take Lessons at Mammoth: Mammoth Ski and Snowboard School is a stellar program, with patient pros who help the little ones become future shredders—they also offer adaptive lessons so those that may have a disability can still enjoy the rush and excitement of heading down the mountain. Kids group lessons start at three-years old and continue up through adult. Lessons are available at all three lodges.

Good to Know about Skiing with Kids

  • Kids 4 and under ski free at Mammoth Mountain with beginner slopes that are wide and groomed—ideal for beginners (no matter their age). All skiers/riders need a valid ticket to load the chairlifts and gondola, so visit a ticket window and show proof of age to get your little ones a free single or multi-day ticket.
  • A fantastic family-friendly option is to purchase the Beginner Ticket (available for purchase at a ticket window) and offers lift access to beginner chairlifts at Canyon Lodge (7 and 17), Main Lodge (chairlift 11), and  Eagle Lodge (chairlift 15)  (as opposed to the entire mountain of lifts) for a discounted rate.

Next-Level Ski Hack: Let’s be honest, getting fit for skis and gear can kind of be annoying—let alone carrying all that gear around from spot to spot. To the rescue? Ski Butlers—an incredibly personal service for ski and snowboarding equipment. Instead of dealing with lines at the ski rental spots around town or in the lodges (and delaying your time on the mountain), Ski Butlers will bring gear to your accommodations—boots, helmets, skis, poles, snowboards, goggles—everything you need for the slopes. Just provide them your stats (height, weight, etc…) and they’ll fit and adjust your gear on-the-spot. They’ll even pick up your gear too so you don’t even need to worry about returning it. Of course, renting gear the old-fashioned way absolutely works as well—and the friendly staff on the mountains will get you the gear you need as quickly as possible.

Good to Know: Another fantastic ski hack? Rather than carry your gear to and from the mountain, you can store your gear slopeside in lockers you can rent. For families, this is a godsend. Private lockers are available at Main and Canyon Lodge.

Related: 10 Skiing Hacks to Memorize Before Hitting the Slopes

Which Mammoth Lodge Is Best for Your Family?

Canyon Lodge: For beginner skiers and first-timers to the mountain who are looking for the quickest and easiest access to the slopes, we recommend Canyon Lodge. From the Village (even more convenient if you stay here), you take the gondola up to Canyon Lodge where you are delivered to the base and have access to two beginner chairlifts. These runs are relatively short compared to Eagle Lodge’s beginner runs but the terrain varies and the crowds (at least when we were there) remained minimal throughout the day compared to the other lodges.

Good to Know: There is also infant care (newborn-23 months) just steps away from the Canyon Lodge gondola with half and full day options.

Eagle Lodge: For skiers and snowboarders that are looking to progress their skills from green to blue, head to Eagle Lodge. Not only does it have the longest green runs on the mountain, there’s also Eagle Playground, that, according to Mammoth, helps burgeoning shredders “gain confidence on freestyle terrain,” and include features like, “gentle rollers, small snow spines, mini-boxes, and jumps that get bigger and longer as you shred through the park.”

Good to Know: Because there is only one beginner ski lift at Eagle Lodge, it can get more crowded.

Main Lodge: The busiest of the ski areas, in addition to some green runs, beginners can also access Woolly’s Woods and Disco Playground—beginner terrain parks and special featured fun zones for kids looking to work on some new skills. Head to this lodge if you are also planning to take the scenic Panorama Gondola up to the top—dropping you off at 11,053 feet and where you can eat at Eleven53 Cafe and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. If you have a lift ticket, you can access the gondola for free. Otherwise, up to 2 kids (ages 12 & under) ride free with each paying adult.

If You Think You’re Going to Ski More Regularly: Right now, if you purchase the 2023/24 Ikon Pass, you can take advantage of the Buy Now, Ride Now Deal—meaning you can use your pass this season at Mammoth (ahem, this season, that will most likely, last until August) and other ski and snowboard destinations.

What to Do in Mammoth with Kids Who Don’t Ski or Snowboard (Or if You Don’t Want to Ski Every Day)

fun things to do in mammoth
Andie Huber

1. Go Snowshoeing or Cross Country Skiing in Mammoth

Take the free, orange bus line to Tamarack Cross Country Ski Center (it’s only 10 minutes from the Village) for snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. There are 19 miles of trails to explore with rentals, lessons, and guided tours available. Trails are dog-friendly and fairly flat so if you have a child who can trek it, this is a good spot for a beginner snowshoer.

2. Go Snow Tubing in Mammoth

Bomb down the slick snow lanes at Woolly’s Tube Park for a thrilling good time. For those 42” and smaller who aren’t yet tall enough to enjoy the ride, Woolly’s has a fun snow park area and heated deck serving up hot cocoa and adult beverages. Access to the snow park is easy—simply take the (free) red bus line here and you’ll be dropped off right at the entrance. Woolly’s Tube Park will be open through mid-April.

3. Mammoth Rock ‘N’ Bowl

Take the free red bus line or the town’s trolley (in the evening) to Mammoth Rock ‘N’ Bowl for a laid-back evening of bowling and eats from pizza to salads to poutine and tacos. Sit at a booth or have your food delivered to your bowling lane. You’ll also find a full bar and arcade, as well as a more upscale Brasserie upstairs for a date night-style dining experience.

