Depending on how you view parenthood, for some it could be considered a job. Whether you work or stay home or a little of both, parenting adds a whole laundry list of other duties and roles––including laundry. Now there’s a parenting salary calculator that tells you how much you should be paid for all that time spent being a parent!

Funky Pigeon set to answer the question: if you were to be paid for every job you do as a parent, just how much would you be earning? The website chose eight tasks in which parents spend the most time caring for their kids and then matched those tasks to real-world jobs, like teaching, cooking and nursing.


The site then gathered salary data on each job in all 50 states to create the final calculator. All you have to do is enter the city you live in and the hours you spend on the jobs each week. The calculator then adds everything up and spits out your annual parenting salary, as well as the earnings per job and the average hourly rate per job in your city.

Now, if only a parenting salary was a real thing. You can calculate your own salary using the calculator here.


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