Make date night a priority and leave the kids in good hands. Sittercity can help you quickly and easily find a local, qualified sitter in your neighborhood, so you can spend the night away knowing your little ones are safe at home and having a blast.

Go on an excursion beyond the walls of your living room with a date night that doesn’t involve watching reruns of your favorite shows on the DVR. Click through the gallery to discover seven date night ideas that will get you through the summer months and make you remember how much fun date nights can be.


Pack a blanket, your binoculars and a star map (we love the skyview app for the iPhone) for a night under the stars. Whether you visit your local planetarium or are lucky enough to live in a warm weather winter climate for real outdoor stargazing, a date night under the stars certainly won't disappoint.

photo credit: makelessnoise via creative commons flickr

What’s your choice of date night? Tell us in the comment section below.

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