Where to Eat in Mammoth with Kids

From fine dining to grab-and-go eats, Mammoth’s dining options are much more diverse than you’d expect from such a small town. Most spots have high chairs and kids menu (or dishes pleasing to a kiddo palate) at the ready, lots have table-side crayons and all won’t bat an eyelash if you walk in at prime dinner hour with a gaggle of children. Expect a warm welcome from restaurants eager to serve families—although like any restaurant, if you want to minimize your wait time for food, avoid the 6:30-7:30 p.m. dining hours. Below are our favorite family-friendly places to eat in Mammoth:

Best Places for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner in Mammoth

best places to eat in Mammoth, CA
Andie Huber

1. Old New York Deli

One of our favorite spots in the Village is Old New York Deli—and, judging by the packed house we aren’t the only fans of this classic bagel spot. From sandwiches to traditional bagels and cream cheese to baked goods galore, Old New York Deli is a prime spot to fuel up before a day of adventuring.

6201 Minaret Rd. #105
Mammoth Lakes, CA

2. Gomez Restaurant

Nosh on burritos, sizzling fajita plates and delicious enchiladas at this welcoming Mexican restaurant in the Village. Portions are incredibly generous and for those 21+ Gomez offers up 600+ different types of tequila and is home to the “Mammoth Margarita.”

100 Canyon Blvd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA

3. Burgers Restaurant

The name of this restaurant sums up its specialty: burgers! Across the street from the Village, Burgers dishes out generous portions of their comfort food. Not into the traditional burger? You’ll also find a variety of equally filling eats like veggie burgers, buffalo burgers, pork baby back ribs and more.

6118 Minaret Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA

4. Mammoth Brewing Company

A short walk from the Village, this comfort food dining spot also crafts its own beers since 1995. Burgers and waffle fries rule the menu but you’ll also find flatbreads and tacos to please a variety of cravings.

18 Lake Mary Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA

5. Sidedoor

Located conveniently next to the Canyon gondola, this wine shop inside a cafe (or is a cafe that features a wine shop?) offers hearty breakfast options (eggs, bacon, and potatoes FTW before a big day of skiing, along with doughnuts, crepes filled with Nutella for the kids. They also have an online order-ahead system so you can beat the lines.

100 Canyon Blvd. #229
Mammoth Lakes, CA

6. Mammoth Coffee Roasting Company

If you need your coffee (and a baked good or two), head to this newcomer coffee spot. Expect delicious coffee and amazing pastries and donuts at its new storefront in the heart of downtown Mammoth Lakes.

436 Old Mammoth Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA

7. Toomey’s

Delicious food and a laid-back atmosphere makes Toomey’s an ideal spot to grab lunch or dinner. Located in the Village, you’ll find dishes like their coconut mascarpone pancakes, fish tacos and a kids menu that includes chicken fingers, mini burger and fries and more.

6085 Minaret Rd.
Mammoth Lakes, CA.

On-Mountain Dining in Mammoth

There are 19 dining options on the mountain in Mammoth. As with any mountain resort, times will get busiest during lunch so plan accordingly.

Good to Know: You can skip the lines and order ahead online from select locations on and off the mountain via the Mammoth App (this must-download app also offers real-time alerts, weather reports, lift tickets, tracking for you and your friends, and more.)

Where to Stay in Mammoth with Kids

Condos and hotels abound in Mammoth Lakes, and with the town’s free public bus system you really can’t go wrong with your accommodation choice. Still, traveling with kids means convenience—and proximity to shops, dining and activities—can mean the difference between a happy tear-free afternoon and an epic toddler meltdown. Here are family-friendly places to stay in Mammoth:

1. Westin Monache Resort Mammoth

Best for: Great views, hot tubs, swimming pool, and easy access to Canyon Lodge

Located in the Village, Westin Monache Resort Mammoth boasts mountain views from every room. Each room is equipped with a kitchenette, a small fridge,  and a microwave. From the hotel, just walk down the steps to the gondola and get whisked up to Canyon Lodge. The Westin offers a ski valet so you don’t have to schlep your ski equipment back and forth every night. Like The Village Lodge Mammoth, the Westin offers a free shuttle bus service, which is built into the resort fee cost.

Good to Know: Not only are all the bus lines and evening trollies just steps outside of the Westin, if  you’re staying at the Westin, they also offer a free shuttle service around town, including to Tamarack Cross Country Ski Center. Just give them a call when you’re ready to get picked up.


2. The Village Lodge Mammoth

Best for: Ultimate convenience to shops and dining

For accommodations that feel more like home book a condo at The Village Lodge Mammoth. Options range from studio condos to three-bedroom deluxe condos. Condos come equipped with kitchens or kitchenettes stocked with coffee, tea, pots, pans, dishware, a full-size fridge, stove and more, which is a huge perk if you want to whip up food for your child or store leftovers. A swimming pool is open daily (even in winter!) with cribs available upon request.

The Village Lodge also offers a free shuttle service anywhere within a 5-mile radius in Mammoth and you’re steps from dining, shopping, most of the major bus lines and the Canyon Village gondola. For those kiddos obsessed with things that go, ask for a room that looks out to the gondola—your child will love watching them come and go all day long.


3. Mammoth Mountain Inn

Best for: Ski-in-and-skin-out

If being slope-side is your jam, stay at Mammoth Mountain Inn. Located just a few steps from the lifts at the Main Lodge, this spot offers both hotel-style rooms and condos, with the latter featuring kitchenettes. Nearby you’ll find the Yoddler Restaurant and Bar, Sierra General Store and Mountainside Bar and Grill. Because the Inn is slope-side, this area does get a bit quieter once the lifts close and the après crowds have dispersed.


What to Do with Babies & Toddlers in Mammoth

If your kids are too young for ski school or you have babe you’re not ready to hand over to the slope-side childcare, here are the best things to do with young kids in Mammoth:

1. Ride the Canyon Gondola

Bonus: It’s free and if it’s not crowded, you can easily wheel your stroller on and off it for an easy ride. How long is the scenic gondola ride? It’s about 10-15 minutes each way so the adventure can take as little as 30 minutes if you want to just go up and back down again. But we recommend staying at the top and exploring around and take in the stunning views before heading back to the base.

2. Ride Mammoth’s Free Buses

Mammoth is only four miles across, which means you won’t be lost for hours on the different routes. Bonus: This is also free and we found makes for great white noise if you have a baby who loves naps in the front pack.

3. Walk around the Village

Peruse Mammoth gear and locally-sourced products (a favorite is Busy Beez General Store) , load up on coffee at Vida Coffee, chocolate at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, discover new toys at Trendy Tots, or grab a happy hour drink at one of the many kid- and dog-friendly patios (see above on great places to eat). The area is all paved and perfect for a leisurely stroller walk. Make sure to check out all the shops, dining options and events happening at the Village at Mammoth.

Good to Know: If you’re looking for a place to hang out slope-side, the area at Main Lodge behind Broadway Marketplace is emptier than most and is frequently used as a base camp for other families whose parents are trading off hitting the slopes.

4. Look Out for Woolly in the Village

You might catch him on the slopes or in one of the lodges handing out high-fives and hugs to his pint-sized fans. Also check Mammoth’s events calendar for more happenings.

How to Get to Mammoth

How to Get to Mammoth from Los Angeles

Want to leave LA and be on the slopes in Mammoth in under 2.5 hours flat? Then Advanced Air will get you there. Advanced Air offers regional service to and from Burbank (BUR), Hawthorne (HHR) and Carlsbad (CLD) airports now through April 17. With Advanced Air, you’ll enjoy the convenience of a private air travel experience at a commercial airline cost with benefits such as private terminals and skipping security lines. Plus you can bring your well-behaved dog with you.

There are also daily flights from LAX that operate year-round and will deliver you to Mammoth from LAX. Of course, flying is optional—and you can absolutely drive to Mammoth from Los Angeles. If you opt to drive, it’s around 5 hours from DTLA (without traffic of course). For the full list of available flights, check out

How to Get to Mammoth from the Bay Area

Families who flock to Tahoe know the headaches associated with I-80 traffic, especially when chain control is in effect. Flying from SFO to Mammoth? The flight time is a cool 35 minutes. If you decide to drive to Mammoth, it’s about 5-6 hours from the Bay Area.

Unlike some ski towns you might have visited, there isn’t just one central lodge or downtown area. Mammoth is fairly spread out in the sense that there is the Village, Main Lodge, Old Mammoth and Main St. The free buses or your hotel’s shuttle will get you anywhere you need to go. And, the fact that it’s a bit more spread out means areas won’t be jam-packed and overwhelming for the littles.

The Best Time to Go to Mammoth with Kids

There is never a bad time to visit Mammoth but if you want to introduce your kids to skiing, then springtime, according to the experts, is by far the best time to go. The weather is warmer, the sun is shining and it’s not as windy as it can be during the winter months—no frozen fingers and toes to slow your brood down.

Our Editor’s Cheat Sheet for a First-Timers Weekend Trip to Mammoth & Having Smoothest Ski Vacation Ever:

  1. Fly into Mammoth (the flight is less than an hour).
  2. Stay at The Westin (amazing location close to the Village & Canyon Lodge for awesome beginner trails, après ski hot tubs, and nearby dining).
  3. Download the Mammoth App (best planning tool and up-to-the-minute information)
  4. Use Ski Butlers to rent your gear (delivered and picked-up from your room).
  5. For a non-ski day, go snowshoeing at Tamarack Cross Country Ski Center for an epic winter hike.
  6. Don’t forget the sunblock! Bluebird days (sunny, cloudless days) means you’re that much closer to the sun—and it will show.

To learn more about Mammoth and everything this skiing destination has to offer Visit Mammoth.

This trip was paid for by Mammoth Lakes Tourism and Mammoth Mountain but all opinions expressed belong to the writer.



From Maypole ceremonies and sheep shearing to outdoor carnivals and music fests, you’ll want to clear your calendars for these events

As flowers are starting to poke out of the newly thawed ground, so do a bunch of spring festivals. On this year’s list, we’ve got a baker’s dozen of favorite festivals, some of which have not been in-person since before the pandemic. From tulips to cherry blossoms and sheep to shenanigans, there is something on our list that will appeal to not only the little guys but moms and dads too. Most of these events are free to boot!

Seattle Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival

Seattle Center

The Cherry Blossom & Japanese Cultural Festival is Seattle Center's oldest in the Festál series. The festival was inspired by a gift of 1,000 cherry trees sent to the city from Japan's former Prime Minister, Takeo Miki, commemorating America's bicentennial and the lifelong friendship between Japan and Washington State. Since then, the festival has been dedicated to increasing the understanding and friendship between the people of Japan and the Pacific Northwest. It features ikebana, martial arts demonstrations, tea ceremonies, kimono dress-up, children's activities, koto music, taiko drumming, and more. 

Apr. 14-16, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Seattle Center - Armory and Fisher Pavilion
305 Harrison St.
Event details

Washington State Spring Fair

Washington State Fair

Welcome the warmer weather and sunshine with a visit to the Washington State Events Center for the annual Washington State Spring Fair. Take in favorite fair attractions, including baby animal exhibits, carnival rides, music, entertainment, and, of course, amazing eats...can you say hot Fisher scones?

New this year: Nitro Circus: Freestyle Crew. This group of young, professional athletes will be showing off their skills with BMX, skate, and pit bikes. This adrenaline-charged crew hits the halfpipe ramp with some of the most insane action sports feats you’ve ever seen, all while the world’s best pit bike racers speed through the middle of the action. They will be performing during the first week of the fair. For the second week, enjoy Motorsport Mayhem with tricked-out monster trucks and cars smashing into other cars. You can even pay extra to get a ride in one of the monster trucks.

Other things to see include pigs that race, dogs that dive, chainsaw carving, BBQ playoffs, family-friendly concerts, jugglers, magicians, and "Fiesta Mexicana" celebrating Mexican Culture and the arts on April 23. Be sure to visit the many fun exhibits like the interactive learning area, The Farm at SillyVille where fruits and vegetables are larger than life, amazing displays and activities that will even impress parents, and end the mini trip with a free healthy snack on the way out. (We aren't kidding, this is one of the best free attractions at the fair.) Other great things to see include the hands-on KidZone and Tractor Tracks. And of course, there are lots of rides, music, and food to consider, too.

Good to know:

  • Kids 0-18 get in FREE on April 13 and 20.
  • You can get in free too if you bring in a non-perishable food donation between 2 and 4 p.m. on Apr. 13 only.
  • All active, reserve, and retired military and National Guard families get in free on April 14.
  • Save $1 on admission when you purchase tickets online.  

Dates: Apr. 13-16 and 20-23, 2023 
Time: Thurs., 2 p.m.–10 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sun., 10 a.m.–8 p.m.
Cost: Thu. & Fri.: $13/Adults; $11/Students (6-12); 5 & under Free; Sat. & Sun.: $15/Adults; $12/Students (6-12); 5 & under Free
Parking: Free on Thurs.; $15 on Fri.-Sun. 

Washington State Fair Events Center
110 9th Ave. S.W.
Event Details

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Tulip Town

You know spring has sprung in the PNW when the tulips burst open, and there is no better place to view them than at the month-long Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Drive through field upon field of vibrant color throughout Skagit Valley or make stops as you go. Visit RoozenGaarde to see the daffodils, bring your pup to Tulip Town, view the beautiful displays (and geese!) at Garden Rosalyn, or check out the newest tulip venue, Tulip Valley Farms and snap some photos of the fam.

There are all kinds of special events in honor of the festival this year including farmer's markets, art shows, the famous Kwanis Salmon Barbecue, petting farms, the Annual Tulip Pedal ride, Woodfest, La Conner Street Fair, and the 29th Annual Spring Garage Sale (with antiques and more). Learn more about all of the events happening with the complete guide to this year's festival.

Good to know: As you can imagine, tulips do not grow according to the schedule festival organizers put in place. However, you can check out the "bloom status" any time before you make a trip up there or call 360-428-5959 or email

Apr. 1–30
Free to drive around Skagit Valley; various admission fees to enter gardens.

Seattle International Children’s Friendship Festival

International Children's Friendship Festival

Celebrate the rich traditions of cultures from around the globe at the Seattle International Children’s Friendship Festival. This annual festival is for kids, by kids, featuring cultural exhibits and stage performances including music, ballet, and folk dance highlighting local kids’ ethnic heritages. This festival unites kids through the universal language of art, fostering cultural exchange and friendship in a creative, festive environment.

Apr. 22-23, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Cost: Free

Seattle Center - Fisher Pavilion
305 Harrison St.
Event details

Kelsey Creek Sheep Shearing

spring festivals seattle, sheep shearing
Kelsey Creek Farm

It's baa-ck! Sheep Shearing at Kelsey Creek Farm offers a chance for kids to watch the sheep lose their winter coats. Families can also enjoy wool-spinning demonstrations, tractor-pulled wagon rides, pony rides, children's crafts, animal viewing areas, and tons of other family-friendly activities during your afternoon on the farm. Food trucks will be on-site, too, so bring an appetite.

Good to know: There will be a free shuttle service available from Wilburton Park and Ride (720 114 Ave. S.E.) and Bannerwood Sports Park (1630 132nd Ave. S.E.). Costs vary for food and activities. No ATM on-site and credit cards will not be accepted, so plan to bring good ol' cash. Dogs are not allowed in the barnyard area.

April 29, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Cost: Free (food and some activities extra)

Kelsey Creek Farm
410 130th Pl. S.E.
Event details

Baby Animals & Blooms Days

spring festivals seattle, baby animals and blooms
Allison Sutcliffe

Baby animals and blooming tulip fields are the headliners of this festival. But we're sure if you asked your kids, they'd say the farm amenities are what make this event worth the drive for Seattle families. They've got enough to keep your kids playing all day long (no joke) and it all starts with the Kids Courtyard Play Area. If you've got toddlers in tow, this is a great spot to be. But if big kids are in your crew, start in the back field where you'll find the wagon ride, cow train ride, "mega" slide, jump pillow, low ropes course, ziplines, wall mazes, human foosball, trike track, tube slides and a variety of unique and fun-sounding activities like Barnyard Ball Zone, Conk the Crow, Roller Bowler, and Gaga Ball. They'll be tired after a day on this gorgeous farm. When you need to refuel, stop by one of the many food booths to grab a bite.

Good to know:

  • Tickets are available ONLY online. 
  • The "Ultimate Admission" option offers unlimited visits.

Date: Sat. & Sun., Apr. 29-May 14, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: $18/Adult; $16/Child (3-12); Free/2 and under; $30/"Ultimate Admission" per person (3 and up)

Maris Farms
25001 Sumner Buckley Hwy.
Event details

Mercer Island Preschool Association (MIPA) Circus

spring festivals seattle
Mercer Island Preschool Association

Long ago in 1966, a Dr. Seuss-inspired carnival called Circus McGurkus rolled into town for the children of Mercer Island. The Mercer Island Preschool Association's annual circus events bring in families from all over Seattle, the Eastside, and beyond and this year will be no different. Little ones of all ages will be busy with the non-stop fun of the carnival games, touch a truck, live entertainment (including magician Jeff Evans and The Reptile Lady), petting zoo and so much more. Psst! Be sure to come hungry and take advantage of the delicious food trucks that will be on site.

Date: April 29, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Cost: $15-25; tickets required for kids ages 1.5-11. 

Mercer Island Community Center Parking Lot
8236 S.E. 24th St.
Mercer Island
Event details

Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival
Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

The whole town of Wenatchee will be buzzing from April 27 to May 7 with activities and events in the scenic valley to showcase what makes this town such a hardworking and close-knit community. The whopping 11-day festival (celebrating 104 years!) includes two parades (a youth parade and a grand parade), America's seventh-largest carnival with 25 rides and games, a 20-booth food fair, and live entertainment every day of the event. The festival also includes a three-day Arts & Crafts Fair with over 140 vendors, Tour de' Bloom, a three-day cycling event in the Wenatchee Valley, the Classy Chassis parade and car show, the Kiwanis pancake breakfast and the Confluence Health Apple Blossom Run. 

Kids are center stage with their own youth parade that features over 4,500 children. Plus, Youth Day offers free face painting, rubber stamping, hands-on activities, funnel cake eating contest, and more.

Good to know: The festival's Stemilt Grand Parade marches on Saturday, May 6. Grab a curbside seat and see marching bands from throughout the Northwest, colorful floats, proud-stepping equestrian units, and dignitaries from many different Northwest festivals. 

Dates: Apr. 27-May 7, 2023
Times: Vary. View the festival calendar online
Cost: Free

Event details

Plan your next getaway in Wenatchee with our family travel guide.

A Festival for May

Knights and fair maidens gather together to usher in the magical month of May at Camlann Medieval Village. May Day was a popular holiday in the Middle Ages when villagers would enjoy dancing, games, feasting, and contests. The 21st Annual Festival for May brings the fun and festivities of springtime to the beautiful Seattle countryside. Catch a glimpse of what May Day might have looked like hundreds of years ago as you experience entertainment and craft shops, including garland weaving, wool dyeing, and blacksmithing. Psst! Get in the spirit by donning medieval garb (optional, but super authentic). Craft shops and booths open at noon, May Games and entertainment at 1 p.m., and the festival culminates with a colorful Maypole ceremony and selection of the Queen of May at 4:30 p.m.

Good to know: The optional traditional dinner, which is truly a feast, is offered both nights at 5 p.m. by reservation. It is $50/person and includes admission to the festival.

Dates: May 6-7, 2023
Time: noon–5 p.m.
Cost: $10/Adults (13+); $8/Seniors & Kids (12 & under); 5 & under Free

Camlann Medieval Village
10320 Kelly Rd. N.E.
Event details

Kodomo no Hi Children’s Day Festival

The Japanese Community Center of Washington welcomes all families to their Kodomo no Hi or Children's Day Festival introducing them to the world of children's culture in Japan including art, history, and music. This year's theme revolves around a Japanese idea called Mottainai, an initiative to reduce waste and save resources. Enjoy interactive activities, live performances, and demonstrations too.

Date: May 6, 2023
Time: 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: Free

1414 S. Weller St.
Event details

Seattle Chinese Culture & Arts Festival

Seattle Center

Did you know that fortune cookies were not invented in China? How about the fact that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn in the world? A Glimpse of China - Seattle Chinese Culture & Arts Festival aims to explore the traditional and contemporary influences of China. They plan to cover 5,000 years of history through folk dances, artwork, and more.

Date: May 20, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Cost: Free

Seattle Center - Armory
305 Harrison St.
Event Details

Northwest Folklife Festival

Since 1971, Memorial Day Weekend in Seattle has been synonymous with the Northwest Folklife Festival. The 52nd annual four-day celebration of the evolving folk and ethnic traditions of the Pacific Northwest is commemorated through the arts and music. This year’s Cultural Focus is "Lagom" which is a Scandinavian term that speaks to the notions of balance. Among the different music presentations, you'll enjoy street performers, dance performances, vendor booths, and a "Maker's Space" designed to showcase and give hands-on demonstrations of the wide world of craft including glass blowing, ceramics, basket weaving, stop-animation, knitting, origami, bookbinding, wood carving and more. Kids can party and jam in a special area designated for families or hang out in the Discovery Zone which will be overflowing with age-appropriate adventures, hands-on activities, performances, and workshops.

Date: May 26-29, 2023
Time: 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri.-Sun.; 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Mon.
Cost: Free

Seattle Center
305 Harrison St.
Event details

Lacey Spring Fun Fair

Lacey Spring Fun Fair
Lacey Parks

Celebrating 35 years of free family fun, the Lacey Spring Fun Fair has provided activities and entertainment for thousands of visitors over the years. It is one of the largest two-day festivals in Western Washington featuring two stages of live entertainment, arts, crafts, food, clowns (non-scary ones, we promise!), music, entertainment, a car show, rides, a circus train, bounce houses, games and more. You'll find 40 booths tailored for kids of all ages.

Good to know:

  • All of the entertainment here is FREE including the rides!
  • Additional parking can be found at South Sound Center. Then, take the shuttle from near Civic Plaza Pavilion.

Date: May 20-21, 2023
Time: Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m..; Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Cost: Free

Saint Martin's University
5300 Pacific Ave. S.E.

Event details

Additional reporting by Kristina Moy & Abbey McGee

Cat cafes, taxidermied animals, secret parks, and a museum dedicated to the NY Fire Department are just a few of our top picks

Sure, everyone’s heard of Central Park, Rockefeller Plaza, and Times Square. But New York City hides many facets just under the surface. If you look beyond the popular attractions and tourist traps, you’ll find everything from perfectly preserved historic houses to quaint fishing villages. Read on to uncover hidden gems NYC has to offer to families who look beyond the obvious—places that even some local New Yorkers might not know about! These largely unknown spots might not get all the tourists and attention, but they’re well worth a visit for families with children who are looking to see another side of NYC.

Hidden Gems in Manhattan

Escape into a Fairy Tale Garden: The Conservatory Garden
Central Park has many popular attractions you’ve probably heard of. The Conservatory Garden, tucked into the side of the park across the street from El Museo del Barrio, is one of the park’s hidden treasures. The Conservatory Garden is Central Park’s formal garden (shoutout to the more informal Shakespeare Garden by Belvedere Castle, another gem) and consists of six acres of tulips, lilacs, crabapple trees, chrysanthemums, and more. The garden is gorgeous year-round—which makes it a popular choice for wedding photo shoots—but is especially delightful in the spring when the beautiful flowers are in bloom and it’s visited by many different kinds of butterflies.

1233 5th Ave.
Central Park

Visit a Hidden Indoor Park: Ford Foundation Atrium
Step inside the Ford Foundation building in the middle of the bustling city and find yourself in a lush tropical jungle. No, you’re not imagining things—you’ve just stumbled into one of the city’s hidden parks. And the Ford Foundation Atrium is one of the most magical, consisting of over 40 species of trees, vines, and shrubs, as well as a reflecting pool.

This garden is open to the public and also strives to be accessible to as many people as possible: a sensory section encourages people to touch, smell, and interact with the plants (and includes signage in braille) while a wheelchair path winds around most of the garden.

Does this secluded little oasis make you yearn for more? Check out the other hidden parks in NYC, like Amster Yard and Greenacre Park in Midtown and the Elevated Acre in the Financial District.

320 E 43rd St.
Murray Hill

Peek into a Cabinet of Curiosities: Mmuseumm
Mmuseumm—no, that’s not a typo—is a tiny museum housed in an elevator shaft that takes inspiration from old-style cabinets of curiosities. The museum displays found and made objects of modern origin on floor-to-ceiling displays along three walls. What’s on display varies by season but you can expect to find objects that define the current times.

The Mmuseumm is closed in winter and keeps sporadic hours, but you can stop by any time during its open season to take a peek at the displays—literally, through peepholes made exactly for this purpose.

4 Cortlandt Alley

Shop for Books Under the Stars: Albertine
Located just south of Museum Mile, Albertine is a one-of-a-kind bookshop. The space, which is part of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, boasts the largest collection of French-language and translated-from-French books in the United States. This is cause enough to visit if you’re interested in or speak French, but the other real draw is the absolutely gorgeous interior. Head up the stairs to the second floor to find a celestial painting on the ceiling, with deep blues for backdrop and shining gold stars. History buffs, here’s another reason to visit:

The bookstore is located inside the historic Payne Whitney House. Albertine frequently hosts events, talks, and workshops, making it a popular destination among the locals, but often overlooked due to being just outside of the more well-traveled path of the museum mile.

972 5th Ave.
Upper East Side

Check out Vintage FDNY Artifacts: NYC Fire Museum
New York City is well known for its many excellent museums, and the NYC Fire Museum is one of the lesser-known gems. Head over to see artifacts from the history of the FDNY from the late 18th century through today. In addition to these displays, the museum has a mock household that walks visitors through fire safety in an interactive way.

278 Spring St.
Hudson Square

Discover the Whimsical Sculptures of Tom Otterness: Real World Sculptures Park
You may have seen Tom Otterness’ sculptures in the 14th St., 8th Ave. train station. These little round-headed bronze creatures add a touch of whimsy to the space and are a delight to discover around the station. But few people know that you can find even more of Otterness’ sculptures in this little hidden gem of a park. Part of the larger Rockefeller Park, the Real World Sculptures Park is chock-full of more whimsical sculptures, in displays that seem to paint a picture of a whole different world. It’s a wonderful place for kids to explore and parents to relax in a park in the shade.

River Terrace and Chambers St.
Battery Park City

Hidden Gems in Brooklyn

Play in a Super Sweet Playground: Domino Park
Domino Park’s name hints at its history: The park stands on the site of the former Domino Sugar Refinery. The style is also a nod to its history, featuring one of the most unique playgrounds in NYC with an industrial feel and huge slides. The whole family can enjoy the space, too, thanks to an elevated walkway that offers waterfront views and a peek across the river at Manhattan. In the summer, the park has two water features to help keep cool, while ongoing development has more fun planned for the future of the site.

15 River St.

Fight Crime in Style: Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.
This superhero supply store is a must for any crime fighters, both aspiring and current. You’ll find everything a hero might need here, from costumes and cool shirts to superpowers and gadgets! This store provides a fun treasure hunt for any superhero-loving kid or kid-at-heart. And by shopping here, you’re actually contributing to a good cause: The store is run by 826NYC, a nonprofit dedicated to helping kids ages 6-18 boost their writing skills and empower them to utilize their creativity.

372 5th Ave.
Park Slope

Marvel at Taxidermied Animals and Jewish History: Torah Animal World
The Living Torah Museum is an appointment-only museum that serves up a unique experience, to say the least. Inside this small residence, you’ll find artifacts from Jewish history and the Torah. It contains a wealth of information and history and is definitely a must-visit if you want to learn more about the culture and history of Jewish religious texts.

But it’s also a chance to step into Torah Animal World, a collection of taxidermied animals that were mentioned in the Torah. The experience includes an explanation of where these animals can be found in the religious texts, and a chance to see lions, zebras, snakes, and other real animals up close and personal.

1601 41st St.
Borough Park

Eat Insta-worthy Toast Art: Davelle
Davelle’s name and location don’t give away its true nature: a Japanese-style kissaten (cafe). At Davelle, the presentation is part of the meal. From a beautifully hand-drawn menu to Instagram-worthy gorgeous toasts and meals, this is one of those rare times that the dish you get will look exactly like the pictures on the menu! This makes eating here a feast for both the stomach and eyes.

The space isn’t widely known but it’s beloved by locals so you may need to show up early to snag a seat.

102 Suffolk St.
Lower East Side

Hidden Gems in the Bronx

Eat Authentic Italian Dishes: Arthur Avenue Market
When you hear the name “Little Italy,” you might not immediately think of the Bronx. But the Arthur Avenue Market is one of the best places in NYC to find authentic Italian meals and goods. Dubbed “the Real Little Italy,” Arthur Avenue is the place to go for Italian baked goods, fish and meats, pasta, mozzarella, and so much more. Plus, head into the Arthur Avenue Market for a real treat: an indoor market full of vendors selling fresh and baked goods.

2396 Arthur Ave. and the surrounding area

Explore a Fishing Village: City Island
This one might not be a hidden gem, per se—you may have at least heard of it. But it’s certainly not at the top of people’s lists to visit when heading to NYC, and many New Yorkers have never actually been to the island. This little fishing island is a stone’s throw away from Pelham, but it has a completely different atmosphere. Head there for fresh seafood—fished up and cleaned right in front of you! Explore boat and yacht clubs, eat at a delectable seafood restaurant, or just settle down on a bench and enjoy the calm atmosphere and water views.

Island in the Long Island Sound
Accessible by bridge at City Island Rd

Hidden Gems in Queens

Enjoy Authentic Vegetarian South Indian Foods: Temple Canteen
The Temple Canteen is housed inside a Hindu temple, which is worth a visit simply to bask in its absolute beauty. Head downstairs to find this informal food hall, whose menu consists of authentic vegetarian and vegan South Indian meals and treats at ridiculously affordable prices. While you’re there, stop by the gift shop, or order some food to go and bring the goodness home with you!

45-57 Bowne St.

Hidden Gems in Staten Island

Sample Grandmother’s Cooking from Around the World: Enoteca Maria
Have a hankering for some of grandmother’s cooking? Enoteca Maria can fill that hole in your heart with real at-home cooking. Every weekend, they bring in a different grandmother from around the world to present their culture’s cooking. (During the week, they have their own resident Nonna cooking up down-home Italian meals). This means that every time you stop by, you’ll have a chance to sample a different culture’s authentic meals, with a frequently rotating and changing menu.

You can even bring some of this wholesome goodness to your own kitchen thanks to the Nonnas of the World project, which is a virtual cookbook of grandma’s cooking, put together by the community.

27 Hyatt St.
St. George

All Around the City!

Visit New York’s Historic Houses Through the Historic House Trust
From Edgar Allan Poe’s cottage in the Bronx to the last remaining lighthouse in Manhattan, the houses and landmarks under the protective umbrella of the Historic House Trust are maintained in their original historic states. While some are more interesting for hardcore history buffs, others hold special family days and children’s events that introduce kids to history in approachable ways.

For instance, the King Manor in Brooklyn holds a free family program on the first and third Saturdays of each month. This program, called Hands-on History, uses historic-themed arts, crafts, and storytelling to see current events and holidays from a historic lens.


Snuggle up with Some (Adoptable!) Kitties: NYC’s Cat Cafes
Did you know that NYC has cat cafes? Yep—three of them! These provide a purrfect family getaway whether you can’t have pets in your building, you want the benefits of petting a warm purring creature without the stress of caring for them full time, or you just feel like a change from your own cat (don’t worry, we won’t tell him!).

Plus, all the cafes work in collaboration with animal shelters, which means that if you find yourself bonding with a particularly friendly feline, you can apply to adopt her!

NYC currently has three operating cat cafes:

Meow Parlour
46 Hester St.
Lower East Side

26 Clinton St.
Lower East Side

The Brooklyn Cat Cafe
76 Montague St.
Brooklyn Heights

Seek Out All the Space Invaders
If you are a fan of street art, you may know about the French artist who goes by the name Invader. He’s responsible for dropping tile mosaic Space Invaders throughout the world and there are quite a few in New York. These often get removed so you can’t totally guarantee where you’ll find them but there’s a good list here and you can even sign up for a custom walking tour to check them out! Download the FlashInvaders app and get points for finding these around the city.

Get ready to binge season 7

It seems like only yesterday we were flipping out over the new trailer for season six of Workin’ Moms on Netflix. The show officially wrapped in September, not only for season seven but for the series as well. CBC fans have already been able to see the season—it premiered on CBC in early January. Netflix fans will be thrilled to hear that the network just announced that the seventh and final season will drop on April 26.

In June 2022, creator, executive producer and star Catherine Reitman announced the show was officially coming to an end.

In a press release, Reitman remarked: “To our incredible fans, making this show has been the ride of my life. Philip and I hit the ground, day one of season one, with a three-month-old and a two-year-old, watching as we pressed forward on one mission: to tell the stories of four flawed mothers, who dared to be something beyond their nurseries. Going to work every day, whether in the room with our brilliant writers, on set with our extraordinary cast or in post with the best producing team in the business, has cemented in me the importance of telling stories that have meaning, surrounded by artisans who get it.”

“But like any story, there must be an ending. And so, it is with love and gratitude that I’m announcing season seven as our final season. The biggest thank you to our partners, CBC and Netflix, for getting behind a show that points a flashlight into the darkest corners of motherhood. To those of you who’ve stopped me on the street, to share your love of the show—I see you. I hear you. And I thank you. Go get ’em mamas…”

Workin’ Moms Season 7 Plot

Per the release, season seven “will see the women confront demons from their past in order to move forward into their future… As we bid farewell to Kate, Anne, Sloane, Jenny, and Val, it’s up to each of them to decide the impact they’ll leave with their work, the traits they’ll pass on to their children, and ultimately, how much more sh*t they’re willing to take as workin’ moms.”

If you weren’t already familiar, the hit mom-com, which airs on Canadian network CBC before making its way to Netflix, follows Toronto moms as they navigate motherhood, maternity leave, relationships and being a professional. To get an idea of what you’re in for, you can check out the season six trailer below. (Full disclosure: It’s for mature audiences so make sure there are no little eyes and ears in the room when you click “play!”)

Developed by Black-ish star Reitman and based on her own experiences as a working mom, the show delves right into some of the more hilarious aspects of motherhood: baby yoga, those blasted baby strollers and dealing with the hilarious devastation of spilled breast milk. But that was just the beginning.

As the kids have grown over the last six seasons, so do the moms and their scenarios. For all its hilarity, the show still manages to touch on some serious and all-too-real topics, like postpartum depression, post-baby relationship struggles and the drive to be a successful career woman and a mom—all at the same time. It handles these topics with honesty and grace and makes it totally binge-worthy.

Workin’ Moms Season 7 Cast

Season seven sees the return of Dani Kind as Anne, Jessalyn Wanlim as Jenny, Philip Sternberg as Nathan, Ryan Belleville as Lionel, Sarah McVie as Val, Sadie Munroe as Alice, Peter Keleghan as Richard, Nikki Duval as Rosie and Enuka Okuma as Sloane Mitchell.

Workin’ Moms Season 7 Release Date

CBC’s Workin’ Moms is available in its entirety (seasons 1-6 at least) on Netflix. Season seven premiered on CBC and CBC Gem in January 2023, and its global premiere on Netflix is on April 26th, 2023.